Imagine being so braindead you actually bought a vita
Imagine being so braindead you actually bought a vita
Other urls found in this thread:
>b-but muh weeb games...
>paid $40 for PSTV bundle
feels good
Wish I had picked one of these up. They cost more than PS3 now.
imagine shitting on the screen then opening weeb game #23123 and licking it all up when anime grill comes up
payed 50 buck for it, it's fine
I bought it and still use it when I'm on the go. It was worth purchasing for me.
I just kinda want to write my own simple games for a handheld and the vita seems the best, cheapest way.
I just fixed the screen on my vita, feels good to have it working again. I stripped the fuck out of some of the screws so I don't think I'll be getting back inside that thing ever again. Now I can finally finish soul sacrifice delta and odin sphere
Imagine judging people because they bought something they like
I bought it last year
Loving it
I have one so I can hide my screen when playing KH and other weeb games
Has it been fully cracked yet? I basically just want a bigger PSP.
I love my Vita!
I got a launch model wifi unit off of a friend for 100 bux years ago, easily worth it when you hack it
I like it. Also the dpad feels great.
>he paid tons of money for a fucking calculator because it has two screens
Somewhat. The latest firmwares haven't been cracked publicly, but all earlier firmwares have and guy who has the newest crack will release it when the console hits EoL.
My Vita works wells a PSP 4000.
You can do pretty much everything with a Vita now aside from downgrading to a lower firmware. You can even play games that require newer firmware while you're on an older firmware.
It feels great, the screen is beautiful, skittles are fun to organize, and it's a nice indie machine overall. I'm glad I didn't miss out on Soul Sacrifice Delta.
L-Leave me alone
Downgrading is possible, though. Look up modoru.
I stand corrected.
What's with the influx of vita hating OPs lately?
I won't complain since every thread has pretty much just become people sharing game recs
>henkaku consoles in my cunt are sold for ~$80 extra and usually in much worse condition than updated consoles
3.7 hack when?
>buy Vita off of buddy for 80 bucks couple years ago
>finish P4G
>sell that Vita to some tard for 100 bucks
It's unironically the best gaming handheld device of all time. Unlike the Switch - it actually has actual features and utilities, you can buy (or mod) PSP games, controls feel nice and don't break within a few months, you can back things up onto your PS3/PC for free, you can join voice party chats while in game with the system itself, surf the web, change your controls to anything if a game devs doesn't support it, and even has menu music... But the two major problems is the lack of push from Sony to get big band third party support and their fucking expensive microSD cards. Other than that it was probably the most fun I've had in a long time playing Vidya and I'm still using it even when I have a Switch and Gaming PC.
I bought one long after I knew it was shit.
Bought one for MHFU and MGS collection. Poured a few hundred hours into a nice quality handheld for only 80 bucks so it was worth it.
>3.7 hack when?
already exist
>controls feel nice and don't break within a few months
the sticks are slippery as fuck and are pretty fragile
great system ruined by sony's memory cards and lack of first party support, i bought it at launch just expecting a psp 4000 without any of the screen issues the previous psps had, and better controls + an analog stick. definitely worth it just from the sheer amount of shit you can do on it with homebrew
release it pls you cunt
Yea Forums never liked the Vita, but there's also quite a few obsessed faggots like OP who still keep up this shitshow nearly eight years later.
Basically every Vita thread on Yea Forums is reposts of reposts of reposts of eight years old shitposts, misinformation and a lot of gratuitous and unwarranted hate.
But what else do you expect from this place either way?
just look it up. you can hack up to 3.8
where did u guys buy vita?
fb market or ebay?
It was a piece of shit until adrenaline came out and now it's a neat PS classic.
Heh i bought 2(two)
Are you using it as a hockey puck, or did you just buy two to use as a pair of heelys?
Go to homebrew gen and look at the vita guide
It's not that hard
Bought it used years ago. Was fun but games ran horribly
Now it's my to go Retroarch portable machine for GB games and PS1 games
Imagine being too brain-dead to hack a console.
