What's the darkest shit a game ever had? Doesn't matter if it's done in a particularly cheesy way, so long as it left a grim impression on you.
What's the darkest shit a game ever had? Doesn't matter if it's done in a particularly cheesy way...
Other urls found in this thread:
wp in spec ops the line if you played the game blind
>we live under a broken information system that only exists to perpetuate war because that's how it survives
>there's no ideology behind it, no end goal, no counter force, no humanity, just a nigh-Lovecraftian drive that exists by fault of design
>and it will kill us all before it will allow itself to change
Killing straight up American soldiers in modern gear in the beginning was the worst part. I'd never thought of America as the losers, and their battle chatter was pretty realistic from what I remember so it felt really weird gunning them down.
rule of rose's entire story, honestly
The elementary school in dead space 2 with exploding babies and packs of monster kids you have to kill. That part where the mother calls her necro-baby and then it laughs and explodes and kills her gets to me.
I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream was a pretty dark experience for me. The Wikipedia article on the book got me interested because the entire idea of a super computer torturing a group of people for bringing it into existence was pretty cool. AM dangling freedom in front of the characters but making it hard for them to attain through their personal fears was really cool. I did like Ellen's story about how she could easily escape but AM used her fear of the colour yellow to dissuade her from ever getting out.
This one is pretty dark. Not that I know enough others to really compare.
Also made me laugh at people who brought up Roko's Basilisk as if it was deep.
Far Cry 2 itself isn't very dark but playing the game in 2009 with a more naive and idealistic mind and seeing the jackal and his worldview as "just another crazy badguy" compared to replaying it in 2019 with a more mature mindset and listening to his interview tapes and realizing there's more than just a bit of truth in his words left me feeling a bit nihilistic for a for a few days after finishing the game not long ago
Bless you, I'm gonna have to play through fc2 again. I talked so much shit about it with friends, but everything I've seen says that I will enjoy it much more that other farcry games
>I'd never thought of America as the losers
They don't teach you much in history class, do they?
Might sound kinda weak, but the bit in Bioshock Infinite where the guys are bidding for jobs for who can do it fastest and cheapest cut a bit close to the bone for me.
cook-cook questline from new vegas is pretty dark
a german rpg maker trash game where you had to gauge out little girls eyes infront of her family to see the ocean of blood (maybe it wasnt exactly like that, cant remember shit)
Jenny getting her brains blown out in the darkness and then your guy committing suicide a second later.
Both Manhunt games were incredibly dark. And I am not talking about the gore. Both had very fucked up themes that remain incredibly ballsy to this day.
Would've liked the game more if it wasn't so horribly janky and boring during it's downtime imo
Probably the concentration camp segment in Growlanser 4, especially that part where you talk to that one girl.
The botchling in witcher 3 was pretty dark.
Shame the PC port is so bad it's literally unplayable.
for me it always will be the sausage mission from GTA I or II
the idea and execution are so disgusting, i get nauseous just thinking about it
poor gorrister
>forces you to use white phosphor
>LMAO U BAD GUY!!11111111
And all the basedboy fags fall for it
Robert Stanton is a treasure.
Fear and Hunger, some highlights
>Seeing a streamer feed a human orgy pile/human corpse pile/human hydra a little girl and watch her get eaten alive. Streamer got pissy about being given nothing and the human hydra called him a prick for not feeding it more delicious human
>Chopping the prison guards huge dongs off
>Finding a bunch of cultists in bunny masks having and orgy and being given the option to join it
>Crawling out of a human corpse mound
>Dying because you crawled down a well or toliet and now you can't get back up
this fucked me up
True ending of Witch's House.
Soul Nomad's evil route
Can't really think of a piece of recent media darker than pic related
Everything about this game is unsettling
Drakengard in general
Nothing good happens to anyone in that game
how can people even find top down games scary?
the perspective really makes immersion impossible
Stasis. The entirety of it, as long as you carefully read the logs
good taste
Also all of fucking LISA the painful
Pretty good stuff desu. I didn't play Amnesia because of it's meme quality, but when I finally did it turned to be actually interesting. Soma even better, but it was painfully indie quality when it comes to execution.
weebshit is so fucking cringy lmao
too much soi in their diets desu
Didn't think I had one until you mentioned it
the scene where Furiae is >resurrected was especially creepy
and the watchers eating Arioch
Yarhar'gul in Bloodborne.
I don't understand what happened to the people in the walls or what happened with those "candle" kneeling corpses or where the bell maidens are summoning stuff from.
daily reminder science disproved the soi meme
I'm not sure why I was so surprised how dark the last few hours of Alice were, it put the rest of the game to shame
How can anything apart from jumpscares be scary?
by having a functioning brain
I still remember some of the Joy monsters.
Also Disco Head Guy left an impression on me for some reason.
wait that was in madness returns? Why don't I remember this
fuck off soiboi
It's an overused series now, but Demon's Souls and Dark Souls endings were pretty fucking bleak once they set in.
your mother's bull
he was pretty dark
MGSV Ground Zeroes.
How many games have a scene where a 13-year old boy is forced to watch as a bunch of guys rape a woman, after which they force him to rape her?
Even if it's audio-only thats still fucking dark.
the gameplay was the only thing that wasn't good but the story was pure kino
that's Widdly2Diddly which is just an avatar of austin (creator of lisa) that made all the music you hear in the game
say what you will but DDLC brought everything I didn't want to confront about myself to my face and presented it in the most human way possible
It was the first, and only, time a game made me feel what it's like to be clinically depressed
>inspired by both Event Horizon and Sanitarium
wtf I love both of those, how come I never heard of this game?
Theresia Dear Emile
How the protagonist embraces her mother abuse (from caging her to killing the boy she likes) is fucked up.
Bloodborne's Arianna quest line was pretty fucked up
Also about Gascoigne's daugthers.
>recruit Zaalbar a big-hearted, sword-wielding Wookie warrior and his best friend Mission Vao, a qt Twi'lek teen
>eventually he swears a blood oath to you because you save his home world or something similar
>when everyone (finally) notices you're actually a terrible cunt, Mission and the other good characters oppose you
>you remind Zaalbar of the oath and demand that he kills her
>he chops her to pieces, then attacks you and you murder him
that made me actually feel bad for a couple of days
Self defence motherfucker
Me neither. It is probably from the first game.
Yes it was in Madness Returns - those are the other kids
Saya no Uta, from beginning to end.
Soma left a pretty bad taste in my mouth but it was a pretty good horror game.
Wolfenstein TNO sticks out to me. The opening act ended in a real gruesome way, almost shut the game off
Nimdok's story was my favorite, he was really the only character who I felt didn't deserve redemption, besides maybe Benny. Besides, something about the Holocaust imagery was disturbing to me when I first played it, it wasn't fantastical like the other chapters, it had this tinge of realism, like how you had to perform medical experiments on children.
This is what got me to play Xenosaga. There's also a lot of dark stuff in the trilogy, shame the Xeno franchise has gone so PG.
>tinge of realism
Stone tower temple
i had to pause for a minute trying to process what happened
That secret room in Psychonauts
The game skirted some extremely dark places (suicidal kids, Oleander's childhood, the historical exploits of the Psychonauts)
The Punisher vidya where you can turn the baddies into sausages
I loved that part of the game because it let you finally kill some kids, even if they were necromorphs.
Shut the fuck up. Keep your worthless conspiracy theories in your containment board. Discuss video games or get the fuck out
Downfall, that ending with his bloated gf was nasty.
You're such a fool.
oy vey!
My nigga
absolutely seething
tee hee
The half ogre rape farm in Arcanum was unsettling.
So was the whole Broodmother thing in Dragon Age: Origins.
The organ harvesting sidequest in Cyber Slut.
It was 2 in the morning when I found the Nice Neighbourhood for the first time.
a lot of good suggestions in this thread, I really need to play more vidya
The boy got some pussy (used pussy, but still) what you on about fag?
