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>muh bugs
get over it meleefags
>thinking it was some anime game that lead to this.
Look at history, Nintendo doesn't want melee to be in the spotlight and now less people will complain because ultimate is an ok game.
>shitty fucking BBTag
>no Guilty Gear
this is the real injustice of this years evo
Why the fuck do people care? Why are they even surprised? Did they really think a game that came out in 2001 was going to stay in EVO forever?
>wahhh melee is dead :(((((((
There are other tourneys that host Melee, so shut the fuck up.
I'm fairly certain it's all shitposting.
Because Meleequeers don't actually care about the game itself, they only care about the e-celeb dicksucking drama that happens at the events where these Melee tourneys are held.
But then why does Melee have one of the largest local scenes where no e-celebs go
It doesn't.
Because this is a sign that Melee is about to be dropped as a main stage game at all FGC events and Melee autists are literally incapable of ever moving on. Just like the rest of us have to do when new games come out.
>SamSho 2019
Fucking wat
Name one fighting game besides Jive and Tekken with a larger local scene
It really doesn't. That's a meme perpetuated by the few Melee players out there. Melee has the smallest scene of all the major games.
Had a damn good run. Just scared that UNIST and ShoDown won’t be able to pick up the slack
>yeah, how dare you play a game that isn't the newest one
how's MvCi and SFV going for you
Melee has something you shitty game doesn't trophies, but actually GOOD!
Ultimate has shitty recycled art with spirits, not even woth anyones time. Melee will never die out with features like these.
This such a pathetic falseflag.
MvC and Street Fighter you goddamn zoomer shit.
Brawl had trophies too. Can we expect Meleefags to finally move over to Brawl now?
>what is Jive
You don't see MVC 3 or 2 do you? TOs didn't put those back in because Infinite flopped. SFV is the newest SF and currently has the largest SF scene. I don't see what your point is.
4 also had trophies
I don't even play Ultimate, you autist.
Why would Ultimate fags be seething if they're too busy training for evo?
>SFV has the largest scene
It's a game that was asked not to be listed.
Melee still has like 3 or 4 EVO-like tournaments. It’d still better off than even the likes of SFV if it ever got dropped from EVO for any reason.
>people being happy a game with community, viewership and participant support will be dropped in favour of games that paid to be there
Also I'm not talking about unist, love that it's a main game, but damn. I'm gonna miss evo melee, here's hoping it's back next year
that's my point, user
People got sad about Marvel being shit and said the franchise was finished while ignoring two perfectly good Marvel games
the attitude of "you can't play this game if it's not the newest one" is fucking stupid
What happened?
why is Fox so ugly god damn
people are somehow surprised when the game that's been at EVO almost the most out of any other game and has gigantic logistical issues is passed up when it gets a sequel that isn't garbage
dropped from evo in favour of meme games like samurai showdown
No, people are happy to see the insufferable community that is Melee in misery.
>you shitty game doesn't trophies
Man at least work on your bait you chode
I'm not saying you can't play it. Play whatever you want. But don't get pissed of when everyone else doesn't cater to you when it's long past time to move on.
how is it insufferable
melee has been the second biggest game at evo for years now (usually behind SF, last year behind DBFZ) so yeah when such a big title is dropped, you should be surprised
Because he doesn't like it. Or sucks at the game. Or he's an autist. There are probably dozens of reasons.
because other's told him to feel that way
The viewership might have been good, but the money earned from that was probably much less due to the aforementioned gigantic logistical issues
Melee doesn't even hold the record.
Let some other games get played.
Because they never shook off the bad image tourneyfags gave 10 years ago.
Thank god. Now I can have Melee threads without fake fgc fags being outraged about a 18 year old game.
Who actually cares about melee not being at EVO anyway. If your a real melee player you'd be happy for these reasons.
>Hbox is just going to win anyway
>Less money for McDumbass
>Other tourneys are run better anyway
>Give some spotlight to other communities that are really dedicated which we should be happy about
>Other majors get more support
Guarantee melee will be back 2020 or 2021 anyway
Ultimate finally killed melee
lol no, the logistics dont matter one bit
melee was dropped because other games' publishers paid to be at evo
nobody pays for melee, it's purely grassroots
If there continue to be Melee majors, perhaps the "god" thing can finally go away? I want to see more new players doing well without being immediately set aside by the usual suspects.
Ah yes, SNK, the company that literally just came back from Bankruptcy had so much money lying around to pay Mr. Wiz off
imagine being this retarded
You literally cannot deny the logistical problems of CRTs and GameCubes due to legal reasons.
They're still gonna come and scream "STINKY DAY" or some other moronic shit
Don't they get a large amount of the crt tv's from Crimson Blurs vault? And consoles/games from gaming generations?
Smash fags are so retarded holy shit
It doesn't take much since Melee pays nothing.
>who cares if it’s at EVO
>I-it will be back anyways!! Just you see!!!
Sending mixed messages here user
The "god" thing is close to being completely finished, provided the game lives another two or three years it'll probably be a completely different group of people by the end.
There’s 3 Melee locals within driving distance of my house. Any other game, even Ultimate, has 1 at best.
Does any fanbase ever think they're insufferable?
>perhaps the "god" thing can finally go away
except that has been happening?
> Not Nintendo paying to promote Ultimate over Melee
Do you even tinfoil bro?
>Also I'm not talking about unist, love that it's a main game
It's more of a matter of setting it all up. CRTs are fucking heavy and I'm almost certain we'd have switched to monitors and dolphin if it wasn't for Nintendo
Ultimate was the last drop in a very full bucket for melee. I think it gave a lot of pros or wannabes an escape route for a dying game. Just look at how they're handling wobbling let alone talking about a puff ban just because hbox is the only god to not move over to ultimate
Meele won't be back, Wiz hates it, and with good reason
game needs to die
>meleefag calling Samurai Showdown a meme game
See this is why the rest of the FGC is happy to see Melee split off from them
Literally in that post he says he's not talking about UNIST.
Nintendo does pay for the newest Smash game to be at EVO, yes. It's simple marketing. However, in the past that simply lead to two Smash games. It's not an either/or deal unless you factor in all the other games paying to be there.
anyone trying to use the "muh logistics" excuse doesn't know that the melee events are pretty much run by smash T.O's anyway
SNK is literally listed as an Evo sponsor, this isn't a secret or conspiracy my man
99% of the time, maybe even 100%, any publisher who has a game in Evo is also a sponsor
Day of the soap
And do you realize how much it costs to fly that shit Vegas? Or how much work it is setting them up, especially just for one game?
When's the next Melee supermajor, then? The Big House? I know CEO announced Melee last night but I'm not sure if that's eligible for "supermajor" status
wtf forget that Ultimate has everyone, including Ridley and King K. Rool with a possible appearance of Minecraft Steve. Melee still has TROPHIES.
>Melee has something you shitty game doesn't trophies, but actually GOOD!
What did user mean by this?
The god thing only refers to 5 people who were the most dominant during a specific timeframe, like how Ken is still called King of Smash despite not even being top 100 anymore.
You say that, but you've never played more than a few rounds of SamSho against a human, if any
You never know, some miracle could have happened and someone could have figured out HBox. Melee has had plenty of twists and turns over the years, like how Wobbling was a non-issue until recently.
