Bros, they're just farming those clicks, aren't they?
It's current year, no fun is allowed, didn't you know?
Bros, they're just farming those clicks, aren't they?
Also, a shame that THQ basically threw 2*Yea Forums under the bus.
no respectable business does what they did kek, im not even bringing politics into this its just flat out retarded
Fuck off faggot, your whats wrong with society.
what are they talking about?
Where is the cp board?
Here you go faggot:
I miss Nuclear Throne bros.
Over on Reddit.
I can't make links to tranny resetera??
Marketing for the darksiders 3 dlc
No cp, only lolis/shotas, the twitter faggot is dumb.
>supporting the site
what the fuck
That's what I thought. So is anyone who does an ama on reddit a pedophile supporter?
>*chan is a den of pedophiles and hackers on steroids!
The more things change the more they stay the same
Based as fuck desu.
It's so weird when Reddit has had a bunch of CP-lite boards in the past and no one cares. I think 4+Yea Forums removed those boards too.
>I didn't think I could get more dissapointed with games industry.
Good, maybe you'll fuck off from it then. But no, you won't. We'll be stuck here listening to your incessant whining until someone snaps and strangles you or you die of AIDS.
listen all i care about is this:
does 2x4chan have a bestiality board again yet?
What a stupid move from THQ.
Hey guys, want to see something worse than CP, go visit r watchpeopledie.
wow twitter is full of fucking faggots, huh?
It really is. Thankfully it's a dying platform.
>tfw nobody goes on a murdering spree and targets blue checkmarks
It isn't fair. All these killing sprees in America but nobody is killing off these degenerates. Why?
I am so fucking sick of 2*Yea Forums being thrown under the bus, when reddit has so much worse sub communities. Fucking watchpeopledie is still up to this fucking day.
Tbh this situation is fucking funny. What kind of a retard thinks it’s a good idea to host an AMA on a website that’s been blocked by google.
Nobody cares about the alleged pedophilia, it's about who got who's corporate dick sucked. Anericans should be banned from the internet.
Doing an ama on 8 channel in of itself wasn't a mistake but then
>Broadcasting about it on twitter
>Backpedaling and apologized straight away
Pretty stupid.
>we are going to enter another golden age of isolated forums
>Nobody cares about the alleged pedophilia
An accusation is enough to end your career senpai
look what happened to the elmo guy
Is an actual comment.
These cucks are fucking crazy.
An absolute nerd with no social skills at all just like us, best is he'll get away with it thanks to the pretext of brand recognition through complete spread, it's basically the Guillette bullshit but upside down (and using 0.1% of the marketing budget)
Time to post CP on resetera etc. to make them all pedophiles for all eternity.
Don't they realize they should only host AMAs on Google approved websites like reddit and Facebook?
cp isnt even the worst of it. i heard there are smug frog images too
I thought we were the toilet. Has 8ch surpassed us? The headline is from PC Gamer.
Reddit literally has subreddits dedicated to lolis and shota
they could have hosted it on reddit, where nobody would have known, or they could have done what they did, and now everyone knows.
Why do SJWs use twitter when ISIS used to use ti to recruit members? Do they also support terrorism?
wtf i love reddit now!
If you tell these faggots to go fuck themselves they got nothin on you. Just fucking tell them to eat a dick.
nobody cares, these twitter faggots and bloggers are trying to manufacture some controversy out of it for "points"
>Isn't this such a terrible thing! imagine what the developers working with them must think as I amplify the non-story and harvest clicks and retweets.
i hope so, Yea Forums needs less traffic
Child pornography? Are they publishing Japanese games now?
These people never learn their lesson. If you're going to do something "controversial" you never fucking apologize for it after. It's like chumming the water for these cock suckers.
jesus christ imagine being this much of a faggot
We're an ocean of piss.
To be fair even fucking v, the cesspool that it is would've been a far smarter option. Whoever planned that one is a dumbass because we know people who are degenerate enough use *chan don't spend money
Yet he still comes from a country where CP is running rampant
Huh when I looked it up earlier the only thing that popped up was a Wikipedia article for it
checkmarks just need a drama and giving them an opportunity is fucking stupid
being on twitter is fucking stupid to begin with, but whatever. that's how the world works i guess
This "controversy" is so fake, fucking resetera was created because of this and now they're accusing others of the same shit
Wasn't this mudslime literally a regular Yea Forums poster years ago?
