

Attached: IMG_20190227_084117.jpg (739x452, 105K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>nintendidlers happy about finally getting movie games
>at 24fps

Attached: 05ABF62F-ADDF-4E57-A225-900E5AB64A64.jpg (750x422, 53K)

Botw will always be a masterpiece and talked about and pkayed for decades..god of war 4 is already forgotten ..lol

What game will get 98?

>will always be talked about by a handful of incels because their toy almost has no games
Oof yikes

You must have never played it...lol o well maybe one day when you get out of your parents house and get a job and can afford to buy a switch maybe then you can play this great game

>Not even nearly as many GOTy awards


It was a pretty good game.

BOTW came out March 2017, so not sure what you're going for here.

U mad bro .hahaha


honestly cannot tell who is trolling who

Good job outing yourself, Era tranny.

Ohnononono explain this

Attached: 1E02E22C-D841-4385-8EE6-D5E4A6B7F6D0.jpg (746x500, 102K)

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This is the moment I realized paid reviews and Nintendo bonus is real

Attached: 1488548116433.png (2524x3124, 1.06M)


nintendo bonus is real do you niggas really think super mario odyssey is a 97

Please don't call me a nigger, thank you.

obligatory iconic pic

Attached: botwmakesvmad.png (700x913, 368K)


Attached: 1488597609645.png (877x5026, 3.33M)

Imagine seething so much you have to make this picture. Kys loser

mental illness. Honestly you can rate the game 7/10 and with fair criticism and it could work. Anything below that is just impossible to justify rationally.

It's literally the best 3d platformer of all time. so yes?

Honestly? Yeah.

Now this... This is autism. You cross checked every bad reviewer dating mean things about your kids game. Nintendo fans everyone


Attached: 2BE4C202-4705-4BFF-AFDB-93C8B9AE3465.jpg (693x877, 219K)

Anthem thread?


I give it a generous 6/10

snoys can't meme


must be a very good game with such a high score

S-show them sonybro!

Attached: 1497193732285.png (1356x1310, 60K)

Overrated tech demo/10
Physics engine is great though.

Just.got my Switch at xmas with Smash. Only picked up BotW last week after hearing all the buzz for the past two years. What a superb game. Probably the best adventure game I've ever played on any system.

>that user made the photo
dont tell me you guys are actually from reddit, right? I mean, you'd have to be here for more than a week to know how old that image is. what the fuck kind if retards are you guys kek

Based and Sonypilled.
Cringe and Nintenpilled.

it's called Nintendo Bonus, but at least BotW is a good game, the mediocre Zelda: SS is 93, that's almost surreal

>do you niggas really think super mario odyssey is a 97
not even close, but the 2 Galaxy games deserve their scores

you sure?

1. BotW is not really a "movie game"
2. The last movie game Nintendo fans got was Other M and it's considered to be the worst Metroid title

>the last movie game
>NOT Xeno 2
im no flamewar fag, but cmon

Not fooling anyone you fat pathetic loser, grow up and get laid or something lmaooo

>fat pathetic loser
t. DYEL basedboy spotted
you say for me to grow up yet you cry about a score for a videogame. Whats worse, a fool or the one who follows him?

How is Xeboblade 2 a movie game?

Like 10% of the game is cuscenes while in Other M about 50% of the game time is UNSKIPPABLE cutscenes

>nintendo bonus is real

Yeah that's right. For the past 30 years Nintendo have carefully orchestrated conspiracy based on threats and intimidation and bribery, to facilitate positive reviews for their games amongst thousands of journalists, publications and websites. And in 30 years not one single disgruntled journalist or news outlet has ever tried to blow the whistle.

lmfao the COPE real.

Having played Nintendo games, I can confidently say that Nintendo are, in fact, quiet competent at making video games.

COPE harder.

