Conclusion (read: Death) of the Fair Price Package program

On March 31st we are going to discontinue the Fair Price Package program. Let us explain the reasoning behind this decision.

>We came up with Fair Price Package (FPP) as a way to make up the price difference between various countries. Some games on GOG.COM have regional pricing, meaning the price of the same game in one place can be higher compared to its price in North America. In countries where the game is more expensive, we give users the equivalent of the price difference in GOG Wallet funds. In actual numbers, on average, we give users back 12% of the game price from our own pocket. In some cases, this number can reach as high as 37%.

>In the past, we were able to cover these extra costs from our cut and still turn a small profit. Unfortunately, this is not the case anymore. With an increasing share paid to developers, our cut gets smaller. However, we look at it, at the end of the day we are a store and need to make sure we sell games without a loss.

>Removing FPP is not a decision we make lightly, but by making this change, we will be able to offer better conditions to game creators, which — in turn — will allow us to offer you more curated classic games and new releases. All DRM-free.

But Yea Forums assured me GoG was serious competition to Steam...

Turns out, Epic Store is the only real competition to Steam

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Well, shit happens.

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"shit" meaning GoG

everything is fine guys!

-Gogstar Runner

>Turns out, Epic Store is the only real competition to Steam

YIKES! I'm sure Tencent will keep taking 17% forever am I right? It's not like Fortnite money is already ruining dry after Apex legends.

1 month Fortnite money it's just pocket money compared to the money Tencent gets a weekend in China.


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>caters to the developers
>consumers suffer
reminder that the industry only wants your profit, videogame companies will turn on you if that means they please their shareholders. fuck epic store for setting this trend and fuck gog for following it

Everyone who isn't Steam will be truly fucked, as they're too small to be able to stand on their principles. Also, does Steam have a similar program to this one?

RIP Steam's regional pricing...

yet valve is getting compleatly shat on by developers, "journos", resetera trannys, reddit for sticking to their 30% cut.

and for some reason all of these greedy fucks seem to have forgotten how much retail takes in their cut, 30% is a fucking steal

They're ultimately a business, not a charity. If their supplier asks for a larger cut, the business needs to charge more to make a profit.

seriously I really hate this fucking narrative that epic created with "muh developers" because first of all as it turns out the stores do provide services, and the more you push that revenue the more they become unsustainable and worse for the consumer as a result, and let me just add a little reminder here that all the "toxic review" folks are the same faggot devs that cried about losing profits when refunds became a thing on steam

second, and not really that discussed from what I've seen is where do people even get this idea that a bigger cut = more money = better games? like this is such mental gymnastics and it baffles me how widespread this belief is, like firsts of all there are publishers and they take the bulk of the profits but even disregarding that for self published titles by the "small guys" how about we look at the facts from the biggest example of "money = better games" being false: Kikestarter, I mean think about all the high profile failures, it seems like the more money a kickstarter project gets, the more likely is to implode and crumble under it's own weight, while much more humble projects like A Hat in Time, DIstance and Hollow Knight turn out to be successes because they actually worked with the limitations they were given

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Canadacucks are going to freak.

they still have regional pricing but who knows for how long...

the videogame industry is one of the most lucrative in the entertainment world, ffs it's bigger than hollywood. aaa companies make billions yet they are constantly pushing anticonsumer practices: mtx, gacha and lootboxes, day 1 dlc, season pass, preorders, paid mods, etc. they dont want that 18% share because they are some crippled bussiness trying to stay afloat, they want it to appease their brainless shareholders that want money now or else go into an autistic fit because there isnt enough growth

>where do people even get this idea that a bigger cut = more money = better games?

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I think devs should be paid for hard work, I don't know about you breh

>but who knows for how long
The problem here is not the regional pricing. Was the fact that GOG covered the difference between the USA price and the European one with their own pockets. They can't afford it anymore.
>mtx, gacha and lootboxes, day 1 dlc, season pass, preorders, paid mods, etc.
The only people responsable for these things are the gamers that buy them.

