Officially the lamest designed starter pokemons ever

Officially the lamest designed starter pokemons ever

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I love scorbunny with all my heart

>trannyera mod

nah get fucked they're all cute af

This, stop being a bitter jaded ass hole.

Scorbunny is cool
The other two are shit though

Of course in typical Pokemon fashion that means scorbunnys evolution is trash and one of the other two evolutions is decent

But scorbunny is gonna have a hot and lewded evolution

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>having negative opinions is bad

back to twitter

lighten up a little you gloomy nigger

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oh god. These are the olympic mascots aren't they

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Scornbunny is going to be the trap starter. I'm anxious to see what Gobble is going to evolve into though.

especially the bunny
it looks like a generic pokemon

>that "bandage" on the bunny's face



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Literally all of them have a round football head that's bigger than their body

What on earth went wrong with pokemon designs?

These have to be the most generic looking nu-pokemon starters
They're so unbelievably boring to look at

Looks like they gave up on real animal shapes and just made a generic shape they could recolor.

>Officially the lamest designed starter pokemons ever
according to who?

Why do their models have no definition
>no fingers / toes, not even lines
>heads are just misshapen spheres
>ears have no indents
I don't think the models have ever been this undetailed

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They look so... samey.

T.pokemon boot licker

>follow a resetera tranny instead of just watching the stream

i've hated the last 2 generations but alright buddy

Someone please edit this

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scorbunny is 10/10

Alright guys let's place bets on which one's gonna turn into the respective waifu and barabait pokemon

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Last gen would have worse but the owl saved it.

Unironically looks awful. All of them. Here's hoping the evolutions look better, but I don't really have high hopes.

You just KNOW the bunny will evolve into some "soccer" themed pokemon because le UK region

I haven't paid attention in a while, but i think the last starters even worth a turds tip were Pearl/Diamond

You'd say that about literally any design

They look like fakemon.

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any design that's cute sure

why is the water dude so sad

they all look the same

The rabbit looks like a shitty rip-off of the rabbit from Starfy.

The water one is a chameleon so i can understand why his hands look like that

I like them, gonna be interesting seeing how their evolutions differ appearance wise.