So who else hype for THQs faggot killing game?
So who else hype for THQs faggot killing game?
Other urls found in this thread:
Based THQ
So what's their endgame?
So what i'm getting is
>New Destroy all Humans
>Some sort of Medieval game
Anything else of substance?
Leaving political shit and obvious replies aside... why would a company like THQ Nordic think it's a good idea to make an AMA thread in a place where posting loli and shota porn and other kind of NSFW material is the regular thing? I'm speaking from an image standpoint, do they not have any fear of being associated with things like that? Silly marketing idea.
Pretty much nothing about video games
They went there, shitposted, now resetera is in suicide watch
kek seething trannies
>do an ama on a anonymous imageboard when you also use a social network filled to the brim with oversensitive white left-wing weenies to promote your products.
kinda stupid desu
if evens I get a gf
seething resetera tranny
Obviously as Nords they want to kill all degenerates to make a future for the white race.
>trying to crash an entire company and put tens of thousands of devs out of work because a PR stooge posted on a no no site
When I grew up I usually leaned left because I was tired of how constantly bitter and vindictive conservatives were. How did liberals manage to outdo them on that front in just a handful of years?
lads, I finally did it
Roll my nigga
Why did they choose 4*2chan in the first fucking place?
As much as I think the Ocho is a shithole
As much as I think this was all dumb
I'm kind of fine with this because I want to see what happens. I want to see if the hyper-sensitives can genuinely inflict damage on THQ, or if they'll be revealed to be paper tigers, thus destroying/damaging their credible influence over developers
I feel like a strong pushback is starting to develop, partially because of the very public failures of games that went out of their way to pander. I don't think Get Woke Go Broke is actually a thing - I think "make a shitty game and then pander to people who don't play games won't net you more sales" is a thing. People will play good games regardless of pandering, sometimes begrudgingly (see Apex Legends).
Less shitposting.
Liberals and journalists are fucking retarded is why
very likely whoever OK'd it didn't realize what it was, just that it wasn't 'the infamous hacker Yea Forums'
They should host an AMA on wizardchan next.
Ctrl F yikes and see how many hits you get
Now gimme TS4 and remake. I will buy 100.
Any big youtubers going to talk about this? An entire company getting mass shamed for having an AMA.
>medieval knights killing butthurted anglo trannies
I'd buy it. By the way, why can't anglo trannies be like those chad brazilian trannies?
ubisoft advertises here every fucking time they release a new anything, although they do stay "unofficial" about it
yes bro big youtube gig haha big dick in puccicock haha you get my drift hahahahhhahaha ecelsbs
several did already
I'm sure Memology101 is cooking up a video at the moment.
>Y I K E S
>big fucking YIKES
>yikes bikes
all this buthurt
its glorious
Couldnt you make these same accusations to reddit? I presume they still have pages for anything people care to make unless the whole site has been very heavily sanitized. Unless this is just
>thing I dont like
>the worst aspects represent it perfectly
>thing I like
>the worst aspects are irrelevant fringe outliers
>big dick in puccicock
there is nothing wrong with loli because its just a fucking drawning
>Couldnt you make these same accusations to reddit?
>implying normalfags know about the CP subreddits
The only reason I heard about them was because of Yea Forums
keep saying that to yourself as more websites start clamping down on that shit, soon enough even hentai sites that are hosted in the west are going to get rid of it
That's the major error. Twitter can't handle anything outside the normalfagsphere.
Mark invited them.
haha epic
Mate, releasing Far Cry 57 and AssCreed 94 isn't new.
>How did liberals manage to outdo them on that front in just a handful of years?
Their idpol let faggots with faggotry as sole political ideology get too much say.
If only you pedos killed yourselves like the trannies.
based and puccipilled
>diversity of perspective
Didn't have an opinion on them before, they seem like cool dudes now
>all those images with screen tearing effects on them
Is this an epic new meme?
man left wingers are really fucking horrible people jesus christ
I hate faggots
I also fucking hate lolicucks
Why not just coming here? stupidchan is disgusting and boring. There is no low for the quality of the posts there
I think this was calculated and insidious. They probably did it because it's going to blow up and send hundreds of retards and trannies there.
>'social justice' is now a derogatory term
It's literally the phrase they invented to describe their agenda.
>always that one guy with a beard and glasses
Fuck people with glasses and fuck people with beards
Based Frank. Fuck 8ch*nnelers
boycott all thq!
this, fucking psychopaths 70% of the time
>Yea Forums has the tardera seal of approval
>2*2*2chan is way over the line
How far this place has fallen.
every single hentai site that tried that went banrkrupt
good luck trying it , not even Yea Forums bans lolis.
What about all of those open and convicted pedos, rapists, murderers, etc that use twitter (like him) and reddit (like again he probably uses)
>social justice
>Embraces diversity of perspective
Oh man they really think this don't they.
every woman that isnt 40yo, has blue hair and 4 black children is LITERALY a child
They're likely gifs so when user took screen shots they ended up being at different points in the gif.
It actually happened? Why not here? I'm confused, at least someone asked about Destroy All Humans I guess.
>not even Yea Forums bans lolis.
even just using the word loli or c*nny gets you banned by the tranny jannies and /l/ still isn't back 13 years later
genuinely, someone could say "i hate niggers" and i would be less disgusted than if they said "y'all".
>Why not here
Because this board is shit and filled with shitposting
>At least someone asked about DAH
They confirmed a new game in the works
>stoping anybody on fucking FOUR CHEN
reddit literally had dozens of jailbait and pedo subreddits and they only got rid of them when the heat came on lol
>promoting child pornography
Let's cool our jets now. We can grasp straws at almost everything that endangers children.
>Fuck people with glasses
If my eyes weren't retarded, I wouldn't wear them user. I can't see 10 feet in front of me without them.
I love this image, my wife did not give a fuck that I was playing this and she is literally a white conservative Christian mother. But I guess only an obese liberal land whale would be offended by it
Where were these faggots when Kamiya popped up on the same "CP and Nazi galore" website? Or Yoko Taro? Or some guy behind Log Horizon?
But oh, it's a big company this time, AND they dared to announce the ama on twitter. Now they just need to have everyone responsible fired, since that is the tolerant and peace loving way of the progressive movement.
Trolled hard I was only pretending.
