Thoughts on the first console mainstream Pokémon game?
Personally I’m sad it isn’t gen 1.
Thoughts on the first console mainstream Pokémon game?
Personally I’m sad it isn’t gen 1.
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Anybody got any hints from the architecture?
The region looks cool, I like the city designs.
its england bro, they even showed the big ben
looks like the same shit as always. i was hoping they would maybe change up the formula for once but nope.
music sounds straight out of the DS games
Disappointed. All the same mechanics that have been there still seem present. I really wanted something new
>Claims they're trying new things
Show absolutely nothing to gesture this
Same fucking game engine. At least the setting looks interesting. Is it meant to convey central Europe or England or something?
Will need some heavy dosage of gameplay information to get me excited.
Are these coming to 3DS?
How the fuck is Game Freak this incompetent? I mean sure the hardware's got clear limitations but when you look at BoTW and Dragon Quest XI it shows that you can still have a great looking game on the Switch with the right art direction and effort put into it, this shit annoy's me so much considering it's literally the biggest franchise ever that prints literal millions if not billions and yet they still produce this 3Ds looking garbage for a console game
Even Gamefreak agrees that N.Ireland shouldn't be part of the UK
Of course not. Why would you think that?
I feel bad for the fans ofthis seris. thats some serious disregard for your fanbase, almost falls in the abuse territory
>pokemon stuck on a fisher price console
We will never get the pokemon game you've made in your head. especially not with game freak
You tell me. I can only hope that the evos turn them in gen4 material, otherwise...
big bill
They look like 3DS games.
>Gen 1
Uhhh let's go pikachu
>game start with you getting your pokemon loicense
>the region is smaller than Alola
Oh no no no
>yfw the new animal crossing looks better than this shit
You will never get anything significantly new in Pokémon. We have over 20 years of evidence. Why do you think they would make a huge change now
Your rival gets raped by a ''asiatic'' scrafty gang
>cute tomboy daughter starter
I need a Scorbunny!
>corridor region
No hopes and still disapointed.
>Personally I’m sad it isn’t gen 1
The pathetic excuse for games that were Let's Go aren't enough for you, you autistic fucking retard?
fire looks great
fuck the other two
looks pretty comf desu
I thought it was more Eastern European-esque but that's just my feeling. Also, didn't Masuda go to Germany on vacation or something after Sun and Moon?
>Thare are shield fags in this thread rn
I hope fire is the feminine one.
I'm happy for my tea neighbors and I'm looking forward to see the full game, especially about what they will do with dungeons
Still butthurt about Gen 6 being left aside and no Z version
>ye old-timey buildings/structures
Pokemon is now an Isekai
>fan made
>it was actually real
>corridor region
it's the UK, specifically England and Wales.
Region looks comfy, starters look pretty lame. Graphics are fine in my opinion. Overall about what I expected.
looks like another mainline pokemon game with nicer graphics and a new world
which is all i wanted :)
Alright, cool. I wonder how the story will be(since the map is a fucking line, I'll assume it will be pretty story driven.)
It's not england.
It's a lot of different country.
South is Netherland famous for their tulip fields, the city to the north of "not industrial london btw" seems to have typical russian architecture on top of building.
Seems like a mash of different styles
I wonder how long we're gonna see retarded comments like these
Taxi cab minigame when?
>this is GameFreak's Breath of the Wild/Super Mario Odyssey
>just a straight fucking line
>nicer graphics
LGEP looks better
post YFW the let's go games took more risks that this shit
Wasn't everyone just complaining about open worlds and how they wanted more games that progressed like journeys?
got accepted as a night shift security guard at some office block a few hours ago
so I guess I better buy a switch huh?
Hush, don't interrupt the circlejerk.
Where's the "wait until we see the exclusives" option?
>just woke up
Can I get a quick rundown?
>40% going for sword
Pathetic, bin dat knoife kuffar.
It's included with "my dream is to choke to death sucking cock" option.
I don't have youtube. does it play like regular pokemon, or Lets Go?
Who ever pays money to this junk is beyond help
>no neither option
fuck the switch and FUCK GAMEFREAK
Can't make an actually new and interesting pokemon game to save their life.
It looks nice, the cities and environments look pretty good, easy on the eyes.
fire will end as soccer guy
But you don't have that option either
If it's based on the isle of Great Britain then they really didn't have much of an option. The real question is will we be able to cross the channel and go back to Kalos as a post game
no, buy a gun and practice your situational awareness. any downtime on your shift, use to practice room clearing maneuvers through the offices.
>The Big Ben
Reeeeeeeee, Big Ben is the name of the bell, not the tower.
Now I know what it's like to be that guy correcting people on insignificant events involving their country.
If the question is post game, the answer is no
>Shield winning
I knew you had it in you Yea Forums
Galexti when?
id like to but this is england
the best i can do is try to nicely pursuade drunk people to fuck off
how much is a switch
I hope it's not
Lol why are some people so angry? If you actually like Pokemon, you'll be excited.If you never cared then oh well to you. Lmao who fucking cares. Looks good to me, and I can't wait for the new Pokemon/online modes.
The last Pokemon game I played was Crystal, what should I expect?
reminder that minecraft has weather and climates but a pokemon game ten years later still doesn't have anything than sunny day, maybe night if you're lucky
like $300. so probably 12000 Pounds
It's regular classic Pokemon.
