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Other urls found in this thread:

More like Stonehenge confirmed

>15 fps

Attached: 1550229038396.png (500x1049, 1000K)

Are you a retard? That looks more linear than the GB games

Stonehenge! Where the demons dwell

no. They showed it still is restricted to shitty everything is a hallway design

Watch it again.

Why did it have such bad fps?

look at those graphics...
I say in 6 months this game is playable on PC.
RIP reggie

>Still no free camera
This series is a fucking joke and the fanbase never played a good video game

More like incoming from Stonehenge confirmed on radar

Attached: 1550403442434.jpg (1500x600, 223K)

Attached: 1388710945878.png (375x374, 170K)

Fucking based

user I...

cant wait for fixed camera hallway simulator 2019

Goddamn Nintendo is like two generations behind in the graphics department.

Just look at this shit.

>Largest media franchise in history
>Presenters piss their shoes, cry and stammer in the livestream reveal


Attached: playable area.png (921x522, 915K)

Still no free camera so it will basically just be the 3ds games but at higher resolution.

Attached: straight line.jpg (424x600, 376K)

This game looks like shit and runs even worse.
>Shit trainer designs
>Shittiest starters yet
The world looks fun enough but holy shit are they seriously just going to keep putting out 3DS-tier games until the next console releases?

You will hunt pokemon...


The game is designed for casuals, and believe it or not, the casual crowd can't handle free camera movement.
That's why you'll never see a free camera in Pokemon or Animal Crossing

>tfw your open world is just a straight line

>I M P L Y I N G

Attached: 2ECCDA4B-8D65-404A-B49B-B0148D911D4D.jpg (750x1062, 529K)

Where the banshees live and they do live well

It looks as open world as Sun & Moon. Set paths with little alcoves to the left and right to catch stuff in.

literal straight fucking line

This, there is nothing on those back hills that looks like they designed anything around being open world. The game map would look fucking massive if it was 100% explorable too.

Plus it looked like we were back to random encounters in grass

It's definitely not Open World. The layout feels like Sun/Moon

I thought this pokemon would be the equivalent of BotW and Mario Odyssey, but it seems like GF works in a different way, and by different I mean lazy.

>open world
>can clearly see the edge of the sky box

no one replied to my picture in the last thread so I'm reposting it

Attached: 1551276848305.jpg (424x600, 142K)

I find the design of this island pretty straightforward.

Attached: 1547258646114.gif (600x634, 2.04M)

Even Bethesda isn't as lazy as GameFreak.

I give you a reply user c:

>Actual rolling hills in a pokemon game
Oh thank god, we've at least aesthetically escaped the lego world.

They couldn't make more of a straight line if they tried.

England is a straight line.

They really wanted to make sure that you dont get lost.

Post pics of the female protag

I literally cannot believe they made the map an actual straight line. What were they thinking?

yeah dude now we get vast expanses that we can't fucking travel on
what a fucking blue ball of a game

I swear to god, there better be a good postgame where you go North of that final Pokemon League area and find angry Scotsmen throwing out high level pokemon to force you put of their land.

Gamefreak are horrible game designers and know everything will sell no matter what they do.

It’s England, retard

Nope. Clearly not linear.
See that bridge to the right of the main city in the middle?
That's clearly for a side quest to pad out the game BEFORE advancing to the left.

Random battles, gyms, linear structure, fire/water/grass starter

Why even bother putting this on a console? just make another 3ds game or turn it into a phone game. This is not acceptable for a full home console release

Too boring.

This is an upscaled 3DS game

I really hope they let you surf around the island and to Isle of Manlet for post-game.

well now that I'm looking at it, I think the only zone that's not neccesary to progress is below the bridge, unless is right

Remember that fucking framerate when you did the camera minigame in S&M?
That's why. Game Freak has ZERO idea how to handle a 3D engine so it has to draw as much power out of the Switch's shitty mobile hardware as it can.

Yikes lol

Attached: NNiq9Nn.png (3000x2000, 3.36M)

If you don't want it to be linear, then what do you propose they change the gyms to then?
Doesn't make sense to fight the 8th gym right away with your starter

Welcome to Pokemon Britain.

Introducing all new pokemen with new types:

Grookey - Grass/Chimp type

Scorbunny - Fire/Feet type

Sobbly - Water/Cowardice type

>galar region is just westeros

>PS2 trees
looks worse than MH4.

>What were they thinking?

The actual UK you fucking moron.

Attached: primary-uk-wall-map-physical_uk00629.jpg (3000x4243, 1.29M)


Attached: yikes.jpg (2578x3747, 734K)

Forge the endless chain, Arisen

>Gym has different difficulty levels depending on how many badges you have going into it
Wow, so hard, no one could have thought of that

Wait, you've played it already? Dude, spill the beans.

Why not be able to try? You'll get your ass kicked, but so what? Why is game freak so worried about players even deviating slightly from a set path?

It's because it'll reveal how stale and sterile Pokemon game design has become

>Doesn't make sense to fight the 8th gym right away with your starter

Actually, that would be a creative idea that Gamefreak is too dumb to implement. Scaling Gym leaders.

You are just retarded though. Giovanni's gym was the first that you encounter in Gen 1. You just have to backtrack to it later.

will there be sandniggers too?

Something about it just feels bland and artificial.

Attached: 1547160592611.jpg (1280x738, 153K)

How do we defeat GameFreak?

look at the footage and the FIXED CAMERA ANGLE you absolute fucking brainlet
I can't wait to explore into these literal PS2 jpg trees you dumbfuck

>left's crooked asf teeth

Jesus Christ....

wasn't stonehenge in x and y?

Stop using words you don't understand.

It just seems like a 3ds game with higher resolution.
I guess it's my fault for finally expecting them to shake things up.

The old director said they don’t do postgame because casuals didn’t play it.
There will be no post game.

You can keep it linear, just make it look better than a 3DS game

>Random slag blocks your path, you'll have to find something to move it.

Attached: london.png (891x622, 1.03M)

>Looks worse than Breath of the Wild

Fuck Scotland, give me Northern Ireland postgame with an IRA villian team!

Looks like a fucking Wii game.

Don't buy their games. That's all you can do.

its not. Its the same as sun moon. Its linear like all games before.

>straight line
ok, buddy, you can stop licking GameFreak's balls now

Attached: straightaf.png (786x524, 846K)

Isn't there a different director for this game though?