Simple. We grew up. It's a verified fact that the older a person gets, the more right-leaning their views become. Not "Right", as I doubt anyone here could ever agree that "Dur Hur, Mortal Kumbat ish a MURDAR SIMULATER!!!111!" and "AWL SEXAY-NESS ISH EBIL!!!!11!!!1 Night Trap no I didn't play it but that's what everyone tells me because I'm a retard can't thinft for SQUIRREL!", but enough that we eventually don't really want to see Link getting pegged by a gay Goron in a Zelda title as an unskippable sidequest, and attempting to skip it makes Ganon insta-kill you out of no-where while calling the player a "queer hater".
These guys were basically the kids in school who would tell the teacher whenever they saw somebody chewing gum.
I like how he tries whistleblowing to Disney when they're known for child exploitation allegations
I feel sorry for all the Pedos about to go to 8ch because they were told it was filled with CP only to find there is none.
So it's just like here. every third post is just yikes or another stupid one word.
always the same excuse with you fags, you could just kill yourselves and be done with it
>THQ Nordic did not immediately respond to questions
Absolutely 100% right course of action. Just ignore these subhumans and you take away their professionally offended outrage culture power. By next week everyone will have moved one and not a single fuck will be given as if nothing ever happened.
But if you give in to these subhuman libshit leftypol sjw lgbpq non-binary transracial genderfluid professionally outraged and offended subhumans you will get your career and personal life ruined forever.
>It's actually just loli hentai
Love how Journo's will openly lie
No worries, they'll just go to reddit or twitter instead.
>dead publisher
>makes dumb ama
>suddenly people are talking about you despite the fact that you are literally a dead publisher named after a bankrupt one
>dead game
>thinks his opinion matters
>continues to fap while faking outrage
But they did apologize. That's what sucks. I wonder if we'll ever have a company either standing their ground during a controversy like this or outright telling those niggers to fuck off like Vavra.
Jesus Christ, even people on twitter is calling his bullshit out.
>It is every journalist's responsibility
To shove your own opinions down peoples throat? Jesus what a fucking tool.
>implying their games won’t flop still.
Nobody on 8ch actually buys video games lmao.
based Norsemen
THQ is so fucking based
on 8ch of all places.
finally, a great way to spot resetera invaders
Fuck off with this shitty meme
>W-We don't actually play or buy vidya!
Studies have shown that people who pirate vidya also buy far more vidya than the average consumer.
Sounds like they could have earned some fans if they didn't cuck out in the end.
I still can't believe there are people that upset over this.
That's probably because she's getting fucked by another man who isn't a faggot. Face it user, she just doesn't give a shit anymore about what you do.
>Studies have shown that people who pirate vidya also buy far more vidya than the average consumer.
Statistics also show that if you name your company THQ you have a high chance of going bankrupt and flopping hard
t. mentally ill discord resetera tranny
oh well, lmao that was fast. good riddance I guess. stopped buying GOG once they cow towed to the mentally ill aidsfaggots.
The threads were full of obviously passionate people asking about all kinds of IPs and games, seems logical that they would also buy the games discussed there. More anons would buy THQ games than trannies from twitter, that's for sure.
>Y I K E S
Wow, these people are so fucking original, totally not a mindless hive mind.
Then why did THQ go under once before
Yeah, but there’s like 5000 of em. Not worth getting their PR destroyed for imo.
because old THQ made shitty games and died making a COD clone.
why can't you be as open minded as Resetera?
Fuck, I completely forgot about the gog happenings. That's a shame, they should've known better when they got YIKES'D a second time, yet they still apologized. I don't blame them too much though, the tranny harpies know no mercy. Didn't resetera dox the community guy at gog?
>PR destroyed
>literally hundreds of thousands if not millions of people are being exposed to the free advertising this is giving THQ and their games
I now know there is a new Destroy All Humans in development.
Watching Resetera try to dox Mark is funny because
>Mark already got doxxed 2 or 3 years ago, he lives in Brooklyn in some sped home
>he legit moderates Yea Forums 12 hours a day everyday.
My phone is shit so I can’t post a good image.
can't we just nuke Twitter?
>People have different opinions versus mine
>leftypol subhumans STILL crying about GG
the one SEETHING here is coming from resetera trannies like you
>An overwhelming reputation for hosting child pornography (drawn)
That's weird, didn't they wipe the slate clean because one of their own was a convicted pedo?
Some bitches on twitter were going after that Blizzard guy, Mark Kern, thinking it was "obviously" him.
Reminder that this has nothing to do with CP. It's because cripplechan allowed GG discussion back when the journos tried to shut the whole thing up. If they cared about CP then they would have nailed Sarah Nyberg and Alison Rapp to a cross rather than defend them.
Look at the blue checks having a fit over this, its the same list of usual suspects that always pull this shit. This is about GG, the CP angle is just smoke being blown up your asses.
I still can't understand how this can trigger normalfaggots so much
i think neogaf imploded when the site owner got #metoo'd
i wonder if that place is a ghosttown
oof doof
woof woof woof
yike-a-dee diddle
big bag yike doo da
yet people like this still ruined the industry
why isn't this spammed on Twitter?
>people trying to Dox Mark
Lol, here he is.
>I feel like we'll probably have the best luck complaining to Nickelodeon about this given how parents groups could react. I just tweeted at them myself, but maybe this could become a more organized thing?
If these people ruin our chances of getting a Battle for Bikini Bottom rerelease I swear to God I will actually go out and start Civil War II.
Because reality doesn't work the way it does in your internet safe space incel
To be fair even if this game didn't look juvenile and cringe to me, I'd think anyone who unironically enjoyed it was a fucking fag.
Big boys gotta eat.
Look at that cute jewish face, he wouldn't hurt a fly.
it doesn't work, you need to try harder
This. In real life a woman can have a penis
i thought some midget cripple ran that site, what happened to him
>Where the big tiddie lolis at?
What you say has consequences, hell being on an user board doesn't exempt you from that either but keep thinking it does
This is a murderer.
>give us all you got
which one is he talking about?
Too bad the guys that did the ama are getting fucked from all sides, they seemed to have fun there, even responded to some memes and jokes. Can't have fun in the current year, I suppose.
Hotwheels quit back in 2016. Mark is the board owner of Yea Forums since 2014. New site admin is Jim and his son. Honestly everyone here who wasn’t on 8ch 3-4 years ago don’t realize that Mark is kinda hated there for being a hotpocket attention whore. He lost 2/3rds of his userbase between 2015 and right before this shitshow.
what's that about a safe space?
>What you say has consequences
Not on an anonymous imageboeard, which is the whole purpose of such a site existing. What you see here is the real thoughts and ideals of the human beings you're conversing with. There are no smoke and mirrors, no societal mask bullshit, you see the real to life garbage of humanity. People on sites like Resetera can't accept this, they think everybody is happy hiding behind a facade.