You don't have to look far to find other reports of drifting analogs, I'm far from the only one. Which is significant considering there aren't many Vita owners.
this, imagine playing a VN on the family TV. based vita
Paid $80 for mine. Was worth it just to play the Katamari exclusive with the best controls.
At the time I bought mine I didn't even own a PS3 or a PC that could play anything made after 2004, so yeah I considered it a worthwhile investment.
That said the only two exclusives left on the damn thing are P4G and Soul Sacrifice, which to be fair are damn good games.
>not playing the best game ever made portably
really nigga?
Its been out for awhile now?
You can't do enso, but thats not a big deal if you don't care about henkaku launching automatically on startup.
I seriously regret not getting one of these, I just want to play Persona 4G on my TV
check your local gamestop. my friend called around and found one for $35 in his area.
Portability is a fucking meme.
Sadly I live in Sweden and video game retailers are dying, we have one Gamestop in my city and I've checked.
The Vita has far more exclusives than those two, especially if you consider P4G an exclusive.
>t. NEET
The Vita has a plugin now that can stream over USB. It can only do full res at 30fps but many Vita games run at less than native res and they can stream at 60fps.
>bashing a dead console that has been dead for almost half-a-decade
>I live in Sweden and video game retailers are dying,
lmao that's not the only thing dying in sweeden
i regret buying the US version because it doesn't support japanese but i haven't bought the japanese version yet. hopefully it doesn't get delisted before i do.
Best emulation console, PSP games are so good on it
Some great exclusives too, some of them being my favorite games ever
your moms cunt is dying
I always buy portable consoles but then I barely use them. Analog Sticks will always be better on a sturdy controller with room to breathe. Visuals will always be more pleasing with eye room.
I'm debating selling my Vita. I only have a few games for it and I dont feel any attachment to any of them. The Ridge Racer entry was shit. Gravity Rush is better on PS4.
Problem is it's that inbetween period of "Yikes! Just throw the grandpa shit in the bin" and "I am honored to own this underrated piece of gaming history" so I won't get anything for it.
Only incels play handhelds.
Still one of the safest place on earth, stay mad.
nintendo fags are salty again.
it's a Super PSP by Sony
Why would they when Nintendo is winning at everything.
I hate playing psp games on the vita
everything is too fucking blurry and filters dont help
Vita is excellent emulation machine, best way to play PSP games and has a decent library of its own.
>everything is too fucking blurry and filters dont help
Are you using adrenaline?
>nothing but ports and android looking games
nintendo fags actually though atlus will port persona 5 too LMAO
everything is blurry because you're using filters dumbass
i have 3 vitas and 2 vita TVs
The Switch not only killed the Vita it absolutely raped it by being everything it wanted to be but good and succeful, stay assdevastated with your shitty paperweight and enjoy snoy censoring dick in your kusoge cesspool.
I never had one and don't know what it does but if it plays ps1 and ps2 games, it's fine in my book.
I love my vitas!
Did adrenaline fix the bug with Valkyrie Profile yet?
No. It can even keep Final Fight at 60.
Hey, I was playing psp games in the shitter when I was a neet.
it emulates PS1 games but it can't emulate PS2 games.
Yea Forums is pretty much nintendogaf (see all the pokemon threads right now, despite /vp/ being a thing) and tendies have a hate boner for Snoy. Vita is pretty much PlayStation's brand biggest failure (excluding things like the PSX), so they keep jerking of to the system even 7 years after its release
notice you don't see threads bashing the Wii U (an even bigger flop released around the same timeframe) nowhere near this often
>mfw I bought one of the big memory cards too
What the fuck were Sony thinking? I seriously believe that making the memory cards extremely expensive and exclusive to the system killed the Vita before it was even born.
even orignal mode is bad
Because the Wii U was fine.
nope, can't even do simple GBA games like MMBN
...I have three vitas and a pstv, the value will increase later, right guys?