>But Yea Forums assured me GoG was serious competition to Steam...
>Turns out, Epic Store is the only real competition to Steam
But I actually use GoG, unlike Epic. are the only store fronts I'll ever need because they all cover different things. The epic store is entirely redundant, its just steam but worse

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What about Humble Bundle?

>seriously I really hate this fucking narrative that epic created with "muh developers" because first of all as it turns out the stores do provide services, and the more you push that revenue the more they become unsustainable and worse for the consumer as a result

If GoG can't afford it, why did they promise this feature?

They could afford it with a 70/30 cut.

六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989

they could afford it but they can't anymore because of their bigger cut to devs which is why they're retiring the program, learn to read based retard

thats just a place to buy steam games, I don't really use it as a place to store them. I do like it though, Humble Monthly ended up being a great value, I don't think I've been let down by it once since they started it

>But Yea Forums assured me GoG was serious competition to Steam...
percentage gog steam is 5%:95%

They have lots of DRM-free games and, while not like in the past, several bundles are 100% DRM-free.

>the difference between the USA price and the European one
the main targets for this practice were 3rd world countries and places with a shitty currency like india, canada or australia. europeans shouldnt be worried because of this

>The only people responsable for these things are the gamers that buy them.
how retarded can you be, the developers create and implement toxic practices that try to take advantage of the average consumer yet it isnt their fault? mtx, gacha and lootboxes are added to a game in order to exploit gambling addiction but somehow the developers are saints that care about the consumer

>and let me just add a little reminder here that all the "toxic review" folks are the same faggot devs that cried about losing profits when refunds became a thing on steam

Yeah like that epic fail game Devotion amirite guys?

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>They could afford it with a 70/30 cut.

So keep the 70/30 cut

>take a few edge cases about bugs being bugs or fans being pissed at a companies decisions
>that somehow means ALL reviews are worthless
sure would be nice to know how the fuck your brain operates under that bizarre logic user

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Third world countries will still going to get cheaper games, retard.
>In countries where the game is more expensive [than in North America], we give users the equivalent of the price difference in GOG Wallet funds.
>somehow the developers are saints that care about the consumer
I don't say they care, I just say that people who buy these things incentivates them to keep them adding. If no one would buy it and it actually hurt their earnings, they would stop.

>how retarded can you be, the developers create and implement toxic practices that try to take advantage of the average consumer yet it isnt their fault?
They create practices like that because retards are buying into it. It is 100% consumer fault, no one is holding gun to their heads and forcing them bo more retarded every year.

Mindless virtue signaling from a company with no business sense

one of the biggest boons for a business selling American-made products (software or not) is benefiting from favorable exchange rates.

they might have incorrectly thought that the lower prices would increase demand from third-worldians or that the positive PR from the stunt was worth the hit, but now they've just embarrassed themselves by walking it back

Should be reversed, considering pic related

>Epic targeted gamers......

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>the developers create and implement toxic practices that try to take advantage of the average consumer yet it isnt their fault?
It's really not. Yes, the devs should be held accountable for capitalizing on it, but it's ultimately the consumers at fault for creating that need in the first place and then buying into it without a second thought. "Think before you buy" isn't exactly a thought process reserved for geniuses.

>just vote with your wallet!

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They can't now, thanks to Discord and Epic.
They only paid money to people who paid more than Americans.
Fuck off to /leftypol/.

>Updates for games with actual content either come late or don't come at all
>Sell old shitty games in DOSBOX for like 10 bucks which the original devs will never see a cent of
>Have none of the latest releases besides indies or niche genres like classic CRPGs (oh and Witcher/Cyberpunk 2077 whenever that's ready)

Why are people surprised that GoG isn't doing well again?

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But this doesn't mean Valve cares about the Epic Store at all. Nice try, Li Wong.