It actually unpozzed itself for the most part once all the trannies packed up their dialators and left.
i quit the site back then because they banned loli
i heard that decision was rolled back
how did the internet come to this
how did the fucking left come to this
Forgot my proof for the last statement.
>An overwhelming reputation for hosting child pornography
Is he talking about resetera?
Why 8? What's wrong with Yea Forums?
(((User has been warned: thread whining)))
I'm getting so fucking sick of yikesposters even if some of them are being ironic
How do these people live in the real world?
two sides of the same coin
Yea Forums is still the asshole of the internet, the only vidya related guy i've seen posting here these last few years was Doug TenNapel
The only live on twitter
Based THQ, I can’t wait for the next Amalur and Faggot killing games.
I am sick of these people sticking their noses in the video game industry. They don't give a fuck about it, the fucking pricks. They just want to bitch and moan and fucking complain
>4ch = Based = Resetera = Yikes
God Mark is fucking based.
4 is bad luck
This desu
Im sorry user but she doesnt care. She'll probably be extremely anxious if she ever has a daughter with your or her lover, fuck she might even divorce you to make sure you wont molest her
>a homophobic slur
why are people so fucking afraid of saying "faggot" even in an editorial sense?
>even the ones who ultimately agree and defend mental illnesses get warned or banned
Did they ever figure out where the big tiddie lolis at?
Because that's offensive you fucking faggot
nothing makes me happier than seeing neofag getting rustled
Can't quote exact words anymore, gotta censor them because it might upset someone!
God he's fucking sexy. Why can't our mods be so based and redpilled?
>yikes posters are resetrannies
It all makes sense now
I study translation and the teachers make it very clear to never alter quotes no matter how offensive, pretentious or ignorant they are, I have no idea where these people got that from.
>Being this mad about shota traps
Frank sounds like a huge faggot.
either they were totally oblivious of where they were going, or they knew and did it to generate outrage.
which one is it?
we need to take our anime avatars back from the cringe yikes-posting leftards
They're not from any sort of school with prestige that handles translations. This is the exact same issue with dubbing/localisation companies who butcher the original work because "that's offensive."
If you start censoring and changing shit, the work can never be judged on its own merits.
Japs have already proven they can't do shit, nigger. They have 0 impact if you just ignore them.
Only to the Chinese which is good luck for the US
I refuse to believe they didn't know.
Your wife is married and that's already more than what those cunts can do, hence why they are so bitter about anime girls.
Every. Single. Time.
is it true 88 is good luck to chinese people
Need an eceleb to tell you what to think, huh zoomer?
By "child porn" do these journos mean loli/shota or actual child pornography starring real kids? As far as i know, they purged that shit years ago on InfinityChan.
Why would they particularly emphasize this point in their articles more than the racism and "nazism" parts of the site?
This all started because you faggots kept pushing anime in normalfag spaces with avatars and MUH SUPER SPECIAL SECRET CLUB memes.
Now ironic weebism is the hot normalfag meme and people like Crunchyroll are trying to "fix" anime.
holy cope
how can political activists defend posting on twitter? are they ignorant of the fact that twitter has thousands upon thousands of accounts dedicated to posting "lolicon" art? that it's used by "lolicon" artists to share links to that content?
nice fantasy
Crazy social media leftists aren't normalfags, user.
>Why would they particularly emphasize this point in their articles more than the racism and "nazism" parts of the site?
It's the easiest way to demonize someone these days.
They delete and ban people posting real CP because, surprise, they don't want their shit taken down and criminal investigation on their ass.
The level of cognitive dissonance for them to like anime while still hating Japan and wanting to "fix" Japan culture/anime to be in line with their identity politics/social justice bullshit is just unbelievable, they are the worst, most arrogant fucktards
>anime belongs to ME ONLY >:(
Shut the fuck up.
try again but in png please
can't fucking read anything
>By "child porn" do these journos mean loli/shota or actual child pornography starring real kids?
The former. They genuinely believe some lines on a piece of paper that happens to form a fictional child is just as heinous and damaging as real CP.
buzzwords lose impact over time, cuck
move to newer, childish pastures
you mean like reddit?
>not knowing reddit has some of the most vile shit on it surpassing even old Yea Forums
I wish I had my own video game company or publisher, I would hold weekly ama on here just to rustle these faggots jimmies. Based THQNordic
Can we all just take a moment to acknowledge how utterly based the Nord-chads over at THQ are? Shit brings a tear to me eye.
Yeah and whenever reddit is mentioned in newspapers or on TV it is not a well intended mention but #5301 why reddit is trash
It was super effective taking down Youtube a couple of notches the other day.
I'm kinda surprised, they never get this autistic about loli and shota stuff to point of trying to dox someone.
With all the complaining they did about Pewdiepie being a nazi, I'm surprised they didn't go after him for his Boku no Pico video.
I can't wait for the day of the rope.
>people think there is CP on 8ch
any pedo visiting there is going to be really disappointed
If only they hadn't apologized.
>radical racism
There is something eerie about "journalists" appealing to massive corporations to enforce morality laws on behalf of the people.
wait twitter is used for things other than looking at lolis?
There is a very high chance that he is an actual pedophile.
This, I cringe everytime I here misinfo coming from some pretentious idiot.
>anime must fall in line with MY SUPERIOR PROGRESSIVE IDEOLOGY!
>BAD JAPAN : > (
Is there an archive of the AMA?
based Mark
My sleeper account is totally not there.
No no, see it was "stupid" when we called Islam "radical" but now the word means something else when they use it to refer to racism or some shit.
It'll have to be pawoo, now.
This guy is virtue signalling way too hard 90% chance hes a pedophile or some kind of rapist
In that case he should learn to accept himself and not take it out on the poor shota traps.
This guy realizes that the revenue from thq games is worth more than socjus points right? they aint doing shit.
It's almost as often as any thread on Yea Forums
>thq games
oof very yikespilled
mastodon is a far superior service anyway desu saw someone post this earlier haven't tested it out though
>why do they all use "yikes" like they're some kind of hivemind insect?
>proceeds to use SEETHING
The fucking irony
Guess if you don't do your AMA on (((reddit))) or (((retardera))) you are an homophobic Nazi by default
why do sjws always feel the need to be outraged by something. are their lives really that unfullfilling
the video game company just did a big yikes and caused me to self harm
I had filtered "yikes" on Yea Forums and 2/3rd of the site disappeared.
