Totally nothing related to DMC. Secretly a Bayonetta 4 Thread.
Not a Devil May Cry 5 Thread
Other urls found in this thread:
So this video and the other one are clearly from a NicoNico or BiliBili style video, but I can't manage to find them. Would be good if someone could help find em
Nice tummy
Really thinking of spending alot of money to make a quality real replica of DMC5 Yamato. It's so pretty!
and cute butt
I guess most of the work would be done on the hilt.
i love dmc but hate following a games dev cycle or trailers up to release. what exactly do we know about v's playstyle at this point
He's similar to Trish in 4SE but with 3 weapons
Got a webm of the Chaos intro cutscene?
Yeah, i'm only waiting the full game to come out so i can get the model of it.
No he's not.
gay i thought he was suppsoed to be a summoner
What? No he's not.
He is, don't believe lies
Where the hell did you get that idea
It's perfect
Gun = bird, sword = cat. Balance comboing with your pets with playing keep away with V because he's fragile but he needs to be around to finish off the enemies.
I wonder what he's doing here...
I'm from Dalmasca!
Fuck off
Take pics if you do
God I can't wait for the fucking photo mode in this game, V is going to be a treat
Here's the list updated for the user that requested.
Is V evil now?
>Is V evil now?
What do you know about my wife?
look what you guys did
>that jaw
>that chin
"Hey Nero, wanna /ss/?"
Steam release when?
i didn't do nuffin
What did he mean by this?
Nico, fellas.
here's your villain
7th march
t. euro
he shouldn't apologize but seriously fuck his autistic and retarded fanbase. hope that doesn't stop him from doing what he loves.
Literally autism's incarnation.
>that chink
He's saying DMC5 is directed towards casual (light users), though there may be high level tech once high level players can experiment.
Also says that casual viewers, being unaware of how some techs work, underappreciate high level gameplay unless it looks flashy, like guard flying in 4.
fun fact: wagner hated jews, V is a good guy
What happened during the stream? Did they have Kyo playing and people were shit talking him, or something?
He's basically just saying that the majority of DMC fans aren't into the game enough to know all the complex mechanics and execution, so a lot of his fans like him because of his flashy guard flying and don't give other Dante players recognition. So just something everyone already knew, but he's apologizing because, for some reason, some people hate donguri's guts because of that.
I just woke up, how was the dante gameplay?
it's obviously a gook
Hell yeah it is. So why is he talking about it? When did combofags start looking for recognition? They did it because they could do it.
I'm so impressed with everything about V, the gameplay and character design are both A+. I think he will steal the show this game, which is really impressive when you consider he has to compete with Dante.
god bless itsuno
It was okay, but a bit disappointing because Credo Nigger was nerfed, he didn't have Air Trick and was using an Xbox controller.
V taunts best taunts
Source pretty please?
griffon is having a great time
yes V is certainly the most interesting thing about the game
I missed the stream, anything interesting happen? Can I rewatch it anywhere?
yoo credo nigger
You can watch it here, without the Dante part since it was Mixer exclusive
Her jaw is fine, people who think it's absurdly wide are retarded. Her chin could be a little less square/more rounded though.
For anyone that have not seen it yet
Link to video?
/ourlad/ UberGrainy will fix her.
can't wait for modders to fix Trash's ungodly face
>blue orb fragment at the nobodies' room
>purple orb fragment at some top floor building after you fight Proto Angelo
>rainstorm is somewhat controllable
>Credo Nigger attempts to do a Perfect Royal Release but fails because of pressure and nervousness
>all 4 styles are now more useful compared to 4 Dante
>generous orb reward at the end of the mission
>you can basically stay in the air for 30 seconds using Cavaliere air attacks and enemy step
>Matt Walker gets impressed by Credo Nigger's style switch spamming
>Karlo Baker (model for Nero) likes subhuman
>Matt Walker notes that several minor bugs found on the alpha version were fixed on the retail version
Thanks man.
I want a good mod. Not this. She looks uncanny. Her nose isn't straight and her forehead looks huge. They nerfed her jaw and chin but now her mouth looks huge.
>Karlo Baker (model for Nero) likes subhuman
Based Karlo.
What about Dante, does he get any musical taunts?
She looked uncanny before my dude. Goblina-tier.
Her mouth and forehead got reduced too.
Where is the Credo Nigger stream ?
>do not pause
Lol why?
