>Woolie unironically going full KANGZ and praising Black Panther as worthy of the best picture Oscar
Woolie unironically going full KANGZ and praising Black Panther as worthy of the best picture Oscar
Other urls found in this thread:
>caring about ecelebs
>caring about academy awards
And this surprises you how? Ever since he became a passably big name on the internet, Woolie has been pussyfooting around taking hard stances on anything unless it's unequivocally beloved by the greater public. He's fake, his interests are fake, and the little genuine excitement he displays is towards weird fringe gaming fads. He can't even admit Bioware is a bad company.
And you don't find this fucking hilarious/pathetic?
Honestly, I find it hilarious/pathetic that they're even still doing the podcast. The magic is gone, it's just a midget and a barely-literate FGCer blabbering about their weeks while fawning over better commentators feeding them news.
Dafucks a black panther?
Woolie has literally always been a black nationalist Kangz conspiracy theorist. Why are you acting like this is new he has been saying this shit on the podcast for years.
>the virgin friends
>the chad allies
Why is Woolie trying so hard to be black nowadays? Did he get called an Uncle Tom one too many times and finally snapped?
Tell me more about these allies.
Latest podcast
>Why is Woolie trying so hard to be black nowadays?
He lost his identity when the Friends went away, he has to find it again.
Most recent podcast
Any progress on patching things up?
hi matt
Aint listening to a fucking 4 hour shit fest. Give timestamps.
Why the fuck would you want eitehr Mat or Liam back? They have been poisoning the show for years.
>Matt and Liam leave
>the only two good members turn to shit
Okay. Catherine looks fun, Kanji isn't gay, Naoto isn't trans, and Black Panter was average at best
>The magic is gone
Did you mean "the magic is back"?
CSB does great job of showing just how much of a fucking buzzkill Netflix Wife Guy and Mr Suicidal Devi's Advocate were.
Dude I don't fucking know. I didn't listen to it and think "gee user may want to hear this later today"
Then fuck off you sloppy cunt.
Fuck off shit head. I love you
>Pat's streams suck
>Woolie's streams suck
>Woolie's content suck
>the podcast is terribly bland, and they constantly expose their shitty opinions
>parrot social media garbage and misinformation
What a turnout.
Oh, so nothing different than usual.
so business as usual
Pat and Woolie need to go back to LPing together. They bounce off each other well.
>surprise when woolie "race war" madden enjoys something for his race
I just remember they tried playing up their "quirks" for laughs, but they've been rather genuine these few podcasts. And it's worrying how wrong they consistently are considering their following and platform.
I would watch woolie if he didn't invite screeching autists or mumbling dimwits.
Pat did say they’d be doing DMC V as an LP not a stream.
Specifically, they need to go back to LPing together in a way that doesn't involve a teeming mass of screaming morons as the unofficial third idiot on the couch.
I think woolie's quality relies on the other person he's streaming/playing games with. Compare Jet Set or Katamari with reggie giving bits of trivia here and there to whoever the fuck it is with ZoE2 who didn't know anything about the mecha genre
>Mr suicidal
Oh I fucking wish. Bitch ain’t got the balls for that.
Haven"t listened to the new podcast yet. If Woolie's WE shit is as insufferable as the tranny shit from last podcast, I might just drop it.
Wow faggot ecelebs. Can you tell me more about their lives? Who are they dating, where did they go for dinner last night? Who did they take to their high school dance?
When are you e-celeb dicksucking redditors going to leave?
He's black, he can't help it. It's like being white and liking Pulp Fiction or American History X.
It’s not even remotely as bad.
Give me a quick rundown on their Catherine discussion last week. I skipped that part since I heard they went full retard and I'm trying to keep a semblance of enjoying these guys.
They need to get drunk together again and talk about the race war more.
They believed the premature, manufactured controversy, and were almost advocating for censorship.
You mean Woolie believed it, Pat kept saying that its premature to freak out before everything is actually known.
>Honestly, I find it hilarious/pathetic that they're even still doing the podcast. The magic is gone, it's just a midget and a barely-literate FGCer blabbering about their weeks while fawning over better commentators feeding them news.
THIS. show is over
>video games
The only thing I watch now is the podcast. Woolie's streams are unbearably boring and Pat's aren't much different apart from Paige being an obnoxious meme spouter. Pat made Woolie watchable and without the duo I just don't care about either of them anymore. Hopefully we'll get more LPs with them together other than DMC5.
