Tfw you realize the only people who hate this game are bad at it

>tfw you realize the only people who hate this game are bad at it

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Other urls found in this thread:

It’s just angry boomers who are fearful of change and being replaced by the newer generation of gamers.

But this could be said about literally anything ever

I'm bad at it and I like it. I just pity my friends who have to put up with me.
They say they don't mind though

In my experience, it's exactly the boomers who enjoy this game the most. The zoomers are seething that it's trying to 'replace' fortnite, while the boomers enjoy it, because it's the first BR game that is this polished.

I dont hate it, i just simply cant play more than 1-2 hours with it. After a few hours its just too repetitive and boring for me. But this applies not just to apex but all battle royale.

I'm just liek you user.
I'm sure we will be good enough some day.

how can you even be bad at battle royale games.
all you have to do is not die

For me it's not that it's polished, it's that it takes advantage of classic boomer shooter mechanics. Shame the tickrate is dogshit until the first 5 squads die. It's the perfect blend of advanced movement mechanics, fast pace, and outmaneuvering with no gay building or without Blackout's completely empty map.

same for every game

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I dont like it because the success of this means no titanfall3, I play it because it still has that titanfall feel to it

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how do you get good at this? i keep getting shot at the last moment or instantly on landing due to either bad shots or being slid at by someone with a peacekeeper or wingman. how do you deal with this shit?

Funny but pro boomers suck at not dying. Their brain is wired to shoot at sight so they end up alerting everybody and getting flanked

but where are the wraith lewds?

Boomer here.
I like it a lot but I hate how randoms just wanna land and fight asap instead of being tactical and trying to win.

Its defiantly the best br. Still can only play it with friends. I just dont like waiting longer than 10 seconds to spawn. Why cant we have some tdm or capture points ?

I hate people saying this. They weren't even thinking about Titanfall 3 anyways with the star wars game they've been working on for the past three years. Apex is nothing more than a side project for the new guys so they get a little money for EA and in return respawn gets extra time to work on the fallen order instead of releasing a game a year early like bioware and dice

I like it.
They need to fix crashing first though.

Except I and nobody I play with has crashed in over a week.

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What? Zoomers are happy that Fortnite is getting replaced. Everyone, even the zoomers, are sick of this dumbfuck cucknite era. Boomers are still salty and seething because the BR genre has some life left in it but these games don't capture hearts and minds but rather wallets, and in a few years the game will be forgotten about.

If Respawn wants to keep their audience, they need to step the fuck up and release some events or characters pronto.

I've had so many people DC on my when playing on PC
No such problem on PS4
>When both your squad mates crash out but you get the win cause the last guy alive crashed out

If you don't land hot it's miserable trying to find people to kill. I understand wanting to be tactical, but the goal of BR games is to land hot, win your drop, and W key to the next shots you hear.

It actually looks like a really fucking great game, haven't played it myself but I've seen others go at it and it seems fun as hell.

The game feels like shit because the Titanfall engine is made for advanced movement, but in Apex you can only run, so it feels like all of the characters have shit their pants while running.

That said, you don't need to land hot all the fucking time. You can land some place adjacent to the fucking murder fest, get kitted and clean up whatever the fuck was going on you morons. I can't stand you niggas who get fisticuffed on by laggy lifelines. Fuck off.

this is the dumbest post I've read today

I hate it because
>battle royale
>non stop shilling on Yea Forums

Is genuinely good and I will not stop shilling

>Boomer here.
You're age is showing, and I don't mean that you're too old to play video games, but too young, mentally. BR's, believe it or not, are more about having fun than winning, as is the case with all good games. Yeah winning by playing pussy for 15 minutes might make you think you're good, but true chad's run towards any gunshot they hear to fight another team. Sure they may lose because of it, but they're slowly honing their skills and improving themselves so when it comes down to brass tacks, they have the ability to win even with weaker weapons. I'm glad my friends are chads that run towards enemies to kill instead of having cucky chumps like you that do nothing but shit their pants waiting for a team to find them.

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You can slide and parkour over just about anything. Confirmed for not playing.

I dunno I’m pretty fucking old and I like the game a lot. I’m a big time retro fag that hates new stuff usually to. Pretty sure it’s just retards that hide for 15 minutes and just die with 0 kills who hate it.

>sliding and climbing is advanced movement.

Come back when double jump, wall running and bunnyhopping is back.

what makes this more fun than black ops parkour?

im shit at it and I enjoy it.
most games go without me getting any kills or doing less than 500 damage.

And backpedaling instantly
Sliding is faster than running, and when used correctly, you can get around very quickly. Its not games fault you cannot handle even basic movement skills/haven't played the game but want to complain anyway.
Fact is, the game has other movement than running, some character abilities give even more mobility.
You are baka and a liar. Shame on you.

I don't like the graphics it looks like something from 2012 and heats up my computer too much / overworks my hardware for what it's displaying. I don't even have a problem with the artstyle it's just this game is ugly af, the gun-play is serviceable but honestly nothing special and I find myself wanting too play borderlands 2 a game from 2012, with better artstyle and arguably equal or better graphically.

I hate that it is shit compared to TF2. It's one of those games that's meh but somehow really fun with friends.

Same goes for Overwatch, I mean get 4 friends on Overwatch you can / will have more fun than APEX. Unless you've played it so much your sick of it.

