How can so many people be this retarded?

How can so many people be this retarded?

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boomers are mentally ill

Most people didn't spend literal YEARS playing video games over and over again and spending the time they're not playing video games by browsing video-game related imageboards. They simply haven't "matured" their video-game sensibilities in the way you have because to them games always were just a fun way to pass the time not an identity. Those people in the comments probably played OoT in their childhood and then slowly moved away from video games, still cherishing the memories they had playing the game. Meanwhile you never grew out of it, you kept immersing yourself deeper into digital media, of course your sensibilities differ from theirs, where they see fancy new graphics coupled with their nostalgia you see a low-quality derivation of stuff you've seen a billion times already.

That's not what being "retarded" is just like how you aren't retarded for not enjoying Czech New Wave Cinema as you haven't immersed yourself into cinema.

Retarded is being condescending about being a neet who wasted his best years on video games and acting smug about it lol. Faggot.

Nice projection lad

Even a layman should be able to understand when something looks fucking ugly and pointless no matter what medium; people are just too in love with the underdog story of the loving fan to consider actual quality.

>Some unironically think bottom looks better

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He's absolutely correct though.

>Someone points out all the flaws
>Make a better one then :^)))))

it actually does though.

Literally and unironically bottom looks factually and objectively better.

>That guy who loves every comment praising him and ignores everyone one giving criticism
Easy sign of a shit developer.

>Death Mountain has snow
>Link looks like he was photoshopped in

the bottom is at least a polished soulless turd as opposed to the top being a freshly lain log of fecal matter

OMG. Bottom looks so much better. Nintendo should hire that guy!

but 3D and better graphix!!!!

I don't like the top but fuck anyone that thinks that unreal garbage looks good

volcanoes can have snow on them

Attached: church-and-snowy-volcano-cristobal-garciaferro.jpg (671x900, 80K)

nigga have you seen the Link's Awakening remake? It looks like some shitty mobile game.

Only because the depth of field on the top is retarded.

Bottom has a nice palette and the grass looks good but the lighting is inconsistent on link and the wall on the right. That wall just ruins everything.

> That depth of field.
They could turn the sky purple and make link look like a tranny and it would still look better.

>That guy who believes you should listen to every retard who thinks they're qualified to criticize anything

Not death mountain though

It's Death Mountain.
It's a video game.

they never say death mountain doesn't have snow

Better than generic "Nintendo should hire this guy!" comments.

It's obvious they'll eat up any generic Unreal stock asset he shits into the game, might as well appeal to the people who actually have critiques in the process.

So... people who praise him are qualified to praise anything?


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You don't have to be a chef to compliment another chef, but you sure as shit better have some experience cooking if you're going to criticize them

>Multimillion corporation
>One guy
>who is using assets made by million dollar corporations

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You would think so, but they don't. It reminds me of film reviews and how critics and experienced film enthusiasts are always far less forgiving of things than regular viewers.

Here we go with food analogies.
So I cant tell you you cook like absolute shit unless I can cook?

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Both look absolute garbage
Also, faggots absolutely love both

Nintendo fans are irredeemable autists with horrible tastes. What else is new?

because it does.

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Well it wouldn't mean much from someone who has never cooked before, just like criticizing someone's fan project doesn't mean shit if you've never tried making one yourself.

still one guy tho vs Nintendo, who's also a multi million dollar corporation... Seriously did you even think this through?

I don't understand you, user. At all. Are you saying that people who praise him know something about programming, and those who criticize him and his work do not? Because that's the impression I got from your reply.
By your logic, I am not allowed to put negative review on a game I bought and played because I am not a programmer.

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Yeah one guy using stolen assets on a stock engine, how's that impressive?

No, I'm saying you wouldn't need to be a game dev or whatever to compliment him on his work. You would, however, be expected to have some experience if you're going to criticize his work because you don't understand the difficulties of game development.

Also you're just proving my point with that last sentence because most gamers are absolute retards who will whine about the stupidest shit in their negative reviews, simply because they have no experience in game development.

