Where were you when EVO became great again?
Where were you when EVO became great again?
The melee local that happens to air the same day as whatever game taking it's slot at evo will have more views.
Reminder in 20 years you'll still be able to do nothing but seethe while Melee is the only game still alive.
Wow no reason to watch it then fucking muscle reaction combos are not skillful
lmao stay deluded faggot
>no armada
>no mew2king
>no leffen
Does this mean it will never come back??
Please be real...
>Melee will die
>Melee will die
>melee will die
>melee will die
>melee will die
>melee will die
Congrats, your 6 years of dedicating your life to people not playing anymore has led to melee not being at evo, too bad it will still be around when every other game in this years lineup will be dead LOL
Reminder that Melee players want to ban character because "it's not fun to fight against him".
>deluded meleegro in denial
Wow Salem and that other faggot from last year’s sm4sh finals really fucked it up for everyone. Gay people ruin everything they touch look how that gay black dude tried to fake a hate crime and put it off on being black when he was really just a crazy faggot
So Yea Forums, been playing idolm@ster?
imagine if a bunch of autistic chess players started saying they need to ban the Queen for the same reason
>wants to have a character banned
>entire game gets banned instead
being a homosexual is a mental illness no matter how much liberals try to shout down people into thinking it's not. So it's not surprising that homosexuals frequently do mentally ill actions.
>b-b-b-but melee is d-d-d-dead now!! see? my irrelevant fighting tourny doesn't have it hahaah....
lmao so fucking delusional, melee will still get more viewers than it regardless, better to not be in EVO anyway to weed out the irrelevant shit it brings with it
ding dong diddly cope-arino
>"This game that's been around for 20 years is going to die because it isn't in this one major"
>"Please completely ignore the 40 other majors its at"
Look at it this way. Meleegroes can finally take a shower
>biggest fighting game tournament of the year
Good riddance to smelly rubbish
Do Smash players really not shower?
so why does it fucking matter if it's at EVO then
like shit let some other games get a shot, especially games that don't require several extra hours of set up and always runs late due to muh Bo5 autism.
Good. Ultimate actually has faster and more exciting matches than a Jigglypuff match in Melee.
>Hbox is so butthurt he wants to host his own Melee event on the same weekend as EVO
As a Melee player I don’t think this was unjust or unexpected at all. EVO saved “us” in 2013 and put up with “us“ for years and for that I’m pretty grateful.
Why is this such a big deal?
Pretty selfish, honestly. People are bored of seeing the same character win tournaments in the same game over and over, and he should be just as bored of playing it but all he cares about is winning and getting prize money.
Eventually Ultimate is gonna run into the same issue but a new Smash might exist by then anyway.
FGC has wanted to split away from Melee for years and this means they finally can.
Note that FGC doesn't really have a problem with Smash, it's just Melee due to a large percentage of Melee fans being incredible fuckheads.
Because EVO cares more about sucking off corporations than supporting a grassroots event that brings in tons of viewers and entrants. SAMURAI SHOWDOWN DOESN'T EVEN HAVE A SPECIFIC RELEASE DATE
They only do Bo4 for the finals.
You dont speak for me get em all out of my fucking events.
They run Bo5 for Top 64 dude. I know this because in 2013 they didn't and it caused every Meleefag to REEEEEE about how Evo is oppressing them and it's time to Rise Up
Those entrants only enter one game though while most people spend money entering multiple games. SamSho has a legacy and we know it'll be out before EVO.
I mean there's still a scene for the OG Samurai Showdown and it's about as grassroots as you can get
Mr. Wiz only wants to support new games that give him more money like UNIST.
Holy fucking shit, every single franchise in EVO have changed and move on regardless if it worse or bad.
Everybody moves on except for this one fucking autistic fanbase that is clinging on not to a franchise, but to a single fucking title like a babies on his mommy tits.
Just let it fucking go.
The moment EVO became a corporate run advertisement that bans DOA because of sjws was when it became 100% irrelevant.
But I am still glad that Melee is gone, because it legit had the worst fanbase of any game ever made.
Marvel 2 is getting resurrected and will likely replace MvC:I
You clearly don't give a shit about fighting games if you think people should sacrifice quality games in favor of newer, shittier ones.
kys meleegro
EVO was always like that though. Did you watch any before Core Values happened? McRib has always been a shill and laughed at by the FGC, doesn't mean EVO isn't big or important.
Because there is no other game that plays like melee, including the other games in the franchise, which can’t really be said about other franchises. Nintendo accidentally made a sandbox fighting game that is very conducive to fast paced competitive gameplay, didn’t like how people played the game, and then autistically made all the following games bad on purpose. It’s a unique creation that couldn’t be replicated if anyone tried, and now it’s being replaced at EVO by a literally who street fighter clone.
>Literally who
Go take a shower, stinky.
Marvel 2 ain't coming back lmao. You have any idea how hard it is to find working Marvel 2 cabinets these days?
