So now that GoG is dead will Steam be next?
So now that GoG is dead will Steam be next?
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are there any lewds of gog chan
pls post
>So now that GoG is dead
what literally nothing are you niggers blowing out of proportion this time?
They fired 12 people when at the same time they look for 20 more.
GoG firing 12 people and hiring 24 new ones while the 12 claim that GoG has financial problems.
So nothing worth bothering about.
>dangerously close to being in the red.
>Fair pricing gone
fuck off discord tranny
user I despise trannies and gaystera. Don't try so hard to blend in fag.
Hey Gog-chan, do you wanna play Ys Origin?
Maybe another time user-kun
no-skirt vrsn pls
user are are creepy, leave me alone or I will call the police.
pooost lewds already!!11
>So now that GoG is dead
Nice try you subhuman insect chink $hill
Really? I haven't even played the few games I bought on it during the star wars sale, the same sale which was on Steam a few months later.
>the good guys lost
any games with this feel?
gog was never good
but it was never bad either
unlike the rest
Can anyone explain me why firing employers is suddenly news worthy?
Yeah, it's not a company with thousands of employers so firing 7 of them says something about their finances and all of that, but it's stil not a big fucking deal
and the pricing thing at the same time?
because muh store wars
Tencent bought them and rebranded them as Gullible Old Gwelos.
the news is about the firing, not the pricing
It's alright for a few bits and bobs, I liked that you can put in old cd-keys for some games so you can have a backup. Even offering rollback versions if it's demanded.
gog is dead?
> 12 people and hiring 24 new ones
Isn't that illegal or something? Well, unless these 12 refused the new positions.
Anything is "news-worthy", information is always useful.
The thing is, this kind of information is most of the time completely worthless on Yea Forums and other gaming sites. People post it here because they want new kinds of fuel for their shitposting wars.
lets say they won't see 2020.
what games should i get before they disappear forever?
>Fair pricing gone
Huh? I still see the same prices.
Some of the 12 could've easily been performance issues along with financial ones, and the 24 they hired were probably to fill old positions as others moved up the ladder to new ones.
They still technically have it but they're phasing it out over the next 30 days or something.
Yeah, but information is a necrology on the news paper, news is something happening that has a relevant impact.
Would you say that something along the lines of "7 elder people died yesterday in hospital X for natural cause, they were all in their late 90s" as something news worthy?
I dont think so, it happens every week, and has no impact on the general public.
This is the same, "company X has fired Y employers due to some financial problems", happens every week, and has no impact on the general public
There was a Razer game store?
GOG is amazing, every single time I want to pirate a game, I just pirate the GOG version, I probably already have their whole librairy, no drm, fast to install, ez to pirate
Ty GoG!
>Being American
>Would you say that something along the lines of "7 elder people died yesterday in hospital X for natural cause, they were all in their late 90s" as something news worthy?
I'm sure the long-lost son of one of these elders, that only knows the name of his parents, would like to know where to find his heritage.
But, like you just said, it's all about "impact", and also about the intended target audience. The internet don't have the same limitations of a typical newspaper, people can create any kind of site with any kind of content for any kind of audience. The impact of the same piece of information varies from audience to audience, something meaningless to some maybe essential to others.
Enjoy it while you can cause if gog is truly dying, no more easy games for you.
Oh, alright.
Nah, third world shithole.
Still better than being American tho.
That's why I hope they don't die
>he 12 claim that GoG has financial problems
They are ending the fair pricing thingy which basically gives you money back as GoG cash if you pay more than the North American price,
I think in their official explanation they literally said they do it so the can continue making a profit, as profit margins had apparently become lower due to a higher cut for developers.
brown hands typed this post
That's why the obituaries exist, but it sure ain't front page news.
Wait, question: right now CrossCode is 9.59 bucks on my end, i assume that's because of my region. Let's say in America it's 15 bucks, will i have to pay 15 bucks as well?
They're going from taking the standard 30% cut to taking 12%.
I am going to miss my usual 5% GOG discount though. I quite liked the fair price thing they had.
Not quite. But if the game was 15 bucks on your end. But just 10 bucks in America.
Then the game wouldn't be lowered to 15 in your region, but rather you'd still buy it for 15 but you'd get 5 GOG bucks in addition to your purchase. For use on other GOG titles.
Ah, that means it won't be a bother as much for me. Thanks for explaining.
the only way to make KOTOR and KOTOR2 playable on pc is by buying the GOG version. same for Jedi Knight academy
Which KOTOR 2 version is better, steam or GOG?
Jedi Academy works best with openjk exe
KOTOR 1 works better on GOG
KOTOR 2 works better on Steam because they remastered it and never brought the remastered version to GOG
>KOTOR 2 works better on Steam because they remastered it and never brought the remastered version to GOG
I thought so. It's a shame too since the patch was good.
wasn't there an upset years ago about the anime tits that GoG decided to apologise about?
>are there any lewds of gog chan
Yes, but only for me.
>Epid DRM Store is okay but Good Ole Gays isnt
>if their politics suck, beat the shit out of them for being wrong
I don't get it either. Literally antifa logic.
fucking kek
Schoolgirl GOG-chan is great. A great contrast to lewd GOGs.
>declining Aeon Of Sands and Grimoire because they are too niche
yeah fuck this store.
>Ah, I see you're a man of culture as well.