why the hell is this man SO DAMN GOOD AT MAKING MUSIC
Why the hell is this man SO DAMN GOOD AT MAKING MUSIC
Other urls found in this thread:
he´s not
thats like asking why Mozart is good at music. hes got natural talent + practice + hard work
he makes nice blips and blops but it ain't no pilgrim's choir
he is
That's a dog, user.
all the man does is midi slap some earthbound and mario paint samples together, what the fuck are you smoking?
absolutely fucking based, thank you for your words of truth user
He's been doing it for years.
Not gonna lie earthbound and mario paint has some slappin beats, if thats the case hes doin it right
Because he ripped it all off from obscure 90’s JRPGs.
Most notably SMT.
He makes the music before the actual game
wtf is toby a lanky manlet?
it's literally something you could do on your own if you just get fruityloops studio, that's all he fuckin uses
based and redpilled
pretty sure he's taken music from shit like brandish for undertale too
>say something dumb and retarded
>respond to another post that sounds just as dumb as retarded with "based and redpilled"
Well I aint doin it myself so ill just enjoy his dumb shit
Based and redpilled.
>actually believing he "writes" his own music
lmao, imagine being as gullible as a 10 year old
>"Toby rips off old JRPG music!"
>Okay back up your claim and give me some links
>"Uhh... he just does."
[citation needed]
I have never played Undertale. What's so good about it? Besides that the characters look like blatant rip-offs of Cave Story and Yume Nikki.
This is objectively the greatest track he's written so far.
they said music, not game user, jfc
retard spotted in it's natural environment
Has a lot of character and soul.
That's a pretty easy way to sum it all up.
This. I'd like some sources.
Leitmotif everywhere
Maybe you should play the fucking game instead of forging your opinion on a piss board like Yea Forums.
And that's a good thing!
When I first heard the piano jingle at the start and then remembered, "Holy fucking shit more Toby music." I got a little giddy.
Is Toby Fox, dare I say it, the Tim Follin of our generation?
He's not. Anyone who likes his music doesn't actually have any proper taste in it and just mindlessly consumes whatever their peers reinforce them to think it's good.
If more people were to try and convince you that shit actually tastes good if you just sprinkled some confetti candy over it, you'd be the first ones to just at the occasion to try it because you can't think by yourself, you just follow whatever the higher mass says.
>Toby Fox
>Tim Folin
>T--- F---
based contrarian poster
>if you don't share my opinions, you can't think for yourself
Do you realize how much self-awareness you lack?
thank you great leader xian ping pong
>mindlessly consumes whatever their peers reinforce
Undertale is still just a niche video game property and hardly anyone in the populace even acknowledges, fuck off and sniff your own farts some more.
shut the fuck up drone
Sounds like the retard's mad.
That's a really roundabout way of saying "I hate it because it's popular".
>everybody who isn't just like me is a part of a hivemind
cope harder, not my fault you have shit taste in music
I'm an accredited master in SMT music.
Name a single song in the undertale OST that is a rip off of any of it. I can't think of a single one.
Its just such a retarded claim to make since they have such different fuckig tones and atmospheres, even something like P4.
Bless you Pooh poster.
Nah my taste in music is great and Toby Fox makes good music, deny it all you want because in the end that's all you can do :)
>nobody I know plays indieshit
>haven't played undertale myself
>still like some of his tracks
jump up your mum's ass, give me some of your favourite video game tracks.
>thinking you're original and superior to the mass by hating undertale
Better taste than you, reddit-kun
Isn't this kid in high school?
I played the Undertale Demo before the game gained any kind of popularity and I found the music great. Eat shit, dicknose.
besides blundertale, what do you consider good video game music then?
hes a multimillionaire, thats all that matters
He never even finished highschool.
I want the children to leave this website
It is retarded. They just can't comprehend it becoming popular.
He'll probably try to claim that this is the song Toby ripped off:
But it sounds nothing like this:
Here's something that unironically inspired Megalovania, though, according to Toby himself:
And if you check the game itself, it's clear that it inspired Toby in many ways - main character falls in the underground, is chased around by another character and his goal is to leave.
Both Papyrus and Kris are dressed up as the main character of this game, actually.
And he used the main character of this game as the main character for Earthbound Halloween Hack.
You first, wojak cancer
He’s not afraid to steal old songs and slightly change them
>give me some of your favourite video game tracks
Nah mate I know how that goes, you'll just pile up and call it shit no matter what I'd post.
He's honestly a better composer than game designer. The game is only as good as the $10 price tag.
Not him but any Nier has absolute top tier musics
Also Lisa because it's completely mindfucking and druggy youtu.be
It’s literally cut from SMT and speed up 1.25 with a few hi hats thrown in for good measure.
You can’t bullshit a bullshitter
That's usually how it goes, fair enough.
Because your taste in music is horrible.
I like SMT IV's soundtrack
SMT Nocturne
Cave Story
Sonic CD
Super Paper Mario
Katamari Damacy
Let it Die
Wario Land 4
Just a few off the top of my head.
Your turn now, reddit.
If you dislike Toby's music you're unironically saying you dislike ZUN's music too
and that's okay
>m-muh ripped off!
Based Kamiya is always right on this topic.
Get the game on sale for the price of a king size candy bar and form your own opinion
Go in blind
>muh ambient to drown out the sound of parents arguing
>muh 8bitshit because I'm so immature I can't understand anything except for the basic melody being spelled out in the most obvious way
Unironically the musical taste of a child. Hope you are one.
ZeroRanger's ost
Ok. Now go make a popular song.
>didn't post an 8-bit track
>an ambient soundtrack is childish because of a specific scenario I made up
go be a furry somewhere else, I've never seen this much projecting in one post
You contradicted yourself with those two greentexts. You did pass grade school, right?
Imagine being so dead inside that even listening to Hopes and Dreams doesn't do something for you.
what's so special about his music
People are allowed to have different reactions to things, user.
Is this you
You need a reality check lol.
because all he fucking did was live in a cage under andrew hussies bed. he was allowed to live in it as long as he agreed to make music for his dumb fucking webcomic. funny how literally everyone overshadowed that guy with their media presence but he's still sitting on his money.
Posting a real vidya music composer
Yuzo Koshiro
Undertale is souless
*yawns* hmm not very good
Okay in all seriousness, he knows how to compose a song to be really catch and also emotional at the same time and he does it really well.
Found the deaflet.
why is disliking stuff that arguably isnt bad such a popular thing on the internet now
Should I read Homestuck?
The idea of an interactive webcomic with music and gameplay sounds unironically kino but I don't know how long it will take to finish and I feel like I missed the boat ages ago.
I don't care about fandoms.
Massive influx of 10-12y olds because zoomers are shit at parenting.
