*kills melee*

*kills melee*

Attached: Under Night.jpg (1280x720, 169K)

Other urls found in this thread:

mediafire.com/file/e310zzwwyhmw0cw/Lord El Melloi II Case Files Volume 1.pdf


More like inbreed, weeb.

Under Night In-scrot Exe Bin Laden T Alpha Super Turbo

>they named their game under night in-birth
What did they mean by this?


seething smelly smashfag

what is it with all these games/vn/whathever and wei;rd [fu]cking na:mes like {this}

Is everyone playing this shit on PS4 because it's basically a ghost town on Steam


If I want to get into this game, do I have to buy it on steam or is it like that other anime fighting game when you absolutely don't buy it on steam but download it instead elsewhere?

*logo owns logo epic bl*cktwitter dbz style*

Attached: 58D13488-B46B-4485-A2DA-A8AA9834EAD4.jpg (1445x2176, 544K)

You buy it anywhere you want then you scout trannies on discord to play with you
then drop the game when you realize it is shit

>double digits playercount
Anime is saved!

Attached: amazin.png (339x420, 65K)

it/s a we;eb [th]ing -- (YOU) x wouldn;t UN:derstand.

they got no nose

Can you wavedash? Spike shine? Wombp combo? Knee? Uptilt? 4 stock?

>saturday game killing anything

Attached: 1551283137362.jpg (1200x675, 168K)

Okay you tranny-obessed guy, but I'm not interested in discord shit, only matchmaking

I got into fighting games with Street Fighter V in 2016 and I'd love to play this game, but I don't like the dumbly long combos despite how everyone is like "Bro it's all about neutral"

Inbreeding is exclusively Japanese.

Which game will he front at the Evo?

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 21K)

enjoy finding games with a double digit playerbase then lmao

Everyone plays in lobbies so you won't see much people on random or even open lobbies sadly, gotta find people to play with

When we going to get melty blood remake or whatever fighting game based off typemoon, they can make one easily from FGO characters alone but no just putting PNG into the game generates you an entire bank to the point u don't even bother doing anything but adding more shit into FGO

Sound comfy, perfect for me

That guy is not kidding, user. You better start installing discord if you want if you want to play anime fighters. You also better start liking trannies since they are full of them

Even just going by steam charts. There's only like 80 people playing or some shit

I'm just happy samsho is getting at least one year

Attached: samsho.webm (720x404, 2.92M)

Matchmaking doesn't exist if you aren't playing Tekken, SC or SFV.
If you are planning on playing literally any anime game, you gotta network with people through discord.


Is "discord games" a new term for you?
If so, enjoy the vast diverse genre of anime fighting games lmao

Since when did SNK figure out how to use shaders

So is this a /r/kappa thread?

Can someone redpill me on this game? Does it rely on jab confirms into a 20 minute combo or is there more nuance here?


its a little bit less anime than gg or bb, but its still anime

They are slowly figuring shit out. Baby steps

Attached: evo trailer - Jubei.webm (1920x1080, 2.21M)

Wasn't Melee always the most popular game at EVO? Why would they axe it?

I wished so much that they give a proper sequel to Warriors Rage 2, the cast is so much better.

I wish its year would have been next year. Not only will this hardly have any time to develop a meta and community, they'll probably cut corners and rush it out the door to be ready for EVO.

Jab confirms into 10 second combos, every character's neutral and mixup tools are massively different from each other. Most characters have a meterless or a metered reversal, otherwise there are universal mechanics that can get anyone out of the corner to reset into neutral

Pretty much. That and PS3. Not enough Vita players, tbhfam

Its embarrassing when a 18 year old game gets more attention than your fresh new toys

Probably should have figured it out before snk heroines, at least then the models wouldnt have looked like lifeless manikins

>Samurai Showdown is already out
Neat. I didn't know.

Its jarring to look at samsho after KOF14

Just watch some gameplay; it's been out for damn near a year.

Because Fateshitters keep pouring money into gacha garbage, guaranteeing that Type-Moon will never have to put effort into anything for years to come. Fatefags deserve exactly what they're getting, it's a shame Tsukihime and Mahoyo are getting dragged down with it.


That's a really uncommon opinion I think, no one seems to care about that game

This isn't going to have any free reversal mechanic like most fighters seem to have nowadays in it will it? No fighters have balls anymore

It deserved its death.

Attached: 093605.jpg (2891x4096, 1.33M)

It's samsho, it doesn't even have combos

Yes, all the Under Night threads where people actually play these fuckers aren't around.

Attached: XD retard.png (220x290, 129K)

I hope it being at EVO means it might get a DLC announcement there. I'd like to see the gun nun or Joker in the game.

well of course they aren't around
it's daytime

Rumor is that the dlc/ announcement will be next month.


If there's any DLC, it will likely be the Witch or Londrekia added to the game.

Yuzu from UNIB


Anyone know a what to get Under Night cheaper than 40? I'm broke as fck

This artist is horrendous

I know she's from UNIST, but that pic made me think there was an H game with her in it.

Why would you think that user?

Oh, well that'd be even better. I haven't played in a while because my internet's bad, and even when it was good I mostly played GG, but I'd be glad to pick it up again when I can, and more characters would just make it more appealing.

I know Londrekia's a shoe-in because his portrait's in the games files, but I thought the gun nun was generally considered next most likely, is she not? I'd be interested in seeing any newcomers anyway though. Zohar would be cool as well.

It wouldn't look that terrible

*has less than 100 entrants at evo*

Gun nun is probably in the next dlc pair but there's no hint when we'd get Joker, if ever. They could just make more unaligned shitters like Phocute

>Uzuki getting in soon
I fucking wish so much

Gun Nun has files in the game despite not having a portrait yet. Uzuki has a portrait and voice but n in-game data regarding her outside of that.

I'm actually more exited to see some samsho but gg under night bros, well deserved. Probably one of the most in depth tutorial for a fighting game ever

I forgot that girl's name. She might be interesting, but lord knows what her actual powers are. I don't know who the "gun-nun" is.
You really don't need that many players to have an entertaining event. UNIST tournaments tend to not be that huge.

I'm here actually.
I'll take any challengers on PSN but something tells me everyone will dodge me

Attached: Kaguya.png (268x288, 94K)

Because I know H game tier art when I see it

>Who the fuck is Joker
>look him up
>one of a few characters name-dropped in Hilda's arcade mode
That explains it. I never played Hilda.

Zohar can make clones of herself. So maybe something around the lines of BB Hibiki
>Gun nun
Is Orie's other friend. The leftmost one

Attached: Ed_ori.png (2560x1440, 3.19M)

I haven't really thought about it till now but would they really add Kaguya into the game when we just got Wagner? They're from the same faction so it dosn't seem fair to give them so much love compared to everyone else.

Go shower

I wonder if it will have combos

Didn't they add Wagner and Mika in the same update?

Zohar's ability is called Doppelganger, so it's not hard to imagine what she'd do.