Attached: 4-1.png (1528x2467, 2.31M)

im coping dude by the look of your half an essay you arent coping very well

k fat beta loser

Attached: btfo for eternity.jpg (2648x3772, 1007K)


if you one word to these posts and do not reply with an in-depth reason on why it's this bad, you're cope posting. hurry up. I want a length paragraph on why this is good. defend Nintendo, and defend botw. don't get caught coping. hurry.

Attached: GOTYmaterial.webm (960x540, 2.86M)

tl;dr grow up sperging autist

hurry up. don't cope post now. you MUST defend this. hurry, ninty are taking shots, and you're there cope posting. HURRY.

Attached: ZeldaCombatWhichReallyMakesYouThinkBeyondTheFirstThought.webm (853x480, 2.84M)

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BOTW is under fire and you're just doing NOTHING? EXPLAIN YOURSELVES.

Attached: ZeldaCombatWhichReallyMakesYouThinkMore.webm (853x480, 2.85M)

Seriously though, what the fuck is wrong with this game and literally everything covered in that piss yellow filter. It's unbearable to even look at.

Please delete these.

same old boring Console War shitposting, why bother?

>half an essay

Jesus, the state of kids on this board, holy fuck.

Master mode is lame. The vanilla game is fine


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Please don't stop posting your sad webms. Its only been two years lmafo

Rabid nintendy manchildren and virgins are the worst

i just dont understand why you feel the need to defend nintendo they arent going to suck your dick fatty

Sony Chad reporting in, get dabbed on cringy toddler bitches

Attached: 97529C7C-AF0B-4A20-B879-B7F7DC2AF6EF.jpg (1030x689, 123K)

I unironically can't, just fuck off dude.

Do not cope. Do not say 97. it will only make you look worse. You know deep down, if a Zelda game dropped like this [authors note: lets face it, it can't on the switch, would fucking melt within your hands] but let's just say it did, a Zelda game with this combat, you would never, ever, look back. We all know it.

Attached: 1537618861212.webm (620x348, 2.89M)

>Sony manbabies who have barely left their childhood bedrooms let alone purchase stock in Sony vociferously go to internet-war for their choice in consumer electronics every single day

Will someone over 25 please explain this to me?

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Based and redpilled

Sad samefag lmao



stop projecting your life onto others, lad. we're discussing video games, not something which you randomly brought up kek, go clean your childhood bedroom

Attached: 1528611398403.png (633x874, 56K)

This looks like shit next to DmC, MGS: Revengeance, or Ninja Gaiden.

I don't get it.

i got to admit if a zelda game looked and played like this the nintenbros would be calling it the game of the decade

Feels good knowing how traumatised you must be every single day.

Attached: 97.png (1080x1522, 957K)


hurry up. you're running out of time. Nintendo is looking bad with each post, AND Link. DEFEND IT, quickly.

Attached: 1529752365323.webm (768x432, 3M)

>above the age of 12
>liking Nintendo
Tell me it isn’t so

Attached: 3C8734B9-4B72-484C-BFBA-B615D8D4511D.png (500x500, 272K)

I asked for someone over 25 and also an explanation. Not a meme image and weird coping.

So why do people with no financial interest in a company viciously defend their choice in consumer electronics for hours a day, every single day, during adult working hours?

i think its a good game but user?

go back, youll get more upvotes than replies here

stop projecting, once again

I play PC and am nearly 30. These pathetic console wars just befuddle me.

Side by side, these two games look like a fucking proper game, vs a literal childrens toy. holy fuck. Zelda looks SO fucking bad when you can quickly see between the two.

Attached: ZeldaCombatWhichReallyMakesYouThink.webm (1280x720, 2.16M)

if you care so much just watch a youtube review, or even better, jusf buy the game and try it yourself. Why spend so much time caring about not caring about BOTW? Seems kinda counterproductive if you ask me.
also 97

Guys we have something really special here, this man can read the minds of anonymous people on Yea Forums and detect when, in fact, they are projecting their own pathetic lifestyles onto others.

A real life psychic, a tech-wizard, with powers beyond the realm of human capabilities. A new human being.

Watch as he aggressively yells at other people on the internet for their choice in consumer electronics.

