Was this the most kino videogame?
Was this the most kino videogame?
It was pretty kino.
yes it was kino and comfy.
didn't the original devs recover the IP rights? LBA3 when?
What type of game was LBA anyway?
It feels like an RPG in aspects but there aren't many of the traditional hallmarks. And I can't think what other genres really suit it.
Pretty sure it was always classified as adventure
my dad loved this game
watched him play this when I was like 6
It's an isometric adventure game, sorta like Sanitarium.
It's like the most literal interpretation of the term "action adventure". Basically an old school PC adventure game, with added combat.
I've still got that in my backlog. Good game?
It's pretty zany and creepy, give it a try.
Good game. You can beat it in two days.
someone should shoop the amazon wagie cagie into the blue sqaure
there is a weird influx of LBA recently, like it's the 10th time in 2 month someone mention it.
great game btw
I never played the original but LBA2 was a big part of my childhood gaming. I love that game to death.
LBA2 was better, but this was a great series anyway. A shame there's no LBA3 to this day.
Action adventure in some ways similar to Zelda, but it has way more focus on NPCs and its story, it's all fully voice acted and you can punch pretty much all NPCs in the games and see how they react.
I think it may never happen because Fred & co want a publisher for this, it would be costy to make LBA3 and nobody wants to fund them, lighthearted games are too niche I guess.
Also they never lost the rights to LBA. Frederick Raynal released that horror game called 2Dark, I think it sold poorly, it also had Denuvo so it didn't help.
The sequel was.
I never played LBA2 but I played LBA religiously. By the time I got 2 I lost interest. Is it that good really?
the sequel is better just because you can actually relax in a few towns instead of rushing through while dodging bullets
there's been a LBA/LBA2 fanboy repeatedly posting about it for almost a decade now
but he doesn't post the same shit over and over and over (except in webm threads of the past) so i don't give a fuck
Yes, most people consider 2 superior to 1, and it has 3D outdoors which help to aim with the ball, since aiming with isometric camera is a pain in the ass. Also they have some improvements, like being able to use anything no matter which behavior mode you're using. Also in LBA2 you visit another planet, there's a different currency in there, if you enjoyed LBA1 you'll for sure like 2 a lot.
At the very least give the first part of the story a try. It has a pretty great children of the corn vibe.
LBA2 is one of my favorite games, I loved it as a kid.
Taught me English, and had amazing music to boot. The open world completely captivated me.
Back then, you didn't get these kinds of amazing tunes in vidya.
Imma give it a go, then.
Got far too many games.
Kill yourself.
Just fucking kickstart that shit you dumb frenchies
even the installation music of LBA is amazing
Absolutely, yes. Man, it might be dumb but the feeling of wonder as a kid when that installed is one of my fonder memories.
LBA3 would take way more to develop than a kickstarter, Frederick Raynal said they wouldn't like to use it. They would need
>full voice acting
>melee combat
>multiple weapons/items
>some vehicles, like the car at least
>some light stealth
>hubs world in the style of the old 3D Zeldas (non-BotW)
That's a lot of money, especially having tons of fully voiced NPC with a little branching dialogue, just to match the original games.
lba2 is in my replay every few years list.
Very few games are in that list.
Its a amazing one of a kind game.
For anons who are interested, GoG has lba 1/2 for modern pcs.
Have you ever played Beyond Good & Evil? LBA is quite similar to that game, same multiple races world, lots of intrigue in its story and stuff. In fact I'm pretty sure LBA was a big influence on Michel Ancel to make BG&E. Both games are also quite light hearted.
I love LBA2, but always found the fact that you can kill the final boss with a single casting of a simple AOE spell a funny design decision/overlooking
i'm still here :^)
Yes, BG&E is a great game.
I like any game that lets me explore a world, properly.
this is my game nigga
really fun speedrun too
here are some races' backgrounds
Ohhh, I loved those details, they made the game great.