There was also an little article from one of the developers with art of him and what his moveset might be like, I don't have it saved though.

Eh, the group is a major faction so it's not surprising
>Uzuki- Amnesia
>Joker- Amnesia
>Kaguya- Licht Kreis
>Londrekia- Ritter Schild
>Zohar- Independent

In-Birth, more like In-Barf, am I right fellas?

Post rare mikas

Attached: 1550301497089.jpg (1280x720, 82K)

Mika was out before the console release but I actually forgot that. It seems even more unlikely that Gun nun would get in now.

Status Inflict Cards so I guess this series's Hawkeye

Attached: Joker-scan.png (1172x2266, 2.01M)

Stop barfing on yourself and hit the showers, jesus christ

Wait until spring sales for Steam or PS4, or try your luck on g2a.

Don't forget all those high schoolers that could possibly make it in and the rebirths.

Attached: Anime Mika.png (600x600, 172K)

I was thinking more like Bedman from GG, since it was described that her clones aren't under her direct control. Though I guess that might end up playing too similarly to Carmine



Play at ArcRevo or not play at all.

Play in the side tourney?

Oh right, what's his face the spiky redhead, Phonon's senpai

Too early to add Re-births. The power creep has it where Licht Kreis' 1st Executor can body the entire playable cast in comparison. For comparison's sake, Orie and Wagner are 5th and 4th seats respectively.
And other school kids depend on how much they want to emphasis the EFG kids I guess. The Student Council President who leads it might be a decent pick if we ever learn who that is.

Attached: Tsurugi-img.jpg (706x1006, 94K)

She could be V Sion so we can continue porting Melty into Under Night

You really shouldn't be scared, this game has legit one of the best autistically in depth tutorial i've ever seen in an FG. The thing is that you need to get acustomed to newer stuff. fioghting games are all about getting various experiences in different games that become valuable lessons to you and make you grow as a player. Getting out of your comfort zone is actually a great thing.
So even though a new game especially a "mid screen starting into corner you're dead damage" can be daunting, you'll always get something positive out of it. It's all about dedication and fun


>think the discord trannies shit is made up bullshit by Yea Forums
>find out one of the mods in the UNIST discord is literally a tranny

Attached: 3x7kqx5l81uz.png (600x600, 777K)

>mfw playing through Wagner's story mode
That's just not okay.

Attached: 1547496894728.jpg (600x800, 49K)

Pretty psych for Londrekia since he's supposed to be an ice type and considers himself a counter against Wagner.

Discord is practically synonymous with degeneracy. People only suggest it for convenience.
The combos aren't that long, but alright.

Wagner's two attendants can fight too so making them the Kohaku-Hisui combo would be fun. One uses a bow and the other uses MMA style.

smashie smashie get in washie
all day long you play and ragie
UNIEL's comfy
UNIEL's fresh
UNIEL smells like flower bush
smashie stinks and gets kicked out
UNIEL players get to bout

FB has a good track record, I wanna see how they'd work with an ice character without making him some kind of Arakune debuff bullshit type of character

Official Arcade mode data has him say that his powers were "meant" to combat her's so yeah, somethings going on and I smell a predictable but welcomed Vs. theme coming.
Because Gord admits he' being childish for holding a grudge against her and Wagner herself probably doesn't see him a a rival either.

Attached: LONDREKIA.jpg (1280x1280, 139K)

Regardless of who gets added, I'm going to get worn out. I already play 5 characters pretty regularly.

I can understand where he's coming from with the combo length to be fair. 10 seconds is a little long for a fairly common combo to be, for my liking. The game is still great, but that's probably my biggest gripe with the gameplay.

Orie and Wagner should have had a theme.
Anime fighters, bro.

>Male thighhighs

I play half the cast and I'm always itching to learn more.

Attached: DpuvkLiU0AAtB1B.jpg orig.jpg (1179x1039, 215K)

I don't like playing too many characters.

>Anime fighters, bro.
Yeah, but as combo length goes, I like the combo length in GG and that's an anime fighter, there's only a few that feel too long, where a lot feel too long for my standards in UNIST.

Orie vs. Merk
Walds vs. Enkidu
Wagner vs. Gord

MVC3 was my first real big fighter that I wanted to get good with and then BBCPEX/CF had me play like 5-6 characters there too.

Attached: BBCF_Hazama_Vengeful_Viper.png (363x443, 43K)

Any last words Melee stinky?

Attached: byakuyaprofile.jpg (184x184, 16K)

>taking breaks from my main by others on the cast
I love it really

>Walds vs. Enkidu

I honestly wonder how many character they're working on. Do you really think it took them 2 years to make just two characters?

>mfw melee fags are finally vanquished once and for all

Attached: 1541297286125.png (674x425, 458K)

They're a small company, so I wouldn't expect releases to be frequent.



Attached: melee faggots.jpg (1024x538, 94K)

I have that problem too but I've forced myself to at least feel really really confident about 3 characters before I start trying out some more. Without that I never sit down and actually /learn/ a single character.

I need sone Mika buffs desu

They had to make a fully voiced story mode and Wagner/Mika's data have been in Late for a while.

N-No please have mercy!

Attached: 1535499053961.png (633x758, 29K)

Did they do the PC port or was it outsourced? Either way, I'd assume they have the groundwork done on more than two characters and more changes to the game, but considering the size of the company they may only have two characters in a state that's ready for release at a time.

I think they're more concerned with budding Enkidu. Why do you think you always see Kamone playing Enkidu on his streams for the past 2 months.

>Mika's force function is doing even more fucking damage while Vorpal
>Mika's rocket gets 1 additional hit

Aside from Londrekia being basically confirmed since he's in the game files, I'm also expecting a Mika buff. Feels like she really needs it, arguably more than Enkidu

>past two months
Where have you been? He's been playing him since release.

Attached: DNMWquJUMAIVuOF.jpg orig.jpg (273x352, 21K)

>all these secondaries more hype about melee being out than unist being in
don't know what I expected

I play multiple fighters, ignore the trannies who shill you this game.
You are right, the neutral in this game SUCKS.
You can confirm a 3k+ dmg combo (that can be more than 1/3 of your health bar) from ANYTHING:
>8f "jabs"
>mid and long range meaty attaks
>fast projectiles
>mid range projectiles
>long projectiles
>aerial projectiles
The ONLY good aspect of the game, is landing that 4k dmg combo that ends with a IW in a real match, everything else feels like shit.

someone actually put effort into this

If his counter was at least like, a third of the screen range-wise I think he'd be fine. Now he won't be ultra fucked by big physical attacks as much

Sorry senpai but I've never played your game. I'm just happy meleetards got blown the fuck out once and for all.

