Use dyndolod for better LODs, user
Good game, love the worldbuilding. Did they ever finish that expansion to it?
new day, new shilling
I'm ready user, let's talk about how it's better than skyrim, is this xyz build viable, how it has a good story, and post a few soundtrack links just to mix things up.
what game is this anons lol
looks beautiful
Dude it came out 2 weeks ago.
Just got to ark earlier today and I've been having fun. Just wish it wouldn't crash so often
I wanted to play this then I remembered I fuckin hate Skyrim gameplay, jesus christ it seems I'm swinging my axe at the air everytime
There are currently about dozen off-topic threads you could have gone to complain about. Yet you picked the one about a niche total conversion for a game that came out 8 years ago.
This. The game is ridiculously good for a skyrim mod but the only detriment is how unstable the game is. It's probly due to them putting a crapload of stuff in skyrim's engine but i wish they could have coded since crashing is the only downside.
(Too edgy for simple discussion of a free mod).
I got fed up of crashing (every 10 - 15 mins or so) so I'll wait until they do a version for Skyrim: Special Edition if they ever will.
No mods, just straight standalone. About 2 - 3 hours in. Ark looks amazing.
What's up with this games performance?
this board being a shithole doesn't justify your shilling
based retard
Phasmalist buff when
and don't forget that every criticism will be countered with mandatory signposting and avoiding every valid criticism.
imagine shilling for free a mod
>lower shadows to medium
>lower shadow distance from 8000 to 2000
performances fixed
Already responded about SSE on Plebbit
stop that
Ah well. I just got done playing Oblivion so my tolerance for crashing was pretty low as it is. I'll look into it later this year or something.
Is walkthrough as a melee worth it?
>is this xyz build viable
>why do people ask about builds
>why do people ask about builds in a thread about a game with builds
Is what I meant to say.
funny how this is the only thing being mentioned on these threads. I've never seen a game being "discussed" like this.
Fucking hate how the npc do that homing attack shit. Making me install the dodge mod, as early heavy armor 2h is fucking hard
People discussed about various things in the previous threads, you just have selective memory.
Do enemies respawn in this game?
I agree, post le epic twitter thread or let's talk about e-celebs
Im playing it and I'm having a blast, even though I have over 500hours into regular skyrim.
What is the recommendet difficulty? I'm playing elementalist and I'm deleting everything on difficulty Adept.
BTW phasmatalist is hot garbage, never spec into that.
Master is pretty good. The difficulties don't scale in an identical way to Skyrim.
I just don't want to have endless bulletsponges.
It's a little known hidden gem by the name of The Elder Scrolls 6: Skyrim Special Edition.
>Yea Forums only starts caring about enderal once it gets released on steam and is even easier to install
Yeah, it's not too bad. I'm playing on master and it feels pretty good. These are the damage multipliers for the difficulties.
Novice: 0.6/1.8
Apprentice: 0.8/1.55
Adept: 0.95/1.15
Expert: 1.3/1.05
Master: 1.55/0.9
Iron Path: 1.75/0.65
It got a content expansion
Is magic fun in this game? Early game feels similar to Skyrim, with most encounters just being about summoning something to tank damage while I spray fire. I'm considering rerolling as a warrior.
Melee Combat is only fun with overhaul mods like Deadly Combat . Enderal unfortunately has vanilla skyrim Combat so melee is as deep as a puddle.
Phasmalist is good tho. It's just a slow burn.
I liked melee combat in Skyrim with Requiem installed, and that was mostly just stat/perk changes. I don't mind the basic combat as long as I feel like my character stats mattering.
This! I am sick of these free mod being released and the dev teams paying advertising agencies to make these threads around the clock!! I come here for twitter posts and eceleb threads, all these shills discussing games is distracting me from that!
I was talking shit about this game but it's actually pretty good, it starts out rough with an unnecessary amount of combat in the early game when you barely have any real class set up, but in all honestly the lore and story is enough to suck me in, even if the religious chatter is a bit pretentious. The NPC's feel like actual people and the voice actors are top notch. My only issue it's it seems to be pretty badly optimised
For the effort you put into getting anything out of Phasmalist, it's complete garbage.
How do you guys rate the crafting skills?
Daily reminder that Vyn is fucked either way and that there was no chance of anything working out for you in the end.
I plan on going sword/board +Psionics.
Is this viable?
Rhetoric > enchanting > handicraft > alchemy > lockpicking > sleight of hand
How hard does the Gameplay Overhaul gimp magic?
What ending did you pick, prophets?
So I've gone full tank, and I feel goddamn invincible (except against giant spiders, those are fuckers).