But Smash not being on the main stage, and Ultimate actually being popular, means that the older players will finally drift away, and younger ones can start competing with one another without having to battle the soap opera crew.
>One man (HBox) finally killed Melee
>and it took the sacrifice of another game series that was previously killed by one man (Marn)
complete pottery
Gods haven't been a thing for a while, the only reason the title sticks around is for legacy reason. They used to be gods because they would literally never lose a game to anyone that wasn't a god, let alone a series. But that's not the case anymore. There have been plenty of "godslayers" like Leffen or Plup in recent years and going by tournament results, gods like M2K or Mango are very much mortals nowadays.
The only gods that really stayed untouchable were Armada and PPMD and they're both retired.
the vault is in cali lmao
Pound 2019, Summit 8, GOML 2019, Smash n Splash 5.
For sure at least for 2021 since thats the 20th anniversary
again, the melee events are ran and managed by melee people, so they're the ones setting up tvs because they're the ones supplying them
Melee stream monsters are terrible, terrible people
Maybe if melee rounds didnt go into 3 hour overtime every fucking time ruining other events
>that avatar
based and yaparipilled
>literally "they hurt my feefees" the post
how is it different from any other twitch chat btw?
>having twitch chat on
Can’t really blame the game for TO incompetence.
Watch time 9,826,953,207 hours
+3,085,757,854 (+45.77%)
Average viewers 1,121,798
+352,256 (+45.77%)
Peak viewers 3,929,074
+1,613,731 (+69.70%)
Min viewers 145,415
+127,087 (+693.40%)
454,685,892 hours
+25,235,536 (+5.88%)
Average viewers 1,353,231
+75,105 (+5.88%)
Peak viewers 2,624,711
+164,681 (+6.69%)
Min viewers 629,506
+13,350 (+2.17%)
I hope you're not implying Fighterz is currently surpassing Melee.
Meele died so it's ok to me
I think he means the streamers themselves
>1 year old game vs 5 year
>has already half the amount of time
It died, let it go user
FighterZ is at Evo, so...
> Granblue but no Blade Strangers
One day, one day it will get its chance in the light.
Man, there are several games here better than every single main-stage game
sasuga, Evolution
>tfw next year comes and Ultimate doesn't have hype by virtue of being a new game
>Viewership numbers plummet
>Melee is either reinstated next year, or they drop smash completely
How long until Capcom fanboys stab UNIST in the back like they've always done with anime fighters?
Ah yes, the grand city of Las Vegas, California, truly the 8th Wonder of the World
Unist is here to shill bbtag.
>or they drop smash completely
I can only hope
It's a 1 hour drive you dumbass
And then Mr. Wiz flies Leffen just to beg for forgiveness and then sucks his cock live on stream and then Sakurai commits honerable sudoku in the next direct for never making “proper” Melee Sequel and then world wide production of CRTs begins again to user in the golden age of Melee.
>when melee fags booed the GG stream
You fags get no sympathy. We had enough of your bullshit. Good fucking riddance
>Call a game shit
>When the people who played it agree the game is shit and not fun to watch
I know everyone who played tr4sh pretended to like it to save face and play the victim from the big mean melee players but as soon as ultimate dropped everyone who played it unanimously stabbed it in the back because they know it's garbage.
pic related
4 actually, but yeah my point still stands, no flight needed
This place sure makes a lot more sense once you understand everyone here forms their opinions based on things they read in twitch chat
Hiring a long haul truck to deliver like 10,000 lbs of TVs and GameCubes is also basically free lmao
Never mind the fact that it takes longer to set up 50 CRTs then it does to set up 150 flatscreens either no big deal right
god damn I love Melee
it's the only game I can't get tired of, thousands of hours in it and I only stop when someone else is tired of playing
The first post literally said all brawl and sm4sh players should die
>>When the people who played it agree the game is shit and not fun to watch
This is literally false, but okay. Not to mention the fact that staff on twitter literally said that meleecucks are cancer
Yeah because it’s not like the shit from Twitch chat ends up in any Yea Forums threads discussing the game or tournament either right asshole
smash 4 and brawl are fucking dogshit games retard. you don't have to be a smelly melee player to notice.
you are comparing a game that is 18 years old, this year, with a game that will be 2 this year
>going to GameFAQs
>find out about DC++
>downloading smash videos from other users because youtube didn't come out for another 3 years
3:56 if the link doesn't work. i'd never known about that young link property
That has fucking nothing to do with average viewer count.
it will, Ultimate is becoming a good alternative, TOs are sick of CRTs ad it isn't at EVO
>This is literally false, but okay
>Zero says 4 was shit
>MKLeo says 4 was shit
>Dabuz says 4 was shit
>Salem says 4 was shit
>ESAM says 4 was shit
>ANTi says 4 was shit
>MVD says 4 was shit
>Nairo says 4 was shit
The only people who liked 4 were bayonetta cucks like Captain Zack who literally ragequit the game and twitter and their lives when they can't pull out braindead spoonfed combos out of their ass anymore and M2K who enjoys anything with a smash logo on it
>mfw no more retards heckling of other actual fighting games cuz no bing bing on stage and no more BO
>too young to remember all the other times melee has "died"
setting yourself up for disappointment
>a possible appearance of Minecraft Steve
wtf i love melee now
fuck off refusteve
>or they drop smash completely
>source: my nile-wide anus
Actually, why DID Nintendo reduce his crown size?
>no more retards heckling of other actual fighting games cuz no bing bing on stage and no more BO
That isn't going to happen until Smash as a whole is purged from Evo
the source is that 4 is shit and it's the obvious opinion to have
>Playing baby’s first block game akin of Webkinz
Im ready for the return of MvC when they inevitability announce a new game this year
So now that GG is officially dead until further notice, should I go for SSBU or Samurai Showdown?
>Melee has something you shitty game doesn't
definitely not a place in EVO that's for sure.
straight from your posterchild's mouth
I wish people could be more reasonable about all this. Melee had a significant amount of time in the EVO spotlight, I don't think it's realistic to expect it to stay in favor of newer games. Plus unlike say DoA it has plenty of other high-profile tournaments to attend.
>Not developing on an incredibly popular game platform
Face it Stevie, microsoft ruined your fucking game
how is a haul of crt's different from a haul of flatscreens?
i know nothing about tournaments
does SFII still get a place? i really don't know
>Not just admitting it makes no sense to replace melee. I'm down to see more games at evo, but it looks like they shot themselves in the foot.
You're absolutely right, and I honestly wish people would stop insisting its anything beyond that.
There's a lot of bitterness built up about Melee over the past 20 years: definitely including the time before Melee was accepted at EVO. People were mad about Melee from seemingly day one, and the old jabs and memes have hardened in to accepted "truths", such that people can make any sort of rumor about Melee players and Anons will believe it. Leffen literally gave his winnings away at last Evo, but everyone forgot about that in favor of more Stinky Day memes.
Why are melee autists chimp out when their garbage ain't on stage? This is karma
why the fuck is everything ever repeated at all whatsoever now a "meme" ?
knock knock jokes aren't memes but they're repeated
Why are third worlders like you type like illiterate monkeys?