>mfw accidentally finding the alien base entrance in the sauna
that very last room is a fucking nightmare
even getting to it is a nightmare
if you have max magic left by then then frankly you've earned an easy win
Ten life points? COOL!
>game rewards cow humping with extra lives
worse voice acting (all characters have new voice actors)
new non-sensical stuff that breaks the tone of the first one
feels smaller thanks to the outdoors being 3D change
know what would have been good? LBA Enhanced without the tacked on motion controls
if they just upped the res and revamped the UI then it would have been perfect, even just as an option
That looks like some weird combination of Fallout and Crusader No Remorse.
freds a dirty sod
you know that rabbibunny in principals lupin burg that helps you move the supergro outside the astronomers house? well he said she was a hooker
childhood ruined
you didn't understand that as a child?
there were a few rabbibunni hookers, there's one in the bar that tells you were the supergros took zoe as well
Ahh, these fucking frenchies
the french are all about that kinky shit, I remember Fred said that they were few guys in a room, and that's why they decided to leave the cow humping giving lives thing
*few guys developing the game in a room for months I mean
I used to love this game as a kid, I remember it having a ton of secrets you could miss. Am I remembering that right? Too many games I loved as a kid turned out to be pretty mediocre when I replayed them as older.
I still enjoy playing LBA2 to this day, it has flaws like the controls, but it has a charm that's pretty much unmatched, and the hitting every NPC and seeing how they react never gets old. It's sad that there aren't games similar to it being made, and LBA3 will never happen.
these games were so fucking creepy and French
seeing the OP immediately made me think of Sanitarium, what the fuck
The first game is pretty much straight forward and has no extra content. Everything in the game has to be done.
LBA2 was even better.
easily in the top ten adventure games, possibly the best non lucasarts one.
For a similar feeling try Stasis. Couple of wacky brothers from south africa made it a few years ago.
They're making another one
with jrpg-lite combat or something
This guy gets it. Real kino should make you want to throw up while you consume it.
>mfw rocket spamming mecha-elephants
i tried playing LBA 2 the other day
i cant believe i liked this trash as a kid, that camera is fucking atrocious, the worst ive ever seen
i guess not every game can be a "commandos 2" and age like wine
Why the fuck do they set the bar so high? Games can be made from ashtray pennies now or patreon meme and become successful if they are just good with some soul. Fuck voiced dialogue in 10 languages.
No publisher will sink millions into something as weird as LBA.
Why was it so easy for them to make 2 games back in the 90s (and others making similar type games), while today it seems impossible.
Same with f.ex. if Nintendo used the same tools they used to make lttp but with the power they used to make botw we could have a fuck huge alttp game. but it will never happen because it won't sell because people don't want that type of style game anymore.
Ecstatica and LBA2 were amazing.
Well, ambition is what made LBA2 so great.
>full voice acting
Because all those things I posted were in LBA2, would it make sense to make LBA3 and suddenly there's no voice acting? I don't mind games lacking voice acting, but it will feel like going backwards, it's like making Half-Life 3 and then it's some pixel 2D game now.
I would expect LBA3 to cost 30million or so to make, they'd need a team of people to constantly work on it, I don't think it's as easy as you say, what other games are being made with patreon? With kickstarter people can only get around 3-5million, Star Citizen is some bizarre outlier where people throw 15,000 dollars on some digital goods.
Because standards have been raised, Twinsen modeled in 1997 was much cheaper to do than even a smaller budget 3D model in 2019. I'm not saying they have to put Witcher 3 to shame, but even basic stuff now would cost more, it would be compared to other games and such.
LBA2 was fully voice acted, every single dialogue has voice acting.Even when Twinsen reads a sign to himself there was voice acting.
Ubisoft killed them, look at BGE2
>hey it's a prequel now
>hey the dialogue is mature games for mature gamers such as myself with FUK DA POLICE cringefest
>we will use procedural generation for parts of it
>oh also it's always-online lol
>mfw grew up with the ps1 port
I imported the japan version because I heard it was bad, and my god
Sims Urbz on GBA. PS2 version was hot fucking garbage but the GBA version is fucking kino.