Ignoring the stupid edgy shit like Ethnic Clensing and Harvester, I'd say the darkest/edgiest shit I've seen in a more-or-less mainstream game would be the child sexual abuse shit in Alice: Madness Returns.
The most impactful dark themes I've seen in a game (to me) would be probably either Silent Hill 2 (the entire way the game deals with suffering), Pathologic or The Void.
Also, I haven't personally played it, but there is that I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream game, and judging by the original shit, that game has to have some incredibly nasty bullshit in it.
I don't know. Spec-Ops was super meta narrative oriented. It never felt like it really talks about dark shit as much as it talks about how videogames relate to us, which is much softer theme.
This is the darkest shit thread not the hottest shit thread
What about pathologic that makes you say it's impactful?
>The Void
how is that "Darkest shit"? I can understand how you think it's dark but the game is a lot more hopeful than anything else.
Not only that but the whole POW theme going on in that game hits very close to reality. The way the prisoners sob thanking you while you're saving them really hit a note with me.
The torture chambers in Amnesia. At one point in time, that shit was real horror.
Pretty much everything. From the way the game actually introduces the player to the world, which makes it (once you get past the jank) one of the most immersive games I've ever played, to the fact that the characters are just. Fucking. GREAT. Incredibly well written, which gives their stories real fucking weight. So learning the background stories of characters like Eve or Lara fucking painful, even if it's not technically the darkest shit I've ever seen.
Oh yeah, plus the game has a LOT of child-related brutality hidden in plain sight.
maybe not dark but the masked man fight in mother 3 is super eerie and stuck with me
>how is that "Darkest shit"?
It's the most accurate representation of existential dread ever presented in an interactive form. And while there is a heavy theme of transcendence involved, it's not exactly fucking hopeful or clear.
>I'd never thought of America as the losers
Seriously? What are you being taught in history classes these days? War of 1812 and Vietnam War are two well known examples right there. You took your beatings and learned from it.
Contex on the pic?
Silent hill, Lisa, 2Dark, Hotline miami.
fuck this game
Gets em everytime. Hook, line and faggot.
Lifeweb is pretty dark. It's SS13 if it was poorly modded by some half-drunk rape and gore obsessed Gopnik and only played by his cult of cocksucking fans. Which is entirely accurate, because that's what it is.
Being shown rape, torture, scat, grisly murder, etc by a developer is one thing, but I would say that having it willingly inflicted upon you by another player is another. The whole thing is so poorly done that it comes off more as comical than actually dark, but it's more of a proof of concept than anything.
>Dragon Age: Origins
Game worth playing if I had no issues playing ME1 and 2 and enjoy dark fantasy?
Two loli androids are kept on life support so their bodies can be used as conduits to god power. Their consciousness has been trapped in a "pleasant" simulated scene for 14 years. I'm not really sure how their bodies became like this though.
Couldn't immerse myself into it.
Couldn't enjoy it as a story being viewed from an outside perspective.
The Protagonist is just too fucking dense.
I wish I could get into Pathologic and Void, they seem like really great games. I just can't play more than a couple of hours, even if it's all spaced out.
Yeah, it's not bad. It's not great either, but it works for the most part. There is just probably nothing that is going to really stuck with you, at least not much positive things.
Beepy in NieR.
>the perspective really makes immersion impossible
Not really.
Drakengard 1 forces you to kill child soldiers, the protagonist smiling all the way.
Pedro's death in Killer 7 makes my heart heavy and my testicles shrink
"Beyond the Beaten Path lies the absolute end.
It matters not who you are, Death awaits you. To live is to die, they are one of the same.
>War of 1812
Neither side "won", although the US did win the final battles of the war.
Same user. Like the game and the story for that matter is just full of a situation of despair and suffering where there's almost absolutely no way out. It's pretty terrifying.
America fucks around badly in civil strife, counterinsurgency, hearts and minds campaigns, etc. but it's hard to think of anywhere since the Japanese Pacific campaigns pre-Midway where the US just flat out lost a battle. Like where somebody can say "my forces engaged the US military and kicked their asses."
Imo FC2 is exactly the kind of game that would benefit from a remake instead of just pissing people off.
Found the kike.
Both games are very much designed for binge playing, ideally during a week-long sickness or something like that. Actually spacing them out is very much the worst thing to do, because they are of that "it's kinda hard to force yourself to start them up, though you will be glad you did in the end" school.
With all that said, I can't blame you. I hold both games as some of the best experiences I ever had with gaming as a medium, but I do not blame or think ill of people who don't have the damn patience for these things at all. I think one has to be broken a little to actually enjoy them.
>This historical revisionism
No we pretty much got our asses kicked in 1812. Suck it up and move on.
>trapped in a "pleasant" simulated scene for 14 years
Well at least they didn't go full quake 4
I wish suda would go back making dark games. Not that I hate NMH of course
>Killing straight up American soldiers in modern gear in the beginning was the worst part
Why? Why are burgers like this? Imagine slavs getting upset about MGS3.
>Great game
Upper Cathedral Ward is more unnerving
Wasn't the biggest fan of all the jumpscares, but that ending made me legitimately upset.
True, I would love farcry 2 getting a remake with the same tone as it is before
Muv Luv fucking tore my heart out repeatedly and broke me at the very last fucking scene. I still listen to the music from the series and let the emotions wash over me.
If we go to individual battles then I can find more numerous examples but in general overall wars/campaigns the biggest two were those I listed. Losing isn't necessarily a bad thing if you learned from it and improved(and you guys did.)
I'll actually keep that in mind for the next time I have a lot of free time, thank you
I basically did binge it for a few weekends (months apart mind you), ended up getting to day 3/4, and when duty called again, never felt like going back, since playing seemed like it would take such a commitment that didn't seem appropriate for some after work downtime.
I liked the bit I played
There was one quest in Oblivion or Skyrim where there was some dude hung upside down and his guts were hanging out. It was in some sort of abandoned shack. Pretty sure it was one of the guild questlines. Does anyone remember what that was, I can't find it?
Agreed, especially if you played PW and listened to all the audio tapes it was hard to not sympathize with Paz, she was about to betray Cypher and her whole mission solely to spend a peaceful day with Snake's gang and she was ultimately a good person.
Hearing about her torture and seeing her miserable "death" was really really fucked up, the change in tone from PW to GZ is absolutely huge.
hyper light drifter made me feel sad about ferret people
Play Muv Luv.
I never understood why everyone swears by the poignancy and impact of Spec Ops.
It didn't leave any impression on me at all.
Yeah, that is very accurate. Pathologic in particular is a commitment. If you drop out, it is hard to get back into it.
You can also wait for the first episode of the remake to come out, which should be some time this year, probably around Q3.
Lucien Lachance's death in the Dark Brotherhood questline?
Man seeing Rintaro trying so hard to save her and see the possibilities of how she dies were kinda shocking desu
Lost in Vivo.
Whole game is like a hellish acid trip and heavily inspired by Silent Hill.
There was a quest in Dying Light where you had to find a little boys missing brother and father that made me feel fucking awful for a few days when I finished it.
It gets old. Fast.
There aren't many games that I'd staple the label 'Walking Simulator' onto, but that game...
Suffice it to say your character won't have to worry about skipping leg day.
I don't want to play another VN though
im afraid of the feels
Corpse Party for the PSP was one that I couldn't finished. All because of that one npc that explains that if you die in the school, you're stuck there for eternity while feeling the pain you felt as you died, on top of the fact that your existence is purged from the timeline so no one remembers you. Sure it's pretty tryhard stuff now, but back then it was real shit for me.
Dark Brotherhood
You get fooled into killing some high ranking assassins, so the rest of them think your bro was having you do it and wreck his shit.
It was pretty fucked up because he sends you to find out who was the trickster, you find out, and when you go back to tell the bro who it was, you find him like that.
War of 1812 was a massive success for the US. The British lost to a bunch of crawdad fishermen and had to cede that the US was truly as independent as they were playing. Until then, England refused to acknowledge the US independence.