Place your bets on how long till he gets caught trying to solicit a 12 year old and found with gigabytes worth of CP on his computer.
A lot of them probably unironically support ISIS.
why do they all look they're about to OD on soi?
how is this stereotype so strong
if you just google "8 chan" the actually site doesn't come up
they don't give a shit about actual creeps, it's about gamergate and the "le ama on pedophile website" headlines are just for clicks
I thought I was above this outrage thing but fucking god I hate twitter users
That nigger has been going at THQ for the last 10 hours jesus faggot needs to take a break from tweeting
In the court of Twitter, if you do not push the woke SJW agenda, they will cry to ruin your career by feeling offended about nearly anything, then write 10 articles on their website about how you are "alt right" with no proof as some sort of way to shame you or remove your credibility.
>and apologized straight away
Why do people do this? Do they actually think doing this will just turn the people 180 back on their side?
Is not the same as "site is blocked from google", faggot.
Tons of famous developers made amas or post on 8ch. Also, 8ch has a zero tolerance policy when it comes to CP.
Why does nobody ever mention Sevenchan?
controversy is bad for investors
Being on Twitter is fine.
Being on Twitter with your real name attached to your profile and a cute checkmark to denote how much of a good goy you are isn't.
Twitter is for porn, art and stupid conversations about current trends in a quick and easily forgettable manner. It's as much of a dumpster for stupid ideas and nothing of value as this shithole is. The issue arises when the platform holders themselves try to make their platform into something it was never designed to be, merely because marketing it that way is far easier and they're desperate to see a profit.
The people who yell the loudest are usually the ones with something to hide.
to be fair a lot of Yea Forums is monitoring Resetera since yesterday and reading all the seething there
Works both ways. If some muslim dev hosted an AMA on an ISIS site, people would freak. You niggers don't fool me.
never said it was
It's no surprise, being able to take the moral high ground is like crack to these whack job.
/zoo/ last I checked (many years ago)
>hosted an AMA on an ISIS site
You mean like Twitter, Facebook and Playstation Network?
Good. We can only hope this causes them to fuck off from the vidya industry.
how are these people even found out to be arrested for this shit?
>the eternal blue checkmark is behind it once again
Fucking normies, fucking Twitter!
so twitter is a fucking Yea Forums but with no boards lol
yes, went there yesterday for various reasons
internet is serious business you guys
"How dare PR man speak with people on a site infamous for haboring pedophiles" says the game dev on a social media platform infamous for being a prowling ground for pedophiles.
>No cp, only lolis/shotas
Whatever you say. We both know I'm right.
Daily reminder that the left has more pedophiles and rapists than all the imageboards on the entire internet. If you see someone self-identifying as a male feminist, he either raped someone or is a pedophile.
the problem with this social media shit is people actually take it seriously and that gives these self important retards influence
oh no
not the UN
>cucknited nations
Top kek
>How do we get in on this manufactured controversy trend?
>uuuh, do an ama on some seedy website
>what like Yea Forums?
>Yeah but that's done to death, what's that other one?
>Yes! excellent work mark!
Stop, being, free marketing, for corporations.
The whole games industry needs to crash soon, the fact that there are companies willing to align themselves with right wing ideals and beliefs means there's really no more saving gaming and everything's turning to shit.
You're full of shit
Is everyone who uses PSN a terrorist now? No.
reminder that these bunch of hypocrites defended an actual pedophile, that dude included.
I don't understand how people can spend so much time on Twitter, it's basically a whole new facebook frenzy for most of them
Top Kek, talk about a snowflake. Why is everyone with a blue check mark so easily offended?
>69 award
>trap loli shotas
>with extra inches
>my face
How can people take this for real is beyond my understanding. Not to mention every site is currently filled with only alt-right wing pedo rapists or something, according to these people. It's sad how many do believe in such nonsense.
