Can a space marine carry the ring to mount doom?

Can a space marine carry the ring to mount doom?

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No, but a Chaplain would.

maybe if he's an assault marine so he can jump pack there


no you fucking nig nog
and don't bring up gay knights

What about Nun-fetish fap bait?

yeah no they'd get corrupted right quick. Just see how many chaos space marines are running around.

The more powerful the wearer, the more prone they are for a fall from grace. SM is basically a very low tier early elf or a high tier human during LoTR. Not really powerful but not a complete slouch.

However SMs get corrupted as fuck all the time

it would probably be too small to fit on his fingers, so no.

Maybe a CSM could.
Imagine, if the biggest danger is getting corrupted, why not use someone who already is?
There is no fault in my logic.

pretty fucking sure the One Ring can resize itself so it can slip off people

>can resize itself
I've forgotten a ton of stuff from the books so you might be right.

the real question is... can a guardsman do it?

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>sixty trillion years pass
>still no plastic models

fucking when?

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it's okay, I literally forgot the ring can corrupt people when I first opened this thread
I do remember Frodo kept it on a chain so it can't slip off though

Kaldor draigo could do it.
He beat up tzeentch

One million guardsmen later, the IG will have delivered the ring without fail

i bet HERO OF THE IMPERIUM can do it in his spare time

September retard.
Gandalf refused because he knew he'd be corrupted
a neo-human has nothing on Gandalf especially seeing how malleable souls are in 40k

Gandalf knew he was too powerful and risking him being corrupted would be horribad.

Space marines are very susceptible to corruption

He wouldn't carry it to the mount doom, he'd deep strike there in a manouver that codex astrates names STEEL REHN

Tom bombadil could have done it, but he was to busy with elf pussy.


so how come it wasn't just given to gollum, he's a total rock bottom fucking retard king of all plebs

Could a space marine toss the ring from the shire to mt. Doom?

you should see how it ends

He would win in a fight vs. Frodo.
They couldn't pick a weaker candidate.

omgz u r rite wtf??

how powerful would a space marine with the one ring be?

I'll believe it when I finally see it.

Heresy grows from idleness.

METAL BAWKSES are also impervious to all weapons in Middle Earth

At least Kharn tier