Bros look at all this autism


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even when warned about not saying 97 because it will be a cope post, you still can't do it. THE PANIC LMAO. DEFEND IT. one last post. youhave one last post to defend it or you admit to coping.

stop coping and defend, quickly.

Attached: CHADofWaractualcombat.webm (600x338, 2.86M)

He can even diagnose mental illnesses wow.
Holy shit dude. Why aren't you making millions upon millions of dollars with your incredible capabilities instead of spending daylight hours attacking people's choices in consumer electronics.

Agreed, RDR2 is a master piece

97 on Switch
101 on Cemu

Even as somebody who loves BoTW, I hate this this is posted each time. It only makes us look worse. Why is there no fucking webms of BoTW god tier combat? Why just keep posting the number? How has nobody made any webms of the moments in this game?

Attached: 1551257305734.png (1280x1280, 377K)

Not that user but I unironically would rather play God Hand. I've had enough of "mash X to win".

stop coping and projecting after being called out, hurry up. we're all waiting

stop coping, if you had played it you would know its the complete opposite

>screeching autistic manchild can’t handle a bit of banter

Attached: FC21CF94-4FF5-4DE1-807C-7BF9B8890B1F.jpg (400x275, 28K)

>Spends working hours defending his choice of consumer electronics
>Has zero financial ties to the company they are defending
>Just does this
>For free
>For some reason
Please, PLEASE someone explain this to me.

>Why is there no fucking webms of BoTW god tier combat?

Attached: 1548845598369.webm (800x450, 2.84M)

If God of War is "mash x to win" what is this?

The literal delusions.

Attached: 11514-animated_gifchat8etf.gif (290x189, 2.9M)

why would I be coping user? Youre the only sperg here with all due respect. Like I said before, you can just watch youtube reviews of the game. a post on Yea Forums would do just as much good. If it's a debate you are trying to initiate, Just go to the comment sections, the game already has dying fans willing to defend it for an eternity just like you are trying to say its garbage.

Spear combat against one enemy.
You can't do that against multiple foes, which is what you are usually facing.

lmao Sonyfag

Attached: 1550568954084m.jpg (1024x1001, 90K)

Just a bit of banter that’s all, stop taking it so personally loser

stop projecting

>Still defending their choice in gimped, rapidly obsolete PCs during working hours for free without any financial investment in the company

I will never ever ever understand this.

*worships Nintendo, reminding him of his childhood* thanks ninty, thanks. Happy Birthday to the best toy ever made, the Nintendo Switch.

Attached: 100%notacult.webm (426x240, 1.25M)

shit like this makes me want to sell my switch, holy fuck.


You must never have played it... lol. o well maybe one day when you get out of your parents house and get a job you can afford to buy your own games and not just what your parents buy that's aimed at kids.

Attached: nintoddler.webm (236x180, 68K)

>not one child present
>they're all just gathering to sing happy birthday to the Switch

Really, truly, truly makes me think about this fanbase. Nintendo, cannot lose with people like this. Holy fuck. What a fucking odd timeline.

Attached: e42.png (600x431, 331K)

Not clicking that webm, I can feel my test levels drop just by seeing the thumbnail. Cringe af

stop coping

damn, that ass on the left one

no homo

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Is this the Sonybro discord team organising another Nintendo-hate raid?

Still doing unpaid labor for Sony


So this is the nintedobros we're probably discussing vidya with on Yea Forums


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>Sony: /fit/ handsome looking bros having a good time
>Nintendo: autistic fat manchildren virgins without friends
Really makes you think huh?

Attached: A0B9173A-9615-4E4C-A5BF-DC0B2D3FF908.jpg (898x1236, 174K)

Here is a real Nincel poster caught, look at the sticker on it’s t-shirt

Attached: 3B1AE9F3-2C81-44D9-B2BB-A4F850DB77FF.jpg (810x810, 65K)

> shitty graphics
> empty open world
> bad design
> mute mc
> garbage story

Attached: 1546085800588.gif (150x150, 1.07M)

stop projecting your own "raid discords" lmao

literally can't handle the bantz


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>Current Raid Target: Spiderman PS4

imagine, imagine being this obsessed

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Means nothing, BOTW is already the 3rd highest rated game ever behind Chrono Trigger & Ocarina Of Time. Whereas every Snoy garbage is forgotten except SoTC



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lmao you're ignoring the fact they're FAGGOTS. Which is probably normal for you.

