Hey hey

Hey hey

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Virtual tits are not real tits

They were real at one point

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I want more Chiaki figure.

Why no Kaede figure? Chiaki and Kyoko had ones.
Kaede is moe waifu bait, so why?

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rent free baconfucker

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Honestly, based

i like her breasts

I like fapping to them.

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>killer x victim

Wow these characters actually look OK when you take them out of their fuckawful official artstyle.

I love my gorgeous wife!

Attached: Mahiru (46).jpg (859x612, 364K)

Your wife loves my cock!

You look ok when people draw you too, shame about your real face

I love my angel Chiaki!

Attached: cfd3f76ed685fa9c7778f787f37939ad.jpg (600x406, 72K)

Hey hey heyyyyy

Attached: carlos.jpg (262x193, 5K)

And she loves black cocks

Finally, best Dangan is here

Sorry, I think you meant:
>ne ne

Chiaki is a waifubait.
Of course she is cute: she's an anime gamer girl. It can't get better than that.
The devs then force her to be your partner so you grew attached to her; but it's not YOUR choice.

They are silicon or whatever her body is made of now

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>blocks your path

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Hey wide load. Shove another gallon of ice cream in your fat gullet today, chubsy ubsy? I've seen aircraft carriers lighter than you, lardass.


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Please don’t insult the pig.


I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this, user, but there are no more weebs here. Only actual ironic/fad weebs.
No one actually cares enough to listen to the superior jap voice over, just like with Xenoblade
I'm sorry, user, but our time has passed.

Chiaki is for breeding.

Attached: cropped.png (536x462, 149K)

I know people who unironically think that if they play with English voices it'll make them less weeb for playing it. That's why they defend it so vehemently.

Exactly. Same thing happens with fucking XB2, one of the weebest games of recent memory.
I fucking hate the internet now.

Tha fuck? What is this meme about? There's nothing wrong with the English dub, across the whole series. I guess you're allowed to feel that way, but fuck man. That's some 2010 shit. Do people really still argue over shit like this? Who tha fuck cares, brother.

Hey is better.


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Sorry but I'm still here, I'm the guy who won't even give english dub a chance.

>using the term weeb like its a good thing
You're just as bad. No better than what you mock.

I want to make Chiaki fatter!

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I'd rather a Miu or Angie fig. At least Celeste managed to get one.

Jokes on you, I did all her FTEs first because I chose to.

it's "ne ne" you casual fuck

What does Ne Ne mean, anyway? "Right Right?" "Isn't it isn't it?" The Ne participle usually makes something a question. Is she saying "What What?"

Seeth here.

Hey hey people
sseth here

So whats with Yea Forums's fixation on this one Dangan? She looks pretty generic

shes the ultimate gamer
case closed

>ultimate gamer

Calm down, Ghiaccio

She has a soft, supple, squishy body.

Imagine being this much of a weeb. Stay seething that the English dub is, and always will be, superior.

English dub is decent though. I don't understand why weebs can't listen to it.

Fuck gamers

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That's not the line.


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I'd show her some bedroom magic


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She doesn't have enough MP for that

Eh, I can keep replenishing.

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Would you?

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Depends on how big his dick is.

It’s an ancient mating call.

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The only Junko figure has fucked up tits

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AI Chiaki > shit > Real Chiaki

Junko vore

Hell no

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>sister actually really likes chiaki
>to the point she's one of her actual favorite characters almost waifu level
>actually know what happens to her and been playing dumb
...should i let her live in blissful ignorance

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Has she not played the game if she doesnt know what happens to her? What are you talking about?

Yes, let her experience it all undisturbed. Savor the look on her face as she slowly realises what the twist of 2-5 is.

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Yes, just that we kinda drifted away from it as chapter 5 was in the middle of the trial.

dont believe ya

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Is she....you know?

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I wish i was making this up for brownie points, would be easier to deal with.
only for 2d girls.

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>only for 2d girls.
Good taste. Take the best of both dimensions.

>shes the ultimate gamer
You could say she is the ultimate ultimate gamer as Izuru loses to her in the DR3V bonus mode, or maybe he jobbed on purpose

Hey user!
Ne ne~

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Yes, she saw the light early on

Ibuki worst girl
Chiaki second best girl

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Gettin' real tired of your shit

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Based list

She should be best girl

>Ibuki worst girl

This is correct

I like Ibuki and Junko and ya cant do anything

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Who Chiaki or Shitbuki?

If Chiaki, based as fuck
If Shitbuki, fuck off



Good list overall. Still a lot of flaws

>akane in C
>I'm actually surprised she isn't D tier, safe by a hair

>My wife on S
>Ibuki, he girl we all love to hate, on D

Im happy

Attached: 1508351054122.jpg (1212x1416, 820K)

>Ibuki sharing space with Ruruka, Sayaka and Sato

Always brings me a smile

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>every fucking thread

>Drifted away in the middle of the trial.
It'd be a fucking waste for her to come back to it, memory fogged. She fucked the best case in the series for herself. Why the fuck would she ever do that?

She looks like she _____ black guys

Well, middle of the trial is not actually accurate.
it was just starting.
>Why the fuck would she ever do that?
little thing called time constraints

Unfunny retard

It's, "hey hey", you faker.

Hey hey...

Attached: chiakiBLACKED.jpg (393x310, 27K)

Don't play the trials if you don't have time, holy shit is she mentally handicapped? Does she have autism?

Not really. I was banned 3 days for pepeposting

>holy shit is she mentally handicapped? Does she have autism?
no that would be me being the stupid fuck who thought we had time for it.

Virtual or not it's the same because I'm 32 and don't know how real boobs feel like

You fucking ruined it.

Haha, virgin

cut me some fucking slack, we were after the opening lines


Obvoiusly Chiaki
She is perfect

You can take one Chiaki
The box...