>yfw you realise the only people playing this are TF2 rejects who can't go fast

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>Still no doublejumping, wall running or bunnyhopping
>But at least i can slide!!!
Wow, such an amazing and innovative game.

Strange how you associated conservative playstyle with being mentally too young. I remember when I used to think like you back when I was 17-22.

It's very easy to be good at this game, just pick wraith.

Fucking get good.

Dude, if you want to play Titanfall 2, go play it.
I know a guy who still plays it regular if you want a friend to play with.

>Terrible netcoding
>Bland and ugly character(done intentionally?)
>overly expensive cosmetics, around 15bucks for a simple weapon skin.
>f2p and already tons of cheaters in it, even if they get banned they can just make a new account and play again in under 5min.
>Most of the guns feel unsatisfying as fuck to use.
>Extremely bad balancing between the characters
>SJW crap
For how long is EA going to shill this game here? The exact same kind of threads was made here when PUBG also first came out.

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>It's the perfect blend of advanced movement mechanics, fast pace, and outmaneuvering
I wish. It's a gimped Titanfall 2. I would suck this game's dick if it had TF2 movement mechanics. As things stand, it's just a shooter that's slightly more mobile than your average modern day FPS, and it has some nice QoL improvements that make it much more enjoyable to play than other BRs.

Or it's because of the random elements and one-life nature of it. I'd rather just play TF2 than this, even though this is far more balanced overall.

>don’t like the aesthetics
>never touched the game
Never said it was bad but, it certainly doesn’t look like my cup of tea.

They stated that in the alpha / beta they had wall running and double + triple jump.
It was impossible to balance and casuals couldn't handle the dimensions

Get good.

Sounds like you need a crutch to git gud, user. Stay below top 3.

I hate the game because it is on Origin and owned by EA.
What do you mean OP?

Get good, loser. You wanna know how you get good? You kill shit. Enjoy the L's and my ballsack.

i dislke it only because it runs like absolute dogshit, otherwise it's a fun concept

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Im terrible at it, but it is fun. I just think the character designs are awful outside of Bloodhound or whatever the trackers name is.

>runs like absolute dogshit.
what, i can max it out and keep 100+ fps.

>works on my machine

upgrade your toaster

Hit reg pisses me off in this game, some of the guns seem worse than others. My worst luck has been using high rof rifles at short-range. Even my friends have seen me firing and the bullets just not connecting at all. Cost me a few first place finishes. The shotguns on the other hand have high quality hit reg, no wonder people complain they are OP. When them and the snipers are the only weapons performing properly.

35 here, Its fun. I'm not great but I've had some great moments.
Last night I and another squad mate died as 1of3 squads left. Last guy went and rezzed us, we went directly back to our boxes that were untouched, the other two squads were fighting one another. We geared up, cleaned up, then 3v1'd the last guy.
Vulture Squad wins.
Storing points for next character unlocks, which I am assuming will be much better and change meta vs current roster. I've won at least once with all the F2P chars thus far, main bloodhound/gibraltar, not planning on unlocking mirage/caustic.
This game will live/die on new / altered maps.

>tfw Yea Forums has unironically threads for zoomer games

I feel old

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>titanfall minus the speed and fun
Hard pass.

exactly, what's your excuse? just lower the setting or stop being poor.

>doesn't work on my machine

What's your hardware?

it averages at 60 on high settings with a 970, literally poor man's gpu.
you have zero excuse.

the dumpster fure that is quake champions runs on ultra at 240+, this thing can't keep a 30 on lowest settings
i don't have the 8gb GPU they recommend for 'optimal gameplay', i can tell you that much

The game is very unoptimized, I have a high-tier PC and while it runs ok. The CPU utilization is working so hard, my radiator temp builds up too 34C in like 1 hour.

>the dumpster fure that is quake champions
>quake champions
what's wrong with you user.

Should I make a shill bingo for this game? Please give some tip what I can put in the boxes.

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>It's free
>Git gud
>muh titan fall
>Screenshot of twitch viewers

>this thing can't keep a 30 on lowest settings
quite literally your problem then, see buy yourself a new computer and stop using extremely dated hardware.

Solid game that gets dragged down by shit netcode, and huge unbalance issue on character hitboxes.

It’s source engine.

>both me and friend down
>only friend alive vs a whole squad
>he gets them all
>his game crash so we die anyways
They really need to fix these retarded crashes, it has ruined so many games for us.

>Cheating is rampant because lol China and nobody has wised onto region locking China (and maybe soft-locking Russia) for the rest of the world's sanity
>This puts a shit filter on every other problem you have in the game because maybe that guy wasn't legit on top of the issue
>Wingman single shot can be the only warning you're getting attacked. When the second shot hits, unless you're at least blue armour and full, you'll break and go into health damage. Taking any health damage means your aim is fucked, so you can't retaliate at long range. On top of that, the Longbow which is the sniper equivalent fires much slower and isn't particularly anymore accurate
>making it a case of who shoots first and gets immunity from the other guy by just fucking them up, like a combo in a fighting game
It's an early access game pretty much, as far as PC is concerned. Probably works out great on consoles, so would have been better making it exclusive for a bit.

All you need is shotgun and wingman. Everything else is pointless.

High-tier PC too and it runs alright, if he's saying it can't keep 30 on lowest settings then it's a him problem.
Even the base PS4 averages 50 on medium-low.