FYI using the term "yikes" ironically is just as much faggotry as unironic usage
Reminder that this is the default state of Nordics and Germanics and the second amer*cans and their shit allies stop policing everything we'll get back to being the most based thing. Who's laughing now.
They are just evil. Don't think of them as people anymore user, just insects. Then you won't be annoyed by them constantly buzzing all the time.
because calling everyone nazis wasn't working
now MUH VIRTUAL CHILDREN are coming back up as the hot topic
and it's been backfiring on these terrorists when they get outted for being actual pedos with real child porn
>anime belongs to ME ONLY
You know what's interesting? with how apparently illegal and degenerate here and eight is the SJW journos sure do spend a lot of time in these places. Like Klepec. He was there the entire fucking AMA.
>are their lives really that unfullfilling
Why are cucks so triggered and outraged by literally anything SJWs do? are their lives really that unfullfilling
good thing millions of syrians, africans, and arabs have already immigrated to your countries
Something something shitposting, something something shitposting.
The twitterati doth protest too much.
Shouldn't you be dilating your mutilated dick, tranny?
i dont think people get triggered by them though theyre jsut funny to watch. how can they seeth so hard about literally nothing
Because for "normal" people a place which in the public mind is 50% Child porn or lolis is not nothing.
Totally like how /pol/ will shit up boards for weeks because a black person date exist in media.
It's almost as if people who wear their political opinions as their sole defining trait are mindless insects trying to outdo each other at the Offended Olympics.
>triggered and outraged
It's more like watching someone in the street stepping on a shit, you both feel pity and find it funny.
Seeing twitter accounts with 3000000+ posts in their post count and all of them about some outrage makes me feel like they have really shitty lives spent 24/7 in front of a smartphone seeking the next dopamine rush.
So trannys how does it feel when nobody listens to your inane whingeing and goes directly to the people who buy their games?
>americans stop policing everything
GTF outta here, we didn’t force you fags to put women in charge and open your borders.
I know you're here ResetEra, this one is for you.
>Totally like how /pol/ will shit up boards for weeks because a black person date exist in media
Too bad that shitting up boards on 4chin for the sake of shitposting has no real effect on media, otherwise you would be right.
>Cuckyroll trying to fix anime
quick rundown?, I stopped downloading HorribleSubs shit.
>Resetera hates Yea Forums with a passion
>Says they feel literally sick when they come here
>Terrified of anons
>Still come here to post caps and bitch about us
What is with those faggots? Are they masochists?
Yea Forums is still part of Yea Forums despite all your whining
you mean stupid people, i would imagine most people would do 2 seconds of research before just repeating mindless bullshit
Tell me Yea Forums. Are they mad about the AMA being on 4+Yea Forums or are they mad about it not being with them instead?
Honestly they should have just done it on Twitter because the same questions would be asked but there would be none of the loli
Yeah that seems like capitulating to the worst people on the internet, but it's sadly the only option left available to anyone who wants to participate in the market. I wouldn't be shocked if payment processors, distribution platforms, and social media sites started blocking transactions to THQ Nordic after this.
The UN had a resolution about hentai, so unless by stupid people you mean the majority of humans. The no.
theyre jealous
This is made with the money of the people who have a subscription instead of going to anime studios, who get a fucking misery comapred to the profits of eatern countries.
>Made by a team of white whales
>They think it's innovative because they think that there are no women in the japanese anime/manga industry
>Trailer is no footage of the show but just wanking about diversity
They're so tsun-tsun, secretly they envy the freedom of speech allowed here compared to their tightly moderated shithole where they must constantly avoid stepping over eggshells
>implying everything you don't like is /pol/
>implying people and even normalfags aren't getting annoyed of historical or classical fantasy characters being everything but white.
Yes but it's the 'correct' site.
Remember, we live in the era of rules for thee, but never for me. This is why "Balding feminist male-ally turns out to be a pedophile" is the new "Christian conservative turns out to be gay."
Its not anime if its not made in Japan
An organization with no actual power that all can do is screeching about sanctions? Woah...
>are there 1 to 9 chans depending on their level?
>4+4chin is 2x worse than 4chin
>4+4chin has no mods
>All 4chin rejects were exiled to 4+4chin because they were too much for even 4chin
>4+4chinners freely post and drool over children's pictures. They are all paedophiles.
Why the fuck does the comment sections of these articles seem like they're filled with bots?
Its their scorched earth mentality. They just want to destroy the lives of the innocent. In this case a not so big game company made a PR mistake and now they want their business destroyed and dont care if people get fired(Even though they will pretend to care about that later to further push the company down when they are brought to the point of having to do that because of leftists)
>I didn't notice before but isn't this guy like a problematic racist fascist?
>Lol he is! Yikes oof! Let's ignore his points now :)
twitter has more loli than infinitychan kek
>its crazy you imply im a racist, i just dont like minorities in media thats all
oh no no don't let them find out about 9chan and the top level chans bros
So why did all the anime pages sperg out of this resolution, if it isn't doing anything?
>Seething over "YIKES"
you know that's exactly why people post it, right? Dumb bitch.
Ubi's actual shills are kind of obvious, but I don't mind because they at least care enough to come here.
how do these people justify posting on a site filled with shit like THIS?
>Ignore the SJWs, they will go away
- Yea Forums, circa 2013
literal strawman, wow
The stupidity and lack of self awareness of these leftists is a thing to behold
Yikes bikes
>Person advocates for peace and to stop being ridiculous
>Wow weren't you part of a movement that we falsely labelled as a hate group so we didn't have to answer for being inept shills?! Yikes!
These are the people who will start WWIII.
I mentioned it here in a previous thread but I'm a dev for a small indie dev and our team contacted Resetera to do an AMA there. In order to be verified they wanted my full complete contact information. The companies one was not enough. They wanted MY full name, address, email, etc. Or rather they want the information of who will be using the account for the AMA. You can imagine why we'd decline.
>americans have been brainwashed into thinking anyone with a decent social safety net is being overrun by violent brown people in and intentional invasion
the fearmongering is almost impressive
Now Sony fucking censors everything. You fucking lied to me Yea Forums!
Why are you strawmanning that hard? And why are you putting words in my mouth?
This but unironically. Resetera and Twitter are for their feel-good high-by-association to be in the 'right'.
