For people over 22, do you still give a fuck about videogames anymore?

For people over 22, do you still give a fuck about videogames anymore?

I had a ton of fun when I was a kid and everything seemed new and worth exploring until 100% completion and was rewarding to do so (Wind Waker, Metroid Prime, etc.) And yeah Demon's Souls was amazing and gave me that feeling again, but now I barely play like 2 hours a week, only game I enjoyed this year is Persona 5 and it's more like just an anime.

Board games with friends is all I look forward to now, MtG is better than all video games basically.

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For people who don't care about video games, why the fuck are you on this board?

Games became movies, good games are little few in the pissocean of indie trash and AAA garbage. 32 and my favourite recent game is Elex although i never finished it

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I certaintly don't give a flying fuck about big new releases. Last console I bought was PS3 and most of them it was collecting dust, even though I bought like 40 games for it. I still enjoy video games but I mostly play niche genre games like Rimworld and Racing Sims. I find them more enjoyable than some 10 hour long interactive movie.

Hey, same here. Well, not really same, but I do enjoy games. I haven't always liked everything. In fact, I've always have a pretty particular taste in games. When you look at the videogame community as a whole there seems to be this sentiment that you're supposed to like everything. Well that's just not the case at all.

Anyway, I've been playing PB games since gothic 1, and I really liked Elex too.

yeah I do but I see that my perfect game has never been close to having been made so I'm going to do it myself
In 5 years, everyone is going to look at content creators who don't use the video game medium as lazy jokes


I haven't cared about a AAA release in the past 8 years or so. I got a little excited for Fallout 4 pre-release, but not nearly as much as I would have if I were younger.
I mostly play older indie and niche games, as I've found them to be much more fulfilling.

I'm 27 and still enjoy video games. It's a hobby that helps relax me. Plus escapism.

>I had a ton of fun when I was a kid and everything seemed new and worth exploring until 100% completion
23 here and I still do this.

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I'm in marketing...

Because I'm too afraid to leave and still find video games interesting to discuss even if I don't enjoy playing them.

Well. At least you didn't say yugioh, user. You spared yourself that much humiliation.

29 and still loving it. Great way to relax. If you play more than 6 hours a day you will get bored. In my personal experience the neet life is fun for a few years, after that you will become depressed cynical and lonely. Start working and you will enjoy vidya again. Or get some other hobbies aswell

Because despite being 23, you are still a kid.

they're probably a female
posts like one

I mostly stopped playing after ps2 with a few games on pc here and there. Got a ps4 recently and feel like a kid again. A lot of my friends still play as well, but a lot also don't.

When I was a kid I could play several games during one sitting, spend a. Hour here, swallow games spend a few hours there and the. Play a different game. I could beat several games within days of each other. Now Im finding that I can really only focus on one game at a time and it seems like half the time I lose interest and end up never beating it.

Right now Im playing ffxii zodiac age, and it's given me the same feeling of enjoyment that I had when I was younger.

Yeah, people often tell me this.


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I’m 26. I play gtav for a few hours on certain days. There’s a few more games but, I play them even less.

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>tfw just realized I'm 23 and almost 24 already

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man '96 and '95 posters are pretty cringe

I'm 35 and I play only a handful of titles, don't care about exclusives, mostly just PC games. My PS4 collects dust.
Play Path of Exile religiously, with FPS in between. Older I get, shittier I am at FPS though. Every now and then I'll buy an indie rpg/simulation game and put 40-200hrs into it.
Just don't have time anymore. Need to work on my project management cert. The book is like 800 pages of dry memorization of terminology and processes that you use 1/10th of the time in doing projects.
Streamers are gay, people should play games, not watch them.
I'd like to play the new Mario/Smash games, but I'm not buying a switch just for that shit.

this is the board for people who don't play games

I'm in my 30s, and I still like video games, I'm just way more selective as far as what I play. I used to play everything in ever genre, but I've narrowed it down considerable. I don't really play racing, fighting, or JRPGs anymore, and I'm getting to where I'm not a huge fan of the giant open world games where you're dropped into a big map full of unfulfilling busywork to do.

26 here. I don't care for the AAA industry at all but I still get excited for the occasional niche game. The wait for AC7 had me as excited as a kid and there are a bunch of 3DS games I've been having a ton of fun with too. I definitely seem to have become more of a weeb lately though, I don't know if it's because I don't keep up with indies much or if Japan just makes games that appeal to my taste. Developing RSI makes turn based rpgs a lot more appealing too
I started dabbling in board games with a friend too, I really enjoy FFG's LCGs like Arkham Horror and Netrunner.