So does the port to the East not exist? What about the Northwestern area, where there seems to be some sort of pathway. Or those train tracks in the Southwest? There seem to be some other places to go.

Prepare for Troubles, Make it Double.

>but has nazca lines

Attached: 1493882366566.jpg (270x400, 104K)

Oh, you're just basing opinion on the preview...You let me down user. Why would you do that?

Considering that Shield/Sword-chan looks like a sour cunt, I'd say they're going for the complete English experience. Expect shitloads of fog and shit food to be in the game as well.

Attached: 1551277721835.png (1920x1080, 1.3M)

Sun & Moon on the 3ds look better than this because they're at least on 240p

Imagine playing this on your 1080p TV though

>pedo swirl
>lightning bolts symbolising the fall of lucifer
>one eye
>pyramid stance
>scattered children about his feet

the devil stay busy, lemme tell ya. stay woke, mon ami

it's the same director of OR/AS and S/M


Attached: 220px-Cerne-abbas-giant-2001-cropped.jpg (220x263, 21K)

>having a variable that changes what pokemon someone uses based on badge count
come one, gamefreak can't program that. They don't know how to program. That's why the games are always the same.

is that Hermione


what a fuckin shit company

there's no "opinion" here glue sniffer, what part of "that's the fucking background" can't you grasp?

Do all the wild pokemon and trainers also scale as you progress? Or do you start fighting pidgeys and their equivalent for the first time as you approach your final gym.
I never said they shouldn't try, i was asking anons if they were so smart how would they solve it.
You can't get into that gym or fighr anyone in it at all, it may as well just be a sprite of a tree for all it matters.

i see

Attached: 1547175998386.gif (600x678, 1.2M)


>Mario brings back the exploration factor, making good use of your curiosity
>Zelda brings back the exploration factor, making good use of your curiosity
>Pokemon - fence and locked camera

Originally that’s what we were told.
Looks like the old director has still decided to direct it.

>pokemons are still "punching" each other 10 meters far
Why I was expecting something better out of them ? I bet flying pokemons are still floating like the fucking 3ds models

You need a nap user. You're making shitposting hard with you being a grump.

calling it now, the train will just be a cutscene shortcut but the northwest will just be scenery you can't go to. and yeah there will be some sort of blocked path that forces you to dick around in the port

>try to boycot pokemon SS
>literally every nostalgiafag normie buys a switch and pokemon

bro what? just get the game man you have no chance this time

>Open world
>locked camera
you're retarded

try following the roads and tunnels next time sweetie

Attached: boommmm.jpg (423x600, 73K)

>that dick
Why are britgays such homos?

>hurr it's based on the UK so we'll have some kind of pokémon football going on

Get excited

Attached: 1427744329339.jpg (306x306, 22K)

I thought Let's Go Pikachu looked like garbage because it was a spinoff. What's the excuse for this one?

Open as long as you stay with the walls

>S/S looks bland and boring
>It will still sell better than SMT V

Attached: 1522561341407.jpg (245x374, 40K)

Holy shit. Can't believe Wario made it in!


Would making every other person a Paki or a nigger appease your autism?

>the fast travel train is a route
LMAO actually kill yourself

>the casual crowd can't handle free camera movement.
Fuckin wat. Do you know how dumb that sounds?

Or you just don't buy it and play different games.

I appreciate your optimism

>all these retards excusing lazy game design because they're delusional fanboys
It's really sad

All wild Pokemon scale with your level, with weaker Pokemon still being weak compared to your level, and stronger Pokemon still being strong compared to your level. Same shit any other RPG does or even BoTW.
Areas that may have only had pidgey’s in it will instead have tougher Pokemon.

Attached: mystery.jpg (715x900, 172K)

Do you know how dumb casual children are?

What the fuck is wrong with you people?

Attached: goku.png (2248x2363, 635K)

>Zelda over 25 years evolved from TLOZ to BotW
>Mario over 30 years evolved from SMB to Odyssey
>Pokemon after 25 years is still exact same shit

Attached: 1345638645619.jpg (448x419, 31K)

I've played crystal clear, and its a neat novel idea. But it gets old real fast when theres no real incentive to go anywhere specifically, and is clearly only meant for people to enjoy the 2 gen games and have played them to death.

We are talking about pokemon here, what does that have to do with anything

>Instead of one path, you can go down two different paths which lead to the same place instead!!!
Absolute damage control.

>The train ends up being the S.S.Aqua of the game that has enemies to fight on the way

I don't get it. Is it prehistoric BRAAP posting?

>theres no real incentive to go anywhere specifically
I thought it was pretty much Pokemon Crystal with additional features.

Attached: 1474465218112.jpg (258x245, 12K)

If you don't get it you don't belong here
Fucking moron.

I want you to know I appreciated your post user

Attached: 1449935914349.png (500x421, 199K)

You can see on a map that this shot basically covers this entire hub. And there are like 5 hubs

it's literally the gen 1 bike path lmao

I would demolish that slag on the right.

You just described the typical Pokémon route.

If Gamefreak considers the casual crowd a reason for no post game, it's not too far off that they do not want to change anything at all scuh as map layouts.
This whole "trying out new things" they mentioned in the direct is likely the soccer thing, which could either be a gym replacement for an essenetial minigame ala blitzball.
In short; it's over user, the casuals won.

3D pokemon just looks wrong.

Would you prefer pokemon cricket?

you wish
england is a homosexual line and everybody knows this

You seem to be annoyed by the use of stereotypes. The alternative is autistic ("accurate") realism, or just something completely unrelated to England.

exactly why it shouldn't be the same old shit after 25 fucking years

>Pointing out why the region is shaped the way it is = defending the game

Okay m8.

Can I get a source on that

>The world is a straight line
>No it's not look at these alternative routes
>I-i-i-tt's nottt opeeen worrrlddd waaahahhhh
Instead of moving goalposts to justify whatever biases you have, why not actually wait until we have more information, or god forbid, the game is out? You don't have to like the game or the series but lying about something to justify how you feel is the worst thing you can do, for yourself as well as others.

It could look good if Gamefreak didn't half-ass everything they do.

every game they play has used 2 analog sticks though. i'm sure even the dumbest of kids could get through mario odyssey for example

Grey ayy pokemon confirmed?