Attached: 1535245374860.png (420x420, 7K)

Attached: MELEE IS DEAD.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

Take a bath.

zoomers doesnt know melee has survived evo already
in fact it never was a big part of melee history

>Actually had to look up Mika's FF because I've never seen it
Man, mikafags really have it rough

this is the only game I don't understand being in the lineup. every other game has history. what does this game have that a ton of others don't? we already have another anime fighter

It's a combo staple/ender
You must have not fought her much

Whoops, I mean Vorpal trait.

if games needing "history" was the only reason they got in we'd be stuck watching SF turbo and tekken 2

>ultimate player
don't act like people like you guys better. melee has the crt autism but the smash 4 scene at my university was literally the irl equivalent of lucinaposting. at least the melee players actually play the game, ult is the opposite of everything that got unist to evo

cope harder stinkyfag

why do yall anime players project so much when both the anisoy community and smashers are full of disgusting teenagers? it will be a mystery.

being a good game that a community has formed around despite all odds

I fought with a Mika in the australia discord but you're right they're rare as fuck.

literally who?

what if he's a guilty gear player

>players quitting because of one autist
>entire FGC fucking hates them and mocks them constantly
>now this
imagine being a meleefag

I don't even like smash but why did this game get in then? most posts in this thread are saying it's dead as fuck. was it just a random pick?

It made it in by virtue of being a really fun game

>rare as fuck
Yeah, I mostly just think her meme popularity is separate from her actual playerbase

Dead online because it's an anime fighter and has more secondaries/shills than players but said core group of players are extremely tightly knit.
Even Yea Forums is part of said tightly knit group because people from here have been playing in near-daily lobbies for almost two years

Hit the showers.

Grassroots. The game has been slowly gaining steam and more people are picking it up. Even French Bread themselves has acknowledged how much the western community has worked to get here.
If I have to bring it up melee was also a grassroots movement itself and look at how much it blew up. Grassroots is a hell of a thing when it works.


Im sorry, but what kind of fucking name is this.

Is the game good, at least?

>why did this game get in then
>being a good game that a community has formed around despite all odds
Dunno what more to tell you, good games with growing communities should be given a chance. The game has got over 300 entrants at small anime events, and in all likelihood will get more this year than Xrd would have.

People go to tournaments and the developers support the game with their own tournaments (in Japan). It doesn't have 10,000 concurrent players online all the time but I never saw the point of that when I mostly play with my friends and never have problems finding matches anyway. I always felt like calling a game "dead" was just an excuse to not get into it; after all, if you listened to Yea Forums the entire fighting game genre is dead and only good for waifus.

Attached: DLd1iAzVYAAZQSU.png (790x800, 791K)

Go watch game play and decide for yourself

literal shovelware kek

pop your pimple

Attached: XD.gif (100x100, 23K)

Attached: Mika Drum.gif (100x100, 24K)

I really like this image.

Dead online because its netcode is fucking shit, even if you were playing in the same region. But its offline tourney turnouts have been pretty amazing for what is effectively a doujin game.

Go take a shower meleefag. I can smell you from here.

How the fuck can people think motherfucking French Bread has the money to bribe UNIST into EVO?


Attached: Laugh 4.jpg (1462x1462, 1.09M)

thanks for the answers. actually kinda glad a smaller game can make it in. seeing the same titles over and over does get boring at times

More than 2/3s of the people in this thread probably never heard of who they are, they're just being angry and unaware.

Attached: Cool Guys.png (1118x617, 1.52M)

SamSho will have one hit kills and a special attack that you start charging at the character select screen.

god seeing hbox getting fucked is the fucking best

A picture worth a thousand words

Attached: 1551237997640.png (1392x589, 917K)

Kamone knows that Hilda is best girl.

nice argument

I don't think anybody's saying that, most takes probably mean samsho (unlikely they have money, but I can't really think of a reason this would get in over gg) and mk11 (probably payed but we all knew this would get in).


Attached: 1544819499847.png (912x905, 1.23M)

This truly is the best timeline.

I mean, some people still think it's an Arcsys game since they published it.

Attached: DFHEpTSVwAEjfoC.jpg_large.jpg (1400x1200, 205K)

This picture makes me want to pick up Byak.


>typing it out
Ding-Dong Diddly bulbasaur faggot

Well, he killed Melee. What did he expect? Is he mad he wont get another shot to kill it again on the biggest stage of the year?

Do it, you wont

What did Kimzo mean by this?

They made Hoahmaru look like a white dude.

He looks pretty good

You're too much of a coward

He's the coolest character in the game so it's not a bad idea.

I want to meet lamp so much. His enthusiasm for the game is unreal.

Attached: DrhdyirXcAANFPF.jpg orig.jpg (1080x1440, 183K)

That's not Carmine

Yeah but he looks annoying to play against

That's not Seth

He's second.

Ultimate if he were to go

The funnier one is I've seen is, when called out on that they fall back to well SNK paid off EVO! The company that goes bankrupt ever few years, even after being bought out their budgets are small

Attached: 06-18-2018-SS_Contents_Kut.png (700x576, 110K)

>anime fighter

That's not Yuzuriha

That's what makes him fun.

He's 8th, or thereabouts.

Yuzu isn't the coolest.
Yuzu is the hottest.

Why is Nakoruru crying?


Attached: press S to spit.jpg (260x194, 6K)


Attached: D0beuMBVYAAk3dj.jpg (1254x1771, 301K)

You know, this is actually great evidence for why other communities don't like Melee. It's all you have to see really.

He looks more annoying to fight than he actually is.

Life is hard when zoomers don't know or appreciate your series

Attached: samuraishodown2019-screenshot3.png (1920x1080, 2.42M)

How much do you expect the community to grow from this and do you think there will be any surprise entrants for UNIST like Mike Ross playing GG last year?

That looks a bit low quality.
Take this

Attached: 50566466.jpg (646x604, 93K)

I want to see that Yuzu from Japan come and crub stomp everyone.

leffen has the same shirt as me

Attached: 1541802255006.jpg (720x774, 200K)

Pretty decent. Honestly one of the main pulls of uni is how surprisingly easy it is to pick up and play casually. That's probably one of the reasons it grew as fast as it did, with its only marketing basically a bunch of Yea Forums threads at night and bbtag

That's not Enkidu.

The one I posted has soul

There's an ungodly amount of shills for it on twitter who don't play it but yeah, there's a shitton of casuals in tournaments.

A decent amount. If people play their cards right we might even be able to increase the concurrent player count. What would be really good is if we could get some big name FGC people telling everyone to go on at the same time. Once you get a ball rolling like that it can just work out. But maybe that is a pipe dream.

I just hope that the next update doesn't go to arcades and then take forever to come out

He smashes the crap out of Lamp on every other occasion, and since Lamp decimated the US players, the power hierarchy means that no one in the USA will survive him.

That’s not a B tatsu

Yikes, that name just screams incel trash

I just wanna unga bunga with b tatsu desu

Attached: xd_natal.gif (100x100, 24K)

It would be a nice wake up lesson for the west.

