>only 8 years till 2027
Only 8 years till 2027
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And I can guarantee technology will be nowhere near what it is in HR.
Really going out on a limb there...
Remember this coming out thinking 2027 is a distant future?
Breaking news: Science-Fiction does not accurately predict the future! Anonymous 4channel user is the first man to find out this crazy fact.
Edit this but the books are The Communist manifesto and Anita's biography
We might not be quite there, but currently, we do have prosthetic limbs that are mind controlled and possess an actual sense of touch. They have pretty much every degree of movement that a human limb has, too, they just need better accuracy.
I think robowaifus will be a thing.
Tell me, Yea Forums. Are you for or against transhumanism - and why?
trannies are mentally ill
That's not what transhumanism means idiot.
I feel like, if augmentations had the same problems as in HR such as neuropozyne dependency, they shouldn't be made commercially available to the non-handicapped. The technology should wait until it is perfected.
But text-to-speech does exist. It may not look exactly like this but a computer can read you a book which is what is happening here.
>FFXVII won't be out by then
>MGS4 took place 5 years ago
Am I against a tech that will make the breach between richs and poors even higher? Against a tech that will make not second class citizens but second class humans? It's an ethic nightmare and probably the unavoidable future.
I'm actually for transhumanism. I would literally give everything I have and more to be transformed into a body that doesn't have to eat to survive.
the sequence at :48 is in mankind divided, not human revolution
>what is exponential growth
I am fine with people getting their lost limbs replaced, but their needs to be a limit.
a meme
>detroit in 8 years
Yet that is what is taking place.
I just want legs that don't hurt desu.
No I'm not fat. Hereditary arthritis is a bitch.
Actually they could
I literally live in Prague dude. There is NO FUCKING WAY this place will be at a technological level depicted in DXMD in less than a decade.
>hurrdurr poor can't afford smartphones nowadays, nor can they benefit from medical breakthroughs
every technology that sells becomes more and more affordable in time, just because a few rich guys gonna have red Ferrari robotic dong doesn't mean you won't be able to afford a Ford.
>Democrat control of government
that's codeword for niggers isn't it?
>mind controlled and possess an actual sense of touch
that's false though, I mean they are and do in a sense, but not like a real hand would
America is 3rd world-tier.
I thought its like uploading the knowledge into their brains.
that's pretty amazing but that's not an augmentation, it's a prosthetic
augmentation implies an upgrade over the original
Oldmate got the headphones fairly spot on.
Just wait when they fix all the bridges.
>democrat control
That would imply anyone had control.
Exactly. Thinking Americans have any control over their own nation is delusional.
Wasn't that china?
Actually this arm only costs around 6k dollars right now.
Actually phones is an excellent, automatized control tool. Of course they're common as fuck.
Augmentations is an unknown field. Whe don't know the consequences and the changes that will come with this, but I doubt that will be a bright future. I think vanilla and poors will be outclassed quick
Can I fap with this?
Isn't that multiple months' wages for the vast majority of the populace just for a toy version of the canonical arm with significantly less functionality and responsiveness?
Nope, Detroit.
Shows how retarded are the devs.
that's Hengsha you fucking retard
mate I still remember playing first ghost recon in 2002ish and the game was set in the near future of 2008
Jensen is augmented in more than just one arm
It's already several thousands cheaper than conventional bionic tech and with decent insurance it becomes very affordable for most people.
If you're not a mutt that is.
I wish Square kept the series going. MD gets way too much flak.
Don't know
Yes but prices will drop with mass adaptation and tech will advance. Even then 6k is a pretty good deal for an arm desu. People spend more then that on their cars.
Don't mind me just being the best song everyone forgot about.
It would be extremely painful.
Missing the key points there though. That arm doesn't look like an augmentation it looks like a prosthetic, so something actually Jensen-tier that makes you BETTER would cost more.
Maybe you've never been a poorfag but "most people" aka the vast working class would have a lot of difficulty scraping together 6k inbetween food, water, power, phone, rent, petrol, basic insurance and other assorted expenses, let alone if you want to actually have a single luxury in your life for years.
