not even a contaiment board is enough to keep these autists from shitting every other board they touch, is there something to that can even contain their sheer autism that these manchildren have over a childs videogame?
Not even a contaiment board is enough to keep these autists from shitting every other board they touch...
Actual moderation.
Smash threads are dying for this shit..
Don't you have some movies to watch on your PS4?
Rent free you obsessed shitposter
>Yea Forumseddit pretends there's a Sony bias on this thread
>every miniscule Nintendo announcement has this level of spam
Mods won't do their fucking job for shit
And people wonder why THQ went to 8thchan....
mods also love nintendo so of course they wont
I almost filled out an application to be a jannie.
Thank god I've been hired for an actual job.
Thank god.
/vp/ exists to contain anime and waifu threads. Pokemon is videogames, deal with it.
>Minuscule Nintendo announcement
It's an instalment of the highest grossing media franchise of all time
The reason people complain about a sony bias is because it's actually insane to think that people complain about it in threads like this when Yea Forums is 80% shitposting to begin with.
>/vp/ exists to contain anime and waifu threads
And it doesn't work.
Damn man, get that sand outta your vagina.
I rather have Smash threads desu. Why are you bringing up Sony for?
>every miniscule Nintendo announcement has this level of spam
Every thread is just OHNONONONONO and "people were excited for THIS?"
>Insist on staying here to "conduct a war" against Nintendo fans despite heavy paranioa that the board is Nintendo exclusive.
>Completely wasting his time with console war bullshit.
>"Hey this place is obviously not for me. I will stay and fight my hardest to force strangers to change their point of view.
Psychology determines that one of many signs of an adult teenager(or more commonly known as manchild) which is an adult still stunted in his teenage phase mentally, is the inability to accept it when other people do not see the world as he or she does and will violently insist, sometimes throw futs and argue aggressively, that everyone else change their mindset to fit that of the manchild. For instance, a grown ass adult man who spend his every days shitpisting about a material product that he does not personally enjoy and insist that everyobe picks the alternative that he prefers and a dusproportionate paranoia that everyone is against him i.e: Victim complex.
If you're an actual teenager, though, that's perfect. it only means that nobody should take you seriously, child.
Little baby child.
Yea Forums's been fucked ever since the management did a 180 on furfags and decided to give ponyfuckers a board.
I've seen this pasta before, it's not funny. Try something else please.
>Have never actually used the hide thread function
>See this thread, and actually try it out
I never really realized we were such a shithole
Learn what a 'containment board" is before you talk shit, faggot.
>/vp/ is a containment board
Wow, this perfectly sums up people that bitch about Nintendo.