Vietnam war, the US only "lost" because it was playing goalie. They were there at the behest of France, and were not meant to invade the North. As long as the US was there, the South remained free. Only after the US left things in France's hands did the North take over the South.
>b-but the South was eventually invaded so they lost!
If you want to play that game, all of Vietnam is now the most capitalist-friendly people on the planet, so the US won.
>My face riding the elevator after the fuck shit happened
>Same face when I realized what my end goal actually was as I kept pushing through, lying to myself that somehow it'd be different this time
>It wasn't
that's a fucking blackpill bro
Ground zeroes really sets the fucking tone with those audio tapes, those prisoners and that bomb scene. haven't played TPP but I heard they didn't live up to it so I'm kinda disappointed
Fuck. That game was beautiful but it was such a slog. I quit playing during the underwater part and couldn't take it anymore. It's a shame.
>no, you're fucked
Don't do it user Muv-Luv fucking broke me
The super computer in Deus Ex HR was pretty fucked up. needed to run off waifus who'd been kidnapped and had involuntary spine replacements hooked up to it until their brains burnt out. after which they were promptly replaced with new stock.
There's one poignant secret cutscene in TPP, otherwise it's pretty thematically disassociated from GZ
You aren't missing on that much. The game was PAINFULLY incomplete and begins to fall apart completely even on the story front. It has some interesting (if EDGY AS FUCK) story themes and moments, but there are entire chapters of the story missing and it literally does not make sense in the end.
i have the Vita version, is that okay?
TPP is great unless you're a sperg who screams that after 200 hours, a prequel game in a series "suddenly ends unfinished"
The fact it's unfinished might leave a bad taste in your mouth, but as long as you're not a screeching autist that can only deal in absolutes, everything up to that point is pretty fun, if you like operatin' inna Afghanistan.
Demon Route got really over the top and edgy, but god damn if it didn't feel fucked up.
That doesn't make me not want to play it.
I want to be broken. Anything to feel something.
fucking brutal, i may get this on steam
Man you really like to jump through hurdles and hoops to historically revise things don't you?
1812 wasn't anywhere close to a "massive success" as you think. We couldn't even invade Canada. We won our final battles entirely on luck to restore some semblance of dignity at the end. Only very few historians(who are all US btw) ever view the War of 1812 as an American victory.
Vietnam War was a total loss we were being swatted out of the air by a nation that didn't even have an air force when the war began. We got your asses kicked so hard we started a school entirely dedicated to fighting against the Vietnamese Air Force primarily(Top Gun program).
Look it's okay to accept we lost, as long as we learned from it. Is your ego so fragile that you cannot envision that we actually lost at various points in our history?
>Do I look like a man who wants to play doubles?
Absolute kino.
I heard Song of Memories is also similar to muv luv? or is that bullshit?
You quit playing during the best part of the game? I would understand if it was in Asian bugland, but personally, I loved the theme of sea world, I'd actually argue that it's the best ocean themed level in any platformer I've played.
You can only play Muv Luv for the first time once in your life. You owe it to yourself.
It was beautiful but i just remember trudging through it wishing it would end after a while. It probably wasn't even that long. I guess there's always youtube now so I could see the rest, which wasn't as prevalent back then.
Yep. I played the PC version but both should be fine. I prefer a bigger screen personally.
>wake up after fainting
>follow Seiko's voice
>try to save her
>bucket you're standing on breaks, making you drop while holding onto her and snapping her neck
That fucked me up GOOD, since she was my favourite character in the game after the whole BUTTER UP MY POOPER thing. What's even worse is what follows.
>devs obviously know that Seiko was a popular character
>puts you back in the same situation, but you actually manage to get her head out of the noose and save her
>she wakes up and thinks you're possessed and are trying to kill her, so runs away
>into a piano wire across the hallway at neck height, beheading her
>Wolf wants me to give him the "princess"
>Decide to take a peak on her window to see what she looks like
>"Well she looks like she's sleeping... wait what's that..?"
Disturbing and disgusting.
Looking at it now it's not so bad but it really surprised me when everything in the game had been pretty standard fantasy adventure.
This, I've been a fan since 2's release, and I love TPP for what it is. The story is disappointing, but the gameplay is supreme, and should be played for its own merits.
NO! You will NOT get me to play another meme VN fuck OFF
The thing I couldn't get over was the fact every single enemy was the same: Black mold with baby doll faces. So boring.
>all of Vietnam is now the most capitalist-friendly people on the planet, so the US won.
Yeah I'm sure that was the ultimate objective of the Vietnam war, to become a pro-capitalist nation almost 50 years later. That's some incredible reaching for something that happened after the war ended. You're clearly braindead and brainwashed.
Haven't heard of it. I'm looking for something that can measure up to Muv Luv. It was a fucking experience man; it made me realize a lot of shit is childish.
MGS2 is seriously my favorite metal gear.
what is it user?
I should get into that again at some point. But it's been so many years I've forgotten everything and I really don't want to start over and read the first game again.
>thinking Muv Luv is a meme
Oh user
MW2's "No Russian" mission caught me off guard when I first played it. Yeah it's a pretty normie things to say but there it is. It just seemed really ballsy to me at the time.
not really the darkest but meat circus in psychonauts was really fucking grotesque.
It works on my machine, my man.
First game is a lot of fun and super cute. You need that cute foundation for the other games to have their appropriate emotional weight.
Man, I always thought I was the only one who played that game. Never saw anyone ever talk about it.
That shit you can pick up is the best part of DNF. Its the only joke in tbe game that plays into the idea Duke is a retarded video game man
I thought nothing of it since it is a videogame
i am autistic though
As it should, you're going in shooting a bunch of helpless civilians. Perfectly normal to feel some sort of unease when you first encounter it.
The image doesn't do any justice but when you take a peak from the window you can see a figure covered in a sheet just whimpering and twitching. It's even worse that since it's dark you only get to see a small part of the figure.
Here's the "Pretty lady" without cover
>Killing straight up American soldiers in modern gear in the beginning was the worst part. I'd never thought of America as the losers
What a fucking pathetic statement to make, I can't even imagine what you must look like.
Fuck lifeweb I'm out here boolin in space
I think it's because it's so 'in your face' if that makes sense. Like, in GTA, gunning down people is pretty comical in a way and doesn't really take itself that seriously where as this is trying to be. Doesn't work THAT well though considering it's cawadoody but hey points for trying.
Silent Hill 2 is more sad than fucked up. SH1 on the other hand is really fucked in retrospect, its about the warped projection of a little girl who got horrendously bullied, abused, and fucking crippled painfully and lived out her life in misery for years in a basement. It being subtext doesn't make it any less fucked.
Not him but had the same feeling at first when playing PAYDAY 2.
Probably amnesia: a machine for pigs for me. The protag killing his kids and then the ending scene where you willingly kill yourself sitting beside the corpses of your kids down in the recesses of the machine is intense
that fucking bear chase
>Undertale forces you to fight in self defense
>You bad boy
My game has a mop abortion part, and a part where the main character gets forcibly declawed and detoothed while fully awake.
Aliright, so im just past the part in muv luv where mc now has a mansion in the middle of nowhere ,how long till it gets good.
maybe its just me and my specific fears but transistor really got to me after i beat it. walking around a ghost town with everyone dead and only automated broadcasts going off feeds into a specific paranoia of mine. i mean the whole game is spent trying to save a world that's ultimately fucked as well as the implication that these are the last people in a simulation with a world outside of it long dead. the only escape is to just go deeper into a simulation. the only "character commits suicide fade to black" ending that i ever liked.
TPP is a piece of shit and a massive dissapointment
It may seem good to people who hadn't played other titles but how could an actual fan of the franchise excuse the bullshit they pulled here?
