Is far cry 4 still good after playing 5? I don't know what I'll do without Jess and Boomer. Otherwise I'll just get primal
Is far cry 4 still good after playing 5? I don't know what I'll do without Jess and Boomer...
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Primal is better than 4
Far Cry 4, is peak generic Far Cry.
FC5 fixed a lot of the problems from the previous games (not having to climb and disable dozens of towers, removal of some of the more painfully repetitive missions) So... you're really just playing for the villian and that's it, if you decide to.
4 is better than 5 in almost every single way
It's literally the same game. They all are. I think they're garbage but if you liked 5 you'll probably like 4 as well.
1-3 is all you need. After that it' s just new location + 1 new mechanic.
Don' t bother.
Check out 3 if you haven't played it OP. 4 was kinda meh. Not awful, but didn't do anything 3 hadn't done, and I'd ague 3 is the better game. More memorable at least.
Yeah it's great. Proabbyl my favorite of the "new" style FC games.
>Primal is better than 4
kill yourself
Is 5 better than new dawn?
i've tried to play new dawn twice in the past few days and i've uninstalled it after a few hours both times, it's such a horrible fuckinggame.
blood dragon is the only good one
3, Blood, 4, Primal, 5, and New Dawn are all the same fucking game.
4 has
>better story
>better characters
>better weapons
>better locations
>better missions
>better equipment
>better DLCs
>clever twist (by ubisoft standards)
The only thing 5 does better is grafix and a slightly better gunplay, everything else is a straight downgrade
Pagan Min is probably my second favorite villain after Joseph. It's a good game but 5 is probably my favorite because of the setting and soundtrack. the game play is basically the same, for better or for worse
God tier intro and ending with pretty good gameplay,nothing you wouldnt expect from a far cry game.without spoiling anything the way story progress is structured is also pretty cool because you can move the story forward by just doing shit youd do anyways.only complaints are that your arsenal is on the smaller side and sone forced story bits that can pull you right out of gameplay.
5 has much better map and activities. The prepper stashes are better than any of the shitty side activities in 4.
kino intro
loved 5, hated new dawn for the most. But the gameplay is basically the same.
I enjoyed the gameplay in new dawn enough, hated the crafting shit though, the writing was unbearable, every character speaks like a cartoon character. Is it like that in 5?
FC5 has less rpg lite elements, it has no leveled enemies or guns for example. Instead of crafting guns you can buy them and also customize them.
There is still crafting, but not to the extent of ND. You just craft enhancer drugs and medkits.
The story is slightly more grounded, the writing is pretty inconsistent in far cry games in general but some of the sections of FC5 are pretty well done.
I thought it was incredibly based how Joseph is a protagonist and you ally with him, but the villains sucked ass. The gameplay was fun though, expeditions were pretty cool.
Sounds much better, i'll give it a try.
My pc is making straining noises when playing far cry 5, not experiencing it with any other game so far, what gives?
Really annoying to listen to.
>Far Cry 2 has Dylan's Mod
>Far Cry 3 has Ziggy's Mod
>Far Cry 4 has Immersion Mod
>Far Cry 5 has nothing?
Why is this?
I never finished a Far Cry game after 3 since it's all been the same copy-pasted shit since that game.
It's also a shit FPS.
never (You) me again smartass
@452603402 (You)
5 is much better than New Dawn. It has a more serious tone and the atmosphere makes you feel like you're exploring the Montana countryside.
i dropped it midway, i can't stand the chink+poo culture