Get fuck out of here IVbabby and listen to some music with some REAL soul
Oh no! The only real person on the planet has realized that he's surrounded by NPCs!!!!!!!!!!!
Fuck off
And we never heard from user again.
Soulless trash.
Here's the REAL vidya music composer.
I think it’s a subfacet of outrage culture, which is also pretty popular
He isn't, his music is decent at best.
its funny at first but the focus shifts from it being a wacky video gamey world to teen romance drama. more than half of it is "stuckholm" content that tricks the reader into thinking that theres still some good stuff in the later parts.
Just read Prequel it's way better and not tumblr trash
Turn that shit off. Now.
a comic that caters to the one it should offend the worst.... lets get back to toby fox. big meme. huge guy. probably gets his small dick sucked on a hourly basis
Isn't that the one that is just lesbian furfag shipping bait?
I love this one. This is the guy who can't bring himself to say it good because its too popular and just says
>I-Its j-j-just decent yeah, not big whoop, who cares right? *yawns*
It's really good until act 6, then it becomes awful save for the villain. I say try problem sleuth first, it's very similar, shorter and stays consistently good all the way through.
What, you don't like M.Zakky?
Not really
Bro imagine having to project insecurities on people because your definition of good music is 8 bit tracks with nice chord progressions.
Jesus man broaden your horizons a bit and maybe you'll be able to develop your taste in doing so.
This is one of most idiotic posts I ever read on Yea Forums regarding music and taste in general.
The fuck is wrong with you?
Not him, but why do toby fox fans feel the need to shill on his behalf? I love parts of the Hylics ost but I understand how people wouldn't like it or could even view it as a poor soundtrack. People have different opinions than you, user.
He's not really. He's good at sampling and aping off other people's style.
>Y-yeah m-m-maybe its a good music, BUT its a certain type of good music. You should like other music kid
Come on user, just admit it, You're listening to the soundtrack right now
Because toby fox games traditionally speak more to the saddest cases of people.
>Why do fans feel the need to say the thing they like is good
Gee I dunno
Even you’ve just shilled by mentioning you really like the Hylics OST
I just listened to some music of him. Doesn't sound special to be honest. It's just simple synth music nothing that didn't exist 30 years ago already on the Mega Drive or PC-88.
Megalovania reminds me of this.
bring your mom over to give me one by choking on my dick then
No I have better taste than listening to an OST that doesn't do anything new. Imagine equating passable with good though lmfao.
ill do it instead user just come to germany
If Homestuck ended at the end act 5 it would be easily way better than PS. The problem is that Hussie spent so much time developing the characters only to have no idea what to do with them. FUCK doubling the size of the cast and adding ghosts to completely destroy any sense of risk. However later on PS also turns into a clusterfuck, it was best maybe around 1/3rd of the way through before it got bogged down with tracking 8 characters rather than just a solid 3.
>Dogsong plays in the background
Let me explain
Why he's a good doggo my pal
Let me explain
Why you can't be mad at the good dog man
Yes okay we get it you're an obnoxious faggot. Cool. Go suck on some (Toby) Fox cock more like the good mindless slave shill you are.
>a song/album has to do something new in order to be good
Imagine being this pretentious and pompous, and that's coming from someone who is big on progrock.
>h-heh its just passable, nothing special. I can only listen to NEW music
>now excuse me while I got listen to some Heavy neo-ambience
Saying that I personally liked a game's soundtrack isn't shilling, this is the fucking video game discussion board, video game discussion isn't shilling. You're putting toby fox on a pedestal and arguing that his soundtracks are objectively good and that no-one else is allowed to have an opinion.
what the fuck
based tiananmen massacre poster exposing the assblasted shills.
But it does. If an album just does something that's been done before no better than anyone else what does it have going for it? And then imagine defending that for a work limited to 8bit songs.
I don't necessarily agree with that, but pushing the boat out in any medium should always be encouraged.
>limited to 8 bit songs
Yes we get it, you have shit taste OP. You're just like one of those fucks saying Black Panther is the best movie of this year, no wonder you think that when this is the only movie you've watched this entire year.
Okay if you're so certain of what you're saying, show me some Undertale tracks that sound just the same as another.
Homestuck jumped the shark when Dave's bro threw him down the stairs
Who are you quoting you absolute retard?
Do you just think yourself that smart that you can push whatever shit you deduce as being "truth" inside others moths through your own wording and then attributing those words to them?
Take your damn meds you complete fucking schizo.
Imagine being this much of a cringey faggot loser because someone liked something and it just so happened to be *gasp* POPULAR!!!
Shut up and go play your child molestation VN "games", you fucking sad sod.
user, I haven’t put him up on a pedestal. I’m not the first guy you replied to. But not even that is shilling, even if he’s being up his own ass about it. He just thinks UT’s soundtrack is better than that one guy gives it credit for.
OP certainly isn’t shilling; he’s simply stated that he thinks his music is very good.
Id say go for it, the ending is not that bad that it ruins the whole experience, speaking of which
> but I don't know how long it will take to finish
You are easily looking at AT LEAST 3-4 months of daily reading, I think is longer than the Bible.
epic dude!
simply just epic!!
i upvoted and gave you a golden badge haha :)
check your messages to redeem ;)
Reminder Deltarune chapter 1 comes out on Switch and PS4 T O M O R R O W
PS had a late clusterfuck but you could follow it easily if you've read it from the start and comprehend all those space-time shenanigans like the valves and dresses or the dollhouse.
homestuck jumped all the marine animals when andrew hussie build upon the joke of this cliche cool guy being a crazy weirdo and tried to make it about a serious topic
>and ps4
This is news to me. Since when?
He announced it on Twitter, no trailer.
Ayy thanks bro, I appreciate it! I work real hard for this ;)
Whats the point of getting a free demo on consoles, do people really not have computers?
Kids don't.
Posting Atlus games should be considered cheating. Thankfully it's not
I have a laptop which I use only for work and shitposting, prefer to play games on console
Some people just like playing consoles
No, and no. Read Dr McNinja or Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff (the only good thing to come out of homecuck tangentially). Homecuck is cringe autism cancer through and through and takes itself waaaay too seriously.
really digging your unique cringe-cuck aesthetic
>Homecuck is cringe autism cancer
I'm now going to read a chapter tomorrow just to spite you.
did you expect anything else from the dev of fucking undertale?
Whoops I stumbled into a nest of easily offended fantards
still spawned better shit than undertale did youtube.com
so glad that toby fox didnt make undertale when i was a child
Some other fun webcomics are Super Mega and 8-bit Theatre
Go Into hiding again. Embarrasing us all with that shit
>Promoting literal shit because its ironic shit
I highly doubt you read stuff like SBAHJ on the daily and call it good.
It's pretty shit. IMHO
It’s my understanding that homestuck is a retroactively like a 4/10 because at the start it’s one of the best webcomics around. Is that right?