I'm fine with it, I always wanted to have good eyes and two of them. Also money can buy many things a car, a home, even beauty, why not increase the power of money to actual usefulness, other then means to survive.
While I think Human Revolution is a decent game, I don't consider it a Deus Ex game. It feels like the people involved couldn't agree whether they were making a Deus Ex prequel or a new IP. Everyone would be much happier if the prequels were a spiritual successor to Deus Ex set in a similar but different universe. That way, the developers wouldn't be limited on where they want their game's gameplay, lore, and aesthetic to go.
>working class is so poor they can't even go on holiday despite holding down 3 jobs working 7 days and nights a week
Are Americans really this poor?
You shouldn't act so surprised at how widespread income fuckery is, and not just in USA. In most cases it's "employer sets the terms and if you don't like it then good luck finding work elsewhere in this economic climate"
trannies are the first stage of transhumanism.
that is why this garbage is being pushed. easier to sell idiots with google brainchips when you have already fucked up the genders to begin with.
will 2077 look like this?
There's no point LARPing about this nonsense outside of the game universe's context. Prosthetics don't magically make you not member of Homo Sapiens. People want to cut off perfectly healthy arms so they can perform surgery with sub-micrometer precision or legs to run faster than Usain Bolt be my guest. You're still never getting a Typhon or even Icarus Landing System because this is the real world and not the poorly written cop-out excuse for world-building meant to bridge the gap between the current year and the original game's 2052 actually no wait fuck it lol let's just forget about all that dumb stuff and write our own lore wouldn't it be cool if we had a Chinese city with super high skyscrapers but like with two levels and everyone with augmentations had brainchips that could turn them into psychos and there was this hot AI chick who's like a newsreader or something idk we'll figure it out later.
1st world countries don't require you to work at least 2 jobs just to cover basic rent and living expenses. You have shit like minimum wage to prevent that form happening. There's a reason we have laws in place that prevent corps from fucking their employees in the ass.
If you're talking 3rd world-tier, sure but even then in most of those countries people live fine since living expenses are much lower as well.
>fucking their employees in the ass.
They just outsource their shit to 3rd world countries.
I thought transhumanism was about be better than a vanilla human, not about mutilate your body
comfy commercial
Not entirely true.
High technology and skilled labour is still only produced in the west.
This is genuinely great
The rest of the world is picking up though. But that is the core of it labour is getting rationalized and or outsourced to cheaper people.
Well it wasn't really wrong, shit happened in Eastern Europe a few years after 2008
I miss Jensen.
Questioning traditional gender roles is the result of the late post industrial society where sexual hedonism is normalized and social obligation is stigmatized. Transgenderism rejects biological determinism with make up and hormone treatment similar to how trans-humanism uses advanced technology to ascend all biological limitations
>The rest of the world is picking up though
No, not really. There's a reason why they hire the dutch to build islands in Dubai.
Most car factories are based in Yurop because the best steel comes from germany, not China.
Do you really think people are willing to simply share this precious knowledge and tech like this with some random chink who before you know it steals your shit and starts competing at a lower price?
Shit like this doesn't get outsourced because it's expensive but also AAA quality.
wtf mister White?
I kinda misread thinking it was about manual labour. But they are still picking up, wouldn't be so sure about them not picking up.
Also about the car part, cars are usually localy build to keep supply chains short, that's why Volkswagen build in Hungary, Mexico and China, at least some cars.
>Actually they could
>Majority black
No it's Hengsha in China. Detroit is still a derelict shithole in DEHR.
I'll stick to Yea Forums till January 1st 2027 to repost all replays in a large picture.
Is there a message you want to send to the future?
>cars are usually localy build to keep supply chains short
Nope. Most cars you see are actually made in 2 or 3 different parts of the world. The steel frame could be made in germany because best steel, the engine from the USA and the thing could've been put together in India because cheap labour.
Factories are based where the resources are.
Junky/Tranny clown world with cybernetics? Well if things keep going the way they're going it's not outside the realm of possibility.
Yes ofc everything is distributed, but even more split up. I think car companies are mainly just producing engines and chassis today, frames are outdated by now. But this all depends on the style of factory if it builds cars out of CKD kits or from ground up.
To wrap it up, economy is globalized and diversified.