Calling recurring jokes a meme is a meme.
> why the fuck is everything ever repeated at all whatsoever now a "meme" ?
Don't blame me, this is literally a thing that came about when I wasn't on Yea Forums for a time. I came back to discuss a show I like and now everybody is calling any sort of Joke, Rumor, Falsehood, Fact, and happening a 'Meme'.
People call Computers a 'meme'. What does that even mean?
it makes sense though, stop liying to yourself
sad for melee but fucking happy for unist
Hungrybox arch Melee is more boring to watch than Brawl and Smash 4. Nobody would step up to the plate and dethrone him, instead they'd rather whine on twitter about jigglypuff being easy and cancer.
Good riddance.
Melee is fast, that is what is important. Why can't games be quick now? They have to be slow for all the suddenly 40% of the population of autismal retards who will never play the game with another person?
knowing the stupidity of Meele community, they'll ban him at some point
Armada was beating him consistently.
You've never played a real fighting game in your life, bitch
>real fighting game
oh boy here comes super street fighter II turbo talk
slow fighting games are boring. that is why nobody plays Battle Stadium DON, Killer Instinct, Primal Rage, Bloody Roar. fast games are interesting
wait a minute....
Melee “gods” have played, no, dedicated their life to playing the same game for over a decade.
And it took them this long to figure a character was good. This is unprecedented, it’s like if someone discovered chun was good at the last coop cup. All this means is that the entire player base of melee is complete and total trash. Your top players literally do no know what they are doing after thousands of hours. All of you are frauds.
I miss MvC and KI
>lost to a mario
Hbox IS one of those Gods, though?
Puff has literally always seen a high-level of play, it's just until Hbox could consistently SDI Fox up-air Puff didn't have an even matchup
Kermit was wrong last time though.
I'm still mad the faggot tried to invoke Vampire Saviour: It literally died because the FGC, despite their noise, didn't want it.
I'm glad Fighterz is back, and the salt is fucking hilarious
CRTs weigh considerably more and take longer to setup properly.
Then why aren’t we seeing anyone come in and stomp away the competition?
You honestly can’t believe the Melee community is just pure and without sin dude. The FGC wasn’t the most welcoming to them back in the day and that was the source of a lot of bitterness, but god damn Meleefags have done some heinous shit before.
>Connect CRT to power source
>Connect console to power source
>Connect console to CRT
oh goodness what a tedious ordeal i can’t believe anyone would put up with this
Actually, I feel Nintendo themselves got Melee killed at EVO. They're taking the eSports promotion angle more seriously for Ultimate and in terms of sales it's a game that's actually caught on unlike Sm4sh WiiU. No use in having their own 18 year old predecessor game compete with their new platform and product anymore.
As much as I'm a Melee fan, it really does need to go. Its competitive scene has gotten so stale and only got to live thanks to Brawl's gameplay and Sm4sh's scene both being trainwrecks.
modded Project M is the true patrician choice for both competitive and casual fun anyway.
>totally ignoring how much more they weigh which is the main source of why CRT setups take longer
You tried, i guess
>schedule set up for 30 min earlier
woooow a logistics nightmare
S to spit
it’s a bunch of retarded 0-2ers on either side trying to get cool guy points by shitting on other communities, meanwhile nobody at top level gives a shit
I need sauce on Meele salt
Salem's tweet was fucking gold
>longer to set up
literally a non issue because everything is done the day before the tournament, this is just "but it's haaaard" tier complaining
Did the tweet get deleted?
It was never going to last forever.
Twitch chat is just like reddit. Why would you ever care about dogshit opinions from people who don't even go to tournament? Do you enter bracket user?
they have no hygiene
>but it's just a meme
you clearly have never been to a tournament
Maybe i’ve just been lucky but i’ve never had any issues with Melee players and hygiene at any tournament i’ve gone to. Ultimate and Tekken seem to have a few odd ones though.
I dont get the hate. I love fighting games and I love melee, just as many top fgc players do. Leffen has shown there is at least some carry over in the skill it requires to be good at both. So why are we celebrating melee dying? I feel like twitch chat and Yea Forums are the only places that feel this way. I can understand the game is old but if third strike still had a scene would everyone be acting the same way? We dont know because people who played 3rd strike have quit or been forced to play garbage ass rehashes that have only dumbed down the series and driven the core fanbase away. Is it envy? Is it because melee players still play the game they enjoy and have a stronger community than virtually any other game on the stage? I dont know, but I'm sorry to everyone who plays melee and enjoys watching it every year like I do. F from me.
shill your twitter somewhere else
cope and seeth smeleefag
On your deathbed you'll come across whatever video game streaming site there is and you'll see a melee tournament be one of the top slots. The last emotion you'll everr feel is anger towards someone playing a video game.
>Melee is fast, that is what is important.
Jigglypuff is a brawl character in melee
Certainly not, no 'buts'.
I even admit to having a period where I was a tryhard faggot about it, something I regret to this day, though I thankfully have not repeated it.
Meleefags would have had to done something to get the level of ire they get now, though once upon a time, that thing was
Playing a Nintendo baby kiddie game". That was my first exposure to the Melee vs FGC thing for me more than a decade back. People on FG forums and the like would go on tyraids about the prestige and unfathomable skill that fighting games had, how Smash was a kiddie game for kiddies and worthy only of ridicule, infinite repeats of "party game", it was all the same stuff you hear now, just in a much rougher and less quip-y fashion. Being that I liked Smash, Street Fighter, and SNK games in general at the time, I was bummed and annoyed about all the fighting, and flabbergasted with people saying that Smash players only played Smash. I was in College at the time, and saw daily that that was not the case. It took years for me to actually see the divide happen in tournaments, and that was after all the shit flinging was already an established thing.
When people say that Smashfags could be insufferable, I believe it, as Melee turning out to be deep attracted the sort of casual player who, hoping to get prestige points, started trying to play the game the "right" way with items off and such. I can really see how that can annoy people, and I won't defend that. Stuff like booing GG and Smash 4 isn't excusable either.
But concerning the myriad of rumors and legends about how Smash players poo in pools and other such, I taught myself to tune it out since it at times comes out as exaggerated or outright false (Like 'Stinky Day" being ascribed to Melee and not Sm4sh). But these are the things people focus on the most and repeat the most.
years and years of hate originally stemmed from the whole "smash isn't a fighting game" thing
Leffen's only claim to fame in fighting games is getting blown the fuck out by actual players, pulling the plug in ranked matchmaking, and using the "I don't even okay this game" option select
take your eceleb shit outta here
>Gundam versus
>not extreme vs full boost
For what purpose?
I meam I really dont like leffen but lemme know when you can make GO1 pop off like this. youtu.be
>FGCuck scouring through twitch chat to find toxic problematic comments from smash players
How much of your mental energy is spent thinking about smash?
Dude, I just grabbed that off of google
FGC players hated Smash since it's not a traditional fighting game
None of them exercise proper hygiene
Melee kids is mad about Sakurai not releasing a successor to Melee while Smash 4 kids are mad their game is shit and get even madder when Melee fags tell them that it is
Smashfags generate genuine animosity toward each other, much greater than the FGC players who have almost become accustomed to Smash's presence in their venues.