But I clearly haven't read it yet?
>Implying Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff isn’t genuinely entertaining
Actually wrong. My mother who doesn't even own a computer knows about Undertale through Sans Megalovania memes. She thinks the skeletons are cute.
i swear i am going to strangle whoever mentioned homestuck first
You didnt understand it
>and takes itself waaaay too seriously
yeah, no. aside of buzzwords that last part just outed yourself out when homosuck laughs at itself every chapter in one way or another and has stupid shit like this
Its really good in the first half and shits the bed on the second half, romance ruined Homestuck.
It's a mediocre comic at the start.
I read through the entirety of SBAHJ and enjoyed myself. I didn't call it "good" I said read it instead.
Im still deciding whether Caliborn was a good charachter or not.
its more about hussie forcing his readers through the weird fucking alien romance stories that he writes
he is the literal incarnation of evil and should not be supported
(Onions)boy gonna wank it to streamer with his equals and never ever actually play it himself.
Saying later he did play it and it WASTHEBESTTHINGEVERRRRRRR or criticize it in the exact same words his onions host did
what are you even saying
ruff roff ruff ruffruff rufrufrfuff, ruff, ruff ruffruffruff
ruff roff ruffroffruff rufrufruf ruf rufruf ruf rufruf ruf ruf ruf
Just watching games. Never ever consider playing them. And act like he is an expert. All depending on what his fav streamers opinion were.
>Scroll through thread
>It's all discussions of the best tracks, radically alternative tracks that bear no semblance to OP material and but blasted band-posters who can't fathom a single man making music
hahahaha fuck am I browsing Yea Forums you retards think alike
Good music is defined by those whom like it boomers get over it
I'm pretty sure that's mainly just a thing with little kids and nothing you need to be worrying about on Yea Forums.
>inb4 haha but Yea Forums does have little kids
All jokes, it actually doesn't.
Here's some real video game music.
i dont get wtf is going on anymore
I like how Yea Forums pretends to have taste to the point where they'll just call literally every composer trash just to "win" an argument
fucking absolutely not. you can't be the main villain destined to destroy all of existence and comic relief at the same time
if I were going to watch it instead of playing it myself I'd have done so when it released on PC 4+ months ago
meenah and caliborn are good because they dislike those grey bastards like anyone should
here have some actual good chiptunes, prove me fucking wrong, i literally dare you to try.
Are you claiming that the Undertale song has the same as the SMT one? are you deaf?
Im sure I didnt get it, but even if the story explicitedly said it, by the end LE and Caliborn felt like two completely different charachters that had nothing to do with each other than being green and the things Caliborn did to his own body, the last thing the faggot says at the literal end of the epilogue is a Con Air reference, somehow im supposed to believe he turns into a universe destroying menace.
They’re really not similar at all lol
I dont think I have liked a single song posted in this thread or according to Yea Forums ""god tier"" composers like Zhun or Toby but I am just lurking here
Anyways hideki naganuma always wins
LE is the result of a angry mentally stunted neet maturing without ever growing up by merging with half a clown and a powerful specter. He probably shouldnt be seen as the same character anymore.
*scratchy record noise*
Here's something you've never heard before.
Holy shit my father used to love the shit out of this game
sheeitt, i guess i'm actually a 30 y/o boomer
also I don't play VNs, but I'd play garbage VNs over Undertrash anyday
>all the man does is midi slap some earthbound and mario paint samples together, what the fuck are you smoking?
Nigger, he just uses the soundfonts. That's like calling someone shit because they use a guitar.
I hope you enjoyed that. Now, here's another selection.
redpilled as fuck.
this gon be a real hard to swallow one
virginity is defined by who i fuck and if the woman i fuck doesn't have a hymen for me to break then she's a fucking whore
No one is at the level of Shoji Meguro in the industry anyway
Shut the fuck up seething incel.
I hope you are kidding
I found undertale's music completely organically just through it coming up in youtube, I have never played the game and don't have any friends who have played the game. I don't know really anything about it and have no interest in it.
As video game music, it's very very good. I thought the dog song was pretty brilliant, highlighting a capacity for making a really catchy melody.
while he does make good music, he uses leimotifs of the main theme of the game WAY too fucking much. it wouldn't be an issue if there were like, 250 songs, but there aren't. there's like, 80, and that little diddy from the title screen is in like half of those. guy needs to learn to not rely on that shit as much, and not use too much external influence to such an obvious degree. it comes off as lazy, after a while.
my nigga that track was amazing when I heard it the first time
theres really nothing special about that. breakdown actually has a bad feel to it
arguably one of the best video game ost of all time
this is better
I know this is a bait thread but this is really not good
My nigga. Is a real shame what happened to PAYDAY in the end. Bankrupcy, CEO bailing out and two coworkers being persecuted by the police for illegal insider trading. Simon did the right thing at leaving the company and start working as a freelancer before shit got ugly.
He's no Junichi Masuda, Masato Nakamura, Keiichi Okabe, Kenichi Hiirata, Saori Kobayashi, Akira Yamaoka, Yuzo Koshiro, Koji Kondo, Koh Otani, Motoi Sakuraba, Haumi Fujita, Masashi Hamauzu.
they gimped the interactive elements and replaced them with screenshots because they wanted the site to work on mobile, so you're SOL if thats what you wanted
the comic sucks anyway, and prequel does the interactive elements way, way better
Late 90's HAL was next level with its Drum kit.
you can click on it to enable the flash version
Stop reading it after the end of Act 5 Act 2 and you have a genuinely excellent piece of fiction. Someone should just make an alt-canon ending that drops off right after Cascade so that people can enjoy Homestuck
>and that little diddy from the title screen is in like half of those
No it isn't. It's in:
>Once Upon A Time
>Start Menu
>Home (Music Box)
>Can You Really Call This A Hotel, I Didn't Receive A Mint On My Pillow Or Anything
>The Choice
>Fallen Down (Reprise)
>Hopes and Dreams
>SAVE the World
>Final Power
>Menu (Full)
>Bring It In, Guys!
>Last Goodbye
>Good Night
As you can see it's actually used fairly sparingly, disappearing for most of the game.
Oh, so it's in a fourth? While that is better, still needs to work on that shit.
>when the saxophone comes in
i probably sat there for 10 minutes just listening to this when i played through deltarune
You want a real answer OP?
It's because he's objectively good at composing music. You can say you don't like his songs or any other number of contrarian observations in regards to how YOU respond to his music, but Toby's actual process of writing music is very solid.
Let's look at two things he does very well. Limiting himself and structuring his songs.