>If I make something and you like it you have the right to like it
>If I make something and you dont like it you dont have the right to because you cant make something

>Leave them alone! They are just poor poor normal socially well adjusted people who enjoy videogames in moderation and are basically better than you
>Meanwhile, you are a pathetic manchild for understanding the medium you enjoy and be able to express valid criticism.
No, this is complete projection. The same can be said about anyone who are passionate about any medium.
This just in, enjoying things make you a manchild.
You're retarded.

bruh, look at this dude

>moving the goalpost.
Nigger, Death Mountain never had snow. You would know if you played Zelda.

Yes, because the people who like it aren't telling him what to do, unlike the entitled morons criticizing his work.

"I think it looks ugly" is not valid criticism. You don't express what elements of it you find displeasing, you state only that you do, which means you're just a manchild expressing his distaste for things he doesn't like.
Why do so few people understand what fucking criticism is.
"Fuck you it's ugly and you're bad" isn't fucking criticism it's just you being a fucking peter-pan faggot holy shit kill yourself.

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Can't even come up with a valid argument just like you can't come up with a valid criticism. Perfect example of what I'm talking about.

>Your project has no cohesive artstyle

Good thing he didn't just say "it's ugly' and went into actual specifics then

my dude, let me let you in on a secret, two thirds of youtube are exclusively retarded children

Tell me where did the guy who was criticizing him told him what to do?

Because they're kids and don't understand how Unreal Engine works. They don't realize all he does is make a few 3D polygons and copy pastes textures off fucking google images.

Oh wait that actually is valid criticism.
No you're totally right my bad. I didn't even read the picture because I assumed it was just more cringy compilations of internet dicksucking.
RIP me I'm a faggot.

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why does pointing out the flaws of something make you entitled?

When is Nintendo gonna hire this man?

>gamers are retards
You're only now realising this? There's nothing but a torrent of retardation in YouTube comment sections

>Make a better one then

It's not impressive when he just pieced together other people's work, most likely without permissions...

Saria looks like shit desu.

user I normally agree Unreal engine mockups look like shit but that particular shot looks pretty good

>get food
>tastes bad
>"but you cant cook it! How do you know it tastes bad?"

It looks so realistic, just like TLoU and GoW!

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>that fucking deflection.

kek what a faggot.

How retarded do you have to be to make a nintendo fan project in 2019? After nintendo has pulled dozens of those down?

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It looks retarded. There's a time and place for knee high grass. A bustling village is not that place.

>Take a shit on a plate
>Lmao you can't criticize my food unless you're a professional chef :^)

It's amazing how easily impressed retards are.

so did he make a better one or not?

>Nincels literally seething because a fan makes something nice
>If your glorious masters at Nintendo didn't touch it then it must simply be shit

You fucks are becoming a caricature of yourselves.

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>something nice

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It’s an asset flip and nintendo will take it down

>something nice

Ever heard of artstyle?

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>Nintennies defending indie tier pixelshit in 2019

Not even surprised. We're talking about the guys who bought literal cardboard boxes from Nintendo

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They're still invested into videogames enough to ape the garbage astro-turfed HOYPE culture in the comments.
Granted OP is probably complaining about children

I've literally never seen anyone defend skyward sword visually, it just looks like fucking shit, no wonder SS Link never got into smash

Attached: Skyward-Sword-Link-ds1-1340x1340.png (1340x838, 1.45M)

it's not polished it has no art direction. it's just a mess. the top is polished.

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Morons are easily impressed by overuse of modern graphical effects like depth of field and particles
There's no helping this level of brainletism, these are the idiots who thought Jump Force looked good before release

What the flying fuck is top right

Is no one going to point out the fucking bed of nails saria is standing on
Tone down the tessellation jesus god it looks so bad


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That is what happens when the 'developer' cannot find a prefab model to download.

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>you're just salty
Those idiots are so fuckling stupid, holy shit. Since when and why is this bloomy mess considered good? Not only that, but there's not even a cohesive art direction.