Attached: chiakis.png (1000x583, 666K)

Based chartposter BTFOing Ibukikeks

is this theme dumped yet?


I made this mistake last time, I pick messy hair Chiaki.


I love Toko.

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But what's the difference?
They are all perfect

It's a different surprise this time...

Can we have a /c/ thread so it stays up for months?
Ibuki is also S tier though

Attached: file.png (1280x969, 783K)

yes do it

you think there's nothing wrong with the dubs because you're a stupid dubfag that doesn't actually have any criteria for it being good

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>S tier

Attached: gay.jpg (781x750, 348K)

Yeah please. I will post my objectivechart

>Ibuki is also S tier though

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>Ibuki is anything above a trash tier waifu

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fuck dubfags and fuck jannies

>tfw dubfag because I just enjoy things more when I can understand the language being spoken and it matches with the text I'm reading
I know it's stupid, but I can't really find myself changing myself at this point.

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>it matches with the text I'm reading
i was going to bully you for using dubs for this exact reason but it seemed too specific and unlikely

threads up boys

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wtf is that last one? Did all the monokubs and monomi simulateously vomit on her

Well, hey, that means you've got a far better success rate than Yasuhiro. Sign up for Hope's Peak, maybe they'll take you.

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Posting best Ibuki

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I will take the mystery box

>doesn't actually have any criteria for it being good
Said the weeb who listens to things in Japanese.


Congrats! This is your new girlfriend!
Say something nice!

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I don't believe you

I think Ibuki sucks

Attached: SUCKS.jpg (1280x720, 197K)

You fucker.

I fucking knew it.

I love Ibuki!

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looks great desu really

>They put a piece of shit on the box

I should've known


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>There are people that picked the mystery box

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I actually like Ibuki

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>Sakura in S-tier

Attached: ahhhh.jpg (680x383, 29K)

This is horribly wrong

NEVER go after the box. Nothing good comes out of it

Care to be more specific? If not it gets boring

I think she's alright, myself. But I'm probably an aberrant when it comes to tastes in DR characters, so that probably means nothing good.

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>Mikan, Chiaki, Tenko, Seiko, Sakura and Kyoko on S tier
>Sonia, Peko, Aoi and Toko on A
>Ibuki, Sayaka, Ruruka and Sato on D

I can accept this

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Hey hey people, SSeth here. Today, I'll be talking about those wonderful little cancer growths on your mothers chest

>Even people who like her are self aware of their terrible tastes

it just means Hey in japanese

Judging by the pic you posted I'd say you've got pretty good taste.

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Well, I just remade this list for myself yesterday, and I'm pretty sure there's like a dozen things people would greentext me about.

Space NEETs are the best NEETs.

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Chiaki must be in first place

>Loli satan first
>Insecure crossdresser second
Chiaki is alright though. Most of my friends are commies so I used to be around people who are wrong

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I finished 1 and 2 so far. Should I bother with Ultra Despair Girls, or should I just move on to V3?

watch the 3rd anime first

The 3rd anime was shit


Attached: 1508324918357.png (720x540, 556K)

play ultra despair girls, then watch 3, then play V3

If you're in the mood to mix up the gameplay, have an /u/ as fuck couple as your protagonists, have literally loli Satan as your antagonist, and get a bit more fucked up than the mainline games get, give UDG a shot. You could definitely do worse. Then, if you really hate yourself, watch DR3. Then go to DRV3.

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Personally I really enjoyed UDG. Thought the story was top tier. The gameplay gets pretty repetitive after a while but I still think it's worth it.

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thanks for reminding me about this series, i checked stuff now and and she has amazing femdom doujin. nanamidom sounds ridiculous, but surprisingly it works

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UDG has a nice antagonist and fleshes out some previous characters, but that's about it
Go for it if you want to be a completionist
If you hate yourself, watch the DR3 Anime and then wonder how they could fuck it up so badly
And then you can play V3

e-hentai.org/g/1212149/32a378e436/ I just want this one to be scanned damn it.

why, it's helena blavatsky from fateshit of course

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REMINDER that danganronpa is a shit series and has been since the first game

Fuck Kodaka and fuck DR

>Hey guys! My opinion matters!

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based and fappilled

UDG is great and has 3 of the best girls all in one package.

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Who needs other DR doujins when Inranronpa exists?

Attached: 0014.jpg (1280x911, 324K)

How is it possible to write so much false information in such a short sentence?

Besides, you can't even bully Saionji there. Luckily it's possible to do it here. Because I want to bully Saionji very very much. I want to scold her to tears and throw her into pool. I want to take her gummies and eat them in front of her. Then I'll force-feed her with lemon-flavored gummies, palm after palm. I want to call her a stinky and take her panties so she has to going commando for the rest of the trip. I want to mock her inability to put her kimono by herself, so I'll strip her every once in a while, yelling what one day, she'll be glad to be able to dress up herself. Also, I'll take her kitty hairpins, making her long blonde hair cover her private parts. And when I'll give kimono back to her, I'll make sure to put Mr. Ants in every single pleat and Mr. Crab in her panties.

And when finally she snaps and try to bully me by any means possible, I'll spank her in front of everyone until she'll like it. And when she'll come to me, begging for another spanking, I'll mock her again, then spank her as if my life depends on it, laughing on her moans full of pleasure. Mere seconds before her climax, I'll throw her into pool once again, leaving her in her aroused state.

Attached: Your tears nourish me, precious precious flower.jpg (600x847, 636K)

dont quote me saionji autist

Inranronpa doesn't have Chiaki.

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Who cares about that pig?

This is kinda impressive how much dedication someone puts into their...thing.

