Other urls found in this thread:
so much for Chaos Control lol
>MORE charizard and mewtwo forms
fuck gamefreak
Yay more Gen 1 variants
>armoured evolutions
I bet you need some stupid egg item to activate it.
>Metal snake
This actually sounds cool, unlike anything else in that piece of shit trailer.
Metal... Snake?
Its always the real leaks that get ignored.
Godammit all. Okay OP leak the rest of the info.
>Armored Mewtwo
>Armored Charizard
Oh shit so this is why Mewtwo is getting a movie this summer, to highlight this new form.
It's over bros
>doesn't mention about the wolf-like pokemon at the top of the logos
This just seems like a lucky guess, if he knew about legendaries and shit he probably would have mentioned it
>trojan horse
What does the snake reference?
>he didn't mention everything so he's wrong!!
You're retarded, stay in denial tho.
Holy shit.
>Metal Snake
Yea Forums right again like always
my peanus weanus of course :)
>Armor forms
We unironically Digimon now
>Armored Pikachu
Reminds me of when there was a government leak or something and the only replies it got were something like "fuck off faggit"
A basalisk or serpent king.
>mewtwo armor
It could be real but guessing the titles isn't that hard when they're as simple as sword and shield, and nothing besides that (and the region, which goes with the names) gives him credibility right now
Who the fuck would guess sword and shield
Where's the link to the archive?
Look at the thread for two seconds
>Armoured pokemon
Might be the stupidest thing I've ever heard.
so, after the mega evolution, they are copying DIGIMON again?
I fucking wish.
This guy, for one. People guess everything, I bet every gen's names were "predicted" before tthey were revealed just by chance
>go to /v
>bait bait and more bait threads
>go to /vp
>bait bait and more bait threads
so this the power of 4channel...
I wouldn't even be mad.
what gverntment leak
Go to reddit if you hate having fun, faggot.
It was an australian apparently, so who gives a shit
There's tons of moderation in Reddit friend :) You should go there and stay there and fuck off retard
Lol yeah
Stupit op
>armored evolutions
Where were you when pokemon ripped off fucking digimon of all things?
>metal snake
>wooden horse
>sword and shield
Ever think maybe even the most diehard of pokeautists are getting tired of the same game over and over?
>Flygon actually getting something
Don't fill me with hope like that.
Not just that, but they waited almost 20 years to do it
Here's the real leak bro
> The absolute state of Nintentoddlers
Grow the fuck up manchildren
the other stuff lines up as well tho
Type changes sound like a good mechanic, but knowing gamefreak they cant model armors for all pokemons.
How? Besides the region, we haven't seen any new features aside from the football stadium if you want to count that
chaoka on the front page!
kill yourself reddit