'Fortnite' Revenue Reportedly Drops By Nearly 50% In One Month


What were you doing when Fortnite was killed?

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Playing NWN persistent worlds

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Pls tell me which, I've been looking for one for so long

Now you've got me wanting to reinstall. It's been so long since I've played that

pick you poison



wait do you need some cancerous beamdog version of NWN for this?

only the best for you

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Yeah that's exactly the kind of shit I'm trying to avoid
Also, sorry OP

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Playing Apex

Yes Enchanced Edition came out and most servers with good online moved onto it
You dont need EE to play the best though

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I want Fortnite to fail because it took resources from Unreal Tournament 4, which is now on development limbo.

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This wasn't supposed to happen Epicbros. What are we gonna do now? I hope Winnie doesn't hear about this.

you sure you're playing NWN and not second life?

It won't come back user. UT is dead. Should Fortnite really go down you can bet your ass that Epic will simply look for the next big thing and not try to make another UT.

OP here. Feel free to discuss your video games. If it makes my post up to millions to see, I'll take it.

Playing Apex.

Hey it only adds to the experience

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Lol, Fortnite kiddies trying to derail the thread because they can't stand that Apex is legitimately killing it
>inb4 someone posts a screenshot of twitch viewers which doesn't indicate player count

I fucking love EA now, DIE EPIC DIE!

I know. It still feels good seeing Fortnite going down, though.

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All that was needed to kill Fortnite is a Free BR game with that runs well on consoles and doesn't have the tower building mechanism. Apex is just that.

>FOTM turd killed by the next FOTM turd
Woah how shocking.

wow that looks awesome, i cant wait to sit around a fake fire with a bunch of dudes dressed up as anime characters in a D&D game, peak kino

Huh, was just installing Origin to try out Apex.

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>did read the article and replied like a retard