Smash community devolves into calling each other stinky autists and telling melee players to kill themselves on twitter now that Evo has finally done away with Melee.
Basically Smash brothers attracts the absolute worst types of people who unironically do have hygiene and social skill problems, which is probably why it's Yea Forums's #1 favorite franchise.
>all these post documentary babies seething
Melee got me into fighting games as much as it is different than traditional fighters I'd still call it a platform fighter. I think its useful to have smash at evo as a good way to bridge the gap considering traditional fighters can be a little intimidating while smash feels very pick up and play. And I think most can agree sm4sh was a huge downgrade competitively and that's why a lot of people shit on it. If you look at ultimate though, you have so much crossover. People love ultimate and melee the smash community has never been tighter.
melee kids Lol
When the community is starting to consider (even a tiny bit) outright banning a character just because one guy is really good with her, it's time to say goodbye. Being relevant for 18 years is impressive and the legacy competitive Melee has had is astonishing but it's now reaching a point of self-cannibalization in a desperate bid to survive.
Smash is the only game at any of the local venues that gets more than 10 entrants
I freaking love Melee, and my reaction was "that sucks, but oh well. It was gonna happen eventually." Other people's reaction caught me off guard, especially since a lot of them have talked about how proud they are for being a grassroots community. Tournaments with Melee as the main game will continue to be a thing, so I don't see what the big deal is.
Maybe they loved Evo despite all the bitching over the years, lol
I just want an older marvel back at this point
Hey stinky!
You know what Ultimate has that Melee doesn't? Ridley and K. Rool.
Id rather they just drop smash as a whole also. Ult isnt as entertaining to watch as melee and nintendo probably doesnt want it there in the first place.
Ultimate has the only trophy that counts: a spot at Evo 2k19.
that was never genuine and even players in the community were confused as to how it was even a thing being discussed. It started because of a leffen clickbait video and another salty fox player
Accept death like a man already. Nothing lasts forever.
>Leffen does damage to discussion about a particular thing
no surprise here
It sucks to say, but this game's been getting boring for years. Fox's dominance isn't good, but it's even worse that he and Falco are the only fun characters to watch.
Being discourage to jump in a fucking platform fighter is stupid as all shit.
You and I will die before Melee does, accept it.
Fox has only been getting less dominant and SHFFL is still the go-to approach option for most characters in the game. What are you taking about?
Sorry but i’m not about to stop going to locals because the game is no longer at Evo.
>M-melee is FOREVER!!!
Yeah ok, whatever you say guy
Tell me, which one of these games is still being played?
None of them, dumb seething stinknigger
It's been 15+ years guys, you saw it coming, come ooon...
I accepted that Melee isn't everything. I accepted that EVO doesn't need Melee. I accepted that Melee is stale and that we need to move forward.
You on the other hand are just in denial and crying about it. Let other games get their spotlight. Let other people get the chance to experience new events. Now quit being a little shit. Sit down, be humble, and accept your fate. Your time has come. Your game is done.
Get over it. Evo shouldn't have to revolve around revolting manchildren like you who are so obsessed with a stale 10 year old game that they dedicate their entire life to it.
>stale 10 year old game
It's almost 20, actually senpai.
He was perfectly fine with it until he started getting his ass handed to Bayonettas and Mkleo
Funny how he said he is also not enjoying Ultimate the moment it was clear he is not as good at it as he was in Smash 4
Wow that's even worse really.
Spacies' use has gone down a little bit and has been replaced by utter shite.
Marth and Falcon are played gayer than ever.
In general, all players have realized that approaching isn't the right play. Ledgestall and generally running away wasn't common in intermediate play, but now you see it in all across the bracket.
but the most fun match up to watch is Marth v Falcon
Fighting game tournaments for fighting games only.
>Marth and Falcon are played gayer than ever.
I'll give you Falcon, but Zain's Marth is incredibly fun to watch
Wizard did this to save face after the "core values" incident.
I dont play melee but this makes me incredibly sad. Its really making me rethink how I much time I put into video games. In 5 years, 10 years, all that time is wasted, gone, lost like tears in rain.
in some ways this reminds me of the brood war scene
Bad sanitation and attempted vehicular homicide.
>I accepted that Melee isn't everything. I accepted that EVO doesn't need Melee. I accepted that Melee is stale and that we need to move forward.
Nobody's making you play or watch it. Thousands of people still do, and because they actually enjoy it instead of doing it out of obligation like ultimate and other games.
>You on the other hand are just in denial and crying about it. Let other games get their spotlight. Let other people get the chance to experience new events. Now quit being a little shit. Sit down, be humble, and accept your fate. Your time has come. Your game is done.
Melee is being played at more majors this year than the rest of those games combined.
>Get over it. Evo shouldn't have to revolve around revolting manchildren like you who are so obsessed with a stale 10 year old game that they dedicate their entire life to it.
>Get over it
>Spent the last 5 years seething about it being at evo
I love this retarded "STOP ENJOYING SOMETHING BECAUSE IT'S OLD" logic. Imagine if someone constantly complained about you living in your house because it's "old" and suggesting you move into a box on the street because it's new.
It's fine that Melee isn't in EVO. The pathetic thing is that you and the other anti-Melee people are CELEBRATING that it isn't in for abritrary reasons that you didn't come up with yourselves. And I'm laughing at you because 3-4 years from now there's still going to be people playing Melee, and it's still going to make you seethe because someone else on Yea Forums told you that final destination is the only stage and fox is the only character allowed, and you're still going to try to convince everyone it's dead.
The fact that it's been 5 years since people have complained about Melee for.....existing and this is literally your only win. It HAS to be what "kills" melee because there's been nothing else to celebrate. Go ahead and spend the rest of your life being mad at people for playing a different game than you.
>Eat pizza for 20 years
>Wow that's fucking retarded why don't you eat shit instead when it's new?
Kinda sucks. I really wanted to see M2K, Wizzy or Plup win an EVO before Melee was taken off. Oh, well.
I'm REALLY happy that Samurai Shodown and fucking UNIST is in though. That shit is awesome.
Gonna pick up UNIST for sure.
Melee players raised 230k to get into Evo 2013
Or did you not know that because you're a fucking newfag?
I have. It was perfectly fine. Though it was a Melee exclusive local, so I dunno.
Underrated post.
>Community raising 230k for charity is comparable to publishers literally paying to feature their game
Come on, man. I don't think Smash belongs at EVO, but you can't compare something like that to the sponsorship.
>I don't think Smash belongs at EVO
why not?
Stay seething you eternal sperg.
Funny because now a lot of ultimatefags are seeing tr4sh for how slow and garbage it really was and have formed the same opinion of it now
>WORDS WORDS WORDS wall of text
Literally seething.
i'm personally surprised that melee is not in. just wow
This is the conundrum of being 'hardcore'. Games are at their core entertainment. The entertainment of fighting games is the experience of improving a skill, but it is still entertainment, passing time. Not only do you not have to take it seriously, you're actually not supposed to in the eyes of many, and things like this happening show why. Once the game you loved is over, you're unlikely to apply the skills you learned in the game elsewhere, unless another game like it shows up. People forget that the same is true for competitive multiplayer games because they're so caught up in training, practicing, and figuring out how to increase their skill, but they're still just passing time.
