This is over 6 years old & somehow is still completely accurate
This is over 6 years old & somehow is still completely accurate
Other urls found in this thread:
Clearly DMC has the worst fanbase cuz it didn't like the reboot
If you unironically banned Sony fans, Wojaks & Pepe’s from this board. It would be actually good, all of the console war faggotry & shitposting Sony fans who are Seething at Nintendo’s attention & popularity. Every other fanbase in that picture is relatively fine since they actually like their games, whereas Snoy fans only exist to live with Nintendo rent free in their head due to their massive victim complex
This needs an update. Halo, CoD, Uncharted, Rare and Bioware are not relevant anymore.
>valve beating nintendo these days
>xbox fans existing
needs to be redone
The best part was the fact that sonyfags tried to ballot stuff the results and if they were allowed to get away with it, they'd have had Xbox win.
The winner is still the same sonyfag.
This doesn't need a revote.
nowadays it would be sony and nintendo fighting it in the final round (if they were on different brackets)
sorry poorfaggot i have no allegiance to one company so i can play all the games i want
i own all current gen shit :^)
This. I've honestly never seen a Sony/PS thread on here that was ever decent. Every single time it's them just posting 'le epic grinning yellow man with teh blue beanie xD' and showing off their superiority complexes.
>The winner is still the same sonyfag.
Not really, in these last years both Nintendofags and Smashfags have proven to be more obnoxious than Sonyfags but for different reasons
Blizzard would be way farther if not immediately up against with PlayStation.
The irony of this post is baffling
there were recently 2 votings to see which fandom was the worst in Yea Forums
Both times Sonyfags won as worst fanbase twice, but Nintenfags got second.
So while the other placements need updating, Sony will still be #1 for the time being.
Keep seethibg, you just proved my point Snoy cuck
>no mention of Sony at all
>Meanwhile in reality Nintendofags literally cannot stop spaming smash and pokeshit.
Valve beating Nintendo made sense at the time, remember the constant Valve dicksucking?
Tough to do another poll like this though, there would be duplicate votes out the ass.
> Talking about their games that they like
> Sony fans literally have nothing of value & resort to constant crying, shitposting & trying to get their literal Who characters into Smash as a way to keep them relevant
You faggots are still Assmad about Joker BTFO’ing you at the VGA’s
itt: Obsessed Nintenc.ucks
>Talking about their games that they like
Yeah Steve and Grinchposting its totally videogame related
Also love how you have to resort to making shit up just to seethe at Sony for no reason
Fire emblem deserves semifinals with that particular bracket setup.
They are video games, Nintendo has the most popular franchises in gaming history. Obviously people will discuss them whenever a new game is announced, exact same thing happenes with every new mainline Final Fantasy game that gets revealed. But Snoygerrs never cry about that since it’s not exclusive to Nintendo & can be used for console war shitposting
Spaming HE’S IN is not videogames.
Is this how you behave in real life? Do you live constantly upset that Sony exists?
Nintendo fans are slowly losing their grip on reality.
Look at this post and tell me, unironically, that anal vore was worst that this post.
Rent free
>valve worse than nintendo
>halo worse than fire emblem
>xbox or uncharted having a fanbase
Yes, Nintendofags live with Sony in their heads rent free
The reason is, there's no genuine reason for anyone to be a 'fan' of Sony. Of course, it's pathetic to be a devotee to any big company, but at least the company reps for Nintendo have a great public image and they manage their brand well. You can be a fan of traditionally Playstation-held IPs like Metal Gear Solid, Sly, Ape Escape, Uncharted, and so on, but you'd have to be the dumbest of fanboys to get any clout about being a 'Playstation fan'.
Look at it this way: We have Switch threads often. Why? It's simple: Switch owners tend to be pretty similar. The console's big selling point is Nintendo's first-party IPs, and if you like one of them, you probably like a lot, which explains why they would associate with each other. Same thing happened with the Vita, because almost all of those guys enjoy weeb games. Now, this is pointless for PS4 because it's a jack of all trades console. You get it for multiplats, or for generic Sony exclusives, or for Bloodborne, or for active fighting game communities, or for rhythm game ports, but not for all of the above. That's why a rational Sony fan does not exist - the level-headed ones don't care about Sony, they just know it's a platform for whatever. The real reason alleged Sony fans are so cancerous is because those people really just latch onto it as a way to bash Nintendo and start flame wars, since it's incredibly easy and gets a lot of shitposting mileage. All console war shit is stupid, obviously, but Sony fans are the worst because they have no real thing in common, so when they band together it's just to trash on other fanbases. That's why they're the worst. I've always preferred games on Sony consoles by the way, it's just the truth.
Uhh... based
A lot of autism spent of an empty statement that doesnt reflect reality at all
I'd buy a Switch but not for the 1st party but for the 3rd party exclusives like Bayo and SMT
I'd buy PS system because there's Japanese games that entice me
Literally all xbox threads start with a snoy OP.