Yea Forums, reddit, and every other place where they can be as anonymous as they desire are for their actual feelings. I wouldn't be shocked if the biggest racists on the site weren't just these loonies venting after posting their fifth "PRODUCT IS GOOD, YOU SHOULD BUY PRODUCT AND NEVER CRITICIZE IT BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT HITLER DOES" post on their ultra-puritan corporate hugbox.
You can't have a community like this. At best Resetera is an entire stadium of nodding, clapping, smiling mannequins who know that the second they stop smiling and clapping, they get shot.
Their apology had several references to baneposting, it makes me believe they're just fucking with the eternally offended.
A Bethesda employee was banned from Resetera because he said they were too extreme.
Every developer should avoid the place like the fucking plague.
I didn't notice any
But Yea Forums did not ignore SJWs
He's lucky he didn't say anything too extreme because the admins could have easily doxed him with the information they require.
Sony's censoring is due to the soccer mom and conservative crowd, though.
>y-you didn't ignore them hard enough
Lets be realistic, literally nobody knows what resetra is tho, people have heard of reddit and maybe some kind of (4)chan but literally nobody except autistic spergs know resetra.
>you know that's exactly why people post it, right?
No, i don't, is it because they read too many comics and now they talk in onomatopoeias?
wtf!? Is this a picture of ((( pre-pubescent))) girls? Am I a paedo now?!?
Yeah, but that chan it's heavily poisonous, marketing wise. They're playing with fire. I hope nothing happens with them, but Microsoft Studios already questioned why the AMA tweet still is up. Even Reddit would've been too edgy.
>Just ignore the tumor, it will go away
>Just ignore the infestation, it will go away
>Just ignore the spies, they will go away
This is your brain on Yea Forums
From an purely economic standpoint, doing an AMA on infinitychan is retarded because nobody knows about the site apart from a few thousands. Hold an AMA on reddit or wherever the shills reside next time.
And you retards have to stop to responding to absolutely meritless outrage. If this shit doesn't stop I'm sure at some point we might see sites that track Yikes Per Minutes on various sites where these people reside or something that is similarly hollow. Its almost like people do enjoy acting like outrage drones over this shit, but it goes both ways of course. I simply just wished people would wisen up a little.
People start to acts like clockwork over that. I question more and more if these people mean it serious or if they're simply acting to make you faggots mad, though its probably the former. Wake me up when people began trying to make sense of this shit.
>tell Yea Forums to ignore SJWs
>have 10 threads about ree le SJWs on the board at any given time
>post every dumb "outrage" generated by twatter users with 2 followers
Yeah sure, if you call that ignore
This. I would have literally 0 idea what it was if it wasnt for idiots on here spamming it.
>implying Yea Forums-Twitter screengrabs ignored sjws for even 1 minute in the past 6 years.
What do you think this thread is even about? "SJW" and "Feminist" were thrown around so frequently they had to be word filtered as it was literally every thread, way more prevalent than onions. Look at what happened when you gave these people so much attention.
damn, better call the advertisers
Yes that's what all anime is oy vey shut it down
Resetera has a lot of connections to journalists. It's one of the reasons why the studio I'm at wanted to do an interview with them. It's so fucking stupid. I get wanting a company verified email but wanting my fucking shit? Nope.
>hive mind
Yeah, you are in so much better company here
Christ above. They're like a bunch of pearl clutching moms.
god these fags really piss me off
>they go to refugeechan instead of to 4channel
>Yea Forums celebrates it
Are you guys a bunch of cucks?
what fucking points did he make?
>take pitty on this poor mulitmillion dollar corporation and dont smear their good name just because someone they employ to do PR used official PR accounts to link to a notorious Chinese image board and then left up all the links rather than taking anything down when it was "noticed"
somehow just to be against the libs he has twisted his position into being a shill for a shitty company and claiming that corporations arent responsible for what their official accounts say. Thats such a strange position i cant imagine anyone ever coming to it unless they were simply trying to be contrartian.
Yikes that's a minge cringe even for a basedboy beta cuck like you
>those people using "yikes" unironically
Jesus Christ almighty.
>Are you guys a bunch of cucks?
How does it work? Like the process.
it's a ghost town. less than 200 people on at any one time. the upside is most of those left are people not prone to the left's hysteria.
Unlike them we don't have inferiority complex over an imageboard
That was quick.
They always have revenue when they spend jackshit for their games. Darksiders 3 was still considered to be a success despite the low sales.
4chink has been compromised for years, props to 1*4+1*Yea Forums for getting some publicity, it will be a decent place to go when this site will unironically require reddit gold to post on.
The PR guy is typically one dude with complete access to the Twitter account that nobody else knows. It does in fact fall on that one person when it comes to PR.
>this kills the resetera trannies
a bluepilled cringe post if I ever seen one fellow basedcvck
Lmao we can shitpost on infinitychan anytime we please. Who cares? We’re not trannies.
like fucking clockwork
You are actually delusional enough to think Yea Forums threads make an impact on the fucking industry trends, apparently Yea Forums brings SJW into games, not companies and developers themselves
I left after I got banned by mark for shitposting in an overwatch thread, fuck that fat jew
>Do an AMA on reddit
>Have to answer actual questions
>Can't meme
>If you ignore any questions it'll be used against you
>Do an AMA on an anonymous imageboard
>Respond to questions like "Where the big tiddy lolis at"
>Just fuck about and shitpost for a few hours really
>Nobody cares if you ignore actual questions
>the phrase "social justice," which is applied as a derogatory term to art and entertainment that embraces diversity of perspective
But that isn't what social justice is at all you fucking clickbait faggot. The social justice movement is about embracing diversity of ethnicity and gender, and shitting over any opinion that disagrees with that goal (aka a diversity of different perspectives). The current cultural struggle is primarily between diversity of perspective (free speech and expression regardless of if it offends minorities or hampers a social movement) and diversity of background (quota diversity regardless of if mass censorship of dissenting perspectives is needed to achieve it). Even though it's clear which one I prefer and which they prefer, they could at least not be faggots and call their movement the exact movement they are fighting against. It's not that they're censorial totalitarians, it's that they're disingenuous about it.
so much better, correct
>"there is official PR linking you DIRECTLY to drawings of sexualized children"
>starting the thread with a blatant lie like this designed to stir the pot and get attention
fuck this piece of trash
Why would anyone go to that site? It seems the people with any kind of power use it with reckless abandon. Hell in that screen alone you see an admin locking down a thread multiple times to put people in a timeout so they can "cool off" from those radical statements that boil down to "people should be able to have their own opinions" how do they even have regular traffic when they seem to ban users very regularly for very little cause?
special snowflakes fear anonymity
Are you retarded? That journo faggot was trying to get everyone there fired.
