Nintendo direct

Thoughts, fears, predictions

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Pokemon direct

its gonna be another generic pokemon game with less soul than the previous one

This time, it’s different

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My biggest fear is that they keep the Candy and AV system from LGPE. That shit literally breaks all game balance and made those games near unplayable.

This will be the final blow to the competition

One final unstoppable uppercut right to the face.
Pokémon is the biggest franchise in the entire world.

It's over. Nintendo fucking won.

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Please don't get my hopes up with that pic.

>300 people
>more bloated
>more clueless drones doing pointless work

Vai tomar no cu, americano chato do caralho.

Nintendo is actually doing it.

Making 800+ unique Pokémon models in HD is pointless work, but it needs to be done.

Cala-te brazuca de merda

They don’t announce Pokémon on Nintendo directs

They already have HD models. Sun and Moon models are needlessly detailed with way more polygons than required.
People have speculated they made them "future proof" already for a reason.


but this isn't a nintendo direct, it's a pokemon direct

There's literally a pokemom direct happening in less than 2 hours you retarf

In the trashbin.

I mean yeah, GO and Lets Go use the same models

Will this be the first game to sell more than 200 million copies?

See OP’s picture retard




Fuck off, retard

I can't wait to Splishy Splashy with my Mudkip :D

Did I travel in time?

I don't know

>Winnie Pooh so high
China strong

Hehe I love making fun of pokemon :)

Can you repeat the question?

Everyone will be disappointed, but most Switch owners will still buy it just to have something to play during yet another release drought.

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It’s gona look like pokemon let’s go but with wild battles and all the end-game autismo shit pokefags like.

I won't mind as long as it's not more goddamn Kanto remakes. If we get a new gen with whatever graphics and standard Pokemon mechanics, I'll buy it without question, and complain about how trash it is after I've actually played it.

No, YOU take a closer look at OP's picture you cumguzzling retard.

no f zero no buy

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Nintendo cant figure out how to make F-Zero babby friendly, so that franchise is good and dead for now

>Nintendo Direct

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It's pokemon, expectations are low.
Lewding the new pokegirls will be fun

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Its 7 minutes long.
Pokemon movie trailer, pokemon gen 8 announce, pokemon amiibo.

Thats it

>Lewding the new pokegirls will be fun
This, can't wait for the fat art

That's the only good thing

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well i don't really need a switch

That's fine
Dont be like us Metroidfags who got suckered into buying this thing way too early

What it looked like from what they were doing on their instagram (recapping all the generations leading up to today, yesterday was Alola) is make a continent or world game, like Pokemon World I guess.

You're not the boss of me but no way fag.

It never sold that much and games these days cost too much to make to justify the low sales it would get.

Do you think somebody at GameFreak watched Star Jewel the night before coming up with Lusamine's design?


There's only 12 months though?

Low sales havent stopped Nintendo from taking on niche projects like Daemon X Machina and the like

fucking nothing
fucking nothing
fucking nothing

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There's a big difference between unknown ip's selling low and a running franchise consistently selling low

Pqp brasileiro é problemático ein?

how is hello kitty so successful

>Merchandising, merchandising! Where the real money from the movie is made!
There's a reason it has the word Merchant in it.

Why did they sell so much merch though? Is Hello Kitty just the perfect character design?

For 5-12 year old girls yes, yes it is.