Anyone surprised literal fags are attracted to the worst looking starter?
Anyone surprised literal fags are attracted to the worst looking starter?
I bet you have a masterbation addiction, a terrible diet and lack of affection from your peers OP.
Your options are an immigrant, furbait, or the actual animal (and the only one with a decent english name).
Sobble is the obvious patricians choice.
I accidentally posted this in a college group chat because I didn’t realize it was porn
>contrarian picks least favorite pick
>it took less than two hours for this to exist
All the normalfag furcuck cringelords like the rabbit, so literally anything else is better
well it probably took less than 2 minutes to draw on so don't be too surprised
They all look mediocre and forgettable as shit. But since I'm expecting the monkey to turn into a hulking gorilla, I might have to go with that if I ever decide to buy this game.
>no qt trainer hentai
>already this furry memeshit
He’s just holding a carrot, tired from all the heavy lifting.
>least favorite
The monkey is losing the Pokemon twitter's official poll by a lot, rabbit is in the lead and closely followed by chameleon
Nice meme
I like fire types but the rabbit is fucking homo fur bait. No good starters
Sobble is literally the best looking of the 3. Scorbunny is the laziest looking of the 3.
i'm not picking a favorite until i see their evolutions. got burned way too hard by incineroar.
Imagine being over 25 and still being into pokemon. It's time to grow up you sad fucks.
monkey tuns bara
rabbit turns waifu or twink
whatever that thing is is bara
>Pokemon announcement on Cohen's testimony day
Based japs.
Pokemon is fun even if you aren't into new entries.
If I'm exactly 25 is it ok?
Pokémon is legitimately shit. Babies first jrpg
based furfags dabbign on the stra*ghts
>Onions boys gather around Sobble
>Furfag autists gather around Scorbunny
I guess I'm sticking with the monkey.
Move onto sonic with the other adults
They self identify with the pokemon no one likes or wants.
Any primate based pokemon is based, literally immune from the furgin/numale cringe
>double the bara
best gen confirmed
>le monke is lame
>another fire fighting starter
There's only one choice
Scorbunny is cute so I’m picking her even though I’m not a furfag
curious how the most entry-level jrpg is also the only good jrpg
Do people actually find any of these starters appealing? Am I out of touch?
lmao you're stupid
If you have absolutely abysmal taste in video games sure
This pathetic obsession with the gender of made up cartoon animals basically makes you a furfag
Pokémon is literally a jrpg you dumb fuck. It’s strictly defined as one.
>all humanoids
Pokemon genre is pokemon. End of story.
>shy iguana is top beta pick
>slutbunny is top furfag pick
>autistic monkey is top contrarian pick
Makes sense.
>Pokemon genre is Megami Tensei
Finally. An excuse to post this!
They all look like shit who gives a fuck.
You should kill yourself