I know it's made by the same guy that made RE4 - a game I love - but the reviews for TEW are very mixed, and some people say it's shit. What does Yea Forums think of it?
Will I like The Evil Within if I like Resident Evil?
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TEW is what RE4 and RE2make wish they were
Weird game, goes hard on it's Saw-like aesthetic which I appreciate.
I personally really like it but a lot of people think it's janky as fuck. If you pick it up on sale I don't think you'll be disappointed.
They're both great
In what ways?
I would put it way above RE5 and 6, a little above Revelations 1 and 2, and quite a bit below RE4 and RE2make
I don't understand why people compare TEW with RE4, completely different games and what little similarities the two shares begins and ends within one short chapter in the first act of the game.
Same creator, and same genre
it reminded me a lot of Shutter Island aesthetically
it was an ok RE4 clone
It's the perfect definition of a "7 out of 10" game. Has some good ideas executed poorly, sporadic difficulty spikes, barely follow able plot, lame characters, etc. On the flip side, the enemy designs are top notch, the gameplay is somewhat inspired and certainly competent and if you ignore the story and skip cutscenes and just play it as if you're playing RE4 then you may have a decent amount of fun with it. I picked it up on launch and was severely disappointed; game had way too many problems to count. Also, avoid the unnecessary dlc.
>linear as fuck
>no puzzle based exploration
>walk 10ft world warps and you're in the woods walk 10ft more world warps again you're in a basement walk 10ft world warps again and you're in a lightless room with a massive in front of and just as it's about to kill you the world warps again and you are back to safety
wow, is it really that bad?
It plays like REmake2 but much worse, full of shitty forced stealth
The whole game is set in a "reality" made up of the fears of the participants controlled by a literal fucking teenage emo psycho killer with a hood covering half his face. Not a single fucking thing makes sense.
It's a dream basically. And its unique setting is what makes it so good.
It's the best horror series of modern times.
"Series" doesn't really mean much when it only has two entries in it and is already over.
It's been less than two years since the second game mate
It sold very poorly
You sounds like someone who likes Silent Hill? Do you? I bet you suck dick. Do you suck dick? Of course you do; you're a bonafide faggot.
Horrible game that gets the bare bones structure of survival horror right but then fucks up basically all the fine detail. Feels like a Chinese copy of RE basically, devoid of soul.
It's decent enough, a bit of a cluster fuck of cool ideas that aren't executed all that well. If you're into survival/action horror by all means check it out, personally prefer the second game.
Itskinda shityy
This user is right.
Story is bad, almost Bioshock:Infinite levels of bad. Almost.
But the gameplay part is solid. In fact, first time you play, it's just ok. But when you replay it and know what you're doing it gets fun and it becomes a good game.
But then again, there are some big problems with the gameplay itself.
>Insta-death moments
>Sudden difficulty spike
>No puzzles
Otherwise it would be almost as good as RE4.
That's common to hear even though the second game had twice the peak on Steam.
get it for PC with the 60fps fullscreen patch. its kino
Is this inspired by Alec Baldwin’s “wanna smoke?” dialogue from the departed?
If this is the best that modern horror vidya has to offer then I'm the fucking Queen of England. I've played through both games and both are unoriginal and not even that scary. The only thing holding it up is the Shinji Mikami formula they keep recycling.
I like RE4 more but it's still a very good game, I would definitely recommend it and its DLC.
Pleb filter: the series
Both games are 100% kino and worth playing for sure
I imagine you'd recommend something like Outlast or RE 7 that are glorified walking jump scare simulators.
Second game is a huge step down in difficulty though.
>linear as fuck
and this is bad... because??
Both games are great, but if you're hoping for RE4 again you won't get it. Resource management is way more strict in TEW.
Just note, the first game is janky as fuck. The PC version is better than the console one, but not by much. 2 is overall the better game I think, certainly more well rounded. I guess you could say it lacks a little of the first game's soul though. Also they changed all the voice actors in 2 and I much prefered Sebastian's original VA.
Yeah, I feel like the first game lost many points because it was too frustrating for the average player.
>"open" areas
>stealth gimmick that made the game easy mode
no wonder people liked it more
The Kino Within
The game was advertised as the "remember shinji? it's just like resident evil!" and then it turns out to be Silent Hill meets RE4 just even more linear and with even less puzzles. Go and watch the pre-release promo material, not a single hint about the game being set in crazy land but instead puts a heavy emphasis on puzzles more or less showing you every puzzle in the final game but strongly implying that there is way more to come.