Based Spideybro.

Attached: 0i6ly6mqm9h21.jpg (2160x3840, 607K)

Is this game actually good?

I've only got Mario Odyssey, Bayonetta 2, and Mario Kart 8 Deluxe for my Switch so far.

The state of sonybros.

Attached: 1530422866436.jpg (971x811, 200K)

And Nincels can’t even fuck dudes, stay mad eternal fat virgin

stop coping

I saved you, and didn't choose to show the travis touch down switch game metacritic, that one even I won't hurt nitnenbros with.

Attached: 1542333975697.jpg (1499x1323, 536K)

>sonybro gets BTFO
>doesn't reply back

Great job user

Attached: 1522339249826.jpg (879x1024, 227K)

And I find it kinda funny, I find it kinda sad
The dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had
I find it hard to tell you, I find it hard to take
When people run in circles it's a very very
Mad world, mad world

Attached: FBB78809-36BB-482D-B476-9F157DDC7005.png (640x451, 115K)

boy I sure am tired of these threads that instigate flamewars.

don't samefag your own post, that isn't a reply or a webm to show good combat. stop coping. once again with the 97 to only further prove this

>Cherrypicking this hard


Attached: 1540501987775.jpg (573x520, 102K)

>reverts back to the ultimate cherry pick and hides behind games older than 10 years

Stop coping and projecting. can't hide behind those games forever, user

i'm glad smg is rated higher than ody though kek, based.

I've become so numb, I can't feel you there
Become so tired, so much more aware
I'm becoming this, all I want to do
Is be more like me and be less like you

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Attached: 111.png (181x89, 3K)

>projects his own seething and edits out his (you)

Stop this and coping

>BOTW metacritic thread in 2019
>still easily reaches 100+ replies
consolewar fags are disgusting

Attached: wh.jpg (300x300, 15K)

>Odyssey and BotW
>older than 10 years
>literally just showing the best rated games


Attached: 146707894735935535.jpg (633x874, 99K)

why show the best rated games in a botw thread? stop coping. defend instead of cope.

>tfw adult and therefore can’t enjoy Nintendo games anymore

>pause heal
ruined the combat desu

with worship like this, who needs to try. we're one step away from tattoos, which I'm sure has already been done

Attached: 1550791958253.png (692x760, 763K)

>why show the best rated games in a botw thread?
because BotW is one of them? retard.

I cannot even imagine how this went down, he just went into the barber and said "give me a switch cut" and then just did it. what in the holy fuck must that barber been thinking. OBSESSED with these toys and corporations

Attached: an59YGQ.gif (160x160, 445K)

I would murder them all and not even blink

yeah but with things like this I'm gonna need a lengthy reasoning on why, or else it's just cope. you can't just show a number when we've got evidence saying otherwise

>Yea Forums will never get over the fact that BotW is the GOAT.

Best timeline boys.

Attached: 1496238166914.png (1920x1080, 1.74M)

stop coping, defend. also don't try and not respond to a post to get away.


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Now imagine it on a console with some actual hardware to push it to it's limit with the art style it was going for.

Nintendo with a powerful console, no gimmick, would quite literally dominate every single god damn person in the industry. It would be a bloodbath, but alas, fisher price.

Attached: 1541341775654.jpg (1707x1920, 2.2M)

I just love watching how traumatised the shitters are on this board. Even two years later, getting anally raped by Nintendo is still a raw wound to them. Marvellous.

BoTW is a children's game. That's why tendies are so obsessed with real games. Cope.

