You know, now that i think about it, the gameboy color was probably Nintendos weakest handheld...

You know, now that i think about it, the gameboy color was probably Nintendos weakest handheld. The exclusive games were not that great. Can you list more than 10 Color exclusive games that were worth owning a GBC for? I feel like we just bought it because it came out when Pokemon came out and thats what we played. Hardly anyone wanted it for the Color games. GBA had a WAY better library of games just for GBA.

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How young you have to be to realize this just now?
The GBC was criticized back in the day for two reasons, the first was that the game didn't have any worth exclusive game except for Pokemon Crystal and Zelda:LADX, the other reason was that the console was release only 2 years before the release of the GBA.

Legend of Zelda Oracle of Ages
Legend of Zelda Oracle of Seasons
Legend of Zelda Link's Awakening DX
Pokémon Trading Card Game
Pokemon Gold
Pokemon Silver
Pokemon Crystal

Huh I can only think of 9 off the top of my head. Guess you win this time OP.

Wario Land 2 and 3, Harvest Moon, etc

>Pokémon Trading Card Game
Oh come on that shit sucked and we all know it, we just played that shovelware because we'd eat up anything that said Pokemon on it.

MGS Ghost Babel

>Pokémon Trading Card Game
>Pokemon Gold
>Pokemon Silver

Not GBC exclusives. So actually you can only think of 6 games.

The GBC isn't even officially considered a console, just a hardware revision.

This might seem dishonest since there's so many GBC-exclusive games but on the other hand nearly half the library of "GBC games" will work fine in a 1989 brick gameboy so the matter is really muddled.

I always thought of it as a another Gameboy revision instead of a new console.

all of those except the oracles and crystal can be played on any previous game boy system

>Not GBC exclusives
This is a pretty stupid way to think about it though. All of those games were enhanced for GBC.

The concept of 'exclusives' doesn't do justice with the GBC. I mean, would you rather still be playing those games on your pea soup display of the original Game Boy in the late 90s?

My nigga

It cuts both ways though, it delegitimizes the GBC as an "actual console" in the same way that the DSi and New 3DS aren't really considered to be.

The GBC is as much it's own console as the New 3DS which would in that case be the actual worst handheld they've ever done because the only "exclusives" it had were like 3 ports from other consoles.

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Add Metal Gear Ghost Babel to that list.

Not exclusive.

Well it isn't. Unlike pocket it has its own games and is listed as the gen after those.

DSi and New 3DS barely enhanced existing games at all, while a fuckload of "GBC enhanced" games were made, and you can even argue that every single game in the library benefited from the GBC's superior display and having a bit of color through in.

Doesn't matter what id "rather" they aren't exclusives and you dont NEED to upgrade. Hell i knew kids who played gold on a pocket.

They were advertised for the GBC. Saying they aren't "for" it is like saying there are no Game Boy or Game Boy Color Games at all because the Game Boy Advance can play them.
Or that there are no Game Boy Advance Games because the 3DS can play them.

Nintendo themselves clearly consider the Game Boy, Game Boy Pocket and Game Boy Color a single console.

The GBC had exclusive games. The fact that it can play old games just like the GBA can is irrelevant. It was considered next gen. its listed next gen.

Not exclusive. End of story. PS4 games get advertised for Pro too but guess what? Not exclusive.

>The fact that it can play old games just like the GBA can is irrelevant
GBA doesn't enhance GBC games you dolt.

Good to know that the the Game Boy, Game boy Color, and Game Boy Advance all have no exclusives.

The colors are exclusives. :3c

>Or that there are no Game Boy Advance Games because the 3DS can play them.

What, you fucking faggot? There ARE GBA games but thats because they are NOT 3DS games. How fucking retarded are you?

My PS4 Pro enhances certain PS4 games, still not exclusives.

But you can take the same catridge and play them on a 3DS, that means they aren't exclusive to GBA and don't count as exclusives.


Thats called BC you fucking retard.

What are you talking about? You can take the same cartridge and play it on multiple systems. By this logic that means they aren't exclusives.

