Ace Combat 7

>*unexpectedly drops kino on your path*
Is this -dare I say- /ourgoty2019/?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Nah, it's boring ass weebshit.

Trigger a cute

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>a friend is a huge fun of AC
>convinces me to play the ps2 trilogy
>they're fun
>really fun
> want AC7
>can't because I already bought REmake 2

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yes, GOTY for sure

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Back to resetera with you, tranny.

Last time I checked i was a straight caucasian male. Pretty sure I still am.

Trigger dont have that hairstyle.

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Always wanted to play AC, but I don't own a console. Is any of them on PC, or are there emulators out there?

I've already plat it and I'm still playing it. Been a while I had this much fun
Can't wait for the dlc

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Summer is early this year.

the last one came out on PC three weeks ago

The latest is on PC and it's a great port.

they can be emulated, play 4,5 and 0 in that order

just pirate it

The last ace combat i played was when PS2 was released, i surprisingly enjoyed it very much. I love how Trigger becomes more and more of a boogeyman the farther in you go, more games should do this.

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For new clueless players maybe.

Just got into it, a blast for sure. Which branch of the aircraft tree should I be investing in to get the best plane? What should I be lookin for?

I don't keep up with mutt e-celeb jew SJW cancer like you do kid. I never gave a shit about the Gamergate cancer so why should i care about resetera drama and trannies. fuck off and stop spamming this shit on a vidya board you /pol/tard mutt cuck.

Fuck, there's too many good games recently...I think i'm gonna buy Ace Combat 7 on sales sadly.

if I like metal gear will I like this game?

well if you like Metal Gear youll know jumping straight to 7 is a bad idea as far as enjoyment of the story goes

>glass panel shatters before mihalys daughter shoots the ai storage despite no other shots made
>"nation" gets struck through before the final takeoff even though the nations haven't fallen into anarchy yet
>princess saying "can you hear me" at the very end
am i a brainlet for not understanding these

ok what games do I need to play before this

Never waste your money on slavshit.

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I kinda like it. But wish the story was better presented.

I have only played AC2 long time ago, so i struggled quite a bit to finish it on normal.

How can i pilot like Mihaly, lads? Most of the time i just do G-turns and i still can barely keep up with him.

Also, this game gives me too much praise for flying in a straight line.

Not true at all. Someone who has played only 7 won't get many of the references but the story is more-or-less self contained.

So Metal Gear is a big weird anime war game? Ace Combat is basically the same thing. Just anime with planes.

those numbers are pretty inflated, the Israelis fake their kill numbers. but for the most part the image is still right, slavshit sucks


>jumping straight to a PREQUEL is a bad idea

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That dude is full of shit, just look up a lore video or something. The ace combat games are something that can be enjoyed storywise without knowledge of prior games, since the canon order is all over the place. Knowing about the other games just enhances it to a degree.

Hell yeah
Seriously though is there even anything else of note coming out this year? I don’t know of anything that could beat it

All paths leads to the only superplane playable eventually. Best plane is subjective, just pick whatever you want. Su-57 has PLSL which if used effectively just deletes everything. F-22 has QAAMs that makes drone fights a lot easier and XSDB that is fantastic in groundpunding hit n run tactics. YF-23 has UGBs with high ammos if you prefer to drop big ass bombs.

Have they released any DLC or content pack or is it still 20 mission campaign only game?

>slav shit planes
>slav shit planes being piloted by poos

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Mihaly fucking cheats. He and some other aces in the game do impossible turns that the player can't perform. They'd also shred the aircraft from the stresses.
This is the fanciest you can get as the player character.

>You should watch later made prequels before originals

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Pulse laser is really good in SP. Railgun is good too. A very different flavor of weapons compared to just special missiles. Attackers are useless. Both the F-22 and PAKFA are god tier for getting s ranks so just go with whichever planes you like.

They said there will be 6 DLC packs in the season pass.

I hope idolplanes show up too

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there's little nods to 4, 5, and 0, but the story is almost completely standalone otherwise
i would still recommend playing through them before this, the difficulty curve ramps up pretty hard with the prisoner missons so its nice to get acquainted with flying under pressure
just look up "ace combat emulation 2019" and find the dude with a weird accent

I don't get the fucking anime girls on planes. And I'm a massive weeb that has figures of naked anime girls.

Is it like the nerds that put anime girls on their cars?

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no it was a cross promotion, the same company makes those idol master games so they just did a big promotion with them on the planes. I think they look silly, but I dont really mind

Zero is still the best

I dunno because I don't have any consoles and my PC sucks, but I've played 4, 5, 0 and R Racing Evolution because of the hype for this game since last month and it sure was a blast.