>Because the Wii U was fine.
play Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth instead.
the pstv's value has probably peaked
is there a more degenerate meme than doing things "while" you're pooping? pooping only takes a few minutes, you're just sitting on the toilet playing video games while pretending to poop. this is comprehensible for pathetic wagecucks, but makes no sense for a NEET. were you hiding from your parents?
But that's the version that apparently bug at some point on Vita.
More games than the ps4 ever had :)
>mfw hacking my Wii U to play Gamecube games
the value can only go down from there after the new hack methods were found. the peak of vita value was when 3.60 was the only exploitable firmware.
imagine being so braindead you didnt.
easy cracking, portable emulator for all consoles below vita gen, being able to use a standart sd card once its hacked.
its good for playing games while lying comfy in your bed
PSTV won't increase in value, it's already been out of production for years so there's no reason for it to
unless your vitas are old colors or limited editions as well as being immaculate i don't think they'll increase in value
the psx version has a crashing bug related to the ps1 emulator sony used for psp.
the psp port is fine
emulators on the vita suck
it has less games than vita
>sacrficing huge chunk of graphics and framerate for Le comfy xD meme
handheld faggots are the biggest pleb in the world.
because they all got ported to the switch
there's not a single game left on vita.
Even the Virtual boy was better.
I still use my old PSP.
Who /Exit/ here?
vita is the best way to play ff tactics because of the touchscreen
no, i'm counting those games and it still has less games.
what difference does the touch screen make
What about that Valkyrie Drive Bikini thing?
based and underratedpilled
I would call you a faggot for the graphics but you're right on the framerate
remap inputs to it
Vita and New 2DS have the best buttons. So clicky and satisfying to press.
steam, like 99% of the "vita games"
But you can only remap inputs that are already provided by buttons.
Yeah dude I love taking a walk in Malmo.
Fucking faggot
S-sonys a world superpower retard
PS4 has 1
WiiU had 0
>but you're right on the framerate
duno about that, framerate is not that important and hard to achive in jrpgs/vn and digimon world 1 for playstation
>is ok when nintendo has weeb games
Fuck off, love my weeb games
>there's not a single game left on vita.
The Vita unironically still has more system exclusives than the Wii U even after all these years.
>there's not a single game left on vita.
Freedom Wars
Dungeon Travelers and its sequels
>inb4 doesnt count
P4G is still better than on PS2.
>b-but marie makes it worse!
stay mad poornigger.
Handhelds fulfill a function that other consoles don't by being portable. If you don't see how that's useful then maybe handhelds really isn't for you, but it should be easy to understand how it could be a valuable feature to someone else.
That's why you overclock your Vita when needed.
imagine posting on an anime website instead of facebook when you only like western games
you can remap macros with homebrew
No I'd rather call you a pleb because that's what you are.
JSR doesn't have framerate issues. Sly collection (the best PS2 platformers) is spot on too
Sword City Revisited is still VIta exclusive and the best Drpg I ever played.
Still has the best version of Wipeout 2048
Soul Sacrifice
I bought it on launch day. ON LAUNCH DAY. Worst purchase I've ever made. Sold it within 3 months.
Nice projection
>the best version of 2048
>30fps with dips
>DT2 is exclusive
I'd be upset but I got my Vita for free, it's a 1000 model, playing Sly on the go is simply too comfy.
>Overclock the Vita
Problem solved, get actual good Wipe 2048 with proper Fov and engine sounds
>JSR doesn't have framerate issues
not most of the game, but it can drop in places
>best version of anything
>those nubs
Easy fix: never buy Sony ever again.
>Sold it within 3 months.
even if there's still not games you like now, it sounds like you're an impatient retard to me
Wait is the FoV in the PS4 version actually less than the Vita version?
You can use a PS3 or PS4 controller.
I got dungeon travelers 2 for the vita and it sucked ass.
Yes. Which is why it feel slower too.
The HD Fury tracks on Vita also feel faster because they use the 2048 FOV instead of the PS3 HD Fury FOV
My friend lives in Malmö, it's definitely got MORE crime than the rest of Sweden but still nowhere near enough that it's a legit dangerous place where people randomly die. Also considering you didn't spell it with a "ö" it's obvious you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about.