Attached: ayy.png (171x151, 38K)

I love slags so fucking much.

Attached: 1523910809587.jpg (1024x682, 118K)



The only respectable linear pokemon map is one where you'd start in the mountains of Ethiopia, go down the Nile river to the Egyptian River delta and fight the Elite Four in the lighthouse of Alexandria

It sure sucks that the same old shit keeps working and finds success or Pokémon would actually change or something.

I kinda like how it seems bigger ingame then on the map but I did notice the map was basically a straight line. I wish it opened up a bit more to the sides.

So if you didn't catch a pidgey earlier because you went a different way, and now different, stronger pokemon appear there, are you just not able to catch pidgeys anymore to complete your dex?
Or do you have to catch every single pokemon you can before defeating the first gym to ensure you dont miss out?
Do you add a safari zone that adds pokemon as theyre cycled out of the wild? In that case why catch pokemon at all before the 8th gym when you can just get them all later easier.
Do you still include those weak pokemon but at a higher level? Great lets go down this last route for my final gym, can't wait to see what cool pokemon are he- oh its just a lvl35 pidgey.

why would you ever think that?
Do you struggle with pattern recognition?

Attached: 1551249728263.png (1366x1122, 1.55M)

>Zelda is and still is a FLOP
>Mario is for faggots is the same old shit
>Pokemon EVOLVE
try to keep up gramps

wasn't this one shopped

It is, but theres little structure to it and i never recommend it to people unless they've already played gen 2. I would never tell someone to play CC as their first foray into gen 2.

Yeah but that is not England. It's the Galar region. They can be inspired as much or as little by England as they want. I don't know where you get those two extreme choices from.

>you seem to be annoyed by the use of sterotypes
I seem to be annoyed by draggin racial politics into a videogame that has absolutely no focus on them whatsoever.

Because that's the intelligent thing to do and doesn't keep the ceaseless wave of "OHNONO" posting going.

alright calm down autist

Ok, but do you genuinely think that there's no free camera because gamefreak thinks "casuals" can't handle it? Or is bashing casuals the only recourse you have to feel like you have any amount of self esteem? Not trying to be a dick, but you should at least consider it a possible cause for how you feel. The pokemon games have never been hardcore games, they were made for children for fuck sake.

Attached: Cheelai3.png (1001x1591, 946K)

The reason people are seething is BECAUSE it’s the generic Pokemon path.
25 years later and we’re still playing the same identical game with aesthetics upgrade.

Well, that should be a given for game mods.

I don't know if you're trying to reply sarcastically but yeah it's exactly because gamer cucks constantly eat up this regurgitated mediocrity for 2 decades that we're still in this sorry state when we could have so much better.
But fuck, even though Zelda and Mario were selling gangbusters they STILL had the balls and capability to do something different. Game Freak is the fucking Bethesda of Japan.

They were confirmed a long time ago. See Elgyem and Beheeyem.

it was literally just a 3ds game they decided to port because switch has no games this year wasnt it

Attached: pingu.jpg (1920x872, 315K)

Are we looking at it from north to south?
London would be the largest city, so I think we are.

I love Kay!

Attached: garupan_kay_6078.png (250x371, 79K)

Sweet what ps2 jrpg is this?

Yah, which is why i don't think the CC formula works for a brand new entry. Perhaps as a new game+ mode.

>battle animations still sub pokemon stadium tier

why is this allowed

Attached: swordandshield.png (1394x738, 1.32M)

shitpost of the year award

>Being so insecure you'd draw a dude into a hill but not his massive erection
Sounds like you're the homo here

Why put any effort when the game will still sell?

That's just the most obvious thing to have shifted away from stereotypes. Don't tell me you think Paris syndrome isn't about race.

You really know it's a GameFreak title when the visuals AND the performance are shit

there wont even be rain. the engine can't support it

>Those fucking pngs in the background don't mesh well with the battle enviroment
>Now in HD is even more noticeable
holy shit lmao

Stadium only had 70 Pokémon and now there are +700.

Plus they reused the Stadium animations all the way into Gen 4 so everyone got fucking sick of them.

>Spot the one who got E from history

Attached: 1549580074454.png (564x580, 255K)

Fair enough. I'll see how I feel about it. As long as I get to have Aipom as a starter, things should be pretty good.

>Taking it this seriously
I'm at a loss for words.


Attached: CAXTON.png (300x361, 236K)

Attached: Ochaco.jpg (555x275, 29K)

why does the grass look directly ported from pokemon stadium

>game from 2011 on a console from 2006.
Mario and Zelda grew, why can't Pokemon? I am holding out any excitement until the game is out and we can find out from those who play it if they actually gave a shit about doing anything new since Colosseum.

Attached: ni_no_kuni_wrath_of_the_white_witch_242level_one[1].jpg (1280x720, 538K)

What happened to unique girl designs in pokemon? That just looks boring.

>tfw no Ochunko GF to pinch their muffin top

They stopped trying once they added customization, using that as an excuse.

Attached: d90.png (644x800, 15K)

Welcome to England.

It legitimately makes me sad that the cute hermoine-esque british girl is going extinct and in the wake we have nothing but an island of slags. Is this the power of inbreeding?

Attached: 1479782491588.png (950x1161, 555K)



It’s really not that difficult to figure out, there’s hundreds of ways to get around this, just choose your faviourite way.

umm, sweatie? the map goes in one direction, despite multiple roads.

The world looks really nic ebut
>random battles
Really Gamefreak? Would be awesome to see wild pokemon just doing their thing, fighting other pokemon and eating stuff. Could even have a pokemon snap-style sidequest where you have to take nice pics of wild pokemon.

Attached: tomo.png (1437x1048, 626K)

Watch the trailer user.

Attached: fog.png (1920x1080, 2.42M)

Xenoblade Chronicles on the Wii/3DS had way more complex and interesting spaces to explore that actually tooks advantage of being a 3D game. Game Freak has literally no excuse for being this shitty.

>the most popular franchise in the world is safe but solid and sells better than niche things
Wow whoa

Why is this shit allowed? Why haven't GF failed yet. Why were XY and SM actually profitable and not responsible for the downfall of GF?
Am I doomed to see the pokemon name dragged through shit for another 10 years while lazy and incompetent devs get rich over the literal shit they submit as a game.