>do not pause
When they started shitting on Donguri. That outed them as hypocrits, because they were mad he got views and they still sucked dick.
He did gave a little cheeky "hehe" though so who knows consdering it was the old ear screeching screamo ver.
they do not want the pause menu to be leaked, but yeah my nigga Credo Nigger actually did it, totally based.
It's a secret
spoilers lol
>Wagner air-conducting taunt
>Paganini air violin
>Reads poetry to gain DT
My opinion on V has changed quite fast since his review.
Did we actually see anything?
yeah it was nothing
Will /ourguy/ like the game?
>looks like fag
>dresses like one
>thinks he's clever and hot shit; get ridiculed for it by everyone instead
>absolutely autistic
>literally named Yea Forums
Truly /ourguy/
>vroom vroom
you're a lovely person
itsuno took every character trait that I hate and made a character I'm most excited about
Van darkholme?
I feel like somebody is gonna make a smut where nico rapes nero and cucks kyrie and that's gonna be super unholy and no longer crazy
But my peepee would like it
Was it autism?
is it true that the move donguri used to be a one trick pony got removed?
itsuno finds a way
but how would she rape him, he's pretty strong
>fingers on glass
Its ruined
If V turns out to not really be evil but just autistic I will absolutely lose my shit.
The way he's always having to pinch his brow makes me think he has sinus pressure lol what is wrong with him
user I didn't mean the purple mushroom's name is Turret, just that it works like a turret
Are we really this close?
She pulls his devil trigger so hard it rips the skin
Don't bully V just because he's special.
No, that's an optical illusion
We're 9 full days away
He's allergic to demon pollen
Why is itsuno so precious? I'm watching the stream and I can't stop looking at him
Sorry, but V already filled his DMC1 demons quota. It hurts
no you're actually in a coma after seeing DmC2
I'm getting way too hyped, it feels like I've been playing the DMC5 demo more than RE2
Reminder that V is /ourguy/
Are you meaning to tell me they're not the same thing? huh
When was this name confirmed?
Cores only.
>tfw you realize the reason Dante uses the regular Divinity Statues instead of calling Nico (there's a divinity statue in her van) is because he's so broke he doesn't even have change to use the payphones
back to resetera tranny
based Yea Forums
It's a descriptive nickname
V truly replaced Vergil in ever way.
>stole his protagonist slot
>stole his move
>stole first letter of his name
>became Itsuno's new favorite
>become No.1 autist of DMC
this made me chuckle, but we all know that her dad taught her how to do it without ripping the skin, by using someone else's mouth.
This is good stuff but if I could suggest an improvement, it'd be to make some distinction between which names are confirmed and which ones are just nicknames for now
V looks like a tranny though lol
Is that dante's office in the background?
Wow this is very le epic xD
>where's my foreskin?
>Final Stream
>only Nero and V
Wasn't there supposed to be Dante gameplay too?
Oh wait nvm
>autist is mad that the game is "made for casuals"
>its literally DMC4 with more options, even some reused and tweaked animations from 4
>muh inertia
what a faggot
Read the thread
Why is everyone loving V so much?
>ugly as fuck
>gameplay looks boring
>edgy retard
>probably the final boss
Only resetera/reddit/tumblr trannies would make sense to like V
>V truly replaced ______
Who is V really?
God damnit user.
hes not even mad at the game
This is some fucky meme magic going on here.
V is Nico's experimental sexbot
I do like his gameplay, looks neat to actually summon shit to fight.
t. seething Vergilfag who can't come to terms that V is protagonist instead of him and that Itsuno likes V now the most
Sorry for what? Our daddies taught us not to be ashamed of our Devil Breakers, especially since they're such good sizes and all.
Some deadbeat hobo no one cares about
I don't even like Vergil, i think he's a dick. I like more Dante and DMC5 Nero.
post yfw less than 10 days till DMC 5
I think it's toilet for dogs.
But dante cares
>Red orbs popping out during the first hits
I'm starting to write a ? on names that are not 100% confirmed, but anons left and right have been giving me names and nickname, so I don't know anymore. Hell, I even started to doubt that goat wizard is named Baphomet now.
>8 days until release and that's the only scene we see him
he isn't gonna be in the game, isn't he?
Dnate is irrelevant.
This is Nero's game now and Nero says "Dante doesn't matter. Vdust is my best friend now."