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>ea still hiring mouthbreathing shills

>mfw Wraith white skin is super tight

it sucks she has potate face but at least mask here hides it

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why is everyone who plays wraith an insufferable faggot tryhard?

It crashes my PC when I get shot at, so it's kinda poo

I actually cant deny that. I want to like this game. It is the only battle royale that has interested me. However, I haven't gotten a single kill in the hour or two I have played it so far. Pretty fucking frustrating and unfun.

Pathfinder is binary and if you disagree then you are fucking retarded

something something broken hitbox

I was like that for my first few levels, by level 9 I only had 9 kills
Now I'm level 19 with 75 kills
it'll click eventually, just play aggressive and don't be afraid of dying because you'll usually learn something from it

>ads console shooter

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I'll laugh if/when they change her narutard running for something less compact

This is true.

It’s crashed for me several times, but that’s likely because I have a shit laptop

Why do you think that everyone better than you is a tryhard? People play wraith to GO FAST GO FAST GO FAST and there's nothing wrong with that. If you keep getting beaten by Wraiths because you can't keep track of her it's not the other player's fault. Up your sensitivity and git fucking gud faggot.

I don't like the guns in that game. It seems unbalanced. Before you say "you're just bad," I am bad. From my experience, some guns are useless while others are the best in the game while being just as common. In my opinion, that doesn't really support the game. I loved Titanfall, this just isn't fun for me.

>enjoy the L’s and my ballsack
Not him, but that is one of the most early-zoomer things I’ve heard. Was your dirst game Halo, and are you really old enough to be here?

I had two crashes in the last few days. Both happened when I was finally doing well.

The game wants me to suck.

pisses me off
cant wait for mods that make static dot crosshair

I honestly don't give a fuck if I get killed or outplayed by a Wraith, even if its due to hitbox bullshit, I know I'm average at the game
I'm trying to say that 9/10 times I have a raging squad member that has a meltdown if the entire squad doesn't do exactly what they say and blames everyone but themselves for losing its a Wraith player

>battle royale
No thanks, I'd rather not aimlessly wander around for 5 minutes hoping to RNG plays in my favour.

>two threads up shilling for Apex Legends

Solos and duos when?

>play with two appanrelty good players in the champ squad
>they both die early on
>be pathfinder, so when I see smoke I swing in and grab one his banner
>resurrect the other
>almost get away but at the last moment, far away from any hostiles, I do get shot
>the ressed guy proceeds to respawn the other guy
>nobody comes to pick up my banner
>they both play on without me

>it doesn't happen to me so its not a problem

It is still happening m8, but its not as huge of an issue as some people state.

The game is just way too slow man, I prefer going fast.

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Did Apex revive Titanfall 2 MP?

then Fortnite or PUBG is for you

Two threads on vee talking about a game that just came out? Hiro what the fuck??

>Playing shitty free to play games, battle royale even in 2019

This industry and it's consumers are shit now.

hard to not be bad at a game that loooks like shit no worth touching for free

happens to me all the time too, people suck
it's especially bad when someone has your banner and the respawner is nearby but they dick around grocery shopping for loot until the ring gets close and only then do they rez you and run so you're naked or barely equipped for the next ring

I hate it because PK and Wingman are the only viable weapons

Sounds pretty bad; I play Wraith so I don't get those I guess. I actually aim to support my squad, so when I get shitloads of fanmail calling me "sweaty" and shit after beating literally anyone I'm a little off-put.

I can't tell if you are trying to make some kind of joke or not, user!

genuinely serious
unless u dont want BRs
then there are other fast pased fps/mp competitive games

A lot of people also spend way too much time looting far away from the squad, when they already have gear and weapons.

>play wraith once

Is this the power of hitboxes?

Can you make Warsow come back to live please?

I am really bad at this game and I like it. How about that?

never heard of
probably for the best it stays in the grave

>both defending a EA battle royale game

that's quite a retarded statement when the game is designed in such a way that 50% of players will die first ithout being able to accomplish anything after 5 minutes of looting.

Whats your average kill count Yea Forums? I have only made it to 5 kills 1 time. I have no friends and only play with random on consoles. Its really hard.

Please think about what you are saying dear underage ESL-kun!

I have a fucking shit pc and it almost rubs alright when I turn all graphics settings down to the lowest level.

Probably 1.

Why is every single Wraith such a sweaty tryhard.

I thought it thru, yes. Some random niche shit is not relevant.

I don't play it and I'm extremely uninterested in playing it. I try free games all the time but this one just looks so lame. I already suffered through two battle royale games to get my feet wet in the genre and neither if them were fun for more than a week, and from what I've seen this doesn't have a damn thing going for it that I give a shit about.

The sooner the BR fad dies out the better.

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i can only get 1 every other game. i just don't have the twitchy movements in my hand for good aim in a game with this pace.

I didn't know Yea Forums was THIS casual!

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can i play this with chat muted?

>avatarfag who hasn't played the game sharing their opinion on it
don't you have a Persona thread to be waifuposting in?

yes, I mute most people with mics before dropping

You dont have global option to disable text chat but you can do it in game for each player.

For voice chat you can just set volume to 0 in options.