I'm white and I hate pulp fiction.
Tarantino is a hack.
Pat needs Paige to play off, when she's not there his streams are boring
>that fucking 40 minute long rant about how the new Catherine POSSIBLY implying that a trans persons life would POSSIBLY be better if they hadn't transition is basically a second holocaust on the 2nd to last podcast
They always mention their trans "friends" all the time but these "friends" sound more like people holding them hostage threatening to shoot them at any moment if they say anything remotely not-pro-trans at any time.
It's also crazy to realize every time they mention a story "So I was talking to a friend, and she" they actually mean a tranny.
they're canadian. If they don't use proper pronouns they can literally get arrested.
>Woolie's content suck
It's hit or miss. His Katamari playthrough was a lot of fun.
Woolie's doing an RE2 playthrough on his channel with Pat at his side. It's pretty good so far.
That's just how trans people operate in general, dude.
Hey guys when did Pat last take a shit? I need to know. Also I would like someone to chronicle his sleeping times for at least a month so I can make analysis of it
Why aren't these these threads deleted on sight?
Or they're adults so using a "preferred pronoun" doesn't make them sperg out. It's what you do in the real world.
>Pat talking about the DMC LP on stream
>By the time we do our second recording session say on episode 5, we'll probably have beaten the game twice by then
>we won't get the magic of seeing them react to all moments
it's gonna fail
Woolie doesn't have to try. He was raised in Haiti or Jamica or the Dominican Republic or one of the shitholes belonging to the UK/French. Anyways he's already black by default.
both he and woolie autistically going every frame and gasping as if its a revelation probably doesn't help
adults know there is only he or she
>real world
canada is a chink, muslim, pajeet colony.
Feelings are laws in canada. They don't have free speech. It's not an issue with the individual anymore, if someone says a wrong pronoun they can be sued.
No they can't
You bought into Jordan Peterson's tetarded bullshit
We're reaching levels of mad I hadn't even thought possible.
imagine watching someone play videogames and getting mad that they're not playing them right
he deserves to be this mad for watching retards play video games.
>Adults know their is only he or she
Guess so. You still say what someone asks of you because it's the decent thing to do.
>Canada is a chink, muslim, pajeet colony
I don't know much about Canada, but if oyu use words like that unironically, you're prooving that you've never been outside. Got it.
I don't want to be. But I don't care if someone else does. It's their business and calling them a "she" instead of a "he" does nothing to ruin my day because I'm not an autist.
>make a super best friends thread
>and look who shows up
this uniornically
No because I don't give a shit about the opinions of literal nobodies because I'm not a menopausal housewife.
>Take a screencap of a crazy person who happens to be the thing I don't like
That shit is embarrassing.
Now shush, we're having a discussion here
Any big cat with black fur.
Most commonly used for leopards, but other big cats can also be labelled as such.
I wonder what goes through people's minds when they see a thread they don't like then post in that thread
Woolie casually mentions Matt and Liam on the podcast, Pat mentioned Liam once
I don't even care if they never come on the new format I just want Matt and Pat to be friends again.
your reaction confirms your identity to me.
Not only is this pathetic because of obvious reasons, it's doubly sad that one of the reasons he's mad is that Pat doesn't know this guy's Resident Evil headcanon. That first sentence is just made up.
A grim-dark edgy reboot of the Pink Panther
>Matt has brains.
literally never because of matts obnoxious wife
The decent thing to do is wake them up from their delusion before they wind up killing themselves.
If you take your child to a doctor and say "Help my child thinks they're a bird!", the doctor doesn't say "I know just what to do", then take the child to the roof and throw them off to their death because "Well if they said they're a bird, then they ARE a bird and I'd be a bigot to argue otherwise". Trannies need actual treatment not encouragement to dive even deeper into their illness. Not like 90% of people in the world who currently call themselves trans actually even are trans. Most are just doing it for attention, pity, or to fit in.
Fuck off cunt and take your housewife gossip about Youtube ecelebs that isn't even related to what the ecelebs do to /trash/. You are the cancer destroying this board.
Same thing I wonder when someone posts about people's personal lives on a fucking VIDEO GAMES forum like some retarded teenage girl.