But those are falseflagging Nintendo fans so i guess your post is technically right.
You're in the minority then. For every one of you, there are dozens more who get a Switch just for those first-party Nintendo titles.
>Fire Emblem gets a slot but Smash Bros doesn't
>Pokemon isn't in, neither is Overwatch
need to be updated desu
Did you cry when GOW won goty?
I dont give a fuck about the majority and neither should you
This needs a serious update since you dont see smash bros or pokemon there
Smash spam vs Anal vore spam
I'd take anal vore which is an universal thing rather than Steve/Geno/DQ/etc/fags who are screeching for wanting their character to be in their retarded party game
Someone explain how Smash Bros didn't make the list but BioWare and Uncharted did
>Overwatch existing 6 years ago
Based retard
Keep seething you literally just proved his point
Success breeds jealousy
>it would feel better on Switch
>port it to switch
>i will wait for the switch version
>this needs to be on switch
Excuse me but I've been reading the same lines over and over again on different sites. They are worst that PC users.
Not really. Just admit you are pained in your asshole about your fan base being dog shit
Good taste
You guys do realise the mass majority of console war shitposting such as anal voring spam is done by a dedicated discord group that just wants to wreck Yea Forums any way they can?
All of those sales come from Multiplats, Sony has no system sellers & hasn’t since they started making consoles in 1996
>lacking the reading comprehension to see that i ended my post with "needs to be updated"
Not even based, you're just a retard
Seek help, you’re not ok.
I mean it's not completely accurate any more. Bioware/Blizzard/Rare/LoL fans don't exist on this board any more
This was before Awakening had fully set in and made the fanbase into a total shitstorm.
Prove me wrong instead of crying & using buzzwords
Are there any actual Valve fans left? The whole "praise gaben" thing is almost entirely gone from Yea Forums.
>completely accurate
>smash isnt even on there
Are you ok buddy? Why are you so obsessed with Sony?
Not really, Just admit you are pained in your asshole about your fan base being dog shit
After they started with the sjw shit I lost all faith in them, I even hope EGS and Origins get better so I can leave Steam someday.
Almost the entire catalogue is filled with /vp/ non-vidya content.
This happens almost every day with Smash threads too.
Anyone who still believes Nintendo isn’t the worst cancer on Yea Forums is simply a delusional hardcore Nintendo fanatic.
Jannies will purge DMCV threads telling you to go to /vg/ but allow 30+ garbage HE’S IN OH NONONO threads at the same time.
r/pcmasterrace exists
Its very obvious that Nintendo thing should will never win on a board infested with Nintenchildren
>valve better than anything
Its not even close to accurate. You could almost inverse the entire thing to make it close to 100% right
Why are Nintendo fans so obsessed with Sony?
I'd be upset too if I created my biggest competitor who in the blink of an eye took my spot at the top
It's not even close to accurate as the worst fanbases are easily Bliizdrones and Souls fans.
They somehow believe they'd get the whole japanese market if Sony was to disappear instead of getting five year old ports for their underpowered machine.
Hating on sonic is such a tired meme at this point. At least their autism was entertaining and is now self aware, and never spammy and unfunny cringeworthy shit like nintendo fans spew these days. Literally just asshurt nintendies still seething over the basedhog even though the 90s ended 20 years ago. It legit has no right being the 2nd to worst fanbase
Because Sony tried to backstab Nintendo with the SNES-CDROM
Other way around, Nintendo had Sony build add-on device for snes then never finalized deal Sony released modified version as their own console to recoup losses from development
No, Sony sneakily tried to word the contract in a way that gave them all the software profits for SNES-CDROM games (and it's even rumored give them control over Nintendo's IPs to an extent). Only when Nintendo abandoned Sony did they rework it into the PS1
Never heard this before, and I’ve read lots of Sony / Nintendo bickering
Why do you think Sony went public before the partnership was even settled? It was to strongarm Nintendo into agreeing with their contract. Imagine if Nintendo proudly announced that the Switch would be built on Tegra before Nvidia even signed the contract.
Ok reread some crap, looks like Nintendo just didn’t like the contract gave too much to Sony, but Nintendo contracted Sony to develop it and Sony did all the work then Nintendo canceled deal at last second and made those abomination philips games instead, so you’re partially right. but Nintendo still screwed Sony hard and they could have been best buds with Sony and ruled supreme, instead now they’re getting their nuts stomped on
If you ban Snoy fans, Wojaks and Pepe's would automatically be gone by association.
>studios/brands on one side
>series on the other side
Shit bracket
Needs more Mega Man
>instead now they’re getting their nuts stomped on
Playstation would probably win even more easily these days and Bioware would win against Xbots because there a none left.
