

Attached: qfz1nf3yivo11.jpg (750x670, 63K)

Other urls found in this thread:


im 18

im 18 to

>Pass user since 2019

Attached: 1474176256015.png (1284x980, 1.1M)

I'm 28

>buying passu at all

Attached: goncerned.png (218x218, 60K)

I'm 38

20$ isnt much
highly doubt


Attached: 25784368.jpg (680x464, 25K)

>pass user

Attached: 1538744757476.jpg (604x604, 80K)

me too

>grow up means have a kid
Boomer dad was a retard


Attached: 1551053376692.png (1050x1152, 862K)

dumb poor niggers jealous I can afford a 20$ 4channel pass

why would you support this site


>20$ isnt much
it is for something you can already do for free if you know how to be patient for 5 seconds.

i wanna save 2.3 seconds of my life #ylyl

Gookmoot occasionally range bans my entire country.

>pass user

Attached: buymusic.jpg (747x739, 160K)

>goes back to watching TV

Attached: come to trash.gif (140x141, 7K)

Why is Monster Zero portrayed as the ultimate drink for 30 year olds?


STOP playing video games
TIDY your room
GET a job

>$20 isn't much
It certainly isn't, but fuck the new options to buy a pass with. Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum and Litecoin? lol No fucking sale.

you get a job its your society not mine stop sending me your bills too

i read that as tiddy your mom

Attached: file.png (320x213, 85K)

>stop playing most games
>only playing dwarf fortress and fighting games till the end of time
this is the good life

Only an actual child would make or post this

Real shitposting hours!

based 18 y/o


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I'm 30
Having 2 children forced me to pretty much give up video games

I go to Yea Forums just so I can berate them out of jealousy

I grew up around several men that look like this, but they drank beer not Monster

I'll be 37 in a couple months

I.e why I will never have kids, and if my GF forces it, It’ll be an adopted 10 year old

>Raising a kid because you are forced to
How about no, for both you and the kid's sake

BASED and youtubepilled

I convinced mine to get a puppy instead