>literally no story
>literally no dialogue
It's like they saw only the people hating on MGS4 for basically being a movie and then put the entire thing on its head for TPP
It may be a good game but it's not a good Metal Gear Solid in any stretch of the imagination
I fucking love the concept and story of Machine for Pigs, it's a shame the gameplay was non-existent youtube.com
how is it a pathetic statement? blue on blue causes tons of casualties so the whole scenario in spec ops the line is fucked up because its so tangible. friendly troops killing each others due to miscommunication is tragic regardless of what country both of these parties represent. idiot.
>Undertale forces you to fight in self defense
Oh hey. Your that guy from the thing.
You're still wrong by the way.
I always thought it was known for the 3 infamous meme scenes. It is worth playing 40+ hours of build-up just for those ?
Well in PAYDAY series it's pretty much a given that you're the bad guys so you can get into the mindset of "gotta play like a bad guy would" though. Maybe you just have a heart of gold user.
Yeah the gameplay was horrible, but as a walking sim I enjoyed the 'experience'
I just said I pretty much only liked it for the gameplay dumb dumb, did you even read my post?
He's an angry britbong probably. He should stop before he gets arrested for shitposting.
Every now and then you'll see someone mention it. Although it's almost always because of Demon Route, despite that being a relatively small amount of the game.
yeah. the game is about 50 hours of investment and 10 hours of cashing in
Sayori's confession is basically how irl depression is.
I did but I wanted to add my own opinion to the discussion instead of just agreeing with you and having it end there
Huh, didn't know Stedilnik had a YouTube channel.
This. The ending seriously fucked me up emotionally, also pretty much cured my paedophilia
Oh ok
>Bunch of Autistic Homos Ruin Everything: The Game
I really liked that one.
Even Bastion was pretty dark as well. Everyone's destined to die even if you repeat timelines. The only viable ending is to leave everyone for dead and just move away with your waifu, the old man, and Zulf
at the very start of idea no hi on snes some scientists are torturing the MC to awaken his latent psychic powers, but just hurting him isn't doing enough for them, so they electrocute his dog to death right in front of him
Fucking this
Last time I played a vn that was "like doki doki" it was seriously cuck shit
I'm never listening to Yea Forums again
I shouldn't have to begin with
Im serious, am I close , I got spoiled on there being something to do with flesh mechs, bit I want to know if im getting close or if it's one of those games where you need multiple endings to unlock the true ending.
Final scene as in end of Muv Luv or Alternative? Never played Alternative so I'm curious how it all went down.
Disgaea 2's bad ending with the Japanese audio track.
Have you read Kurayami Dance?
I originally couldn't even play it at first since the sense of unease and "I'm doing something very wrong." was incredibly overwhelming. Eventually I got over it because at the end of the day it's just a video game. The way they justify it to themselves isn't that they want to do evil, it's that they need to make money and that's their job.
I still get uneasy whenever I play with someone who murders civilians.
The red pills in SMTIV are pretty fucked
orphans from around the city are taken in and raised then when they are old enough part of their brains are harvested to make the pills, often leaving them retarded.
apparently the pills are the only reason demons hadn't killed all the humans off yet
He made everything else too.
Then you never really were a paedophile, were you?
he's just an angry European, ignore him
Listening to "Ya Soldat" for the first time.
facts don't care about your feelings
Sounds like The Promised Neverland. Like, more than it should.
he wasn't talking about Undertale, user, he was telling you plainly why Spec Ops is a heap of fucking pretentious shit.
That first section was pretty well though out to squeeze every drop of shock factor. The fact that people turned towards you moments before shooting, them running away, the screams, the alarms going off and the partners shooting wounded civilians on the ground. This, along with dieing from the nuke in MW were pretty iconic moments, you gotta give it to them.
Wonder if this section is going to get cucked in an eventual remaster or if they will have the balls to recreate it
>people think the same as me
It's nice that people finally understand
>Dude that's how they greet each other
Is just if not more half assed than Spec Ops
>when does it get good
If you're asking"when does it get good", it's already good. You are currently playing a harem comedy. Enjoy it for what it is. Get to know the girls and their back stories.
You are just too pure hearted user. Never change, it's a good thing.
Hopefully I didn't got spoiled the ending yet. I may try one day if I really have a lot of time...
>put in all that extra work and do a perfect run of the game to get the extra ending
>it's that
fuck you, game
you deserve 6 millions (You)s
The cop on the hook bonfire in RE4 was the first hardcore "gore" I ever saw in vidya and back then legitimately disturbed me and I didn't want to keep playing but I did anyways.
Damn, darkwood really do well fucking up your expectations
the music had a lot to do with it but the weird ass environment helped too, the dark interior after the chandelier falls is pretty unnerving if you're playing the first time. Doesn't help it has the squidmen who like to tentacle rape your brain everywhere.
Yeah but it's not any different than MuvLuv or DDLC
It doesn't hit that hard because of the art style in the game, but Grim Dawn has some pretty fucked up shit. Pretty much any time you get a quest to rescue somebody they're either already dead by the time you get there or are in such a bad state that you have to mercy kill them. There's one quest where you're asked to rescue some kidnapped women and when you get there you find them half assimilated into an eldritch abomination thing and artificially impregnated with more abominations and all you can do is end their misery.
Well, I obviously never fucked a kid, but I did have a long period when I genuinely felt strong sexual attraction to them, lasted for about 2 years
That ending made me feel such a strong moral disgust that it pretty much stopped the very same day I completed the game
>americans bomb hospitals and schools and shoot unarmed civilians
>fuck yeah, we never lose
Th-thanks... I try...
You seem upset.
This even fucked me up a little bit watching it just now...
Every rpg maker game with multiple ending has a shitty true ending. Same with VNs.
They all have the same passive-aggressive meta-twist ?
no one you're replying to has mentioned either of those, for that matter.
Don't fall for the memes. The entire series is great and well worth the time investment. I'm so glad I played it and I honestly can't forget it. It was amazing and emotional.
I haven't, what is it?
You must be retarded if it took a game to make you realise molesting kids is wrong.
>playing as a character who is infinitely more powerful than every enemy you encounter
>have a peaceful option to resolve every fight
>can literally reset reality if you die
>can reset reality after finishing the game if you get bored and want to redo it
the difference is that spec ops doesn't give you a choice and then tells you you're evil, whereas undertale does give you a choice and if you do decide to kill everyone, it doesn't tell you you're evil, it asks you why you're doing this.
fuck shit uhhh my bad what i meant to say was uhhhh
that escalated quickly
babies in dead space 2
nuking a town in fallout 3
getting nuked and briefly surviving in cod4, and airport shooting in mw2
literally modern social media. What the fuck.
Literal final scene in Alternative broke me. Completely fucking broke me. I loved the entire story and the ending was perfect in my opinion.
Never fails to make me smile.
Rule of Rose had one of the darkest, cruellest stories I've seen in a game despite being almost completely centered around children. Kids can be absolute monsters
walker had a choice. youre just a player hovering over his shoulder observing him and his shit path. only in the very end you're separated from him and you can either cast judgement on conrad or the game character walker.
shooting walker is the non brainlet choice.
>Reach the Reverse Hills in Roppongi
>NPCs all around the game tell that its a safe place
>Boss says they are keeping the children safe and teaching them in order for them to build the future of Tokyo
>"What you dont remember your own job? Listen Ill make it clear to you, WE KIDNAP AND DRUG CHILDREN ALL OVER TOKYO(in fact, if you want to become an Ashura Kai, you need to bring 3 kids as your entry fee), AND FARM THEIR BRAINS UNTIL THEY ARE USELESS TO US, WE HAVE BEEN DOING THIS FOR AT LEAST 20 YEARS"
I still think it was the right course of action since there was literally no other way to calm down the demons, but man if that wasnt fucked up.
>2:33 ago
I'll tell you anyway. The Mensis ritual turned them all into The One(s) Reborn.
ooga booga what is this science stuff, better believe some /pol/ memes
The absolute madman
Am I sick for laughing at how ridiculous and sudden this was
The manga adaptation of the original script for Shadows of the Damned before it got EA’d.
