What is the worst tatus effect in rpgs and why is it poison?
What is the worst tatus effect in rpgs and why is it poison?
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confusion is worse
whatever variation of seduced is, where your party member fights against you for a few turns, or worse, diarahans the boss
>Is paralyzed and can't move
curse/cursed is worse
whatever makes you attack yourself or your allies
>Not petrification
>has pretty much 100% success rate on you
>has about 10% success rate on trash mobs
>has 0% success rate on trash mobs in boss fights and if you think it's going to work on the boss you can fucking kill yourself right now
>so rare you don't even think about it when you're setting up your party's status resistances
Honestly charmed can go fuck itself. Pretty much every status effect that can be used on you and can't be used on bosses can go fuck itself. Giving bosses 100% immunity to all status effects is artificial difficulty.
unironically FFXIII did this somewhat right by having debuffing bosses being pretty much mandatory
mind you still not a good game
Probably not the worst objectively but I've always hated blind
>Its a regular hit instakill when petrified game
>diarrheas the boss
the worst one is the one that affects rng, so basically anything that affects accuracy modifiers
Stunned/Sleep/ any ability that cancels out your turn for a random amount of turns that you can't plan for.
>Character is put to sleep
>Can't attack
>Can't defend
>Getting hit doesn't wake you up
specifically talking about pokemon, poison is probably the least annoying
weak, consistent, no stat reduction
paralysis, sleep, freeze, confusion, and infatuation are much much worse
Debuffing bosses works in a lot of RPGs. What the piss take is is status effects.
>oh this boss is a huge dude with a big sword so if I blind him he'll be less effective and I can get some free hits in!
>this boss is a mage with all the best spells in the game and keeps almost wiping my party in two turns so if I silence him he won't
>w-well at least I can poison th-
Seriously, fuck this game design. It's what makes me immediately turn my nose up at all status effect skills in games because trash mobs are never going to be such a fucking problem that I want to blind/silence/poison/charm/confuse them and bosses don't give a shit about any of those abilities 99% of the time. And bosses that do are some gimmick shit.
wtf even is the poison in pokemon? It drains the energy of your pokemon, but only until it can't fight anymore?
Petrification in all it's forms can get fucked.
you misspelled confusion
rare but the one that reverses all your controls
Poison is the worst in pokemon because the game is trash. Status shouldn't do damage based on max hp, it's lazy design
Holy fuck, this. Started playing DQ11 and already scared to actually take any status moves because I'm pretty sure they'll all just be fucking useless on bosses anyway. Same with any SMT game and debuffs unless debuff weakness is specifically the boss' gimmick.
It's bullshit and I hate it. I love poison in games but it's literally never ever viable because of this shitty fucking game design.
Anesthesia would be pretty useless if pain could wake you up wouldn't it.
Which means that poison would be fucking broken at low levels when it cleaves off 50% of your HP per tick but once everyone has a hundred HP or more it's no longer a problem and all poison types are useless.
>status do fixed damage
>either are retardedly strong earlygame or completely irrelevant lategame
Yeah, great idea.
Poison and fall damage should absolutely be percent based you brainlet.
>sleep and anesthesia
>the same shit
Nigger you fucking retarded.
That death counting shit from FF/Bravely
It'd be kinda fine if you can charm a boss' pets, but I rarely try since who the fuck runs charm.
Sleep can also be annoying if you can't slap your own party members out of it. Being able to hit your own team for this kind of shit is great and more RPGs should have it.
But generally few RPGs do status effects correctly. They're useful in SMT games on higher difficulties since even trash mobs can be difficult. Plus they're not completely useless. But normally battles end too quickly in most RPGs to make them viable. Lost Odyssey maybe? I didn't use them there, but I liked that every battle for longer than usual in exchange for much fewer battles.
Poison is great because it counters turtling.
>instant death skill with a 5% chance of actually killing anything
>mysteriously works 90% of the time for that one trash mob with it
Status moves actually work on a lot of bosses in DQ11, in fact one of Erik's strongest builds relies on them.
The worst status effect I think I've seen is Virus in FFIX. It does nothing in-battle, but if you don't cure it then you get no xp or ap for the battle
fixed damage at increments is the right way to do it
This. Cockatrice strike fear into me.