Exactly. Who the fuck would want GTA, CoD etc. on their fucking Nintendo console?

Top is a functioning video game with actual gameplay

Bottom is an unreal engine tech demo with 0 gameplay. Link is basically a moving camera.

Holy fuck

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>you think cause nintendo didn't make it then it's shit
>even if it is literally shit

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Wrong. Skyward sword has a fantastic art style. Only literal brainlets would think otherwise.


>that face
El atrocidad

First of all, he does get criticism from people who know their shit and he dismiss it.
Second, you can have extensive experience in a domain without necessarily having made something by yourself. You don't need to be a welder to know what a shitty weld looks like and if it's gonna hold if you've worked with welders before. You don't need to have been a polisher to know a shitty polishing job when you see one. You don't need to be a cook to judge the taste, presentation and texture of a meal. I have dwelled in game making enough to know his remake is nothing impressive and is, in fact, absolute garbage covered in MILLE QUATRE VINGT P FULL HD SUPER TURBO BLOOM HD sparkles.

Stop trying to pretend like this is any good. I don't even need to play the demo to see that the engine is clunky as hell. Same goes for his SM64 game engine. It vusually looks stiff and you can tell that his experience is in the visual domain. Not game making by itself. Sure, hire him for textures and graphical optimization if you want; but never let him touch level design, character modelling, programming an engine because he fucking suck at it as it is.

TL;DR His talent is overrated as fuck and you don't need to be an expert game maker to see this obvious fact. Those who praise his work, however, THEY obviously know little about quality game remaking. In their mind. Look pretty=GOTY and these people ruin the gaming industry with their low tier taste.

Bottom looks like absolute dogshit


no he doesn't

exactly, you can't :))))

This but unironically.

top is better and my taste > your taste

Ok faggot, listen up:
i'm a computer scientist student, do some art in my freetime and develop videogames for fun (mostly game jams, i don't have the attention span to create a complete game) so i know my shit, so by your logic you should respect my opinion unless you are a hypocritical cunt.

A. Those "ue4 remasters" look like hot garbage and mostly consist of stolen assets and pre-included assets.

B. Everyone can criticise a videogame aslong as they comment on the "consumer end" (ak. the finished game) because they spend hours upon hours playing videogames. It would be retarded if they commented on - hmm - let's say coding quality because they don't know shit about coding.

Fags like you always mess this argument up.

>make a handful of assets in a on your high end PC, that would probably slow the Switch's hardware to a crawl, if a whole game was rendered at that level of detail
>dude, why don't Nintendo hire this guy? He has more talent than all of them!

lighting's fine

yes death mountain.

Link looks like he was in a cave or something and got photoshopped in there because of the lightning

That picture never fails to make me laugh

>make a handful of assets
>implying he made even a fraction of them himself instead of just getting them off the net for free

The worst part is that Nintendo knows what people want and yet they refuse to give it to them.

>both look like garbage
maybe you could make the argument the bottom is only a tech demo and isn't $60, but they're both terrible in their own ways

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The hat says McDonald's, but I'm thinkin' Arby's

I love how the cons that ZedK49 brought up are in every single nintendo zelda game

"They're normies who doesn't know any better"

See? there's no need to make a wall of text, does it?

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its the same every time. lots of stupid people

>enjoying things

yes they do. its never shown with snow on it in OoT, or any other zelda for that matter i think. they never said it out loud, but they sure as fuck said it visually

it is an improvement and your taste is wrong

Volcanoes can. A fiery lava world in a videogame can't because that detracts from the intended visual language.

nope bottom's polished

what bed of nails?

nah it's good and ur opinion is wrong


doesn't look photoshopped

i dont know. im constantly recommended videos like this and its always ugly as fuck with thousands of people praising it in the comment section

well now it has snow bitch

lol shut up nerd

>Nintendo fans
>How can be this retarded?

Is this a tricky question?

Doesn't take a chef to know the food tastes like shit.

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Btfo virgins