Have you anons woken up to justice yet?
>Hey guys, what if we have what is clearly Vergil steal Nero's arm and then have him disappear for the rest of the game
No, of course that's not going to happen. Vergil is Urizen and V
the way he just shook off the possibility that Dante dies is pretty off putting. like eh, if he's dead his dead.
Imagine if this is unironically only time Vergil is ever seen in the game. Just imagine the assblast and all the shitpost it would cause! kek
>I even started to doubt that goat wizard is named Baphomet now.
I love Nero's new outfit, especially the military elements to it. DMC5 Nero is superior in every way to DMC4 Nero, it's incredible how much they made the character better.
reminder we've only seen half the game so far
Not even half desu
>11/20 missions
>not even half
>screw him
I bet Nero thinks Dante is his hobo deadbeat dad
Confirmed BP footage.
He has ptsd from being called deadweight
Made for doggystyle and cumming inside
Outside of the ripped arm, would you wear something like that IRL Yea Forums?
Not cutscene-wise, we don't know almost nothing about the history. Only that Nero gets his arm nabbed by Vergil and V is weird, Dante goes to his home and go majin. That's it i think
wish he could have his devil arm but that's beside the point. Nero was the epitome of edgy teenager in DMC4 so him looking better here is not too hard.
there was never really any reason to think that this wasn't accurate. Yeah, Chinese and all. But come on. Now that most of the names here have been shown on screen. They are 100% accurate for me. Now I want to confirm the Hidden Blade. Considering the other two, Riot and Chaos. It has to be something related to them. Anarchy?
Only snippets, not everything
Could Donte become more powerful in 10 years than Dante? I mean Donte's mom is an angel, he is not even slightly a human.
Actually yes, just without the jacket and the gloves. Maybe with more casual boots.
Please dont, its not as cool as you think.
He called him dead weight and Nero is a realist, no use crying over maybe. They have to take care of the situation at hand, he can process the possibility of his death later.
Imagine how embarassing that would be
>End of DMC5
>Dante and Vergil are finally reunited
>Nero asks if he can call Vergil his uncle
it looks like a nice, functional coat, so maybe in the wintertime.
we havent seen EVERYTHING from the first 11 missions though
Nobody cares what Dante cares about.
Nero wants Vergil dead.
V-totally-not-Moondust wants Vergil dead.
Dante will need to have Vergil dead.
Vergil will be dead as such!
Yes, probably.
I already posted a webm of myself, but it looks surprisingly less cringe than you would think
I mean yes anyone who wears cosplay irl is going to look dumb, but nero's coat is just a stylized trench coat with a hood
Donte's DT is shit, so i doubt it.
When does he do that?
>dante starts calling nero his nephew
>vergil starts arguing with dante about whos kid he is
>DMC5 comes out and everyone thinks Dante looks like a hobo.
>Vergil is an actual half-dead hobo
Going from the massive explosion in Vorgil's Downfall, and the fact that Donte is even stronger, DmC Dante is already much stronger than Dante.
Of those 11 missions, only 4 have shown off their full cutscenes. Which are 1, 2, 10 and 11. We haven't even seen full gameplay of most of them to the point that people don't even know when Nero confronts Urizen for the second time.
We also know that mission 12 is when shit hits the fan game wise and the story picks up. So even seeing up to this point means pretty much nothing and is just setup for the rest of the game.
I like Nero's design in 5 a lot, but the only thing that would make it 10/10 for me is if instead of the fingerless glove he was wearing rings like he did in 4.
Not in initial release.
>yfw the only way we can use yamato in base game is with Nero
>Acting like being part human is a nerf
user, did you just ignore half the series?
Should I bother with Deluxe edition or not? I honestly only want the music since I am not really feeling it.
Funny, for me the fingerless gloves are much superior to those rings.
>tfw Vergil dies
>Mundus gets redeemed
I unironically want it to happen purely for all seething it would cause.
>they both go full retard and say "I bet dad shagged some literal who"
it just looks like normal clothes tho
He is ALREADY much stronger. Donte is fucking OP.
Nigga its cool
post it again?
>mundus redeemed
>literally the cause of all disgrace in the life of SoS
>killed Dante's mother infront of him
I will be mad if this happens.
Still looks like something you shouldn't wear irl, especially if its a cheap knockoff.
What pizza is everyone ordering for release day?
