ITT games you can unironically describe as kino
ITT games you can unironically describe as kino
kill yourself
pic unrelated
But it literally is kino, its weird postmodernist flexing divided into mostly self contained vignettes. Only thing that would make it true kino is if it was all done by different anonymous authors instead of just one.
Nigger are you 12, did jordan peterson convince you postmodernism=gommie bullshit?
All of grasshopper's games have weird audience expectation fucking fourth wall breaking postmodernist shit to them, the fucking motto of the company is to make punk games. Shit, their entire library is almost entirely new millennium commentary.
i wasn't implying communism at all. i was implying you don't know what postmodernism means and you just proved that to me. nice work retard.
>talks big and says it isn't what you think it means
>doesn't have the balls to actually give his own wrong explanation because he's scared he'll get called out for being wrong
This is too easy...
Suda thread?
The first DLC for Travis Strikes Again is live in Japan and Australia
Killer7 does not break the fourth wall and it does not recontextualize the rules of narrative in order to make a point or serve a theme
It's merely surreal, like lost highway is surreal, you don't know where reality begins and ends because you're looking at the world through the eyes of a character whose perception of reality is unclear
No More Heroes is the one that's post modern since it actually uses boring gameplay to make a point about the daily grind, like inland empire is post modern in that shitty direction is used on purpose to create discomfort
surrealism and post modernism are two different things and you're just a fucking retard
this, jesus christ OP. praise it as kino and you completely miss the fucking mark.
that being said it is kino along with the rest of GHM's output up to the point of NMH1.
>KIller 7
That game is fucking beyond retarded.
is it retarded user, or are you just too retarded to understand it? one seems much more likely than the other.
>Suda game
>Not retarded
"I was just a child when the stars fell from the skies"
Unironically this
Sudaverse timeline:
????: Killing past to Killing future (short story about Travis' childhood, set around the late 80s early 90s)
1997: Twilight Syndrome: Tansaku-hen
1997: Twilight Syndrome: Kyuumei-hen
1997-1999: Moonlight Syndrome
1999: The Silver Case prequel comic
1999-2000: The Silver Case
1999: The Silver Case 4.5 (between Transmitter 4 and 5)
2001: Flower, Sun and Rain
2005: The 25th Ward
2005: Redout, Blueout, Greenout (short story)
2007: No More Heroes
2010: No More Heroes 1.5
2010: No More Heroes 2 preorder erotica comic (no more losers)
2010: No More Heroes 2
????: Killer is Dead (short story, originally meant to be set in the 80s but recontextualized as a prequel to TSA)
2017: Travis Strikes Again
~2100s: The Outer Rim (music cd)
Tangentally related (may or may not be canon or part of a multiverse):
Michigan (ISZK cameo)
Killer7 (alt history 1998-2014, cameos from Edo and Mithra however the timeline of events conflicts with the other games)
Blood+ (cameos from Aoyama and Akama)
Shadows of the Damned (is a videogame franchise in TSA)
Diabolical Pitch (protagonist is mentioned in TSA)
Lollipop Chainsaw (protagonist cameos in KiD)
Killer is Dead (protagonist cameos in TSA, though the timeline of events contradict his appearence)
Let it Die (Meijin cameos in TSA and the earth rage is mentioned however the timeline of events conflicts with the other games)
Kurayami Dance (Travis has a cameo in it; however Akari Tsukiyono appears as a completely different person)
Beyond spacetime:
Frog Minutes
Final Fantasy Tactics
i realize it's sometimes difficult that challenge your inherent brainlet nature, but it is possible.
Don't forget 25th ward
Killer7 actually has some interesting shit to say about geopolitics and propaganda, but you're probably one of those retards who looked up the idiotic plot faq that was spread around when the game came out that assumed the game was about ethereal gods or some other retarded shit and actually believed that's what the game was about
*sometimes difficult to enjoy, fuck sleep deprivation.
christ, was that after NMH1? i just recently played TSC thanks to Travis Strikes Again renewing my interest in Suda. replaying FSR now that I can actually understand it, then it's on to 25th Ward. after everything i've heard i'm expecting things to get really weird, really fast.