The only port that did it justice was Dreamcast and a copy of that is almost just as rare.
>people actually defending melee
I thought you had to be an adult to post here ?
who fucking cares
He's in for a rude awakening when he finds he barely scratches Evo's viewership and it sinks in how far Melee is divorced from the fgc
MvC:I is an abomination that killed the series in the FGC tourneys and they let it buried without much fuss about it.
Thats the point about moving on, players changed game or even franchise without any fucking issue at all.
5 fucking years in a row is not enough for yer lot?
What more do you want that other titles doesn't deserve?
Enough is enough.
Nintendo didn't make a fighting game, they made and action game with an omnidirectional block and whacky items and stages, and you think a buggy game where the only way to be competitive is using specifically malfunctioning controls, banning 80% of maps and disabling dozens of items. Also unlike SamSho, it's community is full of neopotism and elitism, and it's not conected to fighting games at all.
Yeah...go ahead and ask literally anyone outside the internet which game they’ve actually heard of, let alone played, and we’ll see who’s stinky. Fucking delusional.
Why do Melee fags think they should have a spot for forever?
Imagine the smell.
The thing is that’s what makes melee special. It’s really not a fighting game, but it’s played like one.
They don't. Kappa fags are blowing it out of proportion because they finally have a victory.
Grabted said victory is only because Nintendo made a unifying game, but a win is a win.
in 20 years gamecubes won't work and all the melee disks will have rotted, and if they try to pirate it they'll get sued by nintendo
Because it’s the only game with a limitless skill ceiling.
They literally can't let it go, it's become too important to them. The fact that they've vehemently rejected every Smash title up to Ultimate bascially highlights how they feel about video games, ie they don't give a shit about them. They like their trashy community with dumbfuck lingo and their "gods" and fuck you if you're not a part of that. They'll move on when they die.
>Oh that sucks, it would've been cool to see. I guess I'll tune in to Genesis, Frostbite, Full Bloom 5, Shine, Combo Breaker, and many more events that feature Melee that get hundreds of thousands of views instead and see how EVO does with half of their viewership gone during peak hours
If the game was anywhere close to being as awful as you insist it is then it would die for a reason other than it being physically impossible to play. On the contrary all these "amazing" games die because nobody gives a fuck about them anymore.
>A-At least I can watch these party game tournaments instead of a real fighting game tournament
This amount of projection and the irony of the image...
Nobody gonna miss melee fag, I assure you this.
you do know some tournaments already run pirated copies right? it's a lot easier and cheaper to mod a wii than to buy a gamecube and melee
Try harder lol
Melee is by far the most recognizable game at evo to a majority of people and you’re delusional if you think otherwise.
*wins your tournament*
Actually a perfect example. I hate the dude and the character but if it was easy then everyone would be doing it, but literally only one guy can. If puff was actually broken you’d have literally who puff players getting upsets like what happens with wobblers, but that doesn’t happen.
>the rules of chess have never changed
Ban Jigglypuff, retard.
Ah neat they got rid of a party game at a fighting game tournament.
>mfw melee side event gets more entrants than 5/8 Evo games
When are we getting TvC back at EVO?
(you have to pay Jewizard for them btw)
Based EVO giving me the monkey paw
>no melee
>but no GG either
On the other side, I hope more people get to know UNIST now. That game is pure cash
>game with almost 20 years of play gets more entrants then games not fully released yet
>but if it was easy then everyone would be doing it
No they wouldn't, Smash players have an abstract sense of fair play and even if playing Jigglypuff would be optimal they wouldn't bother with it because it's unfun and "cheap".
yo unist hype. i dont play it tho
>6 years to remove a non-fighting game from a fighting event
Yeah that’s simply not true at all. See how many wobblers there are. And sheik players.
>he says after wobbling just got banned
>In unrelated news EVO 2019 turned out to be the nicest smelling fighting game tournament in recent memory
>Meleefags used to crash Brawl and later Smash 4 events just to boo and hiss at people enjoying a Smash game that isn't Melee
>EVO in particular had Meleefags screaming TRASH and GET OFF THE STAGE from the crowd every time a new Smash 4 set started
>back in the day the bullied a kid that beat a well known Marth players in the finals of a tournament into giving him his winnings because the tournament had items on and he didn't win "honorably"
>one of the first years CEO hosted Melee, the Melee winners threw their medals in the dumpster outside of the event as protest because the Melee finals didn't get top billing
>when EVO was brought back, they ran Bo3 to top 32 which caused Meleefags to REEEE because anything less then Bo5 in Top 64 was opression to them
>after that change literally every year Melee went hilariously overtime at EVO
>not to mention the logistical nightmare of keeping 20,000 lbs of CRTs on hand and needing to move them around, plus how hard to find GameCubes and Memory cards for them can be these days
What is skillful?
How much of this is true?