Donte's DT is long duration quicksilver and enemy stun+huge increase to style and dmg output. He throws the entire world into chaos when he uses DT. He's by far stronger.
99 cheses
??? random i think
If nero never wore the coat (as in his design did not have the coat at all) but the coat did exist, would you wear it then?
The jacket is what I was referring too you dweebs.
V better be something good because so far I'm not that impressed by autismo-kun and his autistic adventures that causes fujos to shudder, Itsuno-sama.
Pepperoni or a Meat Feast
Pepperoni with extra cheese from dominos.
No. Donte's not even that strong. DmC's demons are weak little babies and his DT is just discount quicksilver.
Also 'angels' do jack all in that universe so him being 'half-angel' amounts to a zero sum.
It looks really good
Do we still not know who V's VA is?
>nico reverse rape
someone needs to make this happen
How long should it take me to get through DMC3 and 4 if I'm a casual who plays on easy?
So they hired male models for Nero and V's faces but is Reuben Dante's voice, mocap, and face model?
Where is V orchestra webm?
It is a nerf, the entire "human heart" bullshit is just nonsense. Nobody fears Dante for being the "son of Eve". Sparda himself was bullshit OP before he went YOLO on Mundus.
Anthem review was great
He gave DmC a 6/10. This game seems to have the same low skill entry level (but also having a much higher mastery level). Assuming a story better than "aborting mundus' child to get him mad" is written, the game easily gets an 8/10.
Fuck I hope Kalina is finally fun to use this time around.
Bufala, like god intended.
Donatos pizza, meat feast. Debating on if I should drink or not that night
>putting her fingers on her lenses.
whoever drew this obviously doesn't wear glasses.
Dante is more powerful than Sparda btw
Supreme Pizza with extra mushrooms.
Meat lovers
>face model
If dmc was a pizza
Dmc 1 - pepperoni pizza
Dmc 2 - ham and pineapple
Dmc 3 - meat lovers
Dmc 4 - extra cheese
DmC - a soggy taco
Dmc 5 - ???
Chunni as fuck.
Definitely /our/ guy.
My problem with the jacket is it has too many details which makes it look too anime for irl wearing. If it was simple I'd wear it.
crispin freeman
Don't play on easy. You'll learn bad habits. If you're new to this kind of action game then you might have trouble, but it's absolutely doable.
Like 20 hours if you're only doing one playthrough, they're not long games. You should invest the time and play the games trough DMD die, it's very rewarding and when the games truly shine. DMC3 first platyrhough-to-DMD took me like 70 hours though, so it's a trek.
Also you HAVE beaten DMC1, right user?
Nero's coat is SSStylish as fuck so hell yeah.
Dan Southworth
So, think Nero will be able to reclaim Yamato or will he just have to grow a new Bringer?
I feel like I would honestly do an evil laugh too if I had cool powers
I'm borderline autistic tho
No. It's too fucking hot here
>comparing adam to reuben
Reuben looks nothing like dante, you blind moron.
>and some people think this could be Vergil in disguise
While Vergil is plenty autistic himself, he doesn't reach THESE levels of autism.
South america? fuck summer, my PC is gonna explode
Yea Forums
If ya aint gotta work the next day why not drink?
troy baker
it's quinton flynn
Maybe in terms of pure physical prowess. What made Sparda dangerous wasn't his raw power, it was his ability to seal and enslave other demons and use their powers with little to no effort. You also have to keep in mind that Sparda kept limiting himself and sealing away parts of his power because he himself felt that he was becoming too strong.
Do you seriously thing Reuben looks like this? Have you ever seen pictures of Reuben? Come on, user.
pachinko is a half-eaten hotdog dipped in cheese
5 is pizza with ice cream sundae on top
Aw, fuck it.
Frango com Catupiry with some Guaraná Antarctica to drink
Yes, almost ripping my skin to get some cooling going
That was him trying to claw his own heart out btw.
I would if it was shorter, as a jacket. Long coats never look good irl.
You've never seen Vergil not power hungry. You don't know what he's truly capable of.
Dante was literally faking being dead though, he drops drown and pulls the shit out, then tells Nero it was a good try.
>half-eaten hotdog dipped in cheese
same with the mobile games
>Nero wants Vergil dead
He'll change his mind or dante will convince him
LOL no.