Attached: Discontent.png (497x420, 452K)

It's gonna be an instanced area like all of the forests and it will be over in likely less than 10 minutes.

Fuck yeah Random Battles.

Thank god they didn't abandon the core of the series for this game.

Ni No Kuni was the Pokemon game I dreamed of back when I was playing gen 1+2

It's so goddamned good.

Do you guys still have goth/emo/scene chavs or have they also died out over there?
I really hope the 00's doesn't get a nostalgia revival like the 80s and 90s, i'll probably end up in jail if teens start being scene again.

generation 3 was open world

That is correct.
>look at the map, it's completely linear they're not even trying this time
So? Even if England had to be made in a linear shape ( which is not true ) they could have picked something else.
It's pure fanboy nonsense,

Is Straight line the new "WHY IS THERE DAYLIGHT!?"

Literally fucking this.

so still linear and outdated as fuck

World is simply unfair user.

HD map

Attached: D0avx2hWkAEufVK.jpg (1448x2048, 597K)

>why cant pokemon
Because when ever they try people literally throw a fit

They quit trying once customization hit. To be fair lilly probably would have been the female trainer if they did it like they used to

I think it's entirely possible that Gamefreak has that mindset and whilst I understand they want to keep the game in reach of children mainly their incompetence as developers to even innovate the slightest amount shows only stubborness in their vision of what pleases the casual crowd and what doesn't.
With a top down perspective, everything is clear in the game and easy to understand; the roads, the dangers ahead such as trainers and such.
Adding that extra request of not only forward facing objects but backwards as well can be disorienting and unclear when attmepting to establish a simple progressive path in the basic RPG formula that is Pokemon now and I guess always will be.
The more I try to write this the more I see it just being Gamefreak's laziness and incompetence to develop and evolve, they even mentioned with the game looking in it's current status that they were stuggeling with full console hardware which is outright embarrasing for an establishment that size and I feel that at this point they just want to live off brand recognition alone to try and bring in a new audience/generation of players.

I don't have a way, i was asking specifically what ideas anons had because I couldn't think of a good way better than the current formula.
Name one hundred (100) ways then.

Oh look another fucking installment of mail-it-in-mon


It won't be. If they just made this game on the BOTW engine instead and and actually gave us a free camera I would be excited. I'm not excited for this shit though.

i can't put my finger on it honestly, quite at a loss here.

>Sobbly - Water/Cowardice type
its british not french
get your memes together faggot

It will look fine, why do you lie?

>another straight line region

>game footage not final
expect severe downgrades


Attached: 5459259-scotsman_2.png (720x540, 221K)

Alright Yea Forums, claim your home before anyone else does.
Dibs on the small island off the lower east coast.

Basically. Especially since the route was never the point of the game but rather the battles and RPG depth. The only thing that will eventually matter is if there's a good spot to pace on your bike while waiting for eggs to hatch and if the Elite Four can be repeated for grinding.

Do you think there's gonna be any girls in hijabs or are we only going to see blonde cuties?

Reminder that none of this would be happening now if those faggots at Nintendo simply bought GameFreak & SquareSoft when they had the chance.

>Pokemon is literally worth more than Disney+Marvel conbined
>Gamefreak still hasn't hired up a crack team of elite game devs to make sure Pokemon is a top tier franchise

>RPG Depth

Attached: 1504203770080 ratchet.jpg (137x134, 6K)

>RPG depth

Attached: 1537298115623.jpg (298x259, 25K)

>look at the map, it's completely linear they're not even trying this time

I agree though. I'm just telling you why the map is shaped the way it is. Hopefully they can fill the straight line with some interesting dungeons and buildings.

Only the finest lasses

Attached: 55f0482tkvc21.jpg (640x480, 44K)

why would they when fucking cuckolds STILL eat up this fucking mediocrity 25 years later?

Now we know what lays beyond the wall

The UK is only a straight line if you remove all the parts of it that aren't straight.
Hell, the map even places London dead center in the middle of the region, because they wanted to make the map as linear as possible.

>I say "depth"
>Everyone will assume I'm referring to the most complicated thing they can think of
>I literally mean "when can I most safely use Reflect and Swords Dance" levels of depth

Hey Lois, look!

because they learned you put in one dollar of effort and get a billion back, why would you spend 100,000 dollars if you are going to get the same amount back.
Also the last time GF really tried to shake things up with pokemon in a good way (BW/B2W2) were actually the worst selling pokemon games so I blame the consumers for refusing to buy the best pokemon game and teaching GameFreak they can be lazy fucks and get away with it

Let's go back to sprites

Nah. Too innovative for Game Freak. It reminds me of their upcoming game, Town.


>low FPS
>low-effort starters that even /vp/ is calling cheap knockoffs of older starter designs
>Wii-level graphics
>region is a straight line
>took the only good thing LGPE had (seeing wild pokemon) and threw it away

I'd like to see shills defend this one.

Attached: 1494732044071.jpg (318x351, 34K)

I want to fight angry scots in kilts
then I want to be terrified of them and demand that Golems and Geodude built a giant wall to keep those bloody barbarians out

Why put effort when even your laziest game still sells millions?
Face it, Pokebronies are even bigger suckers than any yearly sport franchise fanboy

And now this has the potential to be highest seeking Pokemon since original due to Switch hype, enforcing their laziness.
What a great timeline.

>literal flat earth
Really, Nintendo?

Gamefreak is the only game company to lower your expectations and still disappoint you.

>Have the BoTW engine at their disposal.
>Could even use the BoTW world and alter it to fit their needs.
>Instead makes a up-scaled 3DS game.

>>Gamefreak still hasn't hired up a crack team of elite game devs to make sure Pokemon is a top tier franchise
But that's the thing. It is

i thought the game was taking place in england, not in chile

Attached: Chile.png (500x380, 294K)

>Those hills in the back

Attached: 1490682767975.jpg (575x512, 116K)

Reminder Gen 5 sold bad because of Americans

You mean like a competitive pokemon tournament? What a brilliant idea user now that'll shake things up.

>Wii-level graphics
Even the Wii had better graphics than this.

Attached: Screenshot_20190227-090229.jpg (1920x1080, 964K)

No, it's a top money maker. The critical and fan reaction is always "this could be better"

Not them but Xenoblade Chronicles was a well designed straight line with open areas. Kinda like a string of beads.