>Lamp and Kure do so well at OtW that Eve didn't need to play

Attached: DiJYBmsV4AIObN4.jpg orig.jpg (3024x4032, 2.36M)

>but I can't really think of a reason this would get in over gg
It is a new game, ArcSys already has 1 (2 if we count DBFZ) in, GG entrants have dropped pretty low and it is a classic series making a return. No one seems to respect SamSho and that makes me sad. It is what a lot of people beg for in a fighting game

I'll slay all you disgusting electric apes
They have been woken up. Lamp cleanly bodied Squish and Redblade, America's best.

Attached: Time to die.gif (288x288, 242K)

>Anything I don't like is incel
I smell projection.

They need to be literally crushed and paralyzed. It's the only way the west will grow.

If they reveal support like a new entry or update or more than 2 DLC characters I wouldn't be surprised if it grew much more. But despite being a main game, I'm sure it'll have some of the lowest viewer numbers at the event. You'd have to really try and reach out to the playerbases of other games; EVO is always a flash in the pan sort of scenario, despite how many other tournaments go on it's the only one casuals watch every year. FB would have to hit it out of the park to get their attention, pretty much.

Attached: 1502610815147.png (191x213, 62K)

Now I can finally just tell those people demanding for a fighting game without combos to just go play samsho

is this from a tournament?

>One of the best fighters ever made
As it should be.

>title is clearly supposed to be under night INVERSE, just fell victim to the B/V japanese rangurage meme
>english localizes it as in-birth anyway when that's a disgusting title that sounds like afterbirth


Who is the most fun character to play and why is it Byakuya?

Attached: ef51a6b9738ec1bdb5ceebc983bb85d3--birth-art-night-in.jpg (236x444, 16K)

seething nintentoddler

No, it's from a monthly stream from the developers. Lamp showed up to co-host the broadcast and they're showing off the character wallpapers they released a couple days prior to it.

Attached: DMntrcLUQAAUJcI.jpg orig.jpg (1536x2048, 335K)


Attached: DyxpDVMUUAEOvLX.jpg orig.jpg (1254x1771, 236K)

>end all blockstrings in plus frames and powered up
>DP that still hits you even if you're back dashing to bait it out
>super easy confirms from deceptively large hitboxes that lead to high damage and oki
>lmao what is neutral lemme just shield charge through your shit

Ok fellas, how the hell do I beat this cunt? I see all you Wagnerfags posting your waifu in every thread and even in others that don't have anything to do with UNIST so you must know something. It bothers me that I have no clue how to approach this matchup especailly since on paper shes so rudimentary.

I mainly play Hyde, Gordeau and Byakuya

Attached: untitled.png (1200x1102, 910K)




Attached: Stf_title.png (539x377, 115K)

The play on words is a lot more story related than you think

>negative edge: the character
if i wanted that i'd go play Venom

evo doesn’t grow communities.

Who the hell are you playing. She's not that hard to beat honestly. Although, I probably played redblade enough to not feel intimidated by other wagner players.

*gets dropped for new weeb fighter next year*

>Crowd at genesis boo hungry box and say shit like he sucks
>Responds by killing their game

Attached: 1547591345796.png (1360x1540, 1.24M)

But it's fun user, really really fun

Attached: b3d78dd943a4a519beb454fc0bd73fb2.png (600x700, 194K)

thanks crapcom


I'm an idiot, didn't read.
Fireball Detonation
Backdash 6B
General outplay since Hyde needs to outplay at high levels.
I'd need to see your actual performance to really give other, non arbitrary advice.
There's really not much difference aside from knowing when to throw out a 5C/Mortal Slide since she's got gap closers.
Watch Lamp

i wish i could believe you user but when I spent roughly 12 hours trying to consistently do her bnb off memory and couldn't get it once i realized i'm too stupid for her
same with Seth, no matter how much I try I can't play him

Which bnb?

>EVO is always a flash in the pan sort of scenario, despite how many other tournaments go on it's the only one casuals watch every year.
Getting casual interest is pretty much out the question at this point. It is about hooking in the FGC and orbiters. Which the game is pretty good for, and with everyone shilling so much it is hard to not know the game if you are aware of any FGC circles. What UNIst can do here is really cement French Bread as a company everyone should pay attention to. They aren't just those guys who made Melty a 100 years ago, but a modern dev out doing many of the big guys.

We'd be lucky to get another EVO but that wouldn't stop the community. It'll be back to business as usual on a steadily growing scale. The really big break will be what happens after Under Night 1 is done. People would see a sequel as a jumping on point, maybe some outside help would come in or maybe they can get their hands on a license again. ArcSys was willing to use the Xrd graphic tech for that KLK game after all

byakuya looks cool but his combos are the least satisfying thing ever. absolutely no sense of impact yet they take forever


Attached: 507401714681249803.png (115x115, 32K)

They need to be pounded in further. They need to be done in by a Yuzu, a character most of them wouldn't dare bring into a tournament.

I find them satisfying because he gets a lot hits in and I like seeing the number go up.


it's been a while since I last played unist but i think it was
>5A 6C (> Orb Oki)
for Seth

Attached: 1531006405644.png (712x732, 420K)

How did he kill the game?

I mean, Tari does fine. Her execution barrier already wards off a bunch of people since her skill ceiling is insanely high.

just jump over her shield charge and whiff punish it bro.

that unironic advice. blocking it is pretty bad sure but its really bad for her if you call it out and block it and at mid/long screen distance where a lot of wagners like to think they're invincible because they have the buff they can't really stop you

He didn't play rushdown Fox like everyone else.

>Facebook UNIST group is shitposting
>I have no Twitter account
How do I discuss/play UNIST without Discord?
He won too much.

>That Seth combo
Yeah, that's his new BnB as of [st]. It took me a month of Seth online to really get that down to my finger's muscle memory. I feel like you can get the combo a lot easier once you get used to timing the fastfall kick into j6C since that part is really prone to timing errors.
Were you aware Yea Forums has been discussing/playing the game since JP release?

Ahh that one. It takes a while to get used too and the jC is probably the hardest part but you can look at the sprite animation change in mid air so you know when to press c. It's become second nature for me now and I don't even have to look at the animation change.

Tari plays well, but gets tilted in neutral. And I'll never forget that time he dropped the gamewinning CVO combo, that was depressing.

Yeah, but Yea Forums only has the PS4 version. I'm on the Vita. Well, I guess I can still talk about it here.

what mobage is this

Fucking /vitagen/ used to play it regularly during release, you might find some games there.
And yeah, Yea Forums unist lobby threads are always down to talk although giving tips will be a lot tougher without fighting you and giving you direct advice.

unist combos are a lot better than stuff like blazblue because the gap between "pretty simple combo" and "extremely tough optimized combo" is generally only a few hundred more points of damage (and a lot of meter/better positioning)

>Fucking /vitagen/ used to play it regularly during release
We still play, but there's fewer people, and we're largely in different time zones. Makes it tough to be consistent.

