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new pokemon game? holy fucking hype

The starters are the most souless things I have ever seen

this is actually fucking awesome. I'm not sure if i should buy both or not this time but FUCK I LOVE THIS SHIT

i was expecting it too look like an upresed 3ds game and I'm still disappointed

They didn't even show the fucking legendaries, fuck them

It looks good Enough. Looking forward to it

it looks like fucking shit how the fuck has Yea Forums's standards fallen so low lol


I'll probably buy both desu

So is this only for switch? Because it looks like it could easily run on 3DS.

if these logos were leaked no one would've believed it lol

The world looks nice. But it looks empty without pokemon roaming freely. This seems like the one big thing that's a step down from LGPE.


Pokemon SS
it's /ourgame/

>yfw that's the finnish police force logo

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nooo this is a shit 3ds port

Pokemon Suxs and Pokemon Shits

Legedary Aegislash :^)

>Having high expectations over gen 8

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Have you ever used a 3DS? There's no game that would look like that on a 3DS.

Pokemon Seed and Pokemon Feed


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I hope that framerate isn't accurate.

More like Pokemon /ss/

Its a prettier, bigger Sun and Moon.

Ah well, at least its not Let's Go 2.


what do you the 3rd pkmn game will be called?
sword, shield...axe?

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No free camera yet again...


THEY ALL LOOK THE SAME, what a fucking lame, soulless, starter lineup.

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fuck off andross

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Ive unironically seem people saying it looks like a N64 game.
People are legitimately retarded.

>paid online
>generic starters
>generic names (sword shield really)
>lgpeepee visuals
>we want the lgpeepee audience
>pushing our limits (but showing absolutely nothing special)
>best game ever AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA pokemon died with gen 5 you fucking retards

oh on top of that they all look dead inside like they're just waiting for the grave and passing the time until then