What am I in for?

What am I in for?

Attached: 1e3f_crusader_kings_2_logo_dd.jpg (700x700, 45K)

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a boring game, only 200+ IQ would enjoy

It will stimulate your autism


You either embrace your inner autist and play it forever, or get bored in under 100 hours.

fap sessions

Also this. I literally fapped to this game on multiple occasions


Fun if you're autistic

I would call a memeing retard, but it does get the peepee hard.

am I also a degenerate like you two? taking the wife of my enemy as a concubine impregnating her and then giving her out in marriage to my humpback nephew made me hard as a rock

Bob Ross - The Joy of Map painting

Attached: finland.png (1920x1080, 3.48M)

Literally how

>cucking the nobility
>going full heretic

How playable is this game without dlcs?
I got it for free couple of months ago. I'm not buying all of those dlcs.

Playable but you'd just be map painting repeatedly.

Reacting to pop up messages non-stop

The easiest Paradox game bar HoI4

Autism you never imagined could be possible. If you master CKII you'll make Chris Chan look normal.

Playing as a viking, raiding english castles and taking their 16 years old daughters as cocunbines, hanging their other daughters and wives in a bloat, and the classic incest

the more you play the more you enjoy

Human Resources Department simulator
incestuous murder simulator

Killing your son before he gets to fuck his wife, and you instead fuck her. Join up with your nemesis only to backstab him and fuck every female with good looks and good stats in his family tree, but realize that your are thinning out your royal blood, so you decide to kill them all and burn down the country instead. Become vampire when you reach middle age and continue your crusade to fuck everything and take everything as your own.

you can pirate the dlcs and use cream api to get them to work on your steam copy

It's great to learn how to fucking play.

You will end acquiring DLC in you enjoy it

>play as pagans
>abduct Catholic teenage princess in raid
>abduct her mother and little sister in war some years later
>force them all to bear your children

>If you master CKII you'll make Chris Chan look normal.
its not that hard

CKII is an incredibly easy game, there are more difficult Paradox titles that require actual autism.


Its not about difficulty, its about the tedium that only an autist could withstand.

>tedium that only an autist could withstand.
You've never played Victoria, have you?

I have it but never launched it because of what I've heard and seen of it.

The realization that ambitious characters should never be vassals.

>easiest paradox game
>the high bar is hoi4
what an awful thing to say

well raiding other people and fucking everyone around is fun
but 3 hours down the line where you die and your son will have major headache
partly the main reason I dont really like this game
everytime you are not meta gaming and have some fun its all basically a time bomb

>He doesn't force humility education on his vassals' heirs
Pleb step your game up

>he doesn't continuously conquer more territory to the point of running out of non-ambitious same religion and same culture characters to give titles to
>giving land to any character with a family member that's already landed in the first place
Filthy casual

Better than most Paradox games, you're pretty much just restricted to Christians.

I don't understand the problem you're having with succession

Paying two hundred dollars for DLC.

>Paying for the DLC
>Not buying the base game for cheap and then pirating all the DLC
literally a casual you are

Or paying $80 for everything on a sale
Or more likely just pirating it all

I can't even take over Ireland as an Irish


>he keeps the gravelkind system
>he doesn't switch immediately to primogeniture

Attached: 1533679066814.png (300x300, 154K)

>the tedium
just push the speed up retard, if the game is boring its your fault for not being creative enough to do cool stuff.

Nobody is that stupid.

There's no reason why my heirs should receive less lands over generations

I meant nobody is stupid enough to keep Gavelkind, dummy

>Succession laws are a result of thousands of years of legacy and resulted in the death of some of the largest kingdoms in existence

>Your first leader can press a button to remove the shitty system

>play pagan
why did they make pagans OP, again?

Attached: 1542111812277.jpg (566x1024, 107K)

reminder that cream.api is your friend
buy the base game on sale, use cream.api to get the DLC

You've got to unlock late admin technology first, which means you have to wait some years until you can move to legalism

it's almost as if you're playing a video game

I'm not much of a trannyfag, but whenever I get to play as one of my daughters, then sleep around like a complete slut, pop out illegitimate babies left and right and then tyrannicaly execute everyone who opposes my rule slightly I get such a massive fucking hard-on I need to take regular pauses.