Toby has a really focused sound. He knows what he wants and how to achieve it. One of my professors once posed to me the dilemma of choice when it comes to composing. He asked what I would rather have; a near infinite choice of instrumentation, an unlimited budget, and all the equipment I ever needed, or a 4 track tape recorder and 4 musicians, specifically a string quartet. After choosing the first option, he asked me where and how I would start when composing. Obviously I had no idea, and he explained that by not limiting yourself, you're essentially falling into the trap of paralysis through analysis, or in other words, just playing with knobs on a synthesizer until you get that *perfect* sound (which almost never happens). If you limit yourself, you are forced to get creative. Look at music on the NES for instance. You only had 5 channels to work with, two pulse channels for melody and harmony, a triangle channel for basslines, and noise/samples for drums. Notes also couldn't not trigger in a polyphonic measure, so thats why you hear lots of arpeggios in Chiptune music. They're outlining the chords with them. This video is a great breakdown:
Continued in second post because I don't want this thread to die.
>18 tracks out of 101 tracks (not counting tracks not in the album)
>a fourth
Tim Follin unfortunately never found the commercial success he deserved
Meme guitars
He abuses leitmotifs like a motherfucker but it works.
that's from when he was like 17 years
Nope, I think Tim Follin's stuff is more complex, although Toby could be on his level if he decided to make the songs longer.
>"nah he's decent at best, overrated as fuck"
>posts something slightly more obscure, but not evidently better in any way that goes beyond personal taste
Why is Yea Forums such a steaming pile of shit?
I was going to talk shit about your opinions but you shielded yourself too well
He's definitely okay, but no one would pay as much attention to his music had it not been for the games they're in. I haven't played either Undertale or the Deltarune demo and I feel nothing when I hear any of the tracks. My bet is that he's way better at making the games and that positively impacts the players view of the music.
So a fifth, then?
Tim Follin was basically a prog rock composer
A bit less than a fifth.
greatness often comes from having to work within limitations, rather than having less of them.
just wanted to chip in since no one else is probably going to respond to a post that is both right and not a shitpost.
Why do people like undertale music so much?
I dont see anything noteworthy from it.
also i hate the use if 8-bit sawtooth and mixed chiptunes with actual intruments its jarring and its too pretentious its like
>Hey remember this is a geme, so this effects is like those old games remember? haha such a gamer
>a choir is good because it makes me feel tingly :)
Because the music was composed to be in synch with the tone and the emotions of whatever moment in the game it plays in. Many video game composers fail to do exactly that. The compositions on their own can be criticized for lacking complexity and variety, but that shows that you're missing the point. And regarding the 8bit stuff, have you seen the game? Are you really so retarded that you don't get what he was going for?
what the fuck are you talking about
He's really not. Most of the songs have the same chord progression and the same time signature.
It's been shown already in deltarune and that japanese commercial that this guy can't make anything that's not undertale or related to it.
I honestly can't think of a single most underrated game on Yea Forums, not that Yea Forums is the best place to get any kind of intelligent discussion.
Don't even (You) me. I don't wanna waste more of my time on this shit.
>also i hate the use if 8-bit sawtooth and mixed chiptunes with actual intruments its jarring and its too pretentious its like
Nigger, what? There's nothing wrong with mixing instruments like that. Just look at Zero Ranger.
He is among the few music composers that perfectly captures the game atmosphere with the music only.
Kinda like phoenix wright tracks, that, for someone who haven't played the game, they are nothing special. But when added to the context, they complement each other. Hard to explain
>not The Baby Is You
I think some of his music gets overrated because it's just been oversaturated due to Undertale's popularity, but there's some really fantastic pieces in there. I haven't even played Undertale but Heartache, Dummy!, all the music related to Undyne, etc. are incredible. There's also the whole leitmotif thing which is done pretty well throughout.
There's a very short demo. It's not the game at its best, but it gives a good idea.
That happens with every game you dumbass.
>Yea Forums confusing leitmotifs with lack originality again
It doesn't. In fact, I 'd go so far as to say it doesn't for the vast majority of OSTs.
Maybe you should either play more video game or stop playing AAA garbage you retard.
It doesn't, which is why it's praiseworthy.
The only great song from this game is ruins and even then you can clearly sense the insipration from old jrpgs
There's nothing "praiseworthy" about this low effort turd made in game maker.
Wow, that's even more contrarian than just saying that the entire soundtrack is shit. Are you competing with someone here?
I was just being sincere, at leadt I like one song from it, couldnt care less about the others and I thought deltarune was objectively worse.
>no its shit, play more games
Great arguments, you fucking retard.
Of course not. There are plenty of games that you can change the music around or even play music less and still feel the same.
For example, take, any COD game, and switch the music with whatever generic "war" soundtrack you want, and it would feel the same. Even without the music, you'd get the same results.
Now, do the same with, i don't know, DKC2. Swap the soundtrack with some generic ambience music, and you bet it will lose half the experience of the game.
Name 5 games from last year that did so. I can think of MAYBE 2. Perhaps 3 if I take the word of other on a certain AAA garbage game.
Better than "hurr toby faux's music is magic! XD"
Fuck off you brainlet retard
>There are plenty of games that you can change the music around or even play music less and still feel the same.
Like Undertale?
>For example, take, any COD game
C'mon dude, you're just proving me right and showing that you can only mention AAA garbage that's not even from this decade.
Honestly, talking to you people is a waste of my time.
Postan the classic
It captured the mood of the world but it really wasn't that much of a banger. Toby really shines in his battle themes.
>shitposting /jp/ autist
I regret replying to you in the first place. Here's one more (You). Now kill yourself.
>Honestly, talking to you people is a waste of my time.
And yet, here you are reading my posts. Nice try buddy.
>saying all this shit
>while posting touhou, a ssries that only exists because ZUN wanted to make vidya music but he needed a game to go with it in order to sell at comiket
o i am laffin
Not an argument, stay triggered you dumb redditors
Fuck no. It has one of the most unsatisfying endings of all time with later acts that have thousands of plot threads that end up going absolutely nowhere because Hussie is a hack.
Homestuck was only good through Acts 1-4. Read Problem Sleuth instead and spare yourself the frustration.
Thanks user. That's basically what I'm trying to get across.
So anyways, Toby limits himself via the sounds he chooses, specifically soundsets. In doing that comes the forced creativity to conjure up new sounds with things that are already so familiar to many.
Toby also structures his songs in a specific way. The same professor also had me use repetition in my music to achieve things that I never deemed "necessary". Quoting from Brian Eno's "Oblique Strategies", a set of cards with obscure instructions to encourage creative writing in music, "Repetition is a form of change". My professor challenged me to write a piece in which I repeated a figure, and then repeated it 8 more times, more than I ever deemed interesting. But he explained to me that what I hear in writing the piece is different from what the audience hears. The audience is hearing it for the first time, and their ear and brain need time to process what they're hearing. Toby does this in the form of ostinato, a repeated phrase that continues throughout the piece, and via binary form, usually with an AABB form. This means that there are two different "sections" to the piece and that each are repeated twice. You can hear both of these techniques prominently in Battle Against a True Hero, Bonetrousle, Snowy, Amalgam, etc. Basically the whole soundtrack. This also gives cohesiveness across the whole soundtrack, not to mention the leitmotifs that others have pointed out.