Fucking hell
>Pathologic or The Void
My man, although they never really hit me particularly hard emotionally. Still, they're amazingly well written games, with some of the best examples of mechanics designed to increase the impact of the story. Guess that's what you get when you take a studio of professional artists doing it out of passion
Who cares? Can still look at dancing baby gifs and brown people in the desert get bombed it's a winwin.
Isnt it because of the protagonist own delusions?
I dont remember much tb h
>And the White House Burned, burned, burned
>And we're the ones who did it.
>Burned burn burned, while the President ran and cired.
>It burn burned burn, and things were very historical
>And the Americans ran and cried like a bunch of little babies WAH WAH WAH
>In the War of 1812.
I really wanted to get into this game, but the emulator started fucking itself up just around the time when the story began to get interesting and I never manage to get the later parts of the game to work properly
the kid getting fucked over with the drill in Grey was pretty grim but that game was so incompetent that it didn't have nearly the effect they were going for.
coming home as Max Payne on the other hand...
She is just reviving her memories in order to reach Acceptance of the horrible things that happened during her childhood, everything that happened sans the demon kids and boss fights, was real.
the true ending is rebirth and escaping the Void which I say would be a very good thing for one.
Oh fuck really? Does it have english translation?
i dont remember the game looking this janky and unpolished
You kill kids in Lugaru too, they're just anthro wolf kids since an anthro wolf adult slaughtered your family. It's pretty cool game.
The game tackles the theme of child paedophile rings. For that reason, it holds a special place on the shelf of dark disturbing games
I'll give it a try. It wouldn't be the first time I played a 50 hours long VN just for a "great ending". I just did Ever17 and, too stay on-topic, it has pretty dark bad ends.
call me a zoomer but just watch a fucking longplay with no commentary. the gameplay itself isn't good enough to make a difference, and the story is worth seeing.
same themes in nier. you kill those annoying tiny shades that drop old schoolbooks. pretty fucked up in context.
cute smug phone
literally marxism. capitalism taken to its logical conclusion. its a belief system, not an economic one.
Woah...you mean the feds and CIA are a bunch of worthless war-mongering niggerfaggots that fund coups and rebellions and then shine the rebels under a poor light to send troops to kill them and say instead of nuking them into the next century we have to slowly fight with boots on the ground to "stabilize" the region and they rinse and repeat the process of universal suffering just so a few trillionaire cocksuckers running the MIC can become even more rich? Damn...that's...deep...
lmao people were writing about that before marx
did they break up?
I pray this is the first and only (You) you get for this shitpost
french gays get out
Social media and the internet were barely a thing when this game was written. What a ride.
Americans were the main audience for movies and shit for a century, and often they made the movies themselves, so it was obvious that America would depict itself as the victors in every situation possible. Then even in movies where Americans are the bad guys, typically there are still Americans that are the good guys to be their foil.
It's true and carries over particularly in games, you won't find many that have you fighting Americans as non-Americans, because it alienates the target audience. We are seeing it from a new perspective now that hollywood is exporting films to China, things are being changed to deflect away from China as a bad guy, again, because it alienates the target audience. Homefront changing the US invasion to one by fucking north korea is an obvious example of this change.
Call me weird, but I genuinely don't enjoy watching things. I'll never watch a youtube video if there is any other way of learning the information contained in it(like reading an article or something) because I just find it boring and unenjoyable. I don't even like watching movies much. I like reading, I like playing games, I like listening to music, but watching videos just doesn't do it for me, I feel like I'm wasting time when I'm doing that. Guess it's just not "my way" of spending free time
The point of the thread is about fucked up things and dark shit, which it is, I dont know whats the problem with that
all you need is literally the knife at the end though, there is no extra work for it.
This fucking game had some brutal death scenes that fucked me up as a kid.
Dead Space 2 dead babies. I usually can handle grim stuff but it's one of the few games that left me feeling genuine discomfort.
Didn't get arrested?
Yeah, the fan translation was finished a few weeks ago.
that's fine.
what? you get the true ending by playing through the game without saving at all iirc.
But user, that's how all US government contract work goes.
I liked blank dream but that game has a happy true end, same with Ib.
Bruh aside from thr Gulf War we haven't won a damn thing since Nam. America is notoriously ineffective when it comes to gorilla war.
He's trying to act not surprised and above it all. He needs to flex how informed he is for his own mental health.
>MuvLuv: TDA
>World gets nuked
>entire Pacific Ocean from the USA and Australa dries up
>only Africa and North/South America exist
>Surviving TSF Pilots from Operation Babylon that were stranded resort to cannibalism to survive or hang/shoot themselves in the middle of nowhere
>Worst of all
>Canada capture the White House
Fucking honorary frogs
It's hilarious because Kojima posts nothing but the most inane shit on twitter.
true end is finding out that Viola isn't really Viola and it's Ellen yeah? All you need for that is the knife so Ellen can stab Viola which stops her and then the dad shows up and blasts her a couple times with his gun.
I'm agreeing, I'm just saying it doesn't take a genius playing some "deep" biblio game to show that. Although I guess the best way for a gamer to get exposed to that stuff is by playing a video game that tells them about it.
Pretty sure game journalists got triggered about the implied animal rape Metallica does to her mother.
Final Fantasy Type-0. Summons die gruesome deaths and you take the souls of your enemies because you’re an elite “project” of a human.
You then get to see all these people you’ve killed walking around as phantoms when you fight the Nox Suzaku.
these guys get it. I'm having trouble thinking of a moment in a game that had some kind of legitimate effect on me in some morbid way, but one from recent memory is when that virus infects a bunch of your soldiers and you have to work your way through the wing putting them down as they stand there and salute you
that one got me pretty good
I think everyone agrees that TPP's story sucks, and it in many ways lacks a story altogether, but damn man. That gameplay was enough on its own to keep me playing for hundreds of hours. I still go back to it.
and i got every achievement except the fucking one where you disarm a rival FOB's nuke because fucking nobody ever has nukes
The true ending is just by getting the knife, by not saving at all, the cat reveals to you(the player) that he is the one holding the strings, that the reason the player survives is because they are bringing them back to life and that he is a demon.
This without a doubt
Name a single war America won after the Korean war.
Came here to post this. The scene really stuck with me. To add to this, his killer runs an orphanage where it's shown that he has a mechanized organ harvester he used on countless children. If I'm not mistaken, sexual abuse and brainwash occurs there too and you have to fight and a trained child assassin who thinks she's an anime character.
Sounds gay.
That's literally how choosing a contractor for any sort of project works though user, just brought down to the personal level
the meme war
Are those supposed to be legs or internal organs?
Oh yeah...
Fuck, I forgot how insanely grim GZ was. TPP overshadows it's very existence.
Also, how about that fucking lab in TPP? Walking around that shit for the first time was disgusting.
Which sequel? 2 or book of shadows?
I'd say that ellen summoned him for that purpose but if that was true she wouldn't have wanted a new body anyway. Still that end is fucked up where you find out that she duped some naive girl into giving her body up. It's Viola's own fault though.
What Kojima got wrong was the amount of online friends someone normal would have and actually keep up with and actually meet IRL.
put me in the screencap.
jumbled mess of internal organs and mutated guts pouring down her bad and filling up a huge tower with her insides
Korean War never ended.
More like a single one after the Civil War (against themselves)
Going from Ascalon to ruined Ascalon in GW1
>everythings fine
>beautiful Kingdom with beautiful lands
>finish tutorial
>Charr invade and lay waste to the once beautiful Kingdom of Ascalon turning everything into a wasteland
>The capital of Ascalon is a refugee camp
Dark days ahead of us, user. It only gets worse from here on out.
yes man, imo pathologic was one of the few times video games got beyond the usual semi well-written teenager scenario and dialogues, not to mention the overall atmosphere. A shame they couldn't pull something this great again instead of remaking it but I'm still looking forward to pathologic 2.
Thanks user!