Melee has no progression like other games, user. It's a solved puzzle and everyone knows it. Melee events now are so predictable that everyone is sick of it. Shit like that is why your dumb game isn't coming to evo. Take the L already.
do they host the melty tourney on the roof of Evo or in the bathroom?
they basically made an in memoriam video for melee. I doubt it's coming back
>says this when he complained about melee the past 5 years
>its gone because its shit!
So every other gane is worse because they get dropped in less time? lmao
No. Because it's old the bone to the point that it needs to be replaced. Like an old rusty car.
This example only works if there's literally no other vehicles.
>user is literally blind
Everybody knows Melee requires more training than any of these other fighting games and I'm pretty sure Melee would still be in there if people could vote on this but oh well. Gotta make room for ultimate amirite guyz?
Boys will be boys...
don't forget the soap
I can smell you from all the way over here.
They had to give the other small guys a chance after so much Nintendomination
Smash is literally the hardest and most sophisticated fighting game btw
I don't consider it a fighting game.
Plus, there are other major Melee-centric events that are held by community members. Don't see why Melee should need EVO. It seems it's always a hassle for both the players and the organizers.
People like you are like the Twitter women who've only read Harry Potter and think it's a masterpiece.
Play literally any other fighting game, retard.
I'm way more annoyed about Wiz being a typical amerifaggot over DoA's titty-artists then I am about Melee losing it's Xth tournament for Jigglypuff to camp-win.
You mean all the bells and whistles that you'll never going to see at evo, you fucking autistic sperg?
>Smash n Splash
>Low Tier City
>Probably a bunch of other majors I forgot
but oh no Melee isn't at EVO surely the game is dead for good now
don't get too cocky, UNISTfags, you seem to forget the Granblue fightan and possibly the next GG are coming out next year, so enjoy your spotlight for now
good bait
two summits actually, plus another summit major for all players to attend
granblue will sell negative copies. What kinda fucking crossover is there for Gacha shit and Fightan? Its gonna be a babb game too, watch
As a UNIfag, the community has gone full retard and are opening themselves up for ridicule next year when we're back in the side tourney. No one believes the game will be on the mainstage again, but you know how people are.
M2K and Plup are both on break from Melee either way.
you really understimate the power of whales and weebs
accepting a shitty game just because it's new is the most retarded shit i've ever heard. even the worst companies attempt to fix there newer games when the majority of people dislike a change. fighting games don't do this because you dumbasses are content with staying on the same shitty game until the new one fixes it. This is why people preferred melee of sm4sh. the only good thing about melee not being at evo is that ultimate is a good game.
plup only said a few months, so he would have been fine by evo anyway
If that was the case then the FE games would be selling well because of Heroes.
I just find it pretty amazing that Melee was a main stage game for fucking 5 years straight, without any sponsorship from Nintendo, plus requiring relatively huge amounts of space and bothersome equipment in comparison to other fighting games.
Kind of wild that it wasn't dropped sooner, but I guess entrants are really what matters for the money. Melee was definitely declining in entrants.
I wouldn't really take Zero's opinion of anything. He might have previously been a really good player, but his opinions are terrible. Just look at any of his tier lists that he made. Has no idea what makes a character good.
He also stated Sm4sh was shit when he wasn't winning every tournament anymore. Sm4sh is shit tho, but not because Zero says it is
it wasn't on the main stage 2017
for years smash has taken 2 spots in evo for no reason, most entitled commuinty in a scene that doesnt even want them in the first place
good fucking riddance,BATH TIME
Is this finally the end of competitive no shower stink simulator?
you know they dont set shit up the day of right. you know that people unlike yourself are generally really organized and get things done before the big event right? these issues literally don't matter because things are done in advance.
>those fucking awful BB TAG numbers
can't wait to see them drop even lower this year
>People who play Melee only play Melee
No shit. I don't really get why this is supposed to be either a positive or negative.
If anything, this is an argument for dropping Melee, since it doesn't contribute as much overall as other fighting games.
no evo for you mehlee dudes and dudettes, how much does it hurt please describe in specific detail while i touch myself.
I mean, this is just individual entrants. Most people enter more than one competition. Still, individual entrants are interesting because they're the most direct way to see the ticket sellers, i.e. cutting Melee means at least ~800 less entry tickets sold.
>ha le epic stinky time xd take a shower roflmao lol xd
I'm glad Melee's gone but can you fucking NPCs come up with original shit to say?
>I'm glad Melee's gone
the thing with mehlee was that the idiotic competitive fanbase literally shat on every other smash game when it gets tournaments so i am glad they lose out now for being such a bunch of mentally unstable fuckwits.
you can also say EVO is missing out on lots of unique entrants
Melee has had more representation than almost every actual fighting game.
Who does this guy's thumbnails
Because as much as I like the game, it's greedy to get two games of the same series with such precious few slots, especially when one is 18 years old and is stagnating. It's clearly been a sinking ship for a little while now.
god himself
Bullshit that's happening. The butthurt would be cataclysmic, it'd probably kill Ultimate purely out of spite
Why is being critical of newer entries only a bad thing in regards to Smash Bros?
>You don't like Mass Effect Andromeda over Mass Effect 2? But it's new!
>You don't like Skyrim over Morrowind? But it's new!
>You don't like Fallout 4 over New Vegas? But it's new!
>You don't like Final Fantasy XV over VII? But it's new!
Obviously exaggerating a bit here, but these are some big franchises where people tend to prefer the older games and shit on the new, but no one really bats an eye at it.
Only when Meleefags are dissing the new releases do people get pissed off. Is it just a case of rampant Nintendo fanboyism or what?
It happens in Street Fighter as well. MvC2 vs 3 was a thing for a little while too iirc
>Smash 4 kids are mad their game is shit and get even madder when Melee fags tell them that it is
No this is the actual reason nobody likes meleefags. Smash 4 fags know the game has problems, melee has problems too so why are they starting a game war with a community that's almost entirely separate from them? If meleefags didn't try to stir up shit ever since Brawl released and just played their fucking game nobody would mind them but they just go around being assholes to everyone. The problem isn't smash in general it's melee and the spectator esports faggots.
This seems like a bizarre conception. The only thing that matters in an entertainment venue is what people want to see. That'd be like saying a game "took to many sales". It's nonsense. If the demand was there, why kill the provision for it?
But apparently not enough to kill people's interest in it. People dislike the HBox Jiggs but not enough to quit melee, playing or viewership, and people want to see everything else around it, and maybe even see someone defeat Hbox
>sinking ship
Numbers say this is false and I don't really need to say much more
>Melee has had more representation than almost every actual fighting game.
Sounds like a resounding success then doesn't it? Kind of bizarre to cut off something successful.
does anyone have the southpark meme pic about melee ? The one with Kyles cousin.
Imagine being THIS upset that people are enjoying a video game.
And people say Meleefags are autistic. Yikes.
>start problems
Tr4sh started the problem by being a shit game and everyone going along because it was the hype new Nintendo game and people wanting to ride the hype. The fact that Sm4sh died the second Ultimate came out and there weren't even whispers of demand for it like how SFII or III musters to this day pretty much objectively proved that Tr4sh was a dud that rode on being the new Smash game. The same thing would probably happen to SFV the moment something better came along.