OY! You got that Pokemon loicense, ya racist basterd?

Kay is not a slag

I can't believe I had any sort of hope that this would look good. I thought hey maybe just once they will innovate a little.

Attached: 77777.png (1280x720, 948K)

pokemon colosseum is over 15 years old why doesn't this look as good

>mentioning BotW within the context of Pokemon 2019
Jesus christ user. Are you TRYING to sound like a naive child who doesn't understand game development?


I’ll give you one.
The pokemon in each area slightly level up depending on the amount of gym badges you have. Then stronger Pokemon in each area are unlocked depending on gym badges.

Places where you could only find level 3 Ratata and Pidgies with no gym badges, will have level 15/30 Pidgeotto’s and Raticates with 4 or more gym badges.

It's literally just shinier, but I can see how someone like you would confuse it for better graphics.

What the fuck is with the framerate. Nintendo games have not had the best graphics due to hardware, sure, but the performance has generally been well tuned. Disappointing they would push out so many low fps games like BotW, Kirby and this.

Attached: slump.jpg (720x544, 64K)

Fuck you mean BW/BW2 shook things up, I just looked at it and saw the same fucking game I already played, which was Platinum at the time.
I started playing Black like 3-4 years ago on an emulator and even if you could explain to me what was so special about it, I wouldn't care, because it felt exactly like Platinum. As far as I'm concerned, sales should have kept dropping since BW. i mean in Platinum I at least got the change from GBA to DS but it wasn't THAT great of a jump.
And shake things up a bit =/= make it a top tier franchise.

gen 5 sold bad because genwunners.Notice XY and SM were smash hits because they pandered to genwunners. Every pokemon game will have genwun pandering.

You are blind.

Queen of the Elite four
What would her team be?

>the only thing I'm looking forward to now is the OST
Fuck, it's really come down to just this hasn't it?

The map is shaped that way not because of England but because they chose to make a linear map.
You can make an England-themed map and make it not be linear. Stop trying to make it sound like "it's nothing they could do! The map IS linear!", it's nonsense. They voluntarily made the map that way because they're hacks.

What the fuck mods?

I am not saying "fuck kids", of course they are the main target audience, but they can't be assed to make a substantially different difficulty mode? A lot of games do this, a cinematic kid mode and an actual challenge, go for both, this is what difficulty settings are for.

oh no no no no non no

Attached: ktheb6eed0921.jpg (960x571, 81K)

Based and redwarished.

>Start in Sheffield
>Can go North, south, east, west, or diagonal,
>End up in Leeds, Liverpool, Birmingham, Cardiff, London, Scotland
>Travel the ocean to go to Ireland or Isle of Man.

Just because it’s possible to go in a straight line, doesn’t mean it’s the only possibility.

It's pretty apparent that it's no open world, there's probably on a single path to a location and chokepoints between large, more open areas like that lake.
The world is going to be structures EXACTLY like previous Pokemon games.

Do you have friends who play Pokemon who aren't super into it?
Mine always buy it and they are satisfied, because they don't want new stuff.
The critics and hardcore fans may always say "this could be better" but Pokemon Sun still got a 87 metascore.

>caring about FPS in a turn based game

>negative 17 fps

Why can't we have Monolith make a Pokemon game. In fact why can't we have any studio that isn't GF?

Are you greentexting at me or at Gamefreak?

>The critics and hardcore fans may always say "this could be better" but Pokemon Sun still got a 87 metascore.
Sun and Moon specifically got inflated scores thanks to Pokemon Go hype. Just sayin'.

I was mostly referring to the battle areas themselves.

Attached: Screenshot_20190227-091718.jpg (1920x1080, 652K)

Sure. *ahem*


Just to play devil's advocate here...

They can take a page out of the book of the Pokemon OVA, where the gym leaders checked how many badges Red had before adjusting their team based on that.
Create multiple teams for Players to battle for different gym leaders depending on their amount of badges.

As for wild Pokemon, they should scale to the amount of badges players have.
If you get a badge in an area, none of the pokemon in that area/region level up, but the ones in all of the areas you haven't been, do level up. The same pattern repeats until you have all the gym badges, opening up Victory Road.

You can also lock certain dangerous areas that will never scale levels behind TMs that you can get by either defeating gym leaders or doing optional side quests.
Certain events and story beats can choose to dynamically unfold depending on how many gym badges you have as well.

Obviously this is just a concept I drafted up as a devil's advocate argument, but I can see it possibly working, it'd obviously need to be refined and have a far more competent creative team behind it.
But that's innovation for you. It would be a brave new direction for the series to go in for them to make it less linear, but that's what some people want.

Attached: 1549476561397.png (422x357, 161K)

You still don't want it to look like shit.

t. Masuda

But it looks like shit.
And why wouldn't I want a bigger frame rate?

Attached: IMG_2394.jpg (720x403, 50K)

Eternal Sonata, another anime-style RPG came out almost TWELVE years ago, made with probably less than a quarter of the budget of one of these Pokemon games, and looks better than this shit.

You gotta be fuckin joking me. Pokefags will really buy anything.

Attached: 606693-eternal-sonata-playstation-3-screenshot-the-game-starts-with.jpg (1280x720, 161K)

>The Americans,French and English got their Pokemon Game/Region before us

Japan why do you betray us like this? I thought we were friends.

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>>caring about FPS in a turn based game
Obviously Gamefreak doesn't.

What if you didn't catch pidgey earlier? Do we get a message ala morrowind if you beat a certain gym?
"With this badge, the thread of the prophecy to catch them all has been severed. Reload a previous save or continue in this doomed world you have created.
It also makes it way harder to balance as well in terms of when you can get certain pokemon. Oh man i have 7 badges, time to finally catch a pidgeotto on this new route. Better weaken it first with my Metagross and Tyrantitar that i got before my 2nd badge.

>why didn't they just make the map based on the UK not look like the UK :(((((((
Now it just sounds like you're looking for reasons to be upset. Would you feel better if the map looked like this?

Attached: ..png (592x384, 470K)

Welcome to the UK

Christ, maybe I'll buy the 2nd release when they fix this mess.

Sharp Sword and Shiny Shield when?