I think this is legit the darkest vision presented in vidya and it's so horrifying because it's real. It's an idea that will live as long as people will live. The infinite growth of corporations might lead back to a corporate communism after they devour each other and everything becomes centralized and under complete control. Even if you put a 90% tax, Matthew principle still leads to the unified Rome of capitalism that will most likely complete this grim cycle.
What is a solution to this? You can't kill an idea that is lurking in humanity.
It's also because american troops have been busy killing ragheads in Afghanistan and have no clue what equal 1v1 modern warfare is. when I served there was a joint exercise here in yuropland where american troops also participated and we had to constantly remind them of radio silence because they couldnt comprehend they were doing a simulation where the opponent wasnt a goatfucker but an actual military force that can intercept and decrypt comms.
'nuff said
Vietnam was a tactical loss, there’s no way we could claim we won when examined in a vacuum. The South was invaded and the US withdrew. Total northern victory. Thing was, documents show that American leadership knew there was no way they could actually stop this.
However, you need to examine it on the world stage. Truth was, the US didn’t particularly care for Vietnam itself. It’s a nothing country with little strategic value. What it really wanted to do was to show the USSR (and to an extent China) that it was ready and willing to come to the defense of its allies. In this they succeeded, and the Soviets were less willing to try anything in Europe that the US would fully commit to stopping.
Holy shit shut the fuck up.
This is too fucking ridiculous to take seriously.
We beat Iraqs actual army in two weeks. The only people we have been at war with in the modern era.
Why was the anime so shit? It was just waifu garbage and infighting.
It doesnt make much sense, she and the demon have unbelievable powers that let them come back to life, switch bodies and control reality within the house and somehow they cant cure an illness.
Also, its not Viola's fault that Ellen liked NOT SUFFERING so much, then again, im not sure how much Ellen had planned from the beggining, I like to think that she got drunk on freedom and health that she didnt want to come back instead of wanting to damn this girl from the very beggining.
It's mostly actiony but the Darksiders games have Earth turning into a literal demon infested area with demon corpses that were once humans. That and areas just being torn apart and taken into a realm of "nothing" via corruption. It doesn't feel dark because you're usually an entity that has the power to make a difference but if those didn't exist it'd be pretty fucked.
Doki Doki is a bs meme game that gives terrible name to the vn genre try muv luv series for real
>it's Lovecraftian because it's tragic and bleak
Kojima uses social media to have fun.
He's not a journalist filling the internet with pointless trivia and articles with sensationalist titles.
Because the anima is about the spin-off called Total Eclipse. And infighting was also in the original VN that had a dedicated arc to it.
I think the idea is that it's vast and unknowable and can drive you insane. They should just browse Yea Forums where everything is digested into shit and thus totally manageable.
I understood he said lovecraftian as a synonim of "uncomprehensible"
It’s gay, but it’s very good.
>The scene after the first Ayame fight with the bus and the sound of children
>Ayame in her anime get-up was probably used to lure kids from SZK land to the Blackburn estate where Curtis raped them before killing them and harvesting their organs for the black market
Blackburn really was one of the most vile villains in vidya I've seen in a long time. Pedro himself was also complicit in the operation, the only person I felt bad for in that scene was his family who probably didn't even know about the syndicate.
Then, where do i begin and finish with Muv-luv?
There hasn't been an anime adaptation of the main trilogy.
What's this?
It's a shame Bloodshot had such an out there explanation for the crazy hobos and dead bird population, the mystery really could have just been something more unknowable.
Lately I'm into point and click adventure games with that grim atmosphere. Fran Bow, Detention, Cat Lady come to mind.
Even though Fran Bow has a lot of gore, its the little things that caught me off guard
Vegetative State - the name of the chapter alone made me take a break. Maybe because of the age of the MC it felt so sad to imagine.
Also tried Saya no uta, but it feels just edgy and disappointing.
sumika bro...
imagine reading all that and only getting
out of it
If she was that desperate when she was dying then she might have actually been planning the damning of Viola the whole time. I would assume coming back needs her to be able to set it up and she got to a point where she couldn't even leave bed so fast that she had to find a vessel that would come to her and do something way simpler, if dickish. At a certain point I feel Ellen was just looking out for herself.
I thought the reapers in ME1 were pretty fucked up. So powerful and all seeing and beyond the realm of any regular inhabitants scope of reality.
I guess it's just as "plain" as any other Eldritch whatever-thing, something that has power and control over things on a grand scale that no human would ever be able to really understand or control themselves.
Too bad me2 and 3 fucked all that shit up.
I also really like the idea of the The Flood from Halo. Another Eldritch style ever growing unstoppable monster that could barely be contained by the most advanced and powerful beings in the known universe at the time. Gravemind is such a cool character to me, and never got enough screen time I think.
It's Lovecraftian because it has inhuman motivations. A non-Lovecraftian equivalent would be a general waging war because they have childhood trauma, or they're trying to make money and feel superior, or they have genuine ideological reasons for it.
There's nothing tragic about the AI because it just simply exists. It does exactly what it was programmed to and is in harmony with itself. It's trucking along, doing what it sees as natural, and you'll never understand it because you're not an AI.
Extra -> Unlimited -> Alternative
Go enjoy the experience... you can only have it once.
it's a large pile of mutated biomass a la akira or cronenberg
its more kafkaesque, or even lynchian i'd say
I'm talking about Yashiro user. I couldn't stop crying at the end like a bitch.
MuvLuv Extra > MLA > Chicken Divers > *Total Eclipse > *Schwarzesmarken > TDA >TSFIA
The ones marked with an asterisk aren't translated yet though. There was something with a Schwarzesmarken english demo ons team but didn't hear anything after that.
That's just kino horror. It's so fucked up and the timing is too perfect that's it's funny.
I think Kafka is the best description. Colonel's whole description about war perfectly describes Kafka's typical works.
A never ending destructive cycle run by nobody but everyone keeps enabling.
america was btfo by a bunch of vietnamese farmers using shit on a stick as their weapon of choice
>not a white boy left standing you're a credit to our tolerant society
Cat Lady is actually the first part of a Trilogy of games that Harvester Games made. Played Cat Lady and Downfall but haven't played Lorelai yet. You should try it out.
Rule of Rose.
didnt play it though, just watched a complete no commentary playthrough of it on youtube
The worse part is that the game drops the horror aspect almost immediatly after defeating the Corroder, I wanted an horror game damn it, this guy was the highest point of the whole game.
I vividly remember voting for that on steam greenlight, where the fuck is it?
Though I may have ruined it since I watched the anime, don't know how faithful it was but it was enjoyable.
>“Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn’t go away”
The protagonist isn't dense he's intentionally blocking out all the information fed to him because he doesn't want to face the reality of his situation
Vietnam war was a huge success for the investors and the burden was outsourced to the taxpayer as a custom. Nixon administration hit some rough edges but they eventually dismantled the flower movement by prohibiting drugs that were showing major advances in various medical fields because they were also used by hippies.
Though A machine for pigs isn't scary one of the diaries of a man turning into one of those pigs got to me when I played it.
Great, definitely checking these out, once I recover that is, these kind of games are draining. Need some cute lolis to keep balanced diet.
Gulf War, Kosovo War, Libyan War, Syrian War.
I played that as a kid and thought it was so funny I'd show a friend. His instinct was to go kill the gang that made him do it. Either he didn't get the spirit of the game where you aren't a carjacking hero with civilian casualties or he's just a better person than me.
Thats campy b-movie kino, not really fucked up. Its way too silly to take serious.
>Poor old near blind mommy comes in
>Little heart to heart
>Son is a toymaker
>Makes mom nice little blanket for winter
>touching somber moment.
Then bursts in this fucking madman.
im honestly having a tough time getting through the subway section at the very beggining. the fucking enemies spawning in the dark behind you is fucking as frightening as it is annoying
You prolly won't see much difference in the VN adaptions are usually mostly faithful with some stuff shortened due episode/budget limits. I'd prefer a translation for TE since it actually tells the story of LN and continues the story from there (eventually ending at Operation Ouka).