I don't know why loyalty to gameplay over brand is getting attacked though. You'd think Yea Forums would be on board with not serving corporate cash demand.
Based Kaban putting faggots in the trash since 2017.
>It's Sm4sh's fault I literally cannot contain my autism
If the new games don't matter to you then why does it matter that the new games aren't "like melee" or that people want to play the newest one? Just keep playing melee.
Tell me a meleefag you like playing and watching Ultimate more then Melee and then get back to me on what Autism is
>hygiene offends me
dont let the soap get stuck between your hooves you repulsive fat pig
But isn't it people who hate Melee who are constantly making these threads?
Lighten up, man. It's funny. People post memes on this board every day and you don't see me sperging out about le wojack face.
I didn't mention anything about melee. But Tr4sh's state transcended internal community strife in that everybody was being quiet about the elephant in the room of the state Smash4 because Cloud and Bayonetta were in it. I actually only wish that Street Fighter fags made as much of a ruckus because it's amusing to see them bitch about a game they play anyway because SFV is the current one like as if it's cosmic law that the newest entry of anything is what must be played.
So anyone that did enjoy playing Smash 4 was what, just brainwashed into thinking they are having fun or some shit?
Yes because melee players have behaved like faggots ever since Brawl came out, like I said. People didn't just randomly start hating melee players or see them as "dumb old fogeys who can't move on", people see them as annoying autists that constantly attack every other fighting game for having design goals different from melee's accidental metagame.
>Gets mad about people being unoriginal
>Uses NPC meme
You dumb faggot.
>replies like an NPC
It's like poetry, it rhymes.
But I'm not SEEING any of that besides the guy who's talking about trophies. Even if you look at the e-celebs, the guy most hostile about this whole thing is the furry.
>says this when people spent half a decade being mad at people for playing melee
lol you making up shit doesnt excuse melee fags destroying entire tournaments by behaving like mentally retarded fuckwits because their pissy worthless egos cant handle another smash game getting some.
Nah it was fun, but it's long term potential was extremely limited and it was probably already exhausted just before Ultimate came out.
implying fgc wasn't shitting on them from the start even before brawl
I agree, 4 ran it course and yes it did run it a lot faster then Melee, but that doesn’t really make it a trash game just because it got replaced by the next entry
a guilty gear player stabbed me once, said “no one will ever believe you”, and ran off before losing to 2 Sol players.
sad part is most people will believe this, for the sake of meleefag hatred
That thread was fun
you put the ham in hamlet
sanitize yourself pls
or, you know, because meleefags are disgusting, smelly, unsanitary freaks. of course their shit attracts roaches.
see what I mean? there's a stigma and you can say anything no matter what because "that one time"
Man, melee was really an amazing experience to play and follow.
the "stigma" wouldn't exist if meleefags didn't always prove it right.
I made it to Elite smash with Ganondork. Please congratulate me and say nice things.
It's not impossible
>Melee at evo
>that doesnt mean its alive
>melee not at evo
>proof that its dead
Thanks for the bump
Kill yourself
You don't need relish but if you ask for relish and someone doesn't give you relish then you might be a little annoyed.
Kind of interesting how besides hbox, there hasn't been a lot of damage control from melee figures besides 0-2s. I honestly was expecting evo to drop melee in 2018, but I understand why it got main stage instead.
>Feckless Goy Community quick to forget core values and celebrating GG being cut, Sunday being cut down to 4 games (hint: this is for more advertisements and analyst desks), one of them being Jive, one of them being NRS, and one of them being a game with with 5 hour top 8s that are only going to get longer with an untested 3 stock tournament standard they jumped the gun on just like when Smash 4 forced EVO 2015 to use Official Custom Moveset Project
Don't wanna hear a word this summer.
This might be a good post if not for the DMCuck image
Why was GG cut anyways?
Post it
>tfw don't really care either way
>just happy SCVI and Samurai Showdown are in
At mean, there's still side tourneys available for meleefags, come join the Melty Bloodfags in poverty, they probably have some spare boxes and trash bins available.
Post some proof of this happening.
>The CRTs are full of roaches. Always.
Stopped reading right there. I've been going to weeklies for the past few years and I've never ONCE seen a single cockroach in a venue, let alone in a CRT.
>Whenever I go to a predominantly Ultimate weekly (that still has Melee), the Ultimate area consistently smelled worse.
>like Melty and Melee the most
stop making fun of us
hey dumbass, the CRTs you use for weeklies are going to be used constantly, what do you think the CRTs EVO has to hoard for your shitty group are doing in between EVOs? They are sitting in goddamn warehouses collecting dust and roaches so they can be lugged out once a year to satisfy your terminal autism, please use some goddamn critical thinking.
A lot of Japanese players stopped going because they were focusing on supporting EVO Japan, which ended up being mismanaged terribly. Everyone is too distracted by shitting on Melee to realize how much GG just got screwed over.
So is anyone going to EVO this year? I'm planning to participate in SCVI, but I fully expect to go 0-2 since I'm still pretty shit at the game and only recently got back into it once I got more time. Hopefully I'll be a lot sharper by the time EVO starts.
Then that sounds like EVO's fault for not storing them properly, and not necessarily the Melee players.
I'm pretty sure they're actually in planes all of the time because as far as I know the same CRTs are being used for a variety of tourneys.
>bad smells
>incredibly annoying set up specifically only for their game
>arrogant, keep shitting on every other community despite their entire scene existing due to unintended mechanics with only 2-4 viable characters
That being said, Melee's still great.
Give it a few years
I went last year. I would go again, but I cant afford to go to Vegas every year.
Vegas is too far. Good luck in bracket, user.
>its not enough that we need special setups and special treatment
>the way you store our equipment has to be done the right way
god you faggots are insufferable, I hope every CRT fucking implodes so I dont have to hear about this shit again
user, if you store literally any set up in a warehouse it'll get roaches. CRTs are irrelevant.
lmao where do you think he stores everything else, please shut the fuck up
>don't store electronics in unsanitary or high humidity conditions
Just wrap them in plastic wrap or store them in a more sterile environment or something.
>implying this only happens to CRTs
I'm sure roaches can get inside your greasy fightstick with anime artwork and two buttons missing as well. They seem to get inside Wiis just fine.
Who the fuck knows? We don't even have any evidence of ANYTHING being stored in a warehouse OR roaches, this is all just us working on three or four levels of assumptions.
>melee notorious for going over time and cutting into other games' schedules
>melee fans in the audience notorious for booing games that aren't melee and generally being obnoxious
>melee requires CRTs to be lugged in and set up, costing lots of time and money considering how no other game at EVO uses them
>also demand shit like bo5 in top 64 when matches tend to be slow, leading up to the aforementioned constant delays that it causes for other games
>stinky day
>its literally only a problem for meleefag equipment
>no complaints about any other equipment ever used
right just like smashfags shitting themselves
gas yourselves goddamn
Lol hbox forced them to drop him apparently
>it's real
>one incident = the whole community
never change, Yea Forums
>just one incident
lmao, and I bet you think its a conspiracy to make smashfags look bad
Melee needed to go to give some smaller, newer games representation. It's fucking ancient compared to literally every other game on the list. Plus melee is still gonna get 400 fucking tourneys a month. Do people not realize this obvious fucking fact?