>Because standards have been raised, Twinsen modeled in 1997 was much cheaper to do than even a smaller budget 3D model in 2019. I'm not saying they have to put Witcher 3 to shame, but even basic stuff now would cost more, it would be compared to other games and such.
But would they have to do that? The LBA-games are 'cult classics' at this point and I of course realise the need to make money from your job but even if they could get the budget to make it on par with current gen games would a series like LBA attract new players?
Raynal already stated the LBA3 would be a 'soft reboot' of sorts because its just been too long since the last game. Which means an investor in the game would probably seek to increase the popularity of the game to make more money.
Whereas if it was just a passion-project over several years that came out looking like the other 2 games - no fan of the two previous ones would be upset.
Man, I miss these feels.
I wish I could play comfy vidya with my dad again.
I think it's more that they want to do justice to the fans and newcomers of the franchise, it's probably what they have that is most loved, they don't really have other IPs that are as notable. Many of those crowdfunded games are pretty much 2D, smaller budget games that wouldn't do justice to their vision of LBA3, that's my guess.
I mean they would have to make it fully 3D, because aiming the weapons in isometric mode was a pain in the ass, LBA3 would greatly benefit from some aiming controls. Some improved brawling would be nice too. I don't think they would be okay with releasing it with the same graphics as the original games, these days weapons in modern games probably have more polygons than the character models of LBA1/2. They don't have to make them ultra detailed, but they could do vast improvements without recycling the old games' graphics, but it would have a cost. 3D indie games already look better than LBA1/2 did in some regards, it would look bad on the devs, as veterans of the games industry if they couldn't come out with something better looking than some neckbeards that made a Hat in Time and so on.
Every time that intro music plays, the first few seconds make me incredibly melancholic to a point where it's unbearable and I have to get some fresh air.
FUN-STORY (for anyone interested)
>be kid in the 90s
>go with dad to some computer store
>roam around and look at demo PCs while he talks to the store clerk
>see LBA running on one of the demo PCs
>literally have no idea how the controls work, only manage to walk around
>prison guards come up on screen and start to beat the shit out of Twinsen
>PC speakers fill the room with "UH!", "AHRG!", every time Twinsen gets the stick
>Dad is finished talking and comes to pick me up
>Dad has no idea about computers and randomly hits a button, which happens to pause the game coincidentally
>Dad says: "This violence has an end now!", while he grabs me and drags me out of the store
>See some random older guy in the store give me a smug grin, as we're leaving
>feel super embarrassed for the rest of the day and never enter that store again on my own
T-Thanks dad.
I got the game later on but was too stupid to make it very far. It had a great sense of vulnerability though. You genuinely felt threatened from a clowny ass elephant entering the room searching for you. Today you have the most brutal monsters on screen but they never even manage to make you feel scared.
Just do what they did in the enhanced version of LBA, show the trajectory of the ball depending on where you were moving.
Oh shit it that some Twinson? My little sister and I used to play as kids but we didn't really know what we were doing so we'd just go around attacking the elephant people and running away when they got pissed off.
But LBA would greatly benefit from good modernizations to its aiming scheme, a fully 3 world, and a camera that follows the player around instead of the constant having to adjust the camera solution they had in 2. Some aspects of the series, trying to do lots of types of gameplay, platforming, stealth, melee and shooting is something that modern audiences can relate to, same for its old 3D Zelda hub world approach.
Also there were changes from LBA1 to LBA2, the addition of 3D environments was a good change, then LBA3 20 years later lacking anything new in that front would probably come across as lazy.
>the addition of 3D environments was a good change
I disagree, thought that cheapened the game
>You will never play LBA2 for the first time again
It made aiming the magic ball much easier aligning the camera with the enemies, and it can allow some 3D platforming and stuff.
>lay it over and over again
>always have fun with it