What is it about this videogame that has the ability to speed up real world time when you are playing it?
What is it about this videogame that has the ability to speed up real world time when you are playing it?
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It's peak of videogames.
5 Minutes LITERALLY become hours.
I can't wait for the next update.
I noticed businessmen, accountants and in general people who work with numbers can't get enough of this game. Does it really help them?
Holy shit this. I and my two brothers played HoMM3 over the christmas holidays and time just completely evaporated. I was actually kind of shocked. We played 14 hours one day, I think.
Could someone rank the Heroes games for me?
I don't know, I think it's the best game ever made. It's my go to game if I dont know what to do and I always have a blast.
Its magical
3 > 2=5 > 4 > 1 > literal dog shit > 6=7
3 > 2 > 5 > 4 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 6 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 7, those that put 2 over 3 just do it because they are nostalgic fucks, nothing beats 3 and nothing has remotely come close to it
irredeemable shit
everything else
I like 4 the most
No user it's not speeding up real world time, it's actually just slowing down a small sphere of time around you while the rest of the world speeds up tremendously.
3 > 2 and 5 > 4 and 1 > never played the others.
one of the best games of all time
Erm meant for
don't listen to the retards saying 2 is better than 3, thats just nostalgiafags and it's retarded, you might like 2's artstyle more but 3 is a much better game
This mod has the best of both worlds.
i was introduced to homm3 when i was in third grade and am still playing it 17 years later
i love this game so damn much
what does horn of the abyss do?
Adds herofus.
I enjoyed Age of Wonders 1&2 but have never touched a HoMM game. Would I enjoy 3?
fixes some bugs, adds a new faction, balances the existing factions to tourneyfag standards, adds a bunch of shit to the map to interact with, polishes a few textures aswell
Pretty much all turn based games do this for me.
I love 4x and my weekends just fucking disappear since playing one game to completion sucks up time like a black hole and I wake up on monday feeling like I haven't had a chance to really play at all
Just give it a try, man.
fuck pitniggers
they din du nuffin, is owners fault for bad training and enviroment!
Why would you go around spreading sadness like that?
Dwellings belonged to players accumulate creatures on a by-week basis. Number of creatures in dwellings without owner is set to one creature growth each week.
Player can refuse to learn Witch Hut or Scholar secondary skill.
Wish i could list all the changes but these 2 are the more noticable changes
why do people suck this game's dick all the time?
>turn based
You can fuck off. I like 3 more than 2 but 3 has obvious downsides compared to 2. The spell and skill balancing in 3 is off the rails. Earth and air magic are blatantly OP.
Do 5, 6, or 7 have tutorials? Because I got 3 and have no idea what I'm doing.
I suggest you to get "heroes 3 chronicles", it has pretty in-depth tutorial.
3 has a tutorial
user, if you don't understand a game from that era there's the manual to read.
Play on easy 1v1 ai on med/small no underground pick a town that appeals to you castle/stronghold are easier for new players. Aim for ranged units in combat use the wait command watch them come to you easy win you can legit fumble your way to a win on easy ai
There's not much to understand beyond "mass slow/haste to auto-win".
You can play heroes chronicals in HD+
How, download them as maps? What about cinematics?
I'm still amazed that randomly generated maps kind of work most of the time instead of being a broken mess.
What update??
Or expert air + dimensional door + wizards well you cant lose even on queen/king difficulty
Motherfucking Factorio. It's by far the worst game in this regard.
They are generated not entirely randomly, but based on a template.
New faction no eta on the new content update
Do we know yet if they're adjusting skills and creatures as well, or is it just a new faction update?
Ayo hol up you talkin shit?
Ah okay, thanks.
>seen friend playing sime kind of HOMM3 tournament
>one turn takes even 30-50 minutes, since they are counting steps left after each one-step move
>one game can last few weeks
>XL maps consisting of literal heroes web spread across the whole map
Well he was a NEET but I wonder if somebody has similar experience
Sim turns can help expedite this somewhat if allowed for tourney, but sometimes they aren't. In which case yeah just one day for each player takes ages.
>Forge before Kronverk
fuck you
There's a timer in tournaments.
Not him but thanks for this. Been meaning to get into this game for years but could never pick it up intuitively
I would play it in multiplayer if it was blitz, like a minute for a turn or something.
You can set it like chess
Also campaigns in chronicles are fairly easy and pretty much targeted to new players.
>play campaigns in Heroes 7
>literally every female character is an angry or self-righteous cunt except for the lesbian
>no less than three cases of dumb male smart female scenario playing over and over
How hard is it to write fucking dialogues for a strategy game, Jesus Christ
>Heroes 7
here's your problem, you shouldn't even touch that dogshit
I have almost 100h in HOMM5 should i try 3?
This movie was fucking great
based George, RIP
>all load times are 1 nanosecond now
Joys of replaying old games.
Where do I get it?
I want a modern digital copy - the one I could easily run in a window in W10 with no blurry HD remaster shit.
>want to go back to HOMM3 but played 4 too much and now there's just so many little quality of life changes that I got used to having and now 3 seems clunky and slow
HD+ patch.
Oh fuck.
Does complete edition (not HD-remaster) work good no W10?
>balances to tourneyfag standards
Honestly, Inferno is pretty bad in the base game, even against CPU, while Necropolis breaks the game over its bony knee if you have even the smallest inkling of what you're supposed to do
Use the hd+ patch with homm3 ffs unless your using a single 17 inch 4:3 screen.
I'm using it on 4:3 screen, you can play it with original resolution as well.
The UI improvements are cooked a lot of intuitive keybinds for shifting units and artifacts around aswell so there's no reason not to use the patch
>hd+ patch with homm3
What is better: this or straight up HD-remaster version?
HD Remaster lacks both of the expansions for HoMM3, Armageddon's Blade and Hand of Death, and all the resprites look like hot dogshit.
Meanwhile HoMM3 Complete gives you the game, both expansions, and all you need to do is install a free HD patch with better quality than the retail HD version.
Remaster is worthless, doesn't even have expansions. It's a shameless Ubisoft cash-in.
Thank you kindly.
The remastered version is just the base game with ugly as fuck textures you want the complete version.
Is there a HoMM3 HD tier mod for HoMM4?
Not really, no.
3 > 2 > 5
others don't exist
Is 2 truly better than 5?
1 is pretty much an unfinished 2.
>Inferno is pretty bad in the base game
Don't talk to me or my pit lords' demons ever again.