Vita is a comfy handheld for the niche gamer.
Then again it's 30fps, so yeah.
That's really weird. I didn't know the console versions used a lower FoV. That seems backwards. Still I'd prefer a higher framerate & resolution and the Vita version is lacking in both.
I didn’t pay for it at all, got it as a gift.
And it mostly goes unused.
I don't remember it suttering but it's trivial to overclock your vita
this is an embarrassment. let's put epic Yea Forums references in our game, but don't say fag because it might hurt someone's feelings.
>those nubs
Literally better than the garbage on the switch and 3ds.
the switch especially has awful fucking deadzones and the lack of dpad makes it worthless for emulation other than shit like rpgs
>OoT, dah best game evah
>20 fps
>Goldeneye, dah best FPS evah
is it ok when Nintendo does it?
i played the vita version before overclocking was possible and if i want to replay the game now i usually play it on something else.
Turok 2 was better than Goldeneye
the switch is perfectly fine.
If is above 35 = movie hue
Goldeneye and Perfect Dark at least had innovative gameplay. No matter how far back graphics were cut, they wouldn't be able to run on competing platforms. But on the Vita it's just grafixfaggotry.
As annoying as it is, I bought a couple games I already owned on other systems for my Vita, and for some reason I'd complete them and put way more time into continue playing them than I ever did on any other system. It's more than comfy - it's enjoyable to be able to just open a handheld and play the same experience on the go (which is why the Switch is selling, but Joycons are garbage so I'm forced to play Docked for the most part). I have a harder time wanting to play anything when I have to set up a system (or turn it on and wait a few minutes) then find a good spot to sit in if I don't already, get the right controllers, make sure everything is charged if needed and load all the way into where I was last or go through many logins on computer and then I'm finally in a game.
I'm constipated, my poops take like 20 minutes.
brain damage.
>"it's ok when it's grafixfaggotry on a Nintendo system"
>I can't read
>devs were discouraged by Nintendo to use alternative graphics modes because of grafixfaggotry
>"it's not grafixfaggotry i swear"
the oled makes the colors of the game really pop but to each his own
>being discouraged from writing custom graphics microcode is somehow aggressively pursing better graphics
how easy is vita hacking now?
can you use regular sdcards?
depends on the firmware
yeah with an adaptor
>being discouraged from writing custom graphics microcode because muh graphical fidelity is somehow not aggressively pursing better graphics
the reason to write custom microcode is to get better polygon performance at the cost of stable vertices, or to improve texture resolution by skimping on zbuffer bandwidth
making the image quality worse so you can cram more stuff on screen is the epitome of grafixfaggotry
>remember having to pay a premium for 16gb memory cards which still barely held 5 games and needed a reset when I wanted another memory card
This is the main reason I dropped Vita
>making the image quality worse so you can cram more stuff on screen is the epitome of grafixfaggotry
and that's exactly what Nintendo did with the N64's architecture
But that's not true at all. The N64, compared to its contemporaries, is designed to make a clear and stable image rather than max out polycounts and texture resolutions.
I want a vita. Which one do I go for?
remove all the excessive filter and the performance would improve dramatically, but i guess aliasing and nearest-neighbor interpolation would make N64's visuals too artificial and too similar to its dated competitor
N64 was the grafixfaggot's system of choice during its time
doesn't make a difference but the screen isn't as much as an improvement as oledfags would have you believe.
removing the filters wins like 2fps in goldeneye and bilinear texture filtering comes for free on the n64 gpu
t. wii u owner
>removing the filters wins like 2fps
and that's already a decent improvement for a game that runs that bad, the sharper image would also be easier on the eyes
but i guess showing off grafix effektz were more important
I did it. Thank you so much for your concern.
old version has a premium feel to it, oled screen, and that's about it.
slim version feels like cheaper plastic, weighs less, but it has slightly longer battery life and a lcd screen.