>that damage

Attached: 1550305283610.gif (200x200, 1.89M)

Only the American time players.
The euros have surprisingly low tolerance for trannies.

well what characters don't have super-difficult combos while still being fun?
fun for me usually being making the other person want to quit the game

This is why, SFIV's player selection will always be superior.

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Most characters aren't that difficult to play at all.

Some times it's to emphasize a concept that would take a lot of time to explain in actual words. For example, in the Evangelion remakes/rebuilds/whatever, they have the subtitles like "You Are (Not) Alone," where the parenthesis emphasizes the word "not," making it technically an aside. As a result, you can read it as it is, "You are not alone" or you can read it as "You are alone," with the emphasis being on the single word that changes the whole sentence, and the difference between the ideas of being alone/being not alone, which is something of a theme in Evangelion.

TL;DR: Japanese art loves to play with English.

Carmine if you like the idea of setting up traps in the corner.

Go play Merkava or Byakuya.
Maybe even Gord

Don't fuck up

Attached: Ow.webm (320x240, 2.94M)

>setting up traps in the corner.
Literally play Byakuya.

Meleefag tears are so delicious.

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doesn't carmine have some weird delays in his combos?

He said while still being fun

Are anime fighters always doomed to have a low player base?


A lot of links, dashing, and holds with his 214[A/B]. Byak is easy mode Carmine.

is there a unist pc community?

Someone please make webms of Byakuya and Merkava eating Melee.

Welcome to Samurai Shodown. Notice that it was a counter hit, at least the first super was. In Samsho, counter hits fuck you up big time.

Attached: Samsho4_artc_nakoruru.jpg (600x800, 65K)


I don't have a PS4. Do I double dip and get the PS3 version?

so Merkava, Carmine and Byakuya
i'll look at some videos about them and try to figure out which one i wanna play today
thanks guys
were there any recent tournaments with these 3 characters doing well that i can watch to get an idea of what a high-level version looks like?

>Melee deserves a remaster
As if Meleefags would play it.

byakuya traps are fake as fuck and the character loses to any character that can keep him from getting in close for free

Should I play UNIST?

I've been struggling with the seth one but finally have pretty much down. few tips
>fastfall part
fastfall can be input with 22 or 2A+B, and the 6X comes out as long as you're holding or press a button and move to 6. once you can do this quickly it lets you be more lenient with the timing of when you start the fast fall. you can also practice doing the input in neutrals
>for getting the j.6C
it's supposed to be backwards, I had trouble but solved it by practicing j7.6C from neutral as well as just moving from 4 to 7 after I side switch to get a backwards jump after the kick. I put them together afterwards.
>delay 214A~C
I've found this part actually doesn't need to be delayed at least for the starters I've tried, in fact I generally have to do it as soon as I touch the ground.

Based on your other post I would recommend wagner too, she's the first character I played and I generally like the "make opponent not have fun" chars too. You can really pull off some oppressive bullshit with her, she leans more towards pressure but still has good mixups. She also has a lot of alternative easier combo routes that give her similar setup

Yes, it's lots of fun

>That image
AHAHAHAHA fucking neck yourselves meleefags

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That was literally Project M and look where that is now

Only if you like fightans. If not then don’t bother


Merk and Carmine are frequently played in Club Sega arcade VODs youtube.com/channel/UC7gnKvFcCHhf4mQIAxgyFuA
The strongest Carmine player and Merk players usually play there.
As for Byakuya, go watch Lamp body Squish and reblade at CEOtaku and Climax of Night

>Years back
>lol we don't need EVO. They're lucky that we even grace our presence there! EVO rules suck anyway :^)

>WTF WHY ISN'T MELEE AT EVO??!?!?!?! W-well it doesn't matter anyway, EVO is shit... We got like a billion tournaments Hbox will win at anywho. :^)

funny how things turn out

It's worth trying.

If you like fighting games I think it's worth a shot. Not all of my friends like it but they still respect the game.

Attached: akatsuki.png (960x539, 221K)

UNIST is more alive than most fighters even though it's all lobbies, partly because it's an anime fighter that has footsies and thus can get some crossover from SF fags.
Only GG is bigger as an anime fighter and it hasn't gotten any big updates in a while now. (it's also much harder for newbies to get into)

I really do love how well the series balances it. Getting hit hurts but it is completely on you fucking up. So if you die from a big hit or dumb scramble you can't really blame anyone. You could have controlled the situation by simply not doing anything.


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Uh, why wouldn’t you?
>free online
>significantly larger player base because of crossplay
>is a literal game from 2012 so no technical limitiations

I guess that's what I'll be doing this Friday. Time to bust the PS3 back out. Also, I asked, because I didn't know if there were technical issues.

The PC port was handled pretty terribly.
And for whatever reason they don't show you network quality (bars) when fighting on PC.

it's also cheaper than the ps4/pc version outside of g2a, which is always nice

Is the only way to play Unist through Steam or is there a fan made netplay tool like for Melty?


>UNIST finally on main stage
>BBTAG gets another year
>no Melee
Fucking based lineup

It came out on steam only a few months ago, so we don’t have any fancy mods yet

The ones that are actually annoying are Vatista >>>>>>> Phonon >> Hilda >> Nanase.
Really the only one that will piss you off every time is Vatista.
The only thing worse is Vatista mirrors.

I want to fuck this dumb girl

It's great, SamSho is like a couple steps away from Bushido Blade where one precise, opportune strike under the right conditions is all it takes to kill someone no matter the length of their health bar. Actually makes the fact that you're a bunch of mostly unarmored dudes cutting each other in half with swords (literally) carry serious weight to it.
In comparison, most other fighting games' super ultra hyper attacks feel pithy in comparison when they only take off a sliver of health.

Did you guys see on the EVO Twitter that the announcement for UNI was super popular and every other one only had a tenth of likes / retweets.

>think I can act
>get counter hit for pressing a button

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Every single time I bought a fighting game I suck so bad I only play 10 hours before quitting

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Anyone here play Unist on ps4? I have no good pc so I just want to know how populated the ps4 version is.

>anime reaction pic
>i suck at fighting games
What else is new?

Attached: 1444143905162.gif (200x150, 2.75M)

Ps4 is more populated than pc

Check the Yea Forums threads, they're mostly PS4 players

Join the threads

It's the most popular version, but you'll still only find games at particular times.

The Yea Forums lobbies are primarily PS4 and crossplay between PS3/4 by default gives you a larger pool
I'll play with you right now if you want

This is some of the most intense footsies I have ever laid my eyes upon.

Are french bread still working on unist?

Attached: ywn lick this retard's tummy.png (1000x1665, 563K)

just block and win vorpal bro, she has no overheads :^)

What do you think?

Yes, of course.