The Jet Set Radio one is informative as fuck while also being chill
I really like it so far
>Before they wind up killing themselves
It's funny. The suicide rate of transgenders goes down among individuals who are given proper support and treatment. But you'll omit that because of the statistic you've been meme'd to believe.
In either case, I don't think the world of modern medicine is ready for full transitions, but it might be some day. I don't think giving a fuck about that does anything. That retarded comparison you've given that does nothing but portray this issue in a light that makes it seem more ridiculous than it really is is just lazy and narrowsighted.
>magic is back
>low energy tranny talk
>my life's goal was I got in a twitter war with cliffyb
>thread and discussion continues while you seethe
Lets laugh at these retards for not being able to navigate the FFX battle menu and for having to reread and reconsider every option in every sub menu before deciding to hit attack
Never forgetti.
We're joking about his raceless Canadian hipsterdom, remember Xavier Woods thought he was whitw
But there was like, 5 black films nominated for best pic this year.
Black Panther was the worst of the bunch.
I like his Simpsons references
>mfw I don't have to dance around like a monkey for mentally ill spergs
He's right about Willie, imagine hearing Finnish and taking it as interestinf trivia that its 'gibberish'. Imagine how embarrassed you'd be if you boasted about that on a podcast attached to your name, then someone corrected you in person over it.
Like seriously that really is a retarded thing of Woolie to say
They run a video games podcast. If you don't think that's a topic related to video games then you're retarded.
>caring about niggers
>podcast about pop-culture wanted big pop-culture movie to win best picture
Who'dve thunk it
Relax fag
Black Panther wasn't even he best super hero movie from that year.
Why do people pretend to actually love it when it's so obvious they just worship anything with black people in it to be progressive?
not worshiping that bbc come on Yea Forums get with the times
Well being that modern SRS is an experimental and underdeveloped hack job, I can discourage the surgery for now. Most transgenders dont get SRS because its pretty much not a real surgery
>OP post opens with one of their opinions about a fucking movie
>rest of the thread is talking about their girlfriends
>this is video game discussion
Get friends you fucking mong so you won't have to desperately cling to these nobodies.
Most of it is shit talking people we heard on a radio show. Dont worry about it
Was it regarding that whole "the good ending involved the trans character actually accepting his gender" controversy? I've honestly not even followed that story much either because this type of shit is getting tiresome to me desu
and yet you're the one desperately clinging to this thread for no discernible reason
Fuck off tripfag
What kind of fucked creature puts Mayo on their hot dog?
What kind of moron slams relish for being salty? It's supposed to be sweet
>almost advocating for censorship
They've always advocated for censorship. For all their praising of Japan and mockery of the west, they still bow down and get outraged like good little goyim over anything that would offend SJWs and say it should be censored.
Why do people throw around terms like 'desperate losers' when literally nobody here is effected by that? You say that shit like it's supposed to be some big hail mary BTFO moment, but everybody here knows they are wasting their time for fun, so it never has any effect or impact.
Cannot believe someone wrote that. Wow.
>Black Panther
>tfw zero interest in such a bland character/hero and didn't bother even watching the movie
So where the New Woolie and Pat Super Real Friends youtube gameplay chanel?
>no u
Quality rebuttal
I think it’s actually smart of them to cow tail to sjw types- Yea Forums nowadays won’t come after you for bad opinions, but places like ERA will literally find your home address if you go against what they prefer
Is it too much to ask to want people to actually talk about video games on the video games board?
>That whole long rant Pat went on about his twitter scuffle with Cliffy
That shit was pretty awkward to listen to. Not even Woolie wanted any part of it.
He also praised RDJr for doing black face on Tropic Thunder wich iis a big no-no amongst blacks. So, yeah, woolie is a dude with a spectrum personality, not the dumb down nigger OP wants him to be.
Yeah, physical changes that drastic just aren't viable in the current day. Reversible hormone treatments, social changes such as names/pronouns and clothing usually works for most of my friends. A lot of these trenders just dive in, grow their hair out without caring what women actually look like, wrap a dress around their waist without caring what women actually look like, and cut their dick off almost instantly, no hormones or anything. These are the people that shape the public view of trasngenders and it kinda sucks since I've met plenty of decent trannies and none of the people the internet likes making fun of. Just shows how this place is a platform for the loudest retards rather than an actual window into how things work.
