You still love me don't you?
You still love me don't you?
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Wasn’t the dollhouse stage about selling kids
i love the original more than you but im still fond of you and look forward to your next incarnation
I have faith the next alice game will be absolute kino
Your game is shit but I still love you uwu
Are you also looking forward to the new pokefag game you stupid fuck-eyed faggot?
absolute kino post my lad
never stopped
first two games are shit that only teenage pop goth girls like. Prove me wrong.
33y/o regular looking, non-scene bloke here, love the fuck out of those games
They're pretty bad as action platformers go. The only thing that's good at them is the visual design. I guess the music was pretty decent too.
the first game looks like puke. the second game looks like poorly lit ue3 puke.
What do you want in the new Alice?
>book world
>snow globes
Holy shit
a better combat system. madness was too shallow for the length of the game, first game was better but could still be vastly improved
no it isn't
>American James McGee was born to an eccentric mother who was a house painter. He met his biological father only once, at his 13th birthday party.[1] In explaining where his name came from, McGee has said that his mother was a hippie and was inspired by a woman she knew in college that named her child "America". McGee was highly creative and was gifted in mathematics and science
>McGee had a number of stepfathers when growing up until his mother finally settled into a relationship with a transgender woman. When McGee was sixteen, he came home from school to find his house empty and abandoned; the only things left were his bed, his books, his clothes and his Commodore 64 computer. His mother had sold the house to pay for two plane tickets and the fee for her girlfriend's sex reassignment surgery, leaving him on his own. He packed up his computer, dropped out of high school and took a variety of odd jobs, finally settling on a Volkswagen repair shop
>His sister has been missing since 2015
>Inspired by Jacques Cousteau, he is now pursuing the "life at sea;" travelling, making games and doing vlogs across South East Asia on a sailboat. He created a Patreon account to seek support for this endeavor
I try to play this game every other year or so but never finish it because it sucks
Jesus I didn't know that about him. I played the second game when I was younger and this makes me play both of them.
Nice to see someone in the games industry speaking sense.
NO! Boobs bad
>No stream or updates on Alice: Asylum in a month since McGee is too busy sailing around Thailand
Fuck, those streams are the highlight of my Thursdays since I can just have them on the background while I do other shit & it's some comfy shit. Also all the concept art is neat.
I don't love you
Liked I did
So based. Wish he could make another sequel to the game
found the murrcan
yes, wish there was more porn of you though
i think that american mcgee might be a massive daughterufag
Might more obviously be his self insert for a fucked up childhood that he projects into a crazy little girl lol.
shoo, shoo
Look into the case of his sister. Alice isn't a daughter, she's a surrogate little sister he can actually protect this time.
He is
the fact that the description for the clown costume in the asylum concept art states that he's love to hear her sing makes this even more depressing.
hopefully his new family life won't take any dark turns like die in a house fire
wtf I love EA now
>his new family life won't take any dark turns
He honestly seems cursed. I don't really buy that kind of shit, but just one look at his life makes it seem like that's the case,
probably why he moved to asia, to seek salvation from buddhist monks
The whole game is about discovering that your psychiatrist is turning kids into prostitutes and trying the same thing on you.
I can't love you or McGee will beat me up.
What was your favorite world/dress?
This. Has McGee ever commented on people waifuing her?
So Alice is still a virgin, right?
most likely yes
>quads of hardship
Speaking of quads, I still want that shit to make some new Quake maps, like Romero did with Doom. I enjoyed McGee's episode the most and he had some really neat ideas like E1M8.
>wait, didn't Alice release after MoH?
>the first couple Medal of Honor games were only rated T
What the fuck??
American has confirmed she is.
But didn't his sister only disappear a few years ago, way way after he made the first game?
I'll always like her default dress the most, even if no one can decide which alchemical symbol goes on which pocket.
Hatter costume makes me swoon.
They had several stepfathers and a crazy mother, do the math
>his mother was a hippie and was inspired by a woman she knew in college that named her child "America"
>mother then proceed to name her son "American"
now that is some serious lack of creativity
Can if really be called inspiration when you're just copying another persons idea like-for-like?
Not a combination that screams out creativity or success.
Another name she was going to give him was going to be 'Obnard.' He still uses that as his handle on Youtube and possibly other places.
Man, don't suggest what I think you're suggesting.