Is Entropy worth the investment? Seems like the good spells cost health? Does it become a problem in longer fights?
Also, I was going to do points in enchanting but... I don't even have the ability to "break down" enchanted items, but I can already do it? What?
I love Calia!
Any combat mod recommendation? Also I really like the requiem difficulty i.e. ghost needing silver weaponry and dragon needing armor penetration
In other words 200 Nintendo threads a day is fine but one daily thread for a free mod is crossing the line
> the voice actors are top notch.
whoever voices marita rotang the pastry seller in ark isnt.
Magic is fun if you can combo stuff, like freezing enemies then exploding them with melee weapon or something, Psionics also have comboing spells where you have to mesmerize enemies before finishing them with a specific spell, it's fun.
Early on it's all very basic.
Yeah why the fuck would anyone pick it for anything other than the enchanting boosting perk; what you get is a permanent summon that you need to constantly babysit, at the cost of lots of talent points invested AND losing your amulet slot. Whereas entropy summons fulfill the job of being a meatshield just fine, and when they die you won't get arcane fever either. Phasmalism is just plain shit.
> let's talk about how it's better than skyrim, is this xyz build viable, how it has a good story, and post a few soundtrack links just to mix things up
so threads about games with a cost are fine, or why are these things shilling in this thread specifically, but not in, say, threads about skyrim?
what drives you to pick psionics? I can't really say, I wouldn't really think so, in my mind psionic push only really seems like a decent spell that would apply to a warrior sort of character in my mind, the entire sinistrope tree definitely seems like it has more stealth centered builds in mind, along with most psionics spells. for a warrior sort I'd probably go into entropy somewhat, for the summons to use as a tank/extra target so I wouldn't be taking damage from more sources than necessary. but that's just me, assuming you do go through with psionics, and haven't played before, due to psionics and entropy being forbidden schools, skillbooks are hard to come by, the most consistent place I've found for them has been the shrouded mage in the undercity, but in order for him to sell to you, you must have 25 points into psionics/entropy beforehand. spell books can be found pretty frequently while exploring.
got a assassin/entropist build going, entropy is fun to play in my opinion. as to your health question, it isn't really for me, because I can restealth using infiltrator talents and heal mid fight using food easily, though It may be an issue for for you, devour soul exists, which is incredible maxed out, and only has a recharge time of 9 seconds, and can potentially refill your health entirely depending on how powerful of an enemy you used it on.
You can break down armors right rom the start, the perk lets you disenchant wapons and jewelery I believe.
Massively, I couldn't sustain a healing spell or flame spell for any more than 3-4 seconds at about level 5-8 and the damage was near negligible
yeah, there's a few bad voice actors, but they are pretty few and far between. the voice actors that are good, are really good, which makes up for it.
What's the point of healing spells when you can just life steal without suffering arcane fever?
Anyone else noticed this dude hanging around at the Sun Temple entrance? Every time I go there he tells me to walk blessed. Malphas bless him.
None, they should've expanded the arcane fever concept to cover more things or scrap it entirely.
Is this game a sequel to nehrim?
The quick healing spells can refill your health much faster than drain life. Much more effective even than potions. Drain Life is good against weak enemies and to top yourself off at the end of a battle or to sustain entropy spells that cost health to cast.
yeah but in the same way skyrim is a sequel to oblivion
It starts three years after Nehrim with a different protagonist on a different continent.
Yeah he's always talking to that white girl.
Please, consider killing yourself.
2 hours in and so far this is embarrassing garbage. Does it get any better or do I uninstall?
Great, just when I wanted to try a caster build.
Are there other ways to increase carry weight in Overhaul than the mushrooms? Because it's a joke like this, I can barely carry my equipment without being overburdened.
Is calling someone out as shills for doing exactly what people genuinely discussing a game would do a mental derangement or a new kind of anti-shilling?
malphas is dead, and even when he was alive he was no god, open your eyes sheep.
Uninstall. It's definitely not your thing.
well, some of them are professionals, one of them I remember from the first witcher, another one sounds like the protagonist from volume.
Yeah the thief tree has some shit perk for that, probably not worth it. I thought the carry limit was pretty generous but then again I don't use heavy armor or weapons. Just use the command console to add yourself some, or wait until you can make the better backpacks (vagabond's sac isn't even the best one and gives you +70 among other things).
Hmmm, and why would just your average user be so rectum ragnaroked at a shill thread being called a shill thread? Really makes you think.
The overhaul is pretty much garbage unless you enjoy severely gimping yourself in every which way. Thought about installing it, then read what it does and gave it a hard pass.