>child pornography
You really need to get your life and values sorted.
what a retarded analogy, negro
the isis site would be exclusively compoused by islamic terrorists, 2*Yea Forums isn't a pedophiles site
>increased company responsibility about social issues
>decreased sales in the process
>An absolute nerd with no social skills at all just like us
This. I know how stupid this is but I can't be mad at them. Shit like that happens too often to me too, it's why I would never do any job with responsibilities. Also, I didn't even know "8 chan" results were blocked by google so there is that too.
what's a normie like you doing here in the first place?
You retard they didn't do anything related to child pornography at all.
Let them be. It's actually cute to see how egocentric retards from the entire fucking political spectrum are so willing to believe they're doing the right thing and making change happen in the world by getting easily manipulated by corporations into giving them free advertising.
It's also so fucking easy and cheap to manufacture I'm amazed we've only begun to see it these past 5 or so years.
Twitter is like the number one capital for pedo shit though like a million times worse than any chan and even if shit gets reported it stays up unlike on any chan
It's the "I want to speak to the manager" soccer moms of out generation
what I dont understand is how someone can born as a biological male an user twitter
The perception of people outside of Yea Forums and that general sphere of the internet is that it's CP. And perception matters more than reality when it comes to shit like this you idiot.
But again, you, by talking about this at all, me included, are DOING IT FOR FREE. For a faceless corporation that is manufacturing controversy that only 10 people will remember in a year so that idiots will talk about it.
only because they're lefty pedos
I will use the usual defense of garbage used here on Yea Forums:
>it's fun with friends
For fuck’s sake, do I have to buy darksiders to save thq now?
They shouldn't have apologized, you either cater to the sjws or the literal autists, there's no in between. Now 8ch hates THQ and 4ch hates THQ and twitter hates thq and reddit and restera, everyone fucking hates thq for completely different reasons, this is such a massive fuck up on thq's side
Why can't these people just talk normally for once in their lives
SJW's literally live on Twitter, hunting for things to feel triggered and harassed by, so they can ruin people's lives and careers. It's crazy really. It's like Twitter is causing the downfall of humanity, which is weird to say.
But that's where all the SJWs are, user, think about the SJWs
why do child rapists get mad over drawings?
Lots of triggered closet pedos on Resetera.
I wonder what Amirox would have said about the issue back in the day
Why the fuck would anyone give a shit about what soiera think? They are a small vocal minority. They spend all their day doing yoga or whatever the fuck californians do and screeching on Twitter about muh video games being ruined by Nazis. They might play something like Overwatch from time to time, but I would say that the most video game consumers are NEETs from redneck states, third worlders and perhaps Europeans.
>2*Yea Forums isn't a pedophiles site
>he doesn't know
They didn't even verify who it was.
Are these people so bored they will believe anything as long as it allows them to shame someone else?
Is there any answer to why having an AMA means supporting a site?
>I would say that the most video game consumers are NEETs from redneck states
How delusional do you have to be to even think this?
SJW's bringing more people to 8can. Honestly, I've been using Yea Forums for a decade and never went on 8cchn til yesterday.
Ha, exactly the type of response you'd see on traditional forums back in the day whenever Yea Forums or Yea Forums got mentioned. Almost makes me nostalgic.
Ah yes how did I not see this before. It's the conservatives that are the pedos, not the democrats and progressives who are all for freedom of sexuality. What a revelation!
the founder was a pedo? that doesn't make the site and everyone posting there pedophiles, faggot
Do you have a study you can provide to back up this claim that most right wing people are into Cheese Pizza?
Because that sorta sounds like the kind of steriotypes you see on Twitter desu.
why is it always a jew
you cant tell me its not genetic behaviour
I miss worms armageddon threads on 8, stopped going there when they stopped playing it 2 years ago.
no there isn't. They are just mad that the guy said that THQ is trying to not bend to the social justice warriors. That's all there is. Dumb shit about pedophiles (despite actual pedos being banned on 8ch, otherwise they would get locked down by FBI) are just headlines for clicks.
Got me thinking about how they used to call Yea Forums the asshole of the internet.
Just like how everyone here spams niggerspeak near constantly yet apparently hate niggers?