I figured but it sure would be nice if they actually did it
I'm still cautious. I need to see the details like the battle system, how gyms work, etc. Other than that, it looks great.
well, thats one step in the right direction, at least
I thought it was the clock?
How many threads do you piss babies need?
Fuck off back to your containment board.
so what's probably the difference between the two? Sword has synced day/night cycle and Shield is flipped?
Well Amazon has it at £273 with no games and £299~ with a bundle game.
Visually looks like ass and it seems they went backwards on wild Pokemon again. One of the few things from Lets Go they should have kept and they dropped it.
The starters look boring, too. The grass and water ones look alright but the rabbit just looks like a cartoon character.
I'll still probably pick it up, but my God does Gamefreak need new blood. They seem petrified of changing the main series at all.
I bet scorbunny's feet would be super warm if you rubbed them ha ha
Can't wait for the Northern Ireland section where you get mugged by Liam Neeson and blown up.
It would also be nice if they put actual fucking effort into a video game again, but we both know that's never happening
>Sillie rabbit, Trix is for kids!
What's the villainous team gonna be? They already did the castle shit back in Gen 5.
Go back to playing your overly casualized gamuu for baybays. SS is for real men.
Mark my fucking words that Bunny will turn into a super fast bunny and it will be the 2nd (Technically 1st) Fire/Electric type in the game
He's not wrong, at this point it looks like they just upscaled the 3ds to something with actual graphics
It's the XY trailer all over again desu
Not particularly impressive anymore, considering the amount of recycled assets there.
Grookey is my favorite but scorbunny will be good furbait in its final evolution
Your usual pokefag posting shit outside /vp/ and getting hyped for another game made to milk casuals out of their money.
Pokefugees from other regions
The tower is officially Elizabeth Tower (Originally just called The Clock Tower) and the clock is just a clock. So many people were calling the whole thing Big Ben that they just gave up and stopped correcting people.
Big Ben isn't even the only bell in there, it's just the biggest.
>those starter designs
>those graphics
>directed by ohmori
they look so fucking shit but at this point I shouldn't be surprised
you have noticed how they remove features if they're good, right? gotta keep those drones buying incremental updates
>Personally I’m sad it isn’t gen 1.
Kill yourself.
It's shit.
Like, really shit.
Save your money, folks. Oh wait lgpeepee sold billions okay nevermind you're all retarded idiots with no impulse control so you're going to buy this no matter how shit it looks ok.
XY trailer was better, though.
I think new Pokemon Game sucks
team urban ""youths""
At least Lets Go had new features like overworld Pokemon, and getting rid of PC. For fuck sake it made the games so much less tedious and then they BRING IT ALL BACK.
Region looks really fucking cool.
Starters are very meh.
Not horrendous like last gens, but generic pokemons.
Not even mentioning the fire/fighting rabbit
>actual fucking effort
>that's never happening
I kno it's the truth but it still always stings a little bit
Well I learned something today
Team Groomer
it's getting to the point now where people that complain about people liking gen 1 are a bigger nuisance than the people that actually still like gen 1 the most.
Why are you upset
So that excuses lazy game design?
anyone getting max vibes from the fire starter?
calling it now, fire/normal with a gimmick move
you guys have an entire board for pokemon shit why can't you stay there?
sobble looks like it's seen some shit
The whole region is a fucking straight line?
God Shinnoh really was the last region with soul
>they really didn't have much of an option
Yes they did you blind deluded fanboy
Yea that's obvious but the point is they wanted to make the game for Switch. For business reasons. How dumb one has to be to not understand this is beyond me.
So it really did end up being an upscaled gen 7. Same character models, same camera angle, same mechanics
Fuck I'm so disappointed
and they'll get away with it, too. plenty of people are complaining about how bad it looks but those complaints are drowning in a sea of mindless shit eaters. i wish i didnt care about pokemon
Where is this... "straight line", you fellas are talking about?
Is this some kind of autism where autists see lines where there aren't any?
>Personally I’m sad it isn’t gen 1.
Don't worry, the new gimmick will be tied mostly to Kantomons and they'll be plenty of Kanto Pandering for the region to feel like Kanto 4.0.
>Scots are the final boss
Champion Nicola Sturgeon uses only fishlike mon
>new game shown off
the poke circlejerk is getting tiresome
>weed congo monkey
>bandaid flaming homo
>not mudkip
Don't be surprised if this thread suddnelty 404's. Janny is getting really triggered and deleting threads
Why is the shield red and the sword blue?
These are all decent to great, depending on personal taste. Anyone saying these are bad are just nostalgia-ridden contrarians.
They are wayyyyy too comfortable in their dominant position.
>No option to join her
Fuck this game. And fuck the English and Welsh, utter cunts.
Do I get to riot if my soccer team loses?
The autist think the region will be a straight line because they are sub nigger in intelligence
someone explain to me why everyone got sad when masudo showed up. who is he
everything is wrong
I don't even have the patience to edit it right
what kind of graphics were you seriously expecting from an anime game?
did you think bomberman (2007) was a good looking game
tfw actually enjoy all the pokefags sperging about literally the same game every 6 months
No but it looks like it could bloody well run on it.