Gen 5 was essentially a reboot of the series. BW was launched with 156 new pokemon (more than any other gen ever introduced, including the first one) and they were enough to sustain it's own world map without having to rely on dipping into previous gens. The old pokes were in the game as well, but you didn't have access to them until the post game, making the region seem unique like it had it's own pokemon to rely on.
This was also the gen where they started to look at the franchise and treat less like a kids' game. The JP version was the first one to use kanji and they made the player characters look a little older, so it almost seemed like GF was acknowledging the fact that teens/adults play this shit too.
Finally, BW (along with 4th gen) was a period in time where you can tell they were trying to "fix" the combat. adding new and interesting type combinations that hadn't been seen before. they tried to fix some of the old shitty pokemon that couldn't keep up with the new hotness by giving them useful abilities. They took some of the useless moves and abilities from the past gens and buffed them in good ways. The game was still imbalanced and broken, but at least they were trying.
you don't see this level of effort in XY or SM or SwSh. These games just added gimmicks (that completely threw off the balance) because they are trying to be Yokai watch or some shit.

Attached: file.png (666x666, 280K)

>Stonehenge! Where the demons dwell
JRPGs not having a free camera is fairly common. Persona 5 and the Digimon RPGs don't have that either

It's mostly the XY-aesthetic that makes the new games look so bad.

Is this prehistoric loss?

Dang, Eternal Sonata was really good too.
Last gen had some severely underrated RPGs

P5 has free camera though.

You make it sound like we don’t already do this in the current games.
You’re 7/10ths into the game, you’ll likely already have a tyranititar at that point. Then you may go back to an older area and catch Pokémon you missed the first time around. Nothing has changed in that regard.

it's a reference to the loss comic

Holy shit, that's unironically PS2 tier

Attached: 1473113641931.jpg (1022x768, 150K)

>none of the improvements that Let's Go made are there
>not even the pokemon following
They really do not give a shit about it anymore

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I don't care about new Pokemon and frankly I don't know if anyone does. Sure, it'd be weird af if they just announced game without ANY new Pokemon but think about it.
I'd take a less linear, more innovative "remake" anyday.
Yeah this is too much to ask, but maybe take a step in that direction.

>IT'S NOTHING THEY COULD DO! Yes the map is linear and that is sad but IT'S NOT THEIR FAULT!!! It was impossible to not make it linear!!
>it's shit on purpose!

Just kill yourself already

Nintendo knew the 3DS was going out already. They had already announced Gen 8 was going to be on Switch. They didn't move the game for Switch, Gamefreak is so fucking lazy they are just making a 3DS game for the Switch.
They probably saw Code of Princess and Rune Factory 4 on the Switch and thought "look nobody will care if we just put a 3DS game on this thing"

Locking areas behind TMs/HMs is mostly what stops previous gens from being open world right away, so by doing that you're already taking a step back.
Also doesn't help the fact that you can't balance which pokemon appear where at the start. Why should I go down this path with Pidgey and Ratattas when I can go down this other path with Skarmory and Snorlax right away?
If you lock pokemon away until certain badges, then what happens to older pokemon that were previously on that route? Do they straight up get replaced, no longer capturable? Or do you just add the others on top and have 25 pokemon to catch per route?

Other than "all can follow" and "see wild pokemon in the overworld", what improvements did Let's GO bring?

Can't think of any.

What do nips think about it?

>Fortnite, Minecraft, and whatever FotM game don’t have freeroaming cameras

You’re retarded.


Attached: Long man.jpg (1200x1600, 302K)

Theres still good pokemon to catch when you're on your way to the last few gyms. I can go back to previous areas to catch weaker pokemon, yes. But I don't want mt brand spanking new, never before seen areas to just contain weak starter pokemon when I'm near the end of the game.

I still feel like XY was half way there but fell apart to time constraints.
There easily could have been more unique Pokemon to the region ala BW and the second half of the game could have had as much content/detours as the first half (felt like it was just walk, gym, walk, gym, victory road towards the end with only the box legendary in between) but all effort was spent on the Pokemon petting simulator, making overly complex models with unique animations for each one so they would never need to do it again.

>Plus it looked like we were back to random encounters in grass
And that's good

why do they even care about the child demo, kids don't like these shit games

final city looks cool

>kids don't like these shit games
But manchildren do. That's why they've been attempting to appeal to the waifufag audience hard for the past 6 years.

I like little girls I want my char to be a little girl

aren't all pokemon games open world (the main ones at least, not spin offs like snap and stadium)?

I beg you to ask your gf/mom/sister to try any game with camera rotation on the right stick.
They all get confused and can't handle it.
My gf put over 1000 hours into Pokémon and Animal Crossing combined, but she can't handle a single game with free camera movement.
It's literally a huge step for the brain to control movement and camera individually when you're not used to it


Attached: sa752e9f357f6d8907771b22c7e4ed411.jpg (1192x634, 85K)

Wow this post seems like buzzwords

You can make the first 1/15th of the game linear to get though all the starting Pokemon and starting areas to get rid of the boring basic Pokemon.
Similar to how in BoTW you’re locked to the first starting/basic area in the game.
After tutorial/starting stuff is done, you then give the player the freedom to go anywhere for the non basic Pokemon.

>that SunMoon run animation
Not impressed.

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>no island in the lower east.
What in the hell did he mean by this post guys?

Reminds me of when i was 13 or do and having a birthday party we were playing MP halo on a xbox's on LAN and my mom wanted to give it a try to seem cool or something. Watching her try to understand a console FPS was pretty funny. Could barely walk in a straight line.
My wife on the other hand could kick my ass

>Rain continues to fall.

Attached: 1530918852416.jpg (1280x720, 180K)

>game reveal trailers are usually supposed to look too good to be true
>Gamefreak can't even get that right and show Gamecube-tier environments

Attached: 1472447105417.jpg (410x424, 11K)

Derp you're right, closer look at the map the area that was dark i mis interpreted as water.

>using BotW engine to create a big map and use it in a pokemon game is too much to ask
Why though

So now its basically FF13.

>why do they even care about the child demo, kids don't like these shit games
>Kids don't like pokemon
This is a game for children, who the fuck would care otherwise.

Thick thighs

ah yes they got sick of them, of course. let's just have the pokemon spin around in their idle animations, that's a good middle ground.