Sparda was so strong he b****-slapped the entire underworld and it's ruler by himself. Dante is even stronger than his dad
Sporda was a literal nobody who's only claim to fame was banging some broad. Donte's mom has done nothing noteworthy despite being an 'angel'. In 10 years he'd be stronger than probably the baddest of the demons in his world, but seeing how unimpressive most of them are, that's not much of an accomplishment.
You won't regret it.
Extra sauce, no cheese, good toppings.
>Dante playing Nevan
>Jester using his scepter as mic
>Vergil acting like autist with Sparda in the back
You just used worst image possible for that comment of yours.
I'm nervous. Will it maintain like this?
Some people here said it might effect my enjoyment of some of the scenes of I'm wasted. I'm a lightweight.
Go back
Does V's attack inputs have any directional thing or you juat hit the button and the corresponding animal will do a different move based on its position to the enemy?
If it had no attachment to video games or anime I'd consider wearing it for things like concerts and shit cause it'd look cool, and if it was cold I'd definitely layer that on top of the warm stuff. I wouldn't call it casual wear.
>he doesn't reach THESE levels of autism
>posts imagine in which Vergil reached THESE levels of autism
Was this meant to be ironic, user?
Since when do PC games cost so much?
пoмню кoгдa игpы нa кoнcoли cтoили вceгo 2-3k
>With three 9/10 scores and one 10/10, the total comes up to 37/40
fucking hell, they really did cuck Sparda in DmC.
Since when did they start making mangas you read bottom to top?
Vergil is autismo incarnate, he could very well be V. Or maybe mooondust surpassed vergil in autismo levels.
He has inputs.
What does it say? Is it bad or good?
man if the games good it's good who gives a fuck what the journos say.
C тeх пop кaк pyбль пo пиздe пoшeл
>Reviews already out
time to stop lurking already?
Dante is left handed?
Has this ever come up before Balrog?
I wonder what would Sparda say if he saw his older son being autistic with his sword?
What the fuck were they thinking?
almost all of the previews and demos of the game have been met with praise, generally, so yeah
really fat kitty
DmC got a 34 from famitsu so yeah.
Is that a scar on V's face?
>v's tattoos
iirc IGN is letting someone who never played DMC review it.
It will get a bunch of 8 and 9s.
9/10 in their score
>dante's chest
Oh if you're a lightweight then skip it or go real light. If you plan on a second playthrough, I'd say there's nothing wrong with drinking and vidya.
Come to fuck on, why? IGN had the best gameplay back when Dante was revealed
Will we see him in person, at least in flashbacks?
Those squiggle-y lines on Nico's legs make them look hairy, but otherwise this is dope and WHEW SHIT THAT DANTE
if you mean metacritic scores/reviews, itll be on March 6th
Jesus christ, why do that?
Vergil is overly serious power autist.
For him to do half of autistic shit V(Jester 2.0) does... seems way out of character.
Dante's been mainly right handed forever except when using certain moves with fist weapons like meteor with ifrit
I guess they really don't give a shit about names.
Looks like eyes
>Frango com Catupiry
why is nightmare a vagina
Does anyone know why it looks so blurry? Any options I must change?
>inb4 hurr durr why don't you play the HD Collection
I might just wait till around halfway to start drinking. That way once the big reveals start happening I'll be looking like pic related
His boxing stance, jabs. He's behaving as though he were left handed.
>has a body
defend that
That was the playtester or whatever, who was on the TGS stage playing it
>Damn why is Shadow so gory?
>Oh wait that's Nero's shirt
Damn the neckline is lower than usual blessed.
Kingdom hearts logic.
>his hair is styled like his horns
>also Spencer dmc 1 reference
I hope we see daddy bug in action, we never go to know how he died.
Maybe when Dante visits his old house we see how Mundus's demons killed Eva and weakened Sparda
>many proplayers seethe at Donguri for having meme levels of popularity
>Donguri literally does nothing wrong and keeps apologizing
>proplayers continue seething
This drama is so retarded.
I also cringe a bit whenever I read casuals commenting about how they'd rather watch a Donguri playthrough over playing themselves, but the guy is too pure for the shit he gets.
I wonder if Nightmare will learn to use the abilities of OG one.
Imagine if he will start shitting out funnels and trap enemies in demonic rape realm
appropriate desu
Daily reminder that there will always be one(?) journalist who'll give the game a 70 or below FOR THE SOLE REASON the game isn't DmC 2.
play the HD Collection
Alright sit the fuck down boy, this is going to take a while
IIRC, one of the devs was playing Dante in the IGN vid. I think it was the combat designer?