To be fair, Project M only died because GIMR sold it out to acquire Jew gold.
Every (notable) Melee player at that time played Project M

you got that backwards bro

They've said in an interview they plan to update [st] over making a new game
I can't fucking be assed to know how many times I've said this

wheres the pc lobby fags

They're hosting a tournament next month, look forward to possible announcements there

I like ASW style but the naming schemes for this and blazblue confuse me

Mika is a sexy retard

>expecting to be good in 10 hours
wew lad, you wouldn't expect to be good at any other game in 10 hours so why FGs?

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>PC lobbies
I'm only half kidding, good luck finding one m8

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Well they sure aren't working on Melty Blood HD. Or Dengeki Bunko, but I thought I heard something about that game a couple months back.

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It doesn't even ahve a release date yet

Just stick to ranked and take what you can get

UNI is based off an in-universe term for people with super powers. Also, French Bread made this, not ASW
Blazblue has to do with plot device of a given game. Someone is a Calamity Trigger, a Chronophantasma, a Central Fiction. Only Continuum Shift is a non-person IIRC

It's not an arcsys game, they only publish it on console in some regions.

Attached: ywn kiss Mika's tummy.png (825x1100, 69K)

>fighting games
>anime fighting games on PC
I genuinely do not understand how people are still falling for this meme in 2018+1

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Whoops, I dropped something

Attached: PO_66B.png (364x333, 24K)

Shield it for a full punish
And that annoying j4B

Make it and they shall come

But in any other game with 10 hours in I do feel like I can be good at those.
Meanwhile in fightan land I have 80 hours in both street fighter 5 and tekken 7 + several tens of hours on anime fighters yet I still suck shit in all fighting games
I'd play DFC just for the waifus

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isn't 66b safe if you cancel into fireball?

Shield it properly and she can't cancel into anything else.
Well, I only know for a fact that shielding 66[B] lands you the punish, not sure about the uncharged version.

I would play in some Yea Forums UNIST ps4 lobbies. If they were made earlier in the day. Those late night lobbies clash with my work schedule hard.


Looks pretty good to me.

No one ever tells you about the shit like learning neutral til you go online and get wiped out, it's an annoyance
FB is gonna fucking ruin me with these sprites

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When UNIEL first came out it was pulling insane numbers at tournaments, even beating UMVC3 at NEC and coming close at Canada Cup 2014. I hate that they took so long to bring the game to North America, the community is only a fraction of what it could've been because of this. I'm super glad UNIST is getting the spotlight but imagine if they released the game sooner.

what "other games" do you feel like you get good at in 10 hours, because I can guarantee you're not.

Having 500hs in fighting games means almost nothing. It requieres thousands of hours and grinding to get good at them, and even then you have to grind your way through every new FG release since they are all different.
Fighting games are a hobby more than anything else.

Oh fuck, the hype train came. I should get on it before it's just newbie destroyers again.

I have over 1000 hours, probably way more than that and I'm still terrible at it. Constantly doing dumb things and making beginner mistakes. It doesn't stop me from playing though since it's so damn fun.

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So im watching LPT vs Squish at EVO right now, and Akatsuki just seems to be able to DP out of any web setup for free...is this what you meant by Byakuya's web setups are fake?

I wish I could stick to one fighter. I always hop on the next new one that interests me. KI and Tekken 7 probably are my most played.

Attached: Returna.jpg (768x1024, 121K)

Webs don't actually activate as soon as you step on them. There is a bit of a delay before they activate and you can just mash out during that brief period.

Akatsuki can invalidate a couple of things, especially webs with Parry if he's good enough and because his DP is 22x. LPT probably can't measure up to Lamp though.
His webs take a couple seconds to become hitboxes. I also wasn't the guy who said they were fake.
For fuck's sake, hiro, let me post

>ywn lick this retard's tummy

Attached: dont_you_404_on_me.gif (300x300, 1.93M)

>Actually makes the fact that you're a bunch of mostly unarmored dudes cutting each other in half with swords (literally) carry serious weight to it.
Which also makes dropping your weapon so great, it is such a gut wrenching moment. Most fighters would avoid such a thing but it is worked in so well here.

So this game is played best of 7 at least, right?

>keep seeing UNIST threads weekly
>EVO 2018 looked fun as fuck
Should I buy it

Are you going to play it?

i don't understand what's so memey about a platform that consistently has less input delay and generally better netplay than consoles. PCs isn't a good choice for local events but for home use it's blatantly superior.


>mfw final game announcement was UNIST
best fucking feel, made my week

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>broken back

I dunno, depends on how free I am and how much I can tolerate getting my ass kicked online

i havent played in 3 months
someone good please play with me

PS4 or Steam? I wanna get into this game, always looked fun.

PS or PC.
I can do the former


PS3 if you can since PS3-4 crossplay is a thing. If you're in NA you can probably play with Yea Forums threads.
If not, go with PC, especially if you're not in NA

sorry I only have pc

Mika isn't very smart

Attached: Mika having fun.jpg (516x345, 114K)

Kills like that are rare. The game is usually pretty slow and very heavy on neutral. Sure a heavy slash can take most of your life in one, but you really can't be throwing it out on a whim. Very little in the game is positive on block and you can reflect. The fact something like that can happen keeps you in check

I can't kick your ass then, boss

Doesn't mean the artist should be retarded too

Good point

Attached: Mika and Orie.jpg (850x592, 92K)

*kills DOA6*

Uniggers are the melee players of the fgc

DoA killed itself with developer incompetence.

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Saber confirmed for UNIST DLC reveal.

Rip stinky day lmao

>We do not have plans for other guest fighters
And this was from 2013-2014


get UNIST sit down and work through the tutorial until it's done. It's probably the greatest tutorial ever made that will take you from total brainlet button masher to being able to execute some decent b&b combos and understand the majority of fighting game terms and concepts that you'll need.

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Please be true

How many people here played the classic Type Moon VNs?

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I finished Fate and Tsukihime.
Arcade Bumstead is best

take a shower

I've been around Fate since it came out.
Still haven't gotten around to Tsukihime though. Heroes always appealed to me more than vamps

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Never played any of these games but that looked cool as hell.

Attached: Binary XD.gif (670x645, 68K)

Ill give lamp a watch soon
Are merk and byak fine characters for a newer player? They dont have anything difficult right?

Who is lower tier, Mika or Enkidu?

The older titles are very easy to pick up and just have some fun with. 2 and 5 special are a good place to start.

Attached: 2b6156972322186be89912ae9e3f36c7.jpg (600x876, 299K)

>Still haven't gotten around to Tsukihime though. Heroes always appealed to me more than vamps

No excuses

>Shingetsutan Tsukihime
Tsukihime PLUS-DISC
Tsukihime Kagetsu Tohya
Tsukihime manga

>Melty Blood
Melty Blood PC games
Melty Blood manga (divided into two parts, the first part, spanning volumes 1-6, follows the original Melty Blood storyline. "2nd ACT" began spans volumes 7-9)
Melty Blood - Back Alley Alliance Nightmare

>Fate/stay night
Fate/stay night [Réalta Nua]
Fate/hollow ataraxia
Lord El Melloi II Case Files Volume 1
mediafire.com/file/e310zzwwyhmw0cw/Lord El Melloi II Case Files Volume 1.pdf

I can't believe Senaru is going to lose in UNI and DBZF at EVO. If he goes.