Lastly, the production value is good. The mixing lets different bits and pieces shine through, instruments are properly eq'd so that there is no extraneous low or high frequencies straining the ear, and it's tastefully compressed. It's not just a wall of sound like a lot of pop music on the radio and still allows dynamic range in the song, creating interesting phrasing and motion in each piece.
So hopefully that answers your question OP.
Source: I hold a bachelors in music composition
i still havent touched undertale but i just finished mother 3 and enjoyed it. i heard undertale is a lot like it is that true?
which jrpgs?
You're a huge faggot
Source: I'm a rocket scientist
As a creative, this is correct.
It's nothing like Mother 3
Play it anyway
Quality post that is way too high quality for Yea Forums. Good stuff.
What did you like about Mother 3?
in the case of ruins, it remembers me ff4 into the darkness in turns although of course ff4 have a superior song from a more experienced composer youtu.be
I finished mother 3 for the first time this week and undertale completely pales in comparison so if you go for it better not compare with such a strong title
he will never top this again
i haven't read homestuck in nearly a decade
never ever thought i'd feel nostalgic for it, god damn i loved the music
Do the sensible thing instead, and just pick a character to obsess over without actually reading the story.
He hasn't really had an opportunity to do that. Wait for Deltarune to release, maybe the finale will actually be better than Undertale's.
They're different in tone, aesthetic, writing style, and gameplay, but it feels a lot like a game made by someone who's played Mother.
since it was ruined from demo alone I hope that in music at least
>mother 3 and enjoyed it. i heard undertale is a lot like it is that true?
No its not. But play it anyways.
I had this same feeling as soon as I heard it, but with more "This still REALLY feels like a bad fangame and I just got baited into playing this. There's no way this is Undertale 2." And then the sax kicked in. It was an immediately "Holy fuck, THIS is Toby. This 'IS' Undertale 2"
>Megalovania has almost 90 fucking million views
what the FUCK went so right?
>since it was ruined from demo alone
I didn't realize rocket scientists studied cocks
Game has soul
writing is bad, toby certainly can do music but writing isn't his strongest point
oh i'm sure he is a giant now then
>3 years later
>still mad
>hover over hyperlinks
The leadup to Deltarune's ch1 release was pretty amazing and then the "teaser" just kept going for a couple hours worth of content.
He was inspired by the best.
>meme music
>meme post
Thanks for these posts, it made me realise that everytime I try making a """song""", after 1 or 2 hours I feel like I'm bored of it and so will people if they happen to hear it so I just delete my project.
I'll try thinking about it next time.
stay mad bitch nigga. undertale is forever.
i hate normies
but i wish i were one
i would be happy
it's so easy to rip music from old games and mash it together then call the stolen music your own
Still waiting for that proof
There's a lot that goes into music theory. You can kinda stumble upon the principles of it with just a good ear but studying a bit makes it so much easier
>all these retards itt fuming about Toby because he made a good game for 10$
some of you just never are happy with games
He's in his early 20's.
megalovania has over 50 million views on youtube for a single video of it. anyone calling toby a bad composer does not understand music or people, and it breaks my heart if these people are making a video game themselves.
>Implying Hopes and Dreams/SAVE The World isn't the tightest shit.
and nothing else
He's not really. He basically made 1-2 songs and every other song in the game recycles the same shit. In music you'd call that leitmotifs, I call it lazy shit.
I wish more video game composers were lazy shits, then we'd have more memorable soundtracks.
The more times you listen to something the easier it is to remember.
pulling popularity into it isn't very smart. By your logic Despacito is the greatest song in human history.
The undertale ost has undeniably had the biggest impact on gamers and non gamers of any any game in the past 10 years.
Name a single game whose music is still used or remixed to the degree that undertale's ost is.
Many of the tracks are undeniable fire and, while people are allowed to not like something, the people here who are overreacting are literally and seething6
>Make one game
>suddenly become a global phenomenon
appeal. it certainly ticks a lot of boxes. it's simultaneously a horror game and a quirky bright nintendo rpg. you can even completely ignore one of those two sides
Oppa Toby Style makes me cum
This game gained worldwide traction largely BECAUSE of the soundtrack. Before the game blew up I remember hearing the soundtrack all over YouTube with people in the comments asking where the music came from
Unironically thanks to Homestuck. Not because Toby brought in the Homestuck fandom, because that's just not true, but because Toby made Undertale while living in Andrew Hussie's fucking basement. He saw how the fandom developed, and he was close enough to both sides to see why and how Hussie made the choices he did, and how and why the fandom reacted to it.
Toby got a crash course in both the do's and don'ts of low-fi, character driven absurdist comedy, and he learned his lessons well.
No, yurifags just ship the khajiit whore with the lizard woman because she decided to take care of her out of pity.
Because he's one of the few western composers in the industry that's aware of Falcom Sound Team JDK
I loved the clusterfuck final act of PS. It's one of my favorite things about the comic alongside dem action gifs.
Least favorite thing thing is how, for the most part, it stopped being a fun adventure around a crazy office and imaginary world half way through and just became everyone standing on a boat fighting DMK.
It's pretty good, but I'd still say the first half of HS is a lot better.
i enjoy those au faggotry remixes more than the originals
>Dr McNinja
That was a fun ride, reading it as it was being released across the years. The 'twist' legitimately left me speechless.
This is objectively the greatest track he's written so far.
this shit just bops, i love it
Is Toby the rare autistic chad?
problem sleuth is comickino, just read it
Caliborn was the only good character by the end
you can still watch the original flashes if you click literally one button
Soul overload
Reminder that Toby Fox is Andrew Hussie's greatest creation
hes far above a chad
Can't wait till he falls out of favor when people realize the only stuff he can do is generic, spastic chiptune music.
>global phenomenon
Why are some people this fucking retarded? A global phenomenon would be something like Tetris or Minecraft, not this fucking weeb shit hahaah
Savior of the Waking World is my favorite mostly because I love JOHN. RISE UP.
god the comic used to be so good what happened
Yes user Deltarune was clearly a fluke as well
You have to do more than one or two games. And so far, the reception of Deltarune wasn't anything special.
reminder that undertyale music got played on the biggest japanese tv channel next to games like kirby and monster hunter and you can tell that thy care about the game youtube.com
no you aren't.