That's a tiny ass map

Attached: 1551279791536.jpg (1448x2048, 881K)

Surely the screencaps in this thread belong to a phone game

I don't mean locking areas with important towns or gyms behind TMs/HMs, I mean locking certain dungeons that would contain higher level Pokemon, and Pokemon you may not be able to just get on a route in them.
You can also incentivize players to explore these areas by involving side quests in them.

To allow players to capture certain Pokemon that would otherwise disappear due to being too low level, there can be areas of each region that can't advance past a certain level of pokemon.
With that you can also disallow certain high-er tier pokemon from appearing early-on so players can't just bee-line for a Skarmory or a Snorlax, but that their choices instead involve going to a region with a Pidgey or instead with a Sparrow, and their choices can begin like that.

Again, this is a very rough concept, but if GF wanted, I think their designers can make something similar to it.

You're the actual retard.

>>Pokemon after 25 years

Pokémon is 23. Don't pull that rounding up shit either.

That aint open world at all.

Can we stop saying dumb shit for once and talk about how great the musics in the direct were?

the game looks like something made by falcom. pokemon has no reason to look this bad

Looks like it's based on the UK.

It's not too much to ask. Pokemon fans have been conditioned to look at incremental changes as big deals, and anything ground-breaking is seen as "too much".

source on this image? image search turns up nothing.

Attached: .png (960x540, 1.21M)

So, what part of Japan are they using this time?

They are going to make you zig zag that straight line so fucking hard.

>Why though
BotW is too big for Pokemon.

>That bass

Is the league in the city to the north is it the castle at the center?

ITT: People who legit thought we were getting a Pokémon BotW with Pokken graphics

obviously since she's american.

It's really funny how many people had their expectations set so absurdly high.

I didn't. I just wanted them to improve the graphics a bit. I mean fucking hell they just went from 3ds to Switch and the game looks worse than before due to blown up res.

The Pokemonwealth

I expected nothing and I was still disappointed. As soon as I saw the map I wanted to neck myself, it looks like a parody of the complaints everyone had about linear design.

that blonde girl looks like she's just a generic female trainer (lass). I hope gamefreak doesn't turn her design into a major role/rival after all the attention and transexuals on twitter making artwork of her

The 00's or 10's have no culture
>the 10's are almost over

I just wanted bigger maps than X/Y or Sun/Moon with better texture/shading effects.

This is basic as fuck.

So if it's set in bongland then I guess all poke girls will be ugly this time around?

You telling me Pokemon Stadium still manages to have better looking fights than a modern day title?

Pretty much the mythical legend got confirmed too

Attached: 0E6B18DB-F29D-43C2-A584-266C282C2B35.jpg (1334x636, 501K)

you mean linear map with FF13 backdrops

I've had zero expectations of GF since the 3DS era started and I was still disappointed. I just want them to show the last bit of effort for once.

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Persona has free camera and the digimon rpgs at least let you change the camera distance

I liked it but they could have tried not to make the backgrounds be so shitty and low poly if they didn't just copy paste the last 3DS game with an HD texture pack

So we're calling this Pokemon SwoSH, right?

The lack of new Pokemon in XY is because of megas. If you count those, it's a pretty average number of Pokemon added.

your moms house lol

Pokeslags: Gotta Root 'Em All

Remember when LGPE was revealed at the Spring Nintendo conference and they said it was a mainline game that they'd base future mainline titles around?

I think people are surprised that Gamefreak actually meant that shit.

Attached: 1486114707206.png (451x399, 139K)

I mapped out all the possible/likely paths this world could have based on the map details. It might not be such a straight line after all.

Attached: 1551276690411.jpg (750x1062, 274K)

This reminds me of that CWC comic

that's a big bathtub

>we want the final fantasy audience

Why wouldn't you call it Swish


Nicked from another site.

o hey it's that cancelled n64 game

You pronounce it swosh though.

Attached: DlI9FOhUYAEqOmJ.png orig.png (689x1000, 995K)

>shigeru ohmori

Attached: 1539606291218.webm (316x350, 151K)

its actually an observatory

Chickenfags on suicide watch

What is going on here


Premature burial

>new girl is just a boring generic looking girl


Skinship between friends.

Attached: c41d595f2d426f559f5a71726dd5e13b.png (1056x348, 273K)

Never had hope. Gamefreak is infamously bad programmers, handhelds were their crutch to not be called out on it.

is this a coffin

If you've been paying any attention to Gamefreak at all you should not have been disappointed by this announcement. This is exactly the quality of content you can expect from those hacks, especially after Let's Go Eevee / Pikachu.
Pokemon has been dead for years, there's no going back. 2007-2012 were the golden years. Play 4th and 5th gen with your friends if you missed them.

Attached: Unova.jpg (579x682, 104K)

>Open World
That has the same design philosophy that Sun and Moon had
Also those trees look like crap

>ISAF sends out Mobius 1!
>Mobius 1 uses Aerial Ace
>It's super effective!

those hills in the back are part of the skybox

The absolute minimum hope i has was for a change in artstyle (No more chibi big headed people) and more open world.
But it’s literally copy/paste Sun/Moon with a different world and even more linear.

If certain areas can't advance, why wouldn't the player just go to the ones that dont have that cap?
Honestly, a better idea would be to take the whole "pokemon of a certain level won't listen to you" and apply it to wild pokemon, not just traded.
And just have all pokemon be available at the start but the more powerful ones can't be tamed despite capture until you get a badge.
Once tamed, a pokemon can be raised to any level regardless of badges.

Nope. Nope. Nope. Ain't falling for this shit again.

fuck I thought it too

Attached: 73362304_p0.gif (680x680, 18K)

I guess that's for the better.

>A literal straight line
>all that unused space
Not even Unova nor Kalos were this blatant
Also, Wales was reduced to be a bunch of mountains
Why the fuck is Pokemon stuck with a bunch of incompetent fucks like Gamefreak
They have no excuse under the sun for this shit, Pokemon is literally the biggest media franchise on earth, they have all the money and banking they could ever ask for

Attached: highest grossing media franchises.png (1155x695, 62K)

I'd lie down in that puddle to see where it's raining from.

Guess same reason Valve stopped making games.
You quit bothering at some point.

fuck I like optionaltypo

That picture should Starmi

sure, but the 20's are going to be even worse


Now that iwata is gone no one is there to fix their shitty code

Answer your DS you dumb bitch.

Why are you counting the train track as a route?

