>melee is dead
>pokemon is dead
the absolute state of nintenbabbies ohnonono
>melee is dead
>pokemon is dead
the absolute state of nintenbabbies ohnonono
it's been dead since S&M
There's a specif board for pokemon, go post it there.
>melee is dead
>people are literally STILL discussing the rules for the game to play on tournaments with tens of thousands of people watching
How is a game dead when it is being played almost 2 decades after release?
Basing your game on one of the most boring and least cultured country in the world.
both games are alive and well, fren. new Pokemon looks solid and new smash is exactly what we needed to revitalize the game.
based. white people don't have culture
We need more Nintendo Threads here one is not enough.
Will there be muslims?
It's called pokemon SD because you'll want to kill yourself when playing it lol
>adapting england instead of the glorious reich
Fuck you gamefreak
New Pokemons will have tons of acid attacks.
>Melee is dead
This is a bad thing how?
>it's been dead since sadomasochism
how is it a good thing? a game you don't like isn't popular anymore? how does that affect you?
nintendobabies hate Melee-fags though
>Meleefags fading into obscurity doesn't affect me
It affects everyone, and for the better.
This but unironically and also literally but really unsardonicslly.
yet you can't explain how it's a positive change. nobody forces you to go into melee threads.
>new game announced
It's been dead since gen 6
It has been factually, unironically, definitively dead since the end of Gen 4.
I haven't really played since Crystal
>zero NINTENDOWON threads
can they not even spin this one?