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And yet she's fake and will never actually exist in any capacity outside of low-skill ceiling art. What a sad life you live

that's a lot of ice cream haha

Hey, don't bring your doom-and-gloom attitude! Guys like that are BEGGING for being bullied, no matter the time, age, place and country they're in! I don't care where Saionji is, she's getting her daily bullying regardless!

It's just Saionji, who's the most bulliable entity on planet. Not bullying her should be considered as a crime.

Attached: Saionji should fear the Bully.png (607x608, 418K)

Say that again

Attached: warning.jpg (399x551, 39K)

>Can we have a /c/ thread so it stays up for months?
>lasts one hour

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I'll make it so you can understand.
Oink oink oink oink.

Are you the same user who posts the dullest franchise pasta in Harry Potter threads?

You've been warned

Attached: warned.jpg (183x276, 13K)

Nah, I keep it in danganronpa threads alone.

I have to ask, why Saionji in particular? There are much easier bullying targets.

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Did someone call?

Attached: Mikan_Tsumiki_Halfbody_Sprite_(1).png (466x531, 221K)

As a gamer you should know easier doesn't mean more fun

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Saionji is the precious precious flower for a reason. It's the simple fact of that every single aspect in her is bullyiable. Everything in Saionji is just an obvious tentation for an endless bullying. As I already said before, her face, her hairstyle, her character, her habits, her talent, her weight, her height, her clothes, her hobbys, her taste of music, her diet, EVERYTHING in her is a blatant tempting of serious bullying. At least you can find at least one genuine quality, in the other people. Just look at this photo, and just dare to tell me, that you don't want to bully her every day. It's scientifically proven by the best researchers of Hope's Peak Academy to be nearly impossible.

She is the only person, who managed to obtain the Rank SSS in Bully Target Material. Only three persons are close to her in the academy, with rank SS: geniune Byakuya Togami, Taeko Yasuhiro and Sonia Nevermind.

Meanwhile, Tsumiki, who's merely a C+ rank, due to the easiness and the entry level, doesn't compare! She's fun to bully, though!

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Her execution episode in the anime bummed me the fuck out.

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Can anyone stop Durgesh?

She didn't deserve it

I didn't feel anything because I didn't like how they characterized her in DR3 at all

I still think UDG wins out overall in the "fucked up shit" criteria, but man, that scene and the amateur brain surgery that DR3 had were genuinely hard to watch in parts. Pretty fucking hardcore.

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me on the left

It's funny because despite the way DR3 absolutely ruined her character, that scene was still pretty hard to watch.

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What was wrong with her character in your opinion?

Too much of a "perfect" character despite just being a normal person in 3.
It at least made sense in 2 because she an AI specifically made for what was essentially a therapy program.

Making her the center of attention. In episode 1 she was socially autistic like in the game, but by episode 2 she's the class rep beloved by everybody. The anime treats her like she can do no wrong. And the worst part is they made her the reason the rest of the class fell into despair. This is especially jarring with Fuyuhiko who didn't get that upset over his own sister dying. I know part of it was the brainwashing but it still felt like a major asspull.

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How is he so perfect bros

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Hm, I can see that. It's not like they really showed how much the rest of the class respected her or even that many interactions to build that image of her up. Guess there was just too much ground to try and cover in that time.

>This is especially jarring with Fuyuhiko who didn't get that upset over his own sister dying.
This was handled so poorly I was kinda wondering why they even bothered with it.


I feel like that's one of the biggest problems with the despair arc overall. Trying to fit so much content into 11 episodes really fucked up most of the characterization of everyone. They really should have just gone for a full 24 episodes of Future or a full 24 of Despair. Trying to do it half and half just bogs down everything.

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Is there a danganronpa character that could even possibly EVEN TOUCH Hajime Hintata? Let alone defeat him. And I'm not talking about reserve course student Hajime Hintata . I'm not talking about amnesiac virtual world Hajime Hintata either. Hell, I'm not even talking about Ultimate Hope Izuru Kamukura Hajime Hintata with the possess of every known talent that has been researched at Hope's Peak Academy including superhuman level intelligence, strength, reflexes, and speed. I'm definitely NOT Talking about Ultimate Despair Izuru Kamukura Hajime Hinata capable of having non-stop debate all by himself with his serval clones. I'm Talking about Ultimate Future Mirai Blanco Hajime Hinata with ssj2 aura and red chuuni eyes, equipped with infinite truth bullets that can break through any argument in Non-Stop Debate or Panic Talk Action and infinite sword cuts in Rebuttal Showdown. Able to convincing people into returning to their destroyed bodies with memory loss from tropical paradise while being an expert In Improved Hangman's Gambit and Logic Dive.

Attached: hajime hinata blanco.jpg (1280x720, 162K)

I'm so glad that Shuichi became the protagonist instead of this retarded robot.


I feel like what we really needed for Despair Side was Junko systematically breaking down every single member of the class through their weaknesses, not this bullshit copout brainwashing crap. I mean, Chisa's brainwashing I'm OK with, because that's some Clockwork Orange shit, that's fitting enough, but turning everybody else in one fell swoop was so cheap. They had an opportunity to finally set up Junko as a master manipulator that can really mentally fuck with people hard, something that they haven't really done all that much - honestly, Monaca did a better job at it in the controller scene in UDG - and they blew it. The part with Juzo was a tease of what could've been.

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I'm amazed how little Keebo stuck out. There were a lot of moments in the game where I just forgot he was there.

Also good bully targets: Fujisaki, Ishimaru, Souda, Kiibo, Fukawa, Iruma, Tenko, Gonta, and Yumeno.

Fuck Junko, fuck Monokokuma, fuck Future Foundation, fuck real women and FUCK GAMERS!

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I agree which is why I feel they should have done a full 24 for one of the two. If they had gone for a full 24 despair then they probably could have worked in a Junko scene for everyone. They'd also be able to actually show some of the Danganronpa Zero stuff instead of just hinting at it. Also Monaca is objectively the best villain.

