The game is nearly perfect from a technical perspective, easily better combat than 4 and the 5 demo, its only flaws are unaggressive bosses and easy meter mechanics. So why does Yea Forums hate it? Mainly the character design? Even the meme about donte shitting on the white hair original design is literally wrong since he gets white hair at the end of the game and it turns out that line is just an ironic character joke. What gives? It's also the first dmc game with a non virgin dante
DmC Has Better Gameplay Than 5
Other urls found in this thread:
It's combat is not better. It's the same punching bag shit but with 10x uglier and lazier animations which make you feel even less stylish and with a lot less depth than 4.
>game has 3 dodge buttons
The combat feels less satisfying, slower and with less variations to spice things up.
>It's also the first dmc game with a non virgin dante
Dante actually being a dork trying to look cool is the best thing about his character, though.
Okay seriously what's with all the DmC threads recently? I've always liked the game but this seems forced
Like every dmc
This destroys the bait.
Delusional OP is delusional.
DmC 2 ? NEVER EVER. and thats a fact!
The only DMC game that has a dedicated dodge is DMC2. Y'know, the bad one.
I didn't even read anything aside from the title, but it's enough to tell you to fuck off and kill yourself
if your going to keep reposting that pic use this less fuck ugly version of it.
That'd be SSSS by DmC's standards.
>3 deaths
I want to say it's contrarians and people that just are obsessed with getting (You)s seeing people happy about DMC5 and wanting to mess with shit.
It's fine to like DmC, but these people are just getting more and more transparent about wanting to do nothing but ruin threads.
>must surely of seen
>skilful ninja theory
>'I-I-It was the fans'!
gets me every time
Holy fuck. Game is literally Devil Meets Casuals
what the fuck were they thinking with that slideshow
Tameem, let it go.
Right now I think it's kinda fine how they disrespect and misuderstood DMC. Imagine if they actually liked DMC and tried to create canon story but with their own fanfic-tier ideas? We could've got not only worst game in the series gameplay wise but also some retarded plot which could rival DMC2. At least now we can ignore that piece of shit.
no it doesn't
>mfw dante should be all the things on the left, and the right made a shit game
>imagine Trish getting pinned against a gray wall, that's the same color of her fucking boring bitch-ass character who imperonates moms becuase she's literally an unholy wretch with no dignity whatsoever, while at the same time the demon-whore who suckled Mundus' big red tri-balls and had so much piss-stained demon cum splurged all over her hair, it got dyed blond, is being fisted with pizza up her matrix-2000 black fetish pants ripped apart, so hard the term yeast infection gets a new meaning, and with her last whoreish, skanky, breaths she coughs up the crusty, hell-cum out her ps2-octagon mouth, leaving her dark soul unfilled, yet her ass stuffed to the brim
You can counter him by a fucking taunting? Holly shit. I didn't know that.
>DmC Has Better Gameplay Than 5
now this is bait
In other words, Dante should not be a flashy, cheesy Japanese hero?
you didn't though
I can't wait to see if the media is still salty about consumers winning for once.
Shut up Tameen no one likes your game go suck Phil’s balls faggot.
>technical perspective
The whole new Donte.3gp
its one autist
how many shitty threads are you going to make OP
Imagine being so autistic as a developer that you put this in as the final credits
> Totally got back at you fanboys for not buying my game!
42:00 for the ultimate in cringe and retardation.
> Dante's VO looks into the camera, says "My name is Donte"
> Hops on his skateboard, rides off into the sunset
> Flips the finger at the 'toxic' fans that bashed this precious game
Tameem the foreigner: putting the 'E' in edge and the 'C' in cringe since Day One.
I still think it’s weird how they didn’t like the original series, but some of the original concept art was very similar to the original series.
>Dante actually being a dork trying to look cool is the best thing about his character, though.
t. DMC3shitter
Fuck that game and the scourge of totally ironic CUHRAAAZY retards it spawned
>Still being a DMC1 elitist
Being a elitist at all
Nah, that's Itsuno's weird idea of Dante that becomes frankly grating after a while.
DMC1 Dante is still the only valid Dante, 50% dork 50% hero, not 90% bugs bunny and 10% son of spurdo.
Who's saying it's ironic? It's funny and cool.
>b-but muh definitive edition
DMC3 Dante is way better than DMC1 and DMC4 Dante.
i havent played dmc3 in a long time, is it possible to play that shit without touching the right analog stick at all? trying to play on a hori fighting commander
>is it possible to play that shit without touching the right analog stick at all?