Nobody cares about GG being cut because we already had Rev2 at Evo twice and it'll come back when the next GG is out
were there other FGC equipment stored in warehouses alongside the CRTs as well? They would most likely get cockroaches in them too
Melee isn't out for one particular reason, it's more like an accumulation of reasons which finally made today the time it had to go
sssssh, don't say that, it hurts the narrative
>implying it isn't
Are Meleebabs so spiteful that they hate someone over a "Finally..." tweet
I'm fine with melee going, but it's history in EVO is a bit weird. It showed up as one of the main events in 2007, then kinda fucked off until 2013 and got included as the main game until now. So overall, it had a good run but it didn't really show up until much later. Assuming Wikipedia's entry for the EVO tourneys are accurate.
context is important
TBF the GG players are being pretty cool as they biggest anime game not named Dragonball they have admitted that they dont need EVO and are happier for smaller games like UNIEST to get a shot.
Also a lot of GG players don't even like EVO believing it to be a pretty poor tournament that needs updating preferring events like Combo Breaker
Melee was sort of irrelevant until the documentary came out, which is why it suddenly picked back up again.
I hear nothing about complaining about EVO from literally every community. Why the fuck is it so big if everyone has beef?
as spiteful as someone cheering a game getting dropped
It's old and has the most money backing it.
It size is a problem as a comfy yet also competitive tournament leading to it just generally being a hyper uncomfortable setting compared to the smaller event but people just deal and go for the prestige since it matters more.
this dude talks more shit then leffen after he loses. he got what was coming to him.
name, venue, scale, exposure
>Constantly shits on Melee community
>Constantly clowning on Twitter
>Laughs at Melee being dropped from EVO
>wtf toxic Melee players making fun of Salem....
He got what he deserved.
I guess that makes sense. There's really no motivation to step up their game if they make bank and still are the "mecca."
The 4/ultimate community desperately craves a villain
it wasn't just meleefags, everyone was calling him out
>GG died so that Melee could die too
>Melee died so that Salem's career could too
Wew lad. This EVO might be interesting after all. plus I can't wait to see what boring and/or weebshit fighter Nintendo announces for Ultimate.
holy shit
Also add on that they're overall at competent and experienced at running tournaments at this point. Their main issue is that tournaments run late and they do plan around that and prepare, but that's tricky to stop. I do think the staff and TO do genuinely try hard to make a good experience, I've met a few.
>Constantly shits on Melee community
>Constantly clowning on Twitter
>Laughs at Melee being dropped from EVO
sounds exactly like the majority of Yea Forums and the FGC
>French Bread buying their way into EVO
>They dropped?
>Good. Begin SNAKE-17.
dumb beaposter
French Bread definitely didn't considering it's poverty.
SamSho probably was but it could end up being great and worth the slot anyways.
>Garbage ass Mortal Kombat that's not even out
>BBTag over Guilty Gear
>SNK kusoge that's only had one trailer
>Godly melee losing its spot
Granted, I'm fine with Ultimate replacing it. UNIT looks pretty dope too, I'm gonna pick it up.
did he really?
will the Melee community show him some appreciation now?
Thread theme
I haven't picked up UNIST yet but it looks good enough to where I'm glad if anything replaced Melee it was this
more accurate
Is it finally time for Meleefags to move on? Has Ultimate managed to be the game to kill Melee? I sure fucking hope so. I'm sick of the Melee community refusing to play the new game because it doesn't have autistic mechanics.
>SNK kuso
Fuck you, man. Samsho is fightan kino.
What's so bad about wanting to play a game that varies mechanically from the other entries? I can understand hating the culture behind it but I can't understand hating the fact that people want to play older games.
I just wanted Killer Instinct god dammit;
Samsho looks like bootleg USFIV and the sword gimmick is gay and adds nothing
>everyone saying melee is dead forever
The game had like a 6 year streak of being on EVO, which is pretty impressive. Even some big games don't make it that long. There will probably be a mini-tourney on the side at EVO too, just not one of the main events. And there's a good number of dedicated tourneys available.
The main downside is that it won't get that much growth or exposure, but it's still a very well known game.
>The main downside is that it won't get that much growth or exposure, but it's still a very well known game.
the new doc is on it's way out soon, also I think the game still has growth and exposure but it's just at a slower rate than previous years
The most annoying thing about all of this shit is that none of this autism about having two different Smash games each EVO would of happened had Sakurai not been a big weeney when creating Brawl and fucking the core gameplay up.
That's literally what caused the divide, if Brawl (and all games onward) had just been an official Project M from the get go then Melee would of died forever ago and we'd be under one flag, as things were before Brawl.
I think even if Ultimate came out there wouldn't be the fucking divide. Melee would be like 64 is now; a game a select number of people are passionate about but it's not beloved this hard.
>Meleefags: "How can Evo drop us, we bring in the most money with our viewership and attendance numbers. They'll come crawling back next year when they see all the money they're missing."
>Also Meleefags: "Samurai Shodown only got in because they bought their way in, Wizard only cares about money now."
This is true except for
>Wizard only cares about money now
because everyone knows he always did
This is so ironic because Liquid is now stuck with 5 unemployed idiots on their roster after EVO 19 lineup was announced.
Evo is not even important to the melee scene, everyone complains about the schedule and matches being way too rushed.
its sad, but melee won't die because no Evo.
I remember they literally had to bribe him with a waifu pillow to get Anime Fighters at EVO.
Doesn't Liquid sponsor players of super dead games, or am I thinking of EG?
See you next year in GBFV at Evo 2020
they both still sponsor dead melee players
yeah but actually answer my question
Everyone wants to "get theirs," and sees others "getting theirs" as potential "theirs" they could've gotten for themselves. This has been going on since the donation drive. It's unfortunately a very common display of human greed and tribalism. It's probably for the best that SF, DBFZ, Tekken, NRS, Smash, etc. are all getting their own separate majors and leagues, even to the point of there being dedicated Melee majors and dedicated Smash majors that don't feature the other (like Frostbite, just recently). No one wants their entire scene to collapse because one TO like Mr. Wizard woke up and decided to give them the Caesar thumb down. EVO started losing its relevance after it started losing its underdog unity.
Mojang were making retarded decisions with Minecraft way before Microsoft had anything to do with it.
Might be thinking of EG, none of the games Liquid sponsors can be called dead. Maybe Artifact?
So now you wonder why Nintendo isn't giving EVO any money or holding any "competitive" Smash tournaments given how evergreen their 1st parties are.
melee has plenty other majors besides evo.
None of which hold the same prestige, meleebaby.
evo isn't even melee's biggest tournament in terms of prizepot summit takes the cake for that one.
Nintendo made smart move letting the community organize events itself and providing sponsorship/cover venue fees, like Genesis's Sunday arena. It's a very no-strings-attached way to support the community and they never have to personally deal with controversies like Nightmare and Hyuga, the way Capcom had to with Noel Brown.
They're clearly taking baby steps to do more, they're just being very cautious because they have an image to protect.