Because stinky day.

Because I play good videogames on daily basis and have a lot of videogames to look forward to.

*hits pipe*

28 here.
I pirated Crackdown 3 and greatly enjoying the campaign. Probably because I'm a huge fan of the first game. Also enjoying Metro Exodus at the moment. Looking forward to Sekiro and DMC as well.
Apart from that I play a ton of RS2 for my multiplayer fix.
I play a lot less vidya than I used to when I was younger but my taste has become more selective so I do play fewer games, but the ones I do play I greatly enjoy.

26 and why not. Nowadays I get so busy with normalfag shit that I look forward to vidya for the last hour or two of most days.

If you do nothing but just game then it gets stale, but I don’t think I’ll ever stop playing games.

How the fuck did I manage to reply to the wrong thread.

Honestly I feel like most games are so derivative that after since like age 15, 8 years ago, I've felt like every game is just a version of some other game I've already played so it's boring. Games are also too easy in general, so I end up playing older games more cause they actually force me to care about what I'm doing

Every once in a while a game comes a long that actually impresses me, like the arkham games, they felt fresh

Most games are just... besides multiplayer and graphics, games havent really evolved in the last decade

because you're a retard who doesn't acknowledge the meme was inspired by a tr4sh tournament, of course

I'm 23 and for the most part I have stopped caring about games. I think fallout 4 is what killed my enjoyment of games. Over Christmas I played through RdR 2 and I enjoyed the story but I didn't give a shit about the open world stuff it was pretty much a hold x simulator until the next story part. I also was playing through the spyro trilogy and I still chip away at it from time to time.

From speaking to people it seems that as you get older you don't care about open worlds as much and you want shorter more focussed experiences. Ive been waiting 10 years for KH3 and i still havent gotten round to it

>better than even a single thing
>in 20fuckin19

Son I'm worried about you

>plays shit games
>surprised that he doesn't like games anymore
The story of this thread desu famalam

27 and stopped caring for the most part

after working a soul crushing job, doing normie shit, i have little to no patience for some shit game that is going piss me off

i just dick around on gbf for 30~m or so each day just for some sense of progression/growth in my life

good observation, but this thread proves people still love shit games and actually cite them as a reason for still enjoying "gaming"

22. I play vidya but struggle to derive joy from it desu

33 here. Plenty of good shit to play, I just wish I had more time to play it. When I was 22 I started losing interest in games as well. I was coming off a heavy WoW addiction and I had no desire to play anything else. I was more interested in making money and being social and trying to live that normie life. Well, normie life sucks. Around 28 I started gaming heavily again, and now I play as much as possible and wish I could play even more.

32 here and i still love videogames

>For people over 22, do you still give a fuck about videogames anymore?
I'm 31 and they are still entertaining. I play new and old.
Don't care for the argument of new bad, old good. Bad memories tend to fade(as in, theres a lot of crap games that have been made people forgot about back then).
The soul vs soulless is also amusing. It highlights the people that thumb their nose at graphics instead of gameplay.
Those are the kind that have been slowly eroding gameplay and focusing developer resources into having everything be deeply textured, shaded, animated leaving almost nothing of interaction left(budgets gone).
Usually the kind to drool over trailers that are just CGI mini movies and have no bearing on how the game plays at all. I enjoy blur studios too but how about some gameplay footage(no, not 'in engine').

If you're getting tired of games then fret not. They're making less overall in favor of theme parks they can drip content updates into(for MTX sales) because thats easier and safer than a new title.

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Sure. I'm pretty hype for new upcoming releases and Rune Factory 5 being announced literally made my whole year. I'll on occasion go through periods of not playing games at all, but that generally goes hand in hand with depression waves where my focus is shot and I just stop caring. With that said though, I'm enjoying Persona Q at the moment. One of the main reasons I play vidya is for escapism so I think that's a big part of why I stick with this medium.

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>Ive been waiting 10 years for KH3 and i still havent gotten round to it

Same desu. I haven't even bought a PS4 yet. My other hobbies are freeskiing and mtn biking, so if I have $60 to spend on a comfy switch / PC game at the end of the month I'm happy.