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Samsho is very accessible as a fighter. It's played competitively similarly to how people play SF casually. Very little focus on combos, all based on spacing and connecting your hits. Damage is scaled to that approach though, so perfect if you want to get straight to mindgames without a dumbed down experience.

Yeah, they're not too difficult. Merk's optimal combos might have you air-assault in your combos though. Try out mission modes to get a feel for them.
Mika has the mobility and 623X > CS/Super neutral skipping while Enkidu has no neutral at all but has slightly better range and damage. Mika up close can still fuck people up while Enkidu's pressure is a bit lacking since his buttons are so goddamn unsafe
>-16 on a goddamn 5C

Why does she xd bonk

who knows.
Expect huge buffs to them both though.

Because memes and secondaries

Attached: XD Intensifies.gif (100x100, 26K)

>toaster is too toaster to run UNIST


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Dex vs Str

Would have been better if Goku was Melty Blood instead of Skullgirls, but still based.

seething, yet based

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I'm pretty sure she can still cancel since I was playing around with it in training mode yesterday, but I'm not positive. 66[b] is definitely not safe though.

katta koi....listen up.....melee fags....this is a message from us....the sm4shch4ds.....

you are outnumbered......and ultimate will crush you..............think for a second. use your feeble little brains.

do you think nintendo wants you to play their nearly two decade old, broken, shitty fighter with only four viable characters? no.......they want you to move on......and they shall create the greatest competitive game of all time....with super smash brothers ultimate........

we have cloud.....we have snake....we have sonic.....we have bayonetta.........we have ridley......and you have fox and falco......

your time is numbered, meleefags.........mark your calendars.....december 7th...........

Attached: ffadvent-3.jpg (500x400, 32K)

This game looks fucking sick, unironically hyped for the EVO matches now

Look just cause we let you sit with us doesn't mean you can act like a fag

They can use complicated titles all they want but Rebuild will never be good.

Played Tsukihime and the Fate VNs. Also I loved Melty Blood, it's the reason why I knew about UNIST. A shame that Type-Moon sold out and became corporate gacha jews.

Update your pasta bro, it's over a year old.

fuck you

>thread about melee getting btfo
>fate babbies crying about not getting a fighting game
Heh, nothing personal kiddos

Attached: GBFV.png (250x134, 55K)

>tfw type-moon won't let french bread make another melty blood until the tsukihime remake releases
>tfw the tsukihime will never ever come out

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>will be any surprise entrants for UNIST like Mike Ross playing GG last year?

It’s not too much of a surprise, but I would expect Sonicfox to get at least top 16 if he entered. His Carmine Is pretty godly

I wonder how this game will turn out. I don't care about GBF but I'm keeping my eye on it.

Attached: 256 XDs bonking.gif (1600x1600, 2.39M)

I know, it actually seems to have some of that tense samurai style feel you get in movies rather than mindless all out brawl like the norm.

UNI's stages are a fuckin burden so get used to using Training stage for netplay

Tsukihime remake is vaporware and will never come out, reminder that it's announcement is almost as old as Half Life 3's.

As someone who genuinely likes Melee and watching it, how are people so upset over this

Who cares if Melee isn't in it, nothing wrong with some new games getting time in the limelight, especially at something as big as a super major.

Good for Unist. May Arcsys live forever.

>Smash fags actually saying that SamSho and UNIST bought their way into EVO

Do they not know that SNK has never been rich in their life and that French Bread is literally made up of 20 people?

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t. seething melee roach

Attached: meleeroaches.png (2000x387, 430K)

>Good for Unist. May Arcsys live forever.
It's French Bread

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Flower Boy wasn't that great

(My bad, Arcsys published it and I just have a hard-on for anything they attach their name to since their games are pretty consistently great.)

do you know publishers do that sort of thing not developers

just a coincidence that arcsys kuso keeps getting in when literally no one plays these games

and nintendo has no reason to shill melee and they never did

Read Tsukihime, FSN and HA. Oh and Tsukihime plus disc. I started KT ages ago but never finished it, I'll get round to it at some point

Of course they don't. Smashfags have almost zero overlap with the rest of the FGC and usually just stick to Smash. I'm actually honestly surprised Leffen of all people has managed to stick with DBFZ.


nice community

You don't play fighting games.

Does anyone else notice how hypocritical it is for meleefags to get made about a grass roots game that built a loyal community purely off of good gameplay managing to somehow make it it into evo?

>Enkidu has no neutral at all but has slightly better range and damage
>better damage
>Mika EX command grab into chain shift combo
>12 hits
>5000 damage

But I don't like it so it shouldn't be there

The Melee "community" hardly fucking plays it outside of worshiping their respective gods. Twitch viewers and casual players associate themselves but their opinions are wortless

EX Command Grab + CS usage though. No shit it can deal damage. Try getting that shit consistently though/
What, do you want me to go do a 236C corner Enkidu combo? Want to fight mine and see who has better consistency?

>just a coincidence that arcsys kuso keeps getting in when literally no one plays these games

Sounds like someone's mad that their game didn't make it in.

Attached: 1SiWTM5.jpg (605x454, 102K)

In all fairness most have been cool about it. But yeah many are not very self aware, then they sit and wonder why everyone shits on melee players and wants the game out. Smash gets a lot of hate in general but they just have a complete ignorance about other games.

>purely off of good gameplay
this is where most of the salt comes from. meleefags have to either turn off or ban most of melee's gameplay in order to pretend they're "hardcore." unist is a real fighting game with real depth built into its gameplay.

Her 360 isn't even that good though. You'll land it like once every 5 matches at best.
It's 623>CS that's bonkers.

>arguing over which of the two worst characters are the worst

The REAL reason is it's easier and cheaper to secure a copyright for a retarded name with hyphens and other symbols in it.

You weren't arguing consistency. You were arguing for damage.
Fair enough. I don't play Mika; I'm just reporting off what I saw.

do you honestly believe nintendo isn't paying evo for smash to be there? why else would a party game be at a fighting game tournament?

I'll argue over anything regarding the gameplay if it involves the characters that interest me.
I'm down to play on PSN, literally fight me, I'll back my words.

thats because melee players, and smash players in general are not fgc, theres no cross-over and they dont know any scenes besides their own, at least ultimatefags stay in their lane and dont get uppity like meleefags

I like Melee but
>Hbox's reaction

>*once every 5 rounds

Alright fine, damage with meter use. I can probably get higher

Attached: meh.jpg (3399x1662, 2.84M)

It's a weird feel

Attached: XD.png (1018x936, 682K)

To people who only recently started playing- who are you maining/enjoying playing? I'm used to the regulars but it's cool to see a bunch of new posters.