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no thanks

>playing Game of Thrones mod
>play Iron Islanders during war of the five kings
>raid and kidnap Cersei Lannister, Sansa + Arya Stark, Margaery Tyrell, Ellaria Sand and make them all my concubines
>kidnap Daenarys and make her my salt wife

Attached: file.png (304x593, 465K)

it's not a virus, I can personally attest to it. If you want to keep paying the Paradox jew money then that's your problem

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So is this going to be any good? From what little I've seen it looks like EU4, but with even more map-painting.

Devstream didn't show a single province that looked colonizable. The ancient world and you can't make colonies, only conquer? What the fuck?

Attached: file.png (460x215, 166K)

now this is ebin
well at least it's not mind-numbingly boring like EU4

i wish the Warcraft mod or any fantasy mod had deep stories delving into mysteries and masteries, like in Sunless Sea or something like that

Its the teasing of the non-communicated lewdity making you brain chug more and the power-play.

Ultimogeniture > everything else.

>play germanic pagan
>Pope constantly sends crusades after me
>Muslims are conquering Iberia
>still Crusades against me
>Muslims have moved into France
>still attacks me
>Muslims now own half of France and are moving into Italy
>I'm still the target
>Muslims are the much bigger threat than me at this point because they've been able to conquer all of the Middle East, North Africa, a good chunk of Western Europe, Southern Italy, and more
>You better believe the Pope is still attacking me

Literally the entire game has been like this. He has sent not a single Crusade against anybody else. I didn't even conquer any Christian holy sites. What the fuck man.

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>you can oppress kikes in the game
Based and redpilled

>What am I in for?

Not even 10 seconds in and this unfunny faggot is trying way too hard. I bet reddit loved this video.

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>cream api
I've been using the same dlc activator.exe since 2014, why would I use cream api?


That being the answer is amusing for some reason.

You get penalties for bullying Jews, but it's a game mechanics thing since they borrow you money and you can confiscate their property, so oppressing them without consequences would just mean free money.

I remember back when expelling the jews WAS free money. Like you'd get a slight negative opinion penalty with landed church characters, who cares. Now you get the arbitrary trait which is a bad one

But you lose it once you die? You can just expell kikes when you're 65-70 years old


They probably changed it for gameplay purposes. Before it was just free money, now it's the oh shit button with a negative so you'd only use it when you actually have to

Muslim x Catholic is OTP.

Attached: holy yuri war.png (842x1166, 1.23M)

lots of fun if you can roleplay and not always go for the most optimal minmax route

Yes you lose the trait when you die, or when you get an event that allows you to lose the trait. Honestly if you already have arbitrary you might as well let the jews return in 10 years, borrow their money and expel them instantly, and repeat that every 10 years if you already have the arbitrary trait.

You still have to deal with a tech malus while they're expelled.

Well it has mana so make of that what you will. I'm pretty sure you can colonise.

Its fun but becomes a chore
Theres only so many ways to play it, and like all of paradoxs games its a ocean wide but a puddle deep

the dev clash so far was fun

Aside from gormany and russia, literally ever other province has someone living in it, and you'll presumably have to conquer it.

I refuse to believe the ancient world had that many unified political entities in literally middle of nowhere.

Attached: firefox_2019-02-27_20-09-40.png (1245x665, 1.52M)

Damn that sucks.
As for cheese strats, i always pick the scholar focus and get shipbuilding in the 769 start earlier than the vikings themselves. It's super OP because the observatory has a fixed cost and if you build it the same day you choose the scholar focus you end the event chain at the same time you can pick another focus.

I like what I'm seeing about this game. Peacetime management with provinces, trade and noble families looks interesting.

>oh a new ancient world game, finally
>no sumer, babylon, phoenicia, assyria or akkad
As for the colonization, that would require the game to be set before greeks colonized italy and phoenicians in tunisia. Maybe the game will have some sort of migration mechanic in dlcs

Considering every game past CK2 has been varying degrees of shit - doubt it.
>March of Eagles

In what way is it OP?

Now, come on now, Stellaris is the easiest game by far. You can set up hyperlane density to hilariously low numbers and create chokeholds that let you slowly turtle your way across the galaxy like SoaSE

Antiquity without real-time battles just seems kind of shit. It works out alright with relatively boring periods of historical warfare like the Middle Ages, you don't feel like you're missing much, but when it comes to the period of time that Imperator covers I'd much rather play something like Total War.