>TL;DR Having other hobbies is expensive.

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23yo here. I still love videogames and recently I just played RE2 and enjoyed the shit out if. I'm also looking forward to DMC:V.

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Yes, and them being shit makes me sad.

>plays shit game
>says he doesnt enjoy the medium anymore
>yet he still browses Yea Forums
You deserve suffering

>"they" when refering to one person
Millennial detected.
Kill yourself.


I'm 29 and still enjoy games. Spend less time on Yea Forums. I rarely come here anymore, I used to come here daily hoping to hear about games I didn't know about but Yea Forums rarely discusses games now. Small youtube channels are better for hearing about new games now.

27, I still play bideogames daily. I don't know, it's still fun for me.

No. I'm gonna become a rapper

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Faggot zoomers and trumptards have fucked this place hard with their mutt SJW pseudo-identity politics.

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33 and a pretty similar story here. It's not just genres for me either, I play way less games overall. Used to be I'd play at least one new game a month, usually some story-based linear JRPG or action adventure or whatever, and I'd beat it and then move on to the next thing. Nowadays I'm only really interested in open-ended games that I can sink hundreds of hours into over the course of a few years, and I'm lucky if two games come out in the same year that interest me that much.

Come to think of it, I'm actually not that strict on genres themselves. My top played games of the last few years are CS:GO (which I quit over a year ago) Transport Fever, Empyrion:Galactic Survival, Grim Dawn, Skyrim (heavily modded, of course), and most recently Apex Legends. The only thing they really have in common is that you can play them over and over again and never do the same thing or have the same experience.

>apex legends

Elex bros!! game was shat on for fair reasons but I really enjoyed the 25 hours I put into it. I need to revisit it but other stuff has been occupying me.

sorry I don't want to write like a retard just because dead people did

But there's no bigger retards than millennials.

If you use some filters it can help. The overall board slows down heaps though.


you know I can still *sip* while dabbing on your ass right kid

It's not the greatest shooter ever, but it's the only one around at the moment that combines an active playerbase and solid combat mechanics without wrapping it all up in quasi-esports bullshit. I'm so fucking done with ranks and matchmaking, at least if I get a shitty team in Apex I'm done with them pretty quickly and don't get dropped down into a lower ELO bracket where I'm even MORE likely to get a team of retards who refuse to play the game properly.

>can't tell when which sense of a word is being used

How do I filter Twitch kiddies? I think they are the worst cancer on this board right now.

Share filter list

>MtG is better than all video games basically

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I assume 23, OP? No you didn't hit a magic number that makes you an adult. Your personal preferences just changed for your personal reasons.

t. 30

This normie live is a meme for me. Around 21-22 I stopped playing blaming games for being a social retard and sociopath. Well several years later after several hundreds guilt trips I actually fell in love with videogames again

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You're better of playing shit like Titanfall 2 and RS2 if you want a good FPS.
Titanfall 2 still has an active playerbase on PC. Insurgency (not Sandstorm) is neat as well.
Killing Floor 2 is a blast if you like wave-based shooters.
I'm just wondering why you'd subject yourself to legends when there are much better fps to play.

>Yea Forums
>playing video games
Here's you obligatory meme reply

22fag here, I only care for Resident Evil and Devil May Cry to be honest.

Few of the new releases excite me. I find myself playing older games.
Had some fun playing S4 with Yea Forums few weeks ago. Started playing Minecraft again, since I never experienced a lot of the mods that looked interesting.
When I get a new rig later this year, I'll look into emulation again.
30 btw

Apex combines a strong focus on core FPS skills with an inherent randomness that prevents the game from completely falling into an autistic cheese meta rut. It's one of the few games I've played recently where I really feel like I'm making a meaningful contribution to my own wins or losses. The combination of small squad sizes and mainstream popularity helps too, it means I can pretty much always put a squad together and don't have to play with randoms.

I used to be really into "tactical" shooters (I even played Rogue Spear on a pretty serious competitive level with a team and everything) but I wasn't able to get into Insurgency or RS2. Insurgency just felt shallow and repetitive to me, and RS2 had a bunch of issues, one that it was really campy/snipey and the other, bigger one was that almost every match I ever played was a completely one-sided curbstomp, either my side was winning boringly easily or we were completely uncoordinated and couldn't manage to do much of anything.