Anyone who complains about them doing AMA on eightchan are literal faggots who doesn't need to be take on seriously. Their gayness blinded them so hard that they couldn't see the entire point of it: Destroy All Humans remastered, baby
This is what gets me. Your only responsibility as a fucking journalist is to report news.
>trying to impose your western values on a foreign nation
Hahaha just like those ebil colonists right fello lefties???
Now post all the reactions to that post where they all say "THAT'S NOT EVEN TRUE" and then do everything he accuses them of doing.
I'm just hoping that like how Yea Forums in the past when normals or r*ddit got ahold of a meme or word, then incessantly beat its corpse a grave, that the faggots here will stop using obnoxious trash like cringe, incel, yikes, et cetera. Then again, we live in a different demographic of cancer these days.
that's the problem, corporate execs and the like are too chickenshit to realize that standing your ground is the best idea and immediately bend over backwards in the face of any sort of public outcry. they already fucked up by apologizing for things they aren't guilty of, it's all downhill from there.
Based 8ch
>Avatar is anime
>Teen Titans 03 is anime
>every other shitty amerimutt cartoon aping anime "style" is anime
BIG UFF, my dude.
>yet another remastered game
oh boy
Lack of creativity much?
Literally everyone of every medium is """remastering""" old shit that faggot boomers will nostalgia over and their zoomer children will want because its all the boomers ever talked about
Yea Forums is cucked, and this place is now. Thanks to faggots that ignored the slippery slope.
People should be furious at the mods and Hiro for not bothering to get AMAs here. Fuck the mods
has anyone told him about the large communities of literal, self-identifying, proud pedophiles on twitter? he should stop using that site if he doesn't want to be associated with them!
If the games are more than a decade years old and only available on a single platform, I do enjoy having them remastered on PC
You just don't frequent the right boards famlam
Who wants to bet the left is going to continue to escalate this shit by demanding platforms like Steam, Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft take all of THQ Nordic's games off their stores immediately. I wonder if this whole thing will go that far or if those companies cave in the first place.
What did you expect from hiro? Yea Forums is cucked
Dave, the owner of their Yea Forums, went to THQ Nordic and asked for an AMA.
That's really the only reason why.
>in spite of the apology, the aforementioned responses have not been removed from the thread
they actually think that's how it works
Yea Forums's reputation is ancient, pretty cemented in the public consciousness even to people who barely know what it is. 8 is actually worse in terms of obscene content at the moment, but nobody knows what it is.
of course, reddit is almost as bad as 8, but they don't care.
Bullshit, that tweet can’t be real. Shatner is 80+.
>I enjoy buying and playing the same game over and over again
just say it
This is a stupid trend that needs to die
it's funny because reddit openly harbored /r/jailbait for years and it was hugely popular
It is, rarely he tripfags on Yea Forums
his PR guy
>How did liberals manage to outdo them on that front in just a handful of years?
Conservatives acted like they did to prevent this from happening. The problem with being young is you don't understand how bad things can really get. Its all bullshit, though. You are probably better off ignoring politics completely.
Hiro could easily contact Kenichiro Takaki to do a Senran Kagura AMA here, he knows the guy on the first name basis.
But he won't because, let's be honest, Hiro doesn't understand nor care about 4channel. It might be for the best, that way.
Truly, boomers are the savior of Yea Forums.
Yes I get that redditors are absolutely pants-on-head retarded, not as much as the twitter/shitera outrage factory however.
If I would've been the PR guy, I would've probably checked 4chans /vg/ before and if they have a thread there, announce it on social media and post in the repective thread. Theres tons of indies making games while posting on /vg/ so logically you could at least attempt to host a AMA in one of the threads. Its 2019, Yea Forums has a reach of billions. You probably get the best of both worlds.
Its twitter syndrome. So to the suprise to absolutely nobody, you gonna ride that outrage wave with the others in your peergroup to be hip and cool while pretending to be outraged like that guy does. Again, they're acting like clockwork. At least people who spam based don't act like seething retards that want to burn anything to the ground like these guys do.
>imgur bugexploited to execute worm attack on 8ch*n
BASED! Dox them, steal their bank acccount, seed their PC with CP and call the police on them.
He's also a ponyfag and voiced a character in the show. Google it.
>I enjoy "buying" old games with better support for modern machine and a higher fidelity
It runs like shit on emulators. I prefer playing the new version that runs well on PC with varying degree of customization. But that's also with the implication that I will "buy" these remasters.
There are boards other than Yea Forums and /pol/, Zoom-Zoom.
Link to the thread?
>implying it still wrong
if Yea Forums didnt help Anita break into popularity then all of this shit would not be happening
friendly reminder Anitas videos barely broke 2k views before Yea Forums discovered them
Wait what
explain, they don't use imgur
>the phrase "social justice," which is applied as a derogatory term to art and entertainment that embraces diversity of perspective
the ministry of truth is at it again.
Anita didn't get big until journalists started reporting on her, Yea Forums didn't do shit.
>if Yea Forums didnt help Anita break into popularity
>this again
Yea Forums didn't do shit. Yea Forums created a bunch of stupid threads and literally every journalist on Anita's speeddial wrote articles about how a wonderful shining beacon of hope she is.
Thats because most people who use social networks and browse reddit are absolutely retarded and not worth paying attention to. And those who rage about manufactured outrage forget about it in less than 3 days.
Journos didnt start reporting on Anita after she spoke about the so called ''trolls'' attacking her
Anita was going to get shilled to the moon regardless of Yea Forums
they're reddit and twitter basedlets m'dude what do you expect?
damn dude give them like 15 minutes to respond
""""""""Journos"""""""" don't need Yea Forums to make up a narrative about harassment. They have repeatedly faked harassment to get attention.
they've already tried with steam, after steam was trying to find a way to allow porn games on their site. they failed.
>comparing eightchan to benshapiro
Goddamn Tim Soret is still taking it up the ass for supporting gamergate. These people are fucking nuts.
Nevermind the fact that this kind of witch hunt and anti-gamer slandering is exactly the kind of shit that kicked off gamergate in the first place.
fuckhuge companies like unishart hire other smalltime companies to shill for them, they don't really care where or how, they just want their shit tospread as far as it can go.
>all the people on trannyera posting about coming to Yea Forums
What hypocritical little worms.
i will roll this too
thq's library is pretty big, removing all of those games would probably make enough of a scratch in the bottom line to not be worth the virtue signalling
>game devs need to stick together!