Itasha is a Japanese thing so it leaked into Ace Combat too. Not that I mind.

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Nah. You a faggot

is there any game that even comes close to how zero feels? Only game I can think of off hand is AC:FA and that's only just barely.

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I'm about halfway through the soundtrack and it isn't nearly as good as everyone's been hyping it unless all the good tracks are toward the end
probably gonna get it when it goes on sale later

>unless all the good tracks are toward the end
not all are but the really good ones are stacked at the end

The OST is solid throughout but yeah, the really outstanding tracks are in the last few missions.

Do Pakis have American jets?

People favorites are usually Hush, Daredevil or Magic Spear I and II. They're towards the end.

Faceless Soldier is gud too.

Siren's Song is the best track in the game. It also plays in the best mission in the game so that's cool. I hope the DLC levels are on the same level.


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For fighters, they have F-16s. But so does everyone else in the world.

I'm really curious to see what the DLC missions will be. Is it going to be events in between the current story missions or will we get something else entirely?

Ugly ducklings that didn't get their fair shake. As awesome an aircraft as the F-22 is the Raptor program has been a massive shitshow.

SEETHING and weebchads living rent free in your head year round.

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*ahem* FUCK OSEA

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I don't like the engine nozzles but otherwise it's fine. I do see why USAF went with the F-22 though

why the fuck hasn't there been a remaster of the ps2 games

I pirate a lot but I'm super asshurt about people pirating AC7

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You fucked it up user.

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licensing issues

There was AC5 with the PS4 pre-order of AC7.

Because the series has been fucking dead since 0. 4 sold well. 5 sold less but still well. 0 sold like shit. 6 sold like shit. AH sold well but everyone hated it so it still hurt the brand. After three games in a row that sold like shit why would anyone greenlight a remaster? It was a dead series until Infinity saved everything.
AC7 sold well so maybe that'll be enough. But maybe it won't. At this point it'd be easier to just make AC8. Why should they remake some old games instead of making a new one? At this point the amount of people who've played the PS2 games and are still interested isn't that huge.

>like 5 or 6 different Su-30 variants

Man we could have gotten some other shit in there instead. Hopefully the DLC will add new planes.

Infinity was a blatant cashgrab of a dead series that redeemed itself by ultimately funding AC7

listening to the soundtrack alone doesnt do it justice, it shines in game. But as a whole AC7 has the best overall OST in the series

No argument here. I still have good memories of it though. Though that's partially just because I'm selectively remembering things so I'm not thinking about all the terrible memories I have of it.

Kino was on the menu as soon as the name Ace Combat was dropped.

Only being able to carry four AIM-120s is pretty bad. At least it works in AC where the missiles just magically respawn so it can hold as many as an F-22 does.

The fuel system was just bad, but gameplay wise it was very fun and plane roster is impressive as it's not limited by time constraints.

>dogfighting an F-22
Why though?
The entire point of that aircraft is having stealth capabilities that make it never be in a situation where it gets in a dogfight.

Stealth tech isn't infallible and not every aircraft is an interceptor. Dogfighting is a last resort but fighters still have to be able to do it.

No, that's the F-117. The F-22 is meant to be good at everything.

I remember reading some where during the Vietnam or korean wars burger planes were getting rekt by some migs because they didnt have machine gun, they thought their superior missiles and shit will take care of everything.
which is why after that model they start adding or at least have an option to have a close range capacity on all their fighter/multirole
I might remember it wrong tho it might be from some anime instead

What else are they going to add? Chink trash?

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This is my first Ace Combat but as a planefag I thought it was a really nice touch that they actually change the armaments of a plane depending on the nation.

I'll use Anti-ship missiles for example. The US planes use the AGM-84 Harpoon missile, I noticed the Mirage gets Exocet missiles and the Russian stuff uses the Kh-31. Good attention to detail.

redpill me on chinese planes

I unironically want the J-8 and J-20 in Ace Combat.

Plenty of people say that. It's bullshit though. The real reason was just because they weren't trained well enough. The Navy reacted by founding Top Gun and they started doing way better. The Air Force reacted by putting guns on their planes and it didn't help.
Training is more important than equipment unless there's a huge difference, and internal gun vs gunpod isn't huge.
They're just adding superplanes, I think. There are a lot of real planes that'd be nice though.

Confirming this, I spoiled myself and listened to Daredevil before I play the game and was kinda disappointed it's not Zero tier. When I finally get to the mission my impression of this song goes from 3/10 to holy shit this is fucking hype.

Not my fault if no good distribution platform exist for PC and Sony fucked up so bad the PS4 is the first Sony console hardware I decided against buying. I used to buy my games for consoles because they had a fucking box

the way its climax is synced with the arsenal bird's shield going down is godly and absolute vidya kino

Fullband did nothing wrong

When is Bandog gonna answer for his Warcrimes?


