Will it finally break the trend of video game movies being shit?

Will it finally break the trend of video game movies being shit?

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Angry Birds already did that.

Haha I'm only watching it ironically. Hnng Ryan Gosling and Pokebug creatures haha

Maybe, it seems kinda sorta interesting at the very least

How dare people making anything else than Smash threads!

Lol are you guys serious. Here's the proof that most of this board is under 18.


it's reddit and cringe

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>first non-shit anime movie
>first non-shit videogame movie
Is this the year Yea Forumsros?

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Buying tickets for the mr.mime bits, will be disappointed that I bought tickets for the mr.mime bits

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I'll get a kick out of seeing all those Pokemon in a realistic style. So it wont be boring at the very least.

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seriously fuck off

Wreck It Ralph was pretty good.
The first one anyway.

Cry more Smashtoddler

>first non-shit anime movie

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>mad that people talk about a video game and not childrens movies
>on a video game board
gg ez

Oh wow...you really btfo'd him there!! How will he ever recover?! Simply ebin, can't believe I was here to witness! Screenshotted!! Will upload to reddit tonight!!

You are good peoples.

>fahnny deadpool rat
>quips out the ass
>black kid looking for his dad
If the trailers are anything to go by it's irredeemable garbage, so no.

Will it break the trend of films being shit?

There hasn't been a film worth watching since No Country for Old Men.

if it does, or at least sells tickets, we may see vidya movies start to get real attention.
interest in adapting games seems to be on the rise, and the pokemon brand might be strong enough to ensure good numbers and further increase that interest even if the movie sucks.

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>HE'S IN HE'S IN thread nr. 4829232
Cry more Smashtoddler. You aren't in the position to complain about Pokemon outside of /vp/, Smashshit should be forced to /vg/ long ago


People actually like that piece of turd?

your pathetic

>>first non-shit anime movie
Edge of Tomorrow says hi


Also Matrix (heavily inspired by GitS and copied some scenes 1:1)
Ace Attorney movie

>video game movies being shit
I unironically liked the prince of persia movie

Leave and don't return until you graduate elementary school.

I hope it does


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Pic not related? That movie was awful. Cameron is losing it.


Umm no...

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I was honestly blown away by how much I enjoyed this movie. It wears its campy origins on its sleeve but its got some real family drama to keep it grounded and some excellent visuals to keep things exciting. By the time the final race is hitting its peak its an absolute spectacle. Its a dman shame they felt they needed all the crap with Spridal and Chimchim to remind everyone that it was supposed to be a kids movie.

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already been done

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