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step it up dangantards, your representatives are both bottom tier

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Meet my wife Himiko

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And you are the worst PC

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>worst PC
I'm sharing board with fucking shitters I swear

>Hey hey
Fucking pleb.

Wow! Is it comedy hour now?

>Hajime is a bad PC now
Ok I'll bite, tell me why he's bad.

>Also Monaca is objectively the best villain.
Hey, no argument from me there. It just irks me that for Junko being a despair god that made the entire world go to shit with her cult leader like strategies, we don't really get to see a lot of that, and apparently Kodaka then got pissed off that Junko was actually being liked, making him set out to create Satan in a small, green form, showing that they could've just done it right in the first place.

I guess dis pair is a powerful force.

Attached: 1470773449242.jpg (1012x6895, 1.21M)

Probably is. Imagine unironically thinking Hajime is a good character.

red/orange looks like shit

the lobotomy was one of the only times watching something I had to like close my eyes and turn away, something about it just grossed me out so much more than any other even gory shit has

>Keebo is the retarded viewer self insert
>Acts like a fucking useless retard for most of the game
>Or at least it seems that way DESPITE him being the greatest provider of case-defining evidence
>Loses ahogay
>His first instinct as the uncontested ultimate robot of hope is to fucking nuke everything and stop being a dumb SJW
>Becomes a super robot chad
>Immediately goes back to being a faggot

>they wouldn't even let the Mary Sue lose to the literal perfect human

Tell her she's got shit taste.

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it's like saying hear hear but less cringe

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What are these called, under what tag should I search?

you're going to learn about the pleasures of watching people fall into despair. savor it, it's the closest you'll ever get to raping your cute imouto

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It's the second "hey" that really does it for me.

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Ishimaru was annoying.

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>enter your basement
>see this

Attached: 567458458.png (900x478, 569K)

UDG gameplay had potential but settles down into mediocrity.
The story is thoroughly enjoyable though, so I recommend it.

She is cute!

Walk out because I don't have one.

Based Ishimaru putting weebs on suicide watch.

Based Yamada putting the nerd in the grave.

Attached: 26.jpg (238x165, 10K)

>3 fucking games with double murders and none of them had the balls to make a case with 2 living culprits

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Isn't she?

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Attached: 1480793275932.jpg (504x309, 47K)

Coming in 7 hours later to say this guy is right

Also Danganronpa is trash

Anyone have the gif where she gets fatter and fatter?

Bah, mechanics of the game makes it almost impossible. Monokuma said that even if another murder would take place, the second culpit wouldn't be judged for it and wouldn't be able to get away.
The only way Kodaka would make it possible is by letting the second murderer live through the first murderer's case. The problem is that the second killer has a gigantic death flag on him, making him a very predictable victim of the next case.

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>yesterday's thread was interesting and had a lot of discussion
>today's thread is literally /drg/
was nice while it lasted

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But does it make you feel despair? That's the important part here.

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Ne user!
Hey hey~

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Why you gotta be like this?

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Ishimaru is a nice and fun character in game. However, he'd be very annoying guy to deal with irl

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>that execution for Ishimaru
Man, why were those executions so much better than what we actually got in game? Ishimaru getting JFK'd would be so incredibly fitting. Like, almost none of the executions get that important detail of making the victim feel hope somehow before driving the dagger straight through their heart that makes it so despairful. Ironically, DR3 got this perfectly right with Chiaki's execution, and was probably the best example of it too, the other two main ones being Chiaki's DR2 execution and Kirumi's execution.

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>Another thread where we bully Ibuki

A little closer to heaven

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So what's with all the Ibuki hate I've been seeing? Years ago Mahiru was the designated worst girl from DR2.

For the sake of difference, I guess.
Those who accepted the execution got the lamest ones. (Junko, Mikan)
Those who got a glimpse of hope was tragic.
And those who got into the abyss of despair, like Leon, was the most gruesome and memorable.

One Miodafag got a really bad GET, by claming that if he'll get 1-9 number, then Ibuki would be the best girl. Naturally, he got 000 trips.

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She was absolutely irrelevant before the 0 GET. After that, it gave us a space to shit on her. Ibukifags cope by saying it is just a meme

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Ibuki has been my worst girl for quite some time. I kept it to myself since she was so irrelevant until that 0 stuff. She is pretty fun to insult.

user, no.
don't do this to me.
it's even worse because i took that meme test posted once to see who i related to most to and the result was monaca

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I guess, but I don't think he deserves to die over it. Plus, he can be open-minded to other ideas going off of his "Shot Through the Heart" event, so think he can change for the better. He had so much potential yet he had to die. It really fucking sucks.

Don't forget Celeste's. She was cucked from her posh execution.

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She is hated all over Yea Forums now. Check what /drg/ did

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Well, in the end, all started from Oowada, who was unable to cool down. Had he kept his rage in check, 2 and 3 case wouldn't appear.

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whatever you do, don't hate yourself for who you are. it's okay to be interested in completely unpredictable imouto's reaction to death of the character she cared about, honestly this thing would interest anyone. it's all good, you're not a bad person, just enjoy it to the fullest and post accurate description of her reaction

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Embrace the joy of sharing despair, user.

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I keep losing my shit over that, its so hilarious.
>I just really didnt want to waste my seesaw trick

I'd also give in to despair if I was as ugly as anybody of that bunch

He's a fucking remorseless psychopath and I love it.

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n-no...i can't do that.

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Come on, it'll be fun! Then you can show her DR3 and have her go through Chiaki's death there as well for double the despair! It'll be delicious!