>burn the infidel!
But muh poor game devs narrative! Can't wait for the gaming industry to finally crash or move into mobile shit.
The "trolls attacking her" were a collection of youtube comments she capped before disabling comments entirely, and an edited Wikipedia article.
I doubt she even knew what Yea Forums was, or the fact Yea Forums was mocking her kickstarter.
Do you have a single fact to back that up? Because as far as I can tell the best you have is plausible deniability from all being anonymous and no individual being identifiable as the culprit. But that doesn't automatically translate to "therefore it didn't happen and she made it up".
Anyone got a link the to the thread?
It's easy to win your audience over to your point of view when you're against "child pornography." And no one will ever go looking for CP to disprove you either, since merely possessing it in any form is jailworthy everywhere.
People from different backgrounds have different perspectives, user. It's also not hard to see what your background is.
But pol is making posts on Yea Forums! This is where all the companies take feedback and implement changes!!! Oh wait that's twitter
>theres Resetera fags posting here right now
seriously what do we do about this?
its not a boogieman anymore if they admit it themselves
Just post loli/shota porn or something
I really hate him
>anti-gamer slandering
Are reaction faces seriously mainstream now? It doesn't even look right.
happens all the time now.
they hate the culture of Yea Forums, but they want to post freely because where they come from is filled with blasphemy laws.
it's disgusting, really.
Isn't doubling down and saying I wish I never did the AMA in 8 pretty much giving them a big fuck you?
You do nothing. Ignore them. Don't fall for their bait. Ignore them. Resist the need to call them faggots. Ignore them.
The left has had social power in the west for the last 30 years. They are know in the position of information gate keepers and they will attempt to insure anyone who goes against there views is deplatformed and demonitized.
How the fuck do you expect things to change if you keep appeasing the snowflakes that are the problem
Why the fuck don't our mods do that? Why do they need to act the way they do?
Yep these people are mentally insane. I'm not in the least bit surprise devs would rather talk to freaking 8ch over them.
>resetera condemning child pornography after one of their former website mods was arrested for possession of child pornography
the irony is fucking hilarious
Someone ask on the IRC why the mods won't reach out and do AMAs
what do you do to tripfags? You ignore them.
Nobody mentioned effecting policy, he just talked about being constantly bitter and vindictive, and no honest man can deny that /vpol/ outdoes anyone in that regard
Resetera faggots are scared. They know that pandering to non SJWs are more profitable.
Unironically, I wish they did. Take gaming away from these fucking social justice types that shudder at the sight of any "problematic" idea or concept. The corporations just follow the money, so if shit like Anthem and Battlefield keeps bombing they'll have no choice but to abandon their current litter of writers and designers and get to making real games again.
At least I wish that's what would happen, but I think there's no escape from this timeline.
HAHA thats the meme
i get it user xD
That's because they want enough information to destroy your whole life if you ever cross them. Look at what THQ Nordic is dealing with just for answering questions on a "wrong" site.
our mods don't actually have much control over anything. you'd need to get hiro involved if you wanted to do anything "official" and he doesn't give a shit.
You guy are really desperate for a narrative where you're the plucky rebels, huh
Your hope is misplaced. Yea Forums stops using memes with normal faggots start using it because it becomes shit. Normal faggots don't give a fuck about what words Yea Forums uses until it becomes tied to something detrimental like Pepe and white nationalism
Wasn't that the whole reason why they split off? I don't see the irony.
is he wrong?
>diversity of perspective
You need to realize that the sad reality is that white people are spineless cowards. As soon as shit starts getting uncomfortable for them they shut the fuck up and sit the fuck down.
ESPECIALLY white women.
he's right though
SJW shit has been bombing for years and they still don't knock it off. It's not happening.
So why did he buy this place?
The corporations are on your side, you're an useful idiot, cunt.
>That's because they want enough information to destroy your whole life
It's ironic to me these types of people are pulling a full-on patriot act style action on people.
The reason these type of people shit on """haebophilia""" and constantly call other people pedophiles is nothing but projection. In their mind, an arbitrary age limit is needed to seperate developed and """underdeveloped""" girls, because otherwise, they can't easily find the difference.
It's a fucking AMA, who cares
Besides, more people are talking about it. If they just did it on reddit no one would give a shit
I'm not sure it's "desperation for a narrative" when all media has a massive liberal bias, is owned by a few gigantic corporations (most which are based in the U.S., but even Sony's making moves Westward), and is actively used to uninform and deceive the masses.
And who's the rising titan that's going to be the alternative to this shit? Chinese media, which are backed by a corrupt government that actively engages in literal pro-state propaganda, you really think these Western companies are going to have any problem pushing propaganda when it's their turn to suck Chinese cock for money?
>nobody knows about the site apart from a few thousands
Yeah, it would have been pretty comfy and laid back if they hadn't tweeted about it to the entire world right as it kicked off. Nobody would have known until screencaps showed up after the fact about the new games.
>this feels like PR suicide
people who play vidya either don't care about politcs or range from right-wing to real unironical nazi, commies don't buy games unless it's stardew valley or whatever new faggot game
Nobody starts to care about THQ games because of this.
>SJW and discord trannies are literally trying to destroy THQ
>Yea Forums siding with them to "own the cons"
No one cares about "SJW shit" in the real world. What's putting people off is that AAA games are repetitive junk with a new coat of paint slapped on it every year. They're just getting tired of it. Social justice isn't the problem. Out of control budgets and an inability to innovate are, combined with the imperative to constantly grow, grow, grow, as dictated by the capitalist paradigm. Keep doing the same thing and expect better results.
Do you get it? Yeah? Do you get that the point of the meme is that this is exactly what you pathetic fags sound like when you unironically use phrases like "anti-gamer slandering"?
This has been common knowledge for a long time, why are they even surprised?
>all media has a massive liberal bias
You know how the saying goes, don't you?
Yes, it's just a conspiracy, tranigger.
the alt-right really is just their version of the jews huh
close to 5,000 posts about it? Why do they care? It's fucking THQ not Nintendo...
>fix anime
You cannot fix what's broken beyond repair from the start.
I do
no the reason they split up was because the creator of neogaf was accused of sexual harassment
>hate 4+Yea Forums
>baffled that anyone at THQ though hosting an AMA there was a good idea
>retardera being retardera
>faggot journos equating loli to cp and still drudging up GG
Conflicted on this
Yeah it has to be fake since /mlp/ is one of his main boards and he always mentions it in these tweets ^:)
Wow these people are insanely vindictive and petty.