Getting early military tech in 769 can make you easily destroy every one of your neighboors chiefs

but total war is pretty chore and the ai in battles is bad i still like total war games but i always find the games too easy and get bored really fast

it's a lot to fun to play coop

You can unlock legalism 3 in like the first 50 years (from 769) depending on how fast your rulers die. Just do scholarship focus ->investigate the strange. Nets like 400 culture points every time, and just keep Chaplin and Spymaster focused on boosting tech.

They're excellent to play with mods. Even Rome 2 is great now if you're playing with Divide et Impera. Lots of strategic depth and the AI is quite tactical.

Get Field of Glory II

Do you have italy or the papacy?
Those have the highest crusade target weight.

France is tied with germany, lotharingia.

>user mentions preferring real-time battles
>you mention a turn-based title
You okay user?

Well it does start ~500BCE, there should be plenty of colonization targets in Iberia, Sicilly, Southern Gaul/France. Sure there will have been tribes there, but most of them would not be unified enough polities to do something. What it should be is more akin to how North America looks like in EU4, with tribal people moving around and changing provinces over time, and occasionally settling down and forming tribal confederations and petty kingdoms.

You shouldn't have to send in a legion and just clap your hands, done. Rome moved into a lot of places in cisalpine gaul and southern France during their expansion, built trade posts, forts, slowly moving in people over time. The invasion of Gaul by Caesar didn't happen in a vacuum, it was very much a move to """""protect"""" roman interests in the region, eg colonial posessions they already had.

Attached: file.png (482x960, 681K)

It looks more like a map painting simulator. The dev-clash had them conquering most of the ancient world in a handful of years. Have they actually made something interesting for peacetime and country management?

>family dues in the 6000s
>random widows in my court have wealth of 15k because they've inherited the dues from one of my kinsmen

>Do you have italy or the papacy?

>Maybe the game will have some sort of migration mechanic in dlcs
It has a migration mechanic already, people have talked about how they've migrated in the dev clashes.
One guy playing as some german chief started migrating towards the steppe for horses.

Maybe they should have some actual videos describing features instead of these god-awful dev clashses of over 1 hour each, where you might catch a glimpse of a feature.

The greatest strategy game ever made.

Didn't they say it starts at 330 bc? I don't really know how to convert the date in pic related to the gregorian calendar i'm stupid. I'm just an ancient mesopotamia fag and i wish there were more games set there, or at least one.

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Attached: file.png (270x320, 85K)


Should be AUC

>well it does start 500 bce
source? from what ive seen online it seems 303 bc was the start date, id be totally hyped if i can play during the height of antiquital greece

Something like this, just a pretentious way of saying ~330 bc, he could have added the correct date there
Roman larpers use V instead of U

Attached: Arch.of.Titus-Inscription.jpg (600x143, 24K)

>tfw playing my 769-start Fraticelli Empire of Germania, waging endless war against the Catholics
>my capital is at Asperg

such a good mod.
being a pentosh lord and turning half the G.o.t cast into sex slaves.

castration for all male enemies

playing as Athens should be comfy

Attached: 170px-Sanzio_01_Plato_Aristotle.jpg (170x222, 18K)

>forgotten realms mod isn't finished yet

Attached: aji5LQ8.jpg (1920x1080, 524K)

>you can't make colonies, only conquer
Same thing


Forgotten Realms is a ded setting. It's a shame, had so much nice lore in it too.

Total War is for morons who should just stick to watching movies instead.
Management of the empire and the land is too lacking compared to grand strat or 4x, and the combat is inconsequential, takes less planning than grand strat, is less tactical than 4x and is garbage compared to rts.

It's fun

I refuse to acknowledge anything past 3e in faerûn so in my headcanon the setting is alive and well.
oh fuck, the mod would probably not ignore 4e and 5e

>still no WtWSMS update

Endless warfare.

Attached: ck2_61.png (1920x1080, 3.31M)

>Horse Archers
shame they seem to suck now

>Lets take a rich and vibrant setting
>And fucking destroy it
>Remove most things that make it unique
>And add dragonborn + tieflings because all WotC products must have dragonborn and tieflings!

fuck 4th edition it ruined so much good shit. Spellplague as a concept was not a bad idea but what they did with the world was fucking trash. It was nice that it cleaned out 90% of the writers waifus and garry stu level 30 wizards that were fucking everywhere in the world tho

They're light cavalry that deal 0 lc damage and will charge into melee, they are absolute shit

Mods like Europa Barbarorum and Divide et Impera introduce empire management that surpasses the offerings of Paradox titles while at the same time giving you control over your troops, playing Paradox games after that feels barebones

What's the best retinue?