Schwarzesmarken was wasted potential since it didn't climax into a grand Operation like TE/Alternative with Operation Ouka. Imo it should have been set yearssome years before Schwarzesmarken leading into Operation Palaiologos.
This. The true horror of SOMA is not in the existentialism but the way Simon handles the obvious truth as anyone in his shoes would probably do the same despite memeing about "muh copy paste not hard concept." And I wonder how many and how powerful lies are we all inventing daily just to cope with the human condition.
Social media doesn't perpetrate war
so all that bloodshed and medium rare seanigs is because US wants to have a dick measuring contest?
Thank you anons
>Why was IT still talking?
Kafkaesk is good, but considering the AI is actually conscious and self-determining, it's a bit different.
The thing that annoyed me about SOMA to no end is how you kill WAU at the end. I mean, by that point, all humanity is dead anyway, so why not just let it have the earth?
>Pedro's fucking screams
>those sexual tones when Curtis is talking about Pedro's family
I've played the game several times and it's still incredibly fucked up.
Gotta give a mention to LISA though. I believe both games end on a note that puts things to peace, but fuck me if Brad's life wasn't a fucking nightmare. Marty is hands down the biggest piece of shit character I've had the displeasure of knowing and deserved far worse than immolation via fireball.
Listen up you fag, I'm a Pole, my great grandma was an Auschwitzh survivor and told us many stories about the camp. Maybe not all of them were 100% real, especially that memory is a faulty thing by itself, but holocaust absolutely did happen. If you believe that she, a poor girl from Polish family who spent all her life in Poland was flat out lying to her family to further some Jewish conspiracy political agenda then you're completely fucking delusional. It might be easy to distance yourself and call this shit fake when you're sitting in US or wherever, but here there used to be thousands of camp survivors(not even speaking about war survivors in general) with millions of stories to tell.
Yes, it is true that not everything about the camps looked like most people think it did. This is clear even when reading the memories of the survivors(especially Polish, not Jewish ones for comparison) Yes, in many aspects they weren't as dark as most claim, although in the aspects that mattered they were. But they absolutely did fucking happen. Stop with this shit. I hope you're baiting
I didn't kill it.
It creates consent for it just like any other media with the same state developed pro-war talking points being regurgitated and promoted to the point of common acceptance.
it's even worse if you killed the other simon before. you terminate a helpless copy like you own it's right to exist and in the end you virtually become the discarded copy you so nonchalantly killed before. its just to fucked up when the reality sets in that you are as worthless as you deemed yourself to be. I wish the game never showed the paradise and just let the ending be pure despair.
>realizing that not only your world is fake, but that your world is meaningless too
>realizing that there's a real world that exists just out of reach
>realizing you can never, ever be a part of it
I like fapping to the Dokis
Which wars have been consented to with social media
twitter is little more than an ideological battlefield. Men murdering each other in broad daylight is no longer fashionable, so instead people weaponize social media in order to subdue and silence the "enemy".
>Roko's Basilisk
>touching moment
>one second later big laughing asshole is stuffing them into a drum full of acid
No user it's perfectly normal to laugh, that game is supremely tone-deaf.
Enjoy Extra and take your time. You will miss it when your finished.
Black comedy at its finest.
>killed the other students because muh horny and lonely
She deserves that binary coffin
If the cops would just let them take the money, no one would die. The cops are the ones who decided their lives and the lives of the civilians who get caught in the crossfire were worth less than the money in the bank.
Not him but my only issue with holocaust is how sacred the subject is. In my country it is illegal to discuss it in any way other than it happened and it was 6M jews that died by being gassed. I am not denying that it happened. What I question is the final number and the number of gassed jews. My great grandfather escaped a gulag btw and that number is between 15 - 60M. Why is one genocide that was also much worse open to discussion while another isn't? This is a very dangerous precedent, to say that something is not scientifically debatable and any such attempt is punishable by law.
it's not the darkest but it's pretty sad in AC Odyssey when you make all the wrong choices and you end up having everyone from your family dead, at least two of which you kill yourself. Three if you count the step brother Stentor.
>the other students
They're not self-aware. She didn't see them as real beings. They were just hollow programs to her.
>my face by the end of the Yokohama Arc
Cosmology of Kyoto
Literally any of the arab spring uprisings my man, notably Libya and Syria. Just check out social media movements during the liberation of Aleppo, people were convinced Assad was going to genocide everyone in the city yet people were cheering in the streets and burning their niqabs once it was free. It gets to the point where people -inside- the conflict zones are convinced they need to support or participate in a war.
Probably the part in Kane & Lynch 2 where goons rape, torture, and kill Lynch's girlfriend in front of them while also torturing them. It's only done for shock value but it was admittedly kind of shocking, even if his waifu was a literal who plot device
t. retard pole who didn't read pic
>Not him but my only issue with holocaust is how sacred the subject is
its not sacred, its that people dont want it to be rewritten
>it was 6M jews that died by being gassed.
6m yes - not all by gas
>Why is one genocide that was also much worse open to discussion while another isn't?
you must be young - I am not the once to answer this question, forgive me
Well the difference between the Russian shit is that it was over a much greater period of time, and it wasn't fueled by racism/antisemitism/whatever.
I'm conflicted. The idea of being forced to watch something horrible happen to one's family member while being utterly helpless to stop is a seriously distressing concept, but on the other hand that guy's entry is so comically abrupt and over-the-top. I really can't decide if I find that video funny or horrifying.
Or perhaps if the game never showed the despair and only let you see the paradise for the continuity sake (you always experience the transition from the eyes of a new copy until the very end) and also to let the horror set in after you are riding the unicorn in the rainbow land which would also undermine the happiness harder with your wild imagination. But I like your idea as well.
Social Media didn't exist back then
>you terminate a helpless copy like you own it's right to exist
But it's a copy of me, of course I own it's right to exist, don't I?
>First "The Darkness" game
>scene where you sit on the couch with your girlfriend watching a movie
>she falls asleep with you, have to press a button prompt to get up and go
>shortly after, there's the scene where some thugs have her and shoot her in the head while the darkness makes Jackie watch
>Jackie then tries to kill himself on the spot
at least I think that's how that whole scene played out. I remember that being pretty fucked up, but I'll always remember what the darkness says after you come back from death
>I FiXeD yOuR bRoKeN hEaD bALL, jAcKiE
what is your favourite doki? mine is buffsuki
I am 31 and I cannot accept a law that is against scientific inquiry. Nothing should be sacred in the face of truth. Again this doesn't mean it didn't happen but I think freedom of speech should be on the highest pedestal even if a complete retard is using it. Whether people want or not want something to be rewritten is not an argument, it doesn't mean anything and is even worse because it's just a whine.
If holocaust happened, your grandma would not have survived the camp. Do you imagine, for a moment, that we, as a species would ever fuck up something related to exterminating other human beings? If the Germans really wanted to slaughter every single Jew that lived there, there wouldn't be a strand of Jewish hair left in that particular European region. Killing each other is something we are INCREDIBLY good at, on a fucking industrial scale. The jews have been beating theor "six million oy vey help the six million" as a way of begging money and raising funds for their little diaspora since world war one. You can even see those articles in the newspapers of the time, lmao.
Haunting Ground's rape themes. Oh, and the game over where Daniella cuts your uterus out.
That one subquest in Nier Automata where you keep giving shit to this one resistance member and at the end of the quest he reveals that it was all to repair this broken YorHA scanner. The reason for doing so is because the Resistance member wants a "family" and the scanner says "N....ooooo" This leads me to two possibilities
1. The resistance member wants a son/brother/whatever but has no idea what that entails. This fits into the games overall theme of machines yearning to recapture the philosophical essence of humanity but getting things all wrong and humans ain't around to correct those mistakes
2. That resistance member is going to rape that scanners boipussy.
In the end it doesn't matter because they both die but for whatever reason, this stuck out to me
>social media didn't exist in 2010
>Answer first Ark questionnaire
>"How would you describe your physical condition?"
