Why the f** are halo players such purists about the gameplay when halo is basically an unpure bastardization of arena fps's to begin with.
Why the f** are halo players such purists about the gameplay when halo is basically an unpure bastardization of arena...
halofag here, I honestly don't get it either.
I think it's just a holdover from when Halo and CoD were rivals and people hate any CoD-esque elements in Halo as a result.
Who the fuck cares about Halo players and their shitty cowadooty quake game in 2k19?
Because that's the way it played when I was a kid, and I don't want anything to change ever.
I get you're trying to make a joke but you come off as a middle schooler. Halo game with tweaked Titanfall 2 style gameplay would be pretty cool.
That's pretty much what Halo 5 is, actually.
Returns to even starts and got rid of 4's codshit, but added in some titanfall esque movement systems
What does Halo being a bastardization of arena FPS have to do with wanting pure, Halo gameplay?
That's Halo 5 and it's shit.
Halos gameplay being "pure" was a lie told to you by people whose first fps's was halo.
because they're boring boomers who cant evolve
Halo is the only surviving arena fps with vehicles and a cool sandbox.
Tribes and Unreal Tournament are dead. Purists don't want it to become Call of Duty esports garbage with sprint and advanced movement. It's all about the sandbox.
halofags arent boomers, theyre autistic 20 - 25 year olds now that were too dumb for arena FPS's and too socially inept and not with the times enough for the COD like shooters
I think you're misunderstanding what "pure" means in that context.
Halo 5's MP is good.
Halo 5 still has a good sandbox, vehicles, even starts, weapons on maps, and an emphasis on map control.
Having advanced movement systems is not mutially exclusive with Halo's core elements or being an arena shooter. If anything, 5's advanced movement makes up for the lack in mobility complexity and advanced movement tech that Halo has relative to other arena shooters.
halo 5's movement isnt advanced, its restrictive movement becayse you cant do jack shit while you sprint/thruster/clamber but on bigger maps.
in gunplay youre never going to be using any of the abilities so it really doesnt serve a purpose other than stretching maps and creating unbalanced sandbox and stripping the halos identity away..
Halo is about the sandbox. Leave "advanced movement" and all the other bloat in games like Titanfall and Call of Duty.
god i want to fuck a sangheili
Halo is a good game but it would be so much better if you moved like 25% faster
Clamber and sprint slow the game down, and the maps suffer because of it. ADS just doesn't belong in the game.
Everything else should just be part of the sandbox like equipment in Halo 3.
Reductive argument. Halo's gameplay is distinct enough in its own right to be able to have a "pure" form. Nothing else really plays like like halo 1 through 3.
I liked Halo and Unreal Championship (and Counterstrike 1.3 and Battlefront)
Except by stretching the maps out, it also means there's a higher amount of player actions over a given amount of space traveled in a map, which, combined with faster animations, means a higher game speed/pace.
Halo 5 IS still highly sandbox orientated, and even if it weren't, that's YOU saying what you think Halo is about, not anything objective. The reality is that Bungie themselves tried to add in a sort of 4th pillar in both Halo 3 and Reach. Equipment in 3 was sort of pointless though, and reach's amror abilities broke even starts
5's movement systems are impactful, preserve even starts, and don't interfere with the core 3 pillars/golden triangle. Of the 3, it's the least "bloaty" implementation of it.
>Clamber and sprint slow the game down,
See above, they don't. The maps are indeed stretched out as a result, but that doesn't inherently means the game is slower; and in fact, 5 IS faster then prior games. THere's more to game speed then just map traversal rate.
> ADS just doesn't belong in the game.
5 doesn't have ADS, it just looks like it: in terms of actual mechanics it preforms identically to zoom in past titles. I do agree that the old zoom scope should return though over the ADS-esque visuals
>Everything else should just be part of the sandbox like equipment in Halo 3.\
Except that would ACTUALLY be overcomplication.
And nothing [particularly plays like reach or 5 either, what's your point?
because Halo was balanced around all its design elements and when you add mechanics from other games and try to change parts of core Halo to rebalance the game to accommodate it, the game ceases to be Halo.
Like it or not, original Halo just clicked with people---doesn't need to be explained why. That click was lacking in later games.
>Equipment in 3 was sort of pointless though
no it wasn't
it broke the flow of gameplay and was the beginning of negatively impacting the Halo experience
>Except by stretching the maps out, it also means there's a higher amount of player actions over a given amount of space traveled in a map, which, combined with faster animations, means a higher game speed/pace.
youre not even saying anything here, you dont have any proof.
>5 doesn't have ADS
you literally aim down the sights, stupid retard.
I dont even have anything against ADS to begin with but that shit should not be on weapons like the needler and energy sword.
>inb4 its visual
every weapons fire gets tightened if you ads, so you can snipe people with automatics now.
Clamber and sprint slow everything down because of animations. It's pointless. Just make the character faster and jump higher. I don't want my character doing a clamber animation every time I'm near a ledge.