Meleefags don't understand anything other than supporting themselves so they change their beliefs of how tournaments should be run based on whatever is currently favorable to them rather than stick to something they think is fair.

Nice veil off combo, bro.

I love that combos aren't the be all end all most important thing in this game

I expect to see a new wave of Yuzu's and Mika's that will inevitably give up and play other characters.

I finished Tsukihime, Tsukihime Plus-Disc, and Fate/Stay Night. Got half way through Kagetsu Tohya before my hard drive died. Type Moon should have stopped with Fate shit after CCC. Tsukihime remake and Melty Blood HD fucking when?

Was playing Orie for a while but picked up Nanase recently.
Mika is the character I play when I want to turn my brain off and have fun playing like a retard regardless if I win or lose.

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I'll try to come up with something involving a metered starter with CS usage then

I don't really care that damn much, but go ahead.

I'm enjoying Nanase, she seems capable of doing most things well with a bit of work. She can obviously rush down well, but her normals are pretty big due to her sword and she has a TK projectile too if forced to fullscreen. She seems perfect as an entry point but also has a high ceiling. She's not shit at everything but corner shenanigans like a lot of people seem to say.

The fact that the matter is EX Starter plus CS gives a shitton of damage potential.

We can play some Nanase on Friday if you have PS3/4.

I'm thinking about picking up chaos

I'm usually on PC but I might double dip to get more games. If I do I'll be in the friday thread around this time, I'll drop a post and let you know. Nanase mirrors sound fun.


your old as fuck broken game is over. So glad I dont have to watch two foxes autistically wave cheat at each other or hungry box do the same fucking upthrow to rest/backair for 8 minutes at a time

i guess fighterz and jive are still there so you cant win em all but unist? tekken? soul calibur? motherfucking samurai showdown? evo saving fighting games out here

I'm about 95% done with Orie's mission mode. Some of these combos I didn't think people actually did, but then I saw one or two in a tournament. One involved chainshifting immediately after hitting jA, I didn't think the hitstun would be long enough to get a good read on that, but maybe they just chainshift regardless. Also interested in Yuzu, but mastering one character is enough for now. Biggest problem I've had so far is I'm not sure what to do when I'm barely out of my B poke range against long range characters, as her longer range moves are also too slow to do from that range if you're getting counter-poked. My appreciation for the whole GRD system has been going up and up though, I think I'll miss it when it's gone.

I'll probably get the PS3 version on Friday, so if I'm not deade tired, I'll be around. There'll be some spaghetti, since I won't be used to the Dualshock, but it'll be alright.

I'm a hard core mika main through and through
Bought it for her months ago and she's just so damn fun.
Eagerly await buffs.

Thats exactly why there shouldnt be a fate fighting game, it would be Saber ft. literally who wife png's numbers 1-24

>One involved chainshifting immediately after hitting jA
That's a pretty regular thing. The CS is what allows you to combo out o fit.

jA > CS > jC into a full combo is actually a great offensive tool.

the melee community is literally full of dumb manchildren who cant stop saying bruh and words like hol’ up despite being middle class white kids, i fucking hate them all

instant j.A after an assault is never comboable without chainshift unless is a counterhit. Thats the general rule for assaults j.a's

Geezeranon here. I played in arcades. I remember the xbox live days, but skipped that. Discord game sounds like something you'd say when trying to bait twinks to wear a dress and put a shoe on their head.

I wouldn't say Nanase is shit at everything. She's just really average and reactable in a game with shielding and GRD. She plays a basic game with a few moderate gimmicks so you have to be good at playing fundamental UNI to use her once you start playing better players.
Until you can fling them into the corner. Then you can unleash your inner ape.

How hard are combos in Unist? Is it like Melty where for 90% of characters you can just do all your ground moves into a sweep into an air combo or is it completely different?

Pretty simple to understand.
Some characters a bit more than others though. Take Seth who uses all 4-5 of his specials out of like 6 in his kit to do one optimal combo.

every character has completely different combos

And most SF players know UNIST? I'm pretty sure there's more crossover between Melee and Unist than SF and UNIST

95% of them are doable with some practice. The remaining 5% you'll have to spend more time on because they either require delays, character-specific mechanics, or some other tricky inputs.

i started playing last week, picked akatsuki because he seemed cool and easy enough. ive gotten some ranked wins, but a lot of laggy matches man

>your old as fuck broken game is over.

you wish ya fag. Too bad Melee on evo is over, but we have bigger events now.

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did you restrict connection options to 4 bars only

street fighter is the gateway game for every community, you shitting on it is literal proof that you have no idea how the fgc works, SF has undoubtedly the greatest crossover into any other community and is the backbone of EVO and the fgc no matter how upset it makes you

Just because I said I would

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I can't understand melee fags. They're on level of furries in my book

You actually think a higher % of SF players play UNIST than the % of Melee players that play UNIST? If you're talking about raw numbers rather than % then obviously there's more crossover with SF but that's because that game's community is massive.

Most characters have fairly easy execution that doesn't get hard until you start aiming for optimal stuff. Then you have characters like Vatista who require delays, microdashes, multiple charges, links, and multiple negative edges all in one combo. But on the flip side you have characters like Phonon who can easy bake oven their way to 4k damage. UNI isn't a game where you'll lose if you aren't doing optimal combos though and you won't be pressured too hard if you don't pick Yuzu, Vatista, Seth, or Carmine to start with.

Any ideas on where to buy the PS3 version? I can only find it directly through PSN and it's full price, whereas the PS4 version is less than half. I'd rather not have to pay for PS+ if I can avoid it.

You don't have to have PS+ to play the PS3 online.

reminder to play hyde
t. hyde main

Buy it online, don't think physical PS3 copies were even made in the west.
His problem is that it's on sale on the PS4 store and he doesn't want PS+

thats a meaningless fucking criticism because SF players will move to ANY fighting game, so what if specifically meleefags are willing to play specifically UNIST, they wont touch the vast majority of options, and they damn sure arent going to actually be a notable player in the UNIST scene, why do you think Leffen got his nuts gargled for being mediocre in DBFZ lmao

I started to but decided to stick with a few other characters. I used to play some Orie, too. Hyde gets all the bitches.

no. i didn't expect any players at all lol.
ill try 4 bars later

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Is online cross-region if I just grab the japanese version? I already play plenty on PC so I'm fine navigating the menus.

>ywn get a melty blood or tsukihime remaster because type-moon is stingy as shit

why even live

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A couple of us played with the JP release and some still do with against people with english copies, go for it.

it's true
his combos are also the coolest looking!


yep it's cross region

I'll concede to your second point, but as I said, Mika gets more damage.

PhononCHADs rise up

Sure but consistently? I'd give it to Enkidu
The best

Nice. If only the Vita version were cross-buy as well.

>Sure but consistently
Again, no one was arguing for consistency.

I don't have a combo as cool as that one, but here's the most damage I could squeeze out of this character

I really should have mentioned it. The range adds to his conversion ability.