>But they said
They can say anything. You weren't there. There's zero accountability to that statement.
>Casuals couldn't handle it
But it existing in a completed polished game that had to be tested before release so that isn't true. Having a high skill ceiling isn't bad it encourages players to keep improving. Keep apologizing for them though, it's cute.

most randoms don't use their mic for this game and you can immediately mute the dipshits who do

i'd imagine the teammate respawning mechanic would slow everything to molasses, can someone enlighten me on how it affects the match pacing?

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because Dr. Disrespect mains Wraith

They would rather play with you than some fuckin' idiot they've never met before. Believe them.

Not by much. You dont have to respawn them if you dont want nor you have to babysit them after respawn, just request dropship and go on your merry way.

Ha! Shame's on you, i havent even played it

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This is a no-honking area.

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It's not titanfall

It's a battle royale the one kind of genre I can subjectively see and experience absolutely no fun in.

It's not titanfall.

You grab the banner of someone's corpe. And basically walk to a random spot where a beacon is located. Press E. And you're on your way again.

A "classic" mode has been datamined, it has both wallrunning and double jump. It seems they are testing it, so maybe it will be properly implemented one day

>teammate dies
>interact with their dropped case to pick up their banner
>bring it to one of many respawn beacons all over the map
>hold button for a couple of seconds
if the area is not safe then don't try it. quite intuitive actually.

I thought they said that Apex Legends originally had Titans, wallrunning and double jump during development. But that they removed it.

>it's okay to hate on PUBG and Fortnight because BR games are shit and made for literal children
>but if you hate on the newest FOTM BR game, it's because you're bad
Is this just transparent EA shilling or more evidence that a solid 98% of Yea Forums consists of underage Fortnight zoomers? Who the fuck even has Origin?

reassuring to hear. thx brothers

>tfw need to connect to chink servers because I get packet loss from japan/singapore servers

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The mechanics are good and camping isn't as good as being aggressive. Great shooter

>tfw you can survive until the end but always lose to the last squad

Well that's a very very small amount of people

Playing this made me realize how much I miss Blackout. Fuck those idiots for not releasing it as a standalone game.

Wraith is a QT, though.

>installing origins to play one game not out of beta and hasn't fully monetized itself
>playing a BR unironically
Now you're part of the fortnite crowd

you will never be Japanese

It won't be polished until they fix pathfinders hitbox.

Game has big balance issues with the hithoxes. Literally half the cast is unplayable.

>he shills
>for FREE

>level 40
>Look to buy a banner with my in game currency
>1/8th of the way to affording it


Well yeah?
>my friends and i win 60%+ of matches
>we all love the game but would never solo queue

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Buy Apex coins stupid goy

>but would never solo queue
how can someone be this bad

Would love to keep playing but;

>weapon balance is total ass
>half the roster is a fat bullet magnet of a hitbox

solo drop when

that would kill the game


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Smells of zoomers

FUCKING zoomers.

seriously BR is gay, the chars in apex are gay, twitch and apex and br IS GAY

fucking gamers are gay... oh wait.... gaymers.

probably why games are called games, CUZ THEY GAY.

>EA shills trying to fit in and have no idea what an avatarfag is.

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>They stop giving you free goy crates every level

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tfw 30yo boomer here, this is exactly how i feel

It just reminds me ab it of Evolve and that is

s-shut up

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Why the fuck would you want the game to have bhopping. That shits cancer.

I hate it because it's full of niggers

Bhopping is in the game, though it's only useful when healing

Do you have an n-word pass for that, kiddo?

>bad netcode that favors 300ms brazilians and validates shots from the past around corners
>"y-you're just bad"
>revolver outclasses every weapon at every range and can carry you through an entire game on one stack of ammo
>"y-you're just bad"
>certain characters having half the hitbox size of others resulting in point blank shotgun spread phasing
>"y-you're just bad"
the only bad players are the ones oblivious to the glaring balance issues of this game

I hate the characters, give me storm troopers with slightly different helmets instead

You're a trash kid

Stop giving money to EA your fucking retards.

Its free

It's the arena shooter or battle royale. I played 3 matches on me mates xbox x after thumbling around with a controller I downloaded it immediately on my pc


Wow, every game ever genius. Why would anyone something that doesn’t bring them happiness. God damn zoomers are lowest form of stupid.

Same with Fortshit.
>fortnite comes out
>people either say BR is not for them or say it's good stuff
>year later majority players learn how to build basic defence
>Yea Forums shitters start bashing game and refuses to learn building

Video Games

I have around 250 kills but when I do it just feels due to my enemie beeing bad. When it comes to players that know what they are doing I'm allways beaten. I have no problem in other fps games but for some reason I really suck in this one

The source engine? Lol zoom zoom zoom

I don't hate it. I think it's the best battle royal with a good selection of characters and guns with good controls. I just don't find battle to fun.

t. retard gobbling up literal trash game code while calling others bad for seeing it as the trash it is

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That's true, but they might be thinking about bringing all those back in a separate mode, especially since there is quite a bit of text concerning titans in the game's code

battle royales and moba games are garbage time-wasters. play something more fufilling or don't play it all; either way I don't care.
just don't obnoxiously post like this again and push your trashy game on Yea Forums

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>They weren't even thinking about Titanfall 3
They literally said they were working on Titanfall 3 and it turned into this.

>he said while posting on Yea Forums

21 kills is probably my highest. I generally get 6+ kills per game unless i die at the first 2 minutes. I wish randoms where better sometimes, it fucking sucks losing while getting lots of kills, damage and noticing the rest of your squad did fuck all.