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So why did the despair arc anime swell up everyone's tit sizes?

based and redpilled and fuck dubfags

The fucked up think about it is the thought behind it, keep in mind it wasn't even a lobotomy so much as programming someone into a despair fetishist by constantly prodding the pleasure centers of the brain forcibly while making them watch grotesque imagery. It's something you cringe thinking about because ice picks stabbing your brain isn't something anyone wants to feel.
Kind of a shame that after that Junko just makes up a fucking Despair HypnoLive-Stream. DR3 is fucking dumb in a lot of ways though.
UDG was more fucked up in both the backstories of the other kids, the psychosis the adults end up in and Monaca's plan which basically involved killing fucking everyone to make Naegi's sister Junko 2.0 from sheer trauma alone.


>UDG was more fucked up in both the backstories of the other kids, the psychosis the adults end up in and Monaca's plan which basically involved killing fucking everyone to make Naegi's sister Junko 2.0 from sheer trauma alone.
Yeah, the way Monaca set everything up to be a massive conga line of trauma was pretty magical, especially capping it off with "hey, guess what, you're going to be the one that either breaks this controller, murdering every child in this city and causing a war to break out, or you don't break the controller, causing the adults to start murdering the children on their own, oh by the way I also killed your parents I forgot to mention that do you hate me enough now?".

You can't fight it, you know.

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>Huh, this is weird. I guess I'll just keep picking "Don't break the controlller", that should wo- oh no.

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I'm horny for Monaca

who says so

No, user
That's wrong

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How old these kids were again?

Around 10-12 years old each.

Old enough for despair

old enough, just be gentle


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Do that kids of that age think perverted shit about each other? I can see them crushing on big titty teacher or friend's big sister but about each other?

The realistic answer is that Monaca is a psychotic manipulator who probably learned about using sexuality to her advantage in manipulating people. Nagisa, the blue haired kid, is very blatantly crushing on Monaca in a childlike way, so Monaca overwhelming him like that is a key component in breaking him mentally and turning him into a shell that does whatever she wants.

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Her body decomposed to worm food a long time ago.

I guess that makes sense.
>I-I like you.

No no

This is cringey as fuck. Just post more thick-thighed beaut's.

Ibuki might have been the most forgettable character to me. I barely noticed her absence when she was gone

Because they have good taste.

people, Sseth here

Shut the fuck up with that

What case would have worked best with two living culprits?

I love how even Toko's execution has nothing to do with her talent of being a writer

Junko's was lame?

Fuck dubfags and fuck niggers.

She's still better than 3/5ths of the survivors.

>Please fuck me in the ass miss Sonia!
>Sorry Souda, I'm too busy not having any personality

At least we got Fuyuhiko instead of who they were apparently originally planning to survive instead of him

Why is she so perfect?

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Weebs really coming out of the woodworks today.

Hiyoko should have lived. Kill Akane instead.

Chihiro liked fat girls it seems.

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I love you

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It was kinda hilarious how blatantly shoehorned in Hikyoko's death was

>nobody gives much of a shit
>she didn't really play a role in the case's plot, she just walked in on Mikan and got murdered
>they don't find or even talk about the murder weapon
>they don't even show the murder in the closing argument
>Mikan doesn't talk about how it felt to kill the girl who was tormenting her, or even acknowledge Hikyoko one during the trial
>she essentially died because she couldn't dress herself without a mirror


2-3 was easily the worst non-final trial in the series. You really have to wonder how high Kodaka was when he wrote it.

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>2-3 was easily the worst non-final trial in the series.
How so, out of curiosity?

As stated above Hiyoko's death is very blatantly shoehorned in. It's like no one even notices. As such the closing argument feels really half-assed because it doesn't address one of the fucking victims at all. On top of that it's incredibly easy to figure out, Mikan's breakdown was annoying, and for some reason the trial minigames seemed extra irritating this time around, like having to purposely go backwards in the rebuttal showdown with Gundham. Also the executions sucks and the whole thing just feels very non-satisfactory.

>As such the closing argument feels really half-assed because it doesn't address one of the fucking victims at all
Technically, it doesn't show either of the murders happen, it only shows the cover up, which is a bit weird since every other closing argument in the series shows how the murder itself happened.

Tbf, Souda had decent potential until they flanderized his crush on Sonia after chapter 3. It makes me think Kodaka gave up and just decided to go with whatever was everyone's main character trait after the half-way point.

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>built up as a master of lies and deception with a stone cold poker face
>spends over half of the trial shitting herself in a mixture of rage and fear as the entire remaining cast gangs up on her

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Turning point. I wasn't paying attention to her at all up to that point. Shortly after, she turned into my favorite character.

To be fair, isn't the point of Celes that she's basically a normal shithead that's just faking it until she makes it and therefore doesn't deal well with pressure?

Oh yeah,Souda was a total bro for chapter 1 and most of chapter 2. The moment he began his descent into a shitty character was that cafe scene where he sees Sonia in a wetsuit. Honestly it was pretty painful to see.

Why is Zero Escape discussion completely fucking dead but Dangan threads are still a thing?
ZTD was so bad that it killed whole interest in the franchise?

Yeah. is a retard.

Celes is the Ultimate Gambler though. She's supposed to deal well under pressure. That's like gambling 101.

I could see him bowing down
Dunno about Imposter's identity, but Teruteru will fuck anything.

I want to pound Chihiro while he pounds Chiaki

>Junko is Uchi's moeblob idol's favorite character
Wish she would get abducted already so we can get a release date for AI Somnium.

The only perfect ship is ChiakixHajime

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Well, she was probably mainly adept at building herself up and bullshitting stuff up to make her credibility as the Ultimate Gambler greater, but once it became clear to her that her life is straight up on the line, she probably broke. God knows Hope's Peak's organization isn't the best, so we can't really take them at their word when they say someone's an Ultimate.