I’ll buy a vita when I find one under 100
Meh, I actually enjoy it. So far I've played:
P4G - never played it before
Berserk: Band of the hawk - more enjoyable than I thought it would be for a mousou game
Chaos;Child - pretty good, wouldn't say it's better than Steins;Gate though (yet)
You also have some cool shit that you couldn't play otherwise, like the Ninja Gaiden games.
But I hava and I love it. Played through The Nonary Games and Cold Steel on it so far and it's been a good time.
Actually fl0w just put out a firmware downgrade tool so now you can get Enso on any hackable Vita
>tfw no 3.69 hack yet
It's a good thing that the hack isn't out yet. Otherwise Sony would patch it.
I'd play my vita sometime if my charger still worked
I love Twilight Sparkle!
So new would be 2000? aim for that?
I just told you it doesn't make a difference
compare here if you like
The important part to consider is that oled vita uses a proprietary cable while slim doesn't. That was the dealbreaker for me, I don't mind how the LCD looks.
>meanwhile anyone smart doesn't upgrade past 3.60 so they can have custom firmware
>can't play new games because they require newest firmwares
vitards are a special (as in, retarded) kind.
But you can play new games on hacked 3.60?
>be me
>buys a vita
>play my fav weeb games on it
>is happy with purchase
>wonders why some cuck on Yea Forums bought a 3ds instead of a vita
I have three and I enjoy playing all three. Fuck off faggot.
Payed full price I enjoy my web games
>Calling anyone a retard when you don't even know you can hack the thing to play the latest releases
You're a special kind of retard at least.
I just want better battery
vita had so much potential but sony raped it.
Is it worth buying a vita if I want to emulate some comfy ps1 games?
>buy vita
>hack it
>no gaems
>shit SD card
Imagine being so butthurt over missing the vita train you shitpost it daily
The PSP does that at a much lower price but the Vita is better if you're not a poorfag
Alright thanks, I think I’ll get a vita anyway cause I wanna play P4G as well.
Sure, it's great.
I even hoarded quite a few JP PSN games on it.
I recommend you to get a Vita grip so you can have physical L2/R2 buttons though, that will make it perfect.
What do you guys think about buying duplicate consoles? These fuckers are not going to last forever. I already have a vita and pstv, but feel I should buy another pair before prices get any more crazy. I dont want mine to die in a couple of years and find it going for $300
>expensive microSD
They are dirt cheap now.
Can get 2-400 gig ones for less than 50 bucks.
Thanks, also what would you say is a good price to buy the OLED version of the vita at?
I bought it to play emulators.
why 3?
nah man vita gives you the entire controller. Games like MML and Ace combat are shit on the PSP
You can also play ape escape and other games that use both analogs
I traded in my gen 1 3ds for one at launch and had zero regrets.
Well, I regret that they didn't make many games in the end, but that was no fault of the hardware itself. Everything about the vita was a huge step up, but the games were a leap backwards.
Depends on the deal,
I got mine for 130 Yurobucks some five years ago, with a 12GB memory stick too, which was good since the console was immaculate too.
I'd say do not go over 100 bucks these days since you can hack it and use an adapter, unless of course they add some games you're interested in, iI'd say 120/130 is a good cutoff.
Who the fuck cares when there's no fucking games
r8 h8 bate?
>all that trash
>only one good game
BMD is patrician, how's that port?
All trash outside of La Mulana.
I still use my Vita more than my Switch.
Sorry to hear about your disability.
Samw here
There's just been fuck-all of interest on the Switch lately for me. Tetris 99 is cool but I got TGM3 on my PC for that. Don't care for Pokemon shit, and I've played all the WiiU ports on WiiU itself. That just leaves multi-plats which I prefer on PC, and Mario Maker not-Deluxe isn't out for quite a few months.
oh no.
it's retarded
Coping hard.
>no Gravity Rush or Wipeout
no complaining about Sony's use of their franchises or the closing of Studio Liverpool
have them on ps4.
I... I thought it would have new MonHun games
Pic not related, right? JSR is jank as fuck trash and JSRF while at least competently designed is slow and boring.