Equipment is at least still an objective on the map that can be contested like the weapons. Armor abilities in later iterations are just on you from the start
it's still just about as bullshit as armor abilities, despite being able to "contest" them
worst is the bubble shield
theyre on equal level as power weapons.
why isnt the rocket launcher a bullshit aswell?
>every weapons fire gets tightened if you ads
That was true in past games too you retard, see webm. Smart Scope in 5 preforms itdneitcally to zoom, and unlike ADS in other shooters, it just looks like them and is on more guns
>so you can snipe people with automatics now.
Automatics have always been fucking shit in halo due to how absurdly short their range was and how inaccurate you were. Them actually being usable past 10 feet is a good thing. The only automatic actually decentlyt usable in mid range in 5 even with the smart scope is the AR, and that gives it a unique niche compared to other autos; the BR, carbine, DMR, LR, etc are all still better then it at mid range.
How autos work in 5 is one of the best things about the game.
Except you aren't forced to clamber, it just enables you to catch yourself if you miss the jump. It's not slowing anything. And with sprint, simply making the player faster would be awful: You ever set yourself to 2x speed in custom games? You skate around unatutrally and it feels like shit.
The fact that they expanded the maps shows that sprint isn't even about moving around the maps faster, it's about perception. By expanding the maps and adding sprint, players can move faster and feel faster without it being unatural without altering the actual map traversal rate, and also speed up gameplay by having more actions occur over a given span of distance traveled.
There's nothing fucking wrong with this and it infuriates me that the halo community is against it just because HUR DUR SPRINT DOESN'T BELONG IN HALO. I don't even nesscarily think this is an improvement, either, but people come up with such bullshit fucking arguements to try to claim it's bad
>You ever set yourself to 2x speed in custom games?
No because that's too fast, but you can set yourself to 125% and it feels perfectly fine. No sprint required.
> but people come up with such bullshit fucking arguements to try to claim it's bad
It creates shit maps and adds absolutely nothing to gunfights?
Thats pretty huge negative effects on a game.
Using the sprint in 5 isnt even fun, they punish you in every possible way from not getting shields, being able to be knocked out of sprint and needing a whole second to pull your weapon up.
Its just unfun.
If infinite is going to be this bullshit where they pull all this shit out of their ass while still trying pander to the classic fans, halo is fucking dead.
either go full titanfall or classic.
>unpure bastardization
it's like user discovered big boy words and is trying to sound intelligent.
>bullshit arguments
Not wanting animations for climbing and running is a pretty good argument.
a big boy word
way too be self unaware, brainlet
you want me to complain about magnum and battle rifle too?
it was in the game from the get-go, equipment was not, end of story
beside, bubble shield can literally prevent your death; rocket launcher is about killing shit, like almost everything else solely excepting overshield
nigger halofags are just the zoomers of yesterday
fortnite is today's halo
They were in the same game, the BR is only 1 game older than the bubble shield aswell.
I like equipments because theyre team centered and can be beneficial to multiple people, its objectively a good addition.
Take micro transactions, sprint, ADS, and use Halo 5 mp and Halo 4 campaign with Halo Reach customization and you have a game that should make everyone happy
>Halo 4 campaign
stopped reading there, zero taste pleb
halo sucks, fuck off
>They were in the same game
What? I don't understand what you're saying.
> the BR is only 1 game older than the bubble shield aswell
WTF? So? Armor abilities is only one "game" older than equipment. Doesn't matter. What matters is that there were two Halo games to come before it without anything like it.
>I like equipments because theyre team centered
>its objectively a good addition
your subjective, situational reason for liking it does not make it an objectively good addition
halo 3 was the last halo. fuck off zoomers
4’s Campaign had some of the best set peices in the entire series and was only weighed down by bad character writing.
in that case Halo 3 was the worst Halo
>What? I don't understand what you're saying.
you just said the BR was from the "get go" while bubble shield was not
>What matters is that there were two Halo games to come before it without anything like it.
No that doesnt fucking matter, one bit lol
>your subjective, situational reason for liking it does not make it an objectively good addition
creating support items is a healthy change, your hate for it on the other hand is very subjective.
Its like if i hated on the BR and said it didnt belong in halo because it wasnt in CE.
because it's what they grew up on
are halo players purists about gameplay?
last I checked all halo games control like garbage
I thought halo was about the setting and aesthetic, the gameplay nearly made me drop them
i dont play games for set pieces. fucking sóyboys man.
>muh cortana, waah, chief is a human not a machine.
that campaign was shit.
>you just said the BR was from the "get go" while bubble shield was not
no, the pronoun referred to the Rocket Launcher
>Its like if i hated on the BR and said it didnt belong in halo because it wasnt in CE.
My point in mentioning it was to compare it to the Magnum, which for all intents and purposes, it replaced. It's basically the magnum, so complaining too much about it while letting Combat Evolved alone is smallsighted.
Meanwhile Bubble Shield has no earlier game equivalent.
>creating support items is a healthy change
not everyone is broken but there is at least one, and it can be used outside of team-based modes.