Why Ibuki?

I know you lads are just memeing. Ibuki is too genki to be anything other than S tier.

>messy long hair chiaki
I already miss her user, why ya gotta do this to me?

My wife is the absolute best!!!

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Because she is cheerful, funny, cute, and would brighten my horrible boring life.

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How exactly is being a princess or a yakuza heir a talent?

I will give you that she was probably hyping herself up a bit, but it still doesn't make it any less disappointing that one of the supposedly best liars in the group ws so easy to see through

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based durgesh

>kills somebody who was too retarded at the time to even know what was going on and gives somebody else a relatively quick and dignified death
She was shit at doing despair.

Hes best boy of DR1. He should have lived after weedman

Can't forget about the toko redemption arc
user, you know you have to get all of the DR content. ALL OF IT. Don't forget to read DR0 and Killer killer.

This but unironically

Fuck dubs holy shit

Clearly, she's not. She has luck for gambling and keeping her emotions to some degree, but she's no Kirigiri or the other stoic characters.

Hope's Peak is a shitshow. That's all you need to know.

I'm a fan of Celes myself, and would've preferred her to be built up as some sort of final boss killer, but alas, it wasn't to be.

Play it. Its got cool atmosphere and redeemed Toko.

I dont care. I'd fuck her mind out every single night and cuddle every single morning

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My nigga.
I dont get it either. I know some people get bothered if they ever listen to a language that they can't make sense of.
It's stupid shit that people do, especially americans who only ever learn english and nothing else.

When you have a drunk man wearing a fedora as your main talent scout things tend to get out of hand.

Beautiful dead from the first game is the best song in the entire franchise.

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My man

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Pig barf.


Angel girl

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>Haha JK! The virtual one doesn't matter!

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>relatively quick and dignified death
>by killing her while she was partially disrobed and tying her up

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Well, dignified in comparison to getting deep-fried in a volcano or turned into butter.

How accurate is this?

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>He didn't watch the abomination that was the anime

Good on you, son.

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How the fuck is this thread still up?

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blavatsky was fat

Drop it.

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That case in particular was one colossal fuckup. They had ONE JOB and could have delivered an amazingly good revenge plot. Instead we got DUDE DESPAIR LMAO and arguably the dumbest execution
don't even fucking get me started on that god damn Camera Angle holy shit

>could have delivered an amazingly good revenge plot
How so?

Who would be the easiest Danganronpa 1 character to convince to bring to your room to fuck? I mean you are teenagers in a dangerous situation, who would want to die a virgin?

Canonically Leon

I never understood camera angle.

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Mikan could have killed Hiyoko to get back at her for all of the bullying but instead

Canonically Leon.

I'm usually a DFC guy but goddamn Chiaki's boobs are perfect
I wanna suck on them while she pats my head

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what's holding the third gun?

Most of DR2's executions were too dignified


What do you mean?

her boytoy Makoto.

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>hajime in the mastermind tier
No chance. As hajime his alignment is too pure to be a mastermind. Even as Izuru, he just went along with whatever people told him to do.



her bacon

I wouldn't really call being blasted off again into space while orgasming "dignified".

She didn't exactly suffer for it.

Mikan's probably the most fucked in the head outta the entire cast. The fact that she removed Junko's uterus to put it in herself so she could bare her children would raise some serious red flags.

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Well in that sense I suppose most DR2 ones do apply then. Compared to a lot of the first and third game's, most of the second's executions are primarily buildup, with the blackened only getting injured and killed right at the end instead of all throughout.

It's not about him being evil. It's just a measure of intelligence.

The guy is a fucking retarded, actually laughable that you would ever put him here.
Same with Kokichi, not bad, but the guy fucked up with his own plans miserably. The only thing he's good at is fooling people on his true nature is like (though, only when he's trying) but not masking his plans, and manipulating a retard.

This was never confirmed which is a huge let down because it'd have been very interesting

I love her anyway. I'd love her even if she had a dick

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her front tail

Mikan sucks ass. Oops let me fall over with my legs spread!!

Not my list.
Agree with you that Hajime should probably be normalfag tier but I think Kokichi earned mastermind with his trial 5 shenanigans.

God I love Chiaki so much. I would do anything to be with her.

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She just wants to get fucked, I can relate to that

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Based and waifupilled

she loves you too

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Stop spreading lies about my wife please.

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Clumsy slut.

thanks user, I really hope so.
you too

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Beautiful princess

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But his trial had no gambit, all he bet on was no one finding out how it all worked, and the fact that he managed to create something that convoluted in such a short amount of time is impressive, but at that point he's just a better killer than everyone not else, not a literal mastermind. On top of that, he sacrificed four lives (including his own) for a plan that ultimately amounts to nothing. He's quick thinker with an imperceivable nature, that warrants at least "genius tier", but not "mastermind tier".

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*everyone else

She didn't deserve to die bros

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based and redpilled. also, did you post ?

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I suppose that's fair. By that point in V3 I was so tired of the game I kinda forgot all of Kokichi's plans literally ended up amounting to nothing in the end.

No, for some reason there are more of us with excellent taste

Good. I'm glad she's appreciated.

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Almost 2 weeks for her birthday

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Hajime is smart but not THAT smart, I assume whoever made this meant his Izuru persona. Hajime himself is still smarter than Makoto was, he's usually the quickest to catch on or keep up with Nagito (who actually demonstrates his intelligence better than anyone else in the series).
A lot of the "Genius Tier" characters still do some really stupid shit, especially the DR3 ones. Chihiro is a brilliant programmer but we never really see him do any complex thinking, we're just told that he's smart and shown the things he's made.
Celeste was a fucking idiot who acted like she was a lot smarter than she really was, she makes idiotic assumptions in Trials, she intentionally drew attention to herself to the entire group while planning a murder and even while she was executing it, and her plan was absurdly complex and doomed to fail because she blindly entrusted the details to a moron yet went through with it anyway when she had hours to just stop and cut her losses. She explicitly tells Makoto her strategy as a gambler was to just rely on her luck, and she had no idea how to react when things didn't go her way for once.
Mahiru, Sayaka, Peko and Hiyoko all demonstrate decent intelligence. Toko is definitely smart, at least by Ultra Despair Girls where she's not constantly terrified, neurotic and/or horny.