It does
backpacks mainly. the best I remember seeing in a store was a medium backpack, which is 30 carry weight, could be wrong but I think crafting is a must if you want to make a decent backpack. I have a necklace that increases it by 30, I've found two of them before, loot definitely recurs in enderal, which is one of my only qualms with the game. I've found 5 or 6 assassin boots of deviousness. there's also potions of might, which increase it but not by much.
I was tricked into being interested in this gamer by these threads, I thought it was organic, but now obviously these threads are ran by 2-3 people who are trying to garnish more attention.
is obviously one of them.
The language in these threads is the same language from when Yea Forums has threads trying to trick newfags into believing a game exists when it doesnt, like KotH:Online.
I downloaded your game OP, and it disappointed me. Stop overselling crap.
There's also a mentalism spell which gives you a box with 18+skill burden volume.
Take your antipsychotics, dude. Paranoia's eating your brain.
I found a blueprint for a backpack that increases carry weight by 70
Seek help.
Don't you have a pokemon thread to post in or something?
Fuck off you mongoloid, Enderal's the best release of the year so far.
yeah, the vagabonds backpack. you definitely could ride out the entire game on that alone, 70 carry weight is a ton, and the +15 to health and stamina is pretty nice too.
How do i install it?
That looks fucking great
That is some top tier visual design
All you need is some leather, iron and steel to craft it too and that fucker is worth over a 1000 pennies - can buy all that shit off of Ark vendors and make as much money as you want.
yes of course samefag and call me crazy. There is multiple people in everythread calling out how FAKE AND FORCED this all is.
Calling me crazy, its like you are unaware of how fake and sill this entire thread.
I know this will upset but I left a negative review and uninstalled your game. Sorry you cant create good content
yeah, I was really surprised to see the value of it after selling mine off. I didn't like the look of it at all so I increased my handicraft up to 80 specifically craft the arcanist's backpack because I figured it would look nicer. probably could have used those skill points better, but maybe there's a rare item I'll want to craft that might make it more worth the investment.
this game keeps saying "skyrim failed to start"
I was told I didn't need to have skyrim installed, just own it on steam. Is this true? or is this game not working because skyrim isnt installed
Oh yes, lots of shilling about a free mod without microtransactions. You can play this without shelling out a penny, and if you don't like it uninstall it.
Seek help for your paranoia.
Does it give you anything else than just some more carry space? Wondering if I should stay at 50 with my handicraft or bump it (don't need or use the weapons).
Not samefagging, but your opinion was shit enough to make me reply twice now, so congratulations on your (you)'s
Played this ages ago before forgotten stories and wasn't really vibing with it
Playing it now, went heavy 2h, and I'm feeling it. Embraced the exploration and it's great. That's me only just leaving Riverville after wandering that entire first section and exploring everything from that big ass castle full of undead to the beaches and caves and shit.
Very comfy, about to head to Ark.
the difference between fishing for (you)s and being a schizophrenic. also, does one thread a day really count as shilling in your book? these are just discussion threads, if you want to complain about shilling, do it in a thread about apex legends or something. not just seek out a personal vendetta on something you tried out and didn't like by complaining about simple discussion being shilling every single recurring thread.
Shame, it could benefit from SSE's 64 bit stuff
Here you go, user.
it gives you 100 carry space total, and increases your magicka by 15, looks nice too.
Is there any way to respond to your posts without you thinking the response is a "shill?" Your mindset doesn't allow for any opposition without you thinking "Yes, see, this confirms what I'm thinking. I'm being attacked because I'm right."
Or you are actually delusional, and incapable of understanding that this game does have appeal even if you don't like it. No one is asking you to like it, so don't dwell on something you don't like so much; it's not healthy.
Archaic Might+Shocknova is fucking great.
Anyone find any talent synergies?
I guess I could go for that then at some point, the gypsy sac does look a bit lame on my mage. Have you seen any high-skill requiring blueprints more tailored (pun) for casters, specifically?
>I'm deleting everything on difficulty Adept.
I had to switch to Novice because I could only kill two bandits before running out of mana or just straight up dying. Is there a quest that gives straight up gives you ten levels and bunch of magic books that I missed or something?
How are you people finding it so easy?
Elementalists have the easiest start.
This whole board is filled with shills. Including this thread. I like the mod, it's not for everyone and that's okay.
How the hell do a bunch of random guys make a vastly better game than a professional studio? I have played like 20 hours and am mesmerised by how incredible this game is.
kill yourself
I found an assload of spell books in the ruin to the slight west of the mountain range that's just south of the starting location. There is a spider in there that is built to fuck your head, but you don't have to kill it.
Crashes all the time, it's unplayable for me.