God I wanna fuck Nico so bad.
Would not bang
Im hoping we do but most likely not going to happen.
They patched some of these on PC tho
>Dante's bulge
I should have known better
Does he seriously strikes you as guy who would ever tap dance? Play imaginary violin? etc.
Oh. Don't know about that then. I have noticed he uses rising dragon and real impact with his right arm, but with the one-inch punch he use his left.
>V's tattoos are eyes
being drunk sure makes everything seem more interesting. I don't drink much anymore though after polishing a bottle of vodka off the last time I did. It's not like it was that bad or anything, I was with friends, I was just too drunk.
The whole angel thing was ridiculous seeing as how not only do you never see another angel, but they have no importance to the plot or serve any narrative purpose. In DMC, angels were demons in disguise, and that ties into the whole theme of humans needing to rely on themselves; we have to solve our own problems instead of relying on God. I'm not sure what the thematic purpose of the angels is. Donte's mom is called a whore repeatedly, and there are a lot of strippers dressed as angels as well. So... angels are whores? Being good-aligned makes you a bitch? I'm really not sure what their intent was.
We already did
Nine days until local caveman and his half-dead goth friend drag their retired crazy uncle out to go do some demon slaying
AKSHUALLY that's from back when it was RE4.
but they're turning it into canon now
Don't you jab with non-dominAnt?
One previewer said that Dante does indeed flashback to that night that Eva died. So I think so, but Sparda was gone by that point. So we probably won't see him.
>nine more days until we get to see the hobo himself
>Nero's clothes keep getting worse throughout the story because Shadow keeps kneading it
You jab with the non-dominant hand
That's just boxing for ya, you jab with the left hand until you find the opportunity to land a serious hit with your right hand
have we done ones where the journos gets triggered over how many and how quickly the game will sell?
screw you
Even so, Dante not being blurry while on the air or in DT, the high-pitched orbs and the nauseating water levels 'filter' is a deal breaker
fatto catto and nightmare have the same "patterns" on their bodies
only the visuals, and even then it's not exactly the same.
>DMC2 is the best one
Fuck off.
In the new one Sparda looks like he has a bald spot.
Not to mention that they guy they're trying to beat was literally dying hobo who somehow turned into an Ent.
Imagine the kino
>Dante, Nero and V finally defeat Urizen
>There's lots of smoke, smog, rubble etc. floating around so visibility is poor
>Dante and Nero do a high-five or something
>"By the way, where's V?"
>Flash of red light
>See your pic
who was that journalist that confused dmc V Nero with Donte and when people corrected him he sperged out and held a vendetta for months ?
Getting to see kid dante and vergil will be cute and sad.
>nine days
>enough time for at least one DMC anons to get himself killed and never play the game.
>v sticks out his arm
>Griffin lands on it
>dante and nero clap
>white knighting
>on Yea Forums
Back to trannyera lol
Dante and Vergil were 8 years old when Eva died, and in the family painting with Sparda they kinda look that age.
>Dante not being blurry
Literally the best part of "broken" HD Collection
They patched high-pitched orbs and water levels filter
Either stick with so blurry pcsx2 or oh no not blurry HD collection
Someone edit the Subhuman guy in the window
Thank you, I really wanted this art
He has dead weight now, so his autism regarding his brother isn't as strong as before.
>Mom wants me to go out to buy some water later today
No way hag i ain't leaving my fortress
Also remember that he did the interview with the headline "Itsuno wanted to do DmC2" that all the trannies post.
I really want to see Dante and Nero's reactions to the first time V summoned his demons in front of them.
Yeah, but even according to the novel, Dante says that he didn't know Sparda for long and he never told him or Vergil that he was a demon. I think that Itsuno will respect Kamiya canon. Sparda left, before Mundus attacked Eva. For what reason, who knows.
Has anyone purchased Nero's jacket from Amazon? (I'm asking for a friend hahaha..)
I like it more when another journo was interviewing Matt and not only tried to defend that guy, but also wanted to make Matt shit on fans, but got btfo.
I actually wouldn't mind Sparda looking like this. He looks more like a "lord" even if that isn't his title. Lord Sparda would sound intimidating as fuck though.
>the gamers are mad at me for getting the wrong brother
kek, now they're brothers. I can already see his V review. This is the same guy that compared game journalism to a barman job.
