How does any other girl compete?
Final Fantasy XIV
He is the Kwisatz Haderach.
By being best girl.
By being better
She hasn't done shit in two expansions.
By being women instead of girls.
>She hasn't done shit ever.
For me, it's alphinaud
Alphinaud is best girl
She's okay, but her sister is better.
Alphinaud is a bro, not a boyfriend. Stop this gay shit.
The warrior of light takes what they want and I want alphinaud
Literally a Hingan cocksleeve. She's making Momodi proud.
I just reached endgame, what should I prioritize with genesiac tomestone? Weapon? Armor?
Playing White Mage.
Now now, you're on Yea Forums. They cant read unless its in small, at most quarter page long snippets.
Jack shit, the expansion comes out in a few months and will render your genesis gear valueless with vendor trash in the first area. Just grab a set with mendacity, start doing content and farming drops, and grab whatever you think looks cool with your allowance.
buy a 380 weapon at the market board
gear up the left side of your character sheet with tomestones
complete the MSQ, the last dungeon drops ilvl 375 stuff
do the ivalice raids, the last one drops 390 gear and doing all 3 each week lets you upgrade a piece of 390 tomestone gear to 400
you can also upgrade 380 crafted gear (bought at the market board) into 390 with ryumyaku tomestones in Rhalgr's reach
By thinking they were actually male and treating combat like actual sex.
It doesn't matter that you prioritize unless you raid. Though usually it goes weapon > chest/pants > helmet/boots > accessories (belt counts as accessory)
But since you probably don't raid and don't intend to do so you should go for accessories first because they are cheap and boost your item level so you can do all the more recent content.
>A literal tranny
he's mine stay away
Whos gonna DIE in 4.5 part 2?
????? Are all tomboys/aggressive women trannies? Fuck this board.
Are you retarded? Sadu is canonically a tranny, maybe don't skip cutscenes for once you raid tranny
I hope the pokeautism bumps this thread off into the archive
How's BFA working out for you?
>I skipped all cutscenes and don't talk to NPCs lol
Link me to a picture of a single quote, I will wait.
What are the chances of Alphi changing to DNC for the next expansion, anyways?
It's either that or SMN after Titania
Nah it's in the MSQ, you clearly skipped it so just sit the fuck down autismo
She thinks she was a male in a previous life and that her soul is male due to it because of her tribe's belief system but she's full woman in reality.
He just made a joke by twisting and omitting facts. What a witty poster and now he's baiting for more funny Yea Forums action. How comedic, what a good use of posts, we are slaaaaaping our sides since it's so funny. Sadu is a tranny ho ho ho i love it.
Being reborn in another body in a fantasy universe where that is possible=/=Deciding you're the other gender irl and going through surgery to try and physically appear as such
>her soul is male
literally what trannies believe
>shield gauge is the same as sword
You had one single job
>still play MMORPG
Is there anyone under 20 still playing this? Anyone i know is either housewive or dudes in their mid 30's
Lyse is so terrible that Minfillia was more useful than she was
>Dotharl believe that deceased members of the tribe are reborn
>essentially, the soul is recycled with a new body
>Sadu has the soul of the previous leader, who happened to be male
That's it, she doesn't believe she's a man currently. 99% likely to be a bait so you're not getting a (You) from me
>Believes she's a man
>Is actually a woman
Explain to me how this is different than what any other tranny does. Wait.. you can'. Fucking tranny apologizers
now now, even Yea Forums knows about Muad'Dib... I hope.
From what I understood, the Dotharl believe the soul has no gender or something
Do you have nothing better to fucking do ?
This guy gets it. If you're someone who has, in theory, swapped bodies multiple times you're probably not going consider yourself to have a 'default' or original gender. You're just whatever your dusk mom/dawn dad needs you to be.
You're the one arguing over nothing. She's a tranny and that's it
But she wasn't arguing with you
Go play videogames instead of typing this shit. Go do something.
>Getting baited and derailed by one guy
>starts arguing over nothing
>wtf dude stop arguing why are you wasting your time?
You couldn't make this shit up if you tried. Trannies ladies and gents
So they created an entire race just to appeal to the tranny crowd?