Do curate an entire board with impotent complaining posts, yeah it kind of is. Go make your video game thread my dude, enough with the autistic sorting
as a gamer
When was this?
in the most recent podcast
if you ever tought that Yea Forums was a "an actual window into how things work" you should an hero asap
>Talking about random bullshit for 3 whole hours
>Didn't even remember that Darkest Dungeon 2 was announced till the last second despite both of them getting back into the first game
>RDJr for doing black face on Tropic Thunder wich iis a big no-no amongst blacks
Black guy here.
No the fuck it wasn't. Shit was hilarious.
>Pat trying incredibly hard not to sound like a smug passive aggressive baby the whole time
Why does he care so much about Twitter drama?
Right, though the two transgenders I know both dont bring nearly as much confusion or stress to the equation as /pol/ or Brianna Wu does. I would go so far to say that Brianna Wu did so much damage to the transecual community by being a paranoid schizophrenic who declared herself a spokesman and a martyr. Definitely lots of psychotic radicals trying to scream their way out of this one.
But really at the end of the day I'd rather everyone be happy and nobody have gender disphoria. Its an uneasy affliction of the mind. That being said there is the significant chunk of fetishists out there, who I cant say I really respect
RDJ's blackface character in Tropic Thunder was created in a very specific way as to not be offensive.
Because he's on it way more than any human should be.
>it's a Woolie starts talking about "black people stuff" episode
Who does he think he's fooling?
Who gives a fuck about your shitty indie game?
It's supossed to be offensive, so offensive, that if you think about it for a second, it goes the other way around and shows how empty and shallow pedowood is. The other black dude in the film finally snaps and calls bullshit on him, exactly what happened IRL, just to get RDJ'd on the face, just what happened in real life where Foxx and others jump on the support wagon.
It's supposed to be the most offensive shit ever.
have you seen the tat on his back ?
"This place" refers to the internet as a whole.
Ewww. He has a name.
These guys were never entertaining unless you’re underage
Yea Forums is about video game culture. This guys are part of it, if you are looking for specific game threads /vg/ is over there. Fanbase is cancer and talks about waifus all day instead of talking about latest patch notes? Bad luck, better try reddit or your local GameStop.
Please stop talking about Tropic Thunder and speculating insane rituals for which blackface is appropriate. The movie was good, the blackface decision was hilarious, but I think the more you write about it the more you seem like a neurotic jew trying to parse acceptably offensive material in a dun comedy
Same thing, the internet isnt really indicative of human behavior, its literally a place we dump installed thoughts on for stress relief
Does Pat ever leave his house? Far be it from me to judge someone else's lifestyle, but Pat seems to drink nothing but redbull, and get Uber Eats all the time. Streaming for as long as he does can't be healthy either.
Says you. I'm enjoying Pat's stupid stuff again. I haven't seen Woolie's though.
i wish Paige was on the podcast shes funnier than all of them combined
They do the podcast at Woolie's place I think so he has to leave atleast once a week.
Well, this is the situation we're in now. A character can't just be a character. They have to be a glowing endorsement of the pet cause of the moment. The original game makes it quite clear that Erica is a self destructive person, who behaves in a dishonest manner to herself and those around her. If you aren't already an ideologue for "the cause" you'll probably struggle to see what was wrong with that. Seems like a layered character in a work of fiction to me.
hes 100% going to get diabetes or cancer
Every aspect of pats life is teetering on an edge. He smugly brags about it but once one thing comes crashing down it all will. His career depends on the online entertainment bubble not bursting and his small audience giving him free money for the rest of his life, he'll never be able to function at a real job again. His girlfriend is a ticking time bomb of disease liable to die at any time, and finally pat himself is a ticking time bomb of general unhealthiness also likely to die at any time.
He has all the recesive genes. Might as well enjoy what little time he has by being with his buddy and wife, shitposting in real life and giving zero fucks.
there was never any magic
I'm mostly sticking around in the hopes we get a lolsuit 2.0
Xavier Woods was on the podcast a few years back and didn't know Woolie was black. You could tell that was the breaking point because Woolie really stepped up trying to be black after that podcast. That was also the same podcast where Xavier blew out Matt for his rambling stories and Liam for putting a hundred hours into a game he claimed to hate.
too triggering
can't have that anymore
also she's probably out of the country fucking some random guys, enjoying what may be her last days on earth
>The suicide rate of transgenders goes down among individuals who are given proper support and treatment.