Shame we only played so little of Agent Thiccman.
if you like RE4 then I see little that would prevent you from liking this.
it does a few things better gameplay wise and a few things worse. one of the things I really like about it compared to 4 is the focus on a horror setting. RE4 felt like it mostly gave up on that after the village.
Her DLC was awful.
Joseph... Joseph had a hard life...
I found the character dialogue and some moments in 2 to be way cringier/cheesier than in 1.
Janky, faster-paced RE4, refreshingly free from garbage Americanisms that shit up most new video games. TEW2 disappointed me with its incessant cutscenes, disgustingly tropeish tryhard hollywood reject story, streamlined gameplay and general shittiness compared to the first one.
TEW actually feels like a fucking video game. It's great fun.
Story is incompetently executed but elements of what's there are great. The characters are kind of one-note but well played for what they are. Ruvik is a very cool villain, they went further than they had to with him.
thanks to fuckwits like you TEW2 happened
First one is great, has that distinct Mikami feel of impeccable pacing, solid weapon balance and varied environments. Really fucking good, underrated game.
Second game wasn't directed by Mikami and it shows. It's a lot more generic, self-indulgent and repetitive. Still good though.
TEW3 plot possibilities:
>Centered around the Cedar Hill cult from the first game. Possibly real world stuff, because the twin monsters were irl beings. Perhaps Joseph Oda launches an investigation of the church, tasked by Juli Kidman that was raised there?
>Ruvik takes hold of Leslie's body.
>Someone tries to take over the world by using wireless stem system.
Its good, most negativity comes from the fact during launch it was a buggy mess. TEW 2 is better gameplay wise but it doesn't have the same crazy "new thing on every next corner"-pacing that the first game had. In the first game you can't anticipate whats going to happen next because the sections can change in a second.
hang yourself, fucktard. but what it needs is a map for you to explore through solving puzzles and getting key items. not a bullshit fuck world that can change at any moments notice throwing all your planning out the window?
It's good. Handles survival horror well than RE4. You need to use and be smart about everything just to survive. Has a lot of flaws like accuracy and piss poor run speed at the start. There are also some jank involved.
I kinda disagree form a gameplay perspective. I enjoyed the first game, it worked well. The second game i found dreadfulyl boring with its really stiff stealth and boring open hub world with the crafting and small ability upgrades that i feel your character should always have had in his arsenal from the start. the sequel just took too many elements that bogged down the core gameplay and did these elements worse than how they appear in so many other games.
Also side quests i was so bothered that there was boring side quests in a horror type game like this
Back to your open world games retard.
You need to shut the fuck up right now.
OP, play the first one then play it again. Never once think about playing the sequel as it’s one of the worst games of all time.
post yfw playing akumu mode
>classic RE is open world
Wow, at least that's a new one.
You're in a TEW thread. What advantage is there to treading all over one setting back and forth over constantly being thrown into new shit? How does planning play into this and why does that even matter so much?
The game constantly changes things up, to keep the gameplay from getting stale, you have linear sections and you have more open areas like the village and a mansion that pretty much feels like the RE1 mansion with puzzles and shit like that.
Nah TEW2 is aight. It's just not great like the first one is.
Or just Ruvik continues his work of trying to enter his Sisterfus brain, this time outside the influence of Moebius. STEM 3.0 includes an improved Wireless connection which can connect larger area than just few blocks in a city.
Remember when the second game attempted humor
His sister's dead. It was pretty obvious at the end of the Kidman DLC than Ruvik plans to control the world through STEM and bately cared about Laura. Laura being that abomination in his world shows his twisted psyche.
I guess i felt playing it felt more tedious and didnt improve enough for me to keep going. I beat it after putting it down several times, so i didnt really get invested in its plot
XD i love 4th wall humor
The evil within is an awful game.
Having said that...
The evil within 2 is one of the best horror games I’ve ever played.
>has been spending the entire time between games drinking and hating himself
>is younger looking, has a clearer voice, looks cleaner and healthier overall
>also is now searching for daughteru all gayme
Fucking westernshits need every character to be sexy daddy now don't they. Can't just have a dirty disheveled mess of a dude for something different, he has to be rugged sexy daddy.
Stealth attacks ruined TEW2. It would have been such a good game without that crap.
God what a waste.
What I liked about the first game was that Sebastian was described as a functional alcoholic, he acted calm and collected, clean shaven, dressed like a pimp. Second game discarded all that and went the typical route trope.
He was actually supposed to be a dirty hobo in the concept stage.
I mean he grew a beard and it wasn't that long between games, so the only real difference is the beard, and just because he's an angry, obsessed man doesn't mean he can't bathe every now and again, his voice is almost the same and let's not forget he's in a simulation in a hivemind machine. I think the only one fixating on the sexy daddy part is you.