Do you guys think they're actually going to make each tank specialize and have two designated OT/MT style tanks in 5.0? Or was that just an overreaching statement by Yoshi that shouldnt be taken literally?
The absolute state of you right now.
Good tranny, that's a good tranny.
Shut up tranny.
>the one time there actually is a tranny
Gas all trannies and sympathizers
This is so sad. Alexa execute all trannies
>I'm not obsessed with trannies
Wew lad
>CTRL + F "tranny"
>13 results
Can we just banish these threads to /vg/ until the next patch or expansion or whatever the fuck.
Keep choking on tranny cum.
Only tranny quote multiples because they're atention starved.
Imagine being this hungry for attention. Trannies really are mentally ill huh?
Go hang out with the /vg/ trannies if you want it so much.
These threads would be so much better if trannies didn't exist. We white men need to rise up....
This is fucking orgasmic, watching my health fucking drop and my fell cleaves go up up up
Shut the fuck up retard we're busy bashing trannies.
Can I get banned for using player-auctions items
>unironically buying cash shop mounts
>rent f-free
go back to /vg/
this is a gay board
These posts reek of sòy. Go dilate tranny.
>ctrl + f "trann"
>28 results
Does anyone know how to contact the guy with the gw2g spam bot? I'd like to borrow it for these generals as well.
Bloodbath + Double Edge
Enjoy trashing the shit out of AV.
>not double edge + martialist + still having the fairy buff by AV
>Local FC tranny got surgery last week
Do you guys think I have a chance tapping that tranny puss? Just imagine the smell..oh man
I'm interested too.
Sometimes i just copy paste posts from higher up in the thread and people respond to it which catches the thread in an endless loop. I'm doing this manually but it would be nice to automate the process.
Guys I have a confession to make. I really don't like trannies :S
It's all good man, nobody does! :)
I hate this fucking game.
Fellow trans gamers where you at?! :D
Gaymer standing by! o7
Can we just say that SAM was a genius addition? Adding a flashy pure DMG class for the shitters to flock to and can't fuck up with was a great idea.
Even a bad SAM is still shitting out damage.
*raises paw*
how much damage should SAM be doing?
I would like to start doing Eureka but I shout for parties and get no invites
SAM isnt flashy at all.
My wife.
Wouldn't it be less DPS overall since you would need a healer focusing you for the end ticks of Double edge? (which are like half your HP)
>No John, you are the Warriors of Darkness
Lmao can't make this shit up
as someone whose dps of choice is RDM even i know that RDM is the class shitters flock to over all others by a significant magnitude
It's rather subdued compared to some of the others, but it does have great sound design. I kind of hope that the level 80 skill is that LB thing that Hien does.
no, they're legit mogstation gifts.
Do I need to express this more blatantly?
>warriors of light come from another world as warriors of darkness because their world got fucked up
>you end up having to become a warrior of darkness because your world's getting fucked up
wow who could've seen this coming
Holm + Bene should solve that.
every girl plays rdm or bard
RDM is the wowfugee class, seeing as it feels like it has the least downtime and WoWfags are used to spamming buttons
how do you guys play this game on controller? mmos work best on kb+m
Finally reached my main goal in FFXIV: Ultimate Kill.
Unsubbed for now, thinking about dropping the game if JP fanfest and following Live Letters don't show anything really gamechanging.
I played this game since the middle of HW and it's so fucking stale, i can't understand how some people legit stay subbed since 2.0.
If the game remains the same i'll just resub in 6.0 for the story quests.
I hold the controller and push the buttons. It works well with this mmo because it was designed with controllers in mind, that's why JP mainly uses controller yet has the highest clear rates.
>mmo specifically designed to be controller friendly
>'how do you do this?'
Which one? How long did it take you?
>RDM has less downtime compared to MNK or BRD
RDM barely has any oGCD's to use and only 2 are on a sub 30s cooldown, it's probably one of the slowest classes in terms of overall GCD/oGCD usage, after BLM. As a comparison SMN is far more busy to play.
UwU, 2 months.
Yeah i know that the fight is much easier and 2 months is a lot but it was first time i got into this kind of semi-hc prog party, for me this is another level compared to savage fights.
How do you keep track of 30+ actions on a controller
>much easier
easier than UCoB*