Agreed, EVO and melee are both large enough to operate on their own
And this way fighting game people won't be called stinky
>fighting game people won't be called stinky
They still need to get rid of Sonicfox for that. Can you imagine how dirty that unwashed fursuit must be?
The Sm4sh one did at least, I remember that one
Nome of it but people still think Fox is the only character and FD is the only stage so it doesnt matter.
Wait so Melee doesn't need a massive amount of rare and heavy CRTs on hand to keep a tournament going? Wow!
the last one is just common sense
IIRC speedrunners run into the same problem
>melee haters are so weak they cant carry a CRT
I think that Marth player was Ken, I remember hearing something happening back in the day about losing a tournament because there was some items on and it caused a massive fuss in the Melee community.
Different user but I know
>Meleefags used to crash Brawl and later Smash 4 events just to boo and hiss at people enjoying a Smash game that isn't Melee
>when EVO was brought back, they ran Bo3 to top 32 which caused Meleefags to REEEE because anything less then Bo5 in Top 64 was opression to them
>after that change literally every year Melee went hilariously overtime at EVO
>not to mention the logistical nightmare of keeping 20,000 lbs of CRTs on hand and needing to move them around, plus how hard to find GameCubes and Memory cards for them can be these days
are absolutely correct so I feel inclined to believe the rest. and not only are CRTs a logistical nightmare, but nobody in the community wanted to help set shit up. It's infamous that despite demanding CRTs, only a handful of people would actually want to help manage them
>ignoring the fact that setting them up and moving around is a nightmare to deal with especially because melee is literally the only game you can play them on these days
Who are you fooling melee fags have never had jobs let alone lift things
I love melee mind you but I don't still sleep in the same bedroom I unwrapped my GameCube in
Wooooooowwwww, I can tell that you have played before. Stfu smash64 retard
>Bo3 getting changed to Bo5
I dunno why you'd deny that one
>am I midscreen? Yes, then I do combo route A
>am I cornering them? Yes, then I a different combo route than A because route A can't be done on the corner/I wouldn't be make full use of my corner advantage
>am I being cornered? Yes, so I need a combo that switch sides so that I can corner them afterwards
>do I have my super bar filled or empty? I could go for a more damaging route if it's full
>if I have the right move already set when the opponent gets up, I could do a more damaging combo than combo A
>should I go for the most damaging route but that doesn't score a knockdown or sacrifice the damage for a knockdown?
Now imagine having to pick between these options while trying to read what the opponent's gonna do next
You can either pay 50 people to carry 50 CRTs or pay them to carry 150 flatscreens, and they will both take the same amount of time and effort.
t. economics major
This thread STINKS
Skullgirls deserves a spot
>melee gone
>suddenly evo is a good tournament
reminder its bo3 until finals
I could do that
or I could take a shower and have sex like a functioning being (ie not you)
Honestly maybe its a good thing you finally have a win after all this time, another melee at evo might have caused you guys to die from an aneurysm
>Meleefags used to crash Brawl and later Smash 4 events just to boo and hiss at people enjoying a Smash game that isn't Melee
Not at any major but Melee players were known for wrecking setups for other CRT games like SF 2 Turbo to play Melee which ended up delaying those side tournaments. Melee players once wrecked a VSav set up that was set for the finals at UGFT and some JP legends were set to play. Keits was furious.
>back in the day the bullied a kid that beat a well known Marth players in the finals of a tournament into giving him his winnings because the tournament had items on and he didn't win "honorably"
First part was true. Items were off though. It was a stage counter pick. Kid used the rules but they still bullied him into forefitting the money and win
>one of the first years CEO hosted Melee, the Melee winners threw their medals in the dumpster outside of the event as protest because the Melee finals didn't get top billing
Completely true. Jebailey was furious because the medals cost a bit of money to make and he had asked a friend of his who was a metalworker to do them so they meant a lot to him. Meanwhile every other tournament thought they were great
>when EVO was brought back, they ran Bo3 to top 32 which caused Meleefags to REEEE because anything less then Bo5 in Top 64 was opression to them
>after that change literally every year Melee went hilariously overtime at EVO
Also true and other games were starting to get cut for time or scheduled for stupidly early in the morning because they had to be ready for SF V on ESPN
>not to mention the logistical nightmare of keeping 20,000 lbs of CRTs on hand and needing to move them around, plus how hard to find GameCubes and Memory cards for them can be these days
It was costing them a shitload of money to bring them down to Vegas every year. So also true.
>best melee player in the world is an engineer
Meanwhile you suck at games and probably work at McDonald's LMAO
Sure melee is gone but we still have bbtag and sfv as main games
Depending on how much you like dbfz, that's either a snorefest or watchable
Then you have MK11 which is going to be boring as hell to watch and SamSho which isn't even out yet
At this point, there isn't much reason to tune into anything besides the side tourneys until Tekken, Under Night and Soul Calibur 6 show a decent match
Watching hbox's stream laughing my ass off
Was that the best reply I could think of?