>People still using my crops so many years after them.
Feels nice man.

He didn't do anything dumb either, he was just horribly unlucky.

Plus the fact that dr threads are fueled in part by waifuhusbandofags, how can we when ZTD turned the waifus to garbage?

I wasn't expecting this reference

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How bad was it? I’ve still never touched it because of the outrage over it


>monocoins going up

>hurr durr I dab hurr durr

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*chokes your slut*


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Literally a shit liar version of Nagito

Should I bother finishing ZTD?
I dropped it when I died laughing from the chainsaw scene.

Would you a Miu?

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Yeah I wouldn't say he was dumb at all, unlike say the old guy also in "Genuis" tier, he just doesn't have the mindset for that kind of situation at all. If Chiaki is anything to go by he probably had the potential to be a great investigator, he just never got the chance to get "strong."
It's just not a great chart because I guess it's supposed to be ranking "canon" intelligence but DR (like most stories) has a ton of characters who are described as smart or have a talent in an area traditionally associated with "smart people" but don't actually do things that would suggest they're as smart as they say they are (or are said to be).
Like Junko is supposed to be a super genius who started the apocalypse by manipulating a relatively small group of talented people in just the right ways, but we hardly actually see much of that and even worse her plans tend to fail because she failed to accurately judge the protagonists' characters, which is supposed to be her talent. And it's excused with "well she deliberately makes plans because she's SO smart it's BORING if she succeeds all the time" which is crap.
Contrast with someone like Nagito, who demonstrates his intelligence by playing every single person on the island like a fucking fiddle during the Trials, even when they actively distrust him. He's practically flawless as an investigator, doesn't reveal exactly how much he knows until it benefits him to do so, and comes up with plans that are either safe for him to back out of or have a very good chance to end favorably for him regardless of their outcome. He doesn't even let his flaws get in his way; he has fanatical faith in his luck but doesn't use it as a crutch where it counts. His first plan counted on his luck to get him picked, but if he lost the draw he could just plan to start the killing another day. In his masterstroke his luck doesn't come into play at all until the end, where forcing a "random" vote makes the odds heavily in his favor.

not him but
>graphics were hot garbage
>villain was silly
>all the returning characters barely resemble their 999/VLR characterizations
>ending was rushed as fuck
>they literally use a machine that can copy stuff through spacetime as a plot point, and say "aliens made it"
>too short to enjoy any of the characters
>Q team was fucking awful
>Radical-6, the BIGGEST MYSTERY OF VLR, is practically glossed over and "gets out" in a really disappointing way
>most of the mysteries aren't answered
>Left and Kyle don't even show up
Yes, just so you can laugh at the ending. It's that bad.

Because life is simply unfair.

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V bad. Nothing in it really matters and it makes vlr obsolete.

the DR series ended on kino and ZTD ended on garbage

How do you think Death March Club will be?

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Looks pretty cute

>mute protag
aright what twist r they gonna pull with it?

I just hope it doesn't follow the patterns the DR games had and just does it's own thing. I'm kind of worried because it's another "death game" game

That's such a evil name. I thought kodaka didn't want more death games.

>I feel like what we really needed for Despair Side was Junko systematically breaking down every single member of the class through their weaknesses, not this bullshit copout brainwashing crap

Not only was brainwashing the most boring possible solution to how they became Ultimate Despair, it completely undermines hope/despair as "humanistic" mindsets one can fall into or resist. The show itself sets up more organic ways for Junko to pull everyone into despair so I don't even think it can be pitched as lack of creativity; it would be perfectly in-character for Junko to radicalize everyone and build a cult over social media since she half-did that as is.

Literally worst girl


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>Look guys! My opinion is important!

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sauce on the image on the daki

450+ posts and no Mukuro

until now

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Sorry user I don't know. Have another Miu as compensation.

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Fun fact: Mukuro has the least voiced dialogue of all 48 students across all 3 main games.

Who has the most?

Junko deserves to be in a tier of her own above everyone else.
Knock Togami down. Go replay DR1 and keep an eye on him, you'll notice he never really says anything particularly smart.
Knock Celeste down. Her plan was so bad she deserves Pretty Dumb tier.
Knock Taka down. He's not smart. Nobody in DR1 is smart except Kirigiri, Naegi, and Junko.
Knock Gundham down. His plan is okay but it is overcome by how stupid he is in the previous class trials. He's Hagakure tier, go replay DR2 and watch him particuarly in 2-1 and 2-3.
Bump Mahiru and Mikan up, both show capability in class trials.
Bump Peko down, her plan makes no sense.
Bump Souda up. He sucks in class trials but his mechanical capability makes up for it.

If he's willing to suck my dick he can fuck my ass.

>ywn impregnate Miu
Why live

Great! Best girl Chiaki is still smart

I know your pain brother.

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Probably Shuichi, due to V3 being the longest game.

