Which one Yea Forums?
Which one Yea Forums?
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Zero Mission
Zero Mission. I wish we'd get something that wasn't a remake, though. ZM was great at the time (and is still one of my favorite games) but I can't help but wish it were entirely new, too.
Samus Returns isn't that great to begin with. It's ok at best.
I think it's the best 2D game after Super desu
Zero mission of the two, but Super is the undisputed king.
People were so starving for new metroid, that'd they'd scarf down any rancid shit and ask for seconds
Super > zero >= fusion > metroid >= metroid 2 >>>>>>>> SR
What makes SR so good?
I have SR but still haven't gotten around to it. I beat Zero Mission and the stealth section ruined it for me.
>Super is king
nah man the sound effects and pew pew were shit
It's the biggest one, the longest one, the hardest one and it successfully implements new and refreshing mechanics
It's also the most tedious and boring one. I'm begging for it to be over after area 3
its bringing in Metroid V
Zero Mission, I don't need to choose because for Metroid 2 I have AM2R, which is better than Nintendo's attempt at damage control for a extremely well done fan title that outshone anything Nintendo has done with the series in recent years.
The item acquisition fanfare being accompanied by a 1-2 second unskippable pause is the most valid criticism of Super and it's a good one for how many items you pick up. Besides that, if you play Super and want arcady action and handholding linear storytelling and gameplay then you came to the wrong place. Sound effects were great, musical score was fantastic, focus was near 100% gameplay. SR, Zero, and Fusion were all great games in their own right as well for what they brought to the table.
Zero Mission for sure. It's the best Metroid game.
Samus Returns is great fun, but it doesn't even hold a candle to the ludo that Zero Mission is
What? AM2R was awful though
On what merit? I'm genuinely curious if you have legitimate criticisms that don't come from lack of skill.
I found most of it pretty boring and the new added areas uninspired. Not to mention the visuals looking like they are straight out of game maker or some shit.
The boss fights were pretty good and I appreciated how varied they where compared to SR (except that bullet hell one which just felt stupidly out of place) and I really really liked that they incorporated environment scanning, but over all it felt like a slog to get through.
>I found most of it pretty boring and the new added areas uninspired
I don't think Metroid is for you champ
I have played every other metroid game and enjoyed it at least twice as much
Prime = Zero Mission > Prime 2 = Super > Fusion > SR > Prime 3 > AM2R
ZM and it isn't even close.
Not him but I just dislike how floaty Super feels, if it had the tighter controls from ZM it would easily be my favourite though
Zero Mission is way better
Samus Returns relies too much on the parry mechanic, and the areas all look the same. The music is forgettable, too.
I'm not sure how to feel about the random difficulty spikes, too
While I prefer ZM's physics for action scenes, I love Super's momentum-heavy mechanics for platforming.
But I guess that's the reason why I've only bothered to do low% runs of ZM and not Super.
I can respect not liking that aspect, though I don't have an issue with it. It feels really good to get around well even though I fuck it up a lot myself.
No, the real 2d ranking is