TFa2 looks fun but I think I missed the boat on it. It's like trying to get into Q3 or something, everybody still playing is an unstoppable god of the game and it's just gonna be depressing trying to go against them as a noob. I also think that once I DID get good at the game I'd get bored of it pretty quickly.

Titanfall 2 is casual as fuck so it shouldn't be hard to get into of you're not a shitter.
>RS2 is campy
Far from it, you were playing it wrong. Once you realize it's just Battlefield with better/more realistic gunplay you'll get better at it.
>one sided curbstomp
I agree on you there to an extent, you do get unlucky sometimes where one team just completely annihilates the other. On the other hand though if you manage to git gud and end up in a good squad one capable squad with a good SL can win the entire match. What I like most about RS2 is that everything you do impacts the outcome of the game. Clearing a point of enemies and then proceeding to succesfully cap it is exhilirating. Managing to RPG that transport chopper right before 2 GI squads manage to land on your point feels godlike and you feel you've actually made an impact because those squads you just downed would've certainly capped the objective.
The different roles in the game and playing them properly is much more important than people realize. The worst players are pointmen who DON'T USE THEIR FUCKING SMOKE GRENADES to provide cover.

>nooooo not my sekret club

newfaggot found

Yeah, I mean get how the game ought to be played, it's just that trying to get other players to do it along with you is a real crapshoot. I've been on plenty of squads where it did go well and it was fun when it did, but it wasn't worth all the games where my team insisted on tricking into an objective one at a time and dying without accomplishing anything over and over again.

As for camping, yeah, maybe if I'd known the maps better or something it wouldn't have been as bad, and it definitely wasn't true on every map or mode. The really heavy jungle ones fucking sucked though there were just so damn many good hiding places in them.

Also, now that I think about it more, I think a big part of why I got bored of the game was just the limited selection of maps and game modes. That's probably better now, I know there's been some DLC.

23 and I still enjoy vidya. Recently beat Hollow Knight and Yakuza 0, loved em both. Been playing Titanfall 2 for multiplayer. There's less games I can get through these days but when something comes along that I do enjoy I'll stick with it for ages

also 29 and I often search for discussion via the archive, decent method to get past all the filth

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I urge you to give it another go. The game has received a ton of content now.
Good/ well balanced matches are also more frequent now since the game's been out for a while and all the casual shitters have dropped it.

Maybe play different games? All you listed was Nintendo kiddieshit, Meme Souls, and a JRPG. Now, don't get me wrong, Nintendo makes good games occasionally, I like Souls, and sometimes a JRPG is fine too, but there's a wide ocean outside these things. The game I'm looking forward to the most right now is Phoenix Point, for example, which is being made by the creator of the original X-COM. Also, Age of Wonders: Planetfall with friends. Video games are better than board games because they offer much, much more than board games, while still offering the opportunity to have fun with friends.

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If you’re 22 you are still a kid. Just go outside.

27. I don't care about "videogames" in general the way I did when I was younger, I care about specific, individual games. I can't bring myself to care much about the state of the industry or franchises, and a title being personally appealing to me matters much more than its actual quality now.

I wonder why Yea Forums sucks so much

Maybe it’s becase it’s full of 22 year old kids who don’t play video games because they blame them for their social problems

Can’t make this shit up

Yeah. I hate the attitude /pol/ has about art and life in general. It's not obvious to them that they're subconsciously blaming things for their shortcomings even though they shouldn't be spending energy on blaming anything in particular at all, but on getting their own acts together and working a little so they can reach a point in a few years to be able to afford time and money again to enjoy frivolous things occasionally. The lifestyle they promote is a miserable way to be and won't end well.

35 here. I still have fun, but not on the same scale, I guess.

When I was a teenager, I'd build up a fuckhuge collection and game for hours on end.

These days, I've scaled back. My collection is substantially smaller, focusing on my favorites instead of every even slightly interesting thing. And I usually play an hour or two a day at most.

I do still enjoy it just as much as ever, though.

Not nearly as much as I used to. I think this is mostly an issue of many games needing to be played a lot for the immersion to kick in. If I have to put a playthrough on hold for several weeks, I am liable to lose interest because I forget how to play and lose the groove.

>do you still give a fuck about videogames anymore?
absolutely not
I do still play them tho, and get immersed. but I basically had a break between 21 and 25

board games w friends is better than vidya user

bannerlord will save your soul

If we only had western AAA games in the market, I would have stopped playing games long ago.