You are a man of culture
What the fuck
It's amazing how Toby has managed to reinvent himself from a shitposter who makes music to a rising star of the video game industry
alot of japanese orchestras played undertale music i remember yoke taro tweeting about going into one of them saying he loved it thats how i discovered them thy are great
Once you understand what a leitmotif is, you can abuse this for muh feelings
Did I mention it's also big in Mexico, Korea, Canada, and the UK?
normies who listen to shit versions of good songs
his music is already more popular than mario, megaman, and sonic music
Ignoring the baby is you what is Toby's magnum opus I consider it descend
Firstly, this is just a claim without any kind of substantiation plus multinational =/= global
>Ok. Now go make a popular song.
Am I famous now?
I think he chose the wrong path in life
it's literally the same motif used in undertale, the only reason you like it is because it reminds you of a theme you already know, dumb retard
the retards that listen to faggot fox music on the bus probably think skrillex is a mastermind of music and that attack on titan is modern beethoven
he's living out of this realm
you might want to listen to good music before making retarded claims
>the UK?
No it isn't.
Easy, repetition
There are motifs throughout his whole soundtrack which makes you get familiar with it quickly. Thus giving a sense of familiarity to the music which makes it enjoyable.
People prefer music they're comfortable with rather than a well composed masterpiece. It's part of the harmony. And it's not bad, but use it in excess and you can see how it's pushed to its limit and how limited its range of exploration is.
>any of that
good to see that neckbeards still unironically think videogame music is anything above mediocre garbage
>S4 League
So what you're saying is that if Deltarune is 20+ hours and constantly re-using the same motifs it may backfire since the free chapter 1 is going to feel like the peak?
Stay away
Not that, but if he deviates from the motifs it's not gonna feel "Undertale" or "Deltarune" so he has a certain parameter to work with. This can be both beneficial or limiting.
Was in your same situation, if you go read Homestuck it's gonna feel subpar, it's not really that good, most of the intrigue for the series comes from the experience of living when it was coming out, and the promise in the horizon for answers. It aged like milk.
Uncanny, even the eyebrows match
Right, true music is a nigger talking about raping women and shooting trannies over some electronic drum and bass beats put together by a bunch of white guys in suits
holy fuck grow up. maybe try to at least pretend you meet the 18+ requirement
We're reaching levels of shit taste that shouldn't even be possible
i mean the world revolving dosent uses laitemotif (i think) and its considered the best song in deltarune
Oh sorry. It's not real music unless it's someone wearing fake square-rimmed glasses and a scarf moaning incoherently while someone strums a guitar randomly in the background.
>posts Hat in Time music
>could have picked any of the subcon remixes, temple songs, rift songs, etc.
>manages to post the most forgettable bland song in the game with it
why are you like this
>he still doesnt have an argument because he has no exposure to music outside of videogames and corporate pop music
he studies red rockets to be percise
>you just like it because everyone else does
how can you say so little with so many words
As a friend of mine once told me, when I asked her if I should read Homestuck:
you say a well composed masterpiece cannot be repetetive, what's the reasoning behind this statement?
maybe every track is so well designed it's a masterpiece of it's own
also it'd argue that it's way harder to write 20 songs that are repetetive and have everyone love all of them even after hearing them one by one (judging by reception Deltarune got)than writing one good song no matter how you look at it
you poor fucking idiot
>This is one of most idiotic posts I ever read on Yea Forums regarding music and taste in general.
>The fuck is wrong with you?
It's Yea Forums pasta for a start
hard work the guy has been making music for years one of the oldest ones i could find was back in 2011 when he made a anti remix youtube.com
I always assumed it the people who praise the music to this game either don't play much videogames or never actually bothered listening to video game soundtracks and that's okay!
im glad to see there's still at least some good taste left in Yea Forums
>literally picked the most bland shit for 99% of the games on the list
I don't need an argument when you haven't presented one
i meanly listen to video games osts and undertale is one of my favorites shit like death by glamour and asgore and your best nightmare made me love the soundtrack
>into free
unironically the worst track in dragon's dogma. not surprised they changed it on the pc release
heres my argument nigger
expand your taste past that of a fucking 10 year old
Post your three favorite vidya songs
i don't listen to anything but video game music and play them obsesivly like only an autistic neet in his 20's can, and i assure you that toby fox makes amazing fucking tracks
still don't know how I feel about that gigantic taint-gap
wow you must feel really strong and great
no wonder Yea Forums is a shithole
You're a fucking faggot and a wastrel piece of shit for actually daring to post a cute .gif in line with your retarded, faggoty little edge bait post.
Kill yourself instantly.
>posts hipster moaning over out of tune guitars
oh lordy
a music thread?
Axelay - burning:
SuperProbotector - stage 3 remix:
CastleVania4 - bloody tears:
StreetFighter III - Dudley:
Smetroid - maridia:
skate or die gameboy stage 6:
stage 5:
Ecco CD:
Ecco dof:
Berserk (dreamcast) Murder:
Syndicate Sega CD:
Star Control II:
Hyperspace (3do) youtu.be
Unreal Tournament:
Killer Instinct:
MegaMan X:
Diablo (I & II):
Timesplitters 2:
GuiltyGear - Writhe in Pains:
>STILL upset over having 10 year old taste
>didnt click a single link
I never had the desire to make music until I played undertale. Fuck this shit is hard.
pretty good
this music is soulless, made by teams of "professional" artist and went through fileters of buisnessman to make it most suited for commercial gain
deltarune is free , done by one guy and made purely for people's enjoyment, music composed for it is pure art and soul
People who have Masters in music (can't recall the name sorry) usually shit on repetition and is why they despise trendy music and such. Despite repetition being one of the things that allow music to be enjoyable because they bring harmony. It has something to do with using 4 chords or something by those means. I'm no expert. But yeah, I was never throwing dirt on Toby for composing using motifs, but that's the secret to his success all his songs are intereconnected in some sort of way and is why you can listen to almost the whole Undertale soundtrack and have it familiarize with you.
It even hits harder when there are motifs for specific characters, and these appear in soundtracks of the game. For example, Undyne's theme shares motifs from the Ruin's themes and such, giving you to understand that she comes from that kingdom.
I clicked two. Both were ambient "music".
God this is so beautiful.
That's a great collection of tracks that could be throwaway forgettable filler tracks in the soundtrack of a videogame if they weren't recorded through tin cans
>shit and food analogy
>connoisseur of children's entertainment
Rinse and repeat
Rock Club is so fucking good
>music made by independent musicians who often experiment in ways that make their music unfriendly for radio play is soulless
>music made by man who sells merchandise for a DEMO of a game is soul
i like undertale and deltarune but you're fucking delusional
>"hipster moaning over out of tune guitars"
which one is it nigger
But being a normie is just faking happiness through white lies and social media. Being human is accepting that things might not be all that okay and you might not be happy right now but you want things to get better and hope that they will. Keep being you user, and hope for a better tomorrow.
so hispters? not saying your wrong but but arnt video game soundtracks supposed to make you feel familiarity?