It's England, the megaliths and hill figures give it away
You literal retards just got it in the Let's Go. Neck yourself
Director of the gen starting games for 3-6 and acting producer and most of the issues people have with the series can be traced to his interview answers.
God, pokémon is so stale
Thank you for the information, but I'm still gonna call it big been so people know what I'm talking about
>last fight against the Elite 4
>beat champion
>suddenly some drunken guy in the crowd calls me a cunt
>the guy besides him punches him
>massive riot ensues
>Welcome to Pokemon Battle Royale.
>all of this is legit
what the fuck
He made Pokemon Let's go Cancer
I reckon the cities might be much bigger this time around.
I fucking hate modern art
Even the dragon ball shit games have better graphics and art direction than this shit
I really hope GF actually tries this time and give their NPCS actual teams. I'm not saying it needs to be Smogon approved but can it be something better than 2 Rattatas and a Pidgey? After your 3rd badge?
I'm keeping a counter on RETARD POSTS like this.
On Yea Forums right now alone this makes #26. You should feel pathetic.
Please god no.
who would have been the best choice for you guys personally?
I just hope the world is more alive and they finally implement a rich quest system.
Shigeki Morimoto. HGSS were packed to the brim with stuff. He was the man.
>Personally I’m sad it isn’t gen 1.
Gen 2 shits all over gen 1 and then some.
I swear you gen 1 fanatics never even played Pokemon or something.
>Nigger Monkey
>Soccer Rabbit
>Sad Frog
Yeah, I know which one I'm picking.
I want to fuck that rabbit
While the salamander watches in the distance
Will it have gyms again?
Welp, it's not Pokemon: Breath of the Wild. Looks like it's just going to be the same game again.
>there are football stadiums all over the map
>you will play football
>instead of evil teams, this time it's two football clubs
literally norf fc meme
Nice to see a return to X & Y form; already looks a hundred times better than Sun and Moon.
Will those games be remembered for anything except being a colossal disappointment?
You learn something new every day.
>complaining about starters
true fans release the starters and use the starter areas' rodent as their starter
It's a 3DS game on the Switch but it still runs like shit
Bad starters
Bad trainer designs
Bad music
World would look okay if not for the fucking Wii graphics
Show off starters using a fucking FMV from 2002
This game looks like shit and if you like if and spend money on it you are part of the problem.
This shit looks like a slightly upgraded 3ds game, I was told the change was gonna be on par with Breath of The Wild, this shit sucks. Shit starters(they all look the fucking same), straight line to the end of the game, looks to be as open world as the other Pokemon games, no free camera, use the fucking stick you lazy asses.
I believe they mentioned gyms by name in the trailer
It will have football stadiums.
Let's Go did its job targeting its select audience. This is a mainline Pokemon game and targets old as well as new players. I am remaining optimistic especially after hearing GF emphasize old veterans first.
Those are the two things Let's go brought to the table and they abondon them.
Fuck gamefreak and their one step forward two steps back approach.
It's gonna fall off after the 3rd gym too
>new evil team
>Wearing sports tape
>Emphasis on it's feet
It's going to be a fucking soccer player isn't it
i like the monkey.
looks pretty cool
GF is cheap. Their business mantra is "do exactly what you know they can get away with and nothing more".
My expectations were at rock bottom so it's not really surprising they managed to surpass them. The game looks okay, looks like they may have shown off a new gimmick with that ending shot of the stadium, also not sure if that close-up of the MC's faces that rotates was meant to show the game having a free-camera but I doubt it.
Still think I'll pass on this unless they surprise everyone and reveal there's more meat to it than normal, though.
Get newpipe.
The starters look like shit. Why do ALL of them have a round blob head for starters? How boring.
Textures, terrain, trees etc. the whole graphics look poor as hell as did the performance, fps tanked hard.
So yeah I don't know. Right now I'm not exactly hyped, hope they at least manage to make it run without frame drops if they won't make it look any better.
Who said the UK was an OK region?
Is it just me or is this games world made with a bunch of BotW assets and textures
The fact that they brought up Let's Go in the trailer worries me
sun/moon style graphics, region is a straight island, looks kinda british, starters are grass monkey, shōnen bunny and tadpole lizard.
Random encounters, no legendaries shown
stop shitposting faggot.
really excited for this game gonna play this with my wife son
They are nowhere close to BOtW quality.
I hope its a football mini-game a la blitzball where you can actually experience sports in the Pokemon world.
Just you. This game looked nothing like BotW in any way whatsoever.
In fact, you might have brain damage.
When the Pokexit legislation is approved.
Get used to it.
This franchise is literally never going to change up the formula lol
What's the difference between the two?
Think of the shittiest and most generic pokemon game you can think of. GameFreaks is scraping the bottom of the barrel at this point.
they were originally made for 3DS, but they moved development over to switch last year. they were originally making an open world game for switch but cancelled it because it wasn't coming together fast enough
>Get a few minutes of environments and the starters
Even if they kept the things you liked from Let's Go, nothing short of fucking Breath of the Wild would have made you not hate it.
>Make UK region with only England and Scotland
>Completely erase Wales and forget about Northern Ireland
What did they mean by this?
Region looked great. Starters aren't bad. Hope to see more in the coming months about new Pokemon, features and the like.
The competitive incels ruined this saga. Their constant ass licking of these games have shown how little effort GameFreak has to put to satisfy such unholy flock.