Attached: breath of the wild red dead redemption 2.jpg (1918x2162, 1.09M)

>defend the game everyone agrees is the GOAT expect for SEETHING sonybros


Attached: 1518913803288.png (800x479, 487K)

stop projecting your fantasies lmao what the fuck dude embarrassing

stop projecting/hoping and a hint of cope

last chance to defend properly, or you will FOREVER be coping. hurry.

Attached: 1538667081380.png (480x277, 27K)

>have to constantly remind everyone their children's game exists because it's so irrelevant

The state of coping tendies.


This is so embarrssing to watch, why do Nintendo have no talent?

stop projecting your cope after being called out on your projection


reminds me of this

Attached: 1551123084207.jpg (1276x1438, 499K)

I feel sorry for tendies. They constantly have to praise a game made for 10 year olds just because it's the only thing they have.

Attached: 1538424166956.jpg (955x1078, 582K)


>BoTW is a children's game.

Nintendo game, aimed at ''kids'':
>Treats the player with respect
>Tutorials are done through the player experiencing every system in perfect set pieces that convey mechanics better than text boxes
>complete freedom, player has to find things themselves, removing the use of constant arrow-following and making it feel like a world
>every action, like for instance cutting a tree, is done by the player

Sony games aimed at "Adults":
>Pillars of light in the sky to help players find their way
>Compass/minimap to let the player know exactly where to go, wouldn't want them to get lost ;)
>every action done by the player is a button press followed by a mini cutscene

Cope harder.

Attached: 1549898166534m.jpg (1024x746, 98K)

No wonder tendies are so insecure. Their mcdonalds tablet literally can't handle real games.

Attached: childrens game vs real game.jpg (1922x2166, 966K)

>All it takes is a simple image of a number and a name to make Yea Forums explode

This shit will never stop being funny

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Attached: 1540475385387.png (990x1022, 782K)

>finds a korok leaf
>hits a goblin
>finds another korok leaf

>finds another game test generic shrine

the same can be said both ways, don't set yourself up to be outed.

top soul
bottom soulless

Attached: 1532288496771.jpg (700x913, 82K)

>Tendie thinks his game designed for little kids can be compared to real games

Reminds me of bronies who push their kiddy show on everyone as a serious show.

a good artstyle like BOTW is miles better than photo realistic shit that will look outdated in 10 years

> Most Best game lists ranked in the Top 2
> 1. Ocarina Of Time (85) (Nintendo)
> 2. Final Fantasy VII (19) (SquareSoft)
> 3. Super Mario Bros (17) (Nintendo)
> 4. Super Mario 64 (16) (Nintendo)
> 5. A Link To The Past (15) (Nintendo)
> 6. Super Mario Bros 3 (13) (Nintendo)
> 7. Tetris (12) (Nintendo)
> 8. Dark Souls (11) (Bandai Namco)
> 9. Super Mario World (10) (Nintendo)
> 10. Chrono Trigger (10) (SquareSoft)
> 11. Super Mario Galaxy (10) (Nintendo)
> 12. Breath Of The Wild (9) (Nintendo)
> 13. The Legend Of Zelda (8) (Nintendo)
> 14. Half-Life 2 (8) (Valve Corporation)
> 15. SoulCalibur (7) (Bandai Namco)
> 16. Super Mario Kart (7) (Nintendo)
> 17. Final Fantasy X (6) (SquareSoft)

Ayoooo look at this coping manchild YIKES

Two years of sperging tears. What have you achieved?

Fucking loser lmao

>not even GOTY


once again, you've already done the list. why would you put it in text form? text formed cope, maybe? that was your last chance. You're forever, coping. I'm sorry user. I WARNED YOU.