American McGee to this day remains my only exposure to the Alice in Wonderland story. And I find it all fascinating. Is it worth checking out other interpretations and if so, which ones?
Best dress, best level.
Didn't his father try (or outright succeed in?) raping him at some point? Or was the that one of his step fathers? I vaguely remember reading something about that.
Tim Burton's
It's worth reading the original two novels even just to say that you did, and see his different interpretations vary.
She added an N to the end
You didn't see the animated Disney movie?
Have you ever played Kingdom Hearts?
Its a good read i suppose. Gets a lot more interesting when you realize that it was a Pedo's attempt into getting a 12 year old girl.
The real Alice Liddle lived a wholesome life and died a celebrated woman.
Queen and Siren
McGee's interpretation of Alice is actually pretty grimdark and edgy. There's no gore in the real story.
What's his fucking problem?
That's not Cardbridge.
Well it says he only met his real father once when he was 13 so he must have moved fast.
Alice (1988) is great, I highly recommend it. Also, cutest rendition of Alice as of yet.
Fuck no. That's the most boring interpretation. There are only some great visuals in the second film.
I think I'm going to need some drugs for this one based on the trailer:
You fucked up his face.
based and checkedpilled
>any Alice other than McGee Alice being the cutest
Is this a joke?
>Ywn be stomped by a giantess
fuck this gay earth
>black hair
A complete game.
Raven hair and green eyes is undeniably the most patrician combo.
I like the steampunk because corsets always make my dick diamonds, but I can't say no to the underwater one
Why is a raven like a writing desk?
would cum inside
Fuck off Bumby
They both have feathers?
Go play them. They were pretty tame.
I own the first two but haven't touched them in so many years that my memories might be blurring with the first CoD.
>I want to fuck harry potter
now you see why so many horny chicks want to have his seed
So this means if I want a next Alice game I should also be okay with countless people drawing furry penises, scat and other shit just because it is also art and free expression? Uhh...
No, I want to fuck Alice.
Why shouldn't you be?
Underwater dress is da best. Ain't even a question.
You don't have to be okay with it, and you can even express your disgust. But no, you don't have a right to call for their censorship.
I love using the tentacle one.
Hysteria mode with no downtime is great.
Pale dark-haired girls are my weakness, kudos if they have green or blues eyes.
Is Wonderland Alice supposed to have real heavy eyeshadow or does she just have constant bags under her eyes like London Alice even in her pretty dream form?
Fair enough.
32 here, this series is def boomercore lmao
What was your favorite weapon of the series?
I really loved these deadly ass things.
>ywn be eaten by a giantess
why live
Would wholesomely fornicate with and wholeheartedly raise offspring with.
Read the fucking books, they're awesome.
And you can easily get the PDF's off Google, IIRC they're public domain by now.
the staff, it just liquifies everything.
>ywn be able to crawl into a giantess' vagina
end it all
Hair and dresses
>not into her enormous asshole
This. There should definitely be another sequence where she grows giant.
>not posting the barefoot one
because bare feet + edgy af + non-stop hysteria to plow through all the trash mobs
I don't have a webm of that one saved.
This is the best option, especially if she spends a considerable amount of time licking you and playing with you in her mouth beforehand so you slide right in.
WTF I love furry penises, scat and other shit now!?
>bare feet
but they are covered in blood though. Feet are only attractive if they are clean. However you other two points are valid.
Who's to say you wouldn't slide right in regardless?
Either way it'd be a much smoother ride if you were covered in her saliva.
Maybe I'd rather it be a rougher ride, one that really lets her show her power and dominance.
Well that and helping him find his sister.
>ywn have an alice like gf
Needs more hair physics.
Well I feel like it would show off her dominance better if she put you through the terrifying ordeal of thinking she's going to eat you first, then once she's done with that she shoves your lubed up body inside of her deep enough for it to take hours of crawling to get back out.
>no sound
But why?
I want her to step on my dick and call me names.
because Yea Forums doesnt support audio in webms
she's 15, possibly 14 in that video
newfag detected
This is why McGee lives on a boat and doesn't trust people.
You guys sound like NPCs from the game.
Jesus Christ
is all in good fun user i swear i'm not that autistic irl
doubt it
Wasn't it because his sister was mysteriously murdered?
Real Alice is the qtest
You're a big gal
My penis if that's okay
Kino game, based creator.
Why did EA not support Alice 3?
Pure kino this one.