Ballsiest game Capcom has ever made and still one of the most interesting projects they ever undertook.
Agent Denton, at your service.
>interesting shit to say about geopolitics and propaganda
Like what? I am actually curious to hear.
No i watched gameplay vids and came to the conclusion based on how shit said gameplay was. It was like watching a worse Fade To Black.
25W was being made during the development of NMH1 (hence why there are some tees for it in the Wii version), got finished after, and then was remade with new (great/insane) content in 2018. It's a fucking trip man. Hope you dig it.
Play the game
>grasshopper games
>placing gameplay above all else
>just watching the gameplay
not him but you're doing it wrong. Grasshopper games make up for lacking gameplay with the story, writing, visual/audio style, and overall charm. In killer7's case especially it's something you need to play to really get. It's somehow one of those games where the flaws and less than stellar aspects somehow come together to actually ELEVATE the experience. You're doing yourself dirty if you don't actually give it a shot
Can't you answer my question? Is it really so hard? Or maybe you don't really have an answer because the game contains nothing like that and you're just spewing bullshit so you can't back up your claims by providing anything of substance?
The 25th Ward actually had its first chapters released shortly after Killer7, it was originally a cellphone game (before smartphones were a thing)
Most of the chapters were releases between 2005 and 2007 before the release of no more heroes, then the game disappeared since the service that was providing it ceased to exist
The chapters that were added in the 2018 release were whiteout, blackout and yuki iirc
Women are all the same
Oh really? I remembered reading that they finished it after NMH1, my bad. The rest of this checks out though. Part of me wants to count the new 25th Ward as it's own thing just because of everything that went into it/the new polish
The main plot of the game actually revolves around the japan-american peace treaty. During Sunset, Japan is attacked by an unnamed asian country (it's implied to be china by the end) during a political climate in which the two japanese majority parties (The UN Party and the Liberal party) are fighting for relevance and the United States does not see any relevance in keeping Japan as an ally. Therefore the two japanese parties start in-fighting in order to be the ones to solve the crisis, which eventually leads to the United States not protecting Japan from the bombing due to every attempt at communication ending in disaster. After which the young member of the UN Party known as Matsuoka actually takes up the sword of terrorism (Kun-Lan rapresents terrorism, Harman rapresents the standing order of the United States) in order to take down the US
This is just what happens in the Sunset chapter, I said nothing about how the protagonist's perspective in life is shaped by propaganda (he gets orders from his master through a fucking television not to mention the static transitions, surveillance cameras etc.) and many other things you overlook because you insist on being a retard and are incapable of decoding informations visually
>inb4 lol no it's stupid
welcome to every conversation about killer7 for the past 14 years
Wow, you actually responded, I didn't expect that. You have my respects, user. Thanks for the answer.
i see, i see. i knew it was a little more recent compared to say, TSC or FSR, but I didn't realize it was that recent. HD release notwithstanding, of course. thanks though, i'm certain i'll love it. i honestly never want papa Suda's wild ride to end at this point.
>The chapters that were added in the 2018 release were whiteout, blackout and yuki iirc
checks out unless my memory's even shittier than i think it is. thanks for the added clarification on its original release, though.
user, why feign an interest in something and expect to have its contents spoonfed to you after previously talking shit about that very thing and people who enjoy it? what kind of narrowminded simpleton expects any sort of constructive conversation from that? this user has it right, and it's all wrapped in commentary on propaganda and manipulation through the spread of disinformation. all very relevant to today, but you're right, Killer7 is a meaningless enigma. it certainly can't be that you're to dense to glean any real meaning from it. considering you're shitposting on Yea Forums you probably lack any real interest or knowledge on the politics it critiques, anyway.