Grow up virgin lmaoooo

stop projecting your tears and failures mixed in with a little bit of cope, not fully amount this time, just a pinch

>everyone forgets BotW exists
>tendies get mad because no one thinks about it anymore they have to spam metacritic just to remind people abokut irrelevant kids game
>the fact that other games have same score yet their fanbases don't have to spam their scores proves how insecure these manchildren really are

Attached: red dead redemption 2.jpg (422x322, 33K)

Yes actually
The game post Boswer was honestly some of the best gameplay in a long time
Pre Bowser automatically puts the game in Kids/ Reviewer mode

> Dark Souls is the highest rated game of the century
Defend this Yea Forums

Rockstar got no competition. SAD

Attached: 20190227_092753.jpg (1080x1842, 590K)

the worst bit is, it gets worse. with each passing day, year, if they keep up at it. it will TRULY lose its worth. You can't hide behind one game forever. they need another. quickly.

You can't blame Nintendo manchildren. Having to shill for a literal childrens toy company would make anyone insecure. They're constantly seeking validation.

Why don't you have any argument? lmao

Attached: Rival_Devs_In_Awe_of_BotW.png (1861x1080, 420K)

Why did you crop out the user score?

Attached: Image_3020.jpg (719x571, 59K)

I don't blame them. They literally had no GOTY contender last year. Have to keep keep posting about games from two years ago that were ports from the Wii U just to cope.

Attached: 1542214927459.jpg (1080x1080, 190K)

>p-please a-answer m-m-me
get laid

But BotW is talked about all the time despite coming out in 2017. Nobody gives a fuck about RDR (same score) or GoW (Same amount of GOTYs) any more despite them being newer.

RDR2 shilling was so blatant is was ridiculous. Easily one of the worst games I've ever played and I played it for free

Still no argument. Fucking REKT lmao

Everyone is just being nice to the retard. They know Nintendo makes games for kids and not real games. It's kind of like people being nice to retards at the special olympics.


You mean you want to tldr everyone's post. This board doesn't define what is definitively good or bad. I don't need to justify anything to any of you.

Attached: a0QjVgB_700b.jpg (700x1045, 55K)

stop coping

And this is why no one will ever take Yea Forums seriously.

Attached: 1550444384141.jpg (1200x977, 218K)

No one is talking about your garbage bing bing game for kids lmao go outside once in a while

>getting this work up over people making fun of his children's game

Literally mentally ill.

>all the time
>every time I see Yea Forums or anywhere else botw brought up, it's hate

dunno user

I honestly don't even know what game that is.

Imagine being this buttblasted over a videogame.

Attached: 1520702877288.png (716x857, 89K)

The only time BoTW gets brought up is when Nintendo manchildren use it to shitpost in threads like this. That proves how irrelevant it is. Meanwhile everyone else talks about real games.

This is true, I noticed that when people were talking about all other games, these threads kept appearing. as in like NO STOP TALK ABOUT THIS.. REMEMBER US. They wanna hope they've got one for this year, or it'll look seriously bad

First off Why do you have this image. Second isn't this just porn?

There's nothing to defend. success>meaningless praise. And Souls games haven't seen a lot of success.

Says the coping manchild seething no one cares about his children's game on his mcdonalds tablet.


Attached: 1494610173272.jpg (1000x1000, 153K)

Actually fucking boiling. Please sort yourself out and seek employment.


>seek employment

Holy FUCK that projection LMAO

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Breath of the Wild looks like a PS2 game. Nintendo really needs to make their games on real consoles instead of weak tablets.

Attached: botw2.jpg (1920x1080, 297K)

>le dab dab dab dab
IMAGINE giving your loyalty to faceless corporations that only want your money

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>Nobody gives a fuck about RDR (same score) or GoW (Same amount of GOTYs) any more despite them being newer.
Success>>>meaningless discussion and "awards"

How is that a downside?
We take each other seriously. That's all that counts.
We can talk with each other about games we love and hate with practically no limitations.
What other place in the world offers that?


I can never take a Nincel seriously. Honestly I instantly disregard anything they say and don’t even perceive them as humans


Attached: 1529263495534.jpg (250x250, 5K)

This is the only correct way.

So, wait, can't we agree that they're all good games?

You usually can't tell by a post who is who.
Even a fucking newfag could easily blend in without causing a barrage of (You)s.
I know I did that back in 2005.