I mean, they can only work within the constraints of the shit Switch hardware. Most people in this thread seem to want less billboarding and more FPS simultaneously.

>What I see
>What they see
pic rel

Attached: asdf.png (462x572, 449K)

I want to trade places with that fan.

_______ ___ _____

i wish i had a bathtub that big

i_______ t__ s____

There's also at least three caves on that map and you missed out on the big bridge to the west that leads to/from another cave, which might just have a backline where you're literally on top of the city walls.

As usual Yea Forums and /vp/ are fucking retarded and the region actually looks pretty good.

Attached: 1550955672003.png (665x670, 656K)

Needs more pokecunny

Eh idgaf about styles today. 00s scene girl was such an unappreciated treasure that at least won't get ruined, hopefully.

>Imagine an open world pokemon game for PC with the ability to mod the game like it was a Bethesda game

Attached: no.gif (500x368, 1007K)

Made in unity and a trailer uploaded to youtube so people can give comments asking why im not working for nintendo as well

>"here's your map bro"

Pokemon SS.


No it doesn't. No PS2 game looks that good. Even Rogue Galaxy, which came out very late in the PS2s lifespan looks worse than that. It looks like a low budget jRPG from the early-mid PS3 years.

Pokemon SnS

Riding pokemon instead of bikes

What are you talking about? A low quality jpg background like that can be done on the PS1, let alone the PS2.

>It legitimately makes me sad that the cute hermoine-esque british girl

Emma Watson was born in France.

Considering the low FPS I'm pretty sure you're getting what their engine in conjunction with the hardware is capable of. The Switch is notably shit.

wow it's almost like she's an actor playing an archetype or something.

That's soul silver.

The only correct way is Pokemon SnS or S&S

Just give it a few months for the conservatives to push through Hard Brexit and we'll get real life pokemon battles at the boarder of northern Ireland again.

>two generations behind
Four at least.

Attached: shitch.png (1268x1426, 2.78M)

I expected to hate it if it was just more of the same with higher resolution but for some reason I still liked it, must be because I skipped the last 2 ones

Attached: D0Fh4PYWoAAPibr.jpg (1200x606, 52K)

Not SW and SH

That water looks so out of place.
No, I'm not THAT guy

gay and boring desu

>most valuable ip on this fucking planet
>less effort than every random mobile cash grab

Paper Mario looks good. What is your point?

What videogame is this?

I'm fine with the art style, just don't make the same so fucking static, drop the 3DS engine, and make it bigger.

straight outta morrowind
though desu at the time the water was very good looking, but yeah it looks out of place to the art-style

Attached: morrowater.jpg (1024x768, 146K)

That's not a good comparison. Compare it to a similar game/genre.

b/c it didn't seem you get attention for that post, I just wanna let u know that you just said something very funny, and you should be proud.

Both games have "cartoonish" graphics.
It's just Paper Mario on one side made by competent developers who put love into it.
And Pokemon on the other side look worse than free mobile games.

Looks boring as hell just like X and Y.

Buying it for a baby game to practice Japanese though.

if it went in deadends in every direction you would complain about backtracking so stfu SWEATIE

X/Y, S&M and Let's GO somehow looked cleaner than this.

>t. i have never left the inner city

>they got sick of them
>so let's just remove everything instead


Halo Infinite really is going open world?!

go back redditor

is this loss?



Attached: file.png (220x309, 176K)

I don't see how a free camera would make it better.. the battles are the game. Who cares if you can look around.

Gamefreak are well know for being shit at optimization.
Hell even his SEGA Genesis had several FPS droppes despite the processor's high clock speed compared to the SNES.

Why is the snow cap section not the northern most area??? Does gamefreak even geography????

Stonehenge! Where a man's a man

BOTW looks pretty good for a Wii U game.

Why haven’t any games done a second region since gold/silver/>>>>>crystal

Gamefreak is to incompetent to program that

>its meaning has been lost to time



Is this ancient loss?

imagine getting this mad at video games being discussed on a video game board

it looks like shit

You fuckers are cowards.

Just play world of final fantasy. It's even already on Switch.

Attached: 552700_screenshots_20190224211822_1.jpg (1280x720, 205K)

>this is the pokemon audience

Attached: poke.jpg (500x634, 78K)

theirs no wales

>game footage not final

that's some nice looking water.

How many times do you spergs have to be told that /vp/ is containment for the anime, TCG etc?

Game Freak is. Nintendo's games look good, GF is just a bunch of retards when it comes to programming

Switch can run BotW.
There's no reason Pokemon game needs to be this basic shit yet again.

I don't even care about about it being a straight fucking line, this looks like a fucking amusement park. Just attraction after attraction after themed section.

Attached: 1447689937340.jpg (500x375, 41K)


Fucking based.

I like it

>Map is based off of the UK
>"Wtf why is it a straight line???"
Yea Forums and its level of retardedness, will never change, will it?

Attached: northern_ireland_highlighted.png (643x835, 46K)

Obviously the mansion on the right will be used but I'm curious how much of this you will actually explore.

Attached: stuff.jpg (424x600, 136K)

People say that expecting BotW graphics is too much, but you know that BotW is 100 times lrger than a Pokemon game has to be, right? Also BotW has all the physics stuff that takes a toll on thre hardware that Pokemon does not need. So yeah in theory you could get something in the realm of that game without having all the fancy stuff BotW has like interaction with trees and physics.

Attached: Winged Bastard.jpg (677x555, 207K)

four different countries yet its a straight line your a stupid prick

Still censored compared to original british

Attached: being a britdong.png (800x1202, 904K)

>No black people shown in trailer other than the posibility of making MC one.
>Post yfw retardera finds out there are no black trainers in this region

I want to fuck this map

Its also been like 20 years since then, with around 6 years of that being the era where mainlines use animation. The consoles that run the games are also much stronger. Pokemon also sells a metric fuck ton for being an exclusive game, they surely have enough money and time to do better.

Check out these very obvious walls preventing you from getting too far ahead.

Attached: 1551277433916.jpg (424x600, 139K)


guy has balls bigger than yours to do it

This is hardly even an upgrade from SuMo

open world isn't a good thing

I find it weird that you didn't utilize the obvious bridges on the map

Attached: wishful thinking.jpg (424x600, 136K)

Wow, that's a lot of hallways to walk through user!

based Xenoposter