>he thinks fast travel is part of the world design
LOL Sobble is literally the Twitch D: face
>UK based region
Travel to Kalos via train in post-game confirmed :^)
The Troubles, I guess? Someone needs to look after those idiot bongs so they don't start a civil war over fucking Pokémon.
Blue is Scotland approved and Red is England approved.
So we'll get the actual Switch game next year hopefully
The overworld looks pretty fancy but those models look straight from lets go
>Implying anyone cares about those subhumans
Go show me any other way to enter the lake area from the starting area. You can't so fuck off.
>game is set in Scotland
>choosing the most generic country of all time
It was supposed to be our turn!
Why did they base it off the British isle?
They don't have any cool animals, that why they had to steal animals like lions and unicorns for their coat of arms. The only good thing I could expect from this is a corgi Pokemon.
They should of based it off Australia, we got the dumbest fucking animals but we're still proud of them.
I'm wondering if there will be a reason for them all being bulb headed. I hope it's not just laziness.
I know what a shitty game looks like shill.
You can't have "Sword" in the title in the U.K.
A sword is a weapon you ignorant fools
Australia should be the open world pokemon game. Imagine a game 90% of desert with wild abbo trainers jumping at you.
The art style looks like shit. Why are they so rounded and soft? It's like there's no depth. The eyes are especially bad.
The stadiums are the Gyms. The soccer stadium is in the furthest city to the North, you can tell by the logo on it being the same from the one visible in the trailer.
Is it just me, or did everything they have shown felt weak as noodles and lifeless?
Neither the region, nor the starters made me feel anything.
Generick as fuck and I'm not excited at all.
>Thoughts on the first console mainstream Pokémon game?
Pokemon Let's Go was the first.
Swords are actually alright to own by most legal definitions in the UK. It's knives that are the prohibited ones.
My first thought was that the music was awful, my second was that Britbong region seems pretty but boring, then the starters looks like a Cereal mascots and have very plastic models in their reveal.
But they don't seem to take too much from Let's Go so that's good, but plenty of time to shit the bed yet.
looking at the map again it looks like they just shifted wales north a bit and made it smaller
dont worry man there's always gen9 when our defining gimmicks will be the return of Surfing Pikachu
Looks like a handheld game.
I'm not saying it is not. Just that instead of an open world you will travel in train to from a closed area to another and half of that line you drew is going to be a loading screen.
It's called not jumping the gun like a faggot, what did you seriously goddamn expect? The environments look better, and until we see what's new in the actual gameplay that's all that can be said about it.
Were you fucking expecting all those fan renders of some fantastical world trotting Pokemon adventure to somehow be realized?
It looks better than SuMo and Let's Go for sure, it's a step in the right direction but nothing short of Breath of the Wild levels of scale would've made you think it wasn't shit.
This gen will be worth it just for the inevitable Bongposting.
God I hope the region's criminal team is based off hooliganism.
>sun/moon style graphics
Are you actually blind?
wait i thought it was supposed to be pokemon king and pokemon queen.
>other region will bring their own team for a world cup match
>Kanto will have red, green and blue to be one of their first eleven
he asked for the price, not your weight
The region looks really boring.
Well it is England
Too creative
What about a rape gangs? Rescuing Gardevoirs and Kirlias from their basements?
>no sign of double battles
they can't keep getting away with this
>Pokemon Let's Go
Even the dev's said it wasn't part of the main series.
I have zero hype for a mainline Pokemon game for the first time in my pathetic life. I guess gen 7 and LG did more damage than I thought.
>not part of the main series
>sold millions of copies and was the first pokemon game on the switch
Good thing the Switch is a handheld device then.......
Just give up. Pokemon is fucking dead.
I used to be excited for thisall the way up to SM and a little bit beyond. USUM felt like a hit in the gut and LGPE was the secondlast straw. Now we get this “most ambitious” game yet and it’s just trash all over. I miss DPP. I miss HGSS. I miss BW2. I miss decent Pokemon games.
Looks the exact same shit as the 3ds games
Who would imagine they would just recycle shit after BoTW
I would have preffered the region to look a little more like England, pulling the starter town southwest, then travelling east to London which would be like black and whites hub city.
Masuda specifically said it was a mainline release.
But OP said console....
>I'll still probably pick it up, but my God does Gamefreak need new blood.
This is why they will never chage you tard
Boring name, boring region, boring starters, boring main characters.
The whole game looks boring and generic as fuck.
>no gameplay details revealed
>already assuming x,y,z are not going to be in the game
Why is Yea Forums full of faggots?
>Using a gun as a security guard
>Putting your life on the line for wageslave bucks
Fucking hilarious. Americans make me laugh so fucking hard. Here in Canada, we don't arm our rent-a-cops. Only a fucking moron would want security guards wielding weapons
You take good notes and provide information and descriptions for the police. You disengage and either leave the situation entirely to go call the cops. I used to work a bank shift doing Security and the funniest thing was when gormless Americans would walk in look at my waist trying to find my gun and ask me why I didn't have one. I'd always tell them there's no way in hell I'm shooting or getting shot just to protect some wealthy shitbag bankers. Average people won't have their bank balances impacted by bank robberies.
It definitely looks like the "JUST LIKE TV" version of England though, It was like just like watching Emmerdale. Boring.