Ahh yes, a board that has heavy bias towards Nintendo and is the most anti Sony place on the internet hates Sony. I guess we should ask /r/pcmr what they're favorite platform is. Fucking retarded pedophile.
The most insufferable faggots on the board are nintendorks and PCredditors. Sony isn't very far behind.
to be fair the reboot was a bad game
DMCfags are worst on this very moment. It is the only fanbase in history that justify micrtransactions in singleplayer game
>no Pokemon
>the very fanbase that got a fucking containment board
Clearly Platinum would take the number one spot today
I vehemently hate the Nintendo fanbase because the autism is off the charts. Sony is elitist, xbawks is retarded dudebro but Nintendo? Pure fucking autism on a LARGE scale and somehow everyone accepts it.
Just like giving Pokemon its own board will keep discussing there? kek
This. Just look at all the fucking Pokemon threads on Yea Forums right now even though they have their own fucking board.
Despite all of the shitty wojak spam and edits sonyggrs put out, nintendofags are still the worst
And I could pull up some graph where Sony is on top like hardware sales, they could have worked together... Nintendo should have tried harder to make deal with final contract, all those final fantasy games, metal gear, and other franchises could have been nintendo’s all this time, Nintendo could have become a complete monopoly like windows for PCs if they only could have worked it out and Nintendo didn’t behave like babies and do ces show surprise announcement partnership w philips that must have infuriated Sony and lead nowhere
How are you still not disillusioned by brand wars?
we did it reddit!
I feel like this "fanbase" gook was created by a very asshurt user because these games are better than most.
>And I could pull up some graph where Sony is on top like hardware sales
You mean something utterly arbitrary that isn't in any way indicative of financial success? Third party franchises are barely relevant, a third party sale is worth like 1/6th of a first party sale.
Nintendo's way of doing business is inherently anti-third party. The second someone offered a console where Nintendo doesn't hog the entire ecosystem third parties would've left. If not Sony it would've been Microsoft.
90% of shitposters a sonÿggers. They are destroying the site.
I hate Sonÿggers so god damn much.
>90% of shitposters a sonÿggers
user who do you think made this thread?
Now you’re just being dumb, Sony trounces Nintendo and Microsoft in game division profits
entire board is filled with pokecrap and autismtendo threads
Most recent poll here on Yea Forums
4th gen had Sega(in the west) and NEC(in Japan) competing pretty well with Nintendo, although both blew it in 5th gen.
Do you not know the difference between revenue and profit?
Uncharted has a fandom? Yea Forums laughs at Nate's superhuman feats, but other than console warring Uncharted is just a shiny toy.
X-Box over Bioware is the only wrong one.
I find it hard to believe that Sony lost to Sonic and Halo lost to FE
No Metroid. Shit poll. ACfag, brapping, 2D/Prime, AM2R, chimps. I
It's a normalfag product like fifa. I'm sure there are "people" who would call themselves uncharted fans.
Since this is a vote for the worst fanbase, the actual worst fanbase and the fanbase with the most shitty people would be the ones to turn out and vote. Those are the fags that care about this console war nonsense.
If Yea Forums voted Nintendo to be the worst fanbase it would show that Yea Forums is full of shitty Sony fans, but since Yea Forums voted Sony to be the worst fanbase it actually shows that Yea Forums is full of shitty Nintendo fans.
While there are still a lot of pc players on Yea Forums, that fanbase has really dialed it down over the past few years. I don't see very much console war shit posting from pc players except when a new emulator or a popular console game comes out on pc. The X-Box fanbase pretty much doesn't exist.
>bracket instead of round robin
absolutely disgusting
How are these supposed to actually prove anything? All they show is which group of screaming monkeys is bigger.
Obviously Sony would win because this is Yea Forumsintendo.
For all the sonyqueers hating on this, the reason is that sony negros just shitpost about Nintendo (make images, thread against their games, etc.), while ninteniggers at least talk about their games.
what the fuck is a sony?
This was before FE went to shit with even more focus on waifushit and gacha, and Halo still had a semblance of a presence.
>nintendo got 2nd place
okay chief
This. I'd rather this board be flooded with He's in threads that actually talk about the game, than thread about golden face and anal vore.
This doesnt work when whenever a huge Sony exclusive its about to come out(TLOU, Horizon, GOW) everyone(mostly nintendofags) do their damnest to shit on the game and find any flaw possible
How did Fire Emblem not get anywhere? We are the worst.
>Sonyfans vote Nintendo
>Nintendofans vote Sony
I was going to say something mean to you user, but your daily life must be enough of a struggle as it is. Stay strong retard-kun.
Honestly, PC fags shit a lot on Sony exclusives so it's dishonest to say those are mostly nintendo fags.
Fucking based! I love Sonybros!
Success breeds jealousy. Stay obsessed.
It really depends on the game
BB had a lot of PCfag shitposting
But there's cases when even multiplat games get a massive hate campaign just because its not on a Nintendo system, like MHW