My easy litmus test, although it's not 100% accurate, is: Is the poster willing to use swears, or even better, say Nigger or Fag. I'd have to believe that a paid shill would be instructed to not use any words that would cause them problems were they ever tied back to them.
The downside to this: Very few posts worth reading have contained either nigger or faggot. It's a quandary.
Try cranking up all the settings for how much RAM it's allowed to use as far as your machine is capable. It helped me quite a bit, now it only crashes as much as a standard Bethesda game. i.e. absolutely leave auto-saving on.
Nice try lao che, but saying those words on (((advertiser))) approved boardsâ„¢ is now a bannable offense.
Dyndolod has install instructions on the mod page. Just make sure to follow them and it's really easy. I recommend using mod organizer as your mod manager for this.
ghostwalk/devour soul. stealth away, heal off damage while invisible, reemerge.
yeah, I hated that pot on the bottom of the sac. haven't seen any high tier blueprints for mages, bar the mage backpack. I think the best stuff to go for would be a mage set armor set, then jewelry lessening casting costs for your mainly used combat magic. I remember two mythical spell book locations I found a while ago if you're interested in those. they're entropy and psionics, haven't found any others.
I think early game just rough in general. I got my shit kicked in early game because iron daggers did 3 damage, and I had low stealth skill, so I couldn't sneak attack well. someone else mentioned earlier they were having trouble as a heavy armor two hander early game as well.
Listen to me you fucking faggot, this is the newest thing that has happened to Skyrim modding in years. It's either this or i go back to modding lizards getting fucked in the ass by cats for the 58th time.
I went elementalist and deleted everything. Magic seems to be easy mode.
Nice, i can't find any pages or information on it, shits easy to miss.
Yeah. Used the entropy spell and drain life. Made even the bear easy.
I thought this mod released years ago, why did everyone start talking about it now?
did it get an update or something?
Got an expansion and a retail release on steam.
These are the kinds of people who hate Yea Forums. These are the people who see enderal threads and, instead of seeing old Yea Forums in them, get bored and call it shilling
How far are you?
I'm 2h/heavy armor but only level 9 (and doing fine after level 3 or so).
That 75%+ damage reduction talent is great.
Also, holy shit, Undercity.
The crafting recipes should work like the perk system. Juggling recipes is a pain in the ass.
Anyone else had the health regen from food suddenly stop?
Am I retarded or does this not work with stuff like Mod Organizer?
I tried to install a couple of mods like tk dodge and attack commitment but the MCM never finds them and they don't work, a couple of simpler mods like one that changes the crosshair does work for some reason so I'm not sure what the problem is.
>level 26
>maining entropy
>the only vendor I've found that sells entropy/psionics skill books is the mechanic under ark
>he doesn't restock
Should I seriously just use the adept skill books to boost myself up to 25 to talk to shrouded mages? This is bullshit.
Phasmalism sucks arse. You cant use amulet slit for enchants and the follower AI is so bad that it will barely do anything before dying and giving you shitloads of fever
Anyone doing an alcoholic mage build?
>mana low
>Drink every single bottle of booze in you fucking inventory
>mana regen skyrockets
>sling spells like no tomorrow
>tfw it's lore friendly because mind altering substances lets you peer into other realities better
You are obviously retarded.
Do it, you're not going to find any books faster.
Why would you need MO if you just want a couple of simple mods? Just dump them into data and enable, you're done.
Undercity is amazing. Does anybody happen to know the name of the ambient track that plays there?
You mean from saturated food? If it doesn't heal you then the game thinks you're still in combat.
"Home of the Destitute" I think.
I've installed a few mods manually in the steam folder and they work without no issue, maybe make a backup of your enderal folder and then try manual installation.
I personally like the crafting system, adds another layer to gameplay. if its inventory clutter you dislike, buy the blueprint folder from the banker in ark. as for food, it might have been because an enemy saw you from far away and entered combat. combat stops food regen automatically.
magic definitely is, entropy/steath just fucking steamrolls everything. probably the most fun I've had with skyrim.
yeah. stuff within mods usually isn't documented well. the Nehrim wiki definitely is much more well done and has way more content. the Enderal wiki only has substance in the articles regarding quests. lot of outdated pages due to the expansion release.
yes, that's what I did as well. you'll be rolling in money later anyways, not really too much of a waste.
I think vendors are broken - you can't find Apprentice Entropy of Psionics anywhere.
When you reach level 25 in either, talk to any of the shrouded mages that appear in either Undercity or the Dune city and they'll let you buy the rest of what you need.
Also do yourself a favour and install the mod that reduces the price of learning books - the master ones are far too expensive for no good reason.