>They did not keep the wild pokemon visible, like in LGPE
>No follower Pokemon
>Battle animations still shit
Fucking dropped
oh no
first muslim pokemon?
After years of new Pokémon games with the same concept you start to see it that way.
I figured the bad guy team would be like your standard British gangster types, like the Kray Twins, or the main villain in most Guy Ritchie movies like Snatch or Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels. Or In Bruges, Layer Cake, all them British movies. Giovanni equivalent is basically just Ray Winstone.
>Northern Ireland
>Not a part of the UK
they showed a battle, it was singles
that already means they're not switching over to the superior format fully
which means they'll probably only have one or two double battle trainers in the game
More like attempted rescue and subsequent arrest and imprisonment for being racist.
>3ds graphics
But user, the player is the rape gang.
Pretty sure that was only a thing because of the Sun/Moon motif
I'll fuckin stab you you english bastard
Don't believe anything good will happen when it comes to Gamefreak these days.
I mean they were going to focus on the Industrial sprawling city/ beautiful countryside aspects because what else is there? Your trainer walks down the cobbled streets, passing the closed down local business as they make their way to Oxfam, before navigating their way back through the council estate to their flat block?
Sobble sounds like an English derogatory term
>Oi, you bloody sobble. Gimme that dosh
looks decent, much better than lets go pokemon
but still not gonna buy a switch for it.
I'm not even a long time jaded fan of Pokemon. My first Pokemon game was Y, I skipped SM/USUM, and only played White ased from Y.
This is just...absolutely uninteresting.
Sun/Moon revel was at least exciting because the region looked cool and the goons shown were really funny. Only Chicken-chan looked generic.
I hope they have a new EV system more like a hybrid of the main one and the candy system in LGPE
it was nice having some control over your stat spread, it just lacked focus in LGPE because it was just a grindfest to get to 200 in each stat instead of having 250 to spread across all stats
but it sucked in previous games because there's no reasonable way to use EVs while playing the game so all your ingame mons would have wildly awkward stat spreads
>bring back memories of all my friends quitting Pokémon because they didn't want to buy new hardware
Fuck you.
It's the Pokemon cycle, they'll praising these games in 3 years...heck haven't seen anyone call it LGBT besides you.
Yeah its only the biggest game series in the world. I dont understand why people are angry when gamefreak serves them yesterdays shit for 60 bux.
Jap twitter works fast.
I mean I'm thrilled about the new games but they really should look better ... they do just look like a 3ds port
>We're making brand new exciting changes for pokemon
>Here is a carbon copy of Sun and Moon
>sticking London in the middle
They couldn't have made you start anywhere but the bottom and designed a few routes to loop down south?
this guy knows
>All these stupid fuckers mad they didn't "shake things up" by removing random battles or whatever
As a long time Pokefag, I don't nor would anyone with a brain wants them to "shake things up", we want them to take the formula they do have and make it decent enough for long time audience.
And given how leaner the region actually is, I don't have the highest of hopes they did that. It's like they learned literally nothing from over 20 years of making Pokemon games. To say nothing about the models are just rips from the old games, Christ
They better fucking have a good post-game, or at the very least decent side games.
You are subhuman if you think these games look good at all.
How the fuck you dont have youtube and can post here? are you using a 2005 phone?
You're getting three guys in fursuits again and you will like it.
Because they were making Britain, not the UK.
Get a fucking education before playing video games you actual nigger.
jannies need to clean this up
>it actually looks good
My expectations have been blown. Now I just hope that everything else matches the graphics. The starters look like plastic toys, guess that's what happen when you design mons with toys in mind first
I just want Pokemon games to be good again.
Will I have to wait for a new Mystery Dungeon?
Honestly my expectations were in the toilet so this seeing this game I was pleasantly okay with it. Granted, it's still a massive disappointment considering what it could be if GF even put half their energy into this, but it is what it is.
I dont know if I'll buy it or not tho. Fucking pokefags will give anything a good review. I mean, look at that last pokemon game to come out? A nerdy dude just started at my work and hes 34. We were talking vidya and he starts talking about how awesome let's go pikachu is. This was after talking about star craft. I had high hopes, but him thinking that game is great and hes STILL PLAYING IT makes me completely disregard his opinion about videogames.
>"It's a big franchise that means the game should be an open world MMO with fluid animation, destructible environments and realistic graphics on par with the Unreal Engine. Anything less is irredeemable shit"
Yeah, I guess you're right we should all boycott this in protest of it not meeting the flightiest of all our expectations because if there's anything Game Freak is known for it's making every new Pokemon title a grand evolutionary shift not just for the series but for RPGs in general. It's not like jaded dipshits have been calling every single Pokemon game since Diamond and Pearl not a good enough upgrade, no THIS is the first big betrayal and nobody is going to stand for it. It's time for us gamers to rise up against the sleeze that is Nintendo once and for all.
Because the graphics don't look much better than Ocarina of time remake for the 3DS....
>Another monkey-based starter pokemon
>Still no bull-based starter pokemon
Fucking hell man?
Why the fuck would anyone decide at this point,
Glad my expectations are at rock bottom, or I'd actually be upset over this.
The countdown towads the apocalypse ticks once more
What is Gamefreak's endgame?
What are you on about?
PC as computer box pokemon. Let's Go just kept them all in your bag.
