Apex legends has all boomershooter mechanics so why does Yea Forums hate it? Are you an zoomer or EA hating NPC?
Apex legends has all boomershooter mechanics so why does Yea Forums hate it? Are you an zoomer or EA hating NPC?
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I know nothing about this game but I bet you its either a Hero Shooter or a Battle Royal.
Because boomershooters are shit. Quake 3 was only played by the biggest nerds who dressed up Matrix style overcoats and dyed their hair blue or green.
I still played Quake 2 when Quake 3 came out, so maybe that's true. I dunno. Unreal Tournament was great, though. Shame the dev is dead.
Defending EA .... Calls righteous EA haters NPCs
>I know nothing about this game
have you not used the internet for the last month. its everywhere
>publisher bad
>therefore developer/game bad
Because it's a BR
It's like a FFA but slower, and half of the combat is not skill based because it's an RNG shitfest about who finds the shiniest weapon with the best attachments and the most shield charges to sustain multiple fights
It's not that hard, once you know it's the latest EA battle royale you skip the threads on Yea Forums
so every shooter ever?
>boycott publisher
>"How come you aren't buying this game by publisher?!"
I wonder why you stupid fucking nigger
I dislike BR games in general.
>EA is anticonsumer
>Takes Steams, soys, Nintendies and micropenises dick
Face it NPC, EA is the most consumer friendly firm out there with extensive refund system which was implemented years before steams or others
>make a titanfall game
>but leave out the shit that makes titanfall good and add in a bunch of mutts
>announce two characters are homos and one is non-binary because that's important for a game about shooting people
>calls anyone who doesn't like this a npc
Unironically both. You pick one of 6 characters and get dropped in together with 2 others.
BR games are slow paced as fuck. I don't want to fuck around exploring buildings for gun parts and bandaids, I want to shoot people.
Only hours until S8! Fuck apex, dead game walking
>calls anyone who doesn't like this a npc
Like the NPC you are you misinterpret my posts to fit your own agenda.
I feel bad for you
i like br but im not a big fan of apex
a lot of people claiming to not like br like apex
>take series that's full of fast paced fun as fuck action and fighting in fucking mechs while running on walls and dropkicking fags in mid air
>remove all of this and turn it into a boring as fuck battle royale which will consist of you running and looting most of the time and hoping the RNG gives you something useful and doesn't cuck you out of good loot
Fuck off shill. It's bad enough ubishit unironically shills here.
>You are an NPC if you hate (company)!
I love how quickly you faggots adapt, must get patched every month or something
Only a npc would defend a literally fucking company on a anonymous image board. Now fuck off.
>announce two characters are homos and one is non-binary because that's important for a game about shooting people
If it's not important why did you mention it?
Why did the devs?
Don't know. I asked you, since you seemed to care. Why is it important?
i didnt though. This is your brain on npc
It's not, but the devs felt it was important enough to announce it, but keep "n-no u"ing as much as you want to defend your company user.
>Apex legends has all boomershooter mechanics
No it doesn't, this casualshit is just as zoomer as fortnite and overwatch.
its cool to hate the currently popular game
its not that bad desu
Then why did you mention it? Why do you care about it? Surely if it's not important you wouldn't have even brought it up in the first place among your top 3 complaints of the game.
>makes thread solely to shill for EA and Apex Legends and defending EA
>B-But I'm not shilling though
LMAO fuck off you cuck.
Play occasionally to relax and talk with friends. Big shout out to all the retards that pay for textures to make this possible, thanks.
>Big shout out to all the retards that pay for textures to make this possible, thanks.
this is why I like loot boxes, free games for me
where did I defend EA user? Youre just conjuring stuff out of the air like NPC would. Youre dead set on a opinion not your own and project guilt by association to others
>devs feel the need to bring up whether a character likes dicks or not in a game where this will never come up during actual gameplay
>user mentions how devs did this for no reason other then brownie points
>Shill tries to damage control and turn it into user being OBSESSED
So this... Is the power of EA shills...
stick to your atari emulators there gramps
Battle Royale games are lame, dude.
Overhyped, battle roayle, cod style gameplay, low skill gap.
Whats not to hate ?
>where did I defend EA
>T-Trust me goys, EA is very consumer friendly and if you don't trust me then you're a NPC
Enjoy your last (You) shill cuck. I hope you at least get paid for this shit.
I was just asking how it's a bad thing, but you can't answer me for some reason.
Maybe because you play yourself every time you say they're not important because when you complain about them, they are in fact important to you.
>boomershooter mechanics
>battle royale
Fuck off.
you're the biggest npc i have seen
I never said EA was consumer friendly though, do you NPCs have dyslexia?
>still going
I'm not gonna bother spelling this shit out for you if you can't even follow something as simple as what I said you utter brainlet.
It seems you realized it yourself as well. :^)
>an zoomer or EA hating NPC
You either are retarded or wanted to post "an EA.." and subsequently added zoomer to get some sweet meme points.
In any case you should reconsider you life choices if you are shilling EA
Its boring after 10 hours.
>battle royale
I don't think so champ.
>all boomershooter mechanics
>no wall running
>no bunnyhopping
t zoomer.
Every shooter with a single life is essentially a battle royale. Quake or CS is no different
Go back to your room, sport.
Yeaaa, call of duty, battlefield, halo, cs:go, quake, UT are about finding weapons in some random places in a big map. Either you are fucking baiting or the only fps you have ever palyed are shitty BR
>Following a factually proven, widely discussed and critical opinion of a scumbag company makes you an NPC
Obvious (you) bait, but its just so profoundly dumb I have to reply.
have a (you), and fuck off never to return.
>factually proven
>widely discussed and critical
you mean mainstream
Just replace "finding" with grinding my fellow noncritical thinker
>no bunny hopping
>no air strafing
>no rocket jumping
>no map control
>no LG
>random loot
I don't think you've played anything boomercore user.
How do you do fellow boomers? I hope everyone is enjoying ou-EA's new game Apex Legends™
You're not an npc or zoomer, are you?
nothing about EA or consumers, just about fucking the government
seems fine to me npc
No tech companies pay tax. Slapping "gaming" on it doesn't make it news.
Are you fuckin retarded? Quake and CS don't base their gameplay on RNG mechanics. They require pure skill and pure skill alone, not someone who has legendary shields and guns versus someone who doesn't.
Because it's a freemium battle royale? Best gameplay mechanics don't matter when the only available game mode is THIS.
>They require pure skill and pure skill alone, not someone who has legendary shields and guns versus someone who doesn't.
I guess spawns timers dont matter then...
oh wait :^)
>Just replace "finding" with grinding my fellow noncritical thinker
Sooo? Is far more fair to rely on the skill of the player than their luck. Grinding is part of a progression system, it depends of the game how much you have to grind to get stuff but most of them are balanced enough to make every player improve their skill and not the gun
sure love my akimbo shotties in mw2, shotgunfrags in bf3, noobtubes and spas, armor abilities in reach
so balanced fellow npc :DD
>Spawn timers
>Le npc meme
okay you patrician, stay with your BR games like Apex, and don't forget to pay EA for some skins or characters ;).
>waaa mommy he memed on me
yeah, nice rebuttal faggot
>battle royale
>hero abilities
>obnoxious hitboxes and projectile based bullets
>boomershooter mechanics
Shut the fuck up, you don't know what you're talking about.
>wahwah hero ebilities
someone didnt play rakion