I visited it out of curiosity during the gamergate era. It was pretty fucking dead and I thought it'd be completely dead now but apparently it isn't so.
Cool thread about a tweet about a deleted tweet, bro.
I fucking hate twitter so much. And I hate how many artists have moved to that shitsite instead of staying on whatever fanart website there were ealier.
hes an arab
the fuck you talking about little bitch ass punk
>child abuse
>literally black listed for child porn
Really it's to make sure that developers understand they can NEVER EVER move outside of the approved channels or the gaming media will do anything they can to kill them.
None of these people care about kids in any way shape or form.
>moves the goalpost
>call me an idiot
Then what group is it then? I'm not talking about popular shit like Fortnite, which is played mostly by teenagers and kids, I'm talking about singeplayer games and perhaps some multiplayer.
If this is real then based Elon. I chuckled.
Reesetera and Neogaf are havens for pedophiles and rapists.
What matters more, what the people who hear it think. Or what is actually there? Because you posted Mussolini I must assume you've read Sorel's work where he spells this concept out very clearly.
>he really doesn't know
>Yea Forums is less controversial than 2*2*2chan
Pretty weird
Tomato tomato
Yes, Trump is a pedo and the only reason he's not arrested is because Russia is refusing to give the evidence to the FBI, right?
the reaction would be about the same from SJW twitter if they had chosen Yea Forums for an AMA.
It's the metropolises. The people you insist don't play games are the biggest market for games. The fact you can't accept that is why you constantly get thrown for a ride by the direction games take.
they hate each other
I thought about this the other day. It already starts with "based".
Hosting an AMA on 2x4chan of all places is pretty stupid to begin with, seriously. Why not leddit as everyone else?
I honestly believe the world would be a better place without Twitter's existence.
they're the same
It was blacklisted from Google for a week weeks, years ago, because a bunch of screeching pink-hairs accusing it and petition Google because they were upset that they were hosting a GG subforum.
The blacklist was lifted once Brennan made it clear that CP was always banned and the mods IP log and ban everyone that posts it
They also used to have a jailbait forum that got banned two years ago. You know, like the one Reddit had?
Was the last time a dev posted here before or after gamergate?
The reason the MUH CP thing enrages me is the unbelievable level of dishonesty. The reason they are mad is not some pedophile conspiracy. They are mad only because the site doesn't ban rayciss drumpf supporters. They know that. Everyone reading their posts know that. I doubt these über-leftists even feel strongly about pedophilia. Yet they just blatantly lie.
>No cp, only lolis/shotas
Imagine being this delusional
Yea Forums lost all respect after 2014, now everyone knows about it and everyone laughs at it. This is just the normie version of 2*Yea Forums
then it would just be fagbook
I hate sjws and all but imagine defending child porn
notch posted here around 2016 I think
We just had a billion triggered idiots in Germany now because one guy made a joke about the name of one of our politicians after half of the world made that same joke too because the name just sounds pants on head retarded. BUT it just happens to be the name of a damn woman so of course it's misogyny and everyone fawns over some old bitch that got triggered for coincidentally having a similar name and walking up to him to shit on him live on tv. That same bitch never had a problem with all the other jokes about other groups that guy and others made (not that I condemn any jokes, but IF you want to be the moralfag than you have to bring it up when it's not about you too) and yet she's the big Twitter star now and you have the be afraid getting reported and banned if you shitpost against that old bitch.
the absolute state of PC gaymers, what a bunch of snowflake fags
Yeah I know, imagine actually thinking loli/shota is cp
The Apex legends leak from last year
They are the loudest ones, because that's where the events are held, but they definitely aren't the target market. I would say the rest of the world combined sells more than some blue metropolises in USA
no one is doing that.
The worst part is, people with blue check marks on Twitter are more protected then regular accounts, so they rarely get banned.
I saw an actor call for people to literally be hung, and he didn't even get a warning after hundreds of reports.
beep bepp to you, too, dear program
Because this website is a Reddit colony now.
Wait until he sees 16chan
how fucking new are you
>twitter host more lolicon porn than even pixiv, and it's uncensored
>nononononono we don't count!
imagine being this mentally ill