>Junko deserves to be in a tier of her own above everyone else.
Losing to "dude hope lmao" kid indicates she deserve to get bumped down a tier, really
It's Izuru that needs a new tier, at the end of DR2 he beat Junko and is also not infected with a meme like despair and also saved his brain-dead friends and turned his waifu into a tulpa, he's seriously a god

>He's Hagakure tier, go replay DR2 and watch him particuarly in 2-1 and 2-3.
I don't think he did anything particularly stupid.
>finds the hidden passageway in 2-1 while finding his earring
Maybe the "no blood on the floor" in 2-3, but that's not on the level of "KYOKO'S A GHOST"

>Losing to "dude hope lmao" kid indicates she deserve to get bumped down a tier, really
she didn't really lose. She got to "lose" on her terms, which wasn't really a loss. That's the point of the end of DR2, where she actually loses.
>It's Izuru that needs a new tier, at the end of DR2
wouldn't disagree with that, I forget he exists.
Dude. He "found" the hidden passageway accidentally by dropping his earring and spending the entire investigation looking for that instead of actually investigating. Then he neglects to bring it up, but more importantly he neglects to bring up the glow-in-the-dark paint he saw down there because he didn't think it was important.

But by far the worst is his dumb argument with Chiaki in the 2-3 class trial about the pillar. Just go play it again or watch it.

>that's not on the level of "KYOKO'S A GHOST"
also I'm almost positive Gundham unironically believes in ghosts

>Maybe the "no blood on the floor" in 2-3, but that's not on the level of "KYOKO'S A GHOST"

I seriously forgot that even happened. God Hagakure was retarded.

>turned his waifu into a tulpa
Was that the AI version or the human version?

Hajiru made a tulpa out of AI Chiaki instead of human version

Yes, he is that based.

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>even in Death, Chiaki gets cucked by a computer program that looks like her


>he neglects to bring up the glow-in-the-dark paint he saw down there because he didn't think it was important.
also want to point out that even Ibuki, possibly the dumbest character in DR2 outside of Akane, says something along the lines of "wow, that sounds super important!"

*African beats stops*

Daily reminder that the ultimate anti-despair weapon is to tell somebody to grow the fuck up.

I remember listening to this song last year

So, the 10th anniversary of the series is coming up in 2020. Do you think there's any chance of another game or anything similar?

3D DR1 has been a rumor thrown around for a while now but i don't think that's happening. I think the fighting game is more likely to happen for the 10th anniversary

Byakuya is decently smart, his gambit in Chapter 2 was a great move in a lot of ways. He got to expose Toko to ensure his safety from Genocide Jack and at the same time test Makoto's investigative ability independent of Kyoko holding his hand. His problem is that when he thinks he's figured something out he stops looking for new evidence and is bad at judging others' characters because he doesn't care about them. Like he was confident he could get away with his bullshit in Trial 2 because he knew Mondo did it, but he didn't have any real evidence to prove it and didn't take the time to really work the case out, so it would have been more or less his word against Mondo's without Makoto and Kyoko's proper investigation.

Gundham's plan was completely solid, there would have been no strong evidence pointing toward him if he hadn't been caught out by Fuyuhiko. Only way it could have been better is if he had properly broken the elevator enough that Kazuichi couldn't repair it in time for the trial (and he still wouldn't have been able to without Nagito's multi-tool, which Gundham couldn't have known about). Being a chuuni weirdo doesn't make him stupid anymore than Nagito or Junko's boners for hope/despair impair them.

Peko's plan also makes sense, you have to consider it from her perspective. She fully intended to be caught to ensure Fuyuhiko survived the Trial, framing Hiyoko was part of the act to make her more suspicious/convincing, same as taking on the Sparkling Justice persona to explain away her apparent lack of motive. She draws as much attention to herself as possible because she's trying to keep suspicion off Fuyuhiko, so she goes so far as to shout over him when he's openly begging her to stop trying so hard to take the fall.

Yeah I'm sure that would work.

I think a DR1 remake or a gacha game are most likely. I've never really understood why people keep bringing up a fighting game. Is there any basis for it?

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I think they said they wanted to do a fighting game with all 3 but who knows

How would a fighting game work?

Great question lol, if they do i want a a playable Monokuma though

Fighting game sounds cool. But there's too many characters

haha retard

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For a non-action series DR has a lot of characters that could be decent fighters and the casts are mostly colorful/distinct in a way that lends itself to that kind of game. By DR3 they portray Ultimates as superhuman anyway. You could definitely make most of them work without too much effort.

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based and kermitpilled

Kokichi just sucks as a rival though

It does sound like a cool concept. I'd probably buy it if it became a thing. But as another user said there are a shitload of characters. Just the kids from the 3 main games alone puts us at 48. If you include the bears, UDG, and DR3, that puts us at around 60-70 characters. It just seems like a lot.

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>Knock Taka down. He's not smart.
Ishimaru already got into a really prestigious high school in Tokyo before he got to hope's peak, and he was a straight A honor student at that. He's not dumb at all; we also know from his free time events that he spends all his time studying so he just has no people skills, and knowing high school geography or algebra isn't going to be very helpful in solving a murder in a killing game setting.


Nagito as a luck based fighter would be dope as fuck.

>still alive after 11 hours
>nearing 500

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Hey hey nigger, cringe

>Nagito's super is pulling out a revolver, shooting himself once and having it misfire, then shooting the opponent with the other five shots

Fuck off.


>japanese game
yeah no shit


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For those who want a fighting game, would you want a traditional 2D fighter, or a 3D arens fighter?

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DR is literal weebbait though
Also the fandom is pseudointellectual as fuck


Hopefully an actual good 2d fighter. 3d arena fighter anime games usually suck.

Mugi Tsumugi Smoogie Smoogs "The Moogs" Shirogane!

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I hate you and that fake sprite

What is the point of a worthless post like this?

>no u

you said it first you absolute faggot and seething

He’ll subvert your expectations and make it a dating sim

2D even though I'm shit at those
>tfw no harem of Angie clones

imagine not using exhentai

Just to say that Tsumugi is the best before the thread dies.

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But you didn't say that until just now, your previous post was just a bunch of nonsense