That first fucking track is just loudass bird noises over a drum set, are you fucking kidding me
I liked Romantic Mind and Chocolate Matter though
>muh ambient to drown out the sound of parents arguing
that's what drone is for, retard
You can make ambient music by moaning over out of tune guitars. Regardless, "experimental" is codeword for "talentless hacks who can't make real music, so they make shit music and pass it off as an experiment". You are not an interesting person because you listened to someone who recorded their dishwasher while strumming a broken sitar.
>That first fucking track is just loudass bird noises over a drum set, are you fucking kidding me
Welcome to ambient "music"
>garage drums to loud song birds
>70s suburbia trance synth guitar
>thought I heard a repeat but the vocalist was different
I can appreciate and actually like these songs, but god damn you are a pretentious little fuck.
>You can make ambient music by moaning over out of tune guitars
yeah you could. that wouldnt make it good ambient
>Regardless, "experimental" is codeword for "talentless hacks who can't make real music, so they make shit music and pass it off as an experiment".
theres a lot of talentless hacks who do this but that doesnt mean all experimental music is bad you mong
>psych rock
do you know the meaning of the word ambient
boredoms are the opposite of pretentious though
>People who have Masters in music (can't recall the name sorry) usually shit on repetition and is why they despise trendy music and such.
That's blatantly false, though. Fucking Berlioz's Fantastic Symphony uses the same "repeated melody to represent a character or idea being distorted or changed throughout the song". Shit is music 101.
most people who complain about repetition in pop music do so because pop music abuses repetition in a way that forces you to remember the song and have it stuck in your head. its like rote memorization, where its repeated so much you inevitably hear it in your head over and over. having a motif or theme throughout your music or soundtrack isnt the issue
>good ambient
That's an oxymoron.
But it is tumblr trash.
>theres a lot of talentless hacks who do this but that doesnt mean all experimental music is bad you mong
Experimental music is by default bad because it's exclusively used to cover for a lack of talent. It's not real music.
You know everyone has a special talent. Mine is being able to write, produce, direct, act, paint. Other people are good composers, that's their gift.
No. Instead, read Tails Gets Trolled. Much more worth it, despite it not having a definitive conclusion yet.
have fun sucking corporate cock while they engineer the next pop song for you
Wrong, this is. youtube.com
very nice
Was expecting some gay weebshit, but the first two were pretty chill and no.3 was a decent exciting track.
Have fun paying money to someone who set a microphone up in his backyard and layered it over a recording of his 10-year-old son practicing drums for the school band as an """experiment"""
This has a very similar feel to secret of mana and chrono trigger, definitely digging it
>paying for music
Iirc Toby Fox mentioned how much he likes CT despite it not being as much as an influence as Earthbound the Core is literally Ocean Palace
>just uses the soundfonts
Soundfonts are copyrighted though. Gotta hand it to Toby for stealing content from Nintendo games and getting a port/glory through Nintendo Directs/possible Smash spirit/just generally away with it instead of cease & desist notices.
You really think some hipster who listens to dishwashercore and shits on people who don't like his fake music for being "corporate shills" doesn't want to "support '''struggling''' musicians"?
>steal obscure jrpg riffs from games nobody played
>use the same one leitmotif in every single song for two games
>use the easiest soundfonts using the easiest DAWs
>everything that isnt made by lil pump or ariana grande is dishwasher core
>thinking anyone act ually pays for music
Yea Forums is the only board thats normalfag enough to get mad about piracy
user if someone wanted to sue Toby Fox they would have already
>steal obscure jrpg riffs from games nobody played
care to give some proof
>Soundfonts are copyrighted though
Not by the company who made the game, they aren't. The samples used in soundfonts are copyrighted by the company the produced them— if they decided to copyright them for sale on a sample CD or something, anyways— not the company making the games. Besides that, there's no real legal way to prosecute someone for using the same samples/instruments as someone else, because otherwise you could sue anyone using the same guitar as you through the same logic.
That, and it's not like Toby's the only one who does this sort of thing. Cave Story+'s remastered soundtrack uses GSXCC, a program explicitly made to sound like the old MSX soundchip. ZeroRanger uses normal windows MIDI samples (which, given that the sound files are in .ogg and actual .midi files will use different samples based on your sound card, means that the soundfont is also "stolen" in that case), the Megaman X guitar sample, ZUNpets, and the entire DoDonPachi soundfont.
TL;DR Using the same soundfont as someone else isn't stealing you mongoloid.
Toby makes good music
Im getting tired of all the "muh cinematic experience hollywood"-soundtracks
I want melodies that I can hum and enjoy
I remember some retard said Toby Fox stole Megalovania's tune and posted this as his proof
>use the same one leitmotif in every single song for two games
are you actually retarded
>everything that doesn't include at least one piece of furniture as an instrument is pop music
He didn't steal it, Toby himself outright said Megalovania was a remix of Gadobadorrer
you just remindered of vid related
its Toby shitposting doing an improve touhou song
The Guilty Gear one was okay. I expected something completely different when looking at that bmx pic you posted.
you're only embarassing yourself at this point
>steal obscure jrpg riffs from games nobody played
Cleary no one fucking played them because no one has till to this day given even one fucking example of stolen jrpg riff
This fucking board I swear...
How do we fix Hussie?
He is not that good making music itself
He is really good at making music that fits and compliments the atmosphere.
this is hilarious
wait didnt toby say the Megalovania was inspired by a song with a similar name i dont remember it and desu nothing in that ost sound similar to Megalovania
Not sure if these are my definitive top 3, but for sure some of my favorites.
Shovel Knight is great, underlying problem is probably one of my favorites from that game. Still gotta play the DLC though
Megalovania is inspired by "the final boss theme of Brandish 2". The SNES version specifically which sounds a lot different from the PC-98 version. The protagonist of the halloween hack is literally the MC of Brandish
Yes, with full disclosure that the """"ending"""" is a quarter-assed joke that should be ignored. Treat it as a golden webcomic that never got an ending and you'll be more satisfied. Then come back here so we can talk about your classpect.
great taste user
Caliborn was the only good character by the end of the comic, despite the fact that the creation of a "Caliborn" (aka a strawman of the author's critics) is itself a problem. This is because the comic went downhill hard by the end, so the critic character actually became reasonable and celebratory.
Toby "Don't Call Me 'Radiation' Anymore" Fox used to be quite the shitposter back in the day
Way back when, the MS Paint Adventures forums had a big flame war about whether or not it was acceptable to post art of the (underage) characters pregnant, which was a thing that kept happening for some reason. Eventually it was declared haram.
