It's 2019 and David Hayter STILL pretends to be the voice actor of Snake

It's 2019 and David Hayter STILL pretends to be the voice actor of Snake.

Why can't he let it go?

Attached: Bildschirmfoto vom 2019-02-27 14:28:21.png (1280x800, 159K)

He is for Solid Snake, Sutherland for Big Boss

what the fuck kind of language is this


German, means screencap.

No, Akio Ootsuka is Solid Snake

He just recorded stuff for SSBU and Super Bomberman R last year

What was that noise?

Akio Otsuka is all the Snakes, except Liquid. In Japanese version of MGS2 you could actually be fooled by the voice on who is really Solid Snake.

>one day i will start begging on the internet

I like how people have absolutely no shame nowadays.

it's a box

no hayter is solid snake and bibo. sutherland is venom snake hypno clone

The most pathetic thing I've seen in my life is people noticing that they made a popular tweet, then replying to themselves begging people to check out their soundcloud or deviantart or something. Sad.

it does not mean screencap it means screenshot.
This is your last waring, better not mix it up again, or there vill be fines.


Edit: wow I've never gotten this many likes before!

Did he record anything new for SSBU? He is credited in cast, but isn't it all just recycled from Brawl?

I'd say we are even with how many mistakes you made just now.

>sutherland is venom snake hypno clone

Sutherland was Big Boss in Ground Zeroes too though, unless you believe the theory that we experience the events of Ground Zeroes through Venom's brain washing

They didn't record anything new because Japanese Campbell died and nips are stupid about that kind of thing

I've heard mixed things on if they actually recorded anything new.

>David Hayter STILL pretends to be the voice actor of Snake
Give him a little credit. Keifer had trouble pretending to be the voice actor for Snake through the entirety of MGSV.
Kojima, you stupid twat, it should've been Richard Doyle.


freudian slip there, Hans?

it's all the same voice recordings

Because hes talentless but Snake is an icon. His performance was so comical and pathetic that it became iconic as Snake. Then years later people don't really want campy crap anymore and hes left crying.

Its too bad during that time he should've improved now people want quality/devs want quality associated with them.

Campy is great though. MGS is campy incarnate. It fits Snakes character, too.

Because he is. No disrespect to Sutherland, he did pretty good with what he had to work with, but he never played Solid Snake beyond some quotes in Deja Vu and has twenty minutes of voiced dialogue between GZ and TPP including the asston of cut lines. Not to mention Hayter has reprised Snake a few times recently.

But Richard Doyle isn't a popular actor that Kojima could pretend he's friends with.

>implying MGS as series ever grew out of being campy

you hate fun, and should kill yourself

>There are anons who think Sutherland is the voice of Big Boss.

You all make me sick....

It was really jarring hearing Sutherland and Baker with their boring ass white dude voices (though it's more of a problem of how fucking poorly their characters were handled are than with the actors) next to Robin Atkin Downes going full ham and Christopher Randolph with his goofy nerd voice.

Sutherland was a mistake voicing snake.

whole V was a mistake

Now this I agree

Op here. Never had a thread with this many replies before. Check out my photo editng blog!

Wow! Golly gosh! This link changed my life!

You should kill yourself!

One of the reasons no one pays attention to any content you put out is because you think shilling for yourself is "cringe." Enjoy your single digit views, losers.


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