So is it even worth infecting my PC with Origin to play this?

>validates shots from the past around corners
It validates shots that hit, but applies damage late. You still got hit and you still suck lmao

i am bad at it, but i like it

>is it worth infecting my PC with Origin
You have to ask?

32 year old boomer here, I enjoy it. Best multiplayer FPS I've played in years.

I dont really like being on a team. I stick to fighting and racing games usually with Halo rumble pit for variety.

28y/o boomer here. The gameplay is great but I hate Battle Royale as a genre. It feels so shit.

fortnite is polished as heck

With randoms it's obviously a shit game
My friends can actually understand what's going on unlike 99% of randoms.
The best part is that noone carries. One of us and never the same guy two games in a row goes 10+ kills, every time. Mostly it's me and my bro but never only either.

any tips?
im trying to git gud but i usually average 1 kill a match if im lucky


What is the issue retard.
Solo Drop, kill as many as you can, leave match, repeat. Kills are being counted instantly you dont need to wait till math ends.

If your aim is decent try to play agressive after you have knocked someones shields, get good with the better weapons like the wingman, r301, r99 etc.
Hipfire is really good on some weapons so in close range dont bother adsing just A D strafe.
Play small hitbox characters.

>Week 3
>Still no fix

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I don't like the genre much either, but Apex barely feels like a BR to me. It's more like a giant FFA deathmatch with 3 man teams. Loot rarely seems to be much of an issue for me, I can pretty easily win most early game fights with whatever gun I pick up (as long as it's not a Mozambique or 2020) and then by the time the next fights come around I'm almost always decently armored and equipped and have guns I like.

Play stupid games. Win stupid prizes.

"These things... they take time."

>squad based
>battle royale
>hero shooter

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36 y-o boomer here
Love the game (I rarely play shooters)

all this game did was make me reinstall TF2

is the wingman all that?

The issue is grouping with brainlets that can't even play the game and losing because every match is effectively me vs the world. I'm not gonna pretend that I can solo win (although I nearly managed to twice by sneaking after randoms left

Titanfall 2 is dead and TF2 (which objectively stands for Team Fortress 2) hasn't been updated in like two years.

>I'm not gonna pretend that I can solo win
Are you retarded?
That does not have to be the point of a solo queue. You can do it just for kill counter and XP anyway.

i hate it because its a SJW game.

You can play as a white male who has gas grenades and gas minorities.

This is true for every multiplayer game on Yea Forums desu

shills not welcome.
enjoy replying for that phat ramen cash.

>The only white male is literally toxic

Yeah its really broken if you have okay aim, decent hipfire too if you limit your rate of fire a litte. Pair that with a smallish hitbox character like lifeline or wraith you will get a noticable improvement in your games.

30’s gamer here. I enjoyed the game but at one point when i dropped. Lifelines voice and Caustic’s voice became uncontrollably cringeforth and I immediately stop playing.

Level 36
368 kills
124 games played


The fuck are you on about?
The only point of the game is winning it you dumb nigger. Sit the fuck down you downie.

thank you user, i'll give it a whirl

>TF2 (which objectively stands for Team Fortress 2)
Valvecucks please fuck off

>the only none nintendo thread is a br shooter


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>runs like absolute dogshit

Runs fine here, 1440p60fps
>he plays fps on consoles lmao!
Enjoy playing with chinks and hackers on PC

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I would have to play it to be "bad at it" and I don't give the slightest shit about some watered down version of an interesting IP turned into a BR game, so I won't ever do that. Stay stupid, zoomer.

>Ambush enemy
>They do an instant 160° turn and headshot you 5 times in a row with SMG full auto

ez anti-cheat is fucking garbage.

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I hate it because it killed Titanfall 3

Enjoy your retardation, bro.

If you think this game isn't the rushed result of an unfinished Titanfall 3 build that EA forced them to spin into a BR youre retarded

What the fuck are you talking about. It runs butter smooth on my fucking zatoc mini gtx 1060 6GB and a generic 8gb ddr4 ram.
By the way, the game is boring as fuck. Hell this whole joke of a genre is.

A racebait thread died for this shit

>The only point of the game is winning it you dumb nigger.

Nobody cares about you squad wins, all leaderboards are ranked by kills. Cuurrent champion is 10k kills

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Again, enjoy your hackers, which are only present on the PC version of the game

like real oofa doofa

Let's look at the threads.
RE, Undertale, Horizon Zero Dawn, Enderal, Nier, Warcraft, RE2, FFXIV, another RE, GW2, another Warcraft, sprite thread, CRPGs, Witcher, Persona, Yakuza, GOG, HOMM3, Bioware, Vita, Dark Souls, Sam and Max, DMC, Morrowind, AC7 and some other random shit.
>I was only pretending to be retarded.

Please stop. You're making players on PC seem like autistic tantrum babbies.

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>last console FPS I played was COD4 more than 10 years ago
>played nothing but RPGs and Beat-Em-Ups since then
>downloaded fortnite, had no fun despite my friends from back in the day all playing it, essentially just a platform to talk to eachother over
>downloaded Apex, initially sucked at it
>kept at it because it reminded me of oldschool Infinity Ward games
>tfw regained the essence of my drop-shotting shithead 14 year old youth
>can manage playing on "Insane" sensitivity once again
I've not felt like this in a long time desu
There's a shitton wrong with the game, but the stuff it gets right, it does very very right.