Nice Photoshop
No leaked pictures or anything but suddenly you've got a picture of the game on the 3ds
>Armored Flygon
At least they're giving attention to the other gens.
Will these versions be playable on the 3DS? It would be incredibly unfair if they weren't.
sobble cock
Is Morimoto still there?
Looking forward to a new gen on my Switch. Sun and Moon sucked monkey cock cuz it ended too fast
>2 out of 6
>the two that were guessed correctly are things any middle schooler could have guessed
gonna need more than that
Fuck off you sand nigger cock sucker.
Who knows? We haven't heard anything from him
What i mean is that it captured how Foreigners see Britbongland pretty well, Big Ben and a countryside with plains and shitty outdated buildings out in the country side.
After that it is just "Englanders wear top hats, Scottish wear skirts, Welsh are covered in Soot/Coal and the N. Irish have Guns." to tell where in Britain.
There is absolutely no excuse for graphics OR performance like that in 2019 (let alone 2007). Jesus christ Nintendo needs to fuck off with this shit. It looks like a fucking PS2 game, and the Switch is Nintendo's flagship, current gen console, AND it's a game with more money behind it than basically anything.
>Thoughts on the first console mainstream Pokémon game?
That was LGPE.
>Welsh are covered in Soot/Coal
Most Americans get Scotland and Ireland confused constantly; what the fuck makes you think they even know any Welsh stereotypes?
It clearly wasn't intended and is something they just ran with after they noticed they accidentally made a pattern. That's why the dragon didn't become dragon type until five generations later and the rat is a shrew called the mouse Pokemon as if any rodent is a rat.
Isn't the Switch less powerful than the PS2?
>they really didn't have much of an option
It's a fictional world. They had unlimited options, you nigger.
They have a stupid language and fuck sheep.
lol obvious mad shill
It looks like a 3DS game and plays exactly the same. I haven't played Pokemon since Diamond and Pearl and I'm still not coming back. Game Freak are pretty useless when it comes to anything. Hell, Pokemon Battle Revolution looks better and that game is literally just arenas with pretty visuals.
He was specifically asking about the Welsh, not the UK in general
Wasn't talking exclusively about America bro, don't know ho you jumped to that idea when Pokémon mainline games are Japanese developed.
Do you seriously believe this or are you falseflagging? Surely no one could possibly be this retarded. The Switch is somewhere above PS3 and 360 in power.
Are you an autistic train kid or something? Every single English person I know calls it Big Ben.
I don't like being the one defending Game Freak, but
BW and BW2 had better graphics and more special effects than DPP and HGSS, all 9 games were on DS
Sun and Moon had better graphics and performance than XY and ORAS
This is their first legit game for the Switch, we may not see Battle Revolution levels of quality until we hit Gen 9 in 2 years
Leak Season is gonna be wonderful
Can't wait until a lamppost Pokemon to be revealed, and then all the genwunners start screeching about how "Pokemon is now dead"
The PS2 was capable of controlling ballistic missiles, don't flex on its grave.
If they don't have Beauty and the Beast inspired pokemon, I'm gonna be disappointed
Y is naofumi the one being saved? It's the other way, he saved her by buying her
It looks so fucking soulless. Much like every 3D Pokemon game now that I think about it.
And it still looks infinitely better than the new Fire Emblem. Why is Nintendo letting their biggest franchise and one of their biggest B list franchises be some of the worst performing games on the console?
That's pretty much all I know as well, although New Zealanders fuck more sheep.
If you're a sperg maybe.
>Beauty and the Beast
I thought that was a French tale? That would have been more relevant for Kalos.
>Lamppost Pokémon
Pretty likely considering Lamplighters and that they will probably want to invoke the Victorian era somewhere.
>northern Ireland isnt in the uk
Thank you based retard
The map looks boring and smaller than Alola.
I wonder how much they'll remove in the final version.
Looks better than I expected after the Let's Go fiasco
The United Kingdom of England and Northern Ireland doesn't have Ireland
lol thanks for posting this, all of the retarded comments are just sad.
Wtf is this? It's like they tried to make it as shit as possible.
>Pokemon norf/souf
>Pokemon catholic/unionist
>Pokemon leave/remain
I can't wait to hear "YOU GOT A LOICENSE FOR THAT PART AND PARCEL ACID ATTACK?!?!?" and all the other HILARIOUS /pol/ memes whenever the game gets discussed for the next 4 years.
Three generations ago
Well, Alice in Wonderland
I don't know, I relate all of those old Disney adaptations to UK
You got a Loicense for that meme?
Most people are saying it's going to be the best Pokemon. The region is massive and diverse with the latest graphics, I'll be supporting it!
Soulless af
But living lamps/lanterns have a strong basis in classic Japanese folklore. I think a streetlamp for Britishland would be a fine addition.
Dollar is almost worth nothing, so i think £50
More value in the currency, you see?
Maybe Britain shouldn’t be a nanny state sucking brown cock then eh?
Late 2019 means post-Brexit so it will be more like
>when the mods tribe break through the feces barrier and all you have is an unevolved Sobble
Aren't the English notoriously superstitious, at least when it comes to ghosts? Really hoping there's a nice emphasis on ghost and fairy types in this one, since they're very relevant to the region.
Give it some time, it took a while before people realized exactly how severe Let's Go was gonna be with the hand holding, and they haven't exactly shown off a ton of actual battle system stuff yet.