>Valve Says It's 'Unfair' That Metro Exodus Is Exclusive To Epic Store


>Sell old shitty games in DOSBOX for like 10 bucks which the original devs will never see a cent of
this is something I'll never understand, why not just pirate that shit, I see so many people looking at the stories of them hunting down rights holders or whatever and then re-releasing shit so that they can "finally buy them" like why does it even matter at that point? you hit the nail in the head, the devs wont see a cent of it so why should I care or feel any moral obligation to line some companies' pockets? fuck those kikes

>Company spends MILLIONS to scummily buy one-year exclusivity rights for a game that was slated for release in less than two weeks
>After it had received marketing in the form of a steam page and wishlists and preorders for MONTHS on end
>Haha look they said (not did) something about it that means they care!!

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>With an increasing share paid to developers, our cut gets smaller.
Why are GOG even paying a bigger share to "developers"? Do they really think F-15 Strike Eagle II from 1989 is going to be taken off GOG and put on the Epic store if they don't give the "developers" a bigger slice of the earnings?

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>>They can't now, thanks to Discord and Epic.
>Mentioning Discord

Guess you aren't an anti-Epic Steam shill

If you give a bigger cut to, let's say, Bethesda and not to the only old Capcom game they have, they will be rightfully called hypocrites and will leave the service and the snowball will get bigger.
I'm no shill of anyone.

>Third world countries will still going to get cheaper games, retard.
>On March 31st we are going to discontinue the Fair Price Package
learn to read faggot

still shifting the blame to the consumer. the source of the problem are the developers, it wouldnt exist if they didnt implement these practices in the first place. just as the consumer chooses to buy into it, the dev has the choice to not sell it. your argument just reinforces the idea that the industry only cares about profit

and dont even get me started about how they try to exploit vulnerable people, like addicts or children

>learn to read faggot
You have to, imbecile.
>So, if you buy a game for 40 Euro (so roughly 45 USD), but the same game costs 40 USD in the United States and most other regions, we give you the 5 USD difference back, in store credit.
Nothing about third worlders, cunt.
>the dev has the choice to not sell it
Most indies don't. Support them and not to the average AAA game.
>the industry only cares about profit
No shit Sherlock. Since gaming went mainstream, it's all about squeezing all the money possible.
Fault of the parents by not controlling what their offspring does play.

But steam already gives bigger cuts to more successful games.

Don't mind the unironically paid poster calling you a shill, user. He's merely trying to sculpt the narrative that Steam hires people to promote them, in an attempt to drag them down to Epic's level. What Chuang will never understand, is that people willingly support platforms they like when faced with inferior competition that uses backhanded tactics to gain in market share, despite offering less features and being worse in general; both morally and from a technical standpoint.

>the idea that the industry only cares about profit
They are not fucking charitiy, of course the only care for profit. Stop shifting blame from people to some BIG EVIL CORPORATE or BIG GOV.

Fair enough.

On the other hand, Steam has more power of leverage.

GOG pretty much owns the market for commercial abandonware.

That won't stop Origin, Humble Bundle, Discord, Zoom Platform (specialized on old games, BTW), Epic and Steam from accepting old games.

Thank Epic for opening the floodgates for console wars on PC. Exclusivity does not benefit the consumer at all.

And regular games aren't only on steam either.


>But steam already gives bigger cuts to more successful games.

Disincentivizing indies and rewarding AAA pubs

You need $5 million for 25% and $10 million for 20%

are you implying EGS has customers? lol

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I don't really find the "exclusivity" thing as problematic as the predatory pricing Epic is trying to pull here.

The last one they did was that shit format that didn't give you enough time to even talk about the games. They need to bring back the comfy version, with literal flying shelves and all.

Just use a Russian VPN to buy games at the cheapest prices in the world.
Why would someone care for the FPP?