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Poos have literally every single plane though


stop trying so fucking hard to fit in
I fucking hate you


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Best waifu

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>Ace Combat
>unexpectedly drops kino
can someone post a brainlet picture for me, I have none saved

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>actual A2A dogfighting in 2019
What a time to be alive

You killed this
Are you happy?

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Where are the idolplanes? I want idolplanes again.

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I pirated the game, liked it then bought it. But it seems to give me a load file error when I transfer save files from pirated to Steam. Is it really impossible to transfer save files like this?

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/aceg/ was right

India and Pakistan are playing Ace Combat with each other

>mfw just pirated both AC7 and REmake2

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I play every mission in the MiG-31 because fast.

Posting superior version
Also I raped them after beating them into submission by flying inside the APS hole

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are you 12 and without access to the internet or something?

Mig31 is a qt

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>>"nation" gets struck through before the final takeoff even though the nations haven't fallen into anarchy yet
It means Trigger and the others are no longer fighting for any nation because the drones are threatening all of mankind. All the nations are on the same side in the end, making the concept of separate nations irrelevant for that mission.

Should be the plot of AC8

I pirated the game, told Ace fans about it and everyone was cool about it so I bought the game after liking it.

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>"nation" gets struck through before the final takeoff even though the nations haven't fallen into anarchy yet
Civil war happened on all over Usean continent due to communication blackout, especially Erusia. Did you even see those chaos at Last Hope escort mission?

I'd buy it but can't afford it right now

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I am sorry and ashamed for saying this but.. Assault Horizon


Flanker is objectively the best looking plane, F-22 second.
pak fa is just too flat for me

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> unlocked the EML
> next mission seems to be an air to ground mission (fleet destruction)
> brain telling me that I should go for A10 with the multiple ground to air missiles
> sortie in the F-18 with EML anyway because I really want to try out the EML
> EML proceeds to rape everything because it can one shot ships and sink platform from across the map
> pass the mission with ease

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Ace Combat Shmup when?

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Give Fulcrum some love dude

Northern Wings already exist.

Thats good, because you should never ever go with the A-10. Unless ofc you just want to gimp your ass for fun.

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just when i thought this plane couldn't get any sillier.

I was the same when I unlocked the Falken back in AC5 the first time.
>Surely this laser will be useless against ground targets, and be a pain in the ass to dogfight with.


I don’t think I could have cleared long day on hard without the A10 because it was the only one with the multi anti-ground missiles that early in the game

here have a SAM site

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what was pajeet flying?

TLS in AC7 is gimped compared to 5 and 0 but you can do webm related now I guess.

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Rocket F-2 is a good option on that mission. Lots of groups for you to spam.

Il give you that one, but thats also what makes hard hard. You have to do base bombings with shitty planes.







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Oh buddy. Its like the matrix, after a while you wont even hear it anymore. You will just notice what missiles you need to dodge and what to ignore.

But I still hear it in my dreams

Probably a J-

That's the Pakis

Then take comfort in the fact that you are on your way to become a true ace. Embrace the missile warning, let it become one with you and throu your fusion, rule the skies.

The missile spam in this is nothing compared to AC6.

Which is my main complaint with AC7, the only difficulty came from the time limit for the missions. I was hopping that Ace would have you die in one missile, but the damage seems to be the same for all difficulties. What's up with that? The only way Ace seems to get harder is the score required for some missions, but it's only a few more planes you have to kill anyway and by the time you have Ace you should have most planes unlocked so you can just 8AAM or whatever.

The final track (hush) should have been a remix of Archange.

The x-AAM missiles are so fucking useless in this game I hate it

8AAM is useless, but 4AAM and 6AAM's still servicable especially on Arse Birds. Just slap homing and reload parts and spam away.

what are you smoking Daredevil becomes way better with 6AAMs

Aresenal birds are such a lame enemy holy shit
>just sits there and shits out NPC drones
>massive blindspots for its weapons
>creates a shield so you just have to fly around in circles and wait for it to be over
>all you have to do is get behind it and shoot it, maybe dodge a missile if a drone targets you

>not dropping bombs on top of it

>the Israelis fake their kill numbers

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MP is very fun with them because you can just apply pressure for days and then swoop in with modded standard missiles

do they inflate their death numbers as well?
>oy vey! 6 million defenseless Israeli fighter jets were slaughtered!

> >

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Summer never ended.

>Serving in the Erusea Navy just like my father and grandfather
>During the war some guy just 360 noscope the ship i work

Hush slaps