>What is Gamefreak's endgame?
Cat starter.
I'l wait 'till realise, no way i'm buying another pokemon game blindly.
>Not having both
>Personally I’m sad it isn’t gen 1.
fucking clown
>Make literal billions
>Make the same game over and over
The power of franchise recognition
>game takes place in England
$50 says that the Sword version's legendary is gonna be a creature based on the Excalibur.
What's up with all the soccer stadiums?
desu that line of yours went through a tunnel used by a train. The train is a fast travel option, so what he means is is that it isn't an area you can walk through and play y'know
>game takes place in england
>burgers are going to blame yuros if the game flops
Pokemon Manchester United and City
Pokemon Bangers and Mash
Pokemon Ashes Series (5 and 0)
Pokemon Harry and William
Pokemon Beatles and Rolling Stones
Pokemon Zeppelin and Floyd
Pokemon Telly and License
Pokemon Union and League
Pokemon Darts and Cycling
Pokemon Score and Sam
Pokemon Acid and Knife
Pokemon Twitter and Jail
Pokemon Spotted and Dick
Pokemon FUCKIN and RAW
Fuck me none of those were funny
>Main series Pokemon
What's the fucking difference you pedantic moron? It's a fucking lamp. No one gives a shit about your post.
Pokémon FISH and CHIPS
third version is Pokemon Baked Beans
>mainline Pokemon RPG
Pokemon isn't invincible, but let's be real, it's in no danger of flopping right now.
Pokemon designs get worse and worse with each new gen. How is this remotely acceptable?
So now we know the new mythical legendary in the game
>Any Nintendo game
LMAO:ing at your lives honestly
it bothers me the animal that hops around a lot would have large feet but thin thighs, that doesnt make any sense
My dick is going to be raw from all the future rabbit porn.
For real, looks like there's approximately 2 towns, 2 cities on that map.
Flop might have been the wrong term. Its never going to be a financial flop, but it could follow in S/M's foot steps and just be a shit pokemon game that is hated by the fans.
could they have made a more useless presentation?
>here's what the gameworld kind of looks like, but we'll show you running through the mine tunnel like 5 times
>here's the starters, no evolved forms at all, or any other pokemon besides gen 3 poke's
>it will be for new and old, and you will travel to become champion!
>soccer stadium!*fades out*
where's the NEW stuff?
>I've been playing the same franchise for a decade+
>why so stale?
>those blurry stairs texturess
which is?
>hated by the fans
Oh boy here we go
>but real fans
>only shiteating drones
etc. etc. etc.
>wii fit
>wii fit plus
man, I wonder how many people unironically bought that because they thought "I'm gonna get /fit/ with this game". And I wonder how many actually did.
Post yfw Pokémon coming home to Europe again
Not done yet.
The alien dude in the grass pattern. There are tiny ones surrounding him with the big one in the grass. GF makes it incredibly obvious so it will most likely be a mystery gift
new region. new starter. new looking world that looks better than BOTW. oh ans new protags. Looks great
>starter village at the bottom
>Elite 4 at the top
You'll be spending the entire game going North.
what do you mean you dont have youtube
Most of the Welsh I've met are irascible, unintelligible drunks.
Just bongs considering Kalos have their own generation of "XY WAS THE LAST GOOD POKÉMON GENERATION" sayers, primarily Animefags though from what i noticed.
First reveal is usually like this, they didn't even reveal the starters for most so i was actually surprised we got those, fuck SM was fucking CONCEPT ART that had some people think it was gonna take place in South Africa.
>another sword pokemon
cringe. aegislash is enough
This, or soccer girl
>Not having a hacked switch.
>Let's make it on England so we can excuse the region being a straight fucking line
>Let's add no postgame places to explore because the region is a goddamn line
>let's not bring anything new to the table
>Let's just upscale the SM models
>let's make the game still run like shit despite all these other games in the same console looking better and running better
>Let's put in the lowest humanly possible effort we can and sell quintillions still because it's Pokemon, the highest grossing media franchise on Planet Earth
Why can't Gamefreak be struck by an earthquake
I guarantee that it’s going to be either a legendary that evolves like Meltan, and it will be a mystery gift, because GameFreak hates making battles for mythical Pokémon nowadays.
Pretty much. It will probably have a new forme too where the spirit of the sword appears and weilds Excalibur
Why does everyone hate England?
It's disappointing. Compare it to botw or odessey.
Looks super underwhelming
World looks nice but the starters look underwhelming and bland but Pokemon art kinda sucks now
What got me the worst was, the player characters, look like they don't match with the art style of the world itself, it looks like they were dropped in from Let's Go and that feels weird
There's also nothing to indicate that it wont be another 8 gym/4 elite repeat again and that sucks
I know theres still time to see more but color me unimpressed
an ayy lmao
Soccer hooligan rabbit would be great though.
>compare it to Botw or odyssey
so its better?
There is going to be a red telephone booth pokemon. Screencap this.
Setting looks interesting. That's about the only good thing. The pokemon designs look fucking stupid and there's nothing to indicate they're trying anything new. I think I'm done with pokemon
Lass is wearing tights
Dragon Quest XI looks good.
>Personally I’m sad it isn’t gen 1
are you fucking kidding me?