That's why Etrian Odyssey works so well, bosses are weak to a plethora of status effects and binds, balanced by going away and every time you land it they get more resistance to it.
Sounds kinda cool for low level runs.
>Debuff boss
>Boss has to waste a turn to nullify this debuff
>While boss has fewer turns than you
Debuffing is good in SMT, what are you on?
>low level runs
>final fantasy
The game is not geared towards that.
I think we'd know if charming boss adds worked in Persona 3 because MARIN FUCKING KARIN.
You need ap though, and a boss is the one that inflicts you with it. Bosses already don't give xp but tons of ap. It's a troll move
that's not frozen/paralyzed/petrified/sleeping
>oh were you trying to play the game? go fuck yourself
Yeah, poison.
>cancer when the enemy uses it, either does a ton of damage or persists outside of battle or both
>completely fucking worthless for the player since everything that you would actually want to poison is immune
>get poisoned in Etrian Odyssey
make poison effects based on your stats you dingbats
That sounds pretty funny depending on the mobs that can use it.
Or just make it fixed damage based on one of your offensive stats ? Using the max hp stat is always bad for damage calculation
>doesn't know what he is talking about
>use the term brainlet
Actually 9 is weird in that you want to try to avoid leveling until the very endgame because for some retarded reason stat growth is tied to equipment.
>not always having party wide refresh
>every 20 seconds monsters roar stalling the fight for a few seconds
>the only way to counter this is make it to the end-game and farm shit like an idiot for earplugs
>it's just one of countless other time-wasting mechanics
How can people enjoy this shit
At least Darkest Dungeon gets all this shit right.
It's done by a boss you already hate in the game so it's just an additional fuck you when it dies
>Try EO1
>Wander around the first floor
>Second encounter is from an event against second floor enemies
>They poison my party members
>Mfw they die from one tick
Fuck Cockatrice and fuck petrification
>get to new area
>encounter new enemies
>get poisoned
>don't want to use all pps at the start so you just go back to nearest city
>get poisoned again
>rinse and repeat until you decide to use your pps or potions
I prefer percent based because at least then you have a way of grinding down huge pokemon with massive health pools. What you're suggesting will probably still make poisonous broken or useless at either end of the scale unless you can provide a proper damage algorithm that makes sense.
It bears the head of a cock!
That's just a warm welcome.
>jRPG babbies complaining about petrify
Trying Baldurs Gate where getting petrified essentially ends that character's fucking life unless you can afford 1000 gold pieces to get a scroll of unpetrify and go back into the same dungeon with one less party member to try and rescue them.
>works 100% of the time against the undead, healing them back to full
>Charmed Teammate
>Gets a critical hit
>Fully heals the boss
Reeeeeee fucking persona 3
Oh come on, eventually you don't even need your teammates.
I remember how it slowly killed off all of my pawns and forced me to finish the fight alone
I've always hated this
What's the point of debuff skills being available (and some have expensive mana costs) if they cant be used when it fucking matters and I just waste a turn
Sleep is worse, because it's the equivalent of the game just unplugging your controller and attacking you for a set amount of turns
>petrify in BG
That's gonna be a hard reload from me my dude.
That shit justifies savescumming
Dragon Quest does the exact same thing retard
I'm kinda disappointed Perish Song in Pokemon isn't that effective at pissing players off. It should really lock the opponents Pokemon in battle then you can laugh manically as your suicide attack strikes them down in 3 turns.
>he can't roll through roars
>defense up when near death
Thanks a fucking bunch
DQ XI is one of the few games where status effect.
Erik trivializes every boss with his poison techniques.
>responding to Worldlets
>only way to have an enjoyable experience is being a metafag and reading wikis/watching playthroughs
So what you're saying is, the game sucks.
>spend a ton of mana trying to see if status moves work and buffing/debuffing to survive a boss
>boss reaches end of health bar
>suddenly phase 2 of the fight starts with a completely refreshed boss and I only have a little mana left
Healing in fighting games always bothers me to no end.
You're not getting closer to victory, you're just getting further from defeat.
>high death effect % in Cyber Sleuth
>Etemon slaps shit to death half the time
Or just practice? Are you okay user?
>Cure any status effect
>Enemy just put it back next turn
Why are status effects so fucking shit in every game unless its against you?