No it doesn't. They have the same 40% suicide rates post-transition.
Except now they have much higher rates of developing teratoma and other lethal trauma-induced reactions due to how harmful it is to cut an open wound into a person and have them keep it perpetually open through dilation.
Transsexual operations are some real Mengele-tier shit which is why many nations don't offer them to begin with.
you think there's a chance he'll croak before Paige does?
isn't that the ideal life of a neet though? He's pretty much at the best place he could ever be with his current life style.
Not the "at risk of dying, person you love at risk of dying, and source of money at risk of dying, all at any moment" part.
possibly, he's not in good health and has a family history of heart attacks
user, the film isn't automatically bad just because it has a lot of black people in it.
i'm pretty sure he still goes to the gym semiregularly
energy drinks/genes will still kill him but you know
its not that bad
>he still goes to the gym semiregularly
He doesn't.
But that doesnt mean that its automatically Oscar worthy because it has black people in it.
you want to live forever? best to die young when you had it good than to suffer later for the rest of your life
>taking it as a given that the rest of the world are going to get in on this transexualism fad the West are obsessed with right now
It's about the most unnatural and freakish thing a person can do. It's not going to take. I think even here, it's time is limited. People are going to realise they've been sold a lie sooner or later.
It's bad because it's a modern movie.
Paige is a dumb annoying whore and the only reason any of you like her is because you want to fuck her, conciously or subconciously.
She's not funny, she's not entertaining, she's not interesting. She makes Pat's already bad streams completely unwatchable, she knows fuck all about video games or anime, she should've stayed off camera.
Liam, please.
>there are people growing up today whose entire lives have been archived on the internet, in a world where what is acceptable to say and do is rapidly changing
>as the world changes, depressed millennials and zoomers become less comfortable with the person they've grown up to become, and worry about how that person will fit into the world
>being transgender is a convenient way for these people to throw away their pasts and start fresh in what they perceive as a new world
>concepts like "deadnaming" make it taboo to even bring up a transperson's past
It's not for attention, pity, or to fit in. It's a side effect of the internet, social media, and the speed of social change. The world is shitty enough for some people that they genuinely feel that it would be easier to start a new life as the opposite gender. For some people, this works out. For others, not so much. The grass is always greener on the other side.
There were quite a few countries that embraced third genders before western imperialists colonized their country. Transgenderism is nothing new.
Seeing people genuinely this triggered about two nobodies on a podcast having different opinions is amazing, thanks for the laughs you weak fucks
>when a normal, competent person like Xavier or Vinny comes on, and the sheer decency of their guest sends them into an anxiety attack where they fuck up and fumble the show then claim its 'their epic style'.
Xavier commenting on Matt's 45 minute waste of air, and Vinny's whole episode, was absolutely ridiculous. You can see with Vinny where Pat starts talking about perverted shit and gross fetishism to start the show as a nervous reaction to starting without a queue and not introducing their guest. And then if any decent person has a casual tip or advice on something, they turn around and commit to never doing it because lmao its so funny that they suck
This. Indonesia has five genders.
>she knows fuck all about video games or anime
Neither does Pat
A lot of transexuals are on the autism spectrum. Pretty common for them not to feel comfortable with who they are, but telling them they can fix it by having parts of themselves cut up isn't going to fix it.
Summary on the whole Xavier Matt thing? I cant even imagine how that piss baby would react to getting called out like that.
BlacKkKlansman would have been a much better film if it ended on Ron hanging up on David Duke after being told to drop the investigation and showed what happened to Ron, David, and the rest of the cast in the last ~40 years instead of shoving down 5 minutes of Charlottesville/Trump footage like this was a Michael Moore movie
>Be wrong often so you can grow and be the best you you can be
Id have stabbed Woolie in that moment.
I hate Paige for less than anything you've listed. I hate her because she can't stop smacking her lips or talking with her mouth full of food. All of your points are accurate as well though.
I wonder what goes through people's minds when they hear something they don't like then create a thread.