R8 8/8 M8
Outside of what he posted and the 2 meme le mario and le zelda games, what else is there to play on the switch?
how is tales of hearts r?
Ill get to that level soon. I started buying nothing but collectors editions so its setting me back some, but worth it. Also half those games i have on the ps4 60fps version when the vita is at 30fps
I also have an Mcable for the Vita. works miracles.
Not him but it's pretty damn great.
You must like Team Destiny's stuff though, it's that kind of game model.
Surprisingly ok, if not budget-tier in its general production. Do not play on Vita TV, since a lot of the combat chains involved touching a character's portrait to queue them in, with the devs not bothering to make them mappable to controller.
honestly I've only played a bit of abyss on 3DS and I found it boring.
planning on going through the PS1 games including phantasia soon though.
>not waiting for year more and selling for $200
I didn't fancy Abyss as much on 3DS due to the combat, where-as Hearts R feels like a DBZ game at times with the warping-around and lengthy combo juggling shenanigans, although its story is far, far more light-hearted in comparison.
Well, Abyss is Team Symphonia's stuff, so you probably do not like that model, I don't either so I can relate.
My advice is to try out other Destiny team games like Destiny DC or Graces F, if you like that kind of gameplay you'll like Hearts R since it uses most of the same systems and design philosophies.
Most people in the west tend to prefer Symphonia Team's games, which is why games like Abyss or Vesperia are so popular in here while things like Graces F aren't.
I bought mine, and played the shit out of it. Still play it every now and then.
It basically just replaced my PSP, moreso now that it's modded (since fuck buying games or supporting the system when the manufacturer doesn't want to do the same). Perfect emulation device if I don't feel like dealing with setting up my phone. Everything gen 5 and earlier is basically perfect.
I bought one for piracy and emulators.
Just bought a 2nd PSTV because of this thread.
I hate white people
In a basic sense, not involving specifics, it replaced my PSP, what's so hard to understand?
he's just some salty nig nog with no psp/vita as a child and is mad you had one
I've played my Vitas more than I ever have my PS4
It's a good rhythm games platform man
Bought one I'm never gonna use. Might start collecting consoles for fun now.
I thought this until I played Miku and Senran Kagura Bon Appetit at 60fps, then went back to vita and my eye balls hurt at 30 fps. Couldnt do precise inputs.
See, for me playing Taiko on PS4 just reinforced my opinion of the Vita because the Vita version is way fuckin better
Vita is the console in which I put the most play time, and I've owned most consoles since the original NES.
havent played that one yet, whats the technical reason for it being better on the vita other than "it felt better"?
Solid game, but nothing special if you're a Tales fan.
>I started buying nothing but collectors editions
Good luck getting this one at a decent price. I've started slowing down on buying physicals altogether now and only focus on series that I truly care about. That and whatever isn't on PKGj or NoPaystation. I need to give out some of the dumps that aren't there.
Only works well with 3D games inbetween 240p and 720p. 2D and PS1 games don't fare well on it. Muramasa and Odin Sphere suffered.
If you ask them now, it will be
>b-but muh emulators
I havent run into a situation where I thought the Mcable ever gave me any negative effects to the picture. Its all been improvements. My pic proves its good on 2d. Unless you like jaggy blurry messes by default there not much i can do to convince you. Im getting the 4k one that just released. HAve you used it or just read some reviews?
Imagine being so dumb you bought a GPD Win 2 that will burn out in a year.
Runs at 60 with overclock and unlocked framerate.
Even in speed lap and zone mode it won't actually hit 60 unless you cut down the framerate substantially.
And when it drops frames with an unlocked framerate the gameplay gets really awkward and jerky.
requires you to be on a hacked firmware, though
*cut down the resolution
what is a good place to get one cheap?
I just find the Mcable terrible for pixelated games specifically, and I use bilinear filtering on them half the time. I may need to reevaluate them, but the 2D art is definitely smudged somewhat and blurry for things background when moving.
As I said, 3D objects inbetween those resolutions look really good.
I've heard they were making a 4K version, but wasn't interested beyond that.