Why is why what THQ did was fucking brave and hopefully a start of a trend. Though devs would be better served holding AMAs here instead of 8ch because of the stigmas there. All they can claim against 4ch is racism/sexism which doesnt work anymore.
The icing on the cake is despite this they make tons of money in their next game. This will finally be the irrefutable proof that sjw faggots do NOT buy games.
That's fucking rude mate
My hatred of 8ch*n outweighs my hatred for twitter SJWs, sorry
>Four and a half years on and still seething
The era of SJWs is over
what if I think 2*Yea Forums is retarded and that THQ fucked up while also knowing that Reseethrafags and twitter trannies trash too?
then you are
Sometimes when I go to Resetera I wonder. Is it just a bunch of us just roleaplaying? They seem so extreme it's like a cartoon.
then you're a reasonable, level headed person.
>being so nigger that people complaining about niggers bothers you to such a degree that you have to label it as /pol/
newsflash niggers, and jews suck
Why is it that seething trannies always use the same comeback when someone mentions how easily triggered SJWs are?
>tiddy skittle tranny btfo so hard from no one giving a shit
>keeps spamming thinking people will
>they don't
they say it be like it is but it do haha
Why do they keep saying it's a pedo site. Aren't they from Neogaf which was ran by pedos and some of the pedo mods are there too?
That's pretty much saying fuck you guys to 8 right? Isn't that kinda a bad idea?
Exactly, thats quite a big problem. Doing an AMA on a huge site like Yea Forums can have benefits. Most of the shitposting comes from other boards but anyone who was for longer than a week on the internet should know this by now. Again, I don't think its wrong to assume that billions of people heard about Yea Forums and its reach is far and wide.
I think a lot of people would be interested in bringing AMAs from bigger publishers here. /vg/ already has a sizeable amount and indie development going on as well. There is a reason why people enjoy being here instead of reddit as well.
- They leaked (probably intentionally) multiple upcoming games.
- They also mentioned that new expansion for Titan Quest is currently in beta test.
- They mentioned that at some point they wanted to make shooter like Splatoon before Splatoon.
- The Guild III and SpellForce 3: Soul Harvest are apparently doing well and will come soon.
Notable that they also avoided every single question about S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2.
What's that related article? How would an imgur bug affect cripplechan at all?
Ah yes a website where people of different opinions than mods are instantly banned versus one who has a huge variety of boards, topics, people and opinions also including some bad things, it's as if they're two sides of the same coin!
Didn't they go SJW with Darksiders 3 though? They made redhead girl less hot.
Do these trannies not know that /leftypol/ exists on infinitychan or do they not care?
/pol/ is always right ALWAYS
a lot of high profile sjw developers post there regularly
>publisher posts on reesetera
>nobody on either side cares
>post on chan
>left loses it's shit
Honestly, does anyone care? I could happily forget the place exists if not for seething /pol/fags constantly bringing it up.
THQN_Philipp did nothing wrong.
Theres a reason people bring it up tranny.
Nigga, I don't really blame them. eightchan is poisonous as hell for marketing. They shouldn't even have done that.
Because you did it first. Try reading the post you replied to again. It talks about people who base their whole personality around internet political alliances are bitter and vindictive for the sake of outdoing eachother regardless of what that alliance actually is. It's not my fault you're so offended that /pol/ is identical to Twitter that you have to resort to >everything I dont like is /pol/ shitposting
Apologizing was a mistake. All it does is fuel the mob and makes them double down harder.
These """"""""people"""""""" do not forgive.
Trying too hard.
>rent free
This game is actually one of the best game of the decade, unironically, everything about it is good and I just skipped the visual novel part
The fact that normies will never ever experience this masterpiece of a game is a + for me
Breivik escaped incarceration just to make this.
>brings up /pol/
>>rent free
Is every version of rabi ribi equal? Can I just grab it on any platform I own?
This is already mentioned. I don't think that resetera is just pretending. Rather, they have been brainwashed by social media to act the ways in which they do. Twitter and facebook provide a skewed perspective on reality. You can say thats its similar on a place like Yea Forums, but at least on here theres much more lurking than even shitposting going on here as it is almost impossible to have a normal conversation on other social media. Most shit you see on twitter would be considered absolutely abysmal on a place like Yea Forums.
Also online leftists are way too obsessed with hottakes and verbal assassination as much as zoomers are with dank memes who also take that shit way too seriously sometimes. Though the former is obviously more damaging.
Niggers and jews are awful though
Why? Is it because you sympathize with SJW causes?
The girl that was never in the game series till 3?
Bugmen go home
Is the irony here that he dresses like the fucking 3 year old behind him?
Because 2*Yea Forums is garbage
I have no idea about that, I only played the steam version 348 hours but probably? if they cut anything, I guess it would be story related because of some copyright issues since the game is chinese taiwanese
Sure but what have they done specifically to earn your ire. Is it because they hosted a THQ AMA on their Yea Forums board?
even the ost is great
Thats true, even if you fucked up just owe up to it. Its almost funny how much of this is unfolding is happening like clockwork, like wrote. You can probably predict the outcome of any drama hours before resetera even knows.
what are you trying to peddle on us rabbi shekelstein?
b-buy the game user
board owner invited them
How the fuck are posting loli and allowing diversity of opinion mutually exclusive?
>Fatefags complaining about loli
Proud of you, user.
It's only time until more of their mods get done for being a pedophile
>isn't that the dark web?
Honestly that whole thing feels like it's ironic, as if every single poster there posts right here.
Majority of Resetera admins are trannies tho
>why do people complain about SJW's? It's not like anyone listens to them, or anything.
>hosts AMA on 4*2chan
>SJW's proceed to try and track and destroy the lives of the people who hosted said AMA like they're terrorists who need to be dragged out back and shot twice in the head.
See? They're harmless.
And like all migrants who feel entitled to the lands they invaded, they try to make their new home more like the old home that was terrible enough to make them flee in the first place. Give refugees no quarter, they are too dumb not to make their home's mistakes your home's mistakes.
Don't forget the users too.
This. It amazes me that faggot gaslighters try to claim that SJWs barely even exist while they're forming social media mobs and getting people fired.
there was one pathetic blue checkmark fuck trying to get the whole company taken down for the actions of one guy
these people are so hateful
>>SJW's proceed to try and track and destroy the lives of the people who hosted said AMA BECAUSE they're terrorists who need to be dragged out back and shot twice in the head.
go back