>Fair Price Package is a form of store credit, which we give back when you buy a regionally priced game that is more expensive in your region, compared to most other regions.
this is the general statement, the shit you are citing is just an example they give of the program. go practice reading comprehension faggot

>Support them and not to the average AAA game
>Since gaming went mainstream, it's all about squeezing all the money possible
we dont disagree here

>Fault of the parents by not controlling what their offspring does play
i dont disagree either but it isnt as simple as you put it, unfortunately many parents are tech illiterate so they dont know that their children could empty their accounts while playing some mobile game

you can care about profit and at the same time have some morals or love for videogames, these arent mutually exclusive. you are retarded if you think it's so black and white

nice strawman, ofc the aaa industry isnt controlled by the illuminate elite. however when anticonsumer practices become the norm everyone tries to implement them, there is a choice to be made by the devs before it affects the consumers and because of that the blame lies on them

>ofc the aaa industry isnt controlled by the illuminate elite
Tencent is controlled by the CCP, that's more than close enough.

It's not predatory pricing if it should be the standard.

> redundant steam
not even close
it's worse than that STILL

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the way epic presented exclusivity poses little problems now but it has the potential to become a huge conflict in the future

>which we give back when you buy a regionally priced game that is more ---expensive--- in your region, compared to most other regions.
Something that will never happen with thirld worlders.
Not even Epic thinks it's sustainable everywhere.
How so?

>you can care about profit and at the same time have some morals or love for videogames, these arent mutually exclusive. you are retarded if you think it's so black and white
And gog did that, but they are close to not make any profit at all. If you have time to cry about it, do it in epic thread and to fortnite zoomers because they are the cause for this situation.

that's a shill, he's paid by the post

Reminder uPlay, Origin, Humble Bundle, Fanatical, and Bethesda Launcher don't have user reviews

What features does Epic have?

Wait, they did? I completely missed it, the flying shelves are some of the best threads on Yea Forums

anyone I disagree with is a paid shill! well then tiananmen square 1989 to you too faggot

if your game is more expensive because of regional taxes then it affects you too imbecile. take brasil as an example, where it is cheaper to fly to another country and buy a game/console than to buy locally. or did you seriously think they were having a 37% loss between dollars and euro?

>How so?
>>they are just timed exclusives, they are even cheaper!
>>they are just full exclusives, they are even cheaper!
>>they are just full exclusives, it's the same price but our platform is free!
>>this game is fully exclusive in our platform, and we are making it more expensive because you cant buy it anywhere else lol
thats how monopolies start

refer to i put the blame on epic for starting the trend and the devs for crying about it. im not ok with gog doing it but i can understand

I, for one, welcome the upcoming StoreWars and the damage they will do to PC gaming. Hopefully within a decade the market will collapse and all the hipsters, AAA companies and shitty indie devs will fuck off to other pastures so only those truly passionate about making great games will stick around. In the meantime I will continue to play pretty much everything for free.
pirates always win

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Yeah, it was either on a fixed timer or in small batches of copies optimized for quick sale, I forget. But it killed it. Which is stupid, because I (and I'm sure others) still haven't played the tons of games I was coaxed, shilled or dared into snatching just because of those threads.

>take brasil as an example, where it is cheaper to fly to another country and buy a game/console than to buy locally
You don't take into account that GOG sells cheapers in Brazil regardless of taxes, stupid fuck.

>they are just timed exclusives, they are even cheaper!
>they are just full exclusives, they are even cheaper!
>they are just full exclusives, it's the same price but our platform is free!
>this game is fully exclusive in our platform, and we are making it more expensive because you cant buy it anywhere else lol
Don't buy it?

OP, this is at least the fourth thread you've made with the exact same pic and copy. Not even counting all the other asinine console wars faggotry you've posted before. Do you think we're a bunch of chumps you bitch ass spammer?

Why the fuck does everyone and his mother want a cut from the PC market when it's already pretty small compared to consoles?