>Mainline Pokemon
>especially when its gonna have Kanto Pandering, like the last 2 generations
Lets Go had probably the most vocal AGAINST the game and it sold over 10 million. Sword & Shield will easily sell at least 14 million lifetime.
I can dig it.
idk know about alien pokemon again, rather have something "mythical" again.
>b-but us REAL fans
Eat shit.
Yea Forums is getting really tiresome. A complete garbage board of people obsessed with looking mature and cool to others, it's almost like reddit now.
>No one gives a shit about your post.
These look fucking awful, like designs from a fanmade Pokemon game.
Why is the camera still fixed?
Sword vs Shield
Sword legendary will be a Sif ripoff
England is a nation full of shitposters and bitter old people
We hate England because we are England
England literally ruined the world
>sad it isn’t gen 1.
Shit man we've had gen 1 like four fucking times already
To be clear, england is not the only place with those. Hell, i've got some, admittedly more shit, ones less than an hour from me here in ohio.
Native americans were all about mounds and shit.
I hate being the hater kind of guy but the starter pokemon look like fucking out of DeviantArt, literally.
I hope you guys buy these fucking betas. See you on the third version.
Yeah sure. Just like they quickly throw USUM & Let's Go together to make a proper Switch title. Or XY to make a proper 3DS title.
How often do you want to use the same fucking excuse?
I had zero expectations. Looks like pokemon to me, as in par for the course.
>no tail
>long snout
that's a hedgehog i'm fairly sure
salamander but at least you were close
house cat
Ox/bull might be a cool fire-starter, but the rest of these are retarded, we already have ponyta/rapidash anyway.
The starters look so fucking ugly holy shit
Looks like an upscaled gen seven, which is exactly what I wanted. I am pleasantly surprised as disappointments are so common these days.
and showed it in this direct together with the rest of the games.
I'd be on board if only for the first few minutes where the protagonist of a Pokémon game gets fucking murdered
LGPE was already an isekai.
Nigga, that isn't security, it's surveillance. There's a difference.
i really like that shark one
Because it is boring, ugly and up its own ass, so basically it is Anonymous.
Mad shill
Mad shill
Mad shill
This is literally the worst game in the series.
having a tough time accepting facts eh lad?
>This is literally the worst game in the series.
Oh shit I didn't know you played the whole game already.
enjoy release day when I'll already have beaten the game just like smash.
That sounds like SoulSilver, I think Sw/Sh is better
You know it will be exactly that user. Look at the last mythical from SuMo
What are they gonna do? Beat up people who want Galar to leave the Pokemon league?
>Personally, I'm sad it isn't gen 1
You have three games set in Kanto, plus a sequel that let you explore the region. Take one of those games and leave. Gen 1 isn't the fucking solution.
Looks like a 3ds game.
Those memes wouldn't exist if the British weren't such cowardly cucks.
you did it to yourselves, asshole
I'm not a shill, I just don't like change. The Pokemon formula works and is fun. There's no need to change it. Add 100 or so new pokemon, give us a new region, tweak some moves and stats to balance and call it a day.
Cant go back to regular random encounters after the Lets Go mechanics; it just feels like shit.
Grass and fire looks cute, water sadly looks retarded.
I'll pick grass for the time being as my potential starter, just hope his evo turns him into something big and cool.
Are people honestly defending no random encounters? They're not just trolling?
>Personally I’m sad it isn’t gen 1
Have i got a game for you
OP wanted this
>ice types still late game
>no following pokemon
>still just corridors instead of exploring
Ton of other shit that /vp/ is picking apart as well - only a small portion are actually nitpicks, too.
>uses Run command
>uses repel
>encounters do nothing but waste time when it comes to finding new pokemon
>hardly give any exp
Great system you've got there.
Fuck off you genwunner, numale incel.
He’s trying to get a rise out of you.
Scorbunny > Sobble > Grookey.
could be a knight pokemon that is the third legendary that has both a knight and shield, like a guardian to assemble i wonder
What's Gamefreak's endgame with this?
>encounters do nothing but waste time
What game do you think you're playing?
Press S to dab on Shieldfags
Awfully early for april fools, I gotta say.
Looks like it'll be more of the 3ds pokemon games.
I guess it's my fault for hoping they would change things around.
You honestly preferred Lets Go to the games before it?
C ute and f unny
>Pokemon Sword
>Pokemon Shield
If we still got third versions what would it be?
Crown seems pretty probable.
I didn't say that.
I just wish they would actually do something new but this just looks like it's the same as the 3ds games but higher resolution.
Nice to see Gamefreak cuttin out the middle man and just straight up making a BBC original drama.
I love moviegames, they're my favorite cancer.
>purrugly is fake we already have meowth for fuks sake
Most of those disney fairytales are from german origin.
Hey! We're Team Peace, and we've got some major complaints about this region we just arrived at!
>head the size of the entire body
Fuck off. Who designs pokemon these days? Some nip cunt?
Not really scraping the bottom of the barrel when it is pretty much what the intended fanbase wants.
I mean, it's been pretty much the same game for 20 years and the fans still like it.
I'm so glad this fucking game exists now.
Chandelier for smash when?
Pok'mon troinah heere.
You little shite looked on mah ey' now so you bettah start fightin' with me OIIIIIII
When was the last time a Nintendo game sold over 15m