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There are no leaderboards, total kills hold no value over match end kills, and the champion is always picked by whoever performed "best" out of the current 60 players (even if they did fuckall, 0 kills 0 damage, if they survived 1 second longer than any of the other players who also did 0 kills 0 damage last game, then they're champion).

Game wins is the only score that matters. It's also the only purpose of playing this game, as well as every BR game. Literally everything else is trivial to mention. 1 win 0 kills 0 damage > 0 wins 10000 kills 10000000 damage.
Fucking pleb.

I think Bangalore's pseudo-military talk is cute

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>There are no leaderboards
In case you are not up to date everyone on community refers to these stats:

Welcome aboard, champ!

Very not-obnoxious sounding black female character for the first time in ages, how'd they do it?
Also, is it just me, or was there WAY too much effort put into the sound/music for a F2P BR game?

Same, I love her. Get upset when people lock her in cause no one else is as good as her except Caustic who I need to unlock

I think Bloodhound's ""nordic"" talk is pretty cool and I like his voice

>terrible netcoding
>Bland and ugly
please be specific. Bloodhound's design is pretty cool. Pretty generic characters but i wouldnt call them bland. Uglyness is subjective.
>Overly expensive cosmetics, around 15 bucks for a simple weapon skin
Agree, BUT you can unlock them via ingame currency and they dont provide anything more than appearance.
Fully agree. Fuck EA. Im just glad respawn has been very clear about their thoughts on EA.
Slightly agree. I hate BR but this one feels enjoyable for some reason. I guess it has to do with the fact that you can leave a game and reenter another one in less than a minute.
>f2p and already tons of....
While I agree f2p can be a double sided sword, I havent seen any cheaters (that I know of) in the past 35 hours of gameplay.
>most of the guns feel unsatisfying as fuck to use
I'd say only 1/4 of the weapons are unsatisfying as fuck to use, and it mostly has to do with the sight you're currently equipping. I believe thats the idea on battle royals. Get a weapon and make the most out of it.
>Extremely bad balancing between the characters
ehhhh, sounds like you've never actually played the game and just went on and watched videos about the game
Even though some characters have an advantage, it makes a very small diference when you're in a shootout. Its more about your own positioning and gamesense than what character you're on.
Team comps, now thats another story. The standard team comp has developed into bloodhounds ultimate + Bangalores smoke screen + whatever other support. Infrared sight + smoke = op
??????? are sjw still a thing? Please stop talking about those shitheads and let them die

I don’t like it because it’s not titanfall and every aspect of it is like a handicapped retarded cousin of titanfall only in a battle royale game, which is cancer. If it had titans, pilot movement and wasn’t strictly a battle royale game, I’d like it.

Titanfall BR sounds pretty good actually.
Wait didn't they try that and totally fuck it up?

Fuck off EA

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Nah I just don't like the BR formula. I prefer regular game modes with fast gameplay. Which for this would be Titan Fall 2. One life no weapon on spawn shit just doesn't feel fun to me. Yeah sometimes you get unlucky or somethings you spiral and do well but why wouldn't I just want a game where if im good im always consistent?

because she doesn't sound black

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You know, in theory there's no reason Apex has to stick to BR. Maybe they'll do other stuff down the line, even bring back pilot movement in a mode that works better with it.

So you are saying name-calling is the base of every good discussion?

I'm not great at it but the I can see why some would like it and some would hate it.
>It's the first Titanfall thing announced since TF2 and EA buying out Respawn so this being Respawn's idea comes out as fishy

>However the game has the highest polish of the BR genre, physics quirks (due to Source) aside and the gunplay is the best due to it being ripped out of Titanfall 2

>And while the resurgeance in Titanfall 2 players as well
It's at least the best BR I've ever played, for what that counts for.

Land on hot zone. Your skill will improve fast.

>gibraltor in party
>he drops his shield on us anytime we engage or start shooting
>it just blocks our shots
>team now has to reposition and play around this shit
Is there any reason not to disconnect when someone picks this fat walking hitbox?

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They secretly hate you ya know

1-2 kills per game is standard honestly

That's just the nature of RNG loot and random drop points, you don't encounter often, and there are just times where skill won't matter because they have purple armor and a spitfire while you have no armor and an alternator

Sliding is not advance movement faggot

>has 60 fps
>thinks his game is working
holy fuck lmao

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By shilling do you mean hourly shitposting about the face of some characters?

Yes please come join me on PC

It´s pretty fuckin broken used correctly. Good combo with Lifeline
try again

I was such a shitter the first 5 days or so I played, but then it clicked and now I can get 2 or so kills per game unless I'm dead in the first few minutes from an unlucky drop

So like every online game in existence?

>pick wraith
>win every 1v1
Great game.

In my experience overwatch wasn't fun with friends either.

Holy fuck just fuck off with this boomer/zoomer shit, every time I see it I want to top myself

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so why dontyou eff urself then?

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Who is good at something they hate expect for games that became worse over time?

I see the EA social media team has given up on Anthem and has moved back to Apex.

I'm bad at this game and I don't hate it. I just think that its a bit bare at the moment and there really isn't anything for somebody like me to enjoy.