I used a dlc activator is it as good as cream api?

When it doubt, mass skirmish retinues for cost-effectiveness

Attached: unknown-1.png (500x472, 431K)

Could you please elaborate?
From a glance, the extremely simplified map setup of Total War games with just a minor handful of settlements would by default make any realm management mechanics shallow. Could you please mention some mechanics you can find in those mods that make them that good?

If it's that one off YouTube, yes surprisingly

Make pikemen and bait enemy into attacking.

Italian Pikemen are still the best I believe. They can stack wipe armies 10x bigger than them if they are placed on a strategic hill across a river. Best all purpose is mass HI which won't deal any knockout blows or inflict heavy casualties, but will safely beat any other army around 2-3x as big as them depending on their commanders.

Defence is breddy good

Attached: 2019-01-01 13_16_24-ck2.png (492x438, 332K)

A population/social class system that ties into unit recruitment availability. Supply lines that affect unit attrition/reinforcement rate. A sanitation system that affects public order and chances of plague outbreaks which ties into your population system and army recruitment. A variety of traits to choose for your generals that affect management depending on where you deploy them.

Seems like it is Bedouin/Levantine/Egyptian Camels under 75%, thinned out with Ethiopian/Somalian Light Infantry or Tibetan Light Infantry/light Cat.

Under 75% so you can avoid disorganized harass. And you want to thin them out with Light Infantry without archers to avoid bad archer tactics like volley, so standard light skirms aren't what you want.

Scottish pikes with 1% archers from a standard defense retinue for shield wall are up there.
Baltic or Norse with 1% archers from standard shock retinue for shield wall are also up there.

Hussars and other light cav retinues should be pretty good too when thinned out like camels, but still worse than camels.

nomad south/west europe capital can get pure knights and I think those should be better than the ones I've already listed, but not sure.
Then there are the animal ones that are crazy.

It is awesome. The first time I played it I spent six hours just staring at the economics section. Yes I am autistic. Nonetheless, I still thinkCK2 is the most autistic of all the Paradox games because the role playing aspect (the proper way to play the game) pushes it over the edge.

Satanic Orgies and sacrificing illegitimate daughters to increase my dark powers. Good times.

>I'm probably on a list now.

Wait, I thought all the hate towards later editions was because of mechanical changes. Did they actually change the setting a lot or something? I've only played 5e and Pathfinder, the latter would be a great setting if it weren't so over the top.

Someone recommend to start with this if I want to get into Paradox games. Is it easy enough?

EU4 and Stellaris are easier I think, at least I picked both of them up in under 3 hours while CK2 took me a couple weeks to really get all the details down.

It's the easiest, in the sense that even if you do badly you can still have fun while learning the ropes on the way down.
If you suck at EUIV you just straight up lose territory and power, and the less of those you have, the less enjoyable the game is.

Eu4 and CK2 are both about the same in difficulty. EU4 may be easierthugh easier since the perspective is from the state and has better fleshed out UI. CK2 is more unintuitive.

Some mechanics have to be tied to the lore, like a race if it is included.
They added a dragonborn continent in 4e, they weren't a thing there or an extremely rare thing before. I think dragonborn/draconians/dragonfolk were ni other d&d settings, but not in faerun.

iirc, in 4e they removed the NotAmerica continent of maztica, and replaced it with a dragonborn continent. They went back on that for 5e I think though and said people were only mistaken, maztica is still there and the dragonborn was in another location.

With every edition some changes to settings are expected, moving history forward, but some changes are bigger than others and change more than others.

>imperator rome
>ends when the first imperator gets in power
why didn't they call it republic rome if you only play the roman republic?

republics are gay

They all have a bit of a steep beginning, but they're not that hard once you get a hang of things.

Ck2 is a bit steeper in the beginning than eu4 I think, there's more stuff that will have severe consequences because you misunderstood something, or the AI did something you didn't know was possible.
Like when you declear a holy war against an unreformed pagan, and when you're at 99% war score, and the war ends inconclusively all of a sudden, because he decided to convert to your religion.
You can start with ck2 if you want though, but I think eu4 is a bit easier at the beginning. Eu4 has more depth when it comes to playing against other players though.

EU4's challenging starts are much more difficult than CK2's challenging starts.

I see, thanks for the explanation. I'm kind of amused that dragonborn and tieflings caused such a stir when those were my favorite two races, but it makes sense if they tried to obliterate older settings to make room for them.