>"I feel normal."
>"How would you describe your mental condition?"
>"I feel normal."
>"How would you describe your senses?"
>"As expected - normal."
>"How would you describe the sensation of your new condition?"
>"It's pleasant."
>"Are you troubled by the fact that you are no longer strictly human?"
>"No, I feel fine."
>"How do you perceive your new existence?"
>"Do you think this new existence will be a life worth living?"
>"Yes, just as much as my previous life."
>"Would you rather be removed from the project and accept death?"
>Reach second Ark Questionnaire
>"How would you describe your physical condition?"
>"I feel fake - no longer a real person."
>"How would you describe your mental condition?"
>"I feel lost - I don't exist anymore."
>"How would you describe your senses?"
>"I feel blocked - as if my senses are numb."
>"How would you describe the sensation of your new condition?"
>"Depressing - I can't shake the feeling of it all being fake."
>"Somewhat, I feel like I lost myself."
>"How do you perceive your new existence?"
>"It's something completely different and has nothing to do with my previous self."
>"Do you think this new existence will be a life worth living?"
>"No, It's too detached from reality and everything I know."
>"Would you rather be removed from the project and accept death?"
Fuck this game
It was a fine story, though the whole "dude FEEL EXISTENTIAL HORROR LMAO" was forced.
No, the difference is that Russians are not as valuable as the Jews are, according to whoever was writing history at the time.
then you wouldnt mind if the copy suddenly stood up from the chair and killed you?
This nigger doesn't understand basic liberty.
I was an animefirst babby so when I got Suzuha's ending, that shit knocked me out.
Posting food or movies is not an attempt at selling half truths for convenience or to shield his ego. There's hardly any agenda there and no misinformation to be spread
Wtf mantis
That's not what the context of the situation was at all, user. If I were trapped in a situation where I have to slowly await death that is inevitable or have my second self turn off my life support, I would have okayed it and that was exactly the situation Simon was in. He was just too fucking stupid to have realized it and practiced willful ignorance until the very end, where everything had collapsed and he could no longer keep brushing reality off with the coin toss argument that was never a thing. There was never a coin toss, it was nothing more than making a copy that starts with its own stream of consciousness.
Straight child sex slavery combined with drugs, multiple personalities and self harming
It would be my pleasure.
It's amazing how quickly and effectively that game made me care about the fridged girlfriend. It's so fucking heartbreaking.
...then the sequel ruined everything.
i thought postal 2 having killable cats was going a bit too far since when i was very young i once overheard a kid in the schoolyard bragging to other kids about how he didn't like his cat and that he'd "kick it to make it go away" and that it "died after a week." whether or not he was telling lies, i thought that the inclusion of such a game mechanic would somehow validate animal abuse for disgusting fuckers like that kid. i never stopped hating him.
Shows you have a lack of imagination if you're really that limiting.
That's like saying how can you immerse yourself in a book it's just words?
People value humanity too much to fucking let go of it and realize it's not worth the price of staying.
You are actively, willingly, consciously contributing to this hell. You've accepted it.
The arab spring was defined by social media which gave it a push.
This legit fucked me up as a kid.
can you retarded mutts stop talking about politics? nobody cares
Not enough to be legit disturbing given the whole setting of the game, but the birthing chambers in the fleshworks in Grim Dawn's expac were disturbing enough, considering you were looking at an amalgamation of mutated, perpetually pregnant living women that were being experimented on to shit out babies that would become aetherial vessels every 4.5 months
I feel the game explained everything because of that, and as a result it lacks the nagging quality that makes good horror so great.
So the method and intention is more important than the lives taken?
I love all dokis equally
The Darkness was such a based character, I could listen to him talk all day.
I think when we are talking about 60 million people you lose any solid ground when you say "well it was over longer period."
what in the fuck
Fuck dont spoil me on that m8
No Meat Touching, Ma'am
>literally called "Too Late for Rescue"
The game would spoil you on it anyway, man
In many moral systems yeah.
The Stranded Pair ending from Zero Time Dillema
>The newborn infant twins will starv to death along with their parents
That is beyond fucked up...
>We've gone from overestimating the power of WW2 Germany to underestimating
The method and intention make it more significant. Obviously they're both horrible tragedies, but they're way different.
This. The only way forward is to transcend humanity and treat the world of flesh as little more than a playful pastime to indulge in, like an adult playing with his childhood toys to recall the innocence and ignorance of youth. Then, it's back to perfection.
I liked the Mental Hospital bit the game throws at you but the cliffhanger ending was pretty bad.
That's why wars are often "acceptable"
I loved the videogame Darkness far more than the comicbook shit, especially when Jackie's ancestor explains that the Darkness was not originally evil, just a neutral creature, but it went insane after getting to inhabit only the humanity's worst throughout the centuries because of the potentially destructive nature of its power.
Killing someone else's people is one thing, but killing your own people is at a different level of genocidal.
Not that dark, but disturbing
It has nothing to do with the power of Germany and everything to do with made up victims fishing for extra pity points. Everyone got fucked up in WW 2, it's a WORLD WAR for a reason, but to claim that systematic extermination took place, when all the existing evidence that isn't fiction points at the contrary is just silly.
I'm glad my laziness made me play that game until I was 16 instead of playing it as a kid.
>It has nothing to do with the power of Germany
>If the Germans really wanted to slaughter every single Jew that lived there, there wouldn't be a strand of Jewish hair left in that particular European region
>opens video
>you need exceedingly exceptional military power to murder civilians
Are you trying to tell me that the idea of Germans killing all the Jews precludes overestimation of their capability given the fact that this idea is widely accepted today as the truth?
That part where Harumi escapes the family house where everyone is acting like everything is normal (papa chills in the living room smoking and watching tv, mama washes the dishes etc)not realizing they have become monsters.
The music makes me unable to take this seriously.
And psychopaths think about other human beings the same way, so what?
What was that mental hospital though? Was it in his head? Was it hell? Was it some allegorical thing? If it's in his head, why is Jenny's soul trapped there? If it's hell, why is it designed to fool him? Where does Jenny/Angelus go when she flies away? Is Jackie trapped "there" somehow?
The ending was such a mess. As was the story in general. The gameplay was fucking amazing though, but it was the opposite of everything the first game was.
It's such a weird pair of games.
You're missing the point.
We've gone from "There's no way Germany would have been able to exterminate 6 million jews" to "If the holocaust did happen, there would be way more than 6 million jews exterminated"
In this case it’s literally true. Do you treat npcs in video games with the same considerations you do real life humans? From a narrative standpoint that’s what they were to her, she literally saw and edited their code herself.
Fuck that fucking incel bitch, he should have just killed herself instead of fucking up her friends. Fuck her.
The game literally tricks you into killing Toriel my dude. Knowing how to spare her from watching some letsplay doesn't change the fact that many people will think there's no choice on their playthrough
>she should have killed herself instead of "harming" inanimate objects
And yet they managed to kill over ten million Russians, in an environment where attempts to actively prevent them from carrying it out were being made constantly. A war. So a nation that can do that on a military scale, cannot exterminate a subgroup of civilians inhabiting its own borders?
It also expects you to reload your save right after to change it. That’s why flowey chastises you for it.
>And yet they managed to kill over ten million Russians
Because the Russians were actively out in the open attacking instead of hiding
Well there were more Russians to kill for starters.
I really want to get into this game but I'm not motivated to do so. I need to find the wolf on the other side of the forest thingy.
Man, that english voice acting has some weak direction.
It was a war of attrition but the US almost never lost an engagement with Vietnam. They make our shirts now so it's not really a loss
In Japan.
bomb removal scene with paz in gz
>It also expects you to reload your save right after to change it.
no it doesnt.
t. someone who wasn’t around for the demo
That's how I know you've never served. Frequency hop prevents this you fucking idiot. You really think europoors and Russians have the capability when they barely have gen 1 NVG's?