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subhuman trash

only br with non garbage gunplay
t. Dirty Bomb faggot



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Don't land where everyone else is landing
Always let other squads fight first
Coward tactics best tactics

>Bloodhound is holding an L-star on the game's cover
>there's no L-star in the actual fucking game

This annoys me more than it should

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it is upcoming actually

is that true? fuckin brutal

This will easily have you last longer than half the other squads more often than not

Imagine being such a brainlet that you fall for EA's viral marketing campaign to create fake popularity

nope, 34, shitter, this is my first BR and i kind of like it, nice to help some and get carried and not feel like its a big deal no matter how the match ends. only people who would hate it are fortniters seething about all the money they sunk in cosmetics


Will they actually let it have unlimited ammo is the question

fresh 30yr boomer. love this game. first online competitive fps and first battle royal.

The game is shit, and you could literally say the same about Fartnite

Where the fuck is the Triple Take the Double Take was one of my favorite guns in the game I never find any.

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I'm 32 and I love this game. Haven't had this much fun with a shooter since the original gears of war.

This really doesn't seem intended but devs have a tendency to leave it in as a random bug that becomes a skill ceiling feature. I would be amazed if they mitigate bunny hopping at all either on ziplines or while healing/moving normally.

What do you guys think about random mechanics like bunny hopping? It seems impossible to have a competitive shooter without also having to master some buggy engine mechanic to remain competitive.

I'm pretty bad at this game and i like it.

Its not a bad game but there's way to much RNG for my liking. Doesn't help that the game forces you to play with teammates.

Can't be bad at a game you never played.

>game encourages you to avoid fighting other players and by extension half the gameplay loop as much as possible.
>also there's a huge amount of RNG involved, especially if you actually want to fight anyone early on
Don't think I'll ever understand BRs, just seems like every free for all shooter gamemode thats ever existed except you spend 90% of the game autistically picking up trash off the floor.
Maybe Titanfall's advanced movement might have made it worthwhile but they scrapped it because retards cant into moving and shooting.

>friend wants me to play this with him
>cave it
>play it a couple of times
>Do decent, 3-4 kills per game
>still boring as fuck walking simulator
>every rando dies 30 seconds in autistically trying to duel snipers at range

honestly, game is just boring for me, too much walking, Snipers usually feel like cheaters 2 tapping you in 2 seconds, guns feel like ass, only good feeling guns are pump action shotguns and some pistols

That's right! Respawn is working on the next Star Wars game. I kinda got a bit more excited now that I've put 2 and 2 together. Not much, EA's gunna cock it up somehow, but enough to keep my eyes open.

>It actually looks like a really fucking great game, haven't played it myself
Is there a reason you stop yourself from playing fun games?

I see no difference in every battle royale game...

29y/o here
Actually enjoying the fuck out of this game.

Oh you are just a zoomer

You are old, boomer.

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>3 kill decent
you suck and stop camping inside houses retard, go chase the gunshots and kill people

I've never played this game but I hate it because these guys I don't like never shut up about it. They aren't even the gamer types. This game sucks.

>I haven't gotten a single kill in the hour or two I have played it so far
That's, like, 10 games. user, give your brain time to understand the game. Take it slow first, then ramp it up when you start getting kills. Eventually a win will come.

literally every criticism i see are one of two things:
>i won't bother learning how this character's abilities can be used strategically so it's shit
>sjw shit

>drop between 3 boxes
>find an alternator and level 1 scope
>enemy next to me finds helmet and peacekeeper
>lol just git good

>get placed together with two other guys with more than a 100 kills each
>die early because i'm still shit at the game
>get to spectate on my squadmates
>the one with over 200 kills struggle to do even the most basic shit like aiming

>place toxic mines
>run away
>find better weapon
>ambush him

It took me 2 nights to wrap my head around the game. Understanding the characters, the movement, which guns do what etc. the amount of people who put down this game that just came out because they aren't incredible at it on their first try is mind blowing.

I'm pretty bad at it but I enjoy playing it with my buddy every now and then.

Depends in the early game. Sometimes in the early game I end up having firefights between three people immediately after dropping.

>tfw you realize that’s the only defense for people who are too dumb to form a coherent opinion

All games are zoomer games now m8, the target market is perpetually ~13-20 y/os. The best you can do is the find the ones that are also fun, like apex.

Kills isn't exactly a great measure of skill as far as this game is. You can get 200 kills by landing in a hot zone every time and getting a gun before others. Also I've noticed randoms like to wait in the back and then come in shooting at the end of a fight and get kills with doing no damage.
Damage dealt is a better indicator of skill

I'm guessing he's the sort of guy that lands in denser areas and farms the fuck out of noobs or people with no weapons

t. brainlet
you don't fucking run at an enemy when you have a disadvantage. the movement options in this game make it pretty easy to slip away until you can grab more loot.

nice hitboxes bro

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lol fuckin retard

>I've never played this game
>This game sucks
Sorry you hate fun, user, maybe you'll find something to fill the void eventually. Your friends sound cool though, wanna ditch them and give them to me?

Apex Legends is far too random and down to chance to be enjoyable for me.