>Play JRPG
>get all this status effect magic and abilities
>regular enemies are vulnerable to it but why bother when they die in a few attacks anyways
>boss is immune to every status effect because >using your spells in an rpg
>meanwhile every status effect enemies use works on your party and is annoying and inconvenient as fuck
fuck status effets.
Paralysis in any game sucks
>flies up to you
>taps you
>flies away laughing and watches the monster hit your paralyzed corpse
>Cure status
>The game reads your inputs so enemies will always inflict status on you again after you cure it
Mh yes
Confusion, and anything else that fucks with your controls.
Am I the only one who was too scared to played RPGs because of the random jump scares when enemies appeared?
>It hurt itself in its confusion!
*flips ur controls*
heh, nothin personnel kid
>Fight Persona Q Final boss
>Here, DOOM for everyone in the party in the first turn
>Restart the game, buy 20 revives
>Still lose because those revives werent enough and the boss just gives DOOM again to everyone after they get revived
If anything the game showed how fighting against an enemy that controls time is extremely difficult and somewhat relies on pure luck, fuck the Clockwork God.
>rolling valor DBs
Nice try you shit owl. Your EX quest was a joke.
I haven't played Q but that sounds like a mechanic you're supposed to do something about instead of cheesing with revives
If you actually played pokemon its burn
more recent "traditional" jrpg like octopath actually do status/debuff right
streamlined the debuff spells to DoT/atk down/def down/..., effect literally everything
poison is pretty viable early on for minor dmg b4 you can break the enemies
The persona series is kinda like this with stat debuffs, but hell status ailments are trash
>have palicos while fighting this
>git gud at adapting to flipped controls when i fuck up
>palico knocks you out of your charge/combo/whatever to unflip your controls
>does it so suddenly sometimes that it fucks you over more than just dealing with it
never fucking bring palicos to fight that nerdass owl
Burn doesn't damage you outside combat.
You have a timer which instantly kills you party after x turns, but if you use revives then it extends the timer by a turn or 2
i really like rpgs where you have the opportunity to lose hard
like polymorph being something that doesnt go away without preventing it or having powerful npc wizard
burn also cuts your attack
what is the worst status ailment you can come up with
try to be more creative than "instant death with 100% inflict"
That just encourage save scumming mate
talking of petrify/paralysis
>playing star ocean 4
>get to world number 2, feeling good
>run to the village, then run back to your ship, no prob
>the enemies can paralyze you
>and its permanent
>you lose when all party members are paralyzed
>forgot to buy cure items, forgot to save
Its uncurable, and permanently reduces your stats by 1% after each battle. Only solution is to bench that character. Boss inflicts it randomly including benched party members
A curse that drains your mana and requires a specialized priest to be lifted. Have fun if your party priest gets cursed.
DoT, but your health bar is invisible so you can't see how much you have left.
either you extend the timer using revive skills or jugging revive items into the charachters,let them die and have them come back later, or revive 4 charachters and keep the last one's countdown extended for as long as possible since the boss wont DOOM the party again until after everyone has died once, either way just consumes a LOT of MP or revive items, and the boss can fuck with you because he can accelerate time and skip turns killing you even faster
all the statuses in pokemon are some of the most broken shit
>half speed and 25% to do nothing
>minimum 1 turn doing nothing, max of 5 and you have to roll a dice past the first to snap out
>same thing except each time it's a coin flip to punch yourself
>DoT that cuts your physical attack (no special variant because lol)
>roll the dice EVERY TURN and either succeed the roll or be stuck doing nothing unless you use certain fire attacks
>50% to lose your turn completely and doesn't wear off, locked behind gender specifics thank god
it's kinda funny that toxic is arguably one of the more balanced of the of the statuses despite being one of the most common, but that speaks more about the nature of a lot of pokemon teams than anything else
*wanted or any variations of it.
Flu and coughing fits, it does nothing to your stats, it just forces your charachter to stand still to cough and regain breath, if turn based then it will randomly skip turns and that charachter can infect party members, I think that already exists though.
>when you're paralyzed, confused, infatuated, and the opponent is using a move that can flinch
Special variant of confusion that has a 50% chance to cause an inflicted character to use an action other than the action you want them to use.
I fucking adore this and it would be great if paired with a party system like LISA
Status should just do different things to bosses.