Let's shoot the goalpost through intergalactic space and talk about the data instead of the cartridge.

>But you can take the same data and play them on a PC, that means they aren't exclusive to GBA and don't count as exclusives.

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Metal Gear GBC

Sure, why not?
I don't actually believe these things, I'm trying to show why this logic is retarded, and that a game should count as an exclusive if it was only released for one system, even if you can play it on more than one.

>Nintendo actually released a handheld in 1998 with inferior sound capabilities to the fucking Famicom released in 1983

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I mean the sound in the GBA was absolute ass too, wasn't it? It didn't even reach acceptable levels until the DS.

Try playing Crystal and MGS GB on an regular GameBoy.
It's exclusive, later consoles being able to play the older game doesn't change the fact that the game is exclusive, the console maybe not.

No m8, a piece of hardware coming out years later with BC doesn't mean the previous platform didn't have exclusives. You are inbred tier tard.

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>later consoles being able to play the older game doesn't change the fact that the game is exclusive
I 100% agree with you. And the inverse is also true, an EARLIER console in the same line that can play a game doesn't mean it's not an exclusive if it wasn't released for that earlier console.

What the FUCK are you on about. No one has said exclusives dont exist. It seems YOU just have zero reading comprehension. Go back and READ and realise what a fucking retard you look right now.

It's a hardware revision you fucking retard
>GBC exclusives

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>And the inverse is also true


And YOU idiots don't understand making a hyperbolic comparison to prove a point. I am deliberately exaggerating to the point no one would agree with my position, to show why a less extreme position is also stupid.

>that greentext

GBC DID have exclusives you fucking retard. Color is listed as gen 5, while GB and pocket are listed as Gen 4.

to be fair GBA sound wasn't too bad once people knew how to use it

>merely pretending

Fuck off retard. GBC had hardware exclusives. Some games were not. End of fucking story.

>rereleases with added content are exclusives

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GBC is amazing...
Deja Vu I & II, and Shadowgate
Wendy Every Witch Way
Ghost Babel
Zelda Oracle games
Dragon Quest remakes
Azure Dreams
Bionic Commando: Elite Forces
Blaster Master: Enemy Below
Elevator Action EX (rebranded as Dexter's Laboratory)
Mr. Driller
Toki Tori
Project S-11
Little Magic (port from SNES)
Game & Watch 3
Lufia: The Legend Returns
Solomon's Key (rebranded as Monster Rancher Explorer)

It was pretty amazing for people who didnt own a gameboy yet, but not a good upgrade system

Let's see what I got... I never dig out my Gameboy stuff.

Links Awakening DX
Super Mario Bros Deluxe
Dragon Warrior Monsters
Harvest Moon GBC
Pokemon Silver
Pokemon Pinball

Shit I left the battery in Pokemon Pinball it's all corroded.

Some good shit on the console. No backlight though.

Can it be played on Gameboy or Gameboy pocket? Exclusive. End of story.

The thing is, it was an awesome upgrade even if you were heavy into the original, because it breathed life into your entire library.

>Has never exaggerated anything in his life
Okay idiot, I will since you are unable to understand basic arguing techniques

>Can it be played on Gameboy or Gameboy pocket? Exclusive. End of story.

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I dont act like a retard to make a non point, correct. A game either requires you to buy specific hardware, or it doesn't.

So just 4

Show me where thats wrong. Crystal requires you to upgrade, gold and silver do not.

Here before you leave let me give you your prize

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wtf they still have pages for the NES, Virtual Boy, and Pikachu systems

Not an argument.

>DK64 requires an expansion pack therefore its an exclusive

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Funny how they didn't consider that when making exclusive GBC games i couldn't play on a GB or GBpocket so they can fuck off actually. Im not SUPRISED they want to "consider" it all one thing seeing as their lineup of GBC only games were hardly hardware sellers.

For the idiots ITT:

Thats not a whole console though, and, do your research, DK64 requires an expansion pak because the devs were incompetent, not because it pushed hardware.


Dragon Quest 3 was a pretty fucking good port

Look at the absolute state of that list.

>Majora's Mask still requiring that expansion pack

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