You can end up spending hours being a sweaty tryhard without accomplishing anything at all due to factors outside of your own control
>squadmates are retards who have never used a computer before joining your game
>jumpmasters keep jumping you into hotzones so you get eliminated within seconds of touching down
>squadmates picking 1v3 fights and then disconnect the moment they get knocked down
>crashing to desktop after you somehow managed to make it alone to two squads left
>the weapons and items you find is almost entirely down to luck
>same goes for the hitreg, the netcode has been analyzed and is objectively garbage
>poorly optimized, need some serious horsepower to utilize those high refresh rate monitors

On top of all this there's just not much in terms of FUN in the game.
It's serious business and unless you WIN all you get is frustration, compared to a title like Team Fortress 2, bursting at the seams with humor everywhere you look: ragdoll physics, explosive gibbing, freezecams, character dialogue, taunts, hats. Feels like half an hour of my time is spent infinitely better playing the latter, getting stuff done almost immediately after joining a server, and having fun the whole way through.

Exactly! So many shitters in this thread dropping the game just because of 1 bad drop and they don't understand that teammates can revive you.
I've had multiple situations where I win a game, most kills, all the damage. I'm feeling good but I'll be in the first squad wiped in the next game. It's the darndest thing, but I love it.

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t.somebody who doesn't do what he preaches

>Across the battlefield, I watch the barbarians claw eachother apart with shot and shell, completely unaware that 400 meters away, a brilliant tactician is planning their final demise.
>The ring warms my hindquarters, the warm and deep buzz keeping me awake and alert as I think several brilliant moves ahead in this game of chess called war.
>I've scoured the forgotten edges of this region and collected only the highest tier and most superior of equipment while the imbeciles scrambled to grab what arms they could and kill one another like the rabid animals they are.
>Soon though, the 25 minutes of alt tabbing to Yea Forums will pay off as I swoop down like the majestic bird of prey I am and feast on the last standing survivor of this fool's war

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battle pass soon

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No I'd wager the majority of people who play BR's are boomers. People who hate it do so because it embodies all the casual cancer that makes FPS games utter shit. It's a walking simulator for skilless cucks.

But that's fortnite though
Only buildlets hate it because they get shat on by 9 year olds



Oh okay, well fuck this game then

Then why is the game populated almost entirely by shitters?

I played shooters for 25+ years where taking cover is how you played and you expect me to learn how to build, and not just build, but build fast. Fortnite is the most autistic game I've ever played, and I am being sincere when saying this.

Because it's free, it's the hot game right now, kids who never played shooters before fortnite, trying to play this game exactly like fortnite.

>Mashing the build button until you're safe then making a 300 foot tower to flank or snipe off of it is skill

In other words OP is wrong

>being a zoomer and imagining your opinion of anything holds water

Literally play ace of spades if you want to do that instead of having all these pre built ramps and shit. It feels like fallout 4 style building which is terrible to begin with

>don't drop right on top of other enemies
>if one pursues, pull them away from the rest of their team and into the rest of your squad
>if full squad pursues, either flee entirely or have one or two squad members continue looking for guns and flank

That you do not even acknowledge and preemptively argue these alternate strategies only further drives home the point that people who complain about this are retarded

It's a game meant to be played with friends. And before you go
>every game is fun with friends
this is game is far more designed around cooperative play than TF2. Even just as far as one death putting you out of the game unless a squad mate helps you.

>join with randoms
>one immediately lands and just starts running to the other side of the map
>where are you guys you fucking suck
Also, landing on the supply ship is the dumbest thing people do in this game. The loot on the supply ship isn't any better than landing anywhere else, and it spreads the whole team out because people bail immediately if they don't get a gun

it would be an alright game if it wasn't a hero shooter
hugely varying hitboxes and gay retarded abilities are stupid


the hero/legend meme is out of control

I would say any strategy can be pulled off well if its coordinated. The only real difference would be that if you're playing with silent randos and you land on supply ship, you're more likely to be punished for not being coordinated than you would landing elsewhere

Eh, it would be more boring if that were the case. Characters like Caustic and Tito make things more interesting when played well than it would be if everyone played the same. In a similar sense, it's fun to make a Wraith portal when a team knows where you are and purposefully stand on the other side with your whole squad waiting for them to follow.

Balance isn't always necessarily better. You might be able to get more consistent results but you'll also burn out faster when less variety is offered.

>Played three rounds
>Won three rounds
Game sucks.

Maybe if the legends were interesting. Pathfinder is interesting, his abilities are fun and engaging. What's not interesting is all these boring characters with shit like "uh I can heal" or "uh I make a shield" or "uh I drop explosions in this area."

Two points, first, why does it matter if you find some heroes boring? At least as far as wanting to remove them entirely. Sure it would be better if they were all good but for the purposes of arguing whether heroes should exist at all, I don't see why
being bad is a reason to remove it
>"uh I can heal" or "uh I make a shield" or "uh I drop explosions in this area."
I feel like it's a matter of how you use the abilities and how you rationalize them. I could label Pathfinder
>uh I can zipline forward
but you clearly found uses for that power that makes it interesting
same for what I posted in when I said
>it's fun to make a Wraith portal when a team knows where you are and purposefully stand on the other side with your whole squad waiting for them to follow.
I've seen people do dumb shit with Caustic like blocking doors and being able to climb up certain spots. and Tito synch with Wraith or Caustic to force people into enclosed firing spots. You can rationalize any hero to be
>uh I do X
but it's based on creativity.

Those are interesting by virtue of their exclusivity. Hell, the heal drone alone has some interesting tech to go along with it.