Like Charm makes them cast a beneficial spell for one turn on the party, for example.
The worst are the bosses that disable the attack command from the warriors and the magic command or by stealing mp from the mages.
You forgot
>damage over time but now it heals your enemy for every bit of damage you take from the status
>25% hp loss every turn
>with serene grace
A curse that causes your levels to regress stripping gains from those levels over time and even if cured it will take a long wait before you revert back to the level you were at
>giga drain is a broken move.
your own fault for using water pokes,lol.
he was talking about leech seed you dip
>It's frozen solid!
>"Confusion" in Phantasy Star Online 2
>You can still move your character yourself
>Movement directions are randomized (A becomes W etc.)
>They keep getting re-randomized multiple times during the effect
>attack drop just by the enemy appearing
Palicos are the worst status effect in Monster Hunter
>Enemy can reduce your chance to hit by 90%
>buffs removed
>debuffs removed
>that one enemy that has an attack that just inflicts literally all the status effects
>Boss controls time
>Dooms party first turn
>Goes back in time for a full heal
>Accelerate time to Doom you faster and cancel your debuffs
>Fucking TIME STOP that lets him act 5 times instead of the usual too
Again, Fuck the Clockwork God.
>and poison
Lost Sphear had a boss that did this shit and it infuriated me to great lengths.
Death is way worse then any other status effect because you either build for immunity or just lose.
>the late game boss in trails in the sky SC that starts the battle with a team wide death blow before you get a single turn
That's bullshit and you know it falcom.
>Enemy has attack that takes more than half your HP
>If he does'it two times in a row you dead
>tfw Healer goes after enemy
>bad breath
Getting afflicted causes you to have to complete youtube.com
Active time battle is activated during it
Missing more than 10 steps will cancel your turn, which stacks
>Enemy Self destructs at low HP
>they get the first attack no matter what
>Graveler's sturdy made it endure the hit!
>Graveler used Explosion!
fuck off, fuck the buff to that fucking ability
Marlboro mind
What a coincident we posted the same thing.
>Enemy self destructs upon death so its unavoidable
Fuck those trees.
marlboromind mind
Try fuckin petrification on for size
>10% chance to move first
>30% chance to instakill
>always works when the ai uses it
>enemy trainer has three graveler
>opening move on every single one is self-destruct
can you imagine the absolute shit eating grin of the guy coding this walrein
Panic or sleep at least with poison I have a turn
this bastard is why i started using sash infernape with fake out for the maison/tree
>battle trainer and whoop their ass
>on their last pokemon and they have no way too win
>poison your pokemon for no other reason than fuck you as a last move.
Why are ai trainers salty bitches?
Sash blocks the OHKO moves? Or does it leave you with 1HP?
When you try to speedrun Pokémon, but you are cursed with the worst RNG.
leaves you at 1
still useful even besides cheesing the walrein fucker
>have tons of revives
>lol random petrification out of nowhere
>can't do shit about it
>the effect reverts
Some bosses in FFXII and a few other FFs put up outright invulnerability when they're low on health, blasting you to shit while you're tired from the battle.
Status effects in Etrian are great, just have arcanist drop a poison circle and everyone else defend,s encounter over in 1 turn and the arcanist even gets some MP back for each enemy hit by the poison.
A curse where at the end of battle your current HP becomes your max HP until you get treated by a priest. Encounters in this dungeon would be too dangerous to turtle and heal up every time so I think it could make the player do some real strategizing.
>get opponent's pokemon to low HP
>it uses disable on the last move I used
>its berry lets it go first once
>it uses encore
I can't even get mad at that, that's 10/10 meme strats
I think RPGs should include a heroin addiction as a status that's semi permanent that can only be healed at a expensive rehab and only has a 20% working and if you don't take care of the addiction you loose a quarter of game your game money every day and spend every play through getting a fix or your character will be dope sick and will be in a confused/useless state, and if you get ur fix your character has a 25% of sleeping every turn. Try that for a status effect. Square send royalties to madhatterslaughter@botnet
Poison can be muscled through for the victory. It's the effects that randomly skip your turn that is the worst.
when this happened to me i almost dsp'd and quit the game for good. fuck this shit so hard, you can't afford to not have healers in your party either
I just hate when you have multiple effects that do the same shit
>Poison,Burning and Bleeding all do the same shit
How's this for a status
It lowers one of your stats over time, but ends after a set amount of time
curing it permanently leaves the stat lowered
using a special item you can get stats beyond the cap if you abuse this status
i think this is one of the few status things that was genuinely terrifying to me. i tried so hard to avoid it and despair overtook me when i got it
What would it be called?