Because when it comes to fighting games Yea Forums fundamentally doesn't understand the mechanical differences. In fact, when it comes to games in general, they only ever care about things like story; so of course that incentivizes keeping up with sequels and not staying with one game for too long.
But this really only applies to fighting games. They're passably observant when it comes to other genre's differences.
Prestige doesn't equal prizepot.
Ah yes, nothing says “prestige” like competing against smelly FGCucks who job to furfags regularly.
i'm not denying non of those majors will come close to being an evo winner but melee players/esports orgs are well off even with melee not being at evo anymore.
FGC is nothing more but a bunch of white faggots acting black and black faggots acting hard. I'm just saying EVO matters more than people think.
Melee will live well even without an EVO
But you can't deny there's less of an incentive to sponsor players who can't get into the biggest of them all because their game was dropped
i can't understand why people move on every several years to a new game, when they could play something unchanging.
>FGC is nothing more but a bunch of white faggots acting black and black faggots acting hard.
Thats mostly just the SF scene particularly in the detroit area
Not that the other half is good either Anime FGC are generally just shitty SJW's
It could be EG. All I remember is having a discussion with somebody about a player and they said the only reason they were employed was because "EG/Liquid doesn't get rid of legacy talent".
fuck off
>Melee has something you shitty game doesn't trophies, but actually GOOD!
holy shit the english is seafagable
hearing melee retards shitting on actual fighting games not platform fighters like samurai shodown and unist like anyone should care that they'll get way less entrants is so satisfying. They'll never get it.
i can't believe they think they look like the good guys after doing that
and it's not like samsho or unist fans went out of their way to shit on melee first either, meleefags drew first blood on them specifically and then they're like HUH Y R U BACKLASHING AT ME like they're innocent
Melee fags are by far the most self entitled group of the FGC and a lot of groups are pretty self entitled, they think they are innocent because they think they are justified by their numbers
my fucking face when they think SNK bought their way into EVO, hilarious
swear to god man, they need to be taught a physical lesson or something
yeah sure
when Mew2King and Armada are dead on the floor we'll all know it's you
Imagine getting this mad over video games.
no man i am totally weak and incapable of doing anything and would lose to them in a fight easily!!! therefore it would have to be someone else and i am not the culprit
no need to imagine when i can just look at the meleefags over "generic samurai game" getting in over melee at evo
imagine being so attached to an almost 20 year old party game you try to drag an entire community down with you.
Hey as long as I can still see decent amount of competition, have some locals & decently sized tournaments, and find matches for netplay if i'm too lazy to go out, I'm fine with whatever happens to Melee. It can go on more silently like some other iconic fightans. It's not like we got particularly robbed too, it's pretty great that another grassroots community managed to push their fightan up there. I would have maybe been upset if that 9th spot had gone to, say, an unannounced 2nd NRS game.
>Game is all about fighting each other.
>Stick jump control.
>Roster selection of character and stage
>Arcade mode
>Character unlock
Please, try explaining why it isn't literally a fighting game. I'll just grab my popcorn and wait for the next part.
>Melee community shits on everyone for 10 years
>Salem practically says the sky is blue
>Melee community cries with their violins, spouting about how Salem is ado divisive. OH WOE IS POOR US *blip blip blip*
whats with all these melee threads today? what really happened? the game couldn't "die" because it's not like its being officially supported or anything right?
Because the goal of the game is to knock your opponent off the stage, rather than deal enough damage to kill them like in literally every other fighting game. Yes, this includes Divekick and Bushido Blade.
You can play Melee as if it was a fighting game, but it really is not a fighting game. At most, it's a mixed genre.
I have well over 1000 hours in it though and I love it to death, but it's really okay if Melee isn't considered a fighting game.
Yo I’m actually crying
oh, i'm sure ultimatefags smell like shit too. doesn't change the fact that meleefags and hygiene are like oil and water.
>Melee community shits on everyone for 10 years
who is everyone?
>implying fgc hasn't shit talked smash since day 1
EVO dropped it and apparently there can only be nine games alive at the same time no matter how many times they've been at EVO previously.
if the fgc is so nasty and mean, why have you guys tried so hard to ride on its coattails with your party game all these years?
because "not muh traditional fighting game"
It won't die.
>giving a shit what other fgc’s think
that was never really the case, when it came down to it, it was really more about acknowledging/respecting it's competitive existence
the things that transform smash as a qualifier can be applied to things like souls games or even halo, yes concepts like spacing and neutral exist but they are shared among many genres, in order to qualify it people say "characters fight each other" but its so generic you can use that to describe RE6 for instance
why should anyone respect melee's competitive existence when it requires banning or turning off most of the game's content and exploiting glitches that would have long since been patched out of a modern game? especially when the respect will never be reciprocated by meleefags?
>fatass meleefag makes food analogy
>>implying fgc hasn't shit talked smash since day 1
Big difference is the FGC wasn't begging to be Smash to be a part of it.
Smash up and decided one day it wanted to be taken seriously and the FGC obliged but Smash kept being fucking autistic to the point were the FGC is regretting the decision of letting them in by being the most demanding self righteous crew besides marvel and SF
>and exploiting glitches
What glitches?
>smash is not a fighting game
Then CSGO is not an FPS just cause it doesn't play like CoD, Quake, or Overwatch.
Then Witcher is not an RPG because it doesn't play like Morrowind or Daggerfall.
It's still under the same genre as a subgenre.
Only oldfags will remember this.
i actually like smash, but why are you guys so desperate for it to be a fighting game? just because it's not a fighting game doesn't mean it's not good. it's a party game like mario kart, and people love mario kart.
Haha cope seething! Do I fit in too?
Is this the part where somebody says "because the physics engine is working as intended its not a glitch" even though all glitches are just unintended consequences of a game following its own rules?
oh are meleefags finally dead
meleefags actually seek out broken controllers in order to do glitched inputs, and then they'll deny that they rely on glitches to appear "hardcore."
How many of these glitches are used in competitive play?
I always love seeing these posts where you so desperately want to shit on something without understanding what's actually going on.
Only double jump cancel really and even then I don't think it's really a glitch as with peach and yoshi you dip when you go to use your second jump which is what causes it.
their iq is too low to do critical thinking
>Melee is removed from EVO after a five (5) years streak
>Literally everyone can't stop talking about Melee
feels good to be relevant no matter what, don't slam the door too hard when you get booted from EVO 2020, UNIfags, gotta make some room for the newest Guilty Gear and whatever comes next!
why did armada drop out of a tournament due to *not* having a broken controller, then?
>Next year comes
>Melee is either reinstated after everyone stops caring about Brawl 3, or Evo drops Smash entirely
Can't wait to watch smelly Smashbabs get BTFO eternally forever next year.
Fuck yiou SMELEE fags
Press S to spit
>People have preferences
Wow that must mean the controller is broken fuck me, I never knew my mouse was broken because I set it to 800 DPI when it defaults to 3600
Melee is and always was shit!
Smash is not a fighting game and I'm glad they finally took Melee out of EVO.
Maybe Melee players can take this time to actually take a shower.
Why are you so upset at a video game?
>why dont you like the smelly, sweaty, fat, autistic fag that follows you around everywhere?
Why are you so upset at a video game?