The prices are fine, are you still at 15 rhetoric?
How dare people discuss this free mod? SHILLS, SHIIIILSS ALL OF EM.
Anyway, I played this long ago and it was the best mind fuck yet. I didn't bother with any of the side content but the main story was pretty interesting and I like how they got Lee to voice the dude at the end.
The way they did skill trees was also appealing to me. Felt like a proper RPG for a change.
>I think vendors are broken - you can't find Apprentice Entropy of Psionics anywhere.
forbidden magic school. makes no sense otherwise lore-wise. would have atleast been nice to have a guy to sell the apprentice books so the shrouded mages don't tell you to fuck off.
Yes that's it, thank you.
Riverville has psionics books for sale at least.
Where's that?
I meant the schools of magic psionics and entropy are forbidden, not that there was a physical place. sorry.
The trader at three river watch who is sleeping when you first meet her is selling entropy books.
Ok so it turns out I wasn't doing it wrong and you need to download the new beta version of MO because the old one doesn't work with Enderal.
Remember to edit the Enblocal.ini memory settings to fit your graphics card.
How come Bethesda can't make as interesting locations or environments as couple krauts?
anyone know if crocco has a physical presence in game? he's mentioned by every other brigand group you come across. been pretty much all over except northern frostcliff by now.
>Remember to edit the Enblocal.ini memory settings to fit your graphics card.
Is that why the game reports that "available video memory: 4064mb" when my card actually merely has 2gb of vram?
>How come Bethesda can't make as interesting locations or environments as couple krauts?
Because the dozen of krauts that made this have one thing Bethesda doesn't: passion.
he's the final bounty target of the wanted in ark bounty quest
Just learned the mystical psionic spell and summon battleaxe 4, now all I need is enough material to build a set of righteous path armor and enchant it with mana reduction when casting psionic to complete a darth vader build.
Maybe. Download the enb test tool snd put yhe correct amount.
You can use this tool to determine the value: enbdev.com
>can't use lockpick scrolls to open doors
i sure hope wasting so many CP in Enchantment to summon better phantasms will be worth it
Aim at the bottom, it's a bit shitty like that for some reason.
oh neat, thanks.
Yeah you have to aim at the bottom. One place where I straight up couldn't get the scrolls to work are the locked bank lockers.
thanks. have been putting that one off.
Dude. Enchantment is the best crafting skill by far, you can get really nuts enchants. Fuck apparitions lol.
I recently played Nehrim, got bored pretty quickly.
they are aoe, aim at the ground
They just had an update which added OSAllocators to the optimizations to reduce crashes.
Anyone know what that actually is?
apparently the guy who did the fantastic VA of Tealor (in both English and German) died 2 years ago, didn't know that mod was that old
What do points in magic skills even do, if not let you learn better spells? Do they give you a damage multiplier or something, does it affect summons? Some spells mention increases with skills, but they're few and far between.
reduces mana cost and some spells scale with skill. Psionics are good about this, Mesmerizing enemies with psychosis lets me rape them with a dream eater and kill them in like 5 seconds while mesmerize the spell gets me a 32% barter bonus so I'm buying master skill books for 800 gold with only 15 rhetoric.
Well for starters you need 90 to learn the mythical spells.
forgot to mention you need 90 in specific magics to learn the mythical spells as well
feels good not being as retarded as you are
Why do robes suck ass? Most of the enchanted ones only have 6% percent mana regeneration. How noticeable is mana regen?
Is that a bought book, or do you have to find it somewhere?
quite noticeable and useful. Just dismantle it and level up enchantment. You're probably at the start though.
I found a rank 2 or 3 in a dungeo, can't remember where. Try the sun temple alchemy lab vendors if you haven't already.
>fall for enderal meme
>start playing, hard af but fun, like the new levelling
>complete the first quests and then start exploring at random, dungeon have actual loot, nice
>35 hours later, did 70% of the map, want to resume story
>they throw some nice twists at you and then proceeds with the slowest monologues ever made in vidya, 8/10 of them is filler shit
>play for 5 more hours and then uninstall
i don't fucking care about forced unskippable backstory for each goddamn npc in the game
I don't think anyone sells it, I've checked all the shrouded mages dozens of times. I forgot where I found rank 1 but I got my rank 3 off the Steel Watcher.
Is the 6% combat mana regen? In skyrim if you had a 150% mana regen robe it only translated to about 1% in combat. Does Enderal have a different system?
Seems to be, the 20% extra from drinking booze is very noticeable.
I'm thinking about restarting on master difficulty, what goes well with sinistrope?
Heavy armor, it'll help soak up damage