Fuck you
You ugly sack of shit!
All 3 of those demons were such a royal pain in the ass Dante probably has a reflex to swing his sword by the mere sight of them
Doesn't Dante do that every time he gets a devil arm pretty much?
He does spin a summoned sword on his hand.
>Even though you cleaned it up instantly
Based Matto-san
This is so pathetic.
What a fucking pussy
>nero asks what the hell hes feeding the cat to get it so big
Fatto catto
What a piece of shit
Nah, according to Before the Nightmare. He doesn't even remember any of his opponents, unless someone else brings it up. He's forgotten all about Nightmare, Shadow and Griffon. Only Mundus is worth remembering.
hey, i know i broke those 100 dollars worth of drinking glasses, but i cleaned them up ,so we're ok ?
Majin theme leaked
Dante impresses the demons and then they willingly give up their souls as devil arms. Sparda has the ability to steal a demon's true name and force him to become a devil arm. In Dante's case it's more the demons recognizing defeat, while in Sparda's it's just outright enslavement.
I did on Ebay It looks good
>A - devil trigger
What the fuck
I see great things to come from Mr.Walker. also
>game critic
is that what they're calling themselves now?
lol what a fat fuck
It's how the guy likes his controller set up.
>We talked about stuff, it was really interesting, but I won’t say what we talked about.
How did this dude even get past high school English class?
This level of incompetence is not even funny.
It's like unironically saying that you play as Zelda.
I miss when people who wrote about videogames were actual videogame nerds and not just failed art majors who settled for the job.
it was just to show that the controls are fully customizable.
The only cases where this has happened where Nevan and Cerberus. Everything else was already a weapon, save for Beowulf which Vergil took by force.
Urizen is Vergil.
Urizen is Mundus.
Urizen is Argosax right hand.
Urizen is someone new.
Urizen is Sparda.
Urizen is me :)
Imagine all the pictures we'll get of fatto catto.
Someone post the theorypasta
Argosax’s right hand comes off?
Urizen is something old
Urizen is something new
Urizen is something borrowed
Urizen is something blue
>Literally the best part of "broken" HD Collection
I liked it, maybe not on the falling animation but it made the DT cooler
>They patched high-pitched orbs and water levels filter
Well shit. I'll play it there, then. Do you know if they fixed the visual bugs with Griffon and Mundus?
I-I don't remember Dante's shirt being that low..
Yeah, it was for
>V gets grabbed by a Nobody.
>Open photo mode.
Urizen is.
>white knighting a video game character
why do you want all women to look like plastic surgery disasters.
Balrog is Argosax's right hand.
Balrog's right hand is on Dante's right hand.
But Balrog is a weapon.
>urizen is nero and before that dante cause time travels
>urizen is vergil
>urizen is sparda
>urizen is mundus
>urizen is sparda's/mundus/all demon's dad
>urizen is god of evil/previous king of hell/great judge
>urizen is angelo
>urizen is eva
>urizen is smt character
>urizen is your worst NIGHTMARE
>urizen is arisen/seneschal
>v is urizen
>v is vergil
>v is mundus/'s son/trish 2.0/"good" side/reincarnation (Babel II)
>v is nightmare 5.2
>v is phantom
>v is griffon
>v is nelo
>v is gilver
>v is a chess from dmc3
>v is agnus's creation/nico's brother/nell's better son
>v is sparda/'s son/creation/best friend
>v is modeus
>v is abigail
>v is alastor
>v is arius/'s son/creation/lucia 2.0
>v is og satan-green eye's, cripple
>v is nero's brother
>v is nero's son
>v is nero's father =/= v is vergil
>v is proto nero
>v is arkham
>v is "angel" from manga
>v is lady's brother
>v is lady's son
>v is dante's son
>v is dante's and lady/trish/lucia/alice's son
>v is bayo's son
>v is patty's brother
>v is a game journalist, lady invited him
>v is from Vie de Marli's Clan
>v is "dude fron anime that summoned shit"'s brother/dad/son/neighbor
>v is a cane/book/skull-chain
>v is Qliphoth (tree)
>v is Nidhogg (dragon)
>v is cute
>v is demi fiend
>v is valmiro
>v is grigori
>v is a pawn
>v is fuzon/orc/tharmas/blake himself
>v is (v)odin=mundus
> crew cut is REference
>There was a war in Hell. I won.