Corruption of Champions of all things has an addiction mechanic, at first(before you know you are getting addicted), drinking a special kind of milk will strengthen you in all stats for the day and makes you feel empty after the effect is gone, when you realize you are addicted and if you try to resist the addiction, you recover less everytime you go to sleep and it will daily hurt your stat, you can go back and keep drinking the milk, but it will lead to a bad ending in which the mc loses their mind and reverts to a baby like status who only knows how to drink milk.
I mean, that shit puts you to sleep just as fast, I'd be inclined to assume it's one and the same, just Sleep magic is shorter term.
I remember playing an RPG that did this with health
Basically your health got cut in half, then if you cured it you'd be stuck at that cap the remainder of the fight
>Insta kill spells don't work on bosses and are a waste of a turn on anything else
Is this for PC ? I thought I had a genuinely original idea for a status effect. While making a comment on burgerland health insurance. Basically ur going to die an addict if you can t afford treatment 109% Only the middle class goes to rehab in burgerland
>Take critical amount of damage
>Use turn to heal
>Take critical amount of damage
>Use turn to heal
>Take critical amount of damage
>Use turn to heal
>Take critical amount of damage
>Use turn to heal
>Take critical amount of damage
>Use turn to heal
>Take critical amount of damage
>Use turn to heal
>Playing Phantasy Star Online
>Paralyses prevents you from doing anything but use items
Fuck Paralyses
Epic Battle Fantasy 4 had this except it gradually normalizes your status over time.
Charm Diarahan against a boss remains the single most frustrating thing that can happen in any video game.
>the cure was to use a very rare consumable sold by 1 NPC much later in the game
man if you didn't have purging stones and you got cursed in the sewers you're just fucked for a very very long time. Unless you decided to google your way out ofc
Good thing they changed it in the later games so it would do fuck all. Kinda shitty change but better than having your hp halved.
sounds like you need more defensive stats loser
>When you're certain the game is cheating and has guaranteed crit after you heal
Its a browser porn and furry game, as far as I know the mc can get addicted to Cowgirl milk and Minotaur semen.
Not him but I misread that as "bowser porn" and now I'm imagining him getting addicted to Cowgirl Milk
you can use my pp
Color spray but its always max effectiveness
>Charm in Baldur's Gate
>mfw AI keep attacking the charmed fucker post battle
Getting a stomach ache right at the end of a fight is such a pain in the dick, and it's not worth equipping iron stomach because it happens so infrequently.
>MC dies
>Game over
>Despite other party members having revive spells and items
>Party member dies in a fight
>Behind on exp and levels permanently
BoF does it with the death status, health cuts for each revive, and could get it cut in 3 due to thirst/overheating in the desert of death
the dq11 dagger moveset is fun and more games should have it, for people who don't know you get one move to inflict a status and one move that does 6x damage on enemies afflicted with that status
>game has petrification
okay, whatevs
>starts using it in first area
>inflicts random status effects each time the spell is used
>literally every fucking one can be inflicted randomly alongside damage except for a bosses' exclusive skill
>can get hit with petrification which is instakill in a game where MC death = gameover
And that's just the first form
I nominate Old/Aging in FF5.
It really fucks your shit up when you don't remove it right away, and with certain jobs you might not even notice it after e.g. grand cross inflicts it on your dragoon. Particularly brutal on fiesta and other challenge runs where you might not have the means to cure it.
every smt eventually just has its bosses throw out random status effects because it's the only way to somewhat challenge a good player other than making a level-check dps race, null repel and drain are too common really
If you mean every single time you eat a mitama.
>no mention of confusion in relation to SMT games
Easily the worst, nothing is more infuriating than playing on Hard on Nocturne where everything costs 3x as much (also annoying in DDS1/2) only to get confused and then
>demifiend/Party leader has dropped 12348978229083128 macca
occurs, especially if you get caught from behind and you don't even get a chance to take a turn.
Void Mind until Masakados. Not even joking.
But that's cool