Videogame has realistic shotgun for once

>videogame has realistic shotgun for once
>people bitch about it 24/7

This is why you can't have nice things

Attached: apex-legends-peacekeeper-animation-cancel-technique.jpg (1600x900, 110K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Apex is shit your shit that shotgun is shit battle royal is shit fuck modern gaming to hell!

"realistic" people shake off headshots with any bullet even with no helmet yikes

realism is the shittiest thing to ask for n a video game when it comes to gameplay

I don't think your heart can take it at this rate, grand grampa

Only get 10dmg from 6 metres away, so no

Good :)
Bad! :(

RS2 would like a word with you.

Attached: bdCKmdvQmyfFVp2gWQKbDK-320-80.jpg (320x180, 12K)


Zoom zoom!
You're god dam right zoomie!

NO U :/

Attached: 1551217211887.png (434x327, 55K)

Attached: Crying zoomer.jpg (327x434, 33K)

>drops next to enemy and get a P2020 vs his peacekeeper
>gets third partied
BR's are literally for casuals to win with good rng


Come to TF|2 my friend, experience the FAST rushing through your veins!

>it's overpowered!
>it's inconsistant!
tired of hearing both

>dead game would like to have a word with you
no thanks lol

Funny thing is that it’s true for both sides

The game itself is not realistic, but shotgun mechanics and their relation to the game's rifles is more realistic than most "realistic" shooters.

Attached: nu7cryi6wkvy.png (559x490, 12K)

>land 3 headshots in a row from less than 5m distance
>he survives it and bursts me down with his smg, just because he was lucky and found better armor
shit-tier gamedesign right there

>"old"-timers are now shilling TF2 as the "lightning fast old game that requires extreme skill only based boomers like me play"

both statements are true tho

>Buckshot effective against armor

Attached: 1v4ik1xkjaf21.jpg (1200x675, 128K)

fucking this purple loot belongs in mmos not battle royals

In what fucking universe is that gun realistic? If you’ve used a shotgun even once you can see why that one looks like it was designed by someone who isn’t even allowed to own guns in their country.

>>Zoomer trash are now shilling Apex as the "Garbage nigger new game that requires extreme skill only based zoomers like me play"


Who are you quoting?

Or I could just keep playing Quake Champions

Both are good, yes

It's laser buckshot so it just works

You first. Lurk moar, faggot.


>At least 3 full servers most of the day


haha call them a zoomer again, that will show them!

Awwww did the wittle boomer bugman bwow a fuse? Bahahaha. Get the fuck out.

Make me cunt!

>3 full servers
>not dead


It's more about that every other gun is shit compared to Peacekeeper/Wingman because the majority of engagements happen at close ranges.

>I don't judge a game by how I'll feel playing it but by how popular it is

Apex is shit

I wasn't talking about Shitex

Now my boner is gone.

The quality posting of Yea Forums everyone

No you wont

>videogame has good hitboxes for once
>people bitch about it 24/7

Deal with it this is Yea Forums not 4channel nigger!

If you think that's bad.

/k/ can't get their head around that a railgun is a gun.

The problem with that is, in a game where rifles do not perform near realistic potential IRL. Shotguns having realistic mechanics on-par with rifles, makes an imbalanced and arguable un-realistic situation.

Why don't game developers just make weapons work like their real life equivalents, and use realistic armor physics and hitboxes appropriately to balance?

Sure it might not be "fun" to a screechy teenager, but casuals have ruined FPS games so they all play 100% the same these days. Give us some variety with realistic weapons, armor, and damage. I want Soldier of Fortune 2 levels of model damage.

Shitters hate it when shotguns are good because they are too dumb to use one and cant play agaisnt them

>/k/ can't get their head around that a railgun is a gun.
...what? BS, /k/ loves railguns.

There is no such argument about that in the thread you linked. The only disagreement is that a gunsmith does not have the skillset to make a railgun. Different manufacturing principles to the core. Railguns are more for electrical engineers and mechanical engineers. Gunsmiths can turn barrels, machine actions, and carve stocks, but they don't do anything involving integrated electronics.

what are the complaints?

Uninstalled this game after a few sessions. Very mediocre game. Game probably has less players than pubg by now

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nice crosslink faggot

yup honeymoon phase gone and respawn not giving any season pass news