>if they fixed the visual bugs with Griffon and Mundus
They didn't
Also, if you're going to pirate HD Collections, you'll have to look for 1.1 patch
Hi Dan.
He's a demon before that
what style is YOUR style
swordmaster for life yo
Anyone have a link to this morning's stream? I can't figure out how to navigate mixer's shitty layout.
Up your butt
And left hand. And feet. Sometimes shoulders too.
So I heard someone say that Matier is a half human half demon like Dante and the shitty wiki also lists this, but I can't find a single source on this and I think it's just yet another thing that the autists running the wiki made up.
Regardless, if any of you nogs have any kind of source on this please let me know
Urizen to fight
SM > GS > RG > TS
Sparda's father or his teacher who is corrupted for reasons
Dante absorbs the shoulder part of Balrog into his fist when he does Rising Dragon or Real Impact, neat.
When was he in Star Trek?
Bullshit, we've seen up to mission 13 and shit was most definitely not hitting the fan.
I love how they go from gauntlets to boxing gloves whenever he winds up.
>up your butt
>that accent
Novel didn't say anything about that. Just worded things in a way that you could interpret that she and Sparda fucked at one point. Matier is apparently stupid old, like pushing 200.
The only thing we have seen of Mission 13 is the three idiots goofing off and then going down a hole. No cutscenes.
>we've seen up to mission 13
Nope. Itsuno flat out said they've yet to show anything past Mission 12 and that from there on, things would get crazy.
>not allowed to dislike ironjawed manfaces even though the original Lady was cute
>waaah stop posting pretty asians, it must be plastic!
lol Hyunjin is natty
here she is pre-debut
you jelly jelly roast
So is the triple mission run m12 or m13 you think?
Not him, but we have, no cutscenes though.
>Frango com Catupiry with some Guaraná Antarctica to drink
that's some poorfag tier shit even for a macaco
i know it's off topic but
>evades all your attacks
damn, he's a good boss fight but i can't get a single good hit in.
he doesn't even guard much so i can't guardbreak him.
also fuck the lv3 gay nigger couple in the fighting ring
Anyone gonna man up and use 4 guns and 4 swords with Dante? I certainly won't
Fan film.
We have seen some gameplay of Mission 13 and it's results screen so that we know the mission is called Three Warriors. But nothing outside of that.
>use 4 guns and 4 swords
game looks stupid
fucking chinks
You can have up to 4 guns and 4 devil arms as Dante in 5.
I'm gonna man up and use no weapons at all
You shut your mouth son that shit is delicious
and that's a good thing
I want to know if we can still use SM and GS with no weapons.
>also fuck the lv3 gay nigger couple in the fighting ring
He probably has even more to be honest. Nearly half the game hasn't been shown and he's confirmed to have secret weapons.
hows that bad
I'm going to try it. I think using that many weapons can work, but they each individually need to be strong. 4's mistake was that the whole of Dante's kit was suppose to be used as parts. Lucifer had a specific role, same with Gilgamesh and shit. The problem was that when an enemy doesn't play well with a weapon, Dante's entire kit starts to fall apart.
As long as I'm not being forced to switch off a weapon because of enemy and can work well regardless, then having a lot of weapons won't be cumbersome for Dante.
Mission 12 is called The Qliphoth, right?
Funny that you'd mention that, because the novel says Nero thinks Dante may know about his family or be his dad, but he doesn't care.
Never said it was
I still wonder how the fuck that mission 11 trophy is suppose to work. Did they really make an entire barehanded moveset for Dante? Or will it simply be using Royal Guard the whole mission?
And he's jabbing with his right, which is my point.
>tfw managed to kill him first try in my last playthrough and got Mike Kob to praise me
Got me giddy
do you know what pre-debut means piggy?
It's good to show contempt for your audience.
No, that's what the trophy is called. We don't know what it's mission title is.
How would you feel if Dante and Vergil go out swords and guns blazing to italian opera?
Im pretty sure he's just hyper ambidextrous
Just so you know, i know how to time an oven real good!
Guess you just use Sparda for the entire mission. Not using lt/rt for weapon switch
>dante's in read
>virgil is blue
fucking Alighieri you self inserting hack
Oh, I didn't notice.
>Dante is southpaw
anyway he might as well be ambidextrous
>all 3 of them bullying fatto catto