TEW1 concept. I hope these will be unlockable outfits if this game ever gets remastered.
Evil within 1 is a much better game than evil within 2. Unsure why they removed the match/fire system, great way of dispatching multiple enemies without spending a lot of ammo. The gel system is a bit iffy and you wont max all your upgrades in your first playthrough. The first half of the game is focused on survival/stealth but turns into an action game in the second half. It took me 3 tries to actually get into the game properly.
>evil within 2 is one of the best horror games
>horror games
I'm interested in this as well. Did it ever get updated for PS4 Pro or Xbox One X? Debating which version to get.
Pretty much this. Stealth ruined the games balance and it was so broken. I can stealth a guy. Run. Stealth him again. Doing that in TEW1 took complete mastery of the game or using resources like flash bolts.
we definitely need more kidman
he looks so old western in these two. Was there originally supposed to be some sort of angle with it being set in a western setting when in STEM?
Not sure, all I know is that it was supposed to be set in Spain, but that was changed late in development. That is why a lot of characters have Spanish names.
it's action horror at it's best and it's way more action than horror. When you can stealth kill everything it stops being scary. the Kidman dlc in the first was the closest to horror that the games got, because she had no gun for most of it.
>Kidman dlc in the first was the closest to horror that the games got, because she had no gun
how many horror games have you played?
Joseph is in fact not dead, but he's also not out of stem, and isn't it implied that Ruvik already took hold of Leslie's body in the first one?
that's why I said closest. I never said it was in fact the best representation.
If you loved the original RE games then you will love TEW1. It bears many similarities and is what RE4 should have been like IMO.
Get the second game, it plays better.
hide and seek gameplay always gets old after a few encounters. the DLC was no different. I'd rather be put up against a wall with a meager weapon than that for a horror sequence any day.
The vest one seems kinda like older style spanish stuff, not super old, but old. I think the vest was a good choice no matter what, and that's why I hate his design in 2 because he had no vest. I think you can unlock it though.
a meager weapon sure, but the base game of the first one wasn't what that was. You had a crossbow firing exploding, ice and shock bolts. I'd have liked just the small gun Sebastian had, but they'd need to rework almost the whole game, specifically the boss encounters.
It's nipjank action horror with some interesting ideas. I found immense satisfaction in small gameplay moments like burning a corpse or a haystack with a match, and catching fire to enemies nearby. Or killing a boss with an environmental trap without wasting any resources whatsoever.
TEW2 is a lot more steamlined, and thus, didn't offer the same rewarding experience, but I think it was still good and quite satisfying to play.
>the major villian you run into is interesting
>the next major enemies you face after they take hin out are fire zombies.
This was what did it. I was trying to stomach the story and the more pointless crafting but it all was boring. It was around this time I found out they had an entirely different director for the second, and then things started to make sense.
Yeah, it's a very disjointed game. Splashes of good ideas and fun enemy encounters, but with really odd pacing both in story and gameplay. One section will be an absolute blast, throwing you into a room with invisible enemies bouncing around tight cluttered corridors, but another will just become a prolonged shooting gallery with rail-shooter-styled lines of throwaway mooks designed to drain your ammo.
I don't really regret playing it as an RE4 fan, but feel like it could have been a lot more if it was just ironed out more.
Both are inferior to Dead Space.
I've yet to see any action horror game capture the simple thrill of being able to barricade yourself into a house in RE4 while listening to a chainsaw being started up outside.
I want it to go SH3 and make older Lily the protagonist who Ruvik wants to use for his new STEM.
Only if she's a rookie detective in snazzy noir attire like her dad.
I loved the idea and the villain. Too bad they were RETARDED and released TEW2 in a month full of games and REmake 2 made it hard to compete. They should bring Ruvik back or release the first two on Switch
evil within is the true resident evil 5
it's because TEW has all the scrapped things that mikami had to abandon during development because of low sales fear, the psychotic aspects, the visual fuckery and illusion based level design, it gives him a lot more freedom in building the levels and when you play it for the first time you never know what to expect
for example, at the start when you go to the first building, you might sigh and expect "oh great another """"mansion"""" with keys and shit" and then you are thrown into a fucking catarsis of action and mind fuckery that you immediately question if you are even playing as the dude you see on screen or if you are in some sort of matrix simulation, I also loved how doors like to flat out disappear and how the game doesn't teach you shit about its mechanics and you are left to survive by yourself figuring out what works and what doesn't, I spent the first 10 minutes burning all bodies thinking they would get up again only to find out they are mostly ammo conserving traps for other enemies or safe bets for large areas where gauntlets spawn
fuck off dartigan