>more chances to develop teratoma
Okay retard, you realize thirdhand speculation from armchair internet doctors making jokes in I Am Jazz threada is not a binding statistical analysis, right? Like seriously if you actually believe the risk of some shit you loterally just heard of last week is going up because a meme, then you're not lucid on this issue.
Like really, I beg you to trave back the source of your claim, you will find that it's a completely unfounded comedy guess with no citation
Does it fucking matter? No movie has won an Oscar for simply being good. It's been standard practice for almost a century to just bribe your way to the top.
Yeah, pretty cringe, I understand enjoying superhero movies as the dumb bullshit they are, but counting them among the best films? Especially Marvel's tired formula.
I feel like Plague gave similar advice in a way better fashion.
Yes its an awful surgery that no one should get but teratoma is a jazz thread meme with nothing backing it up
>Woolies solo content sucks, everyone he brings on with him sounds like a borderline unintelligible native from some remote jungle
>don't generally like watching streams unless they're for certain games so most of pats solo stuff is also unwatchable
>only have the podcasts to enjoy, though woolie barely makes his side one and it's mostly carried by plague
Feels empty man.
Spike Lee's one and only good movie will forever be Do The Right Thing
But in typical negro fashion, black panther threatened it's way to the top
And what sex change surgery? I think people are being completely dishonest in saying any alternative interpretation of gender means wholesale SRS
Unfortunately this is just factually wrong, as far as current science is concerned. You can try and disregard the entirety of the field of psychology if you want, but at that point, you're not really worth listening to.
Maybe in 20 years, the science will be completely different, and the concept of being transgender won't exist. I don't know that, and you don't know that. But the concept exists today, and people continue to be diagnosed with it every day. These people exist, and whether you like to admit it or not, they're constantly harassed, attacked, and sometimes even killed. It's reasonable to not want this very real group of people's lives to be miserable, regardless of how you feel the science may pan out in the future.
>it's way to the top
It didn't win Best Picture though.
Jungle Fever's good too
If only he could actually follow that "way of life"
He just clams uo and shuts up for the rest of the show because Xavier is right. Matt tells a 45 minute meandering story about Gem and the Holograms or some shit and gets on such a roll he talks pver everyone until they have to stop trying to chime in. Then after 45 minutes theres a pause and Xavier jusr goes 'uuuuuuuuhhhh...' along with Pat and Woolie who basically say they HAVE to move on, and they talk about how unprofessional they are for a second. Matt has nothing to say and goes into a shell for the rest of the show
It's basically just saying adapt and overcome, but I can also see it meaning how being morally right is more important than being factually right which can be a dangerous game to play because you basically can justify any shitty behavior by saying that your heart was in the right place.
This. You even had Native Americans doing stuff like that with their berdache/two-spirits. People will still claim it's a result of Jewish brainwashing or some insane garbage.
>Reversible hormone treatments
They're not actually reversible, they permanently fuck up your test prodction and even worse so if done in the ages trannies generally want to push them in. Puberty doesn't magically kickstart once you get off them.
from my pov its the trannies that are evil
stop meddling with my videogames and maybe i'll change my mind
Eh, somewhat boring. Matt clamming up for hours was pretty standard.
No user, their belief does have a proper citation, it comes from "Long-Term Follow-Up of Transsexual Persons Undergoing Sex Reassignment Surgery: Cohort Study in Sweden" which is where the meme suicide statistics come from.
What people don't understand though, is that the alt-right demagogues who use the statistics skimmed through the article, never understood what the study was about, missed this line in particular: "no inferences can be drawn as to the effectiveness of sex reassignment as a treatment for transsexualism. In other words, the results should not be interpreted such as sex reassignment per se increases morbidity and mortality. Things might have been even worse without sex reassignment." and they also ignore the follow-up ama by the lead researcher who states "However, the results have also been used to show the vulnerability of transgender people and that better transgender health care is needed (Arcelus & Bouman, 2015; Zeluf et al., 2016). Despite the paper clearly stating that the study was not designed to evaluate whether or not gender-affirming is beneficial, it has been interpreted as such. "
It's like this user says
>parrot social media garbage and misinformation
>woolie's content sucks
Kirby Lore and Katamari Playthrough would like to speak to you.
>black panther
I went into the theathers expecting nothing, I knew it was gonna be marvel shit as usual but holy fuck was this movie bad