Toby responded to this stupid-ass debate by making a shitpost rock/rap/spoken-word underage mpreg incest opera.
people don't realize toby is literally /ourguy/
>telling someone to read homestuck
oh i see thanks for clearing thing up
>he actually got the onomatopoeia right enough that I could hear it in my head
BASED sandwormposter
His music is clearly inspired by late 80s/early 90s Japanese video game music in general. Not that it's a bad thing, more like the opposite, but still. He's SJW cucktoon faggot although a likeable one.
>despite going as far as constantly dodging agenda-based questions in an interview
>The samples used in soundfonts are copyrighted by the company the produced them— if they decided to copyright them
But they are copyrighted. A lot of old PC games from the 1990s used Sound Blaster, which had its own set of instruments, and those were licensed for Apple's QuickTime, which it used to play music for games. And guess what? Those were all copyrighted, the readme files for QuickTime and some of the games specifically mentioned that the instruments were from Sound Blaster and Creative Labs. Nintendo games list music among the other copyrighted features, and they make music in-house, otherwise it would be stated on the credits. Obviously if Toby had licensed this it wouldn't be an issue.
>there's no real legal way to prosecute someone for using the same samples/instruments as someone else, because otherwise you could sue anyone using the same guitar as you through the same logic
In 1991, Grand Upright Music, Ltd. v. Warner Bros. Records Inc. decided that sampling without permission did violate copyright, and since then most have either asked for permission or gotten royalties.
people thing that having gay characters makes you sjw even tho you can kill them if you want
It is.
toby was a young terminally online man who worked hard for many years to produce a video game, and it paid off for him.
i think a lot of ire against him is just frustration from similar young men who are projecting.
That's the SNES version I was talking about, although it's worth noting that Megalovania in its current state is less of a remix than the song was when Toby first started working on it. It branched out, but the similarities are still there and the progression and energy of the two songs are still the same.
He's not really an SJW. He just makes stuff that SJWs happen to like due to it being quirky and all the references to shallow entry level anime. Toby himself generally tries to avoid all of that unless he's just shitposting about something
Slap him and hug him simultaneously while reminding him of his best works, aka Team Special Olympics, AIDS and Problem Sleuth. Tell him to fuck the ninnies who dissed the Skaianet write up, and tell him to stop making cringey comments in the margins of his books.
the only thing i know that can support that claim is that undertale sold well in the uk on the switch
ya i can see that both songs give me the feeling that im about to get fucked
>dissed the Skaianet write up
still mad as fuck he took down all that great new lore
thanks, fags
all this thread did was remind me of how Homestuck will NEVER have a good ending and it's massive unrealized potential will NEVER come to fruition because Hussie is a broken man who sold his soul to tumblr
>In 1991, Grand Upright Music, Ltd. v. Warner Bros. Records Inc. decided that sampling without permission did violate copyright, and since then most have either asked for permission or gotten royalties.
If that's the case, then Nintendo isn't in the clear, either.
Nor is any company that's ever worked with Hideki Naganuma.
>he didn't read Homestuck
or because hes a gay sjw furry enabler
I may have worded that wrong. I was trying to say that the webcartoons he's into and has music for somehow have a huge following falling to that specific criteria. You could've just replied to me directly by the way.
>2nd sentence
Pretty much what I wanted to say.
there we go lmao
why dosent Yea Forums give earthbound shit the all of that sampling?
>has music
*has made music for
>years later
>Yea Forumssetera STILL seething over undertale
Because everyone wants to be an armchair lawyer without realizing that only the jewest of the jews go after people for sampling in music.
He needs those ex-tumblrina bux, can't have a joke about Einstein being a fraud who pissed Hitler so much off he did the Holocaust to spite him
god I love old Hussie so damn much
This gives me such a strong La Mulana vibe it's unreal
reminder that john canonically became a depressed friendless neet
it was so sad tho one second you think oh shit Hussie is still Hussie deep down and then boom DELET EVERYTHING
413 is going to be a disappointment this year
so is hiveswap cancelled yet or what
from the new Famitsu
>tfw no cute, strong, autistic gf
why live
we'll find out in april
It took me fucking years, and only now with some of his new commentary do I understand what fucking idiotic thing went through his head when he made that ending.
Long story short, most stories have core plot, and I guess what you could call a personal plot. The personal plot isn't always personal, like a political thriller might have a core plot of the movie be a brewing war, and have the political climate be the "personal" plot, but you get the idea. The personal plot tackles the themes of the story directly, while the core plot does so through metaphor. In how well those two plots support and mesh together is where good writing lives. But Hussie wanted to be special.
At some point he decided the core plot, which was English after he literally just gave up on the Skaia plot, and it's main themes were about the things we prioritize in life that don't matter (more or less). Because the metaphor is that they don't matter, he decided to have this reflected in the narrative, where it literally gets dropped and forgotten. This mother fucker was actually stupid enough to think he was being clever and subversive by dropping the core plot because it "doesn't matter".
Except it doesn't fucking work like that. It's a story. Just because you give a reason why something isn't important doesn't matter when the entire structure of the narrative is built around it. That's not marrying the core and personal plots, not meshing the themes and allegory in a satisfying way, it's just sabotaging the entire flow of the story.
I hate to be the "an anime did this SO much better" type of guy, but just look at Mob Psycho 100. It has almost precisely the same metaphor, where the core plot about Psychic powers doesn't fucking matter. The difference is it still built it like a real plot, with a real climax and satisfying conclusion. It used the fact the core plot didn't matter to improve the personal plot, not undermine it.
It's so fucking basic, "tell a good story".
>hussie waits until the meme date to announce the cancellation of hiveswap
that would actually be hilarious
When are we gonna get a translation
Or like The Big Lebowski, where the lesson the Dude learns is that the whole thing was a waste of time and he should have abided from the start. We still get a resolution to the Bunny plotline, to the nihilists, and even to Maude (through the Narrator's closing monologue).
>You just follow whatever the higher mass says
Literally the same thing my nigga
Didn’t the finale literally tell everyone exactly what their plan was and it worked perfectly
>it's just sabotaging the entire flow of the story.
pretty much act 6 was going to be short but shit happened and Hus just went fuck it homestuck was meant to end in 2012/13
At least we can have some peace by knowing that Toby Fox came up with the ending of Deltarune first before making anything.
It was originally meant to end on 4/13/2010. He wound up extending it another year, then another. But around halfway through Act 5 he finally sketched out some kind of loose progression for Act 6 and decided that it would be shorter than Act 5, which he stated publicly. Then he proceeded to not follow that sketch at all.
Yes, shit, I knew there was another story that did the same thing and wouldn't require me to reference anime, and I just couldn't think of it.
I thought it was an exaggeration when I first heard it but fuck
Why are people still posting the SNES version as inspiration for Megalovania?
Starts @1:48:20
So did Dirk and Jake fix their shit and get back together in the end or what?
That sounds nothing like it, not even remotely. What the hell?
Literally the same song just one note changed.
eh reminds me more of this