Yes more than possible. You only use it to control the camera in a few certain areas and it's worthless.
Yes, fights have fixed camera angles anyways
replayed it recently. i didn't even know it does anything. most times i shoot to get an idea where the enemies are or if there are any in the room.
thanks anons, gonna play the hd edition on pc hope its better than the original butchered pc release
Yes, it's one of a few reason it plays surprisingly well on keyboard since it's easier to buffer some moves with keyboard mashing.
Looks like i won't be able to do this in DMC5 since it seems to have a non-fixed camera
Why did they do this?
its amazing how accurate they managed to pin point dante only to then go the opposite direction.. its like have you played DMC3? You know the game in which dante kills a animu vampire that then turns into a eguitar with dante completely spergin out with it including fireworks at the end and all?
Holy kek
They said they think that Dante is lame now, remember? Especially when they think that he would be laughed out of any bar outside of Japan.
Somebody post the comic about that quote where Dante walks into a Polish bar and matches the color scheme.
>We've definitely never seen Bleach, we promise
Got it.
There's the jump button (that also doubles as roll button) and then the style button if you're on trickster with dante, or dark slayer with vergil.
So at best it's 1 and 1/4 dodge buttons for dante, 2 for vergil, 1 for everybody else. Did DmC seriously have 3? I only remember it having 2.
SO stiff
This is now a DMC 5 thread.
what are you playing before it comes out?
How many near death experiences have you had since the announcement? (3 for me)
Will DmC shills commit suicide?
>Does a single "Trillions Stab"
tf devastation
being a hikki has its benefit
i fucking wish
I’m killing time with The Binding of Isaac.
>here’s your devil trigger bro
post yfw Nero's DT lets fly like this
>air raid
Dante was unintentionally a bit dorky and seemed like he was trying too hard to be cool in 1 though, 3 just took the natural evolution of his character.
I've just finished Hard with Dante and Very Hard with Vergil in 3SE. Goddamn, Nelo DT hits like a truck and brings a new strategy to DT since it's got different moves. Playing corrupt Vergil feels so close to playing Nero.
i bet he'd be pretty popular on canada day too
>what are you playing before it comes out?
Dragonball FighterZ, Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen, Thief Gold, Aces Wild, some Megaman games. For some reason I don't want to play the older DMCs before 5 because I want to go in completely fresh (probably since I only have HD Collection and played 4SE via a friend's PC, so playing 3 won't really prepare me for 5 outside of Cerberus).
>How many near death experiences have you had since the announcement? (3 for me)
I've almost lost my footing on ice twice this Winter and I nearly vomited due to sickness last weekend but I'm otherwise good. My dad almost died though.
>Will DmC shills commit suicide?
The ones that actually care about thinking that it's better than the mainline will be BTFO eternally for sure. There's no way 5 doesn't outperform it, regardless of the level of its success.
>tf devastation
Absolutely based. Who's your main (besides Optimus)? I love me some Grimlock but Sideswipe's cooldown flash step is incredible once you learn it. Wheeljack is a really cool idea but I can't into gun-heavy builds and even SS-rarity Wrenches aren't that great.
He doesn't have a DT
He's getting one probably 60-70% of the way through the game.
He obviously will get one user, there is no need to be in denial about it
You think so? The arms are broken enough to compensate for lack of DT.
he will lose the arms when he gets DT
its a trade
broken vs broken
His theme song is called Devil Trigger, there are wings placed behind his back on the cover of the game, it's clear as daylight that he will get one
Storywise he'll get his arm back, but gameplay we can choose to select between the Bringer and the Breaker once we get his arm back.
Breakaway is on the DT button.
What will happen is that activating DT does a breakaway (granting invulnerability frames like DMC4 DT start up) then you will have the devil bringer for the duration of DT. Might have new function unique to it from all the breakers; might provide a ghost version of destroyed breaker to use for duration (e.g., destroying punchline gets a ghost hand version of punchline, possibly with different/stronger moves)
When DT is turned off, devil bringer disappears and Nero switches to next breaker.
Screen cap this
So is Dante's stay in hell his appearance during Nocturne?
I think he's just from that nebulous before-after-and-during point in time that most non-canon crossovers take place in.
I don't care what arguments or idiocies people have relating to DmC, but I just want DmCDE on PC so I can play the new modes. Everything else is just noise.